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days later,


Hermes can't help but replay Thena's voice on the laptop. He can't help but slam his head to the table, hopeless that he couldn't help her. All this time, Thena made it sound like Carvalle was a paradise; big pay, friendly teachers, educated and sophisticated students. Apart from the big pay, it is all the opposite. It's every man for himself here and teachers are too busy to bother with each other.

Now here he is alone in the classroom because 3rd-year classes are temporarily suspended. The girl killed yesterday was a 3rd year; now they're interrogating all of her batchmates. Why is this happening? Surely they'll suspend all classes and send the students home because of a serial murder, right?

the next day, the results of the investigation frustrated Hermes so much that he rants in front of Father Daniel in the empty classroom.

"SUICIDE?! Suicide, after I testified that I heard a scream?! A loud, 'I've been attacked' scream, not 'I'm gonna throw myself off the stairs' scream—it doesn't make sense Daniel, this is the police and they're disregarding my statement—"

"The people up there won't let Carvalle shut down even for a day, my love,"  Father Daniel calmly says while highlighting a bible verse for the next mass, then making notes for his sermon. "Suicides are a quick close and quite common in schools considering there's only four so far. The most they can do is conduct seminars for Mental Health."

"Only four?! There shouldn't even be any deaths! Carvalle is dangerous, the most they can do is put additional security protocols and cameras everywhere."

Despite a frantic Hermes looking unattractive with his sleepless eyes and stressed clothing, Father Daniel admires him for his determination to keep the students safe, even if none likes him. "I know you're worried for the kids, love... but we have no power. Frost's family can pay off every cop in the entire world to say everything was suicide."

Hermes sits down, feeling a migraine come on. "If they have that kind of money, why keep Carvalle open in the first place..."

"The tuition of 100 surviving students is still enough to keep the school running and put money in their pockets, losing some out of a thousand is no problem to them," Father Daniel calmly replies, finally finished with his work. His theme for next week's Sermon is, Trying to control something which we can't will only lead to tragedy.

"Why don't you care as much as I do, you're here longer than I," Hermes stares at the Priest with narrowed eyebrows, a little suspicious.

"Despite my religious background and servitude to the Lady, I live by the philosophies of Stoicism... what happens in the world, happens... I do not dwell on events I cannot control. I learn from tragedy and live life as a better man. It helps keep my peace and not doubt the Lady's plan."

Hermes sighs out, "I may not be able to control the murders, but I can prevent them by finding out who did it. There's no harm in trying.”

"I didn't tell you to think the same as me, my love... I support you in your mission," Father Daniel says as he sits beside his lover, comforting him with a kiss on the forehead before the Priest lies down on Hermes' thighs. He then smiles at the worried teacher saying, "You're quite attractive when you're stressed. You must have at least an ugly mood."

Hermes clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes, "Nice to see you take pleasure in my distress."

"You are so cute," Father Daniel teases him by poking his small double chin, making Hermes slap his hand away.

the following days, Hermes sent a worried text to Mavis.

Mavis, you're way past the date you set your Letter of Absence. I understand you have health concerns, but are you really okay? Nothing life-threatening??

Sent, 10:44 am

Hermes... ❤

Received, 10:53

❤ Hi :)

Received, 10:53


Sent, 10:53 am

Thanks for the affection I guess, but I'm talking to you as a teacher. If you need a friend, you can also tell me. I'll talk to you but... no flirting, please.

Sent, 10:54 am

No flirting.

Received, 11:00 am

Stay away from me because No flirting :)

Received, 11:01 am

Hermes stares at his phone, puzzled. What? Stay away, what? I don't need to stay away from him I'm his teacher.

What about the tutoring lessons this weekend? No flirting, but I can't just stay away from you...

Sent, 11:03

Mavis did not reply anymore, and Hermes is left confused. He was about to tell his class to head to the Gym, but a male student puts a white envelope on his table and immediately steps away.

"Hmm? What's this, Prestin?"

Prestin answers with a rude tone, "Just read it."

Geez, they really are just forced to respect me, Hermes purses his lips and opens the letter which reminds him of a wedding invitation; fancy and lined with gold for some odd reason. Speaking of those who like forcing people...

Hermes closes his eyes in frustration, slamming the letter to the side and disregarding it. He has a class and is in no mood to deal with the White King. "Get your travel buddy and let's proceed to the Gymnasium."

However, no one moved.

"Class?" He calls out, but his students just stared at him as if he was a mere stranger. It looked eerie, how they have zero respect for this teacher and are only staring at him indifferently. "Hey, what's going on..."

"You better go," says a student.

"Yeah, Frost doesn't like waiting," said another.

This made Hermes nervously laugh to lighten up the dead serious mood. "Oh come on guys, what do you really get from following Frost that much? He's just another rich kid, I'm sure you guys have just as much money..."

Some of them felt insecure and stood their ground. Only then did Hermes witness Frost's hold on their neck. Carvalle students aren't loyal to Frost because he's a powerful Student Council President; they fear him. He holds all of their dirty little secrets; none in Carvalle are clean.

"The only reason we're doing what you say is because of Frost," says another one of them. "And if Frost wants you there, you go there."

"Do you want me to fail you guys? I can't—" Hermes can see something deeper in their eyes; these students, are also fearful and trapped. Behind those stoic, stubborn, and spoiled personalities, they're also very neglected children of rich families who never get taken care of. That is why they took offense to what Hermes said about their parents.

These students... are not the antagonists. Hermes looks down at the note, sighing at this hell of a school. I know who is.


"Frost!" Hermes angrily opens the double doors and caused Rain to lose balance from doing one-handed push-ups with Ray on his back.

"Rain, you okay?!"

"Ow, my mask has a new crack..."

"Hehe, it looks cool... get on my back so I can have a new crack too." Hermes looks strangely at the twins but walks past them.

Frost, both feet casually upon his grand table, looks dangerously handsome with his hair half french braided courtesy of the twins who wanted to show off what they learned two hours ago. Hermes scowls at him specifically, stomping over to the desk.

"Ahh Mr. Quinn, nice to see you here, I assume you know how to read a note?"

"Cut the shít Frost, you need to stop intimidating Carvalle students, they-"

"What is the use of power if it can't do anything for you?" Frost smirks, letting it known that Hermes is also under his control, the same as the students. "It's how Carvalle works, darling. You can't stop the world from spinning."

Hermes sighs while the twins quietly appear behind him, Rain grabbing Ray's shirt to stop him from sniffing Hermes in front of Frost. And yes, Ray just smashed his face on the floor so he got a new crack on the mask. The teacher was about to say something about enslaving the students when Frost cut him off.

"You've met the twins, I assume? Ray the smiley, and Rain the frowning one?" Frost calmly introduces them.

"Unfortunately yes," Hermes mumbles to himself as Ray giggles and waves his fingers, Rain staring at him with a dead serious eye.

"I need my darling Hermes to do something for me... help the twins organize their birthday party next Wednesday, maybe then I'll tell the students to participate in class again," the man nonchalantly says while doing something on his tablet.


"Yeah, we want the entire school to go... and strippers," says Rain; Ray then grabs Hermes to aggressively suggest in his ear, "And poles! Also with a tiger! But dye it red. Can we have chocolate fountains?!"

"Excuse me!" Hermes backs away from them, throwing Ray off of him. "Uhm, strippers what?! Students aren't allowed to go outside the school on weekdays, let alone have strippers in a place with minors."

"Hey, we'll be 18 by then!" The twins protested.

"But some students aren't yet, especially your batchmates. I can't organize a birthday party that large anyway."

"You're in charge of the Gymnasium, just use that," Frost waves him off, his eyes boring expecting holes in Hermes' head. The President then hints at Hermes' deal with him, eyes threatening and sly. "Won't you do this for me... my darling Hermes?"

Shít, Hermes is still obligated to do as he says, but his hands fist up in reluctance. Ray can't help it and finally throws himself onto Hermes, snickering happily once he finally got his nose in that scented brown hair. "Ow, get off! Get him off!"

"You will follow their every request regarding their party," Frost dismissively says, turning his chair around to avoid looking at Hermes any longer. The more I look at him... the more... Frost sighs, releasing his worrisome desire and jealousy, for he has no right. "Take care of him boys, you will answer to me if he is hurt."

"Ow-! Watch where you're touching!" Hermes was struggling until Rain pulls his leeching brother off the harassed teacher.

"Don't worry," Rain says with a smooth yet deep voice while Ray is whining beside him, wanting to smother Hermes more. "We'll be good boys, we promise."

Uhm... To Hermes, Rain is way creepier than the touchy Ray.

later on,

Hermes is at the cafeteria staring at two masked men; one whose exposed lips are matching the smile on the mask, and one who triggers goosebumps from how hard he's staring at what looks to be prey. The teacher is facing them with a notebook, groaning.

"I applied here to be a teacher, not an organizer..."

"You're a really pretty organizer," Ray mumbles, his knees vibrating excitedly.

"Uhh... thanks," Hermes awkwardly says at the masked boy. "Okay uhm... what do you want in this? No strippers please, some of your classmates are underaged."

"So what? We got to touch some stripper titties at 14, I'm sure 17-year-olds can handle that," Rain calmly says.

Hermes' mouth drops. "Wha-?! B—never mind. You guys are weird... but definitely no strippers."


"Strippers or chocolate fountain, pick between the two." At that, Ray's mouth opened so wide and he gasps dramatically. He looks back and forth between Hermes and Rain as if he got backstabbing a thousand times over.

Then he grabs his brother's arm and starts wailing, "Rain! Rain, the chocolate fountain! It's gonna be so cheap without the chocolate fountain! Raaaaaaaaiiiiiiiin!"

Hermes is staring at him for acting so strangely; the only thing missing is him sucking on his thumb. Who dropped this kid on the head?

Rain finally answers after rolling his eyes at Ray's doggy whimpers, "Fine. No strippers. But," he leans in, eyes squinting at Hermes as if threatening him. "You must crossdress and be our personal servant for the party."

"What." Hermes blankly stares at them. "No way. I'll take the strippers."

Rain can actually be seen smirking. "Won't you be arrested if you organize a mature party with minors attending?"

Shít. Shít, they caught me...

"We actually really want the strippers, but one would be enough," Rain further teases him, eyes scanning him from top to bottom.

Hermes scowls at him, "Like hell, I'll be a servant and strip for you."

"Suit yourself," Rain chuckles while Ray is giddy beside him mumbling about chocolate fountains. Hermes was once again outsmarted by two cunning morons. But no way is he entertaining these teens in whatever they're suggesting. He's not stripping, ever. They flirted with Thena too, these shameless brats.

the next day,


Hermes is being pulled in by none other than his lover, Father Daniel, for a kiss before work.

"It's Friday, so you should meet me after mass to confess your sins," the Priest whispers in his ear, making Hermes scoff and pull away. They laugh and flirt with each other until they reach the entrance of the Teachers' Dorm, where they have to stop holding hands. "I'll help you with lessons plans, how about that?"

Hermes rolls his eyes. "Yeah sure, help me by keeping me distracted with your hands on my dìck."

"I'm serious, I can help you submit it by the end of—"

BEEP! goes a loud sports car before skidding the front, causing Hermes to step away from the Priest. What the?

"Raaaiiin, I told you I wanna drive! You're such a [mean little bástard] I hate you so much I'll kick your nuts!" Ray whines in their Asian home language while sinking on his seat childishly.

His twin just ignored him as usual and calls out to the teacher, "Get in cutie, we're going shopping!"

"Uhm...?" Hermes didn't move, so Ray hopped out through the window and shoved him in the backseat. "Hey, wait! Wa-wait...! Hey, let me go!"

"You smell so nice today—well, you always smell so nice, hehe hehe...." Ray chuckles at him while Rain and Father Daniel held tense eye contact, less casual and with more... hostility. Father Daniel isn't holding back at showing his disdain for taking Hermes away, and Rain's one eye is challenging him.

"Where are we going!"

"Shopping for decoration and catering, duh silly! You're so cute," Ray says before he pinches Hermes' cheeks.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine," Rain says to assure the pissed teacher as they drove off, leaving Father Daniel to glare at the twins' retreating car.

They stop by the gate, opening Hermes' window where he faces the security guard of Carvalle's entrance. Rain signals Hermes with his eyes, expecting the teacher to give authority for them to pass.

Are they serious? Ugh, that's why they need me to come, of course they are... "Fine. Let us through, I have business to attend to outside."

The guard stares at the two boys in the front. "With students?"

"I need them to lift some stuff for me," Hermes mumbles.

"Hmm. Alright sir, keep safe."

When they got outside, Ray celebrated loudly and faced the teacher in the back, "Finally, we're out! I can't wait to play in the arcade with you!"

"Ray, we're not going to the arcade, we have to organize the party," Rain corrects him, causing Ray to frown sadly behind that mask.

"Why me?" Hermes questions with a soft, low voice while trying to stay as far away from Ray who is currently trying to pet his hair. He adds, "Can't you just hire a professional? What about your parents, can't they handle your 18th?"

They fall silent. So silent, even Ray stopped trying to harass him. The air suddenly turns gloomy and nothing but the soft engine and wheels against asphalt are being heard. Hermes feels like he hit a nerve.

"Oh. If they passed away, I'm sorry—"

"They're alive," Rain corrects him.

Ray adds with a snort, "Yeah, unfortunately."

Hermes noticed how their tone got sadder. It's a significant change. "You... do you hate your parents?"

"They'll put up a fancy Ball with tuxedos and glittery dresses. All violins and champagne and it's just too boring!" Ray proceeds to rant.

"They quite literally threw two million dollars to our faces to make our own party." At what Rain said, Hermes' breathing turns stable as he feels the tiniest bit bad for these teens. All his life, Thena never missed baking a cake even at their lowest penny. But, the twins are rich and Hermes grew up dirt poor.

Just like they said: people who have the most money need the most time to work for it. They're neglected.

Rain sighs to break the tension, "So you better throw the best party for us. We have two million, we'll give you the remainder of the costs."

"You don't need to do that, I'm not a professional..." Yeah, just Frost's property... that bástard. "I'll just help you with this. I have no choice, Frost will get me fired if I don't."

Rain stays silent, staring at him through the rearview mirror all while Ray once again turns his body to face Hermes. "Can we have fireworks too?! But aimed at my classmates and they have to run, hahahahaha..."

Hermes cringes at his violent suggestion. "Sure, we'll get your fireworks Ray, just... no shooting at classmates."


"Ray, do not shoot that!" Hermes grabs the confetti popper before Ray can pop it towards a couple minding their own business. He scolds the young man, "I'm taking the confetti, you go carry your snacks or something..."

"But you're already carrying a lot..." Ray stares down at the trolley of boxes containing table clothes, hundreds of meters of fabric, and another decorative material fit for a grand Gymnasium party. Then on Hermes' hands are bags of ribbons and thousands of balloons that weigh a lot because of how many they are.

"I can take it, give it," Hermes strictly empties Ray's hands and the boy just stood there a little torn between being free from hassle or helping the teacher. I can't trust you with anything, you fúcking opened the unsweetened chocolate meant for baking and complained about it not being sweet.

When suddenly Rain appears after quietly buying new shoes for him and his twin. "Ray, go buy new playing cards and cardboard cutters."

"Why do I have to do that?!" Ray whines with a frown. Rain signals to Hermes being overloaded with bags, which made Ray's spoiled frown turn to that of sympathy. "Ugh, fine! But I get to decide the colors..."

When Ray finally disappears, the teacher sighs in relief that the person who tries pulling off his shoes to smell his feet is gone. In the middle of the mall, too.

"He's so weird," Hermes comments with Rain listening beside him, who then silently takes the heavy bags on Hermes' one hand. "Hey, uhm...?"

"You're welcome," says Rain, emotions unclear because only his half-lidded eyes are visible. Hermes got a good and closer look at Rain; his eyes only look like they're glaring because of their sharp fox shape and thin double eyelids. When he's calm, he looks like he's glaring when he's not.

While walking to the next store, the young man says, "Ray is not mentally challenged, he's just desperate for fun since we get scolded if we're too loud at home."

"Oh," Hermes quietly responds. I only thought he was dropped as a kid, but not mentally ill... With a cold scoff he says, "How does that explain his obsession with my smell though, it's still weird."

"Haha, it's just an interest." Rain's laugh is dry and humorless, but Hermes can feel its lightheartedness. He didn't understand what came after though: "He finds you cute and wonderful to be with, but he is just shy and doesn't know how to flirt. Your scent is an excuse to get closer to you."

"What? Shy? No way," Hermes dismissively laughs, a little bit weirded out that they do flirt with older teachers. "I refuse to believe his weird obsession with smells is him just being shy."

"When we were in kindergarten... nobody really liked how creepy looking we are either; always hand in hand with each other... matching outfits, always silent. So when Ray had a crush on someone... they wouldn't even give him a chance to be friends."

Hermes listens and finds himself in awe at how cute and sad that was. He can imagine the cheerful little Ray getting his heartbroken because he was too weird to be liked. Hermes feels the slightest sympathy for them, until Rain adds, "We thought they'd notice us if we put gum in their hair and burn their notebooks, but that didn't work."

The teacher releases a dry chuckle and rolls his eyes, "Of course, that won't work, people don't appreciate it if you bully. Do something nice for them, take care of them, watch out for them."

"We brought them dead mice and cats as gifts."

Hermes gasps in horror. "Rain, please tell me you don't do that anymore..." Did they kill those poor animals?! At this point I'm too scared to ask...

"Don't worry, we gave a live turtle to someone last time we crushed on a person." Rain looks away from Hermes. "It was Thena. I think Mavis is taking care of that thing right now."

"Oh..." Hermes' mood dipped at the mention of his sister. "Hmm... uhm, that's an improvement. Good for you. That's a really nice gift."

Rain stares at him, once again with those intimidating brooding eyes. He's being nice all of a sudden... is this because he's afraid of us? Me? Or Frost?

Hermes clears his throat, "You know, I find you creepier than your touchy brother because of how you stare... at least Ray is a little cute because of his smile..."

"Hmm. You don't even know what's behind my mask, how do you know I'm creepily staring?"

"Why..." Hermes asks out of topic, pausing his walk and dropping the bags temporarily. His arms are really tired, too. "Why do you guys wear masks anyway? I've never seen you take it off, ever..."

At that question, Rain's eyes soften and glance at his twin brother; who is over there harassing a baby in a stroller with his noisy toy gun that has laser sound effects. "Everyone is hiding something. In Carvalle... what everyone hides is uglier. We're just hiding in plain sight."

"What do you mean..." Hermes firmly asks, appreciating the civil conversation.

Rain walks over to him and picks up the rest of the bags, freeing Hermes of everything but the trolley with the boxes. "We're ugly. Trust me."

Hermes raises a brow, going after Rain who is walking towards the textile store. "Hey, wait! Your eyes don't look ugly, and Ray's mouth is anything but ugly... I have to see to believe."

Rain pauses and raises his head, stretching his neck. Then he turns to Hermes with a smirking eye, "If we show you our faces, we have to kill you."

"... excuse me?"

"I'm kidding, cutie..." Rain turns to continue walking, but then mumbles, "The least you can do is sleep with us, then we'll show you."

"Uhh, no thanks, I can live without knowing," Hermes replies in a rush, making Rain laugh under that mask. And then he adds, "I think you're handsome. There's no way someone with those eyes and lips can be ugly. Noses are all beautiful, and I'm sure the one you're born with matches you. Just work on your personalities, then you'll be the cutest and most handsome boys in Carvalle."

Rain is caught off guard by the soft tone that is unusual from the cold and rejecting Hermes Quinn. He thought Hermes hates them. But, Rain's heart warms at what he said; and he finds himself wondering if they can fix their destructive personalities, will they be desirable beyond séxual attraction? Will someone finally love them for who they are, and they don't have to chase people for love?

"Will you... accept Ray if he's less weird?" Rain asks without emotion, his small eyes getting a little wider in anticipation.

Hermes answers, "Maybe I'll be a little comfortable with you guys if you stop harassing me and start being nice."

But we were nice to Thena... she still didn't like us. "Hey... what else?" Rain catches up to him while Hermes checks in the stuff at the baggage counter. "What else can we do for you to like us?"

"Like?" Hermes stares at him, a little unnerved. "W-well... as friends, right? Like... civil, teacher-student like?" Don't say romantically, please...

Rain didn't answer and just scans his entire face in a split second.

Hmm. Maybe they just mean casual friendship. "Just respect my boundaries and be nice. If you give me your respect... maybe then I'll like you," Hermes says while patting the student's arm in a casual manner, unaware for the danger that lurks the more he gets to know the Equestrians.



I love the twins they my favs along side Au( I think dats his name)😭🫶🏽

Misturah Ibrahim

The twins are giving me CSOP vibe Miles is Hermes, Taewon is Rain and Jihun is Ray.