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Hey all!

Hope everyone has had, and continues to have good Holidays lately!  For this November post, we got two more pages of @thepurpah's Losing My Mind comic!  We are getting pretty close to the conclusion on this, so there will be two more entries left!

In video news, we actually have something to ask this time around.

At this present moment, our Storyboard artists are currently bogged down with other work, and have been too busy to work on our video.

While we have a good chunk of it already completed, we are now in a position where we need additional help finishing it off, otherwise we will be at a bit of a standstill production wise.  If you or someone you know have experience working with Storyboards, send us a portfolio over towards this email so we can look it over!


Additionally, we will want to keep an out for additional Animators for when we start production on the back end of the video, so if you wish to send us a portfolio of Animate and/or ToonBoom work send us a line in the above email!

These are ultimately PAID positions, so we will try to work out what ya need payment wise!

That said, we are about maybe 2 or 3 shots away from finishing off the first big part of the video finished and when we do we hope to show off a bit more of that soon!

Other than that, with news of this new COVID variant cropping up, just want to send another message to keep safe!   Hopefully despite that all of you have a good end of the year!




Cherry E A



Lol that's not nefarious at all I wasn't keeping tabs on the timeline, but is this what draws them back to the mansion, I wonder???


Hey Ben! I know this post is kind of old, but I was wondering if you're still looking for storyboard artists/ animators?