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five days in recovery,


"Sirs, it's been five days, visitors aren't allowed yet, the patient is still—"


Just as Ray screams, another masked individual calmly steps forward and slaps a stack of 100 dollar bills onto the counter muttering, "Keep the change and tell us the room number."

The building receptionist stares at the cash, hesitant yet firm on their policy. "U-uhh, Sir... I cannot accept that."

Ray starts to bounce on his knees and whimper, before turning around to hug the much taller man with tanned skin who came to tag along. "Au~uuuuu, helppppppp~!"

Au hates it when this guy starts to beg like a starving dog, so he steps forward and takes something from his wallet, putting it on the receptionist's desk.

"Ahh, I see..." she changed her demeanor and smiled at them, taking both the card and the cash before paging another nurse to inform them of three important visitors. She then turns to the men, "Mr. Quinn is in Room 6a, on the 6th floor. You'll find it on the left side of the hallways."

Ray gasps and lightly hits Au's arm, "Why didn't you use that in the first place?!"

You walk here immediately begging like madman, the silent man kept silent as Ray ran up the stairs like the love of his life is in life support. "Hermes, I'm coming! Don't die before telling me you love me as your last breath!"

The two other men stood in embarrassment because he really said that while other patients, visitors, and nurses are in the vicinity. Ray rushed so much, he failed to see the elevator which Rain and Au calmly use.

And while an elevator tune happily sings between them, Au stares at Rain as if questioning why he let his idiot brother go up the stairs like that.

"What?" Rain looks back at the judgemental Au. "Hey, if Ray's tired he'll stop being hyperactive. Don't you like that? He'll pass out five minutes after seeing Hermes, then he'll all be mine."

Au glares at him.

"What? He can be ours, then?"

Au glares harder and lightly punches him in the shoulder.

"Oww! Geez, Hermes isn't even dating you. Parry that, you fùcking casual hookup," Rain grumbles.

By the time they arrived, they waited for a few long minutes before Ray busts out of the stairs and almost fell breathless. Thankfully, his mask isn't covering his mouth or he'd pass out.

"W—wait, how did... you guys...?"


"Fùck ya'll! At least Hermes will appreciate my effort in getting to him!"

"Hermes won't appreciate your stupidity."

"Fùck off, where is he?!" Ray barges in Room 6a where a teacher with recovering physical injuries jumps at the sudden intrusion. Ray throws himself to the side of the bed, whimpering. "Hermes! Hermessssss, I couldn't sleep for 5 days unless Rain knocks me unconscious, I kept crying because you're gonna die!"

The bewildered teacher looks at him weirdly. "Ray, I'm not gonna die. Who told you that?"

Behind the young man walks in a snickering Rain with an emotionless Au. It was clear who brainwashed Ray into thinking Hermes was critical.

After days of isolation, his first visitors had to give him a headache. Hermes sighs with a smile, "I'm fine, Ray. Just... tired. Only one person had visited me here and it's a cop with all his suspicious questions."

As Ray keeps kissing Hermes' hand like he's a sick comatose patient, Au approaches him to kiss his forehead. Meanwhile, Rain sits on a chair asking, "Why? Felicity Sanders didn't die. In fact, you're the talk of the school. She really wants to meet you and thank you for saving her life."

"Ahhh... thank goodness," Hermes sighs in relief. "I can't believe I saved someone."

The twins look back at each other, with Rain's expression less readable. Au joins them, but it seems like he's scolding the two with his glare. Then his expressions soften to kiss Hermes' temple yet again.

"Hey boys. How're your exams?"

"I copied off of Rain," Ray answers honestly. Rain adds, "I copied off this one girl."

Hermes looks at Au, and it was Rain who revealed, "The girls willingly gave him answers."

That made Hermes weakly laugh at least. "Aww Au, you're so cute..."

"Cute?! What about me?!" Ray cries out, dramatically fake sobbing against Hermes' bed. "Do I need long black hair and be an extra foot taller too?! I can choke you in bed if that's what Au does!"

"I'm crippled for a few weeks..." his knee was cut on the side, rendering it really painful to move. The stitches need to heel so minimal movement to avoid it opening up is recommended. "... so don't even think about fùcking me in this state."

In fact, I hope this affair ends. Your lives are in danger because of me.

The two other men were silent meanwhile the other brat wailed out loud. "NOT EVEN A KISS?! I'LL LET YOU FÙCK ME HERMES, JUST PLEEEAAAASE LET ME KISS YOU!"

What the hell is up with this guy...

"Guys, I can't do any fùcking. Please leave me alone," he sighs, "Except Au. If you can be as silent as Au, you can stay."

Au gives the twins a smug look. Ray responds by putting his tongue through his exposed lips. "Mozart sucks."

You swallow, Au demonstrates by sucking an invisible dìck and gulping what seemed to be pretend-semen.

"Hermessss look at Au!"

"Yes you're right, he looks handsome," Hermes chuckles.

"His face looks like Tarzan's mom!"

"Ray, what the hell?" As Hermes' face loses humor, Rain observes them as he usually does with a smile on his hidden lips. Ray is about to throw a fit and Au is simply raising an eyebrow at him. Hermes is trying to break the fight while still in bed, especially when Ray got carried away with his insults.

"He looks like Handsome Squidward but left out in the sun for days!"

Hermes was getting incredibly concerned especially when Ray has gotten so pissed at Au's smug expression, he grabs the IV stand.

"No, put that down! Rain, help me!" Hermes yells out, in danger because of their petty fight. Not only is his leg hurting, but his head is, too.

All while Rain just claps and cheers his brother on, and soon enough his laugh fades while watching them. Too cute. Ray and Hermes look very cute. My cute babies. "Hit him in the dìck Ray, whoooo!"

"RAY, NO!"


"NO STOP, PLEASE STOP!" Rain angrily yells out, dropping his mask and trying to run to just brother, but Au is holding him back. "NO, PLEASE!"

"WE HAD A DEAL, RAIN! WE HAD A FÙCKING DEAL." In his hands, Ray once again cries in pain, Rain being forced to watch as his masculinity dwindles with how much he's crying over his brother. Au can't bring himself to watch, but he still obeyed in keeping Rain away.

"All you had to do was do your job properly. All you had to do was what you're told!"

"Please, please I can't! Hermes... Hermes, he—!"

Ray once again screams, and Rain chokes on his sobs. "So you're gonna blame Hermes? Would you rather he be in the place of Ray right now?"

Ray's agonizing screams can still be heard.

Until, a white King barges in and intervenes. Frost stands tall with authority in his voice. "That is enough. You're not handling this the right way."

"This is the only way they would learn, Frans!"

"Do you really think Rain will hold onto you the more you hurt his brother? Might I remind you, there's more of us than there is of you," Frost loudly says.

"... Kevin..." Ray cries out, their eyes rivaling that of an uncontrollable child. His voice breaks the heart of the one who owns that name.

Frost once again masked his concern for the twins and announced, "One word from me, and they will lose loyalty to you. You and I know that they don't want to work under you anymore."

"Is that so? One word, really Frans?" A threatening grin made all of them freeze, especially Frost when their leader takes out a knife. "... or is it one life?"

Mavis. Frost sucks in a reluctant breath, "This isn't the right way to handle things."

"Oh, you want me to coddle them, Frans?" He cooes, "No wonder they act like children, you treat them like babies! They'll never fùcking grow up and learn from mistakes if they don't get punished by it!"

"I know a thing or two about punishment, and this is not how I would go!" Frost argues.

"Punish how?! You call sèx and a fancy dance punishment for Hermes?! When have you put students in place Frost, you act like a useless politician than a King!"

He then scolds Au, screaming at the tall man, "Speaking of useless, you had ONE job Au, ONE job! Yet you failed to keep Hermes off the classrooms! I allowed you to touch what is mine and you fùcking sabotaged the operation! From now on, I forbid any sexual encounters with Hermes!"

They all went silent, as none could go above his law. He finally released Ray and Frost pats Au's shoulder so he will release Rain. There, the siblings both reunite even though Rain can't touch his injured brother just yet. Frost is then confronted by the leader, "I have you by the neck, Frans. You have them by their foot. If they wish to betray me, so be it. But you pay for it."

The leader finally left, and Au is now free to grab the first aid kit and rush to the twins while Rain consoles the crying Ray.

"K-Kevin... help... Kevin," a traumatized Ray cries out, hugging his brother and detecting the fact that Rain can't hug back.

Rain turns to glare at Frost, "I swear to fùcking God Frost, if I fùcking snap I'll kill Mavis myself and burn the whole school down."

But, the King must not show weakness. "Put your mask on and let's go before Ray gets a second session."

This time, it was Au who had enough. He grabs Frost by the arm, tension rising between the two. His silence is enough to paint whole words.

"Unhand me, Au."

He did not. Au pulls him closer, threatening him with his eyes. They're slipping. Their loyalty and sanity. Frost scans his face searching for a hint of betrayal, but Au is only telling the truth.

Frost disregards his composure and grabs Au by the collar, spitting out, "After everything I've done for you, this is how you repay me?! You lose nothing, Au. Don't act as if you have something to lose. This matter is between me, the twins, and him. Stay in your dàmn place."

Amidst the tension, Au's eyes dart from Frost's angry lips to his furious eyes. He is slipping as well.

days later,


"Be careful, you clutz. You might slip," the White King said after the servants brought the temporarily disabled Hermes Quinn to the ballroom where he isn't even given a seat. Because of this, the recovering patient looks grumpy.

"Really, Frost? You brought me here to bully me?" Hermes sarcastically grumbles. "First time home and I get degraded, how nice."

Frost scoffs, walking to the table with a gramophone. "Are you alright or is your brain also rotting with your legs?"

Hermes rolls his eyes. "I'm alright, Frost."

"No, you're not. You can't dance anymore," the young man says, fixing the very vintage yet very polished gramophone to sing out a classical piece.

This made Hermes' eyes widen, before he scoffs. "Frost, I can't dance in the first place. Waltzing is your thing."

"How uneducated of a teacher you are," Frost sounded very offended. "'The Waltz is your thing.'"

"Whatever. Thanks for checking up on me but I have to go."

"You should pay for ruining the integrity of Carvalle," Frost suddenly scoffs, taking Hermes by the hand. "You made it look like we hire teachers who don't know basic English grammar."

"What are you doing, I can't dance—"

"Put your dead feet on one of mine, peasant," Frost says before carefully placing Hermes' disabled feet on top of his crisp clean white shoes, shocking the teacher.

"It's gonna be dirty—!" Frost ignores his complaints and placed his foot on the very defensive white shoes. There, Frost took one step back and brought Hermes' legs with him. Hermes is forced to step to the side along with the blonde, now looking down on him softly. "Wh-what's with you and dances..."

"A good leader must be graceful," Frost whispers, holding Hermes a breath close so he won't fall. The tanned male keeps looking at his feet, insecure while doing his best. Yet when Frost said, "Your sister taught me how to waltz."

Hermes looks up at him, their noses bumping into each other. "So... you're just doing this to relive your massive crush on my sister?"

"No," Frost lifts his disabled leg by the knee and gently dips his back even though Hermes is panicking for a bit. "I'm teaching you. She had always said she wants you to learn. I just... want you to feel how it is to be taught by her."

Hermes' tense breathing relaxes, and finally, Frost is able to pull him back up. But, didn't release his leg yet. The way those ice-cold eyes look so warm right now, Hermes wasn't sure if this was the same arrogant King he knew of before.

Frost adds, "That woman never instructs, just directly sways me on the dance floor. Very annoying."

Hermes releases an amused scoff, finding it very easy to believe that Thena would do such a thing. Forcing a rich grumpy young man to dance with her. Now this close to that same young man, Hermes sees her in himself. How can she not like Frost? He was so nice to her... forgiving.

"Frost... did you really love her?" Hermes whispers out a question that doesn't need to be heard at all.

The blonde's blue eyes wavered, and Hermes no longer needs an answer.

"You're just... trying to relive moments of her with me. That's why you had sèx with me, right?"

Frost's hand left his disabled knee and goes up to his thighs, where it travels to his waist. Hermes is once again stepping on those white shoes, and they are slow dancing with the most minimum of steps.

"I loved her. But I never desired her sexually," Frost said. "I loved her in the purest form... innocent yet possessive. With her, I felt like a man instead of a hormonal boy. Because of her... I vowed to wear the color I wanted her to wear in the future."

Hermes lightly gasped, "You... started wearing white because of Thena? You wanted to marry her?!"

Frost wants to mask again, but this time he just places his head right next to Hermes, where he can't see the pain in his blue eyes. "White was a traditional color for a wedding. For now, it is mourning."


"I don't see her in you, Hermes. I see myself in you..." Frost whispers, his hold as gentle as the clouds below the sky, holding onto rain. "You are alone. As was I, before I was introduced to Mavis. You don't have a Mavis, a relative. I feel bad for you."

"Frost..." Hermes couldn't believe what he was hearing, and seeing a whole Prince in front of him. Was he drunk, or is this another manipulative tactic? Whatever it is, it's rendering Hermes motionless as Frost leans in to offer a kiss.

But it was a mere whisper, "Come with me."

in Hermes' bedroom, The teacher scoffs at where Frost took him to. "Frost, if you're planning to do anything, I can't—"

"You didn't check under Thena's bed?" The man calmly says, ignoring the accusation that he came here to have intercourse. Hermes' face turned serious as he uses the crutch to rush onto the bed where Frost is searching under.

"What's under Thena's bed?" Hermes asks.

Frost was silent as he brings out a pink office box, the sides decorated with bows and the top collecting dust to protect the memories inside, before slowly sitting beside Hermes on the pink bed. He was hesitant for a bit, and Hermes was very curious. Frost took a deep breath and finally opened the box.

"You might not like what you're going to see," said Frost, pulling out a film strip that is recognizable enough for Hermes to freeze and have tears pooling in his eyes.

"... is this?"

Frost stares at him, anticipating an emotion that he could not predict. Hermes takes the film strip, covering his mouth as he scans the photographs.

"... she was pregnant," Hermes croaks since his throat is constricted from shock. His hands tremble as he scans the five ultrasound photographs, his eyes turning red from holding back tears. His voice broke, "Frost... are you... ?"

"No." The young man stands up and walks to the shelves where he stares at the many pocketbooks Thena used to collect. "Twins."

"The twins?!"

"No, Hermes..." Frost turns around to look at him, eyes glistening with reminiscence, "Those were twins. No doubt they would be... as beautiful as her..."

"Who is the father, Frost?" Hermes demands loudly, emotions overtaking him. He cannot stand up just as easily, all he can really do is clutch the shocking picture of his sister's unborn babies. "WHO IS THE FATHER?!"

Frost answered with a stare, and Hermes breathes out knowing exactly what he was implying. "No... he couldn't... that means... h-he killed her because he didn't want the babies?!"

Frost avoids his eyes once more and goes on to stare at the books. "You're not gonna like my answer. It was quite the opposite. He wanted to raise the children."

His prediction was right. Hermes yells angrily, "So you're saying Thena killed herself to kill the babies?! Fùck off, she would never do that! The least she can do is terminate them, not kill herself!"

The rage inside him can be felt by the King who refuses to look down. Hermes' eyes were bloodshot and his grip could've killed the kids as well. When Frost stayed silent, Hermes whispers, "Girls or boys...?"

"Girls. Four months at the time of her death."

This time, Hermes did stand with one leg holding him up. "Those are my nieces, Frost! THAT IS MY SISTER! THEY DIED IN YOUR SCHOOL, FROST! Tell me the whole truth, PLEASE!"

His screams broke Frost's icy heart the same as hearing Ray scream for his brother. He hates the thought of screaming like this for Mavis; he vowed to protect his cousin.

"This man is a monster, Hermes, and she simply doesn't want to be tied with him through them!" Frost yells back, looking back at a crying Hermes who is clutching the photos close to his fiercely beating heart. "She was trapped. She stayed in Carvalle; and thanks to those kids, if she had ran away, the father would've tracked her down and imprisoned her in isolation for 9 months until the end of time."

"So she killed herself?!"

"Death was the only escape." Frost grabs a familiar book and steps towards Hermes, throwing it to the bed. "She also killed the kids which was her sin. And that's why he wants you to pay for it."

"Pay, how?!" Hermes screams, "How will I pay?! I can't have children! I don't look like Thena and I will never be Thena!"

"That won't stop him from trying to have a family with you. If he can't have Thena, then he'll have you. Children or no," Frost sternly says, unclear which side he is on.

Hermes stops crying, feeling as trapped as she was before. Because this time, children aren't needed for this man to hunt down Hermes if ever he runs away. He has to account for Thena's sin of killing his children. Hermes' sadness brings his eyes down to the book Frost threw at him, a story named, Clairvoyance.

Frost sighs with a shaking breath, "She was his, Hermes. I couldn't have her. Au couldn't have her. When she got pregnant, Au left her alone. She stopped writing in the diary because she felt like her life is out of control."

Hermes looked up, not expecting Frost to know of the diary. But, "She was my best friend, Hermes. She was my Queen. But I... wasn't her King. He was."

Hearts could never be as broke as it is right now. "... did he rápe her? Frost... did he rápe my sister?"

His hand squeezes the photos to destruction, expecting the worst.

"I'm sorry, Hermes."

A cry broke out, breaking the rules of masculinity as Hermes breaks down on the floor, crying heavily while holding the photograph of Thena's unborn babies. The clarity of her decision: she never wanted any of this.


"Shhh," Frost dove to console Hermes, hugging the shaking and devastated man whose heart burned for his sister, a victim of Carvalle. The Lady of Carnations whose eyes bleed red. "... I didn't know what happened that night. I'm so sorry, Hermes..."

"Please tell me who he is... PLEASE TELL ME, I'LL KILL HIM!" Hermes screams against Frost's white suit, "I'LL KILL HIM, I'LL KILL HIM!"

"You can't," Frost starts to cry as well, "Baby, you can't... a lot of people will be in danger. A lot of people will end up dead. Their lives for revenge?!"

"Thena... didn't deserve that..." Hermes cries, "She deserves the world... sh-she..."

Frost held him as tight as he could, muffling his cries with the warmth of his body. Hermes' lips kept trembling, so Frost offers warmth by putting his lips on Hermes' bottom lip then exhaling.

All Hermes could think about now is, lemon juice. They kissed once, just to calm down a hysterical Hermes who is about to hyperventilate. Frost has been in this scene all the time with an unstable Mavis, just less kissing. The white King then whispers, "I do believe she deserves better... but Hermes, all you can do is keep yourself safe by leaving Carvalle. Make sure she won't lose a brother..."


"I will help you. I'll give you enough cash to buy an untraceable car and phone. Transfer all your salary out of your Carvalle account and into a new bank. Stay in cheap motels and pay cash, up until you leave the country—"

"Frost!" Hermes sterling calls out, no longer crying and sobbing. The ultrasound photos slipped out of his hand a moment ago. Frost did indeed stop, Hermes muttering, "Help me up the bed?"

He obeyed, which was out of character for the supposed King of Carvalle, but Hermes has been through a lot and he needs help. Frost gently lays him on the bed, Hermes staring at nothing and looking terribly broken in the head.

"Please tell me you are alright," Frost says, "... Mavis will nag me if something is wrong, Hermes."

"Nothing is wrong," Hermes whispers, his voice broken and eyes empty. Then, they slowly rise up to meet Frost, enticing him with those hooded eyes. "It's just... I'm tired."

Frost sighs. “We'll continue discussing tomorrow, then. I'll leave you to rest—"


The white King looks back at him, a little bit confused at how Hermes is tugging the buttons of his shirt.

"Help me change."

Why the sudden change? "I'll call the servants."

"You've seen me naked before, and they haven't. I prefer you help me. Didn't you say you want to help me?"

Hermes? He doesn't sound okay... Still, Frost's demeanor cracks as he hesitantly goes to the dresser to pull out long pajama bottoms and a white cotton shirt. He's still very composed, but more cautious as he sits on the bed watching Hermes unbutton his shirt.

"Are you truly okay?" He asks.

"I'm fine. Help me," Hermes mumbles, taking off his shirt and exposing Frost to the body he had experienced ravishing before. The stomach he used to empty his cùm on. Frost avoids the view and pulls the shirt onto Hermes, the act of dressing a person very nostalgic since he used to do this to Mavis when they were kids.

But, more erotic, since his face ends up right in front of Hermes after his head slipped through the shirt's neck. Breathless, Frost once again asks, "... are you okay?"

"Help me," Hermes whispers mindlessly before pushing Frost's hands to the hem of his denim pants, the former undoing it himself before Frost slowly slips it off of his thighs and leaves the loose boxers under.

He is not okay. He refuses to answer. Frost successfully removed the loose pants off him, and is now pulling on the boxers. But before the hem goes past the butt, Hermes grabs him by the head and slams his lips on top of the King, licking the lips that dare offer him warmth earlier.

Help me, Frans... Hermes pushes forward, seducing Frost and enduring the pain in his leg and heart. He may very well be using Frost to either distract from the pain or for more information. Either way, he wants his long pale dìck.


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