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a week later,


"I'm... bored..." Járed whispers, rubbing his feet together under the sheets because he has never step foot out of this room. The newly recovered corpse had now regained his ability to speak after days of conditioning and exposure to the English language that stimulates the part of his brain that is responsible for communication.

He is now able to do things on his own, like go to the toilet by himself. At first, he had to be fed through the tube... then the Master of the Schliemann himself fed him. He now rejects Farlan's attempts to feed him because he can now do it himself. All he does is watch cartoons in order to absorb the simple dialogue and get entertained, especially when the Master is out doing business. But now that Járed's brain can process a bit more information to the level of a middle schooler, he finds the children's cartoons stagnant.

"It's snowing a lot outside, and you'll feel cold. You don't want to feel cold, don't you?" The Master says with a gentle smile while brushing Járed's hair. Farlan hasn't made any advances because it feels like he's raising a child and it feels weird for him to pursue Járed in this state.

At the mention of snow, Járed remembers how characters freeze the second they make contact with water, and the thought of being frozen makes him nervous. "Okay..."

Farlan casually pats his shoulder, "You can take a bath on your own, right?"

"Yeah..." A timid Járed says before his bionic arm removes the duvet and he removes himself off the bed.

Once the amnesiac went inside the bathroom, Farlan's gentle facade drops. While waiting for Járed to finish his shower, the Master stands up to make his way to the puzzles Járed has solved. He already solved the rubic's cube, and a few Chinese puzzles except for the nine linked rings which he greatly disliked.

Járed used to solve puzzles all the time with Navi. Hmm... we have to find him quick. Looks like the Llorona can't do much to find a mere Indian boy. Hoàng Lei, Shinji Kino, and Miroh Llorona... just one more. One more, and I'll finally—

Járed suddenly announces, "Finished!"

So quick? He just used water, didn't he. Farlan looks at the open door and slightly rolls his eyes at the unending habit of Járed to step out of the shower all naked and dripping. He carelessly makes the carpet wet while rubbing his hair with a towel.

"Járed," Farlan strictly yet softly scolds, stepping into the bathroom with arms crossed. The other male looks at him with wide eyes, as he fears being in trouble. Farlan looks scary and intimidating. "At least dry yourself slightly before stepping out, how many times have I told you?"

"B... but the towel is outside..." He replies with a small voice, disliking the stern voice which scares him.

An annoyed clean freak takes another towel to dry Járed's legs before any droplets could stain the white rugs further. Járed just stands there with a frown, a little upset that he made a mistake. While Farlan pats his torso dry, he stares at Járed's neck, getting flashbacks of the marks he forced on him back in their younger days.

While Járed is patiently waiting for him to be done, Farlan covers his bottoms with the towel. "Don't walk around naked."


"It's inappropriate."

"What's that."

"It's not good," Farlan clarifies, looking at him through the mirror barely seeing somebody he used to know. But then, he notices the towel covering up something strange yet natural that caused a bump. "Why are you hard?"

"Hard to what? There's no puzzle," Járed mumbles.

"Down there," Farlan looks away, slightly blushing.

"Ahh? Oh, the cold. I think... I froze," Járed says, confident in his answer and hoping he won't get in trouble this time. He really does feel cold, but it reality it may be because he hasn't relieved himself in years.

"You should make it go down," Farlan instructed.

"Ehh? So I use the heat gun?"

Why does he seem like he carries the exact same logic as our younger years... Sighing, Farlan regains composure by reminding himself that this man is actually 30. He'd have the same idiotic thinking anyway, "You do it like this."

Farlan washes his own hands first before placing Járed's one hand onto the counter, still facing the sink in order to lean against it. Then, Farlan takes the other hand and wraps it around Járed's cock, the Master avoiding the sight of it and only looking at his face. "You rub it."

"Uhm... you're right, it's warm..." Járed mutters, but inhales a breath once he feels some tingling in his abdomen. "But... it tickles..."

"It means it feels good..." It's his hand I'm touching, but it's like we're doing something intimate... Farlan can't hold it and puts his thumb on the tip and make Járed close his eyes. Pressing himself to the Levough's back, he whispers, "You should spit on it."

"What, ew..."

"Spit isn't dirty. It'll make it smoother and feel even better," Farlan says. All they have in this bathroom are the essentials, and antiseptics. The shampoo is too far to reach.

"I don't want to touch my spit-"

"Fine," Farlan releases his hand puts his own in front of Járed's mouth, "Do it, or it'll freeze forever."

He was joking with him, but Járed took it seriously, weakly spouting saliva since he doesnt know how to properly do it yet. Because of his failure, he just resorts to licking Farlan's palm quite sensually to the point where something grew in the Master's pants.

Járed, you little... Farlan feels dreadful unwanted arousal from this nonsexual but indeed sexy gesture from the man he desires the most.

That's enough, Farlan starts to help Járed by rubbing the man himself, pleasuring the recovering zombie who leans forward a bit to feel more of the tingles.

"Mmm....mmnnn... ! It feels.... good...!" Járed gasps, keeping his eyes close until he slightly opens them when he feels Farlan's head against his shoulder. "Far... lan...? Farlan, it feels good..."

"I know baby, I know..." He whispers, squeezing tighter and making sure to cover from base to tip. Then he whispers, "I'm gonna take care of you, alright? Anything you'd need... even if it's disgusting..."

"Uuhhnnn..." Járed is too distracted, throwing his head back in pleasure at the new sensation. Farlan is too tempted not to gently wrap his other hand on the Levough's neck, kissing the back of his ears as if secretly worshipping him.

Each exhale has a tone, and that tone was simply music. Járed has reset his innocence and is reacting as if he's never felt such pleasure before. He's just focused on thrusting into Farlan's hand until he can feel his knees shake a little bit.

Then, Járed's breath start to speed up once Farlan does so as well, entirely focus on making him cúm. "Farlan...! My... my..."

"Your díck?"

"... it... feels... like I'm gonna pee..."

"You're gonna cúm, baby..."

"No, I'm gonna-" Járed feels something hard behind him, Farlan bending him further down so he can feel it right between his áss. With rapid and merciless hands, Járed gasps out a climax, staining the carpet with sperm this time. "Hhha.... hhaa...."

Járed puts his head on the counter while trying to catch his breath, and Farlan is left to stare at his reflection now aware that Járed is helpless and right here for the taking. The temptation to burn the wingless angel in the fires of hell, intensified by the evil that is love.

However, Farlan had built up his patience for years and he is no longer an impulsive high schooler or an newly appointed Mafia Boss. He lifts up Járed and put him on the toilet seat to at least wash him off with the bidet. Then he brings him to the bedroom where he dresses up the zoned up man.

"How did it feel? Relieving, right?" Farlan smiles comfortingly while putting pajamas on him. He placed Járed on the seat in front of his dinner.

Járed finally looks him in the eyes, void of any light or sparkle. But, they were full of innocence nonetheless. "It feels nice."

"Felt," Farlan rubs his neck in a petting way before standing up to leave. "You can eat on your own, right? I'll have to leave."

Járed's eyebrows dips in disapproval. "So I'll always be bored here, hmph."


"You're the only one talking to me, not even the doctors say anything," Járed pouts, "I'm bored!"

This made Farlan scoff, as he is no different from his younger self. He missed this side of Járed, who matured up when he took the throne of the Levough. "What, you want me to stay?"

"Yes, because I don't know how to eat," Járed scowls at him.

"I've watched you eat by yourself, baby," Farlan chuckles, amused by Járed's excuse.

He then grabs the fork and stabs some meat before dropping it carelessly on the tray. "See, I don't know."

Farlan sighs, taking out his phone while walking towards the table. He pets the jaw of a grumpy Járed while calling his second hand, "Yasha... I might not return up there tonight. Please inform the Masters that Lei will be in charge of my work. Watch over Miles, too."

"Yes, Master."

further time had passed,


"Master," a doctor submits his daily report to Farlan, interrupting his online business meeting with the military. "I am happy to reveal to you a 97% recovery rate for Járed Levough. His IQ doubled and can read and write on a 6th grade level."

"So his understanding is that of a teenager now?"

"Yes, although we've observed growth in his pre-frontal cortex indicating his maturity may be that of a young adult. This may not reflect on his performance with coordination so the average would be teen level."


The doctor responded, "Anger and irritation is most commonly observed, he gets angry especially when we speak Russian in his presence."

"And the memories?"

"Not detected as of now."

I wonder if I introduce the gang to him, will he remember stuff? Hmm... I have to find Navi first. They were the closest to each other. "Thank you," Farlan accepts the report documents and opened to see the chickenshít handwriting of a recovering Járed Levough, former Mafia boss of the Levough.

Farlan burst into subtle chuckles, then his laptop stated, "Sir? Awaiting your response?"

Farlan snaps into his professional face and replies to the gentlemen, "Yes, I'll send my men to avail the blueprints. Expect the fleet by the end of the year."

Farlan can't help but covertly smile whenever he sees Járed's report card.

later on,


"Baby?" Farlan enters the more welcoming and casual bedroom of Járed Levough, now without any medical equipment in sight because his involuntary organs are now working properly. Except for his brain; he still has a sticker on his temple to monitor his synthetic brain activity.

Farlan finds him drawing on a piece of paper, on the floor of all places because he prefers squatting. Looking up, Járed seems too happy to see the familiar Master.

"Finally, someone who doesn't speak like an alien!" He exclaims, standing up to accept Farlan's kiss on the cheek as a greeting. "But you nag a lot so I hate it when you speak too."

Ahh, I wonder what you'll say when I reveal that I am Russian as well, but Farlan just laughs it off. "What are you drawing?"

"The paper said to draw a cat so I drew Tom," Járed says with an air of seriousness, focusing deeply on his artwork. "See, he's waiting for his friend Jerry but Jerry always runs away so he has to chase him. But, they're really good friends."

"Such a nice drawing," Farlan says, then looks straight at him. "It's beautiful."

"Of course it is, I drew it!" Járed says, then looks at Farlan as well. "Hey, can you answer these questions for me? I won't tell anyone you helped..."

"No baby, we have to use that to observe your progress," Farlan takes off his jacket and puts it on Járed's bed where he also sits to take a rest. He's been working all day and his eyes are straining.

Járed feels irritated again, "Oh come on, it'll be faster if you do it for me!" He then kneels on the floor in between Farlan's legs, catching the Master off guard. "Please? I don't know how to answer this question!"

Járed runs off to retrieve a paper and goes back to kneeling on the floor to beg Farlan into answering this rather awkward question.

"Have you felt any sexual urges or any bodily pleasure?"

Not this maturity test... Járed's face is right in front of him, begging to cheat. "No. That's for you to decide, I'm not gonna answer that for you."

Járed frowns, "I never should've shown you my masterpiece, then."

Before he can bitterly turn away, Farlan pulls him back by the arm and holds him by the jaw. He can't stand having Járed pout like that. "Hey, hey... the answer should be Yes since you felt good when we did stuff in the bathroom, right?"

"So that was it?" Járed asks as Farlan gets even more tempted with him.

Staring at his lips Farlan answers, "Yes, but that wasn't all. There are more bodily pleasures than what you experienced back then..."

Járed falls silent only because Farlan is slowly pulling his jaw towards him to see if he'll reject. But, it seems like Járed is curious about those bodily pleasures as well. "Do you want me to show you? So you can answer the paper?"

With a little hesitation, Járed nods. The Master then didn't hesitate to offer his lips, pausing in order to let Járed process the strange action first. "You use your tongue and lips to play with mine."

Járed didn't make a sound, but he did follow and quite enjoyed kissing Farlan intimately. Yet, when he couldn't breathe anymore he pulls away to catch his breath. "That doesn't feel like what we did in the bathroom."

"Hmm. Alright then," Farlan pulls him up to stand, "Come lay on the bed."

Járed eagerly obeys and allowed Farlan to slowly unbutton his shirt, softly kissing the chest that is slowly being exposed. This time, he got goosebumps and had to take deeper breaths. Farlan went lower, lower, then down to his belly button where Farlan starts to kneel on the floor.

Járed's shirt is fully open now, and next to explore is under those pajamas. Farlan pulls it down to see an expecting organ eager to feel pleasure again.

"It's very hard... you're twitching," Farlan chuckles at him.

"You're gonna spit and hold it again, right?"

"Not quite," Farlan answers before licking Járed's cock and making him hiss at the new sensation.

"What are you doing?! It's dirty!"

"No, it's not..." Farlan stares at him, only closing his eyes when it's time for the mouth to engulf the shaft.

Járed starts to squirm so Farlan lifts his legs and puts them onto his shoulders, sucking with the intention of overwhelming Járed with pleasure. The newly recovered Járed can't help but moan as if he's a virgin on his first masturbation, reaching to hold onto Farlan's hair.

"Nn... wait...! Your mouth! Ahh...!" Járed breathes out, the warm flesh of Farlan's cheeks making him want to ask for more. "Far... lan...!"

The Master pulls away, taking time to breathe and pump the cóck while watching Járed's chest heave up and down. "Do you like that, baby?"

"Mmmm..." Járed moans, looking down to meet the hungry eyes of the Schliemann Master. "... feels... good..."

Farlan licks him from the balls to the tip, seeing Járed's hands crawl to his stomach because of the tingles in his abdomen. Farlan takes it and makes him rub his díck, while the Master kisses his thighs as a soft declaration of love.

"Farlan...!" Járed complains when he feels a thumb brush over his àsshole, "That feels weird... isn't that dirty?"

"You can feel good here, too," Farlan whispers, too tempted not to push Járed's legs up in order to have access to his hole, shamelessly licking it.

"Wait! Not that, I hate that! It doesn't feel good!" A weirded-out Járed whines, unintentionally making it clench before Farlan's eyes.

Still a top after all these years... "I can make it feel good..."

Járed disapproves, "Please don't... it's weird..."

Farlan pauses for a moment, debating between taking him right now or respecting his wishes. He can't afford to make Járed hate him right now. And so, he sighs before kissing the reluctant hole. "Fine."

"I know how to answer now!" A panicking Járed yells out, "W-we can stop now, I can answer it..."

"You don't want to finish?"

"Uhm..." Járed was starting to go soft because he was getting scared that Farlan would mess with his áss again. "It's okay. I'm okay now... we can do it next time..."

This made Farlan smile, happy that Járed is considering doing intimacy more. He pulls up Járed's pajamas before patting his thighs, "Go wash up slightly."

The man obeys, still feeling a little shaken after that moment earlier. His gut is churning, but he cannot recognize what kind of feeling it is. Like, something is wrong and he's starting to be afraid of Farlan.

Farlan is nice, he stopped when I told him to... Járed assures himself while washing with the bidet. Still, he can't shake off this nagging feeling in his stomach.

"Uhm... are you gonna sleep here again?" He asks the blonde man on his bed.

"Do you want me to?" Farlan asks with a very handsome smile that calmed Járed's insecurities.

"Uhm, sure... it's good that I won't be alone anymore, haha...." Járed really wants Farlan to stay with him, but why is he afraid deep down? Why is Farlan really scary for him, despite having nothing but a smile on his face?

that night, the nagging feeling prevented Járed from sleeping. His back is pressed against Farlan's body, and his mind can't help but wonder all over.

I feel so special, Farlan holds me so tight... He thinks, snuggling against the Master's bare arm. I wonder if there are other people like him? I wonder if...

Járed suddenly feels a heavy breath exhaled against his neck, then movements from somewhere behind him. The room is dimly lit except for a few lamps in the distance. Járed is fully clothed while Farlan is shirtless, so he can offer more warmth. His breaths are warm too, but Járed is puzzled on why it's going faster.

What is he doing? Járed subtly looks down to see Farlan's arm moving, yet jumps in shock when Farlan presses his face against his nape.

"Járed..." The man whispers.

Is he having a nightmare? Concerned, Járed turns his head to whisper, "Farlan, are you okay...?"

The arm that Járed is laying on suddenly wraps around his shoulder as if embracing him, then Járed feels something vibrating against his bum. Farlan can't help it, and he touches himself while sleeping beside the man he so desires.

"Járed," Farlan whispers out a moan, kissing his nape passionately. Then, he finally grunts for an ejaculation, spilling all over his pants right behind Járed. The man was clueless, of course... he didn't look far behind and he couldn't process why Farlan's breaths were deep and why his arm was shaking.

"Are you okay...?"

Farlan kisses him in the neck, deciding to embrace him for one more minute before washing himself in the bathroom. "Because of you... I feel the best..."



yeah this farlan bitch has got to go


I hope he gets his memories back and escapes with SaLuHa. I really want to see Jared and Miles bonding like siblings.

Raven Nguyen Tran

Let's be real Miles would kill Jared if he had to and this time he actually can. I sense Jared's potential death cause in the chapter he got revived it specifically mentions that his mutated cells died with him remember? So he can be killed is all im saying...