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Hey all,

Time to share a few things for the February update-




The new Mystery Skulls album, Beam Me Up, is now up for preorders!

To go along with this, Mystery Skulls will be going on tour with the new album starting April 22.  If you wish to snag a ticket, go check the tour dates link and look up the times and locations!

Mystery Skulls Video News-

For the actual video itself, for this month we wanted to show off a chunk of our animatic, given that's been where our focus has been lately. 

 It was definitely a hard pick, as we needed to show something that wasn't TOO spoilery but still have something dynamic to show off.

In terms of actual production, we've been cleaning up and editing what we got for our introductory bit.  4 shots are still in need of proper inking and coloring but we're expecting that to go fairly smoothly.  Storyboards for the back half of the video have hit a bit of a snag, we are now hoping to get them resolved next month.

That's about all we can go into this month.  This next month will likely be a fairly busy one for us overall.

As of this writing, I know a lot of things are going down in the world, to say the least.  I, if nothing else, just wanted to again tell everyone that if recent events are requiring you to need your money to go elsewhere, ESPECIALLY now, then by all means please do.  We'll be fine over here.  In the mean time, please stay safe, and take a break from things if you really need it.





Poor Poor Arthur. Boi just wants a break. XD


he's just a silly little guy! i want him dead.