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Tuesday 6pm,


Carvalle is one of the most expensive brands of schools worldwide. Each has a medical building, a sports area, a gymnasium; and in this gymnasium is a room where teacher and students can enhance their bodies with the provided equipment. It is the size of a Basketball court.

And here is where Hermes is doing crunches on the floor, shirtless and alone while he works out after his last class.

A voice suddenly invaded the silent space and the mere sound of the person makes Hermes roll his eyes. "Nice body, didn't know you work out for it."

"I'm a P.E teacher, I'm supposed to be fit." Hermes grunts and sits up, looking at the almighty Frost who is wearing the white Carvalle sweatpants and a plain white shirt. He looks simpler and quite attractive with plain clothes, only that it is blinding white. "You're here to work out, too? Because I can't be bothered if you're just gonna bully me."

"Bully? How cruel, I don't do that," Frost smiles condescendingly and sarcastically, slowly stepping towards Hermes. Before the teacher can reply he adds, "Just because I don't do it myself, doesn't mean I don't condone it. However, I do have the power to stop students from—"

"I'm not going to be your bítch, Frost. Go get a dog and fúck it," Hermes spits out before moving equipments to avoid him, settling for the treadmill.

Frost, however, smiles in a way that made Hermes' heart skip dreadfully.

"But you became Mavis' bítch. I guess you go after sickly students because they can be controlled easier, huh."

What. Hermes stops running, hands on the 'mill and staring at Frost while trying to catch his breath. Shít. Shít, shít. Stay calm, you fúcking— "Where did you learn that."

"Oh, he told me," Frost happily says, hurting Hermes even more. Then the man adds, "He is very proud that he got to sleep with you, Hersheys. Made him scream loud enough for the door to hear."

Shít Mavis, what the fúck? Why tell Frost, I... I forgot to tell him to keep it a secret, shít I'm gonna get fired! I'm gonna get fired and I deserve it, shít... But he has unfinished business. He doesn't want to go yet.

"Hersheys?" Hermes glares at him.

"Mavis said you taste like chocolate," Frost tilts his head. "I find it very fitting. Can I have some?"

Hermes can't help but close his eyes in frustration. Mavis, oh my fúcking god... this is what I get for sleeping with a student... "Frost, d—"

"I wonder how the school will react," the blonde says, walking around the equipment as if trapping a prey.

"Oh no, you're not doing this," a sweaty Hermes steps off the treadmill to get his towel and bag. Frost's eyes follow his every move, amused by his reaction. "Don't even fúcking think about blackmailing me—"

"I'll have a car pick you up by the Teacher's dorm at 10pm," Frost cuts him off, tone calm yet intimidating for a mere 20-year-old. "It'll wait for thirty minutes. If you don't come over, I'll find a complaint, and it won't just be failure to resemble a former teacher."

Hermes stares back at Frost in disbelief. The young man goes to exit before him, but not before flirtatiously adding, "I do look forward to you submitting to me. See you then, alright Hershey's?"

Fúck you. Brat.

later on,

Hermes slams his door shut and goes straight to the shower, frustrated and regretful at his night with Mavis. He fúcking told! Oh my fúcking god, I—he should've known better. Hermes could've just refused him, it's not like Mavis has the strength to force him. He was just convinced, seduced, and felt bad.

Hermes stares at one particular object in his bathroom, questioning why he brought that to a catholic in the first place. Could it be he wants to be prepared for future hookups? Not only is it a basic hygiene product, but just in case he wishes to have fun outside his work, he can be well prepared.

Shít, I expected to hook up with people outside the school, not students themselves! Hermes has no choice but to grab it.

after a long shower, 6pm, Hermes had finished dressing up when it noticed the time being too early. I need a drink.

However, the Lady of Carnations watches over him with sad eyes. Hermes is not religious, he is more on the agnostic side of things. However, that little sculpture of the Lady seems to carry the eyes of Thena herself, judging her little brother severely.

"You slept with my student... Hermes, did I raise you to be like this?"

"Shut uuuuuuup Thena, I saw your entries about Father Daniel, you're sinful, too!" He exclaimed at his own thoughts.

He can imagine his sister rolling her eyes. "This is Carvalle. Nobody's pure here, the school itself is corrupted. The students, evil. The teachers, cruel. It's time you stop thinking an angel will fit in hell."

Those are his thoughts; the guilt that eats him from the inside. How do people live with guilt, do they just forget it? Hermes feels like a terrible person for accepting Mavis' offer, and now he's suffering from Frost's blackmail. Holy Mother of Carnations, help me.

and he did seek help,

In the school Chapel where he enters breathless, calling out to the church official who is arranging the candles for the next mass. "Father Daniel!"

At the sound of his sweet voice echoing in the house of the Lady, the priest grew a smile that rivals the candles in beauty. Turning around, he responds to the breathless teacher desperately seeking someone to talk to, "What bothers you, Mr. Quinn?"

"I need to confess, do you have time?"

Father Daniel tilts his head, welcoming him to sit in front of the Lady.

"... shouldn't we be in the confession stand?"

"The stand is for anonymous confessions, for us Priests to not be aware of who committed the sin. There's no need for that when I know who you are, right?" The Priests says with the softest tone, for they are guided in the eyes of the Lady. "So... confess, my friend, and you will be forgiven by the Lady of Carnations."

Hermes looks up, his heart beating severely as he hesitates to tell this priest. "You... won't rat me out, right?"

Father Daniel almost broke out a smile because Hermes reminds him of a fearful child's first confession, afraid of its parents knowing about its sins. But, "This is a conversation between you and the Lady. I am simply a mediator. Confess a crime, and I won't even say a thing to anyone."

A priest is much more reliable than Mavis who immediately boasts to his cousin. "I... I uhm... I slept with someone I shouldn't have."

"Hmm?" Father Daniel gives him a side-eye, expecting the worst of what he's implying.

But Hermes continued, "I slept with one of my students. Mavis."

"Oh," Father Daniel released a sigh, thankful it's not any of the 16-17-year-old freshmen. However, "Mavis, of 3-A? Hmm. So you do swing that way?"

"Father, you're not supposed to judge," Hermes snaps his head at him, scowling. His knees are vibrating now because of nervousness.

"Judgement will come to us by the end of our lives... or in this case, when you have done something wrong there will always be judgment, for judgment will dictate your consequences."

"I'm already having half a consequence. I can't confess that because it hasn't happened yet," Hermes mutters. "I feel so guilty. I felt like I took advantage of him. I don't think he was in the right mind while we did it."

"If he requested it, as a grown 20-year-old, I think he was in the right mind. Mavis is physically sick, not mentally disabled," the priest casually answers.

"Yeah but—" Hermes then realized what the Priest just said. "Wait, I didn't say anything about req—"

Father Daniel politely adds, "He tried to seduce me back then as well. But, 18-year-olds aren't my thing. I'm more into..." He looks at Hermes with a handsome glint in his eyes, "... fit adults."

Hermes has never raised his eyebrows and opened his eyes so wide before. His brain has malfunctioned; his morality swerving off the road. What... the fúck...? Worse of all, this whole priest is glancing at his lips and thighs every once in a while and it's doing something to Hermes' stomach.

"Mavis..." Hermes clears his throat and looks away. "... did that? So... he doesn't actually like me, he just wants his virginity taken."

"If he just wants his virginity taken by anyone, then he would've done that in the past two years since I rejected him," Father Daniel raises his eyebrows at Hermes's cold and yet adorable avoidance.  "Mavis took a liking to you, and he probably didn't want you to slip away just like I did back then."

"But you turned him away because of age, does that mean you...?" Hermes gives him a little bit of a disgusting look, but Father Daniel can see right through it.

"Do you believe it's a sin, to be attracted to thy neighbor?" Father Daniel suddenly leans in as if this is a secret forbidden question that the Lady of Carnations shouldn't hear. Hermes quite literally stopped breathing because he can smell the masculine yet innocent perfume of this man, intoxicating and dangerous.

Father Daniel lifts his hand to brush across Hermes' chin as if to remind him, "I'm still new in this profession... very prone to temptation, right?"

Hermes gulped. His attraction to this priest is a dangerous temptation at its finest. He couldn't say anything, all he can do is breathe out and take in the scent of temptation.

Father Daniel smirks and glances at the Lady of Carnations. "Would you like to forget your guilt with a glass of wine? I didn't bless it yet, so we're free to indulge."

Shít, what do I say... shít, what if he has bad intentions? However, Hermes is the one wondering if Father Daniel also has Poliosis down the—what the fúck?!

"Yes please—I mean!" Hermes wants to slap himself, but kept his composure and calmly answers, "Yes, sure... why... why not..."

later on,

Hermes can hear that bítch Thena gasping for air once he enters the priest's bedroom willingly, breath unstable and his thoughts clouded with indecent intentions. He is merely projecting when he calls out Father Daniel for his 'intentions' when in fact, this professional teacher has been lusting over him too.

"I hope you're okay with 20% alcohol, it tastes like chocolate and grapes," Daniel pours it on two glasses while he strips off his blazer to remove one layer of clothing.

Hermes just sits on the dining table, recognizing that the layout of Father Daniel's room is similar to his. Only that, it's decorated with books and a lot of gothic candle holders here and there. Surprisingly enough, "No religious imagery?"

"Pictures and statues are false idols, your faith in the deity exists solely in your heart, my dear," Father Daniel offers the glass of wine and a plate of fruits to a stoic Hermes.

Even his platonic nicknames sound seductive... geez Father, calm down... Hermes pops a grape in his mouth, knees shaking and his eyes having trouble with keeping still. Daniel takes the seat beside him, one arm on the backrest which flexes his quite large muscles. He must have a lot of time to work out. Oh my fúck Hermes, stop thirsting.

So, he opted to drink more of the wine. Three gulps gave him enough impulse to ask, "What did Thena really say about me for you to be all up in my áss like this?"

The priest snorts and almost choked on his own drink, spilling droplets of wine on his cheek. He wipes it off with a smile, chuckling at the dead serious Hermes Quinn.

"Hmm... all up in your áss, hmm..."

"It's an expression."

Father Daniel shrugs, "Alright... well, she told me how cranky and serious you are and need to lighten up. She told me that you liked Barbie movies as a kid and..." He leans closer to Hermes as if to confess an intimate poem: "You remove all your bottoms when you pee."

Hermes gasps, Thena! "What the fúck—"

"She also told me how your rare smile can make anyone fall in love with you." Those words silenced the flustered Hermes and he is stuck staring at the charismatic priest with two-toned eyes, very much scared yet also curious. "I haven't seen it yet. Your sister's words made me curious about you... your presence made me desire for you. I'm pretty sure when you smile, it'll be over for me."

"Desire?" Hermes swallows his nerves, as well as his third glass of wine. He rolls his eyes and scoffs, "You're forgetting you're a Priest—"

"I am a human. Plus, I've had séx in my teens, and during my training, I've even had fun with the Senior students while I wait for your arrival."

What. "What." Hermes feels something shoot his heart with dull butcher knives.

"Oh, you're angry?" Father Daniel giggles at his scowling expression, pouring them another glass. "Would you like me to be yours only?"

"What—no, you sleep with students too?! I thought—"

"Carvalle isn't perfect, and everyone in it is far from being Angels, Mr. Quinn," Father Daniel runs his tongue along with his teeth, getting closer and closer to Hermes. "Judgement only comes upon death... and maybe, if we get caught."

"So you do swing that way?" Hermes says with a calm, stoic face even though his heart is hammering against his chest. "And you still have séx despite being a Priest... how sinful."

"The Lady forgives any sin as long as you seek her forgiveness," the man himself says. Hermes is starting to feel hot, and it's not the wine. The wine's effects are only to make cowards bolder, and the silent louder. "Don't you want a taste?"

Hermes wants to lean back, but his body doesn't cooperate because deep down, he doesn't want to look away.

"Come on..." The priest leans in to whisper, "... we can blame it on the alcohol..."

Fúck this alcohol. Hermes leans in to seduce the holy man, freshly wined lips landing on the sexiest ones who wholely accepts the sinner. Or, invited the sin.

Father Daniel's grip on the back of his head is romantically harsh; possessive, in a protective way. He keeps Hermes trapped in the heat of hell, taking his lips hostage. When Hermes' head finally wrapped around the situation... Holy shít, I'm holding his díck in my hand...

"Father..." Hermes whispers, but he does not want to let go. In fact, he just squeezes the textured shaft whose girth is very intimidating. Veiny, throbbing as if it has a heartbeat... Or maybe it's just Hermes' eager hand squeezing it.

"Confess." Father Daniel pulls him off the seat and lifts him onto the dining table where he is now in-between Hermes' legs. Then, he rudely pulls his shirt apart, destroying two buttons and revealing Hermes' sharp collarbone highlighted gold under the yellow lights. "Have you thought of sinful stuff about me?"

Wet dreams, yeah... at my entrance, yeah...

"Hermes." At the silence, Father Daniel threateningly says in a disciplinary yet sexy tone.

"Yes... I have..." Hermes looks directly into his two-toned eyes, righteous yet mischievous. Full of sin and corruption. Hermes then says, "Now shut up and forgive me."

"Unhand me greedy princess, and we continue in my bedroom?"

Shít, corrupt me, too... Hermes snaps out of his daze when the priest fixes his pants and pulls him out of the kitchen. Fúck this alcohol.

It's 7:30pm and Hermes is pushed against the wall, his legs secured around Father Daniel's waist and keeping him from falling as the man takes off his shirt.

Holy Mother of Carnations— You have tattoos?!"

"Nobody's gonna see, Angel..." Father Daniel kisses him, and makes Hermes moan from how fast his díck hardens when Daniel grinds on him. "The body is a temple, yet temples are painted and decorated, hmm?"

"Ohh! Fú-" Daniel is starting to worship his neck with the same lips that preach purity to the school, pinning him to the bedroom wall like a painting he is currently vandalizing with love bites.

"I assume you're not prepared? We can just make out and—"

"I am," Hermes confesses, making them both pause. The teacher hasn't had sexual relationships in six years of college. Mavis stimulated his díck, and now he won't pass an opportunity to be ripped by Daniel's massive cöck. He is a deprived sinner who was tempted by a man of God.

Father Daniel was caught too off guard that Hermes has to softly kiss his lips again, whispering a demand, "I am prepared for judgment... so judge me, Father... for I have sinned..."

Daniel hasn't seen this side of him before, but it made his díck twitch so hard, he had to slam Hermes against the well-made bed, ruining it. It won't be the only thing ruined tonight, though.

"Asking for forgiveness, huh? For what, acting like a slút in front of me, or sleeping with a student?" Daniel says as he removes his belt and starts to play with it. In fact, he's turning it into a...

Fúck, Hermes internally curses when the priest harshly grabs both of his hands and tied them up using the thick, extra-large belt. "Just punish me for fúcking you, you corrupted Priest! You sleep with students too!"

"They wanted to fulfill their fantasy of being fúcked in the confession stand... both men and women..." Daniel removes his pants, making Hermes want to cry because of how long that thing really is. "I wonder what your fantasy is?"

I haven't been penetrated for 6 years, god have mercy, Hermes' eyes start to form tears while watching Father Daniel kiss his abdomen, all while slowly slipping his pants off.

"My fantasy has always been your smile..." Father Daniel's kisses lower down to the base of his hard cóck, a light pink on the tip, and matches his skin the lower it gets. "... but for now, your moan can do."

Hermes refused by covering his mouth once Father Daniel licked and engulfed his díck into that hot mouth, making sure Hermes' díck gets stained with the flavor of grapes and chocolate. The teacher arches his back and assaults Daniel's hair when his fingers curl in pleasure.

"Mmm.... hhh.... Mnnn...!" Hermes grunts behind his mouth, especially when his legs are pushed up so Father Daniel can lower his lips to plant kisses on that untouched hole, celibate for 6 years. But I'm not gonna tell him that, the fúck... "Daniel... y-y—"

The man sternly slaps him at the hips, "Address me properly."

Ah fúck, my díck twitched... "Father Daniel... you are... too big... I can't... I don't think it will fit..."

"My darling," Daniel kisses the belt that bound Hermes' wrists, staring up at him with hooded two-toned eyes. Then, he smiles cheerfully. "We should endure consequences for the actions we chose. You chose to get fúcked, and I simply will."

Hermes winced at the pouring of lube all over his crotch, Father Daniel was generous. His body, so toned and tight that Hermes gets jealous and motivated to improve his own physique. Father Daniel is simply too sexy, one can be jealous of the tattoos that hug those muscles. Worse; jealous of the condom that is wrapping around that díck instead of Hermes' mouth.

"Let's see how far you will go?" The man waits until two of his fingers can sink in the rough interior of his áss, then commands, "Turn around for me."

"Okay...?" Hermes winced and sighs when he got on all fours, the fingers not going anywhere besides in and out as he does so. When they were finally removed and something else went in, "AHH! Oh fúck, Father!"

It was merely the head and Hermes is already sobbing. It's been years, nobody had taken him that way, and he forgot the taste of díck. Father Daniel seems to be less merciful though, because he enjoyed the hungry cries and pulls on Hermes by the shoulder, pushing more of himself inside.

"Oh fúcking lord, you're so big, I can't—!"

"Want to stop?" Father Daniel's other hand is caressing Hermes' bare áss, the finger grazing his stretched entrance as if to gatekeep it. But no, his díck has already invaded.

"Nn... d-don't put everything in... I haven't gotten used... shít, please shrink..."

Father Daniel laughs wholeheartedly at that, before silencing Hermes with a thrust of two inches, or the opposite of silence where he just screams out for god. "My love, I am but a servant, not God itself."

Why is he so hot... "Don't make me scream... I... people will hear... agghhnn...!"

"Let them," the romantically harsh priest flips him over with his díck still inside, now putting one leg over his shoulder while merely fúcking him with half of what he's got. Then he evilly teases Hermes, "Let them know how much of a sinner you are... a slút... your voice is sexy, let them know it's all because of me..."

"Father, don't talk like that it's—ahh! Ahh, fúck! Mmm... it's... vulgar..."

Father Daniel leans in and kisses him gently on the cheeks, "You say that with a voice that begs me to do worse." Then, he squeezes Hermes' throbbing díck, "The tip is creamy, huh... can I have a taste...?"

"Shít," Hermes curses before leaning in to catch Father Daniel's lips, then gasping out when he thrusts inside to hit the prostate near the entrance with his fat knob of a tip. "Don't b-be rough... ah fúck, I want you to fúck me, just don't do it too hard...”

Father Daniel coats his thumb with the liquid from Hermes' slit, before lifting it to lick the sweet tangy juice. Delicious...

"All I want is for you to make more of that delicious thing," Father Daniel sighs before throwing his head back, thrusting in and out of a teacher whose sanity is slowly slipping. His whimpers are sexy, too... relentlessly cursing as if he's not in the presence of a priest.

"Fúck! Fúck you, shít! Father! I—! Nnnhh, that! That—ow, I—!"

"The dirtier your mouth is, the more I want to fúck it," Father Daniel shoves two of his fingers in, big enough to muffle Hermes' words, but not his moans.

Scowling, Hermes grabs his wrist as if to pull away from the invasive fingers. This corrupted priest...

However, he decides to play along by stroking Father's wrist as if it was his second díck, then tongue massaging the two fingers inside his mouth. All gets interrupted every time Father Daniel's cóck gets shoved inside him, even if it is just half of it.

"Right in front of the Lady's eyes, you seduce a man of God," Father Daniel chuckles, severely turned on by the touch of his hands and the movement of his tongue. "Ahh, I've always wanted to fúck you, Hermes... well, in truth, a relationship is what I truly desire... fúcking your hot body is just a bonus..."

Hermes' abdomen burns in delight, finding himself sinking into the díck quite nicely since he remembered how to relax.

"Father... y-..... your díck..." Hermes moans with a voice so husky that Father Daniel purposely thrusts for that voice to come out more.

"Want it?" The man sighs out, one hand on the legs on his shoulder, the other pressing onto Hermes' díck and rubbing the wet tip with his thumb. "You can have it all the time... anytime you want. Be my lover."

That sounded like a gentle demand, showing that he'll be the dominant one in the relationship. Hermes is not usually a submissive person, but the way Daniel is fúcking him like a husband home from work instead of a one-night stand is sending Yes signals to his brain. This is just supposed to be a hook-up...

"I'm... Nnnhh! I'm... I'm not sure... I should.... ohh...! ... go out with a P... priest...!"

Father Daniel kisses his legs before he rams himself inside faster, making Hermes bite his arm to stop himself from getting louder. All because his outsides hurt, but his insides are on fire. "I can treat you well. Take care of you... be your ally and a lover. We can make sure you get used to this díck so you can enjoy it."

Ahh fúck yes, I wish this didn't hurt so I can have more... Hermes' eyes roll to the back of his head. Then he looks at him with dazed half-lidded eyes, a whine exiting his mouth "Fúck me... please Father..."

"Every time you want it, baby," Father Daniel pushes both of his legs further towards his body, making sure he has a view of this nice stretched hole getting hammered by half a monster cóck. Hermes can't even open his eyes, only small whines escaping his lips, translating his pleasure into words.

"Hermes... be mine..." The man grunts, leaning over to kiss him and unintentionally putting more inside, making Hermes' guts feel full and his abdomen bulging for the tiniest bit because of the angle.

Hermes didn't say anything but he did kiss back, haphazardly trying to find the priests' lips despite being bounced around by his cóck. He then grabs his own díck and rubs himself, getting off from the sight of a handsome muscular man shoving his big díck inside a crying and whining whóre.

"Oh yes, fúck that's it! Right there! Oh fúck yeah...!" Hermes moans out, leaning this side for more of that weird angle. Daniel listened and starts fúcking him sideways, ramming him into the bed like a winning Gladiator humiliating his opponent.

His thrusts are so powerful, Hermes ends up on his stomach without notice, now being fúcked onto the bed with one leg bent. "I'm gonna cúm! Fúck, you're gonna make me cúm!"

Father Daniel leans in to lick his shoulders, tasting the sweet skin of an angel being fúcked by a— "Daniel! Dan... Danie—"

"Address me properly," he corrects, one hand pressed onto Hermes' nape and keeping his head in the same place as his body gets used in the most pleasurable way. "Come on baby, address me properly... call me Daddy now..."

"Fúck!" Hermes cries out, painfully turned on and his balls are on fire, tasting the punishment of hell. "Daddy... mmmm Daddy please, I want to cúm... forgive me, Daddy... Ahhhnn! I'm-... fúck, I'm such a slút..."

"Good boy," the grip on his neck softens to reward Hermes with a pet, before it leaves to slap him painfully in the áss and grab his hair in one swift second. Daniel pulls his head up, demanding a kiss. "Be my slút, Hermes... I'll give you all the love and díck you want..."

Hermes' throat vibrates with a moan when his lips got devoured aggressively, his hand going faster on his own díck. He's starting to feel the effects of pleasure, a euphoric feeling that detaches his mind from his original body.

"Y-your slút... your slút..." Hermes huskily groans as he feels his ejaculation coming in, "Father... I want to be your slút... please..."

His voice breaks every once in a while, but that was seen as adorable and sexy because his moans are trying to keep up with his words. Father Daniel smiles in victory, successfully seducing Carvalle's cold-hearted Prince and making him crack. He is attracted to that cold heart; only warm and beating on the inside, the same way Daniel's díck beats for his áss.

"Shít!" Hermes throws his head back and started to repeat his desires to be this priest's whóre as he ejaculated on the bed, marking his new property and embedding his scent in a bed that is not his.

Yet he didn't stop moaning out because Father Daniel isn't done; fúcking him in all fours, pulling his áss onto this díck when he rides, pressing him against the bed and making sure his limp díck still gets stimulated by the sheets.

This man is wild, and by the time Father Daniel pulls out to rip the condom off just in time for him to grab Hermes' face and coat it with his cúm. The best thing for him is when Hermes wraps his lips around the cúm-coated tip waiting for more to shoot into his mouth, one eye closed because it is covered with the slimy substance.

"You swallow?" The dark man chuckles, the apple in his neck bobbing attractively.

Hermes did, but he kept it subtle since he just wants a small forbidden taste of this sexy man.  "No. Disgusting," he says while out of breath, his tongue cleaning the díck that's been in his áss and torturing it.

If Frost didn't threaten me, I wouldn't have cleaned it and experienced a great fúcking... Then he remembered, Frost! Shít it's... It's almost 9pm!

Hermes pulls himself out from under Daniel, wiping cúm off his face. His voice and face are back to being cold and emotionless. "I have to leave. I have an appointment by 10."

"That's one hour away," Father Daniel says as Hermes grabs his black shirt and hurriedly wipes his face with it. "Hermes baby, please stay..."

"I can't, I have to-" Hermes was about to leave the bed but he was held back by the hand and pulled to where he had to face this naked hunk of a man who sets his other hand on his áss.

"Take a bath with me, my Angel... you're dirty," he whispers, before gently kissing Hermes to seduce him.

But Frost... It's 9pm. What if I turn up late? It's an hour away. But I'm a little scared of this Priest! Father Daniel is Daddy. What the fúck, Thena is this you in my head?!

"Fine... one hour..." I can head there by 10:20 or something... Father Daniel's kisses are addictive...

after a relaxing, calming bath with wine accompanying them, Hermes is just now feeling the effects of the alcohol, realizing that he was  100% sober earlier, and only now is he a little buzzed after consuming it like a soft drink.

Both of them lay on the bed wet and naked, Hermes' chin on Father Daniel's muscular chest as he looks at the priest. His one leg is draped over the big man's body, making his áss open for Daniel to smooth his hand over and grope.

He doesn't have patchy skin, but his thin hairs down there and on his stomach have white patches too... damn, it's sexy...

"Did you really mean it when you asked me to be your lover, or do you just want a fúck buddy?" Hermes asks nonchalantly, resting from the previous hook-up.

"I mean it," the man answers, squeezing Hermes' áss for fun. "I want to take care of Thena's little brother. She'd want that."

"She'd want you for herself, I'm sure it's obvious she has a crush on you."

"Hahahaha, I'd assume, a lot of people do. But, she never made a move. If ever, I think she's trying to introduce me to you," Father Daniel leans in for a kiss, but Hermes glares at him for being too touchy and flirty. He just wants to chill for now.

"So Thena was pimping out 19 year old me to an old man?"

"Old man? My dear, I was your age when you were 19, are you calling yourself old?" Father Daniel chuckles at him, making Hermes roll his eyes but also smirk in amusement. "And like I said, I'm not into teens. I'm more into... you."


Father Daniel slaps the flesh under his hand, "Yeah, smooth áss you got here... with a mole, too, I can feel it..."

"Pervert," Hermes cringes while his hands are also exploring the other man's defined abs, up to his chest where he enjoys playing with the pecs. So soft... he smells so sexy, too...

"So is it official, my Angel?" Father Daniel uses his finger to pull Hermes' head towards him, making sure he doesn't escape from the kiss he requests. "Will you be my... boyfriend?"

"Are we gonna be a secret?"

"I won't tell anyone if you don't want to. If you want everyone to know, then it's up to you..."

Will Mavis and Frost leave me alone if I announce this relationship to them? He can imagine Mavis crying now, that boy really likes him but he can't mess around with a student. Ahh shít... well, what happens, happens.

"I don't want to tell anyone, but I also don't want to hide. So it's a matter of, if someone sees us... they can believe what they want..." Hermes pushes himself up to willingly kiss Father Daniel, then pulls away to stare at those wonderful eyes. "Father, I have something to confess."

"Yes, my child?" Daniel smiles, currently in his Priest persona. "Confess, and you will be forgiven by Daddy."

Shít, butterflies are eating my guts right now... "I've wanted to fúck you ever since I came in... but you're a Priest..."

"Well, you just did, you're welcome..." Daniel cheekily smiles at him. "Soon, I'll be sure to fúck you in the confession room so you'll have more to be sorry about."

Hermes rolls his eyes, "You're such a devil."

So is he, for lusting over this man and ending up being the boyfriend to a Carvalle priest. Maybe the Lady sent him to protect me... what a delicious protector...



I think that was the hottest thing I have read yet, apart from SaLu and Miles' many scenes. It's also one of the few scenes where the characters are both above age of consent and such :o

Sam s

This chapter was so fucking hot