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days later, Friday,


"Class dismissed," Hermes announces to his first period of Friday classes where he teaches the 1st years every Thursday and Friday. 2nd years, Monday and Tuesday. 3rd years... Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Hermes dreads Class 3-A. One that houses an arrogant spoiled brat named Frost in it. In order to calm himself down, he went to the cafeteria for some coffee. By the time he arrived in the Johnson's building, everyone else was in their classes. 6 years of studying for this? The struggle never ends, huh...


"Please, stop!"

Hermes freezes at the sound of laughter and the shuffling of students on the area between the stairs. The teacher drinks all of his coffee before rushing there, just in time to witness Mavis falling onto the ground when trying to catch his flying bag. The bag was caught by one dark redheaded boy, who then throws it towards another boy who looks the exact same.

"Excuse me, leave him alone!" Hermes strictly reprimands the boys and runs up to confront them.

"Oh, what's this...? A new student?" The two boys' appearance is strange, to say the least. "I smell new blood to feast on..."

Two broken masks, one revealing half the lips and the other revealing half his eyes. Tall and athletic boys of 6'0, they seemed to be first years because they have a light red tie instead of the older ones' dark neckties. They seem to ignore the dress code though, because they're wearing the Carvalle vests instead of the recommended formal blazers. Not much to say about their appearance because their face is hidden.

"New blood?" Hermes is pissed that they dare play volleyballs with Mavis' bag. He gently pulls the boy up as he glares at the masked twins, "I am a teacher here, and I want your names so I can report you two for bullying. And what's with that mask you're wearing, this isn't Halloween!"

"Blah blah blah," the one with an exposed eye pulled Mavis away from him, Hermes trying to reach out but was pulled back by the other twin.

"Let go of me-!"

"We're just trying to play with Mavis. We're friends are we, little brat? No homo, though," He shook and intimidated Mavis so much, he had no choice but to whimper a Yes.

Before Hermes can fight back, the one with exposed lips suddenly presses his plastic face onto Hermes' neck, inhaling a huge amount of his scent. "Mmmm, you smell good under your perfume, I'm sure you're gonna be nice to play wi-"

The teacher seeks forgiveness from the Lady of Carnations because he elbowed Her student right in the chest and slams his fist on the boy’s shoulder to knock him off. Yet that wasn't the only thing knocked out, his mask also fell onto the floor, making him scream and release Hermes to desperately cover his face.


"Bro!" Rain pushes Mavis away in order to pick up his twin's mask, Hermes immediately catching the tormented boy before he can fall again.

As the brothers worry over the mask and try to cover up, Hermes cautiously snatches Mavis' bag and pulls him up the stairs with him.

When the twins notice their disappearance one of them eerily shouts, "You better watch your back, Little Bítch! Your face might fall off, too!"

"Jesus fúcking Christ, where are their parents..." Hermes curses while helping Mavis run away until he quite literally runs out of breath, needing to squat down to catch some.

"Hahh... Hahhh..." Mavis looks up to Hermes waiting for him, carrying his bag, while he rests. "Th... thank you, Mr. Quinn... y-you're so nice..."

"Do they always do that to you? The school should do something about bullying..."

"Ahh... mm... it's alright," Mavis shyly says, admiring the fact that Hermes is concerned for him. "Ray and Rain are just playing around..."

"Playing around?" Hermes also has to take deep breaths, slightly rolling his eyes in annoyance because Mavis just excused bullying. "That sounds dumb, it wasn't playing around. I'm reporting them to the office. Ray and Rain, was it?"

"Yes..." Mavis' heart could burst in his weak chest because he feels like Hermes is being romantic by defending him. He looks at the teacher, so happy and relieved that someone is taking care of him now. B-but... maybe it's just because I'm his student... aww... "Thank you... Mr. Quinn..." I don't care...

The exhausted teacher was suddenly taken back when Mavis stands on his toes to give him a thank-you kiss; only that this kiss was a long, long peck on the lips. He froze not expecting such an act.

Someone else who also didn't expect the act was Student Council President Frost who stood at the door of the classroom on his way to search for Mavis, only to find the boy on his toes kissing the new teacher. He remains staring as Mavis steps back with red ears, a full flustered neck, and a happy smile that made his happy eyes disappear.

Frost immediately slams the door close, startling his classmates.

"Ehh? Something wrong?"

"Disgusting," he spat out, the others thinking that it was a response so they glared at the person who asked. Frost rushes to his seat quite angrily, arms crossed and knees spread in order to calm himself.

"Haha, Frost just said you're disgusting..."

"I just asked him a question!"

"You spray Victoria's Secret on your coochie, Frost is right."

"You can't say that when you eat your own discharge, Madison."

"It's because it's sweet, ask your bestie," the student winks at another girl.

Meanwhile, the boys seriously ask the fuming Frost, "What are you thinking about, man?"

"That teacher... we have to get rid of him..." Frost mutters, but loud enough so the boys beside him can hear.


"Good morning class," a composed Hermes Quinn enters the classroom with an emotionless face as usual, though his ears are obviously blushing. Mavis follows in after, smiling and a little too happy while sitting in the front. Hermes awkwardly clears his throat before writing their lesson on the board, The Benefits of Warm-Up Routines.

"Now before we proceed to the Gymnasium, I'm gonna group you into 4 so you can come up with your own warm-up routines, then each group will decide on one party game that the whole class can play, alright?"

Frost raises his hand, silencing everyone for a moment.

His interruption made Hermes nervous, but he keeps his calm demeanor and says, "Yes, Frost? Any questions?"

"You're too young to be a real Carvalle teacher, Mr. Quinn. Yet too old to be messing around with students... how old are you, really?"

Hermes is shocked and weirded out by the strange question. What does that have to do with... It also created controversy among students. "I'm just 23... turning 24. And I'm not messing around with any students, I know my place as a teacher, Frost."

Mavis in the front slouches even more because of nervousness, scared of what Frost is gonna say, hopefully nothing that will hurt Mr. Quinn's feelings.

Frost raises an eyebrow, "Oh, you aren't? What a shame. Hear that, Mavis? You have no chance, so stop ogling over him like a fág..."

"What-" Hermes stares at him in shock, the class erupting into violent whispers and laughter but Hermes can't really debunk it; he's right, Mavis won't have a chance with a teacher as serious as Hermes. Arguing would mean Hermes condones that forbidden relationship. However, Frost didn't have to embarrass him in front of the class and use a distasteful word.

Before the teacher can reprimand him for the language, Mavis stands up and walks out from class, head down and clearly holding back tears. Hermes tries to chase after him, "Mavis-!"

"If you leave, we will dismiss ourselves..." Frost says with a carefree sigh, checking his nails. Hermes looks at him, completely horrified at this man's audacity. Frost then stares at him with a victorious smile, "If you stay and do your job, we will cooperate like good little students. Right, guys?"

Frost is the King of this classroom, and quite possibly the school, so whatever he says goes. Everyone agrees and straightens themselves as if ready to listen to the lesson. Hermes was torn; to go after the poor Mavis, or to do his job. His feet want to exit the classroom and make sure Mavis is okay, but Class 3-A is finally cooperating at the expense of Mavis.

Carvalle... is full of monsters.

And I may be one of them. "Group yourselves into four, and sit by your members." Hermes spitefully glares at the smiling face of Frost, sitting there with an evil smile. I'm so sorry, Mavis. I'll make it up to you, I promise...


The groups are obediently working on their warm-up routines, just as Frost said they would. But the teacher can't help but look beyond the premises, hoping to find Mavis somewhere and he will maybe join them here. He can barely even pay attention to his students, and Frost noticed this.

While everyone is wearing a white shirt and dark red jogging pants for P.E uniforms, Frost is wearing a pure white version with no other color except the Carvalle crest patched onto his shirt. He approaches Hermes and throws a dodgeball at him, but the teacher catches it.

"Mr. Quinn," the Handsome, blue-eyed Frost judgementally scans him from head to toe, "For a 23-year-old, you sure look shorter than your male students. Is it the Asian genes?"

Hermes passes the ball back to him. "At least these genes don't carry the same ássholery as yours."

"Ooh witty, I like that," Frost grows a little bit of interest in this teacher he oh so hates, simply because he knows how to fight back. He walks around the distracted teacher, checking him out further. "You do know I can command every single one of these students to do as I please, right? Yet you're here freely disrespecting me?"

Hermes stands his ground unbothered as Frost speaks from behind him. Alright Abraham Lincoln, flaunt your slaves... He wants to blast Frost but then again, he shouldn't fight with a dámn student.

"How awesome of you..." Hermes sarcastically replies with a roll of his eyes, tone flat and uninterested.

When suddenly, he was caught off guard when Frost's arm hooks around his shoulder as if they were close friends. Hermes definitely flinched but couldn't get away because Frost's other hand squeezed him in place.

"Why don't you give me special treatment instead of the walking corpse that is Mavis, hmm?" Frost whispers beside him, bending his knees to lean on Hermes, putting his weight on the teacher.

What the-?! "What are you talking about-"

"Be my bítch, and I can get the school to behave... respect you... they'll take you seriously if I tell them to. You'll be the most respected teacher in Carvalle, isn't that awesome?" Frost whispers in the most manipulative voice of temptation. To say the teacher was shocked is an understatement; he just spat out that proposal like trading candies on Halloween.

Hermes does his best to push the blonde away, his face showing clear disgust at the first three words. His words were hushed to avoid people noticing, "What are you thinking?! I thought you were so virtuous earlier calling Mavis out for having a crush on me, then you do this shít? I'll have you know, I'm not interested in males, and especially male students!"

Frost's lids cover half his eyes as they turn playful and spiteful. "So you won't submit to me?"

"Go to your group and participate in your warm-up," Hermes strictly says, straightening his posture to maintain his composure. "You may be the Boss of this school, but you're not the Boss of me. Take your delusions and use your brain in your studies."

Hermes steps away from him and goes to observe another group, actively avoiding Frost who has the most amused smile one could have on a face. The White King of Carvalle then walks to the bleachers away from his class, where two students sit playing Jackstones.

"Oh, Frostie-pie," one says in a high baby voice, then goes to his normally deep voice, "We saw you messing with the new Teacher..."

"Yeah, he was the same bítch who knocked down my mask," says the other one, scratching his chin which disturbed the thick plastic thing covering a third of his face.

"Pretty brave, huh... I admire the amount of gut this man has," Frost was smiling, but his eyes are anything but happy. Deep down his ego is bruised, after unsuccessfully making Hermes yield. "Are you guys up for a job? I need this one to crack..."

"Frostie's planning something..." Rain excitedly announces before Frost takes a pen and reveals the retractable knife underneath. He threatens Rain's ankle with it, a part that will disconnect his nerves if he dares slices.

"Stop with the names."

"Okay, Jack Frost- OW!"


Hermes just finished his last afternoon class and is heading down to wrap up his day, when he suddenly remembers his student, Mavis. Oh god, where could he be... I hope nobody's bullying him right now... poor kid...

As he takes one step down the stairs, he spots a white card two steps below. An... ace of hearts...?

Gasping, Hermes immediately backs away from the stairs, not wanting to receive the same fate as his sister. His back is pressed against the wall now, his hand reaching down his briefcase to retrieve a letter opener for self-defense.

I'm not trusting that... I'm not trusting Carvalle stairs... Hermes turns the other way and always watches out behind him, opening the door to the fire exit where if someone comes after him, he can immediately spot and outrun them.

However, he wasn't too quick to react when the closet beside the fire exit opened and someone snatches him back inside, Hermes immediately screaming and swinging his letter opener.

"Whoa! Man's got Final Girl reflexes!" One of the twins reacted from behind him, slamming a hand onto his mouth while the other held down his armed hand.

The twins are the killers?! Hermes bites Ray's hand, making the boy scream.

"AHHH! Rain, he bit me!"


Ray pulls his necktie out and wraps it around Hermes' head, the tie now pulled between his lips tightly that he can't open them wide enough to make loud noises. Meanwhile Rain, in an attempt to shock him into paralyzation, pulls his necktie out while leaning in to press his lips onto Hermes' gagged mouth. He even licked the teacher's bottom lip, which traumatized Hermes enough to freeze as the man ties up his hands.

His heart has never been this loud, and he imagines his death in the hands of these twins. Probably dismembered, or thrown out of the fire exit; it's scary, the thought is gonna make a grown man like him cry.

And he did cry out silent tears as only his breath trembles, trying to kick down the athletic twins who drag him inside a spacious janitor's closet surrounded by cleaning supplies.

Thena... Thena I'm sorry... I'm about to-

"Is he crying?" The masked Rain mumbles when they turned on the lights inside. His eyes showed clear concern yet a little bit of annoyance as he asks, "Yo, why is he crying?"

"I don't know stupid, maybe because you kissed him with your stinky áss breath," Ray sarcastically replies as he restrains Hermes from behind. Rain is in charge of his legs. Both Ray and Hermes are sitting on the floor with the other twin squatting.

"It's not stinky, you're one to talk with your molar having a cavity," Rain emotionlessly says. He then faces Hermes, the teacher now getting a clear look of his one exposed eye and the other hidden one. "You... we're gonna take off your gag, but if you scream it's getting back in there..."

Hermes' tears can't stop from flowing, but he remains looking calm while he tries stabilizing his breath as much as possible. He is scared inside, but he is determined to fight back if the opportunity arises. He just stares cold and hard at Rain after calming himself down.

"There we go," despite not being visible, it's clear he's smiling. He then carefully removes Hermes' gag, watching out if he ever makes a sound. "See, that wasn't so hard, is it?"

Ray suddenly inhales Hermes' scent yet again and sighs out, "Bro, he smells so good... I think he's using girls' perfume."

"Hands off, you murdering pervert!" Hermes spits in a hushed yet angry tone, trying to pull himself away.

"We're not murderers."

"Well, you just tied me up, how the hell can't you be killers?!" Hermes still keeps his voice hushed to avoid getting the gag back.

"You attacked us, first of all," Rain says, pulling out the letter opener. "And... you look lovely tied up. "

Hermes' hair is then pulled up by Ray, the boy once again sniffing his neck like an obsessed maniac. "Mmm... how about a ball gag to make you prettier?"

"What do you want from me." Hermes' tone is harsh and much more colder, staring up at Rain whose eyes gently observe him. Ray is giggling on his shoulder, clearly enjoying whatever scent he has on right now.

"We just wanted to say hi," Rain says, hands suddenly creeping up Hermes' legs in curiosity. "If you had lighter skin, you would've looked exactly like Thena..."

The teacher, uncomfortable at where the hand is, kicks once to knock it away. "Don't touch me like that!" So they're the ones who killed her...

"I miss her," whimpers Ray, now hugging Hermes from behind.

"We... were the first to see her body hanging on the chandelier..." Rain whispers, almost to himself. "Poor Ray... a little traumatized there, right brother? Needed 4 months of therapy..."


Ray sniffs behind Hermes, as if crying although it's not clear if he is. "But her blood smells so good...! Like metal... and roses.... mmm, Thena..."

Ray just moaned that name right by Hermes' ear and he has never been so uncomfortable. "Don't talk about her that way!"

"Shhh, shh... it's normal for us to be attracted to her, you know..." Rain then pulls out the ace of hearts, yet unclear if it's the same Ace of Hearts from the stairs. But he flips it over, and suddenly it's the Queen of Spades. Another flip, and the Red Joker.

How did...

"Mr. Quinn," Rain gets closer to them, but Hermes never faltered despite being scared on the inside. He shouldn't be scared, they're just college kids. "... what are you doing pissing off Frost and accusing us of murder? Aren't teachers supposed to take care of students?"

"I'm not giving students free pass to disrespect and mistreat teachers," Hermes squirms once more in Ray's hold.

"Hey... we didn't kill Miss Quinn," Rains says with a deep voice as Ray whimpers behind Hermes. "Or else Ray would've killed me, then himself."

"She shouldn't have left, SHE SHOULDN'T HAVE!" Ray angrily yells out which made Hermes flinch because of his sudden aggression. Ray is also shaking behind him, maybe because the mention of Thena triggered him. His tiny whimpers seem to grow more upset so Hermes is too scared to move.

Only then did his suspicion dwindle, because they're too insane to kill their crush. Yet also, enough insanity to be able to murder.

"Okay, okay!" Hermes tries moving away from Ray, but the boy wanted to keep smelling his neck. "Fine... you didn't kill her. Now please let me go."

Ray whimpers behind him, begging his brother, "Rain... five more minutes... he smells so nice..."

"What the hell—get off of me-!" Hermes couldn't take it anymore and pushed himself forward, but only for Rain to grab him by the hair and push him back against Ray. Shít, they're so weird and I feel so unsafe! What the fúck kind of Catholic school is this?!

Ray happily presses his nose against Hermes' hair and even pulls his collar down for that shoulder, terrifying the teacher even more.

"Boys I swear to the Lady of Carnations, let me out of here!"

Rain finally grabs him by his tied up hands and pulls him off of Ray, who actively made a hurt sound similar to a disappointed dog. Rain then opens the door and pulls his necktie off of Hermes' wrist before throwing him out of the broom closet.

"Don't worry Ray," says the twin with the exposed eye, now looking on the teacher who is trying to get back on his trembling feet. "You'll meet him again soon... we'll catch you later, alright Mr. Quinn?"

Ray emerges from the closet, his exposed mouth frowning at the idea that they have to release the teacher.

Hermes remains pressed against the wall, holding his breath until the twins calmly walk away from him. Once he releases his breath, he curses at himself for not being able to fight back. Then again, he shouldn't harm rich kids who can very well get him fired. Again, Carvalle favors the students and justice isn't in the Lady's eyes.

This school is dangerous... full of monsters. How the fúck am I gonna survive...

the next day,

Hermes has had a resting bítch face ever since he was a child, leading to people assuming he is strict and mean. Him being too focused on his studies and not socializing much didn't develop his cold persona which leads him to not deal with anything that doesn't involve him graduating, getting a job, and supporting himself and his sister.

However, him looking unapproachable doesn't seem to phase certain people.

"Mr. Quinn, good morning!" A tall, dark, and handsome Priest joins Hermes on a walk towards the Johnson building, also carrying his own books for his religion class. Only then did the depressed teacher notice that any girl and some guys they pass by always get excited at the sight of the Priest, even greeting with the intent of getting noticed.

I don't trust Father Daniel, he's too flirty for a man who's supposed to be... uhm... good... "Hello, Father." Well, he is good-looking...

"Why do you look angry, did the Holy Spirit piss on your coffee this morning?" Father Daniel jokes.

Even though he's not that religious, Hermes looks at him in shock. "Uhm... is that appropriate?"

"I'm joking, Mr. Quinn. I'm sure the Lady of Carnations knows my intentions, things are not to be taken seriously."

"You're a grown man and a Priest, you're supposed to be serious," Hermes bluntly tells him.

Father Daniel just smiles, "Says who? It's not illegal to try to get you to smile... or change emotions at least, I made you look shocked."

Such an achievement... Hermes lightly rolls his eyes, but his lips have a little smile on them because he feels a little warm that Father Daniel does silly stuff just to interact with him. It's a little cute, how he isn't up to people's expectations of a Priest.

"The students here are brats, Father. Such a pain in the áss, they drain me of my motivation to live." Hermes isn't even afraid to curse in front of him just because.

"Oh? Are they?" Father Daniel chuckles as they get closer towards the Johnson building. "Well, you just have to please them for a bit, not act like authority, and try to be uhm... one of them, so to say."

What? That's cringe, That made Hermes snort for a second, "Well, I certainly don't want to--"

Glass suddenly rains from the sky when a microscope flew out of the 3rd-floor laboratory, bringing with it hundreds of shards that almost showered the two teachers on the entrance. Students scream and the people caught in the glass rain shield themselves, but after that split second, they hear a more prominent scream from the students.


A body of a female student swung out of the window, wearing a thick, dim gold necklace that is connected to the top of the window and prevented her body from falling. Yet the withered gold could not stop the pearls of blood that drips from her neck, flesh severed and only hung by the bone. It was the purpose of the rope, to hide the fact that she barely has any of her neck left; to preserve her beauty and hide imperfections. It made everyone freeze.

And when gravity claims the poor girl, everyone along with the Lady of Carnations watched as the girl's body detached from her hanging head and fell onto the ground, a few feet in front of the Priest and the new teacher. With a full view of the severed neck, the rope above only showcasing the missing head.

Hermes could not act as professional as he forced himself to be. As the school bells ring in emergency and the students scream and scatter in fear, Hermes lost his vision and fell onto the ground, almost similar to the crownless princess in front of him.


Raven Nguyen Tran

Ok... who would be top? Mavis or Hermes


For some reason I think Frost likes mavis?