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Nougat, whose head is wrapped with bandages and sprained arm in a cast, sat beside an unconscious Zombie who was on oxygen support. The room where they were both held was quiet, comfortably eerie. It was enough to send emotions running wild with our disturbance.

Tears fell from Nougat's pretty blue eyes, and so he sniffs them away stubbornly. "You bastard... you came in and... but I didn't ask you to..."

He holds onto Zombie's cold hands, crying out, "Michael, please... I don't want you to die. Even if... Carvalle will be rid of Satan because of that... I don't... I don't want you to die..."

He's aware that he sounds so pathetic right now, but he can't help it. His cold heart was weighed with guilt and he hates it. He hates himself.

"Michael you little bitch, don't you dare die!" Nougat sobs, now lowering his head to rest beside Zombie's arm. "You can't die until I tell you to...! P-please... I'm sorry..."

He lays his head on the hospital bed for a couple of minutes, tears streaming down and actually staining the bed. If anyone sees me like this, I'll kill them and myself.

He shifts his head to the side so he can face Zombie, his beautiful complexion stained with depression and guilt. He was red, with snot running down to join the tears. He was disgusted with himself, but he can't stop. It feels so terrible.

"I'm sorry..." He sniffs, then sobs some more. "Why does nothing ever go my way? When I fell in love with you a year ago, you rejected me because you don't want to do the same things they fucking did. Now that I fell in love with another person, he rejects me too and almost got you killed... w... why... why am I so fucking cursed?"

Nougat could barely breathe beside Zombie's bed. "I just... I just want to... I just want to be loved..."

And I couldn't see that you loved me all along...

His whimper was all that was heard around the room. Zombie did not wake up to comfort him, or put him into his senses. He couldn't; unlike before.

days later, Friday morning,


"But I love Miles."

"I love Miles."

"... love..."

A shirtless Miles Taylor sat in his desk wondering what the hell he was going to write in his report. 'Zeus developed romantic feelings for consultant'-what, no... He runs his hand through his damp hair, droplets of fresh cold water beading all over in his body.

A flawed, very abused body.

Miles shifts, hissing in pain when his bruises and stiff back came to act up and remind him, Zeus did too much. There were marks all over his body, tiny hickies on his neck but large dark ones in his inner thighs.

Miles admit, that the old him would've been disgusted, but this time it just turns him on. He blushes, dropping the pen. Enough with sentiments, I have yet to meet with Heidi...

There on Satan's file he wrote, Extreme violent outbursts, driven by strong emotions. Extremely temperamental. Borderli

He couldn't finish writing because the clocked indicated he was gonna be late. I'll finish this tonight.

Miles dressed up to head to his class, not writing his diagnosis for Jun Taewon just yet. Seriously, fuck my feelings.

at the end of class,


Miles didn't see Nougat and Zombie come to class, and he just felt guilt stab him in the back once more. He is truly concerned for his students, unlike the other teachers here who would leave them to die. Maybe, he'll visit them in the medical building just to check their health. It will help Miles sleep at night.

Upon stepping out of the Johnson building carrying a box, Miles saw a noticeable hair color, or lack of, leaning on one of the pillars in the entrance. He was being stared at by Carvalle students, but avoided nonetheless. While walking, they kept a fair seven feet distance from him.

"Zeus..." Miles called out, approaching the tall man. I forgot he was so tall, I feel 5'4, thinks the 5'8 teacher. Blushing, he asks, "What are you doing here? Can... I help you?"

I hope no delinquents messed with him on the way here, but who would? This is the infamous Lucifer.

Zeus kept looking down, not answering as expected. Miles took the box and gave it to him grinning widely, "The toy I ordered online came! Do you want to open it?"

This time, Zeus has his dead, emotionless eyes on the parcel in Miles' hands. He didn't do anything, so the teacher sighs and opens it himself.

There was when Zeus' eyes had softened, but others witnessing the scene was confused. Miles, a psychology teacher, just gave Zeus, one of the psychopathic brothers from the Levough prison dorm, a fiber-stuffed Triceratops. Soft and cartoon-like, smiling at Zeus with big, round eyes.

Zeus' long, pale fingers wrapped around it and it was buried in the foam, different from the other plushies and Dino pillows Miles bought for him. Lucifer didn't take the toy away from Miles, instead, he just stares at it with big, eyes of wonder and squeeze it repeatedly.

Miles laughs, "Okay, it's fluffy. I'm glad you like it. Let's bring it to your room?"

He just had goosebumps. He's going to their room, where Heidi is chained up and probably going nuts. Not to mention, Carvalle drugged him to suppress his strength because he usually just breaks the chains.

I have to fix him, quick... Miles lightly drags Zeus by the arm as the man kept squeezing the toy in wonder. I don't ever want them to be separated.


Zeus was the first to enter the room, but Miles stayed in the doorway. He hears the gentle rattling of chains from Heidi's side of the room when his brother enters. Miles couldn't see it, because the open door blocked that side and he wasn't sure if he was ready to face Heidi.

Zeus, still silent with an epression of blank positivity, presents the new stuffed toy to his brother. To which, Miles heard the raspy chuckle of a drugged Satan that gave him chills.

"You didn't fuck him hard enough if he's still giving you shit like nothing happened."

It was in another language, and Miles couldn't understand. He thought, Maybe it's in Korean. He is unfamiliar with it.

Zeus sits on his bed, which was in front of Heidi and in view of Miles, to which he looks at the teacher waiting for him to come inside.

He did, ever so slowly enter the dimly lit room.

And he felt terrible, seeing Heidi sitting there with his shirtless back on the wall, dark hooded eyes weak and angry. His hands are chained up, one connected to the top post of the bed and the other, to the bottom. One of his bare feet also is chained to the floor. He will be only unchained to go to the bathroom, and Zeus had to ring the intercom to inform the guards outside.

He could've just attacked whenever they release him. But, he was always drugged, taking away his strength and calming him down. Barely.

Miles' voice cracked at the greeting, "Hello, Heidi..."

He wasn't happy seeing the criminal psychologist. The door closes behind Miles, and he sat right in front of Satan still with bandages around his neck, covering the recovering bruises.

Finally, Heidi looks at him with pure, calm hatred. His voice, deep, raspy, and very weak says, "...I won't apologize for doing that.... because I don't feel like it... the bitches deserve that."


The chains violently rattle in pressure when Heidi thrashed so suddenly. "Why are you here!" That wasn't a question, that was an indirect way of saying 'leave.'

"Heidi, I came to help you," says Miles, voice shaking. "I came to help both of you, right from the start. I'm not just a criminal psychologist, I'm also a p... professional psychologist here to... to... help you..."

Why did Miles sound so uncertain and unsure of himself saying that?

"You can't," croaked out Heidi, falling motionless while sitting on the bed. He glances at his emotionless brother behind Miles, then smiles a humorless, weak grin. "We're long gone, Miles..."

"I'm not Miles, I'm a bunny..." he replies, feeling uncomfortable every time Heidi says his name. Since that day, he has been called his name, and it feels so wrong since Heidi never does that.

He hates me, now.

Still, Heidi seems to be amused at that statement since he raised an eyebrow. Miles became flustered, finding him sinfully attractive even when drugged and weak. Also, a minute ago he just threatened my life by moving.

"I'm sorry, Heidi. That didn't mean anything... the kiss, I mean..." I claimed the blame. "I don't feel anything for Nougat. It was nothing."

"Nothing? You kissed an attempted rapist," Heidi spits harshly, making Miles flinch. He then lifts his head from the wall to clean closer saying, "Have you ever seen us even think about anyone but you? Other than those we want to murder?"

"N... no, but-" Miles whimpers, but was cut off.

"We get it. You hate us. You're forced. You're against it. Everything we did was rape. What we're doing is blackmail. The games are just meaningless, empty promises. This is just your job," Heidi shifts his eyes, disgusted to even look at Miles.

He emotionlessly adds, "You can fucking leave, Miles Taylor. You already cracked our identities... but you can never crack our heads. There's nothing you can do."

Miles shed a tear, his breath barely surfacing out. "Heidi, please listen to me..."

He feels Zeus' hands settle on his shoulders, and it comforted him more than anything else. Seeing the older brother do this, Heidi sneered at him in disgust.

"Didn't you say you wanted to throw him away, Jihun?"

Miles gasps, looking up at Zeus. But, the platinum blonde devil takes one look at the stuffed Triceratops, and gave Miles his soft eyes.

"I love Miles," he announces, in the same tone of voice as the first time he said it. His voice is as soft as gentle, the complete opposite of Heidi's devilish growl. Miles' heart just did a backflip, and though it'll twist his arteries, it's a wonderful feeling.

"Well, you love cheating bitches," Heidi says, glaring at Zeus. "Never thought you would do the same mistake as Jae-"

"I'm not her!" Miles exclaimed, suddenly triggered by how hurt he is at every word that comes out of Satan's mouth. "I'm... I can handle both of you! I can endure your personalities... I understand your behaviors... I'm here to fix them, but I'm not here to change you. I'm here to stay, Heidi!"

Miles didn't see, but Zeus silently communicated to his brother. He was neutral, not siding with anyone. But, he made his feelings clear. When will Heidi do the same?

"You..." Miles sniffs, his nose getting red from distress. "You didn't force me into anything... I willingly accepted it b... because.... because I owe you... the both of you."

Heidi raised an eyebrow, his foot shifting and making the chains rattle. Owe?

"You both made me embrace my sexuality and... and it made me feel so free..." Miles cried, "Freedom feels so good, and I always feel it with you both. I forget about hating myself... and it feels so good, you know? Being free?"

Zeus' hands creep to his neck to gently rub the area behind his ears, seemingly petting him and comforting him at this time of distress.

"I want to free you too, and I'll work hard for that to happen," says Miles, wiping his tears with his sleeve. "I owe you guys... and... I can't help but to... to actually..."

How do I even tell them I have feelings for them when that just feels wrong in this world?

Instead of continuing, Miles stood up and drops his files on the table between the two beds. This made Zeus release him, and Heidi's eyes to look at him.

"I don't want you two to be separated. I know it'll kill the both of you," he says sternly. "Please, let me help you. Please, trust me as... as a lover this time, not a toy..."

"What makes you think you're more than a toy?" Heidi questions.

How many times has he lied, now?

Miles swallows the rest of his fears and uncertainty, unbuttoning the top of his shirt. "Maybe I am, but it's consensual, that means we have some kind of relationship."

It's been days since I last slept with them...

Both brothers watch as he willingly took his shirt off, crawling between Heidi's legs and boldly touching the violent psychopath. "You're not forcing me. I'm not forcing myself, the victim, to ask you, the perpetrator, for forgiveness. I want it."

Heidi was too weak to look away when Miles shyly, but bravely, leaned in for a genuine kiss. Heidi didn't even want to look away. The chains rattled, heavy against his intoxicated limbs as their tongues danced together for a second.

"Heidi please..." Miles whispers, hands touching the dangerous, defined muscles of someone who literally attempted to kill him a few days back. "Didn't you punish me enough? Haven't I learned my lesson? I'm yours, aren't I?"

That just shot right through Heidi and towards his dick. It hardens at the sight and sound of Miles completely submitting himself to them. It was also seen in the silent Jihun's eyes. Miles just got sexier and hotter by the minute.

He wraps his arms around Heidi's neck, moving to straddle the younger Jun brother and slightly moaning when he felt the large, throbbing hard-on through Satan's pants.

Heidi, still so damn angry, runs his calloused hands up Miles' bruised torso, evidence of Zeus' treatment and how the teacher has accepted and even come to like that. Marks turn Heidi on so much, and he pulls Miles' curly hair back harshly.

"This is a dangerous game you're playing," Heidi growled in the most deadly voice ever heard by Miles.

"Mhh!" He winces in pain, "I... I've already graduated from being scared of your games..."

"Fuck," Heidi grunts, pulling harder as he feels the crease of Miles' ass hug his bulge teasingly. "You're such a little slut."

Miles committed another sin by growing aroused at the ugly insult. This whole relationship with the two brothers is ugly, without a doubt. But Miles won't let anyone, not even himself, interfere from the dangerous pleasure.

"Heidi," Miles whined, bending down to rest his forehead on Satan's own. "Please forgive me?"

Only here will the victim willingly ask the criminal for forgiveness. The world calls it unlawful; Miles calls it submission. It's just his way of expressing love.

The chains made noise in response to Heidi harshly pulling Miles down against his erection. Heidi may not have the strength needed for Miles' punishment, but it's he who needs to earn what he asks for.

Heidi nibbles on Miles' chest, fingers already pressed onto his waist and controlling his clothed bottom. Zeus runs a hand through Miles's ruined hair, turning his head for a sensual, possessive kiss.

Miles moans, rolling his hips and turning on both brothers even more. There's the feeling again; butterflies of lust and freedom swelling in his stomach. No one is here to tell him this is wrong. He is only guilty of not caring

Miles ends up taking Heidi's large package in his mouth as Zeus worked to loosen him up with lubricant. He felt full, but determined to satisfy these boys as they have done to him. I never thought this'd be happening to me... in this prison school...

Large, tatted hand grip his hair and abused his scalp as Heidi guided his mouth to take his rod, his tip hitting the back of his throat. Miles almost gags, but did his best to get used to it.

When Zeus curls his fingers on his insides, he mewls. The vibrations of his throat sent sensations in Heidi that he can't help but groan. "Goddamn it, you're making me want to fuck you till I break your bones."

Miles' eyes widened, gagging on the cock. Zeus disapproves of Heidi's extreme, morbid expressions of love, and instead comforts Miles with a kiss to the nape. He truly does feel Zeus' love, but Heidi's struggling to express his own feelings.

After another minute of Miles choking on Satan's dick, Heidi muttered to his brother, "I want him to [fuck] himself with my [dick]," in their home language.

And so, Zeus removed his slimy fingers while the other brother props Miles to straddle him. He whimpers at the feeling of Heidi's hard length under him. It's so scary, but he wants it so much.

"How far will you go for my forgiveness, fucking rabbit?" Heidi purrs, and Miles has never been so happy that Heidi didn't say his name this time.

Miles replied by nibbling on Heidi's bottom lip, before offering him his tongue to play with. Heidi twitches under him, and so his hands creep down to align his dick with the slimy entrance. The excess lube is enough to coat Heidi's tip, ready for insertion.

Then, Heidi hit home; making Miles scream too loud, and sudden, Zeus has to clamp his mouth shut.

Too late, because the intercom buzzed. "Sir, is everything alright in there? Requesting permission to come in."

Miles removes Zeus' hand. "No! I'm okay, I just—"

He yelps once more because Heidi had started thrusting to torture him. His insides was tight and delighted to have him inside, but not Miles. Because, they're about to get caught.

The intercom buzzed again. "Sir?"

"I'm fine!" Miles yells out loud because the average volume from the inside can't be heard through thick walls. The outside is completely soundproof though, and needs an intercom.

He lets out a whine because Heidi didn't stop controlling his hips and hitting his prostate with the large cock every time. Miles screams out, "Just fell!"

The intercom buzzed yet again, a voice of suspicion replying. "Do you not need any assistance, Sir?"

"Yeah Sir, any assistance?" Heidi playfully sneered as he pulls Miles' onto him harshly, making Miles cry at the usual bullying.

"Z... Zeus," Miles silently requests the other brother to buzz the intercom from the inside to avoid suspicion. Lucifer obliged, walking over to the door as Heidi mercilessly pounds a crying Miles Taylor.

Zeus buzzes the intercom, and Miles replies to the guard while suppressing his moans. "Everything is in order! N... no need for... ahh... intervention!"

Heidi had the gall to smirk as a very flustered Miles bounces on him willingly while talking to the guards.

The intercom buzzed. "Copy that, Sir. Please ring for any assistance."

Miles didn't hear that, he's too busy getting high with sexual torture. He has his head pressed against Heidi's neck whimpering high-pitched moans because of how his insides get attacked sharply.

"H.... Heidi... ohhhh Hei... di..." Miles moans against his neck, nails burying on the tattooed back of the psychopath.

"Do you think really you're forgiven?" Heidi smirks, his hands crawling towards Miles' bum.

"Mmhh... please...! Forgive already, you stubborn-"

Heidi suddenly pulls out, making Miles whine in protest. Heidi harshly claims his mouth as he inserts two of his fingers instead, spreading the loose hole that contrasts the tight insides. Satan then raises an eyebrow at his older brother.

"You seem to forget that you cheated on us, so you better open up, precious bunny..."



Miles' muffled whine was accompanied by his hot breath against Heidi's neck, when the man shoved his dick into him while his fingers are still inside.

"Take it and prove you can handle the both of us..." Heidi whispered, his deep magnitude of a voice sending waves of arousal inside of Miles. He can still feel Heidi's hate, and he does indeed want to prove something to him.

Miles offered a kiss to Heidi as the man's fingers pull upwards to stretch out his entrance, the large cock slightly moving inside. Miles whimpers into the kiss as Heidi releases grunts from his throat.

"Now, what kind of psychologist fuck and seduce their patients? Aren't you ashamed?" Heidi taunted, slightly thrusting inside and feeling the drugs wear off.

"I-ahh! I... I ahh, don't care...!"

Looks like a drug called Miles Taylor could cancel out the previous dosage. Heidi's high just by the smell of disgusting baby powder.

Zeus on the other hand, pressed onto Miles' back inhaling the very scent from his neck. Although Miles was slowly being infected with the brothers' own dark smell, the innocence still shines through.

Finally, Zeus joins Heidi after slicking himself up earlier on. The fingers were removed and now replaced with the equally large and dominating organ from a silently deranged man.

Miles gasps, feeling the discomfort. "Oh my go-!"

"He won't save you, fuck-bunny..." Heidi pulls on his open jaw to shove his tongue inside, just as Zeus starts to move fast from behind. He was truly being punished because it is painful and uncomfortable as all hell, so why is my heart fluttering?

Miles' moans became breaths of pain even if Heidi stayed motionless, shutting him up from screaming at Zeus' thrusts, by making out with him.

Too big... too big... He can feel his entrance go numb, but his insides are lighting up.

Zeus isn't any less mean, because he pulls on Miles' hair almost murdering his scalp and presses his nose onto his shoulder, directly biting and breaking the skin his lips touch. Miles starts to move up and down, also stimulating Heidi's cock that remained idle beside Zeus', which is violently pounding Miles.

"Tsk, noisy..." Heidi grunts, shoving two of his fingers in Miles' mouth as his other hand moved to assault the teacher's cock, which willingly twitches in delight.

Miles' eyes rolled to the back of his head, his whole ass feeling numb except his tingling abdomen and fluttering insides. He starts to meet Zeus' thrusts as he also fucks himself on Heidi's rod, tongue rubbing on Satan's digits.

"Fuck, you're such a beautiful slut!" Heidi exclaims, his hand going faster in pumping Miles' shaft. Satan's fingers did not hinder his moans and his throat continue to produce more sounds in response to the two dicks inside of him.

"Aungh!" Miles winces at another one of Zeus' bites, one spurt of premature cum throwing themselves out of his shaft and into Heidi's stomach.

"Feels good, huh?" That deep, teasing voice of his rang out. "How does it feel, Miles? Enough to stop you from kissing people?"

Miles whined, wanting to justify his actions but only chose to moan against Heidi's fingers, "Feehh fho goofthh...!"

Zeus grunts behind him, picking up speed that Miles struggles to keep up with. Heidi can be felt twitching inside, slightly thrusting as his brother continues with his pace.

Everything inside me is burning, but it felt like a big blue flame inside of a red one. The blue is way hotter, but feels painless and soft, while the red is all kinds of crazy. This is all kinds of crazy, but if I'm feeling this way then... screw it.

Screw me.

After a short while of being screwed, Miles finally releases on Heidi's stomach, staining the tattoos of animals and letterings on his abs and torso. Heidi bites his lips, hand milking out every single drop as Miles failed to notice his own ejaculation because of Zeus.

When the fingers were removed, Miles could barely cry out, "Heidi... I'm s... so.. hh... rry..."

"Are you really going to stay?" Heidi asks, this time softly while exhaling his pleasures out.

"I-ahh! I'll... n-never lea—uhh... leave..."


"No, plea... se!" Miles was going crazy from how they started to move simultaneously. "Please I... ahh... I lo-ove y-aahh!"

"Fucking liar!" Heidi exclaims, slamming Miles down creating magnitudes of pain. Who would ever love psychopaths who tormented you? Are you also mentally ill, baby bunny?

Whatever he was, Miles had wholly accepted it as Zeus exploded inside of him. Miles feels lightheaded from all the shallow breaths he's been taken, wanting to collapse while Zeus pulls out.

Miles had tears streaming down his cheeks and they landed on Heidi's face or neck. Barely any breath in his he sobs, "I... love you... b... both... Ji... hun and... Taewon..."

Even without the rough intercourse, Heidi still came inside of Miles with just a few sharp but violent thrusts.

Miles, too deprived of oxygen and pain littered all over his body from bites and bruises, collapsed and passed out in Heidi's arms. Satan has to swallow a lump in his throat, staring horrified at the unconscious human in his strong arms. His shocked eyes met his brother's, who just pursed his lips at him.

Scowling at the sleeping bunny, Heidi grumbles, "You fell for this weak ass homo?"

Zeus glares at him. "You did, too."

"Shut up." Heidi, still scowling, gently sets Miles onto his bed.

There, Zeus had on a light smile, which is a corner of his lips pulled up a micrometer, while cleaning Miles' body with a damp cloth. Heidi took charge of dressing him up just in case the guards come in, wondering why he never went out.

Hours later, they did, but a barely woke Miles sleepily told them off to leave him alone. He doesn't even remember doing that in the morning, which was quite eventful given that he had to fix two morning woods and his own.



Miles Taylor, covered up from neck to toe, enters the room assigned for Michael Tolentino, aka Zombie. There, he found Nougat sleeping, curled tightly beside the patient on the bed.

It looks so cute if it wasn't for Zombie in the risk of dying, Miles thought, bringing out a weak smile. He then walks closer to them, holding a batch of Hyacinths and fruit bought from outside the campus.

The room was brightly lit, and Nougat can be seen scowling while sleeping from how bright it is here. But then, hearing Miles settle the crinkling bag of fruits on the table, the blonde's eyes flew open and he hopped out of the bed.

"Miles...?" He gasps, immediately wiping out the dried tears and sand in his sleepless eyes. "I uhh... I hope you're not here to tell me off about my absences..."

"That's second," Miles smiles apologetically. "First reason I came here is for Zombie."

"W-well... g... good, because I hate watching over him!" Nougat claims with a tint of red-orange in his cheeks.

This made the teacher laugh knowingly. "Thank you for watching over him, then. But I don't mind you doing that. Maybe I'll excuse you from classes if you do."


Miles nodded, watching Nougat's eyes soften but then go stubborn once more. "F... fine... only because there's a bed here and I can sleep all day instead of being surrounded by lunatics."

"Of course," says Miles, smiling wholeheartedly, the sight making Nougat's ears go red. Miles really doesn't know how attractive he really is, and the effect he has on people. "Nougat, I also came here to apologize."

"You weren't the one who tried to kill me, or Zombie."

"I know, but..." Miles sighs. "On behalf of Heidi... I apologize. I didn't fully grasp the idea of him being a jealous psychopath."

Nougat rolls his eyes. "A kiss, over all things."

"Yeah... they have trust issues..." Miles walks over to put the Hyacinths in a vase, replacing its previous contents.

He chats with Nougat as he pours the dirty water on the bathroom sink and replaces it, before putting in the new flowers. Not explicit or personal topics, just relaying how SaLu is naturally dramatic so much so, Miles got used to it.

"And you're okay with that?" Nougat asks, in the context of Miles telling him how the brothers act in the presence of a bug.

"Yes, they really can accidentally murder someone," Miles smiles while adjusting the flowers, and Nougat watches. "I don't even think they'll feel remorse over an accident."

"But 6ft men jumping on you is kind of weird..." Nougat mumbles.

"Well, everyone's a little weird," says Miles, staring at Zombie this time. "His whole-body tattoos are weird, but you still like him."

This made Nougat burn in panic. "No, I don't! Ew! I don't like him, I'm in love with you!"

Of course, Miles chuckles at the obvious blush that rivaled make up.

"But... because Heidi hurt a teacher, he will be expelled and sent to jail if Zombie dies," Miles mentioned, sadly, sitting on a chair beside the bed and watching the patient's shallow breaths.

Nougat is aware of that fact, but the teacher's sad expression is new to him. "Why is that a negative? You'll be rid of a chore."

Nougat's words can be uncontrollably offensive, but Miles had grown to adapt to that way of speaking since he's in Carvalle Detention Institute. They're all insensitive to each other.

"I wouldn't want Zombie to die for that. I know you won't, too," Miles replies.

"Ew," Nougat scrunches his nose while looking away. "I...I could care less about him... even if he saved my life, he's still st-stupid for doing that. I'd rather die myself... than... than him..."

Nougat is blushing, quite obviously. But, Miles leaves this alone because he should realize his feelings himself.

"I guess so," the teacher stood up, "I have to get to class. Again, I am truly sorry. This won't happen again."

Nougat shyly mumbles, "You mean I won't ever get to kiss you?"

"Let's stick to friendship, for the better..." Miles replies, heading to the door. He turns around once with a smile, "You guys are more than students for me. I still love you, and the other children in my class. I want the best for you guys."

This made Nougat frown. Why are you too nice.

"You know, Zombie's right there," Miles giggles. "I think it's time for you to notice him and appreciate something for once."

When Miles finally exits, Nugget huffed while scowling at the unconscious patient on the bed. The hell's that supposed to mean?

a week later,


Miles held his breath, facing the busty, voluptuous figured Principal reading the statement from the school's board of directors. He hopes for the best, and he hopes for Heidi to be let off just this once.

Or at least, they should stop drugging him because it's getting painful even for Satan who constantly denies it.

"So," says Principal Victoria, making Miles shift in anticipation. "It seems that Michael Tolentino is awake, ever after the blood clotting in his brain."

Miles closes his eyes in relief. Thank God Zombie is well...

"But, that doesn't excuse the fact that Heidi is dangerous, Mr. Taylor," she says sternly.

"He won't do it again," Miles says. "I'll be sure of it. Just... don't chain him up or drug him, he'll get stressed out."

"According to your diagnosis here Mr. Taylor, he is no doubt very violent..." She says, scanning over the reports of Heidi's ASPD and recently observed MRI scans indicating triggers for a violent or manic episode. "They shouldn't even be here, given that they aren't the Kim brothers."

"You mean they'll be free?" Miles fidgets with his fingers. There was a spark of hope inside of him, but of course that had to die down.

"Yes; but Heidi will be sent to a Mental Institution, and Zeus will serve years in jail for the murder of his parents."

It didn't take a second for Miles to gasp out, "No! They can't be separated!"

"That's what the board decided..." She hummed. "Unless, you suggest that staying here in Carvalle Detention would prove beneficial for their improvement."

"They have improved here. They're better off here... Zeus even started talking to me, barely, but... give me more time, and I'll prove to you that they're better off here..."

Principal Victoria raised an eyebrow. "I don't doubt that you can do what you promise, Mr. Taylor. After all, out of fifty-six psychologists, all experienced and strictly trained... you, a scholar and fresh graduate, cracked the investigation."

Miles' heart leaped at the praise and recognition.

"But," she added. "How well will you guarantee that putting these brothers out of cells and into regular classes will not end up in students being murdered?"

Miles inhales a breath, "Please entrust me with taking care of them. That's all I can offer, and I guarantee results by the end of the year."

There was no speculation anymore. Principal Victoria taps her pen on the desk, eyes glazing over the criminal psychologists' notes and reports regarding on the brothers. Not to mention, his class is the only class to have an average grade of 72%. This isn't huge, but in a school full of delinquents, that's a huge change to the usual 31%.

I wonder how he manages to do that... The Principal thought. I might have to hire more male teachers, or amateur ones.

"Very well," she says. "I expect weekly reports, with even the littlest improvements. Every single improvement, okay Mr. Taylor?"

Miles blushed. He just had a flood of memories with all the consented abuse and unimaginable stuff that a duo of mentally deranged brothers have done to him. Hell no am I gonna write down everything. "Yes, of course."

He had never been so happy walking out of the office; knowing that although the brothers remain in this prison school, they still get to stay with each other.

the next day,


"I'm so happy to see you guys finally doing homework!" Miles exclaims upon collecting their papers.

But, upon reading them, he let out an angelic laugh, "...even though some of you just wrote, 'Dis bitch sick, spit sick rhymes' on an essay about Edgar Allan Poe's motives for writing."

"Not wrong, though..." They murmured.

"That might be my paper. Hah, I'm proud."

"I just wrote something about trees."

"I wrote something about Spongebob."

"... I didn't write shit except my name."

Miles sighs, "At least you guys wrote something, and it made me happy. Keep this up." He displayed a fearless, genuine smile contrary to the awkwardness he always presented before.

And half of the class felt goosebumps, seeing the virgin teacher more confident than before and that was damn attractive.

"I'm also glad to see you here in class, Nougat," Miles says to Carvalle's most beautiful boy, sitting there with a genuine smile. Zombie was still in recovery at the hospital, and finally, Nougat had the willpower to leave him alone.

Or rather, the willpower "...to not skip class anymore because why the hell would I stay for Zombie?!"

Nougat winks the teacher cheekily but without malicious intent, before the class starts. Later on, while they were copying notes (barely), one student brought up the topic about SaLu.

"Yo Taylors... s'it true that them SaLu gay for you or some shit?" A student from the back yelled out.

"Excuse me?" Miles responded.

Lace repeated, "Is it true that they're gay for you? Because you aren't just some claimed bitch if Satan almost murdered Nougat and Zombie for you."

To make Miles ever more uncomfortable, a lot of students murmured their suspicion, especially Arson who spoke out, "The other class heard Ms. Ally say you're gay."

Miles' lips quivered, but only Nougat notices it. Still, they continued with their discussion.

"Yeah no shit dude, SaLu fucks with him, of course, he's gay..."

"Straight dudes can get dicked and still like girls..."

"That ain't how it works."

"Yeah, ma' homie blows me once and none of us 'gay..."

Cya says, "I fuck around with Nougat but I ain't homo..."

Lace gives him a pointed look. "What about me?"

"Still not homo," Cya defends.

Finally, Nougat shuts them up. "It's not really your business if Mr. Taylors is gay. Stop it, it's creepy."

The whole class hollered at the irony of Nougat defending him. Miles felt so small in his seat.

"Come on N, we just wanna know the truth because that'd explain why he's so fuckable, you said so yourself..."

Nougat stood up in rage, "Leave him alone. If Satan heard you now, he'll skin you from dick to throa-"

"Heard what?"

The noisy children quieted down so that even a single leaf rustling can be heard in the room. They all stared at the doorway, even a stressed-out Miles and a shocked Nougat who immediately sat down.

Speak of the devils, and they shall appear standing like runway models on death row. Satan's back leaned on the doorway, half of his uniform shirt unbuttoned and his blazer wrapped around his waist, his jeans manually ripped. Zeus stood there with his shoulder against the other side of the doorway, arms and legs crossed wearing the proper complete school uniform but with a blue bandana tied around his neck instead of the usual necktie.

Some students even choked on their saliva at the sight of SaLu together in public, which had never happened in all their 3 years of being here. This was the only year they even went out.

"D-dude, I never thought they were Asian..."

"... math nerds just got scarier."

"Fuck, they're tall..." whispered a student.

"You're tall, too bro..."

"Yeah but I don't think I have the same BDE levels as them..."

Both brothers walked to the teacher's table, eerie footsteps creating visions of horror in the students. But Miles happily greeted, "Welcome to clas—"

Heidi grabs him by the jaw and pecks his lips, while Zeus randomly puts a tiny, stuffed chibi Godzilla on the desk as a gift. Miles bit his lips, turning red.

In a tiny voice he squeaks out, "Thank you, Zeus. Please go to your seats...?"

They obeyed like children, one of the students flying out of the seat beside Heidi's so Zeus can take it. Miles can't help but lose concentration all throughout classes, now. All because of Jihun and Taewon, who own him entirely.


"I didn't tell them, Miles!" Ally rushed to keep up with her fellow teacher, who accused her just by asking, "Why'd you tell them?"

"They said so," Miles muttered, passing through the hallways of students hurriedly since he woke up late and is now very late to class. The hallways are almost empty and only Ally's heels clicking on the floor can be heard,

"I didn't," Ally defends herself. "Okay, I may have said that you 'might be gay' because they asked me if we're together, but that is in no way telling them you're actually gay. Please believe me."

Miles looks back at the shorter woman, piercings gleaming and eyes shimmering with guilt. She then adds, "I'm sorry if I endangered you by outing you... I hope none of them attacks you... even if you gained such a famous reputation for being with SaLu, you could still get attacked by the boys."

None of them really will, Miles thought, shivering while remembering the steel eyes of both brothers. He tells her, "I understand, Ally. Maybe we'll have dinner later to catch up. Let's just leave this behind us."

"You're not angry anymore?"

"You provided an explanation, and I'm not one to be mean over something that's... actually true," he murmured. His heart still gets heavy at the thought of him being exposed, but being marked as "SaLu's Bitch," what is there to lose? Unbeknownst to him, he's still already heavily sexualized by the students even before the gay rumors.

"And you don't care that they know you're gay?"

Miles halted, his heart pumping to the adrenaline of embarrassment. He isn't sure, and his head is running with wild, paranoid thoughts that should only be reserved for when he goes to bed. "I... I don't think I'll care about... them knowing the truth."

How many times has he lied to Ally, now?

"That's awesome for you, Miles. S... so dinner, then... huh?" Ally shyly confirmed, causing Miles to give her a look. Then she blushed a bright red. "Wait, I don't like you or anything but... I've never gone out to dinner with anyone before... let me live my fantasy of going on a date for the first time?"

Miles chuckles since Ally after all is his first and precious coworker friend here in Carvalle. "You're gonna get me in trouble for that, but okay. Live your fantasy."

"The Principal won't know about this, I promise," she giggled.

I'm not worried about the Principal, Miles bit his lips, before kindly saying, "Let's just get to class, alright? I'm sorry that I blew you off like that, I shouldn't have assumed stuff."

"Okay..." She nodded, "Dinner's at 7, right? after your session with Zeus tonight?"

"Yeah, sure..."

Both teachers parted ways since Ally's class is on the other side of the building. There weren't any students in the hallways anymore, and all is silent since the rooms are soundproofed unless the doors are opened. That feature is necessary to ensure that no nearby classes are disturbed by the chaos that goes on in the other. When in reality, all Carvalle classes are chaotic.

Yet, upon entering class 3-C, Miles drops his books in shock at the chaos that went on in his own class. Everyone was screaming out both in support and in terror at the sight of Heidi pinning CYA on the whiteboard with murder in his eyes, shaking the thing as he smashes Cya's head on it.

"Heidi, what the hell?!" Miles screamed, rushing over to pull Heidi off of him. "Let him go! What do you think you're doing?!"

Heidi did not move from Miles' effortless pull, but he did refrain from murdering Cya by directing his attention to Miles instead. Cya couldn't even move against Heidi, and he has to be pulled away by Lace whose temple is also bleeding from the brawl. He also reacted violently to Satan's outburst.

"Stop doing this, you know what will happen if you keep being aggressive!" Miles keeps pulling on the much stronger and built devil to no avail. Heidi replied by giving him a glare so deadly, that he felt it in his knees.

With an equally deadly voice he growls, "I'm the King, I can get away with breaking his bones..."

"Heidi I swear, I won't visit your room for a week if you hurt him!" Miles screamed, making everyone go quiet in a second. Heidi raised an angry eyebrow, still suffocating Cya with his bare hands. Then Miles realized, That sounded wrong. "I-I mean...! J-just drop him! What did he even do?!"

Heidi didn't answer and instead picked up a chair to throw it toward Cya, but Lace lifted up another armchair and countered Heidi's.

"Don't fucking touch him!"

"I'll fucking kill him and you, fucking Wyners!" Heidi pushes the chair off their space and goes to grab Lace if not for Miles pulling on his collar to stop him again. "Heidi!"

"Patay ka na, Cya..."

"Cya in hell..."

"Who's hotter though, Lace or Satan?"

"What the fuck happened?!" Miles shrieks.

"Cya pressured Zeus to talk," says a sweet but negative voice from who else but Nougat. Miles looked around the class for Zeus, but there was no platinum blonde teddy bear in class.

"Where is he?" Miles asks, then stopped Heidi from attempting to kick Cya in the face while his classmates stop Lace from stabbing him with a snapped meter stick.

"This fucker annoyed Jihun so much, he tripped and fell on a switchblade!" Heidi yells, shoving Miles away.

The rest of the class, who has never heard of the name, murmured in curiosity about what it is. However, some had already concluded that it was Zeus' real name. Nougat mentions, "He's in the music room, I think..."

"Whatever Cya did was an accident, Heidi. You're such a brute," Miles says sternly, before snatching his hand and intertwining their fingers, much to Satan's surprise. Then, the teacher turns to his students before leaving, "Bring them to the clinic. I'll follow with Zeus to treat his injury."

A class full of delinquents really shouldn't be trusted, but the trust Miles has given them somehow reflected back. Several students, even the de Vera dormies who has a rivalry with the Wyners, helped the two involved Wyners up as Miles drags a pissed-off Heidi out of the classroom. This was the first time ever a class even obeyed teachers' orders.

"What is your problem, Heidi?!" Miles shrieks as he drags Satan towards the 2nd Music room. "I know you love your brother, but you didn't have to break Cya's ribs!"

Heidi, whose ears are red for another emotion other than fury, snatches his fingers away from Miles with a scowl. "Yes, I do have to break that little shit's ribs! And I don't love Jihun, I'm just fucking pissed!"

Miles stopped to stare at him, seemingly distracted by the unfamiliar color on Heidi's cheekbones that seemed so out of place. For someone so angry and so tough, "Are you blushing?"

"I'll break your ribs with my dick in your mouth," Heidi spat while jabbing a finger in Miles' chest. He avoid the topic completely by barging into the music room, leaving Miles with his mouth open in the hallways.

Satan was blushing.


There it was; the room that was destroyed by Heidi weeks prior. The beautiful Music room is still used as a storage facility, only that some instruments stored are those destroyed by Heidi in the great war of, jealousy. A soft tune was playing this time, in the melody of Aqua by a Japanese pianist, Ryuichi Sakamoto. It was gentle and soft; as quiet as the sad piece itself.

Miles sighs, seeing Heidi seated on the floor, his back leaning against the piano stool of which Zeus was sitting on.

"Oh my-" Miles gasps, seeing the piano bloody all over as the emotionless musician plays a tune over it, ignoring the ugly slice on the back of his hand. "Zeus!"

His fingers stopped, and Miles can very well see them tremble at the loss of blood. He ran to him, "You are bleeding! What are you doing playing piano like it's nothing?!" This is like the first time we came here, all over again.

"He's stupid," Heidi grumbles.

"Stop calling your brother stupid," Miles scolds him while trying to clean blood off the piano. Seriously, what is wrong with these—

"Act like my parents one more time and I'll have you calling me Daddy, bunny," Heidi suddenly spits, which made Miles' neck fluster. As a sinner, that has turned him on and it is not okay for him to do that while Zeus is bleeding.

With an awkward voice he mutters out, "Let's just get Zeus into the clinic..."

"Are you blushing?" Heidi mocks what he said earlier, using the same tone and exaggerated high-pitched voice.

Miles huffs, turning to scowl at Satan, but then he softens up instead. That may be a trick of the light but, Is Heidi smiling? And Miles didn't see the malicious or menacing grin, it was a real, unironic smile that has Miles' heart race until it broke its knees. "I... I better get Zeus to the clinic."

Heidi, the almighty Satan of Carvalle Detention Institute, just made Miles' blood pump wildly at the mere sight of his smile. A smile that wasn't supposed to be there, but a smile I loved, he thought. As Zeus was being taken to the clinic, he stares at this teacher wondering what the hell he's giggling about.


"I'm sorry that I forgot to inform my class about your issue," Miles mumbled as he bandages a silent Jihun's slit hand. He has cleaned the wound and it's not as deep as it looked like; it just bled freely and looked like a deep cut. "Now another student of mine is injured because of Heidi."

Zeus looks up to stare at his eyes, this time soft with a little hint of concern. He doesn't like Miles' sad and guilty tone. Heidi was sleeping in another bed, curtains drawn as he is still pissed at the Wyners who are lying on a bed across them. It was quiet in the room, nothing but the smell of fresh blankets and ethyl alcohol running through their noses.

"Information seemed to be what I'm not good at," says Miles, which Zeus listened even with defective ears. "I don't even know if I'll inform them, your classmates, about my sexuality. I feel like I'm not ready yet. Even if... if I don't have anything to lose, the uhm... paranoia is still there."

The disgust is still there, and it will return because of public exposure. What would they think of me? What would they say about a sexual identity that stemmed from an ugly past?

They wouldn't care. They're Carvalle students who don't care about anyone but themselves. But, Miles does. He cares a lot about what people close to him will think. Ally's feelings and views towards him probably changed since coming out to her. It's still there. The fear never goes away even after accepting yourself.

"There, all done," Miles announces, presenting Zeus with his newly wrapped hand. Lucifer looks curiously at it, wondering how Miles could fix it so neatly and perfectly, it's almost a sin. "You're really easy to talk to, Zeus. Even if you don't respond, you still listen intently."

No response.

Miles sighs, "Do you want to sleep? I still have to go back to 3-C and assign a proje—"

Taking up on the offer, Zeus pulls him back by the arm and into his arms, where Miles had no other choice but to be trapped. The teacher squirms as Zeus lays on the bed beside Heidi's, his arms tightly encasing Miles while he closes his eyes to sleep. "Not with me, Zeus! I have to go back to class!"

As usual, no response.

"Zeus! Heidi, help!"

"It's rude to disrupt someone's sleep, bunnybear."

What the hell is that? "You're not asleep! Please get Zeus off of me, I have to get to class!"

Unlike usual, no response. Once again, Miles is treated as a toy. This time, an angry one.

Miles tries to get out of Zeus' hold, but his fate was secured when these long, 110cm legs of his wrap around Miles like he's some kind of a body pillow. Flashbacks to what Heidi said about being Zeus' dead body pillow, Miles shudders.

These boys... when will I ever get a break from them?

Well, Miles is about to.



Nougat had snuck off after 10 minutes of Miles not returning to the classroom. He ran through flights of stairs just to reach the rooftop, unashamed of cutting classes yet again. The roof was exactly how he loved it. Isolated, breezy, and a lovely view overlooking the expensive Carvalle campus. It's a nice distraction if ever one needs to forget about Carvalle actually being a prison school.

Nougat isn't here for that. He's here for the man smoking with his legs dangling over the edge. There, a student sat with a bandage around his head still, and between his fingers are mint cigarettes.

"Z!" Nougat yells in the midst of catching his breath.

Zombie looks back at where the beautiful blonde boy stood, blowing smoke from his nose. With the sun glazing that vanilla skin and blue eyes, he seemed angelic, but strangely erotic blush crossing over his nose.

Emotionlessly Zombie greets, "Hey, Herzen."

Gulping nervously, Nougat slowly approaches him with his hands behind his back. "Hi, Michael..." He almost whispered, now directly behind the man.

"Why didn't you go to class?" Nougat awkwardly asks, his mind racing but his heart a steady train wreck. He watches the tatted man idly admiring the view from up here.

Zombie took another drag off his cigarette, "Because I can."

Nougat stares pointedly at the cig before taking it, "Smoking's bad for you."

But, he took one sip before throwing it over the ledge. Zombie stares at him blankly, yet the blonde knew that he finds it hot whenever he smokes.

"Your seduction is not working on me," says Zombie, still emotionlessly.

"I... I'm not seducing you," Nougat's eyebrows narrowed down as he realized that he was subconsciously doing it. He's gotten so used to adapting to the desires of any boy he's in front of. "I came here to see you."

"And why?"

"To thank you," Nougat says with a low voice. "You saved my lif—"

"You're welcome."

That just twisted Nougat's arteries in an unromantic way. In fact, he was simply hurt. The way Zombie said it was cold and dismissive. Does he not want to be around me anymore?

Of course, why would he want to be with a slut. Nougat felt hurt beyond belief.

Then, silence followed the both of them. Zombie felt wrong at the lack of a talkative Nougat and looks back at him, only to fall in concern at the red-eyed, tear-stained cheeks of him who cried silently.

"Why the hell are you crying?!" Zombie swung his legs to land on the floor in front of Nougat who is unattractively dripping snot.

"I don't know, it just... h-hurts..."

"I'm not in the mood for a pity party, Herzen," Zombie takes off his uniform blazer to attempt to rub Nougat's wet face clean.

"I can't h-help-fff... it," Nougat sobs, voice sometimes muffled by the jacket. "A... and if I did want a pity party, I wouldn't cry in... in front of... of you, idiot!"

Zombie stops harassing Nougat's face with the jacket and just lets the boy cry into it. He has a point. Nougat would never cry in front of Zombie; he has a bigger pride than homosexuals during June.

"Then, why are you crying?" Zombie asks.

Nougat sniffs, looking at him while covering his face with the jacket and refusing to let go. "I...it's b-because you're an idiot!" Nougat slaps him suddenly.

"What the fuck?"

Nougat keeps hitting him while sobbing. "Why would you face Satan like that?! He has broken through chains twice with his bare hands and you think you can pull a John Cena and wrestle with him?!"

Zombie stood there scowling neutrally, taking on the pathetic hits.

"And when I apologize or thank you, you just say you're welcome and not even say why you did it, you idiot! You're a damn idiot-!" Finally, Zombie had enough and entrapped the boy's waist with his tatted arms, and swung him around so Nougat's back is against him.

"Let me go! You're not a Knight in shining armor, you're a pumpkin man at a cornfield!" Nougat squirms and swung his legs around like he's being kidnapped. "Let me go! If you want to ignore me that badly, then ignore me!"


"No! Let me go, idiot!"

Zombie forces the boy's jaw towards him and shuts him up with a tear-stained kiss, courtesy of Nougat's breakdown. Both of them held their breaths, literally losing it at a kiss so different from their previous, lusty ones.

Nougat can taste the smoky mint on Zombie's tongue and he can't help but moan, pressing forwards to taste it more. But, unusually he was the one who pulled back this time.

"E-ew, my nose was runny..." Nougat sniffs, cringing in disgust. Zombie rolled his eyes and pulls him in for another kiss basically saying, Do I fucking care.

He didn't, and he enjoyed Nougat for all that he offers, this time genuine.

Maybe because, he was consciously active while being comatose and heard, felt, and understood what Nougat tries to desperately hide from him. Zombie knew everything, even more than what Nougat admits to himself.

later on,


Miles actually passed out in exhaustion, right in Zeus' arms in the school clinic. He has his back facing Zeus, where the man can freely smell the soft and innocent scent he was very much addicted to. The curtains were drawn, so nobody really knew about the teacher sleeping with Lucifer.

Only he was aware, when he feels hands creep under his opened shirt. It tickled, but it also turned him on and his eyes flew open. He slapped the hand away hissing, "Zeus!"

"Mmh," the man moans, continuing his sleep has his hands look for the warmth in Miles' body. The teacher squirms uncomfortably but managed to check the time. It's noon, and they haven't had lunch.

"Zeus, let go... we have to eat..." Miles mumbles, but again he was ignored. Zeus continued his sleepy touches until he got to the perked nipples, making Miles gasp at how he pressed the bud onto the flesh. "S... stop that... right now..."

Whispering his protests to a partially deaf person is really difficult especially if that person craves more of him, willing to ignore.

"Please, just stop...!"

Zeus' hands trickles down, ever so softly, making Miles mewl where he lay. The hand, still controlled by a sleeping man, moved its fingers to undo Miles' belt and free the arousal he hid inside.

"Zeus, we can't do it here," he whimpered, pushing onto the man's long legs to no avail. He was trapped, but secretly turned on and that was shameful to him.

Apparently, Zeus did not care where the hell they were laying at, for he crept his hand inside Miles' boxers and held the hard shaft inside. Miles, though disapproving, unintentionally thrust his hips at Zeus' hand.

Shame on you, Miles Taylor. He can even sense Heidi from the other side still napping peacefully. He blushes, embarrassed. Zeus squeezes him suddenly, making him yelp before pumping him dry.

"Wait, please... Cya and Lace...!"

It didn't hurt, but it did feel lacking and Miles wants more. How dare Lucifer turns him on at such an inappropriate time?

He did dare, because he pulled Miles into his own erection. The teacher can feel Zeus' soft, innocent breath on his nape thinking, This man is unbelievable!



Miles gasps at the soft voice from behind him, taken back by the mere two syllables. "Miles... Jihun..."


Zeus takes advantage of his shock by pulling his pants and boxers down to expose the shameful hard-on. Miles covers his mouth and moans into it, just as Zeus swings his long legs to encase Miles in them, hovering over the flustered teacher.

"Ji... hun..." Zeus says, his dark eyes staring straight at Miles who triggered goosebumps and an even harder arousal.

"O... okay... Jihun..." He couldn't be redder, looking down at the man who has his cock at the mercy of his large hands.

Upon hearing his name, Zeus broke eye contact and starts to engulf Miles in his mouth, enjoying the candy that is his dick. Miles gasps loudly at the warmth and wetness, bucking his hips because of his sensitivity.

Zeus held his hips down because if he thrust in his mouth, teeth might get accidentally involved.

"Ohh, Jihun!"

Hearing that name slip out of Miles' mouth in a hushed, hoarse voice sent electricity in Zeus' dick. He isn't experienced, but he followed his curiosity to play with Miles and makes him go insane. He bobs his head, hollowed out his cheeks, and makes sure Miles makes a noise every time he goes in deep.

In a low whisper Miles gasps, "J... Ji... hun...!" The name seemed to mold with his breath as he exhales.

Zeus takes him out of his mouth, replacing it with his hand as he furiously rubbed on Miles' shaft. There, he accidentally ejaculated vertically, some landing on Zeus' hands again, and a single drop splashing on his face.

And again, the innocent Zeus was very surprised because he planned to do more, if not for Miles already cumming. He just stares at the breathless teacher, then his twitching cock in wonder.

"S-stop staring, please..." Miles manages to breathe out. Why does this man look like an innocent child who just saw me defy physics?

Shame on you Miles Taylor, for letting an innocent man see you squirt like this. Before he can even clean himself, Heidi opens the curtain and sat there smirking at the two.

"Thought you were fucking, it sounded like it..." Heidi snickered. "Didn't know little horny bunny is just too sensitive."

"E-enough with your bullying, Heidi..." Miles mumbles, red in embarrassment. "We have to stop this, your classmates are-"

"Out. Shit's empty, you have been sleeping for 5 hours," Heidi snorts, which actually relieves Miles.

He wipes himself with his own handkerchief from his pocket, before hastily pulling his pants up while the brothers watch. "Seriously, I hate you guys for suddenly doing this without permission."

Heidi stares at his brother for a bit before saying, "Jihun calls bullshit on the permission."

Miles looks back at them, the two devils who made his heart jump and his hormones wild. Heidi had bedhead, newly woken eyes, yet still managed to smirk cheekily at him. Zeus had a neutral expression as always, and messy hair that reminded him of a newly bathed and dried cat.

"Let's just... go get lunch, okay? I forgot to prepare my lunchbox this morning because I was late," Miles sighs. Heidi opened his mouth to speak but Miles cuts him off before he can, "Stop saying I'm the meal!"

Heidi snorted, while Zeus pursed his small lips in silent agreement.

after lunch,


"Why does everything have to be about sex?" Miles complained to the children who went from talking about Clinical Depression, to possibly growing two dicks like how girls have two tits.

"We don't have girls here, so we have to make do," says one of them.

"Do your homie while there ain't girls."

"Bro, 'you saying you 'gon replace me with a girl, bro?"

"Nah bro, I still won't... 'You my bro... no girl's getting in between us."


Miles wants to disintegrate because they all have the attention span of a five-fingered plant. Heidi was passed out on his desk while Zeus was listening to Miles; still getting distracted by that Dino plushy in the teacher's desk that he can't help but stare at.

"Can we got back to talking about Clinical Depression, please?" Miles begs his class, getting sick from all their shenanigans.

"Ain't that when you feel sad for a month then kill yourself..."

Miles responded, "I just explained chemical malfunctions in the brain, it's a bit more complicated than that..."

One student raises his hand saying, "If I inject chemicals in someone's brain, will they get clinical depression?"

"No, that's not what-" Miles was cut off.

"Yeah, but you still kill yourself."

Miles stammers, "N... no, it's a phenomenon, not a cause-"

"I wish I can kill myself," says one of them.

"Why won't you?"

"My homie would be alone."

"Y'all the dumbest straight people I know."

"... there's a lot wrong in that sentence."

"There's a lot wrong with your cute ass."

"Bro, you have clinical depression because your brain be malfunctioning."

Miles was on the verge of impatience, but he was temporarily distracted by a knock on the door. There he spots one of the teachers in Carvalle, a woman no younger than 40 with a strict face and dark, curly hair. There were colorful tattoos that stood out from her oak-colored limbs.

"Miles Taylor, you're called at the office."

"Huh? Why?" He asks, walking towards the doorway. Zeus became alert at the sight of him leaving the desk, not keeping his eyes off the teacher while everyone else did their thing.

"I don't know but someone just entered Carvalle, went up to the office, and now I'm here telling you they need you up there," she stated, bored and uninterested. Then, she sets her eyes on Zeus, who has a blank but concerned expression. "Whoa, is that Lucifer? He looks so handsome in person."

"Y... yeah, uhm... I—" then, she saw Heidi wake up and lift his head, scowling at the noisy class who immediately quiets down at the sight of his threatening glare.

The woman covered her mouth, "Whoa, Satan's even hotter in personal..."

This is making me slightly uncomfortable, Miles thinks, heavily disliking how his fellow teacher is checking out SaLu and expressing her taste for the punk-looking Heidi.

"I'll go to the office right away," Miles grumbled, slightly irritated. He doesn't know if this mood swing is from his annoying class, or something else entirely.

later on,


Did I do something wrong? Miles' heart can't help but beat in anticipation. I submitted the report on time, right? I didn't let anything slip, right?

He starts thinking of the worst that could happen. It'll be weird if I get fired after the improvements on student rates, not to mention—

He finally entered the office, and there sat the scary intimidating woman that is Principal Victoria Paris, only now with a visitor in front of her.

"Ah yes, there he is. Mr. Taylor, can you please take a seat," she says, barely even smiling though her tone is welcoming.

Miles however, couldn't stop staring at the painfully attractive man in front of her, probably from East Asia. He was tall and had porcelain fair skin, with bright handsome eyes and a strong, proportionate nose. He also had dyed blue hair, a soft yet defined jawline and cheekbones to die for.

"Uhm... good morning..." Miles panicked turning red from embarrassment, "I-! I mean, good afternoon..."

He took a seat, cautiously eyeing the man across him, whose hands are in his pocket and his stance quite professional. He had an aura of professionalism in him and it's both warm and intimidating.

"Mr. Jun, this is Miles Taylor, our Criminal Psychologist and a teacher in Psychology," Principal Victoria says. "He's our best teacher here, and he handles Taewon and Jihun."

Wait what? Miles stares up at him in shock.

"Mr. Taylor, this is Shin-ho Jun; our new Arts Teacher," she told Miles, just as the man gave him a half-smile in acknowledgment. "He graduated as Valedictorian in Carvalle Institutes, Seoul Division. He has a student rate of 95% teaching Arts in Seoul. He'll be a temporary addition to our faculty, and serves as an observer for the rest of the semester."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Taylor," the man said in slightly accented English, offering his hand for Miles to shake. But Miles was too shook to accept it and he just stared at the man with utter shock in his features.

"Jun...?" He breathes out loud.

"Ah, yes..." The man gave him a wide smile so bright, it rivaled the beauty of the sun. "I am the 1st cousin of Taewon and Jihun."



Disrespectly kill yourself shi-hoe

Samantha Enda

Hopefully he's better behaved than the brothers. Poor Miles can't deal with any more unruly men!