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Heya all, time for a Monthly Update.

Video News-

Good progress is being made in regards to getting all the story beats laid out for pre-production.  Currently our storyboarder is doing what he can to hook things up to make sense along side the music, and on that front I'd say we are getting pretty far.  Afterward it'll have to go through actual BPM timing and all that jazz to make sure all the action stays to the beat as per-usual.

Not terribly much to announce until we get all that squared away, but we do have some interesting things to share outside the video this month.

Plush News-

The Lewis plush is now in the prototyping phase!  It's a little bit on hiatus on account of the manufactures are on break due to Lunar New Years, but the ball is actually rolling now.  It will probably be a few months before it'll actually be available but we'll keep everyone informed on how that process is going.

Comic News-

Yes, that's correct, we have a small web comic in the works now!  Caitlin Pennell was on writing duty while Purpah is now currently on art (and was the one behind the cover you see here).  It isn't anything TOO complex, but just kind of an exploration between key events.  Just to be clear, this isn't currently a long term project anything, but if it is received well enough, it might be something we look into in the future?  We don't have a specific release date for this yet, Purpah is pulling double duty for this and her comic Suitor Armor, so we don't want to rush her with it.  But again, when things start coming together we'll let people know what's up!

In the mean time, you can get a feel for how our comic will look by visiting hers here-


Also, just as an aside, we on the team would appreciate if you took a minute to visit her GoFundMe for her family members currently going through cancer treatments.


Store News-


Meanwhile, in the Official MSA store, all items should now be currently in stock, so if anyone wants to snag something for Valentine's Day, now is the time to check it out!


That should be all I have to report for now.  As always, I'd like to urge everyone to stay safe if you can and we'll catch ya'll next month.  




Ooooo super exciting! Can't wait to see what the comic is like >w>


So excited to see the comic!!


I got the notification for this post while I was at work and can say that it absolutely brightened up my day! I am so excited for y'all and to see all the progress and hard work you've been putting into everything!