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Hey all, time for an update~

This month's featured picture is a shot we just got finished off!  What's the context here?  We'll you'll just have to speculate for the time being...  Also pictured this month is a new shirt design coming down the pipeline by @KeyInk_Art!  While we aren't 100% sure it'll make it in time for next month's plushy pre-order sale special, we'll still have the past two designs mentioned in earlier posts ready to go!

Again, while we are still working on the specifics, we are hoping to get the plush pre-order sale underway next month, probably in the later half.  We'll try to give plenty of warning about it when it drops, so keep an eye out on our social medias when we get a date set in stone.

As for the video itself, a lot of work so far as gone into developing the various new methods on which we are handling this one.  It's a LOT different than the previous 4 videos, so there is some growing pains involved.  We are test running our pipeline on the intro section of the video.

It's worth noting that we will likely be considering putting out an open call for people to help us work on the video once we get the intro segment solidified.  While we aren't sure of the exact roles that we need filling out right now, we'll have a better idea of what roles need reinforcing once we get that intro segment squared away.  Again, keep an eye out on social medias for more info on when we put out a call for people to come help!

That about covers this month, next month will certainly be a more eventful one as we get close to getting the plushy pre-orders underway!

Oh, and we're hoping to have info to share on the mini-comic soon as well!

As usual, please stay safe and we hope to get everyone that wants a plush set up!





I would literally color frames for you anytime LOL


I havent got much of public portfolio of mystery skulls art, im pretty experienced with all kinda art stuff, so id be down to help

Midnight Yamikidate

a plush pre-order? Please tell me it's for Mystery! I need a Mystery plush!