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[Chapter One]

Warning: Sinful, dark, offensive, and toxic characters not meant to be romanticized. We trust that you will know the difference between right and wrong and that the book doesn't promote or condone any wrongdoings portrayed. That is why the books are 18+

Not a fanfiction.

We will not apologize or adjust the humor/content of this book when offense is taken, you have been warned, the Authors will uphold their Creative Freedom.

All Religious Deities/References in this book are simply inspired by multiple real-life religious encounters, but we have no intent on making fun or blaspheming these religions. Other than the name 'catholic' and 'seven deadly sins' the deities/scriptures mentioned here are original and do not have anything to do with real life.



After an Angel has fallen, is it still an Angel when it keeps its innocence and purity, or turned to a devil simply because it is with us?

"Class dismissed," announces Carvalle's most beloved and arguably most beautiful teacher, Miss Thena Quinn. As the students exit, she makes sure to smile at each of them so her good vibes can be carried onto their next lesson.

Once she was left alone, she dutifully fulfills her job preparing the lesson plans for next week and grading the students' papers. She decides to call a special someone in her free time, her beloved younger brother, "Hermes! Finally, you answered..."

"I have to prepare for finals, Thena..." Hearing his voice warms her exhausted heart.

"You're gonna pass 100%. I'm gonna buy you a graduation gift, and you're not allowed to refuse," she excitedly says, "Can't wait for you to teach in Carvalle!"

Her brother chuckles on the line. "About Carvalle... I don't think I want to teach there specifically... you know me... uhm, and that's a Catholic school..."

"Baby no, there's no old hags here to kick you out if they found out you're a 'sinful' gay man, puh-lease don't worry, that's not one of the Seven Deadly Sins," she laughs, trying to lighten up her brother's worry. The school is devoted to eliminating those seven sins, and as long as one doesn't heavily carry a quality of those then they aren't sinful.

"I really don't know, Thena... I'd rather teach at a community college. Less spoiled brats I assume... including you."


"Hahahaha, but anyway, we'll discuss after I graduate..."

"Okay then, I won't really force you... I just want you to be successful and happy... wherever it may take you—"

When suddenly... A bouncing ball is heard outside the hallway. She pauses her speech and walks over to the door, the bouncing ball getting louder. "Uhm... please practice in the Sports Area, not the hallways!"

No one answered, and the bouncing ball is still echoing throughout the halls.


Hmm? "Oh, just the kids messing around, they're supposed to be in class, not here..." There are no students on this floor because surrounding her literature classroom are rooms full of books. After she decided to investigate each of the surrounding libraries, she found nothing. None except that bouncing ball by the stairs.

"Kids? That's a college, right? See, Carvalle is full of immature rich kids who can't even act their age..."

"Haha, hold on Ermie..." She gently calls out while opening the door to the staircase. "Excuse me? Please stop playing by the stairs, you might injure yourselves!"

There was not a sound of a student, so Thena sighs and investigates further, looking down at the circular staircase even though her vision is blocked by a chandelier on the 3rd floor. She sighs on the phone, "I'm sorry Hermes, I got distracted. Anyway, I've written a referral for you just in case you want to apply here. I'm looking forward to where you'll—"

"Thena?" The teacher suddenly fell off the 5th-floor railings and descended in the middle of the spiral staircase, her screams deafening the man from the other line. "Thena?!"

A crash of delicate and innocent glass was then heard all over the 3rd-floor hallways, when Athena Quinn's fall was caught in a chandelier as gorgeous as her. Now the glass shards are decorated with the blood that came from piercing her guts, purity and innocence coating her hair and dripping onto her fingertips. They fell onto the floor in a delicate dance, in contrast to the phone slipping off her hand and violently crashing onto the floor along with her little brother's heart.

"Glory to the Lady of Carnations whose eyes cry over the pure and the sinful with the same tears"

six months later,

Is this the punishment for his sin of lust, lusting over the same séx, and dare seek forgiveness in the eyes of God? Hermes Quinn stood by the gates of Carvalle, heart dipped in the fires of hell that boils the tears. The building looks expensive, maintained daily, with the statue of their patron saint watching over them. Is She, really? In the school of the pure and chaste… Hermes must not cry in the land where he lost his sister.

Our Lady of Carnations Catholic Institute, such a pure name that houses the dirtiest of walls. The students walking through the gates and past this sinner have their Carvalle patches sown with gold; their pockets empty of cash but their cards always filled. Everyone's hair is perfect, everyone is clean as should a prestigious private school.

Yet Hermes steps in here dirty, disgusted by the fact that this immaculate school declared his sister's death a suicide without any further investigations. Thena... my sister... I'm here now...

... here to bring you justice. No, this is a school of rich kids who can very well erase crime off their privileged hands. There is no justice in the Lady of Carnation's eyes. I'm here to avenge you.

Hermes arranges his stuff in his office, as he is not a homeroom teacher. Four years of Bachelor's and 2 years for a Masters led him to become the new P.E teacher of a school whose entry salary amounts to that of a Doctor.

"Well hello there," two polite knocks came from the door, making Hermes stop unpacking to look up. "You must be the new teacher."

"Oh? Hello..." Hermes formally says, straightening his suit. Attractive... strange... his hair.., Hermes held his breath for a moment while looking at the man and his unique image, definitely his colleague and superior. Tall; his physique is hidden in clergy robes and strong hands wrapped around a Holy Book. Still, Hermes remains cautious and never even broke a smile. "I'm Hermes Quinn. The new P.E teacher. You're... the Priest?"

The man steps inside the room and offers his hand, "Daniel. Nice to meet you, Mr. Quinn. It's been a while since we had a fresh graduate. Welcome to Carvalle."

Hermes accepts his hand, staring for way too long until Fr Daniel chuckles and releases his hand. "Oh, I'm sorry I just... uhm... you..."

"I get that a lot. Poliosis, if you are curious. I was born with it and by the grace of God, it is harmless," Fr Daniel kindly informs, but Hermes dismisses his feelings and turns away coldly. He may be handsome, but that's a priest and he's not here for any type of relationship with other people. Focus Ermie, focus…

"Forgive me for the curiosity, Father," Hermes says, back to focusing on his stuff. "And uhm... thank you for the welcome."

"Haha, you're so uptight, no need to be so professional," the priest suddenly laughs, sitting on the chair in front of Hermes' desk. "I'd like you to enjoy your job, we in Carvalle are a family."

Family... then you'll let your family die in vain... Hermes' heart is still broken, and he is in no mood for enjoyment. He faces the priest, smiling stiffly. "Of course. Thank you, but I prefer to take my job seriously."

Fr Daniel raised a curious eyebrow, watching the new teacher rush to arrange his stuff on the desk. Then, he watches as Hermes places a picture frame on the table behind his chair, in view for anyone to see the beautiful and familiar face of Athena Quinn. Hair as brown as sunrise on a treebark, skin glowing like the same sunlight against gold. Her little brother is tanner than her, his hair dark, but his eyes are the color of Thena’s hair.

"Your sister... forgive me, but she'd be proud seeing you right now." Fr Daniel's words made Hermes halt his actions once more. "She had always told me and our colleagues about you. How you'd be a better teacher than she is. How cute you look... you're pretty known among teachers even before your arrival, Hermes."

Thena... you talkative woman... Hermes fists his hand and it shook, the thought of his late sister darkening his vision. He was facing away from the priest, preventing himself from disrespecting a man of God. But, he’s not here to make friends. He’s here for one thing and one thing only. "Father... do you believe that my sister killed herself?"

"Despair... is something I never saw in Thena. But I also do not know her that well... she never confessed anything that clouds her mind of that. So even if it is suicide... I cannot believe it," he answers.

This made Hermes turn around to look at him with wide, hopeful eyes. "So you don't believe it was suicide? You think it was murder, right? Someone did that to her?"

Fr Daniel stares at him carefully, reading those desperate eyes, those shallow breaths, and trembling lips. "You didn't come here to teach, did you, Mr. Quinn?"

Hermes snaps out of it and sighs, "Please answer my question, then I'll answer yours."

"All these talk about death under the watchful gaze of the Lady of Carnations is not appropriate," the man says, standing up. Even though Hermes was quite tall and muscular at 180cm, this man was significantly taller. "May I invite you to a welcome dinner outside school? We can discuss our beliefs, and Thena herself."

Hermes scans him from his hair to his shoes, slightly suspicious but also very hopeful that Fr Daniel can give him a lead. Maybe tell him Thena's confessions, maybe she will reveal enemies or students and teachers that dislike her. An opportunity he cannot pass.

"It's... just dinner, right?"

"Yes, to formally welcome you to Carvalle," the man offers a formal hand to him for another agreement, Hermes staring at it as if it's a candy held out by a stranger. "I am pleased to meet you, Mr. Quinn. Just know that you can confess your feelings to me, and I'll do nothing but listen."

This man... Hermes internally rolls his eyes and accepts the hand, shaking it firmly and professionally. However, Fr Daniel lifts it and kisses the knuckles in courtesy, shocking the new teacher enough to freeze and snatch his hand away. "Uhm-?!"

His reaction made the priest smile and chuckle, "I was just messing with you. Relax, and don't take stuff too seriously. I'm still young, so I definitely won't. Haha, forgive me."

"I'd appreciate it if you don't make fun of me, Father," Hermes can't help but roll his eyes and go back to organizing his books. Ugh, I know I'm already going to héll so I don't even care anymore. What man of God flirts with another man?

"You're adorable, how could I not?" The man smiles, his genuinely happy eyes making him more charming. "But, for your appreciation, I won't. Next time, it'll be serious, alright? Goodbye now, and may the Lady bless you."

Hermes hears him exit the room, the door closing gently. Only then did he sigh and start breathing properly. He can't deny that man was attractive, but then again gay man thirsting over Priest is not something that should exist outside of erotic books.

He looks at his sister's portrait, glaring at her. "You definitely had a crush on him, didn't you? Impossible if you didn't."

Thena's smile remains for eternity in that photograph, as if teasing her little brother. It doesn't seem like he's alone in this office anymore, for she is here, and a sinfully attractive priest is also here to hopefully lead him on the right path.

"Our Lady's tears will cleanse blood off the Carnations, and everyone will be saved"

On the first day of teaching,

Hermes tries navigating the entire campus trying to find the Johnson building with his map of the school, finally giving up to go ask a group of female students where this building is. "Excuse me, can I ask you something?"

The ladies look at him and they seem to gasp a little at the appearance of the new teacher, who they thought to be a fellow student at first glance. "Oh my god, you're a teacher?!"

"Uhm... yes," he smiles warmly at them, even though it's forced. "I'm new here, and I'm wondering where the Johnson building is? Or uhmm... where we are right now on the map?"

Some of the girls squirm and giggle in excitement right in front of the handsome young teacher, pushing one girl to help him with the map. "Uhm, we're right here... the Johnson building is over there!"

Hmm... I've never had people excited over my looks like this before, and yet before leaving Hermes smiles at them as thanks, making the girls playfully hit each other and giggle among themselves.

"He's so cute!"

"We have a young teacher, finally!"

"Hot, too... he must have some abs in there..."

"Father Daniel's still my bet, he has a whole eight pack!"

"He's not gonna fúck you but this one might!"

Hermes is now very scared of these Carvalle girls, awkwardly widening his eyes out of their vision because for one, his preferences are males, and two, it's forbidden for a teacher to sleep with any student even if they're of age. But since he was a college student not a year ago, he can relate that some students do get crushes on their teachers. Ahh, I once jerked off thinking of my Math teacher... it's weird now that I may be the subject of anyone's desires.

Not that he believes anyone of these rich students would actually like him, but—

"Ahhh!" Some girls on the bench scream and walk away from a male student who is currently barfing his breakfast on the pavement.

Concerned, Hermes urgently runs towards the student and pats his back, keeping his hair off his face. "Hey, are you okay?! Is this food poisoning?! Someone give me water or the nurse, please!"

The student finished barfing, now extremely nervous that people are gathering around to witness him empty his stomach like this. The male student starts to cry, and Hermes looks at him finally noticing the multiple bandages around his neck, fingers, and a patch on his jaw. His hair is messy too, like someone messily chopped it off.


"Ugh, if he's so sick why did he come to school..."

"This is disgusting..."

"Ew, look at the pavement..."

"Come here, come up!" Hermes wraps an arm around him and lifts him up, realizing that no one is bringing water nor does anyone intend to help. "Come here, I got you..."

Hermes proceeds to the Johnson Building where a Clinic is situated on the first floor, accompanying the poor student to lay on the bed and providing him with a glass of water.

"Where is the nurse, geez..." Hermes rushes to refill the glass and get any first aid medicine for nausea and an upset stomach. I'm gonna be late for my first class... hmm, the nurse might be absent...

"Here young man, drink this and tell me how you feel?" Hermes forces him to sit up and drink the medicine, feeling pity for the student whose bandaged fingers are shaking uncontrollably. Something is wrong with him... "Uhm... hey, are you okay? What's your medical history?"

"U-uhm... I'm okay... I forgot to take out the green peppers in my breakfast... Mmm... I'm allergic to it..."

Hermes stares at the dark, tired eyes of this individual. "Allergies? Oh, I'll get medicine for that, too. Wait here."

The young man stares at the teacher with big, shocked eyes. He then looks down at his glass of water, watching the water ripple because of his tremble. When the teacher returned, he was shocked when the male student suddenly cries with silent tears.

"Hey! Hey, why are you crying all of a sudden? Does it hurt somewhere? Here, have this... then tell me any pains..."

"I-it's just th-that... you..." The boy sniffs, wiping his tears with his sleeve. "You're so nice... u-usually I'd just run away after people would laugh at me... I... I can't help it... they always laugh and point... wh-when I fall... choke... o-or get a panic attack..."

What?! "Hey... I'm sorry about that..." What kind of students watch and laugh at a sickly boy?!

"Sorry...?" The boy stopped crying and stares at Hermes with big, wet eyes. "Y.... you didn't do anything... you're so nice... you carried me... haha... so handsome, too..."

Hermes awkwardly smiles because he didn't expect the last line. "You look so sick, should you really be in school? Maybe you should go home..."

"Oh... n-no, I just like this all the time... uhm, I'm just allergic to a lot of stuff... l-like pollen, bug bites... green peppers... eggs... starch... pepper... tomatoes... coconut..."

"Whoa whoa whoa, what? Are you okay?" Hermes stares at him weirdly when he keeps going on and on about his allergies.

"Haha... I'm okay... okay now... thanks to you..." He shyly tucks a hair around his ear, head bent down and avoiding Hermes' gaze. "My name... is Mavis..."

Despite being weirded out, Hermes is more pitiful of him, so he smiles. He seems to be a nice boy, and almost too weak to function. Yet Mavis still comes to school to do his studies. He's also a victim of this school's neglect. "Hello Mavis, I'm the new teacher, Mr. Quinn."

"Quinn?" Mavis looks up at his, eyes astonished. "Do you... know Miss Quinn?"

Hermes gives him a sad smile, his heart being patient at this clueless young man. "She's my sister."

"Miss Quinn is so kind... no wonder! You're as p-pretty as her... I... I..." While smiling, Mavis suddenly has tears flowing out of his eyes again. "I miss her... she was so nice... when she went away, no one helped me anymore..."

Hermes' heart broke, and his hands were numb at the mention of his sister's deeds. He couldn't say anything, as his throat clenched up and his entire being froze.

"B-but you..." Mavis wipes his tears and looks up at Hermes, "You're so pretty... and nice... like her... I'm so happy... you're here... I'm so happy... you and Miss Quinn existed... please... don't jump, too... please don't leave us, too..."

Thena... In order to comfort the crying boy, Hermes pulls him in for a hug. But, it is also an attempt to comfort himself. For he too wishes that his sister never left. Thena took care of this poor boy so, "Don't worry Mavis, I'll take care of you, too. Don't be sad she's gone, okay?"

I will carry the legacy of my sister... and avenge her. Forgive me, God. You watched my angel of a sister wilt... so I may have to cut off one of your Carnations.


Mia Siddo

Artwork looking fire asf

Raven Nguyen Tran

Reasons I suspect everyone and everything: Dadd- I mean Father Daniel is just too flirtatious to not know that Hermes is gay, my suspect is that Thena talked to Daniel abt her brother that's he's gay and scared of God condemning him, so Daniel would already know abt Hermes before hand. Im suspecting he killed Thena to attract Hermes to come to Carvalle, setting up the perfect setting to "help" Hermes and console him. Or it could be something related to Daniel's religion (Lady of Carnations) that he killed Thena. Mavis giving me sociopath vibes where he fakes his innocence and helplessness to gain pity and for others to feel and urge to protect and help him, then he develops this attachment where it's like if you don't help me im going to hurt myself type of shit. I'm guessing that he really liked Thena and confessed to her she being professional denied him, and he got the mentality if I can't have u no one can or a sort of if I kill u your life will be mine.