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Carvalle is not a good place. To walk in here expecting a love story where the antagonist is a mere cheerleader or football player, is foolish. To expect the main character to fall for someone in an innocent, slow burn that one would fantasize for themselves, is foolish. To expect an innocent love story blooming into a healthy relationship, as one would wish in their lives, is foolish.

There is nothing innocent in this school. Nothing healthy. It is starving; crawling with blood and sin.

You would be undeniably foolish and irrevocably stupid to expect such a thing in Carvalle; you would be foolish to wish this upon yourself. You walk into a horror movie, a haunted house; do not expect to get a romantic love story and then complain about the horror. The real world isn't all positive, and some movies are just meant to be dark. Some villains aren't just cheerleaders and jocks.

Thena walked into Carvalle expecting a fairy tale. Thena Quinn had a dream to take care of her brother, and so she taught in a Catholic school where she expected a healthy innocent life in a religious, holy school. Lots had warned her that these schools aren't so holy. Yet unlike the movie viewers, she can't complain about the violence she was already warned about.

In her stay at Carvalle, Thena was a very popular teacher. So popular, she caught the eyes of the infamous Masked Twins from her homeroom class. They were annoying young boys who purposely failed their quizzes so she'll talk to them more. They would purposely misbehave in class to gain her attention. But, she made sure to not mind the 16-year-olds who have inappropriate crushes on their teacher.

"I know you guys just lack the attention of your parents. You go after those older to substitute for them... Mommy issues, as we call it in America. But boys," she held their hands in detention after they lit a classmate's hair on fire. "I love you as your big sister. And I will take care of you as one. I won't hate you for being menaces, alright? And you don't need to do bad things to talk to me. I'll be here for you guys, always."

Speaking of delinquents, the office called her in to investigate the infamous Gopher Student, Au. A student fell behind in his studies after he refused to show himself. Hiding around the school as he preferred isolation with his mysterious music. Thena was the sixth teacher assigned to straighten him up and convince him to take his studies seriously. None had any progress, until...

"Wow, you were composing songs? No wonder you lose track of time. What'cha got there? Come on, show me?" Thena contributed to Au's continuous disappearance, and instead of being an authority tasked to clean him up, she became a friend who stayed with the musician throughout.

Soon enough, Au started going to class, and never missed hers.

In another case of a student missing classes, she met a very sickly boy who was barely well enough to attend class. She met him a lot in the clinic. The sympathetic woman decided to help him, so she tutored a boy named Mavis in his very home. A bullied boy who only sought a friend saw kindness in Thena for the first time. This boy accompanied Thena at times when he wasn’t frequenting the clinic, and at times when she felt alone.

"Miss Thena, I made you a seashell necklace!"

"Aww, Mavis! This is so nice, I want to wear this on the beach now. Want to come with me?"

"I get sunburns... after fifteen minutes in the sun, and seawater... dries my skin and... gives me rashes... I don't think I should..." At his rejection, Thena pouts for a bit, while admiring the authentic seashell necklace handpicked from the beach. Mavis most likely searched these at night. "Uhm, but, Miss Thena... w-we can go to the pool at the... the afternoon. I can s-swim with you... in my place instead. I'll... p-put sand around it."

Thena's close friendship with Mavis lead to her close encounter with his cousin, Student Council President Frost. The more time she spends in the mansion, the more the young Prince gets to see her. Once, he stopped for the first time to admire her in the pool with Mavis, to which he got to see the beautiful Thena with a clacking seashell necklace, smiling so wide her eyes hide. But, those Hazels return when she looked up at Frost on the balcony, waving happily. The young Prince rolls his eyes and looks away.

"You know, Frost... you act like a grumpy grandpa with stiff knees. Come on, lighten up a bit!"

"What are you doing, don't touch that, you insolent woman!"

"Come on Frost, dance with me! Just have fun for a moment, you're already at the top of the class with nothing more to study! Come on!"

"Hey! This is harrassment—! I will report you to the offic—" Five minutes later, Frost found himself silent while being dragged around by Thena's shenanigans. The way her long skirt dances in motion, her hair flying gracefully, and her smile lighting up the room, it rendered him submissive to her charm.

But, their moment was halted when someone opened the door, and Frost's already sour mood turned even sourer.

"Had fun?" Thena genuinely smiled at the new presence, Frost witnessing exactly where her heart lay. And that

Her relationship with this one person prevented the others from pursuing her. Of all people, this is the one man who stole her heart. And despite her vows to stay professional, she gave herself to this man.

"Miss Thena, you put on a lot of blush today."

"Oh Father Daniel, do I really look that red?! Hahahaha, a little someone just delivered yellow tulips to the office, and I can't stop thinking about it. European tulips are expensive!"

Father Daniel stared at her in disapproval. "Are you sure about him, Thena? I thought you had an argument when you were extra close with Frost last week. It's too much to get jealous on such a shallow reason."

"Oh, he's just being romantic. You know how you men get all insecure and possessive. I told him Frost is nothing to worry about. He of all people should know that Trump-student puts business over hoe-ness."

"Thena..." The priest sighs, terribly worried over his colleague. "... his behavior all throughout the school... his confessions. He's not a good guy. There's a reason his previous girlfriend quit school and got disowned, didn't you even think about that?"

"Father Daniel, they broke up because of her quitting school, he was a nice guy and he still is. Look at these tulips, aren't they fresh?"

But again, Thena expected a romantic love story, when Carvalle is a horror movie.

"Stop hurting Mavis! No, no please! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!"

"STOP HURTING THEM! Don't you dare hurt the twins, what is wrong with you?! That's it, we're done! You can't just beat my students up for simply being students! It's my responsibility to teach them and none of it was romantic or sexual!"


A knot bonded her to a monster. Father Daniel had warned her, and yet she went on. a month later...

"We're gonna be a family Thena, aren't you happy? We're gonna be so happy... hey," Thena's lover knelt before her, ignoring the tears of the reluctant woman. "They're gonna be as beautiful as you. Don't worry about support, I don't even need to graduate, we can go buy a home right now. Make a nursery... all will be pink, your favorite color. Their bedroom will be fit for Princesses, and you, my Queen..."

"..." she tightly shook her head as if the action will son electrocute her. "N... n..."

"What, my love?"

"N... no..." she barely croaks out, voice cracked and barely there. "No, I can't... I can't... raise them around you... you'll hurt them..."

The Father of her babies scoffs. "Now, why would I hurt the angels? They have done nothing wrong, they are innocent and perfect..." He then grabs Thena by the cheeks, squeezing them harshly. His voice remained soft, "Unlike you... who broke all the rules, and acted like a slùt. I would never hurt them, Thena. I want them to look as beautiful as you, but I'll make sure they won't grow up a whóre like you!"

Carvalle was Thena Quinn's dream. But this school is a nightmare.

Hermes Quinn walked in with a dreamcatcher in his heart.

"Good Morning, Mr. Quinn."

"Good morning! You're so handsome today..."

"Thanks for the high grade despite spelling mistakes, Mr. Quinn... you're the best!"

Their teacher smiles back at them, "Just be sure to not make it a habit, okay Trick?"

Hermes Quinn entered his class, but his smile fades upon seeing a happy Mavis in the front, and a prideful Frost as usual. Still, he does his best to be professional. "Good morning, class. How are your essays? Hopefully, a hundred words aren't too much?"

"Mine is 98 Mr. Quinn, is that okay?"

Hermes purses his lips disappointingly, "Find a contraction and just separate them, Genie. Isn't, is not. Couldn't, could not. At least two so you can get 101."

"Awww... but that's easy so thanks, Mr. Quinn. I'm not gay but I would blow you."

"Excuse me? Please refrain from inappropriate language," Hermes glares at the student, but his lips smiled a little bit because of their silly banter.

"Hey, I don't need to be gay. I'll blow you, Mr. Quinn. Gawk gawk twist twist."

Hermes looks horrified, "Students, what the fù—"

"Good morning everyone," says a new presence from the door, the appearance of a tall man in professional black robes making the female students squeal and the male students who skipped confessional pretend he doesn't exist. Father Daniel smiles at their teacher, "Mr. Quinn. May I have a word?"

Students start to whisper among themselves. "Shìt, this is because I confessed I like him at confessional..."

"Father Daniel or Mr. Quinn?"

"I have two holes and I want them to use three."

Mavis is curiously looking between the two Carvalle teachers, while Frost's attention is now purely on Hermes' reaction. Without even looking at the visitor, Hermes smiles to keep the situation light. "Forgive me Father Daniel, but I have a class to teach."

Father Daniel smiles back and casually slaps pieces of paper on the door, aware of his superiority in the hierarchy of teachers. "I need to do this with every teacher, Mr. Quinn. You're not the last, and I don't have all day."

Shìt. Hermes bites his lip and gives Frost a look, since he's the only one who knows the situation between him and his ex-lover. Still, it's part of the job as Hermes keeps his head down and excuses himself to the class, allowing them to make noise now that the teacher exited the room.

"Father Daniel is so hot!"

"Pleaaase, I'm 20 already!"

"I'm so gonna be a teacher in Carvalle after school..."

"Hahahaha look at the boys being bitter... can't relate since we haven't had a hot female teacher since Miss Thena."

"What do you mean we can't relate? Mr. Hermes' man-àss is hotter than y'all's, fùck off."

"EWWWWW, gay!" All of them laugh and echo fun in their classroom.

"It's not gay if he has a female áss and we just like the áss! You have àss too."

Frost stares at the door, before calmly tapping his pen on the table and softly demanding, "Quiet."

And just like that, everyone was quiet without a peep. Meanwhile, Hermes is outside the classroom with Father Daniel, the hallway quiet enough for Hermes to hear his own heartbeat.

Father Daniel gave him the paperwork. "Sign this for your participation to the Annual Carvalle Festival before Christmas break. Since you're new and this is your first Festival, I printed out the usual schedule and documentation of previous Festivals so you'll know what to expect."

Wow, he did a lot... Hermes thought while flipping through the brochure Father Daniel made for him. After he signed, he softly says, "Thanks for this. I'll go back in, now."

"You have to answer the survey first, it's on the first page that you signed. The participation slip is on the last page," the superior instructed, the mistake making Hermes nervously chuckle and correct himself.

It's so awkward. Just answer randomly as quickly as possible.

"How are you doing in Mavis' mansion? I hope nobody is bothering you?"

Hermes looks up to give him a, I don't want to talk to you look, "Frost and Mavis would never bother me."

"I just want you to be safe, Hermes. We still had something, I still love you." Father Daniel wouldn't take his eyes off the teacher. "Knowing you stay with them keeps me up at night."

"Well, you should know I won't be safe with you either," Hermes gives him a sarcastic smile before slapping the paper back to him, but keeping the brochure. "Whatever we had, it was just sèxual. You promised me your dìck if I become your partner, don't you remember? I doubt I even loved you."

Turning around, Father Daniel holds him back by the arm. "You're gonna regret this--"

"People died because of you!" Hermes angrily whispers, facing Father Daniel. "You are a terrible, terrible person and the reason I haven't reported you is that they'll dismiss me as a conspiracy theorist! I will never love a corrupted priest who hits people and exposes students, I'd rather fùck a woman than you!"

"You are so stupid as to think you can stand up to him. The boys get hurt because of you, they can't stand up to him. Only I can, and only I can protect you!"

"Do I look like a damsel in distress to you, Daniel?! Do I look like I need to be protected? I already came face to face with him, and he's just like any other man. I'm gonna fight him like one."

Hermes gathered the courage to pull his arm away and seek refuge inside his classroom, the stress in his face and his loud entrance confusing the students.

Mavis was the only one who expressed concern for their heavily-breathing teacher. "M... Mr. Quinn?"


"Are you okay?" another one spoke up, all while Frost is quietly scowling from the back. They giggle, "You look like Jerome found the keys to your bedroom."

"Hey, I am not a molester!" the accused student defends himself, "I only do that to my roommate, so I already have the keys."

Hermes took advantage of their arguing and sits on his desk, organizing his stuff in an attempt to calm himself down. Frost is concerned, but once again masks it as he doesn't want to look like he and Hermes are even friends. Mavis looks very sad for him, though.

"Everything is fine, guys," Hermes tells his students, "I'm just uhh... really nervous because it's gonna be my first Annual Festival with you. I don't know what to expect."

The students burst out in excited chatter, as the event is a really big deal for Carvalle.

"Contests! Sports! Performances, oh my god it's really awesome!"

"We can sell the sweets or products we made for charity, too!"

"Teachers will be so busy I can make out with whoever I want!"

"I can drown whoever I want!"

Their enthusiasm cheered Hermes up a little bit. "Okay guys, don't put yourself on the FBI watch list, now. You already take credit for Wikipedia articles, don't make them give you credit for the killings."

Some people snort, most boys teased each other, but some look genuinely sad and uncomfortable at the mention of that. But, it's reality. The school is currently dangerous. But, Carvalle doesn't care about them.

"Hey, I'm sure there will be additional security. And remember what I told you, go together in threes. Hide some pepper spray, okay guys? Girls?" Hermes tells them, genuinely concerned about the safety of these brats.

Hermes' eyes end up on Frost's, who isn't looking at him at all. He then looks at Mavis, who he offers a tight smile.

that Friday,

Hermes gives the cashier a smile as he hands his ID and cash to pay for what he's bought. He's not really one for wine; his lack of exposure to it results in his weak tolerance. Hermes Quinn stayed away from any influence of drugs and alcohol all his life, because he is too focused on his future.

He had bribed his personal driver a lot of money to detour him to the nearest city two hours away instead of the mansion. Opening another book that Thena reads, he uses it to feel closer to his beloved sister.

Even if you may have killed yourself... the school still gave you your death. He led you to it. You didn't deserve your fate.

And throughout the drive, he consumed beyond half of the bottle, thinking of nothing but revenge and his sister. And if he has to trample some hearts to end this all, then I will end this all, Hermes thinks while rejecting the glass and downing the bottle itself. He can feel the crinkle of a foil sachet in his pocket.

Arriving at the mansion, a certain someone was in pajamas, arms crossed and one knee bouncing in worry. Mavis has a nurse standing by him and he ran down the stairs once Hermes arrived with the car.

"Hermes! Hermes, it's 11pm! C-Carvalle doesn't l-let you work o-over 9pm, don't they?!"

"Mavis," Hermes exits and does his best to stabilize himself, a little bit tipsy yet not insanely drunk. "I just... bought something in town. I'm fine."

"Are you okay?" Mavis holds him up, but his strength isn't enough. Thankfully, the driver helped them both. "Nurse! Nurse, help!"

"I can walk," says Hermes, demonstrating by walking on his own and fighting the spin in his head. "I just want to rest."

Mavis dismisses the staff in respect for Hermes, before telling him, "I'll... take you to your room...?"

Hermes smiles at him, although it was empty and sad. He now observes the many bandages that wrap around Mavis like he's loosely resembling an Ancient Egyptian mummy. Probably the bruises that came from anemia. "Sure, Mavis..."

The young man calmly holds his hand while they walk up the grand staircase, a drunken Hermes' eyes wandering around the beautiful marble-gold mansion and a chandelier that could only contain real diamonds for it to create such an intricate reflection. Every time Hermes sees that thing, his sister's screams and the sound of her guts being pierced is the only thing he can hear.

So, he looks away, and his eyes land on a portrait of a little brunette boy with a regal and elegant woman, paired with a taller man with killer cheekbones and piercing eyes. The man is wearing a beige suit, the woman in a seductive red long gown, and the little boy in an innocent pretty white suit with a french tie.

"Your parents are so good looking..." Hermes finally comments on it after months of coming here. They arrive above the stairs and Mavis looks up at the portrait as well, with Hermes glancing at him to try finding resemblances from such a beautiful couple. "It's impossible for you to be ugly. You're such a handsome guy."

"I... I know you're just drunk," Mavis shyly replies, squeezing his hand as Hermes walks to the painting where he reads the plate below it. "I'm... not really that good looking..."

"Oh shut up, you're so pretty," Hermes chuckles, taking his hand away from Mavis to curiously touch the painting. "Back when you put on concealer and a lip tint? Ahh, you made me so hard back then..."

Mavis' eyes widen at the word dump that came from Hermes, but he didn't take offense and instead smiles widely. He thinks I'm pretty... and desirable...

Meanwhile, Hermes is having trouble reading the plaque. "Levi... Le-vogue...?"

"Ahh, that's Levough," Mavis steps closer and points at the word to correct him, "That's my last name."

"It's familiar," Hermes mumbles, blinking hard so he can focus despite the slight lack of control. "Léy-vóh?"

"Levough," Mavis repeats, "Uhm... t-the Levough clan was... the one who founded C... Carvalle Schools..."

Only then did Hermes recall the name of his own employer, and he is very much shocked that Mavis is the one and only son of what seemed to be the world's wealthiest family, if only their real wealth can be exposed to the world.

Levough. The family responsible for Carvalle schools all over the globe. A very rich family who caters only to the rich. Carvalle isn't their only business, they have a whole empire all over the world. With Carvalle schools in each country, their income goes beyond an average family business. And for that, they own billions for something that may not just be education, for this family is hiding another source of income that rumors are always trying to surface.

"... you're a Levough," a drunken Hermes repeats in awe, now looking at the orphan who owns an empire, even though the power will be given to his much more capable cousin. "Mavis, I... never knew you were the richest student in Carvalle."

Frost may be the King, but Mavis owns the Kingdom. His parents had died when he was young, and everything was left to him, the sole heir. This 20-year-old young man was the youngest billionaire since he was only 8.

"Even... if Frost takes over... the business..." Mavis softly says, admiring the plants before the portrait. "... the property... company... money... is still in my name. Carvalle... is still mine..."

"I didn't expect you to be like that... and I didn't expect it to be this much!" Hermes exclaimed. He then looks back at Mavis who is giving him a light, admiring look. "Not that it matters... I'm happy you're not as spoiled despite being a Levough."

"I promise I'm not spoiled... I've always wanted to work... do my own laundry, clean my room... I... I wanted to do a lot of normal stuff," Mavis mumbles, turning around to hide his fluster from Hermes' many complimentary.

Hermes happily wraps an arm around his shoulder, surprising him. "See, you're not so bad. I honestly see you as a normal student. Well, other than your kinks... I guess having a maid-kink made sense when you're always surrounded—"

"Hermes, you're drunk, please don't talk about that!" Mavis gasps out, pulling the teacher to his bedroom which fortunately is the closest room to the entrance. "Why did you even drink anyway, you're talking nonsense..."

"I just feel alone... just like everyone else. We're all alone in reality," Hermes mumbles as a weak Mavis dumps him in his bed. "I hate this school. I hate your school... such hell..."

Mavis agreed, but disagreed, "It's barely m-my school... board members control stuff... and... and Frost handles stuff for me... j-just because it's in my name, it's... not really mine..." Just like you're not mine, Hermes... it's too bad I can't court you...

"Do you want Carvalle?" Hermes sits up with his elbows, his tired eyes staring at a standing Mavis. "Like, do you want to take over?"

"... my parents want to." Walking to his bed, Mavis carefully takes a seat beside a nonchalant Hermes Quinn. "But I know I can't... Frost is better..."

"Will he really be the one to take over?" Hermes properly sits up to face him.

Mavis didn't answer the question directly, because he is unsure. "Frans... might return to Russia... when he turns 21... his family... also left a company for him t-to manage... our families... both have empires."

"About Frost's Family..." Hermes mumbles, a little out of his mind. "... how did he come to stay with you?"

"F-Frans..." Mavis turns sad, slouching on his seat. "Frans was... the only sur... survivor of... an assassination. He... lost his parents..."


Mavis sadly mumbles, "Assassinations are very common in Mafia famili—" Mavis slaps his mouth.

"Mafia?" Hermes caught that despite his tipsy state. Mavis is staring straight and just glancing at him from the side quite nervously because he slipped. Hermes sits closer to him and softly takes Mavis' hand off his mouth. He made sure to get closer to him, "Mavis, what about a Mafia? Is Frost's family a Mafia?"

"I..." Mavis turns his head and is a little distracted by how Hermes is so close to him. He feels like the wine he breathes out will get him drunk as well. It tastes sweet. "I-I-I can't..."

"Mavis," Hermes says in a way a parent would say to a dog refusing to reveal what it just ate. "Tell me, and maybe I'll give you a kiss..."

"K-Kiss...? B-but, I can't..."

"Why, is Frost gonna hurt you?"


"When why not tell me?" Hermes was already holding his wrist when he snuggles his cheeks onto Mavis' bandaged hands. He sensually whispers, "I want to get to know you guys... so tell me..."

Mavis gulps, unable to handle seduction, even when he's aware this is manipulation. It's Hermes, so he doesn't mind.

"Frans... we are related... th-through one of our rela... relatives, marrying... he... his family owns the Schliemann Mafia from Russia. Mafia that creates m-many weapons. Th-they're the richest in Russia... but, his parents didn't agree to the uhm... the government's demand to supply the military... so... the government assassinated his parents..." Mavis doesn't like telling this story, but Hermes is rubbing his arm softly and he doesn't want him to stop.

"T-to protect the last heir, they put him to us... to the Levough... only Frost knows... where the military weapons are... s-so, he has... to be hidden..."

"Frost is a Mafia boss," Hermes whispers to himself. He looks tired, but is still interested in the sudden revelation. "... what happens if he takes over your company?"

"The government can't touch him anymore," Mavis answers. "He'll be the most p-p-powerful man... on earth..."

Powerful... If Frost has the ultimate power and crown of the school, why is he still under someone? More reasons to keep Mavis under my belt.

"I-I have to go, Hermes... please sleep well..." Mavis offers a gentle kiss to his temples, making Hermes even more nervous.

I'm terrible. Mavis doesn't deserve this. I'm fùcking terrible...

But if you don't do this, they and the students will be in more danger. It's a snowball effect and you have to roll the ball—

Shut up, Thena!

Hermes swallows his guilt and holds back the 20-year-old, thinking it's for the best, too. He has to break the rules, and it all starts with Mavis.

"Mavis, baby... I don't want to sleep yet. What else would you like to do? In life, I mean? Something normal that you'd like?" Hermes asks him, pulling Mavis back enough to send him sitting on the bed.

Hermes plants his hands a little bit behind him and leans back, distracting Mavis a bit with the innocent yet assertive look in his eyes. "O-oh, uhm... I've already gone ziplining... wh-which I don't remember b-because I passed out after four seconds... and u-uhm... jet skiing with Frans... cooking with Gordon Ramsey, b-b-but his scream made me pass out..."

That made Hermes snort in amusement and lightened his mood.

"Nothing else?" Hermes lifts his head curiously, but that only brought attention to his collarbone and glaring charisma that made Mavis even more nervous. "What about with other people, Mavis?"

"W-well, thanks to you, I... I got r-rid of my v... virginity..." He mumbles, looking down while swallowing his attraction. "You're the only one... I did something with... besides Frans... n-not the sèx though, I-I-I don't have sèx w-w-with Frans..."

His awkwardness once again amuses Hermes.

"Did you get rid of your other virginity?" Hermes asks, scanning Mavis' body to give a clue on what he's referring to.

That made Mavis blush and avoid looking at the drunken teacher. "O-other?"

It wasn't innocence, Mavis knew what he was talking about, he's just too shy and nervous. If he didn't, this anemic wouldn't blush furiously. Hermes chuckles and leans towards him, "Have you ever looked at me that way?"

"Wh-what way...? I mean... I do like you..." Mavis could barely look at him, but he did his best.

"Have you ever looked at me and think about going inside?" A tipsy Hermes teases him, even raising an eyebrow as if making fun of Mavis' unrequited love. But then he turns serious, even with a smile. "You're a good guy, Mavis... you deserve the world. I think you deserve the full experience, only if you want to."

"Uhm... H-Hermes..." Mavis is bouncing his knee nervously.

Hermes doesn't want to press further and force him, so he just laughs dismissively and stands up. "If you're not into that, I understa--"

Before Hermes can take a third step forward, Mavis spoke out with a deeper and more serious voice than his cracking one, "I only want you to touch me."

Hermes stops and his breath hitches. He is now having second thoughts.

"H... Hermes..." Mavis called out, "Do you... l-like me enough... to help me...?"

Hermes turns around, his eyes a little red from how intoxicated and tired he is. Although, he still has sanity, even though he's insane enough to be seducing the richest man in Carvalle.

Because he didn't move, Mavis recalled how assertive Father Daniel was, and maybe Hermes is attracted to such personality, so he tries being assertive as well. Even though it's such a failure, he is celebrating because Hermes straddles him and they start making out...

The wine he consumed was sweet, even though it was dry red wine. Mavis can't support his weight so now Hermes is on top, his lips tugging on Mavis' tongue and the young man gasping at the sudden blood that rushes into his member.

Hermes took care of that with his hands, sloppy yet tight enough for Mavis to whimper under his hold. Hermes breathes out, "Hmm, you like that... ? How's this, baby... ?"

"Hermes...! Ahh~" Mavis moans out, snuggling against Hermes' neck and reaching up to touch him. His hands curiously travel from waist to his chest where his trembling hands desire to unbutton his shirt.

"Yeah, you love me, right?" Hermes mumbles with the alcohol fueling him, leaving Mavis' member to expose his own còck. "Don't you wanna go inside...?"

"Inside you...?" Mavis squeaks in the most nervous of voices, laying on the bed and moaning at how Hermes' hips are softly grinding on him.

"Just this once," Hermes mumbles, also unbuttoning Mavis' shirt very slowly, his fingers brushing his chest sensually. "I want you... to taste everything life has to offer... including me..."

Life is fragile, and so is Mavis. But a drunken Hermes is able to take care of him gently, even though his amateur moans sounds like he's in pain.  That is far from the truth; Mavis is rolling his eyes back in pleasure and keeping his mouth open with moans as he welcomes Hermes' mouth into his dìck.

He especially felt more aroused seeing Hermes strip on his own while sucking him, and is now slowly pulling Mavis' pajamas to his thighs.

I can't believe I've been fùcking rich Mafia dícks... my life was meant to never be normal... Hermes thinks as he deepthroats Mavis to the point of shoving his cóck beyond his larynx, his throat causing Mavis to gasp out loud when pulling away.

"Oh shìt! Oh sh-sh..."

"Shhhh," after slipping the condom on it, Hermes kisses him from his abdomen, to a bandaged stomach, then to his chest, then to his neck where he kisses Mavis for comfort. "Tell me to stop if you want, baby..."

"N-no, no I w-want to... t-to try..." Mavis whimpers as a beg, completely submissive to the sexy individual in front of him. "Hermes, I love you..."

"How cute," a drunken Hermes says, yet not drunk enough to not process that. It made him guilty. However, Mavis wanted this. It'll be a shame to back out... shìt, I should, but... "You're so cute, Mavis..."

Hermes aligns himself with Mavis' virgin dìck, the lube dripping from his àss to the condom covering the waiting còck. There, Mavis had trouble breathing properly when he finally felt the sensation of entering someone.

"Breathe, Mavis..." Hermes commands, but his hips  match that of his instructions: "In, out... in, out..."

It's exactly how he's treating Mavis' tip, rubbing it in and out of him. It actually helped the inexperienced young Master to breathe, but it was once again taken away when Hermes sinks half of him inside.

"Oh shìt—! S-so warm! Hermes!"

"Try clenching your áss, it'll feel so good," Hermes moans, feeling the hard shaft stretch him under there. "God, Mavis... I'm gonna..."

It was Mavis who moaned out loud when Hermes properly sat on him, the warmth and sensation of tightness overwhelming him as well as the prodding of Hermes' insides bothering the guts of the teacher. Well, seducing a person of interest takes guts, and Hermes offers himself to Mavis.

"Do you like that?" Hermes genuinely asks him.

The young man sniffs yet nods his head enthusiastically, "I-it feels so good... y-you feel so good..."

That's what they said, Hermes throws his head back and starts riding Mavis, whose bandaged hands are all over his body like a sinner repenting to a statue. Mavis pulls him a bit closer, so he can squeeze his chest and run his hand all over him. All while Hermes is holding one of his hands, gently yet expertly moving his hips to give Mavis the full experience.

"Mavis..." Hermes whispers, moaning out his name especially when the other male starts thrusting his hips up to give pressure to the act. "Ahh, shìt baby... so impatient..."

This is why I hate fùcking those younger than me, they're so... Except Frost and Rain, in which the latter 20-year-old fùcks like an old man from a BDSM club. Hermes isn't thinking about them currently, but he can't help but think about his life choices and what led to him fùcking these men.

"Hermes! Hermes...! H—" feeling his familiar ejaculation coming, Mavis suddenly pulls Hermes to his back and hugs one of his legs, now kneeling while fùcking the man he's admired ever since he stepped foot in Carvalle. "Shìt, th... this is... the best! Ohhh, god! Hermes, y-you feel the best!"

A surprised Hermes became a little light-headed when Mavis slammed him to the bed and took the lead, fùcking him like a desperate and needy lover. The adrenaline rushed to Mavis' limbs and gave him temporary strength.


"Shít, I love you! Hermes!" Mavis releases his leg to wrap it around his waist, bending to hug Hermes and take a grip of his hair. The former virgin thrusts inside him with so much vigor, it feels like a soldier who just came home and finally fùcked his spouse after 10 years. That's how hard Mavis thrusts in him; and though it's not the type of fùcking Hermes is into, it did the job of turning him on so much, he had to reach in and rub himself.

"M-Mavis... y-you're... s... so..." Hermes moans out, but his hands are stopped by the other male.

"N-no, I want to make you cùm... I want to... please hold on..."

Is he edging me? Just as Hermes wondered if Mavis is okay, the young Master let out a pleasured cry against his neck, abruptly stopping his thrusts. Then, he pulls out to rip the condom off himself, coming all over Hermes' balls and áss, as well as the plump skin between them.

"Mavis..." Hermes wants to know if he's okay, because Mavis is even paler than he was before.

However, Mavis gained enough energy back to shove two fingers inside the freshly fùcked hole and bends them to poke the prostate two inches from the entrance, making Hermes gasp out loud. Mavis then proceeds to suck him vigorously, taking it in like a candy cane he was deprived of from Christmas.

I want his cùm... Hermes' cùm, I want all of it... The more Hermes yells out in pleasure, the harder Mavis shoves his fingers against the prostate, tongue massaging the shaft and sucking on the tip.

With this, Hermes ejaculated, and Mavis did not spill a drop of his cùm. The intoxicated teacher had to observe what he brought himself into, getting turned on with how Mavis swallows everything and cleans him with his mouth.

Oh, shít... Hermes can still see the lust in Mavis' eyes. Gone were the wide, sleepless, curious, and innocent eyes of a virgin 20-year-old. Mavis looks up at him with half-lidded, hooded eyes whose darkness only accentuated the lust drenched all over them.


Angel Bunny

Oh nah, where did that strength come from? Was he always that strong? Will he stay that strong? Goddamn!


Yes I’m loving the strength