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very much earlier,


"Shin-ho," calls out a voice as soft as dandelions in the wind but as stern and angry as the Whomping Willow.

Shino, who is standing at the edge of the rooftop and overlooking the whole campus, turns around to see a silver haired cousin of his with a soft scowl. "Jihun. Am I happy to see you."

His face looked anything but happy. Zeus went straight to the point using their home language. "I will tell you what really happened the day Jae died. But, you must leave Miles alone and maybe leave this school, Shin-ho."

"Ahh, Jihun. Would it kill you to call me 'big brother 'again?" Zeus looked anything but amused, so Shino sighs, "I know what happened that day. You pushed her. You killed her."

"Did I?" Zeus replies with his eyes bearing no lies.

Shino's tears swells in his eyes when the question sank in. 'Did he?'

"You..." Zeus calmly says, void of any guilt unlike Shino. "You knew I walked away. She told me everything about the engagement, and that she regrets it. She wanted to be with me only, offering herself back. I couldn't accept, so I walked away. You knew that. You knew."

Shino felt a heavy burden in his heart.

Zeus adds, "You were there; Hyung."

at the present,


Miles could barely wrap his head around the presence of this man. He's actually here, in front of me...

"Járed Levough..." The CEO of Levough Empires. Owner of all Carvalle schools. Miles keeps staring at him, unable to take his eyes off the possibly, richest man in the world. With multiple rings in his fingers and a suit lined with silver edges, this man has all other billionaires on their knees.

"S-Sir, I didn't push Shino off—I swear, I—"

"Mr. Taylor, whether or not you killed someone, I don't really give a shit..." Járed laughed wholeheartedly, "In fact, I admire your bravery to watch someone die in front of you."

"Wh-what?" Miles is at a loss for words. No, I felt terrible! Shino died; that's not a good thing, why is he laughing?!

"Especially, after the harassment you went through with him," Járed touches his chin, head held high. "Didn't he deserve that after what he did?"

"What he did?"

"He sexually abused you, didn't he?"

Miles gasps, staring at the powerful man who seemed to know a whole lot. In awe Miles asks, "How did you know that?"

"One of your students is a thief with good intentions, stealing this from the Audio-visual room." Járed laid out a small voice recorder on the table, most commonly used by investigative journalists. Miles suddenly hears Nougat's recorded voice throughout the conference room. "Are you happy, now? You took advantage of his emotional breakdown and probably broke him. What do you think you will accomplish for doing that?!"

"It's a way to feel how they felt when they mistreated someone I cared about." That was Shino's voice, and Miles feels a sharp emotional pain in his chest.

"And that's a good feeling for you?!"

"It's not a good feeling mistreating someone. But it is a good feeling fucking someone the filthy brothers cared abou—"

Miles sat speechless as the Levough Empires' Master retrieved the recorder, which had ended its run. Miles can't believe it. Nougat.... he did that? The teacher has never felt his heart flutter despite still being on edge. Deep inside, he is so thankful.

With a low voice the Master says, "He deserved to die, didn't he?"

"I didn't wish that upon him," Miles says with a trembling voice. "I didn't want him to die; I wanted him to face the consequences! He... he already went through enough..."

"And now, he's gone. His corpse will be sent back to his home country," Járed shrugs nonchalantly.

"With all due respect, Sir... why does this not bother you? A teacher died in your school."

"You seem to be purely innocent about the real purpose of this school Mr. Taylor," his smooth voice rang out, "In fact; you are unaware of what truly happens in these walls, just like everyone else."

What? Had Miles truly known what he got himself into? Why is that smirk on Jared Levough's face, so eerie and terrifying despite being friendly?

"Mr. Taylor, Shino was supposed to be arrested for sexually harassing you only; but what was only revealed to be the cause of his arrest was the fire. Yet, he didn't actually cause the fire. Your patient, Zeus did."

Miles stopped breathing at those words.

very much earlier,


"I'm sorry for and burning you, Jihun. I didn't mean it," Shino said, his eyes casted downward as the wind from the campus blew in his face. "I was just trying to stop you from spreading the fire. Why the hell did you do that? What if Miles was inside?"

"He wasn't inside," Zeus said in his home language. "I came through the window."

"Jealousy is a drug, huh... it's enough to make you want to burn the place?"

"I wanted to burn you," Zeus replied.

Shino smiled sadly, turning around to face the view. "Well, you failed. But, I'm so happy you didn't get caught in it. After all..."

It was then at that time that Miles Taylor barges out the door, facing the two men.

at the present,


"N-no, Zeus didn't—!" Miles stood up, startling the Principal but the Levough Master kept calm. "Zeus didn't start it! He couldn't have!"

"The cameras said otherwise," Jared calmly replies, contradicting everyone's knowledge about the cameras being destroyed. They just covered it up. After Zeus had left a gift in Miles' bedroom, he went out the hallways and encountered Shino, which the cameras recorded. They had a brawl; which lead to Zeus lighting the decorative plastic flowers on fire and throw it to his cousin, but it landed on the carpet.

Presently, Miles smashes his fist on the table. "Then why cover it up? It doesn't make sense! Why would you—"

"We have a use for Zeus here," the intimidating Jared said, this time sternly and more serious that it effectively shuts up the male teacher. "As we do any of our students. Like I said, you are unaware of the real purpose of this school. The school couldn't admit Zeus' actions because the school wouldn't want to persecute him."

"Why?" Miles stammered, "P... purpose? What purpose?"

Jared Levough leans back nonchalantly at his chair. He winks to the much older busty Principal, "Miss Paris could you please unlock Mr. Taylor's handcuffs and get us something to drink? We have a lot to catch up on, he might need an inhaler."


Principal Victoria Paris courtly exits, leaving the two men alone. Jared then smirks mischievously at Miles, "Have you ever heard of the Mafia that funds every Carvalle in the whole world?"

"Mafia...?" Miles breaths out, "That's a myth."

"To everyone here, yes. But, but, but... I have come here to tell you about this personally—which is a big deal, as the Levough Mafia's Boss. I am not only the CEO of the Levough Empires; I am also the Master of the Levough Mafia. Congratulations for being the only teacher who knows of that, Miles Taylor."

"Impossible," Miles gasps, but forces himself to wrap his head around it. Myth... the myth of the Mafia... is real? And I am talking to the man behind all of this? As a whisper he asks, "Why tell me this?"

The handsome Emperor of Darkness gives the innocent teacher a proud smile. Carvalle Detention Institute is a school for criminal delinquents who have done heinous crimes. The Levough Mafia officially run it, along with every Carvalle schools in the whole world; under the guise of a major company called Levough Empires.

This Mafia also runs the Black Market; its major supplier of drugs, weapons, organs, human resources, sex workers, and other illegal underground transactions as its major source of income. The Mafia is at the top of the pyramid; literally, since it beats out the German and Japanese Mafia which coexists together as The Unholy Trinity. In a way, he Levough is the Mother of the most powerful Mafias.

Carvalle Detention Institute is where they get delinquents to serve the Mafia upon Graduation, under the cover of 'being sent to jail.' This school is where the Mafias get drug dealers, weapons dealers, human traffickers, torturers, bodyguards, among others, but most importantly, assassins. They will be taken in, trained, proved their loyalty to the mafia, and serve their purpose. That is why this school exists.

"And, the reason why we didn't bring the Jun brothers back to their home country after being proven that they're not the Kim brothers is," Járed said, "... because they are valuable assets. Their connection, loyalty to each other... their lack of remorse, guilt..."

Járed spoke as if he has worshipped SaLu for a very long time. "Heidi's will to destroy and his creativity in his destruction; Zeus' stealth and lack of emotions—the brothers are perfect as assassins! That is what the Mafia needs."

After learning the whole purpose of Carvalle Detention Institute, the criminal psychologist was shocked to his core as he sat there barely breathing, staring at nothingness. So everything I believed... everything I fought for... to reform students for the better... was a lie?

"Wh-why me?" Miles mumbles, voice cracking as a mental breakdown is surfacing; though, he bottles it up. "Why tell me this? Why am I th-the only one that knows?"

Burden, burden, burden, guilt, confusion, burden. That is all that's left inside of Miles. This information is too much for him to handle. Miles looks traumatized as the Master Levough happily exclaimed, "Because, we've seen your class! We've seen your performance as a teacher! We've seen your ability to control these demons, and they respect you wholeheartedly! See Miles, here is where your life will change... I personally invite you to join the Mafia."

"What...?" Miles couldn't decipher Járed's mischievous—no, something more than that. A scary, terrifying smile that is genuine but with evil intentions and meaning behind it.

"You will be part of the mafia. You will be the one to train our assassins. Your personality of positivity and unwillingness to give up earns you respect among these delinquents, and you will be perfect to—"

"Train?!" Miles burst out in shock. "T-train assassins?! No! No, I will not teach students to kill! Th-that's against my morals! I... I don't even know how to kill someone... I don't... I can't... please, I'm not... I'm not used to this world; I'm not even s-supposed to be here... I can't... I c-can't—" I feel a hyperventilation coming up, yet he asks me to teach students about murder?!

"One year, Mr. Taylor." Those two words manage to make Miles hold his breath and stare at the Master Levough. "You will be trained in the art of professional hitmen for one year. You will get used to it. Then, you will come back here to teach selected students."

"O-one year...?" Miles immediately get flashes of those that were important to him that might get taken away because of one year. "Zeus, Heidi, my class... you want me to leave them for one year?"

A tear slipped out of his face and he was unaware of it. Jared raised a slit eyebrow, Has this teacher gotten emotionally attached to these criminal students?

"Sir, I can't possibly do that..." Miles had a second tear come out, this time thicker. "I can't leave them. Not to train... nor can I teach them how to b-be murderers..."

Járed sighed, flicking a curly hair off his forehead. They were tiny ringlets in comparison to Miles' curls which were like waves off the beach. "I get where you're coming from. Teaching about professional murder is not really a good career choice. But then again, it's $120k for every lesson you teach. It's a better career."

"E-every lesson...?" Miles was temporarily blinded by the promise of money, but he shook it off. "I am doing well enough with what I have now, Sir."

"Not for long, Mr. Taylor. When I leave this room, they will arrest you for having a sexual relationship with two of your students."

He knows. Miles' world just crumbled down; as if the walls of the conference room broke down to reveal the prison cells of guilt and hopelessness. This is the owner of all Carvalle Schools he's talking to, and he just shamed himself in front of the most powerful man in Earth. Járed Levough doesn't act professional as he is very laid back, however his stance was more authorative than any other person, and much more intimidating.

This man says with a smile, "This is not blackmail, Mr. Taylor. It's the truth. Sexual relationships in any schools between students and teachers are always punishable by law. However, I am above the law. The Levough Mafia is above the law; controlling governments like mice in a lab. We can help you hide your relationship with them... overlook it, even protect. The Levough Mafia sells drugs and humans, what's a forbidden steamy relationship to us? We'll protect you from the law."

"But... with the price of my morals....? A-and one year?" Miles' eyes glistened with uncertainty.

"Me talking to you is a very big deal. I mean it when I say I want you as part of our family," the Levough Master leans in, just as Principal Victoria puts a 145 page contract on the table. Járed pushes it towards Miles. "So don't waste my time, Mr. Taylor."

five days after,

Miles had visited the heavily injured Ally, who was covered in bandages until now. She is still his first friend, and he wouldn't have survived his first week in this school without her guidance. Every teacher except him is in the Camp-out, celebrating Halloween. According to teachers in their internet chat room; Miles' class is less controllable without him around. But Miles couldn't go back, as he is plagued with a decision; to sign, or not to sign.

Just ten minutes ago, after rereading the contract 6 times word for word, he finally signed.

"Ally, Happy Diwali. I love you..." Miles whispers to the unconscious woman, while fixing the flowers and the decorative Diwali lamp he bought for her. "I'm so sorry Zeus did this. I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to stop him from..." He sighs heavily, "I will make it up to you. When... I get back."


Here he is, right in front of the door after less than a week, wearing a white shirt and sweatpants on a Halloween weekend. What's scarier than going inside and telling the devils I'm leaving?

Miles didn't know if the two were inside, but when he silently came into the dark abyss of a room, he was suddenly pinned to the wall beside the door. "Ahck—!"

The back of his head ached when it assped on the wall. It was Heidi's right arm that's pinning him there, while the left hand is wrapped around his throat. He couldn't see anything, and he doesn't know if his eyes are open in shock or clamped shut with pain.

"Where were you?!" Satan screamed, his earthly voice sounding like his voice back has been scorched in the hellish fire. "You didn't come! You didn't come for days! You stray bunny!"

"Heidi, let me go! I was..." Thank God he's not squeezing my neck, but no thanks to him pinning me down painfully as punishment. "I was reviewing a contract! I was—"

Suddenly, the pressure of the arm was gone. Heidi's left hand pulls him off the wall and his right arm wraps around his shoulder in a tight, possessive squeeze; a hug. He can feel Heidi's sharp nose pressed against the crook of his neck, taking pained, sharp breaths.

"Jihun told me what Shino did to you..."

"H-Heidi, he's gone," Miles whimpered, scared by this warm, possessive affection. "He will be transferred and buried in South Kore—"

"I want to steal his corpse and chop it up, only then will he be buried in pieces all over that country," Heidi says, accompanied by the tight growl.

"Taewon... it's okay," Miles hugs him tightly, his heart warming up at how Satan is clinging over the shorter man. "I'm okay, now. Are you?"

"Painful," he spits, his warm breath glazing on Miles' thin skin. The room is dark; none could be seen, but everything could be felt. "Why didn't you come? It was painful... your annoying ass not being here..."

Miles scoffs as he can't help but smile. "I'm sorry, okay? I was busy for a bit... thinking about some stuff."

Just then, Miles feels someone creep behind him; the older Jun brother, setting his hands on the teacher's shoulders gently. In the lightest, softest, voice Zeus says, "Miles is back."

That almost brought tears to the teachers' eyes. I can't believe I'm leaving them... it hurts, it physically hurts...

They deserve to know. The brothers should always know what's going on, as they own him entirely. But, Miles knows there are consequences for breaking his promise.

"LEAVING?!" As expected, Heidi lost his shit and threw Miles to the floor in his anger, pinning him down by the hair. "You promised! You said you wouldn't leave!"

Miles can't help but sob out, "Taewon, please calm do—!"

"You're not leaving, Miles! You're ours! You promised! You said you'll always be here for us!" Aside from my scalp hurting, it's my heart that's destroyed.

A color of light flickered on, and that was Zeus' lava lamp lighting the room up in a dim pink. Only then, did Miles saw the tough, tattooed man pinning him down to have glistening cheeks, from what seemed to be an expression of sadness.

It hurt. Deep inside, it did.

Miles would rather get beaten up than see them cry because of a broken promise. Emotional pain hurts more than the physical, because there's no scream to comfort what's inside.

"Taewon..." Miles sobs, "Jihun... I'm doing this for you... so I can stay with you..."

He already explained what would happen if he didn't sign the contract; he would be arrested, and they'd be separated forever. But it seemed like the concept of breaking a promise, a game, hurts more than the assurance of not getting arrested.

"I love you both..." Miles cries, "That's why I'm sacrificing my morals and integrity to join the Mafia... b-but I have to take one year off—"

Heidi hates hearing that word. Five days felt like one month. Now, Miles is leaving them for one year? They couldn't bear the emotional torture and separation. Heidi can't help but harshly pull Miles up and throw his head onto the bed, his knees on the floor.

"How fucking dare you!" Heidi screams, ripping off Miles' shirt in his rage and pulling the teachers' nakedness against him. "Can't you see what you've done?! You do this to me and now you're leaving?!"


"HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME FALL IN LOVE AND THEN LEAVE?!" Heidi screams out, clamping his left hand before painfully entering and claiming his Miles without another blink of an eye. Miles did prepare; he did soften himself up, but no amount of lube can stop the searing pain of being stabbed to the hilt by a thick, angry dick with the intentions of punishing him. A hatefuck is painful, but a hatefuck with genuine anger and betrayal is much more excruciating on the inside.

But, Satan fell for me... he said he's in love. Butterflies exploded in his stomach, but they all flew out of his mouth in strained, choked up moans.

Miles chokes on his own breath, feeling more hurt than pleasure at this punishment. Yet; his moans at every rough, rapid thrust are accompanied by a warm tear from his eyes. "Slow down... Taew—"

"Shut up! You fucking bitch! I hate you so much, I should've killed you! I want you to die, you stupid bunny!" Heidi spits out, just as Miles places a hand on his face to feel the warm moisture of his hidden sadness.

The rough slapping of skin can be heard, and even it's starting to sting like a slap. Miles can't get enough of the pleasure and pain. But then, Zeus kneels beside Miles and runs a gentle, sorry hand through his curls, lips slowly claiming the pained gasps to comfort him.

As Heidi went on attempting to kill Miles with pleasure, Zeus expresses his hurt by simply whimpering out, "But we love you..."

Heidi suddenly stops thrusting, pulling out. Miles feels something throb inside his entrance from the abuse.

Fuck it, the teacher thinks, forcing his trembling legs to straddle Zeus and arch his back, fully offering his sinful ass to Satan and Lucifer. "J-just destroy me..."

I want them to fuck me so hard; I'll still feel it after a year... And Heidi did, re-entering him and making the teacher scream. Zeus held his waist to stop him from flying forward with every merciless thrust Heidi punishes him with.

"Ohh my go—Heidi! Tae... w-won!" Mikes chokes out, eyes rolling to the back of his head and his legs feeling numb. Thankfully, Zeus was under him to comfort, or at least make sure he doesn't die.

"I fucking hate you-! For... for making me feel... like shit!" Heidi spits. And then, a strong of an incomprehensible Korean rant overflows, "This disgusting feeling! You're the cause of this! You made me care for an awkward little bunny who knows nothing but to torture me with this disgusting feeling! Why do I have to love you?! You're a piece of shit! You made a piece of shit like me fall in love, you sinful angel!"

Miles didn't understand but he forces out, "I'm sorry, Taewon... I'm... I tru—uly d... do love y-yuh! You!" Fuck, it feels so good despite having my life on the line...

Heidi uses his left hand pulls him back by the hair, stretching his neck. "You don't love us, you're leaving us! It hurts! It's painful!"

Zeus pulls Miles down by the nape, making Heidi release his hair. Guilty, depressed and hurt; Miles still wants them to release their anger, understanding that it clouds their mind, especially Heidi. After all, he accepts the brothers for who and how they are; with the hopes of fixing them in the near future. Future, but not this moment...

"Jihun," Miles winces, running his hand down Lucifer's' torso, tremors of desperation guiding it to touch Zeus' restrained arousal. "I..."

Heidi pulls out again, pulling Miles against him by the waist and bending over to nestle his angry head against the teachers' head. "Jihun... go ahead and destroy him... make sure he can't walk and leave us... if I do it myself, I'll surely fuck him to death..."

They left gooseassps of fear and shameless excitement inside Miles, and he moans while his hands rest against Heidi's tight grip, sure to leave bruises on his hips later. Indeed, the silent Zeus takes out his erection and slams Miles onto it, drawing out a high pitched yell from the top of his throat before going back to his throaty moans. Both are merciless... both are fucking me with the intention of making me bleed—"Jihun! Oh, yes! Right there! Mmmhh.... sss!"

Miles can't contain his loud yells, uncaring about who is hearing since the school will hide their relationship anyway, and the force of Zeus' hard thrusts keeps this psychologist from thinking clearly. Heidi harshly pushes Miles' back so he is right in front of Zeus, who stopped thrusting momentarily. Yet, that stop wasn't for them to catch their breath. It was for Heidi to push himself inside while Zeus' equally big cock was idle and waiting for its sibling. Miles choked out a silent yell, his entrance and his legs numb while his head feels light.

"We'll fuck you to another dimension, we swear Miles Taylor... that's how much we fucking hate you!" Heidi screams as he thrusts harshly and expressing his hate. Meanwhile, Zeus has one hand on Miles' hips, guiding them up and down as the other caresses the tortured teachers' head.

"Miles...." Zeus whispers, breathless, and his heart is pounding vigorously. "Love... we love... okay? Please.... no hurt..."

"But it hurts," Miles winces, followed by a silent scream. "I... hngh.... I still... love you—ohh... b-both... I am—hh... I am yours... always... ahh!"

"Then why leave?!" Heidi growls, finally ejaculating inside of Miles where his seed also coats his brother's cock. Satan stops thrusting, leaving Miles to willingly move on their cocks with the involuntary strength he has left.

"Please... I need to... b-because I love you... I'll come back... I swear... I'm always... y-yours... I love you—" Zeus pulls out from under him, ejaculating in his own scarred stomach as Miles struggles to catch his breath. He falls onto Zeus, who softly caresses his arm with calloused hands.

Finally, Heidi also pulls out and leans forward against Miles' back, the left hand afraid to let go of his body. "I hate you," Heidi's deep, animalistic voice of rage sobs out.

Miles' heart broke, not because of his words, but by the sound of Heidi's voice cracking. His also heart crumbled at the warm moisture that he's feeling on his back. The unbearable pain in his ass seems like a tiny bite in comparison to his aching heart. Not to mention; when Miles looks up at Zeus, there's also a silent stream of wetness down his pale cheeks as he lay there with a blank face.

Miles, despite having tremors in his fingers, still has the strength to pull up Heidi's right hand and kiss the immobilized fingers, before landing a breathless, innocent Peck on Zeus' lips.

"It's okay... if you hate me... you can still... use me to your heart's desire... please do," he breathes out, fully pledging himself to SaLu. He will spend his last days in Carvalle with them, sacrificing his body and his leg's ability to function properly.

One blissful night, after countless hours of being in their arms and pretending that Miles wasn't leaving; the criminal psychologist finally closes the door behind him while the brothers are asleep. His aching heart prevents him from breathing properly, and with every step he takes, leaving is more painful than the evidences of pleasure he's went through.

My heart belongs to them; and it will stay with them. But, I have to leave. After all, he's not damaged enough yet to stay in a school of damaged psyches.



He felt like a different person. Maybe, he is.

One hand tucked on his pocket, the other on his briefcase. His posture in the car was straight, steady; his face blank and humble despite his wrist being strapped with a 48 carat platinum gold watch with a satellite tracker, a voice recorder, GPS and most importantly; a compact taser. It was priceless; made specifically for teachers such as Miles Taylor. Or better known in the Mafia as Millie; an underground alias taken from his full name, Millicent Taylor. But right now, this was Mr. Taylor entering the familiar Carvalle gates by car, after one year.

I'm back.

"Nervous?" Járed Levough speaks out from the tablet in front of Miles. His eyes glaze over the beautiful scenery and familiar uniforms of the delinquents, but somehow the air feels so different. Miles didn't answer.

The Master, Járed says, "I can see something in your eyes, my little Millie. It proves that even the toughest warrior who goes through hell and back; bends down when confronted with his past."

Miles did not reply, but this was not a disrespectful thing as the Levough Master has grown fond over him and understood his situation. Despite purposely trying to murder stab him randomly as 'reflex' training, the Master does treat him better than most of his men. He favored Miles, truly, because this Angel was willing to admit himself to hell just to protect its demons.

"I have seen you go through shit in Italy. It's okay to have that face. But, do not shame the Levough Mafia by failing to do your tasks." Járed scoffed, "I didn't throw you off a plane without a parachute for nothing."

Miles didn't die at that day; but from the dread in his stomach right now, he kind of wishes he did. Italy hurt. Yet, why does Carvalle hurt more than what he's gone through the past year?

"Mr. Taylor you're back!" His fellow teachers greet him happily once he stepped in the Johnson building.

"Oh my, look how you've changed!"

"It's just the hairstyle, Brenda..." They snickered, complimenting Miles' curls being cut short and no longer growing under his ears or disturbing his shoulders. In a way, it made him look younger than he was before. Students start to stare, too.

"It's him. He's back..."

"Hael! It's actually him!" Some Wyners whispered. Miles heard the name the student gave him, which he wondered the origins from.

"It's the first time I've ever seen Hael."

"That's Hael?"

Miles was snapped back to reality when one of the teachers laid a hand on his arm. "So Mr. Taylor... how's Italy? Did you get a new boyfriend?"

"I hope you've moved on after Shino passed away..."

"... was a criminal, too. Forgive my rudeness." Instead of laughing awkwardly and brushing off uncomfortable questions like usual, Miles firmly but politely removed the woman's hand off his arm.

"Forgive me, but I don't see how that would be your business. Now, if you would excuse me ladies, I have a class to teach at the highest floor." The one and only male teacher politely bowed his head with a stoic face as he walks out of the group, eyes of students and teachers following his every move.

It took him all the will not to react to the pain of that woman's hand pressing against his new, day old tattoo that took one week of needles and acids to make permanent. A tattoo to symbolize his loyalty to the Levough Mafia; a tattoo to ensure that he will lose an arm and his head if he ever betrays Járed Levough. It still stings, but Miles ignores it. A tattoo in comparison to strict, deadly training is no more than an insect bite.

An ink of a Echis leucogaster coils around his right bicep and slithers along his forearm, its head perched right on Miles's wrist. The Levough crest; a green and gold graphic of an L wrapped with thorns and a coiled Inland Taipan as its banner with the Mafia's motto, Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo.

The Carnation and the Snake is the most important symbol in the Levough mafia. It's found on Miles' watch, the school crest, Levough Empires, and even customized guns for the members of the mafia to use. After all; Carvalle stands for Carnation Valley. The symbol was so worshipped by the mafia that each tattoo of a carnation in Miles' skin was branded by acid. Permanently carved in his skin; beautiful when inked with red. It was painful; and there were 24 Carnations inked around the snake. He was damaged by acid 24 times. Being a part of the family is not easy. Miles almost committed suicide multiple times because of their torturous bullshit.

But he couldn't; he shouldn't; he wouldn't. Someone is waiting for him. Are they?


After being avoided like royalty in the hallways, the great Miles Taylor finally enters a class composed of selected students from all the four dorms of Carvalle. Of course, what better greeting from murderous Levough students than a knife to the teacher's face. Without even blinking, Miles caught the blade in his black gloved hands before it grazed his nose. Miles twirls the knife around his fingers like a band Majorette with her twirler; before stabbing the bottom of the trashcan with it.

"That's nice," Miles said in a passive, innocent tone that made some students react quite strangely.

Especially one, whose blonde hair grew out and got two inches taller. There are faces with disbelief and of shock; Why is he here?

"Miles?" calls out Nougat from the middle row of the lecture hall.

The teacher gave him the warmest smile, and everyone erupted into mumbles.


"He's back?!"

"That can't be him—"

"If that was Hael, then he'd have a knife in his face right now!"

"And that Levough dormie would be killed by..."

A tattooed Levough yells out, "The only one's who's killing who is me killing you, sugarplum!"

The Ford got up and with a tough, manly voice the Ford yells, "Excuse me bro, but thank you for calling me plump, I actually worked out for this ass—"

"Silence, all of you!" The teacher in the front yelled out, scowling at the two quarrelling students. They were ones Miles hadn't handled before; but those he did handle before, class 3-C, stayed silent as they are shocked by this sudden return.

He's back.

"Class, I will not tolerate disrespect and that means fighting while I am in front," Miles suddenly pulls out a white pistol with a red carnation on its handle, shocking Nougat and his original classmates. "But if you prefer to fight, then I'd rather have all of you fight till the death."

"Wh-what...?" Nougat looks at his classmates—Cya, Lace, who had the same confused and shocked faces. The rest either had no interest or had full interest because it's the first time in a while they've seen a gun; especially the Levough dormies.

To everyone's utter confusion, Miles expertly disassembles his own custom made gun; his fingers hypnotizing the students to pay attention as they grab, twist and pull apart each part of the gun. Merely 20 seconds after he pulled it out, the teacher now has the individual parts of the gun laid across the table presentably. Cya's jaw just dropped on the floor.

"My name is Miles Taylor, and I'm here to teach you how to kill someone other than yourself," a warm, innocent smile crept to his face as his eyes met those few 3-C students in this class, all staring at him horrified. "I miss you guys."

Almost everyone couldn't believe it, and they all quieted down by the mere presence of the male teacher. More or less, Class 3-C had felt betrayed, abandoned, because Miles just up and left one year ago, leaving them with a full replacement for a teacher. It wasn't the same without Miles. And now, he's back... they don't know what to feel. Deep inside, they still felt abandoned. Is this really Miles? And why is he teaching... weapons? Nougat meets Zombie's eyes, and both quickly avoided each other's gaze from each other's side of the classroom.

"Now, let's see who exactly I'm dealing with. Please raise your hand if I call out your na—"

"Like the fuck we will," says a Levough dormie, clearly having no respect.

"Shut up, Scorpio."

"Like I'll listen to a Wyner faggot—"

"I'll show you a faggot when I cut off your dick and fuck you with it—"

"I'll fuck you first with a knife up your ass,

J min!"

"Kinky, but I'm into 12 and uncut. Your naked 4 inch could never—"

"Oh... well, then..." Miles gives out a plastic, friendly smile as he kicks out the knife from the trash bin and stabs it on the whiteboard. The fight stops, and the knife remains buried in the board, ready for the teacher to use if they dare piss him off. That normally wouldn't work on delinquents, but Miles already had the reputation of respect from before, so the new students probably thought this was how he got the respect.

Yet, this was not why class 3-C respected him, but his former class stayed quiet.

"Garland. Witch. Wolf. Cya," Miles announces to which they timidly raise their hand up. "Major. Ursa. Scorpio. Hmm... a lot of Levoughs, huh. Ash. Gray. Tree."

Then, the teacher halted his calls when his eyes glazes over dangerous letters that makes up, "Heidi... Zeus?" For the first time, his voice cracked, though his face is still proud and profession. Miles looks around the classroom, finding no one that those names belonged to. Disappointment could not describe his state right now, as depression crawled back into his heart in attempt to comfort him. They're not here. Do they not want to see me?

Do they even remember I exist?

Suddenly, a hand shot up; but it was just Nougat. "They don't come to class, Mr. Taylor. Ever since Heidi defeated the previous King. After the Caste game, they never went out again."

The blonde as well as his classmates, wanted to ask where Miles had been. But,

Memories. A flood... a shattered heart. Those flashed in Miles' face but only for a very short split while. "Oh yes. The Caste Game. I remember that."

Everyone could sense his sadness. They normally wouldn't care, but Miles was different. He was the most well-known teacher, and his previous class loved him in ways they aren't even aware of.

"I'm sorry I was gone for a while," Miles says, giving up on providing a fake smile. "I hope nothing has changed but positive results from my previous class."

"Nothing but positive?" Nougat's rude voice interrupted the moment, and it surprised the teacher. "Mr. Taylor, nothing positive ever came after you left! Satan beat a guy to death for a card. Arson was attacked by Satan because he asked where you were!"

Miles wanted to gasp. He wanted to show an emotion of shock and sorrow, and deep inside, he truly was. Arson... is gone? But, he was only frozen. His face remains blank as he has seen and heard of death many time this year; the only difference is that the feeling of dread and sadness overcame his chest. Heidi, how could you? Our game... your promise...

"Oh..." Miles managed to not stutter despite his trembling lips, and the class found him as cold as he is strong on the outside. "That is not good news at all."

Nougat stood up in rage, tears glistening in his eyeballs as he angrily glares at the teacher he used to love. "Arson did not deserve that! His last words were about you before Satan disfigured his face and beat his lungs dry! But he was the King, so he wasn't arrested! The school didn't care about Arson! And it seems like you don't, too."

Nougat steps on the tables and jumped his way to the door, his exit shocking the teacher. The class is now quiet as ever; the Wyners and de Veras quiet because they were the chosen Class 3-C, the Levoughs and the Fords quiet because they anticipate the next move of Carvalle's infamous Miles Taylor. Who, despite having a student walk out, opened his book as if nothing happened. "If anyone wishes to exit, you may. If not, then I'll be here to teach you about parts of a gun."

"Why do we need to learn that?" A Wyner coldly asks. Miles looks up at them, mentally reciting a chant to remind himself to not show vulnerability and sensitivity in front of them. It would be a shame to the Levough Mafia.

"Because, dear students... This is your fourth year and last semester. The rest of the year, you will be trained in the Arts of Assassination. You are chosen to serve the Levough Mafia as hitmen."

As expected, they made noise of confusion and rebellion. In fact, they got too noisy that Miles just sighed and starts to take the pieces of his guns one by one, his hands moving in perfect sync and expert speed. His fingers a machine, unable to do wrong as they slid and screw pieces and part together, ending with the bullets until lastly, BANG.

He had shot the ceiling, creating a hole and an atmosphere of silence. There, Miles Taylor stood as perfect as he is now, with his small and innocent smile appreciating the quietness of the classroom. "It's either this, or go to jail, serving years depending on what you did. I'd rather serve the Levough. They have crab cakes."

That innocent smile was entirely fake, hiding the depression behind an attractive face. The class felt it, and even the toughest psychopaths felt goose assps at the new aura that Miles had. "Now, let me start with the shell of the Pistol."


Miles Taylor did not show emotion upon exiting the classroom after teaching the new Class 4-A basic parts of a Pistol. His head is too full and too his mood is too depressed to even move his facial muscles. Worry, fear...

Dread. I have to visit them. Oh God, I miss them so much... do they even miss me? Do they remember me?

Have they cursed my existence after I left?

Speak of the devil, and he shall pass by the tainted angel as they journey on opposite ends of the stairs; Miles ceases to take a step down. Miles' heart fluttered in utter happiness, his lips parted at the sight of a much more mature, 20 year old Heidi ascends the staircase. He was wearing a Carvalle uniform, opened to reveal a tanned, almost 8 pack abs littered with ink and enhanced by contours. A torn fabric acts as his belt, and it actually goes well with the ripped jeans. Not to mention; he just got larger, most dangerous muscles.

He killed Arson. Miles couldn't forget that fact, but for reasons thanks to the Mafia, he felt no fear as he calls out, "Taewon!"

I miss you. I want to make it up to you and...

Heidi just passed by him, not even giving a side glance as he steps up and moves onto the next set of stairs. Shocked but not surprised, Miles freezes on the steps at the realization of being ignored. He just ignored me.

The teacher felt stubborn tears prick his eyes. I thought all the pain I've went through with the Mafia gave me enough endurance for heartache. But no, I guess my emotions are still weak. Miles turns to go after him but his emotions got the best of him and he took a wrong step. Gasping, he slipped down a few steps and would've fallen over a few more if not for hands holding him up.

"Be careful," says a familiar woman's voice, and Miles looks down at his left arm to see a wrinkled, but scarred hand belonging to the one and only,


later on,


"You changed a lot, Miles," says his fellow teacher who has a scarf around her head, covering the bald spots that were unable to grow hair because of the fire. Here is Ally Laghari; still youthful and gorgeous, yet her beauty was tainted by burn marks on her forehead and left cheek. Her entire left arm was also burned, as well as parts of her right leg. Miles felt bad, as this incident came from the past. He was only trained not to feel guilty or remorse for anything that happens going forward, but he still feels strongly for what happened in the past.

Like Járed Levough said, a tough warrior still bends down upon confronting the past that forced him to be a warrior in the first place.

"You didn't change at all, Ally," Miles replies.

The woman gave out a laugh, "What do you mean? I'm charred."

"And I cut my hair, but that's not the change."

Ally laughs at his reply. "You can't compare burns to haircuts."

"They're both changes that have nothing to do with who we are inside," Miles holds her left hand, feeling the rough texture that was once flawless dark skin. "You're still as wonderful as ever. I missed you."

Miles had no shame and tightly kissed the scarred hand, making Ally laugh and slap him on the shoulders. They spent the afternoon catching up. Ally had now been in a relationship with Brenda since she woke up, and she talked about her insecurities with the relationship to Miles. Meanwhile, Miles fully exposed the CEO of the Levough Empires to be a bipolar chestnut that's threatening a person one moment and literally ranting about Bulbasaur using his tentacles in hentai at the next second.

And three glasses of lemon Tequila later, they got into a sensitive topic.

"Nothing has been the same without you," Says Ally. "Your class went right back to being little shits. From 86, down to 65.... they showed how good of a teacher you truly are after you left, but the rebellions kept going on. They like to lock two of their classmates together and Cya was thrown out of the window a couple of times."

"But they hate me now, do they."

"They do. But, from what you told me Nougat did... they just miss you. They still hate you, but they'd rather have you here..." Ally sighed sipping her drink as Miles' stayed idle in his hands. "You're a legend here, by the way. They call you Hael. I think the Wyners started that."

"Hael?" So that's why they talk about that name a lot... "Why Hael?"

"I don't know, a play on word on Hell and Hail, I guess. Believe it or not, they still worship you around here." Ally laughed wholeheartedly before her smile faded. "And SaLu..."

Miles recalled the cold shoulder Taewon just shoved in his face. They completely hate me.

"Poor Lucifer," Ally suddenly says, alerting Miles. "After you left, it seems like he's been too depressed... but no other psychologist could come and treat them. Heidi attacks them every single time."

And if they murder someone, Járed Levough will cover it up. And, what Ally said after made Miles' fingers weak and he drops his drink.

"Zeus is completely deaf, now. Profound hearing loss."

a day after


A heart was tightly pounding, his pulse throbbing from the rushing blood which he can feel under his watch. Miles Taylor stood in front of the infamous metal door with a blank face, void of any emotion. Yet inside, it was a raging ocean; restless, in risk of drying out. In both of his bare hands was a cartoon plushy of a two and a half feet tall Arlo from The Good Dinosaur, made of fiber cotton. Though Arlo is an Apatosaurus, he was the closet looking Brachiosaur in the market. Miles stood there holding the thing, hoping this is special enough for Zeus to forgive him.

The feeling was different, contrasted to how afraid he was to enter this room from one year ago. This time, he was sad but determined to make it up to SaLu. Heidi isn't inside, as he was seen going outside before Miles came in. He wanted to talk to him; apologize, maybe, and make him understand. But Miles' heart still aches at the cold shoulder he received from Satan. And now, Lucifer. Miles' finger stopped itself from pressing the intercom buzzer. He's deaf.

Profound hearing loss is the total lack of hearing. Which meant, Zeus can't hear a single thing. That itself is heavy on the teachers' heart, but he refused to show tears. And so, with a hopeful heart, Miles entered the pitch black room, hoping Zeus would be here. Even though the resident inside could not hear, Miles calls out to him. "Jihun?"

The slim light that entered the room from the open door was where Miles remained, holding the toy. Heart pounding; it becomes more uncomfortable in his chest. Fortunately, the huge toy was in his hands. Then, the peace and quiet disappeared within a blink of an eye when a knife flew to Miles's neck. The teacher caught it by reflex, but since he wasn't wearing gloves now, the blade pierced him painfully though he refused to react to it.

"Zeus—!" The door was kicked closed. Miles felt something on the way to his head, which was Zeus' fist, so he ducked and avoided it amidst the dark. He can feel blood drip down, his palm stinging from the slit wound.

Before his eyes can adjust to the darkness, Zeus had swung his arm to attack and Miles was quick to block it with his own. "Jihun! Zeus, stop!"

Zeus aimed for a strong punch, but Miles dodged it. What is wrong with him—Yet, the teacher trips on some fairy lights and Miles was thrown on the floor. Standing in front of him menacingly was none other than the silver haired man in the dark. The toy disappeared from Miles' hands, but two other ones clamp down hard on his wrist and prevent him from moving. A fairy light flickered on; then two, then four, then six. It was enough to light up the dark expression that Zeus had, glaring in complete anger at the intruder which was Miles Taylor.

"It's me! Jihun!" Miles screamed, emphasizing his lips so if his face doesn't do the trick, his lips will.

But, Zeus knew it was him. He had always known from the scent of baby powder that infiltrated the room. That is why it was more painful when Zeus releases one of Miles' wrist to grab the knife beside them. He swung down to Miles' head, but the teacher caught his wrist and used all his remaining strength to stop the superior man from plunging a knife between his eyes brows.

"Z-Zeu... s..." The knife trembled from the opposing force, Zeus' face blank with an undertone of pain in it. It was still unreadable. Miles grits his teeth as he pushes the knife to the side with all his strength.

What are you doing? Miles wanted to ask, but instead tears surfaced in his eyes and the dark vision of his was blurred. Do you really hate me, now?

No physical torture from the Mafia could amount to the pain he feels from this attack. He takes one look at his golden watch before successfully stabbing the knife to the floor beside his head. With a trembling hand, he turns his watch on. As the rim of the watch charged up to glow a bright blue, Miles puts his wrist against Zeus' neck. The man froze, shaking twice before his whole body collapses on top of Miles. Feeling Zeus' warmth against him this way was not his plan for a blissful reunion.


Miles looked like he had no soul walking the hallways of the dorm. His mind kept playing the scene of Zeus pushing a knife to his face repeatedly. Being attacked like a stranger by Lucifer; it hurts, so much, but his heart suppressed the pain as this is shameful for him who is part of the Levough Mafia.

Before the male teacher could enter his dorm, Ally had caught up to him. "Miles!"

Still with a blank expression, Miles faces her.

"Here's a letter from the Principal. I think it's about your lesson plans," the woman says, handing him the envelope. "How's your visit with Lucifer?"

"Treated like a stranger," Miles answered briefly, not in the mood to talk about it.

"Oh. Th-that's tough, y—"

"It's not a big deal, Ally." Miles opens his door, "I understand it they're hostile to me, right now."

"But how are you feeling?"

Miles looks at her, seeing genuine concern in her eyes. After all, SaLu has been established as his lovers. It must be heartbreaking.

"I don't really care," Miles says, before closing the door dismissively. That moment, at the opportunity of isolation, Miles leans down the door as his knees collapsed, sending him into an incomprehensible frenzy of tears and breaths on the floor.

It's painful... Miles recalls hugging Zeus' head, terribly guilty for tasing him. He didn't want Zeus to be hurt; he had already lost his hearing. But Miles had no choice but to tase him, for his life was threatened.

Painful... The Carnations had burned on his arm when Zeus hit it, but it was nowhere was painful as the feeling of rejection from the boys he loved. The boys he loves, now hate him.

the next few days,



Miles has his files in his gloved hands and his heart buried deep in his back. He is on his way to class, having no issues walking in the hallways since most of the delinquents here are afraid of him. The old Miles would've shown his vulnerability; this Miles was just empty.

"Good morning class," he greets with his voice box unnoticeably quivering. His disassembled white gun was on his desk. "I hope you didn't touch the parts of a gun settled in the desks. Because, today we will be assembling those parts."

Nobody dare touch the parts, because this teacher was not meant to be messed with. SaLu was absent, but Nougat was here. Miles laid eyes on him, only for the boy to look away coldly.

"Today, I will be partnering you up for the assembly." Everyone groaned.

"Man, the only partnering up I'll do is in the bedroom."

"J min, we're all guys."

"I don't see the problem."

"Tch, disgusting."

"Just because 'you a Levough, don't mean you won't feel good getting fucked in the ass, Scorpio."

"Quiet, please..." Miles says but they all went on with their complaints and comments as the teacher partnered them up. "Scorpio with J min."

"Bruh what the—dude will kill me!"

"Yeah, I will..." Scorpio replied.

"Suck it up or I'll shoot you with your assigned gun," Miles sighs, ignoring them. "Cya with Lace."

The latter student ironically opened his arms. "C'mere, babe..."

Cya blushed, flipping him off.

A couple of assigned names later, "Nougat and Zombie."

Carvalle's most beautiful blonde stood up, smashing his thighs under the table. "No! Switch partners!"

"And why is that?" Miles looks up, confused.

It was then that Cya cleared his throat, "They're done."

Done? They broke up? Why? So much has changed the past year, and both of them aren't an exception? "This list is alphabetical by your real last names. Personal issues must be left outside the classrooms. Now please, go to your partners."

Everyone who had partners with different dorms would rather murder. Nougat, who was partnered with his ex wanted to murder himself, then his ex. A minute later, Cya ends up on Lace's lap and Nougat ends up tense in his seat beside Zombie.

"You may start now," says Miles with a tight, fake smile. Everyone started messing with their guns with the Levough dormies sleeping and leaving their partners to do the work. Nougat awkwardly clears his throat, refusing to even look at Zombie as the tattooed man starts to attach the strings to the magazine. Nougat, who was absent most of the time, randomly grabs a part and looks for what goes with it like a jigsaw puzzle.

After minutes of glancing at his blonde partner who accomplished nothing, Zombie sighs. "You're attaching the muzzle to the rear end. It's supposed to be here."

Zombie wraps an arm around Nougat to guide his hands, the tatted fingers softly manipulating the fair, feminine ones. Nougat's stomach flipped as his nose picked up the familiar, intoxicating scent he had known intimately. Danger, danger...

"I can't do it!" He squeaks, shaking off Zombie after helping him assemble the barrel. Nougat drops the parts before folding his arms. "If you know so much, then you do it!"

Zombie emotionlessly tells him, "N, it's a simple task."

His voice is still sexually arousing—Stop, N! Don't you dare think about sex with him—Too late, because memories flashes in his head and now he has the urge to cry. "There are a hundred screws in front of us and my head hurts, I'm just gonna nap."

"Would you rather I screw the headache out of you?" Zombie raised an eyebrow, causing the table in front of them to turn and silently react. Nougat froze as his mortal enemy leaned in, the smell of arousing, smoky mint infiltrating his nose. He then feels Zombie's hand sitting on his knee. "If you don't help, I'll assault you under the table. But you'll probably like it—"

"Shut up," Nougat proceeds to grab the handle to screw them together. "You probably don't know shit that's why you want me to help, you Latino Jalapeño."

Cya, who stares at them weirdly quietly whispers to his partner, "How long do you think until they fuck again? And could you please let me work?"

"Don't know," Lace nonchalantly answered while assembling the cartilage, not letting Cya even touch the parts. "But it won't be long till I screw you."

"You gay fucker," Cya attempts to hop out of Lace's lap but it was a mere attempt.

"Says the one who likes it in the ass."

"It's a prostate massage geez, you never listen to Biology."

An hour later,

A fellow teacher appeared in the doorway calling out to Miles. He walks out, leaving the students inside to do their work.

"A letter from Járed Levough." The teacher hands him an envelope, to which Miles accepts. "You really are one lucky teacher. You get to go to Italy for training with the Master. You changed so much since then."

"Thanks, Sheila... one year is enough for someone to change. It's just that I've learned a lo—" Miles' tongue got caught up when suddenly, he saw the tall, tattooed man who made his heart leap at the end of the hallway. His tatted hands were connected to someone else's, and that someone is a short, younger boy who just dragged Heidi into the storage room.

Enough heartbreak. Miles is furious.

"Good luck with your class," say the teacher, as she left.

Miles, red in fury, reentered the classroom after slamming the door behind him, startling majority of the class. With gritted teeth he mutters, "Who finished?"

No one made a sound. A sad, angry aura surrounded the curly teacher and everyone felt it.

"I gave you an hour and no one finished it?!" Miles screeched, tears pricking his eyes. His hands shook, but he decides to show everyone how to do the task.

Only that in this demonstration, his hands we're rapid fast. Teeth gritted and scowl evident, his fingers we're a blur. Miles Taylor assembles his gun efficiently, quickly; barrel, magazine, the grip, the hammer, all parts of the white gun fully screwed in under a minute by the power of a frustrated teacher.

What was he doing with that kid? Am I really no one to them? Have they really flushed me out of their system and—After Miles assembled the gun and had it loaded, he demonstrated its working power, and his own, by shooting the doorway with a firm, outstretched arm.

The bullet barely grazed Heidi Jun's ear landing on the hallway walls behind him. Satan stood there with a blank look staring at the teacher. His more mature features void of emotion was enough to make his dormmates, the Levoughs, lose their toughness. His gaze almost made Miles' knees weak, but he strongly kept his tears in, refusing to give into emotion.

Though, he already had earlier. Lowering his arm, Miles sternly commanded with a strained voice, "You finally came to class, Heidi. Please take a seat."

Everyone was silenced by the mere presence of the King. His steps, one, two, three, was the only thing heard in the class. Miles swallowed his frustration now that Heidi is here. Why is he here? Had that boy sucked his dick already?

"Enough," Miles announced, making everyone stop their work. His eerie, cold, and neutral eyes finally looks up, "Let's play a game."

The students erupted into mumbles, while Heidi sat there staring at nothingness. Miles looks at him, who barely acknowledges the teachers' existence. After all, you like games, don't you Heidi?

"Every day at 10:00," Miles starts, to which everyone noted the time to be 9:58. "The bell will ring for our next subject. This subject will be Field Combat. I haven't shown you any lessons yet, but I intend to see how much you learn every day and how much you already know."

Everyone had their own comments, confused and surprised at this new subject or class that has nothing to do with academics. The noise was starting to grow, so Miles slams his pistol on the table, effectively silencing them.


"Starting tomorrow, an announcer will give you two names. Those two names will be given three minutes to fight each other. There are no rules. You may use any weapon, including the guns you managed to assemble. This fight is to the death."

"But you'll get arrested—"

"In these three minutes, everyone is exempted from arrest. But when the three minutes are done, you best drop your shit. The goal is to survive. This class is only for the killers or survivors. But, the player who successfully eliminated his partner will be rewarded a set of weapons to be used in the future."

Everyone went nuts at the announcement of this game. The Wyners weren't happy, the Fords we're appalled, the de Vera's are excited, but the Levough are the ones with twitching fingers ready to kill someone.

"This is barbaric."

"I'd rather have Algebra!"

"Algebra makes me want to murder and this class is giving me the opportunity to."

"Count me in."

"Count me out!"

"I suddenly don't know how to count."

10:00. The bell actually rang, which hadn't happened before. Then, the classrooms speakers blared out.

"Good morning, Class 4-A. Welcome to a new curriculum, aimed to train hitmen of the highest caliber."

Everyone's jaw dropped, except for Heidi who remained as if he's disassociated from reality.

"I will be here to guide you on your daily objectives for the subject, Field Combat. Welcome to the first day. As a demonstration, your Teacher will be the first to show you how it's done."

The classroom's noise and reactions was cut off when Miles Taylor cocks his pistol and aimed it directly at Satan's head. Carvalle's Satan, against Carvalle's Hael. The angel is threatening the devil for a bullet in his head.

"Heidi. Let's play."

"Heidi." Everyone froze, barely even breathing at the tense image of Hael challenging Satan. Both very powerful personalities in Carvalle. "Let's play."

He took note of Heidi's right hand, which was wrapped in a black cloth, his disabled hand wrapped in a fingerless glove and a bandage combined. It almost made him sad; it almost made him want to yield, because this would be an unfair fight.

A few whispers from observing students broke out, "Did he just—"

"Pretty sure he just did."

"We're dead."

"We? There's no 'we'."

"You're breaking my heart here, Cya."

Just like how Heidi's heart broke a year ago, he stares back at the teacher with blank but menacing eyes. It was as if daring him to shoot. All while Miles glares back mercilessly, willing to, if not for the fact that he still has feelings for the cheating brute.

He whispered, "If I really am nothing to you now, here's your chance to get rid of me."

While the gun was at Satan's head, the magazine slipped out, revealing that Miles had no intention to make it an unfair fight. With that, all hell broke loose.

Heidi grabs him by his wrist and pulled him in, slamming the teacher's head on the desk. It made everyone yell out in excitement, yet still horrified. Miles grunts but flipped the gun on its handle and hit the back of Heidi's head with it. Satan stands back, facing Miles with a murderous glare and twitching fingers. Flames were in both of their eyes, burning a rose of pain.

"Is this legal?"

"Dude, it's Carvalle."

"Oh shit!" A student was almost hit when Heidi effortlessly threw an armchair towards Miles but the teacher dodged it.

It's just a demonstration, Nougat tells himself, but his knees are vibrating restlessly. But if Miles dies...

"Taylor..." Heidi suddenly growls out his last name, "I want to kill you."

"Then, kill me!" Miles' left foot flew up to kick Heidi, but the man caught it by the ankles. For someone who uses only one hand, Miles is still being overpowered. Everyone went nuts as Miles felt like he underestimated Heidi's ability to fight, even with a disabled right hand. His left seemed to have taken all the responsibilities proudly. Besides, this was a former gangster, oriented in violence.

"We should've killed you..." Heidi mutters darkly, his voice ragged and distorted. "Before you left... before we met you..."

But then, the teacher's right foot spun right over his caught leg, using Heidi's grip to support his weight. The spin knocked Satan straight in the face, but Miles ended up on the floor after his foot broke free. I need to work on my landing...

"I had to leave, Heidi! I didn't want to!" Miles yells out, but Satan walked over to kick him in the chest, forcing him on the floor and knocking the useless gun off his hands. Miles gasps, but his scowl remains staring up at Heidi.

"But you did. And you never should've come back..." Heidi straddles him, swinging his left fist for a punch, but Miles caught it before it reached his face. His limbs shook and trembled trying to counter Heidi's strength.

"Mr. Taylor! You can do it!" The students cheered, some also cheering on Heidi. But, it was as if there were only the both of them in that classroom. The aura of rage was thick, and it blocked out everyone else. There was no one else but them; fighting in the midst of mutual heartbreak. Miles abruptly pushed Heidi's fist to the side before elbowing him. Heidi's cheeks grazed his teeth and they bled, but he didn't feel it. He was focused on murder.

2 minutes.

"I want you dead," Heidi spits, his gums getting red from the bleeding inside. Another wave of heartache, from those hurtful words. Still, Miles managed to punch Heidi straight in the jaw and knock him back, the teacher crawling out and stood onto his feet.

Most Levoughs and Fords start to cheer, while the previous class 3-C looks horrified especially when Heidi lunges to strangle Miles, who could defend himself nonetheless. Nougat almost stood up, but Zombie held him back.

"Don't you dare get yourself between them," Zombie scolds with gritted teeth.

"Miles saved my life from Heidi once—"

"And what made you think you can save him this time?" Zombie pulls him back harshly, preventing Nougat from making rash decisions. He can't help it. He's still concerned for the teacher. The blonde screamed when Heidi threw Miles to the room's display case, the impact breaking the thick glass. The teacher felt something throb in his head.

1 minute and 30 seconds.

Yet, Heidi picked up the discarded gun and stalked towards Miles. As heart wrenching as it looks, he also picked up the loaded magazine that Miles dropped, and everyone went nuts in anticipation.

"He's gonna shoot!"


"Dude this isn't a horror movie, stop hugging me! And say no homo!"

"Pro homo; we support the gays now or else SaLu will have my throat!"

But, they may be right. Heidi's gonna kill me, says Miles. I can't see it in his eyes.

Heidi stares straight at Miles Taylor, eyes burning with calm insanity and anger. Pointing a loaded gun at the teacher, Miles grunts as he kicks it away just as Heidi shot it. He actually did try shooting me. And this made everyone holler, drowning out the sound of a heart wrenching like a stabbed gut. The bullet almost shot a Levough but the student wasn't deterred, and instead only his seatmate freaked out. "He just—!"

"Oh, I'm liking this game now."

"No rules, man..."

"My bet's on Satan!" says a fellow Levough.

Meanwhile, Miles grabs Heidi's hands containing the gun and swung it to the other side to avoid hitting any other student. Of course, there was struggle since Heidi remains superior in height and strength. While Satan effortlessly threw kicks and punches, Hael had to exert effort to even block them.

"H-Heidi, you—!" Miles swung his arm, but Heidi caught it. The arm ends up around Miles' neck as Heidi applies pressure, Miles' back against Satan's hard muscles.

"You're pretty flexible, now..." says the deep, sexually arousing voice from the bottom of Satan's throat. Miles felt his hairs stand up at the closeness of his ear to those sinful lips.

Miles kicks backward, making Heidi grunt from the successful hit. His prey broke free and faced him breathless, his now short hair jutting out like a soft chaos overcame him. His face was red, but his eyes remained tough and angry. Heidi straightened up, observing the unintentional sexiness that came with the disheveled look.

"You look so fuckable."

Everything just became awkward; the sexual tension thick and uncomfortable among the observing students. The redness that came with Miles' exhaustion turned to that of an embarrassed fluster, coloring his nose and ears.

50 seconds.

Heidi grabbed the aluminum meter stick with his left hand, and slammed it onto the teachers' table, breaking it in two with the mere strength of a left hand. Everyone stares in horror at the sharpness of the broken stick, capable of painfully stabbing into flesh. Heidi swings down to stab Miles, but the teacher dodges it by throwing himself to the whiteboard. The stick swung back and Miles ducks.

"Do you even know how it feels to wake up—" Heidi almost hit Miles' shoulder. "—abandoned—" Miles dodges the hit on his head, "—your brother crying for weeks—" Heidi kicks Miles towards the door. "—until he loses his will to live?! I almost lost him so many times, Miles! I had to beat him unconscious so he'll stay with me!"

Those words stung Miles so painfully, he couldn't even have the strength to attack, only defend. These words strike more painfully than any hit. The sharp aluminum stick stabbed the whiteboard beside Miles, but close enough to penetrate his shoulder and create a tear.

"Ahh—!" Miles cries out, his fist flying towards Heidi and smashing his head onto the board. Heidi grunts, feeling his head throb.

Satan wasn't finished and he grabs Miles by the collar, throwing him onto the floor where the teacher lay breathless and in silent tears from Heidi's words.

I did leave them. I just left. I don't know, but... it's more painful if I said goodbye. I couldn't bring myself to leave them if I had waited for them to wake up. Miles looks up at Heidi who has murder in his eyes, stalking towards him. I love them so much. And now, Taewon doesn't trust me... and Jihun can't even listen to me anymore.

The wound is a mere scratch in comparison to the suffocation of his heart. All of this is happening within 5 seconds. In the background, majority of the students can be heard chanting, "Satan! Satan! Satan! Satan!" While the other half were the 3-C students itching to stop Heidi from killing their beloved teacher; even if he has abandoned them.

"You just had to suck the Mafia's dick," spits Heidi. Miles attempts to stand up but Heidi kicks him back down, straddling him with the sharp, broken stick aimed right at his heart. Heidi stroke, but Miles stops it right before it penetrates his chest.

"H-Heidi... T... T... Taewon!" Miles' hands could barely fight against only one of Heidi's, but they managed to redirect the sharp end to the right. Then he screamed out in a mixed tongue, "I did it... so I won't have to leave you forever! I did it because... I love you both!"

Those words; unfamiliar, foreign, no one else in the classroom could understand it. Miles had pronounced the words quite strangely as it is a new language for him; but Heidi knew all of it. Taewon can understand each syllable, the twists of Miles' tongue causing his heart to leap.

3... 2...

Still, the stick penetrated Miles' shoulder in one split second, making the teacher almost scream out in agony. Almost, because Heidi had muffled it out with a firm, tight lock of their lips showcasing their deadly, insane romance.

1; the speakers blared out, "Thank you for participating in the game and congratulations to the survivor or survivors. Please prepare for tomorrow's game, thank you!"

Everyone went ballistic at the scene of a bleeding Miles Taylor being willingly assaulted on the lips by the terrible Heidi Jun. Majority didn't understand what's going on; some are disappointed no one died, but most are, "Should we give them some space?"

No space needed, because Heidi pulls away and intimately spits out, "I hate you. Every single molecule of you. Because of you, Jihun became deaf. Because of you, I had to kill four psychologists and Carvalle covered it all up. I hate you. Bleed to death, Miles Taylor."

hours later, after lunch,


Miles didn't bleed to death; but he almost passed out in the infirmary because of blood loss. He isn't that weak anymore, so he only suffered a bit of lightheaded episodes. I can't believe Heidi actually tried to kill me.

Oh, wait. It's actually believable. He doesn't trust me anymore.

Carvalle's restroom is no less of a Carvalle creation. For a school with delinquents groomed to be the Levough Mafia's lap dogs, they sure do provide them with the best facilities. The restroom rivals that of a mall's or a hotel's, complete with heated sink water and carefully maintained toilets and urinals with scented water to keep off odor. There are the occasional vandalisms with brutal, sexual and disturbing images, but never would you come inside and call a Carvalle restroom dirty or smelly.

Setting his briefcase on the marble sink, he sighs, thinking about the recent encounter with Satan. And worse, Járed Levough called me in for a meeting today. That man never lets him rest. He stares at his reflection, admiring the absence of undereye circles and messy curls. He does love his current self; and though he has to get nose surgery because he broke it during field training, he still looks like the same old Miles, only a bit older.

So is that why Heidi's fucking a younger boy? His blood boiled yet again, as he forces himself to accept that he's no longer anything to SaLu.

He glares at his reflection before bending over to wash his face. At least the wound is go- Upon standing back up, a scary, dangerous and menacing reflection joined him from behind. Miles turned around ready to tase the stalker. But, it was none other than the tatted, sinfully toned and naturally contoured body of Heidi Jun standing a few feet in front of Miles; a blank, unimpressed face plastered on.

"You never change," Heidi's throaty voice grumbled, referring to how Miles' glistening eyes and limbs trembled at the sudden surprise. Satan scans him from head to toe, "Or maybe you have; you're just still scared."

"Maybe I am," Miles said. If ever Heidi plans to kill him in this bathroom; he will be sure to defend himself and Carvalle will not be merciful to he who murdered their best teacher; especially Járed Levough's favorite.

Heidi didn't move a muscle. He kept staring at Miles with a stone cold look; his right hand is buried in his pockets and his fashion is still random and edgy as always. This made Miles uncomfortable, because his heart still beat wildly and his abdomen still tingled sinfully.

"The bell will ring soon, please get to class." The teacher turns around, washing his hand quickly in order to get out of here.

But, he wasn't fast enough because Heidi was quick to appear an inch behind him and clamp his left hand on his jaw, forcing Miles to look up. In Korean his deep earthly voice threatens, "The only way we'll forgive you is if you'd let us fuck your corpse."

With Miles' life threatened, he swings his right elbow to land on Heidi's gut, knocking the man a feet away as the teacher faces him. "Why need my corpse when you have another bitch you fuck in the storage room?!"

Heidi's eyebrows twitched. He grabs his right wrist and twisting it to his back; bending him over the sink. The other arm could do no good, because Heidi is applying too much pressure for Miles to even use his flexibility. Instead of a grunt, Miles' mouth opened in a silent moan when he feels Heidi's large, angry package against him, pressing from behind. Both can very well see his blush from the mirror; conscious of their position.

Heidi's long legs has pinned Miles' own against the marble; his hand pinning the teachers' wrist against his back. "You look so hot being a jealous slut."

There's that satisfied feeling from being degraded, right in Miles' stomach. He squirmed and lashed out, "Heidi...!"

But, Miles shames himself once more, as he stands limp and helpless in Satan's hold. Heidi wonders why this is; since Miles has the power to free himself and knock him out, but for some reason he didn't. He couldn't.

"Pathetic. A year in the Mafia and you're still weak. That was for nothing, huh?" Miles didn't answer. "I fucking hate you."

Miles didn't respond. Heidi tightens his hold, making him squirm silently. "Fuck you."

But then, what Satan didn't expect was Miles turning his head, barely meeting his eyes as those fierce, determined ones from Hael presented themselves.

"Why don't you?"

That just shot right up Heidi's cock, and in no time he was hard against Miles' ass. Something untouched, reserved only for them, awaits Heidi inside. He snaps, pulling Miles up and spinning him for a frontal attack. That attack ends up in a harsh, unromantic scene of angry kisses, with Heidi pulling Miles up on the sink and grinds their clothed bulges against each other.

"Fuck, I hate you..." Heidi spits out before feasting on Miles' neck, claiming what was once his.

"I hate you too," Miles growls, tightening his legs which housed Heidi's muscular build between them. That monster between Satan's legs aggressively seduces Miles in heavenly torture; the shameless teacher moaning at each horrid bite from him.

Heidi's right hand could do no more, but his arms were still strong enough to carry Miles and dump both of their bodies onto one of the stalls.

The raging kisses continued, sucking and biting on each other's lips with mutual hate, almost attempting murder with how roughly they're slamming each other in the stall.

They fought for dominance in a literal way, Heidi's hand wrapped around Miles' throat as he his counterpart hungrily tries to release his raging cock from his pants. When he managed to, Heidi forced his dominance by pushing him to his knees.

"Have you done this shit in the Mafia?" Heidi growls, his voice creating vibrations in the air.

Miles catches the rock hard mushroom head with his mouth, twirling his tongue around it before glaring at Heidi, "No... but I know you always have someone to suck your dick without me."

"Have I?" Heidi mocks before forcing himself down Miles throat, gagging him but keeping his dick in there without mercy. "That's right. Choke and die."

Miles massages the underside of the shaft with his tongue, eyes rooted on Heidi's as he uses his own strength to push himself off. "Not before I remind you who's the better slut."

Fucking bitch, Heidi compliments internally, groaning at how Miles ate him up like a greedy child. He sucked, took it deep, showed how much skill his tongue has and it's driving the already insane Heidi, crazy. It fills Miles with great pleasure hearing those groans and curses that came from Heidi's mouth, urging him to do more and better. How was I even afraid of this thing before?

After Heidi facefucked him, he was reminded exactly why. The man pulled him up and bent him over the toilet, hitting his head on the wall painfully. But of course, Heidi liked the pain so he presses Miles' head against the wall.

"You bastard—!" Miles swings his fist back, hitting Heidi's arm which just made the man scoff. Then he realized, Shit, I didn't lube up... "Wait, Heidi... I... I didn't prepare—"

"Good. Feel the pain."

Heidi forces himself inside, Miles' slimy saliva from the facefuck earlier was enough to allow Heidi to enter the head, but the insides were dry and not pleasurable to the receiver. Miles' entrance burned with the stretch, his screams echoing in the empty restroom.

"Fuck! Heidi, you asshole!"

"I'm fucking the best one," the man replied, thrusting hard and making sure Miles can feel the dry entry. The teacher teared up, his groans coming up through chocked sobs.

Painful, truly. The hate was real in this scenario, for Heidi had no mercy and Miles had too big of a pride. His entrance burned with unsugarcoated pain, but shamelessly, Heidi hits his prostate so accurately that his abdomen can't help but tingle. Moans are uncontrollable; Miles can't help but rub himself, attempting to comfort himself because of the pain. It does not go away. But, what remains is the satisfaction of his masochistic side, making his heart leap and his brain malfunction; his morals shaking in shame.

"Fuck, yes!" Miles moans out, arching is back and making sure he gets used to the numbing pain, despite being uncomfortable as hell. If not for being a closet masochist, he'd be crying out for Heidi to stop. But, here he is, pushing his hips back to meet Satan's thrusts.

"Mmmhh, come on... fuck me... fuck me hard... come on Heidi," Miles taunted, biting his like as his eyes rolls to the back of his head, Heidi's functional hand grilling his short curls tight. "F-fuck m... me to... t-to dea... th..."

That was too hot, even for the overlord of hell. Heidi pulls Miles up by the neck, putting them in a standing position while they fuck like rabbits. "Where did you learn to talk like that? You fucking slut? You like being ripped dry...?"

No... dry is never a good thing... But curse Heidi for making Miles feel this way! It's too good, even for a painful thing. "Go to hell, Heidi."

Then, the doors busted open and in came a few Ford students. Miles felt himself into dangerous climax when they were flipped, Heidi now seated on the closed toilet while Miles bounces with his abrupt movements.

"Already the King of it, playbunny."

"Mmff—!" Miles clamps his mouth shut as he ejaculated, exploding all over the door and the floor as Heidi continues torturing him with a sore entrance but heaven-filled insides.

"No class, man!"

"Bet Satan killed Hael."

"Hah, like anyone could kill Hael, have you seen him with that gun, bro?!"

"I ain't into dudes, but I'm into guns, that's why I got hard."

"I ain't into dudes or guns, but I still want to fuck Mr. Taylors."

Heidi just slammed Miles onto him, his left hand pulling the collar down so he can leave another painful mark on his nape. Only that, Satan did so by biting him harshly, while fucking his hole relentlessly.

"Oh my fu—" Miles bit his own hand and he broke skin, but Heidi's bite was more painful.

"I kind of want to kick the door open," Heidi sneers as a whisper, just as the boys outside start to notice. This was Miles' students, too.

Miles whimpers, "Heidi-"

A knock was heard on their stall, and Miles almost loses his soul. "Yo man, if you need help shitting, just tell us instead of keeping it in there, 'kay?"

"Hmm." Miles hears the sly, taunting whisper of the man fucking him into oblivion. "Would you fuck and suck their dicks, too?"

What kind of question... Miles grabs Satan by his dark hair, leaning back to give the man a sloppy, sexy but threatening kiss. Then, in a language Heidi heard to hit close to his climax Miles breathlessly says, "O... only you and... Jihun..."

"Uhh, dude let's go. He 'don't want your help."

"Sounds painful, though."

"You care so much about what goes on in the ass. You gay."

When the students left, Heidi immediately stood up and slams Miles against the door of the stall, piston-fucking the noisy teacher until he finally ejaculated. Still, he wasn't finished.

"I fucking hate you, Miles Taylor," Heidi says, his hand pressed against Miles' airpipe.

Miles punched Satan's jaw, "Fucking hate you too, Taewon."

For the mutual understanding, they share one more rage-filled kiss full of abuse and hate. It hurts; everything hurts, so according to Miles, Why is my fucked up heart still fluttering?

a few days later, thursday


Miles Taylor now embraces his terrible masochistic side, letting the hot shower water cleanse and burn the injury on his arm and shoulder.

Damn you, Satan. After stabbing me, you really just had to fuck me. Though it feels so numb, the motive behind it still stings to this day. His spine feels hard; his hole still slightly sore from the friction and stretch.

The Combat subject, though with participative students chosen at a random algorithm, has never claimed a life so far. But, Heidi never went to class against after that. Miles decided to give them space to avoid almost dying every time he faces them, so he never visited since then. It felt terrible. It's starting to affect the way he teaches too; and the new class, 4-A, now notices his random angry outbursts and strict teaching.

This was not the Hael everyone expected.

"Snap out of it," Miles slaps himself, turning the shower off and drying himself with a towel. His hair formed wet ringlets and beads decorated his lean muscles, the tattoo over his entire right arm and shoulders looking as sophisticated and menacing as ever.

I physically suffered in the Levough Mafia. Now, I'm emotionally suffering in Carvalle. But I learned not to be a whiny bitch about it. He truly needs to snap out of it. I am so honored and lucky to be teaching potential assassins! Appreciate the money and opportunity! Appreciate the skills learned!

"Fucking appreciate yourself for once," Miles spat to himself in the mirror, before wrapping a towel around his waist. He walks out of the bathroom while rubbing another towel against his wet curls, but he stops upon seeing his open window. He gasps, dropping the towel for his hair.

"What the..." Miles takes note of the dirt on the window sill, probably from the foot of the intruder. This made Miles alert and he snatches a knife and a gun from under his pillow, looking around his room. Upon hearing a sound behind him, he turned with a gun on his right hand, a knife on his left; slamming the intruder against the wall.

Miles pinned him down; a pistol against his temple and a knife against his throat, all ready to rid him of life for a split second before Miles realized who it was. "Zeus."

The teacher gasps, staring straight at the blank faced man who kind of looks hurt by this hostile welcome. This was the same man who forced a knife to his head; how will he know if he doesn't have the same intentions? Did Zeus come to kill me in my sleep?

Whatever the reason for his motive was, a few seconds later he was still motionless against Miles' defenses. His hands were free and he could easily overpower this teacher, but he didn't, proving his passiveness. Immediately, Miles lowers his weapons down breathing out, "You're here. I'm sorry, I... I didn't know it was you..."

He can't hear. And it looks like Zeus isn't reading his lips too, because those eyes are rooted at the naked and fully exposed tattoo covering up almost half of Miles.

"Zeus... Jihun...? You're not supposed to be here..." Miles brought his hands up, waving it slowly in front of the man. But once again, he jumps in shock when pale, large hands wraps around his wrist to stop his hand from waving. Miles' heart can be felt pounding against this rib cage.

Flashes of Zeus trying to murder him flood his mind and Miles is once again alert and terrified.

Yet, Zeus' the other hand pointed to his own chin, then his mouth opened to say strangely pronounced and almost incomprehensible words, his soft voice forcing itself to be loud. "Ayy... mistt... mahlls..."

Miles didn't understand, but that finger on his chin which glided over to point at him was enough to make a tear push itself out of his glistening eyes. The blank look on Jihun; though void of any emotion, still held his true intention of the visit.

"I miss you, too..." Miles whimpers, his voice cracking as he wraps his arms around Zeus' broad shoulders. Does he really not have any plans to hurt me? What if he suddenly kills me?

Still, Miles lets the taller man wrap his arms around him, giving out more of his warmth. Whatever plans Zeus has that Miles can't read; he could only pray it has no ill intentions. Zeus lays his hands on both of Miles's cheeks, pulling his head and making their foreheads touch. There, Miles can very well see the redness in his small eyes; evidences of him crying heavily. Zeus' blonde eyelashes were long and beautiful, his lips a pale peach, blending in to the rest of his cool-toned skin.

"Zeus..." Miles sniffs, searching something in those cold, blank eyes. "Why'd you try to kill me? Why'd you hurt me, Jihun?"

Zeus' orbs also searched for something, and his eyebrows contorted to that of hurt when he saw Miles' eyes being filled with thick tears. Instead of responding, he pulls Miles' head against him, Zeus' jaw resting on top of wet curls.

"I'm so sorry... I left you... but I had no choice... I had to. I didn't want to, but I had to..." Miles mumbles against his collarbone. Remembering that Zeus can't hear a thing at all, Miles pulls away and looks up at him. "I am sorry, okay?"

Then, Miles uses his hands to amatuerly signal, "I not want leave you. I'm sorry."

Zeus stares at his hands, fascinated by the slightly trembling digits. Miles thought he didn't understand, so he keeps on repeating the gestures until Zeus caught his fingers and placed a light, tender kiss on one of them.

Miles blushed, his heart racing. "O-okay, I'll stop... let me g-get dressed first." Stop stuttering.

Zeus stays staring as Miles hurriedly pulls on an oversized white shirt and boxers. Upon noticing the curious stare, Miles laughs wholeheartedly. "Okay now, don't look at me like that. Don't you like the tattoo?"

Zeus huffs through his nostrils like a disapproving dog. Miles feels so proud, glad that Zeus came in to visit him. Maybe, just maybe, he forgave me? The silver haired man sat on the edge of the bed, glaring at Miles. Though it was a negative glare, it held no hostility towards him.

"What? Want to stay here? Did... you eat? Do you... want to sleep here with me?" What would Heidi do if he knew Zeus was here? Last time Miles checked, the man still hates his guts. Sighing, Miles boldly sat beside Lucifer on the right but swung his legs over those long thighs. The teacher bore no fear as he completely trust Zeus, wrapping his arms around him like a clingy sloth.

"I miss you so much, Jihun..." Miles mutters, even if Zeus cannot hear. Looking up with a frown, he sees Lucifer still staring at his tatted arms. "You hate it?"

Zeus stayed quiet of course, but this time he brought his fingers up to mess with Miles' frown, pulling the corners of his lips up. He expected a smile, but all he got was a shocked Miles with stretched lips. Zeus pulls his lips down for a frown, revealing his bottom teeth. Then Zeus got so fascinated and proceeds to mess with Miles; manipulating his mouth to form stretches and compressed fish lips.

"Mfokhay, ye—yeur..." Miles pulls away. "Stop, you're trolling!"

But then, Miles laughs because he reacted like a rejected child, finally giving Zeus the smile that he craves. Yet, that smile was short-lived because he once again frowns sadly. "The big Dinosaur I gave you... I hope you like it..."

Miles made sure to emphasize his lips, and Zeus brought one hand up to reply. "I love."

"You do?" Miles only learned a little bit of sign language in Italy, because he focused on learning Italian, Korean, Japanese and German. One could only learn so much in a year, so he had a lot of restless nights learning the languages. At least he's fluent in Korean now; but sadly, he was unaware that Zeus had gone deaf, and he didn't prepare himself by focusing on sign language.

"I'm sorry this happened to you, Jihun..." Miles tears up, also signaling with his hands, I'm sorry you're deaf.

"It's my fault." It's because of me, he also signed. But then, words tumble out of his mouth in a hesitant, panicking pace. "Even... if it isn't, it still feels like it. If I didn't leave, you wouldn't have—"

Zeus shuts Miles up by pushing his thumb between those rambling lips. Miles was shocked by this, but it's effective in silencing him. Another shock came when Zeus pulls his thumb down, bringing Miles' bottom lip with it, before leaning in to shove his tongue in that sinful mouth for a big, passionate kiss full of innocent love and gentleness.

"Yuu," Zeus tends to drag out the last syllables. "Are... Heere.. Now..."

"I'm here now."

Once again, Zeus signals to his chin. I missed you. I'm sorry."

the next morning, friday


Miles was almost killed again.

It's not the first time he's slept with Zeus on the same bed, but it's definitely the first time Miles had a dream about a tentacle monster; then waking up to Zeus' long limbs suffocating him. Right now, Miles is being held like a bodypillow, long legs securing themselves around his waist and the long sleeved arms suffocating his chest. Miles was facing the man's chest as Zeus snuggles up to him, lightly snoring.

Like a mouse in a cat's hold, Miles grunts as he attempts to pulls himself off of, "Jihun, stop being so strong while you're asleep! It hurts!"

They had slept innocently; aside from Miles waking up in the middle of the night being groped. The teacher stops struggling, blushing at the memories of the inappropriate touches. Miles hits him in the hard pecs once, and Zeus moves.

He made the most childish whine ever, limbs untangling to lie on his back instead of his side. "Finally," Miles sighs, thinking he was free but Zeus' one arm was still wrapped around his shoulder; now harshly pulling him on top of Zeus' body, one of Miles' legs in between his two long ones.

"You damn dinosaur, wake up!" Miles says, slapping him on the chest. Hard and indestructible, why am I not surprised. "Jihun... Heidi might be angry you're here."

He can't hear. Miles caresses his face, "Jihun, please wake up..."

Zeus' face is just as flawless as his body is flawed. His glass skin shames that of porcelain, and his hairs so thin and light it shames snow. Zeus is a beautiful human being, yet how can someone like this be so damaged and do so much wrong?

Lucifer shifted, his eyebrows twitching to narrow. It was as if telling Miles to let him snooze. Internally he was thinking, Please don't end this moment.

"Jihun I swear, I need you to wake up. I have class. You're supposed to go to class." Plus, I am obviously afraid of Heidi. Miles, unaware, shifts his legs in attempt to leave again but gasps upon feeling something stiff and big against his thighs. Good morning to you, too.

"Jihun, I swear!" Miles threatened, but Zeus got annoyed and unintentionally hit Miles' face with his careless and sleepy hand. Huffing at the stubborn Lucifer, Miles sat up. "Fine then, be that way! But I'll make sure you're coming to class after this."

Zeus opened one eye and it watches Miles hop on his knees by Zeus' thighs. Still, the man chooses his dream of a world where pizza slushies exist and taste delicious. Meanwhile, Miles glares at him, palming the huge, painful erection that Lucifer chose to ignore. Still, this made Zeus open his eyes and stare confused at Miles.

Using emphasized words, basic signals, and fierce, threateningly seductive eyes Miles asks, "You don't mind that I'll play with it? If you wake up and come to class, I'll let you fuck me."

Reading those words from those sexy lips has made him throb so painfully. But, Zeus hates leaving this place, since it smells of baby powder and Miles' shampoo, so he ignores the wakeup call and throws his head back. His legs shifted to move away from the temptation but Miles firmly held him down.

"Stop it, you cat..." Miles spits playfully even if Zeus couldn't hear it. He bends down, running his tongue along that clothed arousal in Zeus' boxer and underwear. He had worn pants coming here, but for sleeping he had to remove it.

Thankfully, because now I can just, Miles pulls the hem of his boxer and underwear down, its tightness trying to protect Zeus from this threat of seduction. But, Miles was strong and he managed to surface Lucifer out, now displayed before his eyes like an angry opponent. Miles curses, staring at the pale pink thing before him, surrounded by pigmentless hairs. I've had two of these up my ass? How have I not ripped?

He did, once; but all that matters is putting his tongue all over that pale head and making Zeus exhale sharply, eyes still closed. Still stubborn, Jihun? Miles swirls his tongue around the resting head, his hands grabbing the shaft and holding it up.

It was heavy, rock hard, and soon enough Miles was, too. He runs his tongue along the underside of the shaft, coating it in saliva carefully before proceeding to rub it with a tight fist.

"Ung." That was Lucifer grunting unintentionally, his fingers weaving through Miles' hair as his head moves to tease Zeus with his lips, only stimulating the head. Those fingers tightened, softly pushing up as if rejecting Miles. A dark pit ends up inside of the teachers but then Zeus harshly pulls Miles onto him, forcing those naughty lips to accommodate more of him. That was such an abrupt move that Miles pulls away and gasps out breathless, "Jihun you-"

Still with eyes closed, Zeus pulls him gently by the hair this time, his shaft hitting Miles' lips as a small gesture for more. Yet, he still has the nerve to ignore Miles by closing his eyes.

Zeus, I swear to the God that you're named after, you will damn wake up! Miles boldly swallowed him up, deep and hard; using his tongue to massage the veins it comes across. The man slightly thrusts up in response to this, still refusing to open his eyes. Miles had started to bob his head up and down, maintaining a rhythm similar to how he would ride an anaconda like this. The only difference was; there's a lot of gagging and choking on saliva. He only has a split second to pull up for air.

Jihun still won't open his eyes. Miles goes up for air, his hands rubbing on a now slimy, coated length that he worked so hard to please. It twitches against his palm; he can feel the sudden movements in the shaft. Still, Zeus refuses to acknowledge his efforts, or even complains about the assault. But the victim is willing...

Now, how could that situation be so familiar? Shameless. Having enough of being ignored, Miles sits up and slaps Jihun's thighs. He still didn't even open his eyes, only exhale in disapproval. "Fine. Be that way. I'm gonna get ready."

Miles hops out of the bed and immediately strips, heading to the bathroom where he did his usual business, only with a sour mood. He didn't even bat an eyelash when I gave him my best tongue skills? Or are you just that lazy, Jihun?

He cleaned himself thoroughly in the shower, still with a bitter mood because of Lucifer. He had rinsed himself off of soap, thankful to have the skills to have this routine for less than 3 minutes just in case he turns in late; which now he is.

However, upon turning the shower knob and stopping the water, Miles would've dried himself if not for a quiet, unnoticeable dinosaur creep up behind him. The unclosed shower door gave him access, since Miles had gotten used to being alone and having no need for shower security.

Because of that carelessness, Miles was suddenly bent forwards quite forcefully. "What the—Jihun—OH!"

He screamed, because Zeus shoved himself inside the precious, shameless hole whose insides twitched in delight at the sudden intruder. Miles lets out something between a gasp and a scream, the stretch hurting him; but not the friction, since he had offered a day's worth of saliva to the blow job earlier.

It's the sudden intrusion that's got him choked up in his own cries. While Zeus' right hand was harshly holding him down hard by the shoulder blades; the other one snakes around Miles's stomach for a gentle comfort. That wasn't enough because Miles still gets pleasurably hurt from the way Zeus moves his hips. It was as if he's trying so hard to be slow but his impatience was forcing him to thrust sharply to assault his prostate.

"Ohhh.... my... s-stop, please!" Miles breathlessly gasps with no meaning behind those words. He must regret leading Zeus on and leaving after, but this kind of gentle but impatient fucking is something to not regret. "Nnghh, Ji... hun!"

Zeus starts to ram himself all the way, which turns Miles' cries into silent screams. With a size like this, it always hurts no matter the speed; that has been the case with both brothers. But, Miles being Miles, had gotten used to it and even came to crave more.

"Ohhh yes, Jihun! Right there! Fuck me right... there...!" Miles whines, just as Zeus speeds up and not hearing what Miles has to say at all. His right hand shifts up to Miles' throat, which feels the vibrations of pleasure and hurt.

In a way, Zeus felt what Miles' want just by the vibrations of his voice box. When those vibration fade to tiny tremors, it means Miles' moans are high pitched and uncontrollable. Which is the case, because Miles arches his back and angling himself for Zeus to hit way deeper inside of him. He lifts his left leg up, producing more tingly stuff in the teacher's stomach. Zeus supports by grabbing his left thighs and supporting him; but in turn of the support, he penetrates deeper and way harsher.

"Oh yes, Jihun! Oh damn, it hurts!"

Feeling the tight, sharp breaths and clenching of Miles' hole, Zeus understands that maybe Miles doesn't want it. Eyes falling to the teachers' back, his hips slowed down.

"Jihun...?" Miles looks back, seeing the man frown with his eyebrows knotted together.

It hurts Miles. No hurting Miles.

He didn't say anything, but that was written all over his guilty face. It's the truth; he really is hurting Miles with the way he's sharply and rapidly fucking. Miles read his concern, but thought, I went through hazing and being beaten underwater, what is pleasuring a big dinosaur gonna cost him?

And so, Miles starts to move his ass. "Zeus... please...? Don't stop. Please, don't sto—ah...!"

In his attempt to fuck himself on Zeus' cock, Miles suddenly came; huge, fat droplets of his sperm spilled onto the drain below him. He felt the kind of euphoria, his prostate tingling for more.

"Mmmh, more, please...!" Miles begs, moving his ass yet again.

Because of his slutty movements, Zeus' lust took over and he pushes Miles flat onto the shower glass, his ass jutting out and accepting its punishment.

"Oh yes! Mmm, fuck yes! Zeus! ... Jihun...! Ohh, I love this!" If Heidi was here, he'd bully me for being a huge damn slut.

Zeus wasn't here to bully. He is here to punish Miles' sensitive parts but gently take care of the rest of him. While Miles is being fucked onto the shower glass, Zeus turns his head to shower his face with soft, disturbed kisses. Disturbed; because who can kiss properly with this magnitude of thrusting? Miles accepts his affection, kissing him passionately with their tongue playing together. It's a contrast to their rough intercourse and animalistic growls.

Finally, Zeus pushes himself so tightly against Miles that he felt the head of the cock in his stomach. The sudden, major thrust was because of Zeus' ejaculation; providing warm seeds deep inside of the teacher and coating his shameless walls. Miles could almost see stars, but he only saw floaters and an increase of vignette in his vision. His eyes roll to the back of his head as Zeus pulls out, also breathless.

"Oh my god..." Miles breaths out, slowly turning around to give Zeus a full naked view. The curly haired seducer snakes his arms around the taller Lucifer's neck, who glares at him blankly. This is a way to support his weakening knees.

"I guess..." Miles signs one word, before following up with, "We're even, now?"

A scowling Zeus once again grabs the hollow of Miles' cheeks to press his lips together, forming stupid fish lips. "Mahhls..."

The teacher's eyes shimmers in pride, his heart twisting in happiness whenever Zeus attempts to speak. "Lauuv... Mahls... Lo.. ve... Ma-ills."

"I..." The teacher inhales, "I love you, too..."

He pecks Lucifer on his lips, whose corners twitched up to even attempt to smile.

"But, you have to go to class with me, now."

Zeus' mood sours and he is once again frowning heavily.

"Jihun," Miles copies his face and also scowls. "I'll buy you new bed sheets with Rex from Toy Story."

Jihun rolls his eyes, still pissed off.

I just hope Heidi is just as loyal as Zeus... but that would be asking for too much.

later on,



Nougat hesitantly sits beside his partner, Zombie. Their table now had different part of something. Judging from a set of dynamite or a flask of a liquid explosive, they're about to be taught how to create mass destruction.

Whose idea was this? Turning us convicts into hitmen? Nougat keeps scowling in his seat. And worse, there's a game about killing each other. And I thought the Caste Game was a bloody riot.

Zombie, who noticed an upset blonde goddess, reaches his hand out, "N, I—"

"Don't touch me!" He squeals, "I always regret letting Brazilian motherfuckers touch me!"

I'm from Puerto Rico, Zombie sighs, now used to Nougat's tendency to be insensitive and offensive whenever he's upset. "Look, N... whatever happened between us... let's just be mature and talk about it if we still have grudges—"

"I don't hold grudges. I just hate everybody."

Zombie suddenly leans in, surprising the previously tough and stubborn Nougat who just turned carnation pink. "You loved me, Herzen..."

Nougat looks away, avoiding the intoxicating smoky breath that makes him just want to jump Zombie's bones. "E-ew... like I'll ever love someone with a pierced dick and... and..."

Nougat just loves those being shoved inside of him. "And I hate you, okay? So go away, you salsa eating limp noodle."

Zombie just watches as Nougat sits there flustered, trying too hard to look confident and tough; but he's still deeply affected by his dangerous attraction towards Zombie. When suddenly, their Almighty teacher arrives, though late. "Good morning, class."

Almost all students gasps in shock, a handful choked on oxygen, a few Levough students fell from their chairs, and one student accidentally gasps in a ballpen cap. He could've died, but his seatmate performed the Heimlich on him until he painfully coughs out the cap.

"Th-thanks, bro..."

"Don't call me bro, I'm your homie. That'd be incest, man."

"You keep your gay shit away from me, Channel."

"Jerome, you literally sucked Xiyu's dick before class."

"That doesn't make me ga—"

"While I fucked your ass."

Miles lightly blushes at their loud exchange, "Okay, that's not appropriate..."

"And that is?" One of the Levough students pointed at the intertwined fingers of Miles Taylor and the famous Lucifer of Carvalle. Everyone, except the former class 3-C's, couldn't believe their eyes upon seeing Zeus for the first time. After all, SaLu was absent the whole last semester.

"Well, it's the only way I can get Zeus here to come to class," says Miles truthfully, now pushing Zeus to sit at a vacant seat in front.

Some Levoughs and Fords whisper to themselves, "Bro, it's the first time I've seen Lucifer."

"... they're right, Hael can control them."

"Hael can control me anytime, too."

"Thirsty bitc—why is your hand on my thigh?"

"Please quiet down," Miles announces, this time with a bright, happy smile which made more students fall off of seats and freeze on air. Mr. Taylor has never smiles this brightly before, thinks the newer students. The former class 3-C however, knew this smile all too well and it warmed their hearts knowing that there's still Miles inside of that strict teacher.

"Now, let's create manual bombs. Please listen, as one mistake could blow—"

The door opened. Another student accidentally ate his ball pen cap.

It was Heidi, in all his glory, with a disheveled Carvalle uniform and a glare so deadly, it would've killed Miles. And, it would've also killed Zeus.

No one can believe it. No, not the fact that Heidi looks like he's about to murder the teacher; but the look of him trying to murder his older brother with his gaze. Why is Heidi even looking at Zeus like that? It's almost unlawful for them to be against each other.

"Whoa, it's SaLu."

"Those Asian bitches are SaLu? I thought Heidi was just a—"

"Yeah, those Asian bitches can kill you too, Scorpio. Why the hell are they both here?"

"Heidi." Even the now fearless Miles Taylor had to force himself to avoid stuttering, in fear of the glare Satan is giving everyone. He looks like he is about to commit a massacre. "Please take a seat."

Satan's glare to Miles was one thing; his hostile stare at his own brother is another. Everyone felt the tension; the epicenter of dread found right in between the brothers.

"Are they fighting...?" Whispers one of the students.

"This is the first time I've seen them together," whispers a Levough student. "They're Asians and they're tall?"

"Yeah, your black ass should be ashamed."

"Why 'you racist?"

"Is I care? Is we normal?"

Cya sighed at the men behind him. "Both of you are a stupid mess, if SaLu's not gonna gut you, I will," he says, annoyed, watching Heidi silence the classroom with his few, eerie strides to his seat. Mr. Taylor looks as tense as ever, now that the devils are here. Satan is a brain cell away from ripping someone that happens to be standing in the front.

Yet, what seemed to be an unexpected manner came from the teacher. He glossed over his book in a panic instructing, "W-we will proceed... please take note of the... the parts of the bomb. Uhh... liquid explosives and... and dynamite have d-different components..."

The former Class 3-C students had a wholesome war flashbacks of Miles being as awkward, tense, fearful and uncertain. Just like the virgin he was. They had flashbacks of his first time here; and the difficulty he went through despite succeeding in making Class 3-C yield. They saw the original virgin teacher by how Miles is acting right at this moment, but they don't know whether they should be relieved, or worried.

After staring at Miles surprised, one of the Wyners coughed out, "I'd talk to you about my dick's status right now, but SaLu'd stab me with a chair for it."

"Dude, same. No homo."

later on,

Everyone had basically stopped working on their bombs when the clock's long fingers hit 9:58. As Miles kept instructing the class about connecting the detonator to their explosive, everyone's eyes were either on the clock or SaLu, in utter terror. They had realized a dangerous fact hours before this.

SaLu is here. Someone will get murdered if anyone is partnered with them, and the Caste will let them get away with it.

Even the teacher who had kept up a tough image to this minute; looks so fearful at the possibility of SaLu being partnered with others. Of course, the goal has always been to kill the opponent. But; the class isn't afraid of death. However, they're afraid of SaLu's hands; which have different intensity of how to make your death long and painful, you'll beg for it.


Miles personally doesn't want anyone to die. Even if this game has a purpose of picking out the weaker bunch and only keeping the best survivors; their teacher still has a heart. He still loves these kids; even if they sometimes sexually harass him with their inattentive yet lustful eyes.

Why is one pair of eyes looking at me like that? Miles gulps, watching Heidi who's not even trying to hide the fact that; he's both angry and horny for this angel with a gun. Miles' eyes glazed from Satan, to his brother. Zeus wasn't looking at anything in particular, like avoiding Heidi's presence for some reason. Miles felt terrible.

Oh no, Miles feels deep worry buried in his intestines. Heidi hates me, while Zeus just spent a night in my dorm. Am I cheating? I'm not, right? Why do I feel like I am?

Maybe, because Zeus accepted his year-long leave while Heidi is still trying to murder him for breaking his heart.

10:00 the speaker blared, followed by a cheerful voice. "Class 4-A may now begin their game, in compliance to their Combat training. The participants for this particular game are;"

Everyone's breath hitched. Please don't include SaLu, please don't include SaLu...


The blonde boy's world just turned into a frozen wasteland where he feels like he's burning. This is the first time he's ever going to participate, and his partner Zombie sat rigid knowing that Nougat is not known for combat. He is known for brains, and though he knows how to kick-ass, his knowledge won't be enough to fight against SaLu.

Please don't be SaLu... Half of the class starts to pray to keep the devils away, but Nougat swallows his fear and sat up straight. Confident as he always has been, as he stares at each and everyone one of his classmates to prepare himself for combat. If one of SaLu is picked...

"Herzen," Zombies whispered. Nougat will die.

"Shut up, I can handle this... I'll kill my opponent."

"Nougat, and..."

It's all part of a game.


Jaws were dropped and Cya fell off his seat. Nougat didn't spare a millisecond and he grabs Zombie' head, slamming him onto their table. "May the best fighter win!"

Prayers have been answered, They think, since neither of SaLu has been picked. But, The ex-lovers have to kill each other. By the looks of Nougat and Zombie's eyes, both didn't mind killing each other.

Everyone avoided the fight as Zombie worked on defending himself rather than attacking. It was Nougat throwing punches that sometimes hit the taller man. But, a particular punch; Zombie had caught it in his palm. His other arm snakes around Nougat's waist and pulls him in tight, turning violence into an intimate image.

What the fuck—Nougat converted his face into a red mess, and the class couldn't contain their awkwardness.

2 minutes and 30 seconds.

Nougat swung his knee up and hit Zombie right in the nuts.

"OOOH!" Their classmates howled like baboons. But, Zombie looks less pained and more annoyed that Nougat got away from his grip.

"You fucking pervert, watch where you're touching!" Nougat screamed as he grabs an incomplete bomb and throws it to the slightly injured Zombie.

And; he merely squint his eyes, scanning his ex-boyfriend's body. "Watch where you wanted to be touched..."

"You little fucker!" Nougat tries to stab him with a screwdriver from a random student's table, but Zombie catches that too and pulls it in, forcing the blonde to face him closely.

"Am I the little fucker?"

"You were ignoring me!" Nougat pushes Zombie off and attacks him with fists again. "And someone smuggled in alcohol!"

Zombie blankly replies, "Of course you had to blame anyone but yourself."

"And I blame you for turning your back on me—!" Zombie had kicked off Nougat's feet from below, and the blonde fell to his ass painfully. Their classmates can't help but feel the sexual tension in this combat, much like Miles and Heidi previously.

"Should we even be here?" Cya whispers as they felt the electricity of Zombie's infatuated gaze towards Nougat as he takes the metal meter stick for a weapon.

"You're right, we shouldn't be here," Lace agrees, but then tickles Cya with his fingers. "My place would be better."

"Y-you're my roommate..."

Lace licks his own lips. "Even better."

"Stay away from me, you sinner..."

Meanwhile, everyone gasps, entertained at the fight, when Zombie stabs the meter stick right down on Nougat's crotch. But, the blonde spreads his legs right before that stick can barbeque his parts.

"Sorry for being a petty bitch," Nougat spits as he swings his right leg over the left, before kicking the stick and slamming his shoes up Zombie's face. "But you're can suck my petty dick after I cut off yours!"

As they brawl, the teacher feels a tinge of guilt and also sadness at what's going on. According to some of Nougat's friends; the couple had a rough time when Zombie decides to be neglectful. Nougat, craving attention, geared onto other boys at what was considered to be 'cheating'.

When they had a big fight about each other's issues, Nougat eventually gave in and had sex with two other guys in hopes that Zombie will know what he lost, and maybe come to value him. But no; Zombie walked away without a word, not even fighting for what they had, and not even caring for what he's lost. Miles met the eyes of a behaved Heidi in the front. The teacher looks away, feeling his heart clench.

"Who am I to fucking stop you, slut!" Zombie threw a chair at Nougat, but the blonde is stronger than he looks. "Just do what you want!"

"You're a coward!" Nougat slams him on a desk. "Spoiling me with what I want but not bothering to see if I wanted y—"

Zombie flips both of them over, pinning Nougat this time as he shuts him up with a violent, passionless kiss. Stunned, everyone was going nuts over this steamy fight.

"Herzen, you know better than to think I'd ever be with an unfaithful little bitch."

Nougat punches him; and though he missed, he still manages to knock Zombie to his ass and now he's straddling the tattooed man.

"Then, you know better than to think I can endure you neglecting me."

There was hurt in that tone; feelings from a couple of months ago surfacing out in form of Nougat's tears. It glides down to his angry face, landing on Zombie's uniform. It was unlikely for a Carvalle student to even show raw emotions; so everyone was stunned at the sight of Nougat publicly crying.

"I want to kill you," he sniffed, grabbing a metal ruler and aiming to stab it at Zombie's head, but the superior man avoided the deadly blow by moving his head to the right. "I want to fuck you up!"

Nougat swung the ruler down; Zombie catching it but it managed to scratch his cheek. It didn't break skin because the ruler is 0.5 millimeters thick.

Zombie grabs both his wrist and flipped them over on the floor.

15 seconds.

Nougat struggles, but his legs are also pinned down.

"Kill him, Zombie!"

"Fuck his corpse!"

"Kill him!"

"Go Zombie!"

5 seconds, and Zombie has his hands wrapped around Nougat's neck, squeezing by the Adam's apple. N was choking, and his eyes are producing shy droplet of tears. He saw it in Zombie's eyes; the desire to kill the unfaithful ex-lover, who he caught in the act.

"I hate you, too." Everyone watches as Zombie took out a switchblade, a thing he's preserved only for this game. Nougat stares at him, eyes glistening with tears before clamping them shut when the blade came swinging down to his face.

3... 2...

Nougat screamed when Zombie stabs his collarbone. It wasn't enough to kill him, but it's enough for a scream to break out.

"Thank you for participating in the game, students! Congratulations to the survivors, Nougat and Zombie. Until the next game!"

"How did they instantly know they survived?" Some students wondered.

"Okay, that's enough," Miles calmly instructed, finding it so hard not to yell at them to help Nougat. He shouldn't overreact even if he's concerned about his students. "Please take Nougat to the medical building. Zombie, take your seat, or you may join them at the hospital if you feel something wrong with your body."

Please don't let Nougat bleed out... I can't believe they have to face each other like that, Miles thinks as Cya and Lace help Nougat out of the classroom.

"Lace, we can grab a snack on the way back."

"Let me grab you, cuz you a snack."

"Go eat Balut, fucktard."

Zombie stares at his opponent earlier, disappearing with his classmates. Everyone is silent, even the Levoughs who are very much enthusiastic only when the game is happening.

"No one died."

"Man, I wanted to see someone die."

"Don't worry bro, I'll kill you when we get picked."

"You 'a bitch, Sugar."

"Enough," Miles commanded, quite sadly. His eyes flicker over to the door, before landing on Satan's once more. Nougat and Zombie's encounter... triggered something familiar. Zombie ignored; Nougat had cheated. "Maybe... we'll all learn something from that."

Miles said that to his class, but his heartbroken eyes were on Heidi the whole time and that message seemed to be very intimate. The teacher cleared his throat, "... about the game being serious. Th-this is a game of survival. So, only the strongest and most capable of defending or attacking can stay. Please work hard to survive this game, or you will be picked off."

Suddenly, someone's shadow passed through the lecture hall's frosted windows. Miles looks at the figure that just passed the door's clear glass window.

It's him. Miles' heart feels like it's slowly crushed, as the world comes to a slow burn at the sight of the same first year who dragged Heidi into a storage room with a smile. That memory; painful and heartbreaking, remains fresh to this moment.

"Wh..." Miles faces the class, exhaling heavy breaths. "When I get back here, every pair will demonstrate the sixteen types of blocking according to the book. Please study."

He didn't know what he was thinking; but Miles' feet moved on their own, chasing after the footsteps of the young Wyner dormie. Zeus went alert and scowled at Miles' leave, attempting to stand up in concern. But it was merely an attempt.

"Excuse me," Miles calls to the boy inches shorter than him. The boy turns around, and Miles' insecurities only heightened. Slim, small... light brown curls, evident freckles, a natural pink blush because of the acne around the contours of his cheeks.

This boy is the next Nougat, after puberty. Young, beautiful... feminine and desirable. Meanwhile, Miles feels like an outdated heartthrob; his hair gelled back and no longer curly, his freckles covered by concealer and he is no longer as skinny as before, with the lean muscles he has now.

"Yes, Mr. Taylor?"

Miles blinks away his tears. "I... I'm sorry. I... uhmm..."

"Oh my god..." The boy gasps, looking star struck at the teacher, which Miles was very surprised at. "You're Hael! I can't believe you're talking to me!"

"Hael? What?" Why does he look like he's seen a celebrity—

"You're like a celebrity here!" The boy exclaimed. "Carvalle's best teacher; the most attractive man on campus, and the one who owns SaLu's heart!"

Miles felt something inside his stomach. Wait, that can't be... "I'm sorry, what's your name?"

"You can call me Starlight! I'm from the Wyner dorm, number 620—"

I don't need to know that. "Well Starlight, it's a pleasure talking to you. But, I'm here to tell you that I've seen you s... sneak off somewhere with a student of mine. And... I'm kind of concerned about any drug exchanges in isolated rooms. You know, there's been an issue of the de Vera students smuggling drugs—"

"What, no!" Starlight grinned like an innocent, shining ball of friendliness. "There's no drug exchange! You must be talking about Satan... H-Heidi? He's the only one I talked to from your class."

Miles looks like he's trying to recall that event. "Ahh yes, I believe it was Heidi. I don't normally care about what students do, but for someone like Heidi to be alone with you..."

"Yeah, I almost died..." Starlight laughs.

You... what? "Excuse me?"

"I..." Starlight looks down and fiddles with his fingers shyly. "I was actually asking Satan for help... I was sure he'll be embarrassed to be seen with me so I took him somewhere else so we can talk secretly. I uhm..."

way back then,

"Heidi!" Starlight catches up to him on the hallways, in which Satan replies with a solid glare enough to make Starlight trip on a trashcan. "U-uhm... sorry for disturbing your walk."

Heidi mutters in Korean, "You... disturbed my life... [fucking bitch]..."

"H-huh? Sorry, I'm from the Netherlands..." as he didn't understand what the taller man was saying. Yet; Starlight widens his eyes when Heidi starts to crack his left knuckle with his right fist. And so, Starlight quickly blurts out his offering. "Here!"

The boy extends his arm and offered an imported chocolate bunny on a stick. Heidi loves chocolate; and he loves bunnies.

"Fuck.... off... kid." Those words with that voice made Starlight weak in the knees unromantically.

Heidi was about to walk away when; "I spent my whole month's allowance to buy you a year's worth of these, plus a mini fridge to store them! Please, help me!"

Heidi states at the kid, to which Starlight avoids the most deadly glare known to humanity.

later on,


"...and that's why I need your help! Phew. Finally, I got through with asking you... thank you so much for listening to me, Heidi!"

Heidi's right cheek has a ruined chocolate bunny lollipop hiding in it as he scowls at the boy in front of him. "And out of all people... you wanted me.... to do what?"

Curse that voice of his! It's from the depths of hell! "Everyone's afraid of you! Even he's afraid of you! S-so if you'd tell him... e-even intimidate him into... m-meeting me... he'll do it... if you tell him I like him, maybe he'll take me seriously."

Heidi isn't taking this kid seriously right now.

"Why..." Heidi chewed the chocolate for a bit. "The fuck...?"

"He's a Levough..." Starlight sobs. "Levough's aren't afraid of anyone but SaLu."

"Just... tell the bitch... you like him... you pussy." Heidi keeps glaring at the poor boy, while his chocolate is half done.

"I'm afraid... I'm a Wyner so he won't spare a glance at me... he's scary to ask out..." Starlight answers. "I mean, you're scarier than him but I'd rather die by you breaking my neck than die with heartbreak from his rejection."

Suddenly, Starlight screamed when Heidi pulls the naked lollipop stick from his mouth and painfully pinned the smaller boy to the shelves. Satan is aiming the plastic stick directly in Starlight's blue eyes threatening to stab it and pull it out as a condiment in a martini. The boy was trembling, from his limbs to his breaths.

"Listen here you little bitch..." Heidi growls, his earthly voice making Starlight want to commit not living. "You fucking pull me in this tight room when I'm supposed to be at my shitty class, disturb me and even have the fucking audacity to talk to me. Just to hear you rant about crushing on a fucking criminal who's manipulated a few girls into suicide in Hong Kong?"

"But Sivv has been here for five years, I followed him here and he's changed!" Starlight cried out, unable to take the fear and actually spilling tears because Heidi's closeness is too scary for him.

"That won't excuse the fact that you fucking disturbed me, you Wyner brat." Heidi pulls him back and slams him on the shelves yet again. This time, he aims the stick at Starlight's Jaw, threatening to stab his tongue at this angle. "You risk your life talking to me but won't risk it to confess to a little fucktard with a nose piercing?"


"If you won't get the guts to keep your business to yourself and leave me out of this, I will pull your guts out and display it as a Halloween and Christmas decoration, you dumb fuck. Not telling that little shit your feelings is your problem. Not mine. Let it out while you still can because if you don't, I'll let your brain out by carving it myself."

present day,

"... and thanks to Heidi, I confessed to Sivv. And now... h-he's my boyfriend!" Starlight happily exclaims, eyes gleaming with genuine delight. "If it wasn't for Heidi scaring the shit out of me, I wouldn't have confessed and I wouldn't have gotten what I came here for!"

"You... came here on purpose?" Miles asks, quite out of it.

"Why yes; I pushed my classmates off the second floor. They aren't dead, but their parents want me to be," Starlight casually answers. "I've been a Dutch exchange student in Hong Kong... that's where I got Sivv as a translator, and a best friend... it's just that he loves girls and blackmails their nudes for sexual favors until two of the girls killed themselves. I thought I wouldn't get a chance because I'm a boy but... I have him, now. I'm happy, now. I'd do anything to follow him, even here in this hell."

Miles was speechless. He didn't reply.

"It's all thanks to Heidi, that I finally had the guts to be with Sivv... or else he'll gut me."

Miles was still speechless. Heidi didn't cheat. It's all a misunderstanding. In fact; Satan helped someone with their relationships. That is more unbelievable than Heidi cheating.

But why did he ignore me?

That was all Miles asks himself as he dismisses the innocent Starlight, and the teacher walks back to his class, guilty. His shoulders were slumped; his feet dragging across the floor. Miles runs his fingers through his hair, messing up the perfect hair-do and making some curly strands float messily.

Why does he ignore me? He didn't cheat, and Miles is so happy for that, But he also looked like he hated me.

Yet, upon returning to Lecture Hall 1, Miles could only step back and scream in terror, the rest of his students also panicking.

Chairs are all over the place; books are ripped and the whiteboard has a large dent, and a patch of blood from an injured head. Everyone is trying to avoid the brawl, strength clashing as the Gods go to war. The students are actively trying to avoid the fight of the century as well as some cheering them on for the sport.

SaLu are fighting each other, "JIHUN! TAEWON!" to the death.


Samantha Enda

He just left without saying goodbye?!!!