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🎶I went and copped the chopsticks

Put it in my bun just to pop shit

I'm always in the top shit

Box seats, bitch, fuck the gossip🎶

(Chun Li - Nicki Minaj)

The Masked Twins are currently in Class 1 - C with five of their friends, throwing money at a half-naked dancer and cheering while she entertains a very happy and drunken Ray.

"Whooooo! One more shot! One more shot!" They cheered, handing Rain a shot of pure vodka. They placed salt on the stripper's spine, and as she sits on Ray's lap, Rain drank his shot and licked the salt off her.

"WHOOOOO!" the twins have never had this much fun before. Ray tucked a hundred dollars on her lingerie and told her to go entertain their friends. "Ray's turn, Ray's turn! Come one, you're finally allowed to drink!"

Ray laughs, "Fúck that man, we've been drinking since 14!"

"Yeaaah! That's our guy!"

Rain pats his brother's shoulder as Ray took another shot. "Slow down, bud... I don't want you puking on me later."

Ray ignores him as he keeps cheering on their friend for getting a special lap dance. Meanwhile, Rain suddenly spots a familiar blue streak in his drunken vision's mind, crossing the open door before it got closed by the others. Au? The fúck you doing here?

Rain rejects the offer of a lap dance and stumbles onto the door where he confirmed that it is Au going up the stairs.

"Hey, Rain... weed?" A friend offers.

Rain was a little too distracted by Au that he mindlessly answers, "Nah, just regular menthol, mate... I gotta... get rid of this puke..."

"Okay, man... yo, we gave the stripper 2 grand to take the bra off, look at her tits!" The guy then turns around to cheer, and Rain joins in their fun as well.

Until, he had to puke out in the hallways, lifting his mask up to barf pure liquid that burns his throat.

"Shít, you okay man?!" Two of his friends rushed off and gave him a glass of vodka to rinse out the puke.

"Yeah yeah, I'm okay... don't give Ray any more alcohol, that guy's wasted! I swear, if he starts singing Twinkle Twinkle, I'll beat y'all up!" He warns to the others who went back to the private party, going insane because the stripper is starting to massage their lustful crotches. Meanwhile, Rain is stuck outside, gargling the vodka.

"Ugh, I can't stand Twinkle Twinkle..." Rain mutters under his breath, since that tends to be Ray's favorite song to sing for the whole duration until he passes out. But then, the birthday boy outside the hallways spots another guy sneaking to the stairs. "... Hermes?"

Why is he out at this hour? Rain fights off his headache to stand up. Shít, Hermes... Au is up there... maybe the mission was to kidnap—no, kill Hermes! Shít, don't go up there!



The minute Hermes entered, he was pulled further inside by a tall brute of a man, who brought wine glasses this time for them to enjoy Hermes' favorite drink.

"Mmm, so romantic," Hermes chuckles, sitting on the desk with Au standing between his legs, eyes almost undressing the tall guy as he drinks the white wine. "You look so hot in a suit, Au... you look so much older, it intimidates me..."

"You... beauty..." Au kisses him once before drinking his entire glass, Hermes refilling it before drinking straight from the bottle. Both of them are buzzed at this point and séx is much more exciting when two forbidden lovers are in a classroom fully intoxicated.

"Too bad you removed your tie," Hermes complains as he takes off his own, putting it around Au's neck and casually tying it professionally. "See, you look so much better when..."

Hermes tightens the thing around Au's neck before pulling him in, lips almost touching. "... you're tied up."

Their lips touch each other hungrily, eager to feed off each other's lust. Hermes is leaving Au no choice because of the tie around his neck, but it's not like Au will choose an alternative. He chooses to lean in and thrust his fully clothed hips onto Hermes', forcing him to lie on the table.

Au loosens the tie from around his neck, just as Hermes' legs tightens. Both men excitedly undo their pants while rushing in for kisses, the darkness keeping them closer and their clothes making them feel hotter.

"Au... shít, fúck me!" A drunken Hermes moans out, pushing him away to remove his own pants and undo his shirt. The next thing he knows, Au is ripping off a watermelon-flavored lube, pouring half on himself and half on Hermes before pushing his knees up to access his entrance.

"Shít, shít... you fúcking tease," Hermes mumbles when Au keeps rubbing his tip on the entrance, refusing to push in. "Ohh come on Au, don't you want to fúck me? Come on big guy, take me!"

So sexy, Au thinks before finally putting himself inside the intoxicated teacher, alcohol running in both their systems and making things a bit hotter.

"Fúck baby, you like that? Yeah... ? Fúck me against my desk..." Hermes taunts him with heavy breaths, feeling that díck tear his welcoming insides. "Ohh, Au... that... feels so good... oh shít, yeah!"

"Hermes..." The man growls, moving the table from how hard he's fúcking the teacher.

"Oh god yes, more! Fúck me! Harder!" Hermes exclaimed loudly since it was 11 pm and there was no one in the Johnson building.

No one except...

"Mr. Quinn?"

The teacher gasps and this time, it's not because of Au's díck railing him hard. It was because of a birthday celebrant by the door, making a buzzed Hermes press himself onto Au in an attempt to cover up. "Oh my god—Rain...?"

Au looks towards the masked twin, scowling because he disturbed their lovemaking. Hermes panics, legs tightening to keep Au from thrusting further. Rain's one eye is visible and it widened so much, it almost matches the big black eye on his mask. Alarm bells are ringing, since Rain just witnessed something way more forbidden than what laws or morals can dictate.

Au... touched him.

"Au... what are you doing?" Rain gasps, walking towards them in panic. "Au, what have you done?!"

"Rain, shhh!" Hermes prevents him from pulling Au away and making noise by grabbing Rain's neck. "Shh, shh please don't tell anyone! Shít—"

But, the sudden spike of alcohol in his head caused him to lean onto the celebrant. "Shít! Shít, hold on!"

Hermes... Rain pauses and finds himself severely tempted by this person holding onto him like this, begging to keep the affair a secret. He's still in denial that Au dare touch Hermes like this. But, even while drunk, Rain did notice something on Hermes' wrist while holding him. "Mr. Quinn... where is the watch... ?"

Rain and Au share a glance; the former concerned and the latter confused.

"Rain... I'm sorry... forgive me, I... please don't tell anyone about this... please..." a drunken Hermes reaches up to Rain's face, where he whispers the request right in the lips of the clay mask.

"You lost it. Ray's watch..." to say he sounded heartbroken was an understatement; Rain's voice breaks, because not only did his friend break a cardinal rule, Hermes also failed to take care of the watch he was tasked to keep. It hurt him, and now the masked twin is mad.

Rain once again looks at a scowling Au, both breathing heavily. "You were fúcking him? What if they find out about this?! You fúck for the first time and now you're letting your dìck do all the thinking?!"

"Rain, please!" Hermes starts to cry, hands leaving heat on Rain as both men are drunk out of their minds. "Don't... tell anyone... this can be our little secret... little... tiny, secret..."

I can't take it anymore. Rain can't handle the rules anymore, all meant to be broken.

"Mr. Quinn..." Rain suddenly takes off his mask, but before Hermes can even open his eyes to look at his face, their lips meet each other in blind lust. How dare you lose my brother's watch...

Au is in shock, not because Rain is kissing his secret lover, but because he dared take off his mask in front of Hermes. "Rain!"

The masked twin pulls Hermes' hair to force him to look up before muttering to Au, "Shut up Au, you weren't supposed to be fúcking him in the first place!"

"Rain..." Hermes moans out, his voice triggering a great feeling of desire inside the loyal young man. "Rain, do you...?"

Au scowls at Rain, before leaning over to Hermes' neck. He made sure to cover Hermes' eyes so he won't see Rain's angry face.

"Au... don't stop..." Hermes moans out, making Rain harder than he ever was, even in the presence of a big-breasted stripper. Au complied and gave Hermes what he wanted.

Now moaning at every jab in his prostate, Rain can't help feel it in his díck. He's never been so envious and jealous before. Watching his drunk friend fúck his drunken crush made him possessively pull Hermes' jaw to kiss him again, hand pressing on his own hard-on.

Au's hand left Hermes' eyes, because the drunk couldn't be bothered to open them so long as he is kissing Rain. He tastes like vodka, while Hermes tastes like white wine and cherries. Intoxicating...

"Shìt," Rain was now jerking off to the sound of Au fúcking Hermes. The next thing Hermes can comprehend is his hand crawling to Rain's díck and helping him jerk off, which really threw off the twin's priorities. When Au starts to groan animalistically, Rain watches as he climaxes inside of Hermes, creaming that sinful hole that is seducing two students at once.

"Au, let me fúck him..." Rain mutters while putting his mask back on, to which Au scoffs at him for. He then whispers to Hermes, the clay masks' lips against his own. "Let me fúck you... Hermes. You fùcking owe us..."

The watch... Hermes thought, looking at Rain's seductive brown eye. Too young for me... a student... I can't... possibly... But, the alcohol in him was the one who spoke, "Let me see your face..."

Au glares at Rain if he dares do that, but the younger man takes off his mask, "You will, little slút."

"Oh, fúck," Hermes curses out when the boys place him on a table for Rain to enter him from behind, Au in front making out with an intoxicated Hermes who wants nothing more than to have his prostate pounded. "Shít! Rain...! Rain! Rain, I...! I'm sorry...!"

"You're tight..." Rain curses, "Fúck... your áss feels so good... no wonder... he wants you so much..."

"Ohhhnnn! T-t-too... fa...fa-ast!"

"No wonder Au here is risking his life to fùck you."

He didn't wait and starts ramming his hips against Hermes' freshly creamed áss, rubbing himself in those warm walls that made Au feel good earlier. When Hermes tries looking back, Au grabs his head to keep him looking ahead.

"Oh come on Au, he said he wants to look at me..." Rain chuckles while keeping his breath stable, "It's payment for fúcking this beautiful piece of áss... shít, the girls never felt this good!"

Au slightly shakes his head at the unmasked twin, then goes to distract a crying Hermes. "... hurt? You... hurt?"

"More! More, please... harder!" Hermes cries out, hands going down to seduce Au once more. "Au... don't stop..."

"As you wish," Rain says before he grabs Hermes by the shoulder and pulls him into his díck, enjoying the moans and screams of a pleasured teacher. "Who knew Au was fúcking you all the time... I'm hurt, Hermes... imagine what Ray would feel."

"Ray..." Hermes starts to feel guilty. The happy guy likes him so much but here he is, drunk and fúcking his friend and his twin in a classroom. "I'm sorry... !"

Au slaps Rain's arm for making him cry.

"What, it's cute!" Rain chuckles, before throwing his head back because of how heavenly Hermes' àss feels on his díck. "So cute... and so fùcking sexy!"

"Rain...!" Hermes moans out, his hand groping Au's crotch and subconsciously jerking it off like it's his own. "... fúck, ahhnn!"

Au got hard again thanks to Hermes' adventurous hands, desiring a cóck to play with. The man gives it to him, to which Hermes immediately attempts to service with his mouth. This watermelon flavored dìck that he likes so much, all while another one is using him like a toy slút.

"You like that, Mr. Quinn?" The man chuckles from behind, his amused voice is more lively than usual thanks to the alcohol in his system. Then he suddenly slaps Hermes' áss, eliciting a moan from the horny teacher. "Shít, you really do like getting hurt. Now suck Au as you take my díck..."

Au is once again glaring at the younger man because of his harsh words, but got distracted by Hermes obeying him. He willingly engulfed Au's díck which tastes like the watermelon lube from earlier. It's so big in his mouth his moans come out as chokes.

Au really doesn't like sharing Hermes, but they're just fùck buddies and he doesn't have the right to get jealous. All he can really do is enjoy Hermes' mouth and make sure he isn't being too hurt by the unmasked twin.

"Yeah baby, take it... does that taste good? Mmm?" Rain taunts as he thrusts harder, pushing a thumb inside Hermes' soft entrance and fùcking it hard. "You're just too fúcking sweet..."

"Rain please, I wanna cúm!" Hermes begs at the split second Au's díck is out of his mouth.

"Wanna cúm, baby? Come and face me," Rain tries pulling him, but Au grabs his wrist.

No, Au scolds while Hermes is enjoying the taste of his díck.

"He wants it, give it to him," Rain persists and pulls out to push Hermes to his back.

You're not sober, you're not thinking straight! But Au can't speak, the alcohol strong in his throat as well.

The teacher was still closing his drunken eyes, so Rain rests his face against him, "You want it, baby?"

"Rain... y-yes..."

Rain gave it to him, the entire length of his díck pushed way deep inside and made Hermes scream so loud, Rain had to kiss him harshly. "Shít, Hermes... you're such a slút..."

Au disapproves of the mean names. But as Rain stands up to focus on thrusting inside of him, Au gives Hermes an inverted kiss.

"You really don't like him looking at me, don't you... am I that ugly, Au?"

The taller man ignores him, hands going down to jerk of Hermes' díck.

"I'd fúcking kill for this áss... I'd fúcking die for this áss," Rain drunkenly mumbles, "Fúck, I want to fúck him forever..."

"I wanna cúm! Au, Rain!" Hermes cries out, his fluster overpowering his own tan and now he looks really red. Au can't deny he sounds so hot, jerking him off and watching Rain's díck please itself inside of him. He starts jerking himself off, too, aiming at Hermes' face for another ejaculation.

Rain smiles, Hermes looking at those pearly white teeth but the alcohol got his vision blurry.

"...inside me... Rain..." Hermes whispers, feeling himself fade away just as his back arched from a massive climax, courtesy to the díck in his prostate and the hand on his cóck.

Not only that, but Au squirts his second batch onto Hermes' face as well. It was uncertain when Rain came, since Hermes lost consciousness from the alcohol. But Au watched over him carefully, making sure the twin won't go too far. After all, his favorite teacher is now his favorite slút to fúck.



When do we get to find out who the real devil is behind the killings


Hermes might be one of the messiest main characters so far😭