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"No, wait!" I can't believe this is happening! A blindfolded Miles is lifted off so Misha is the one sitting on the chair, and him straddling the man with Vanya still inside him. Then, two fingers are inserted in him while the díck is inside, prodding the side that contains his prostate. His moans indicate that he is not at all hurt by it, because all of their crotches are heavily lubed.

"So you don't want to be our slút, Miles Taylor? I thought you wanted to be?" Misha whispers in a dangerous tone, licking his shoulder blade while staring knowingly at his brother.

"U-uhmm... I think this is... nghh! Too much...! Please!"

"So you want to stop?"


"A whimper isn't an answer, little bunny..."

That nickname alone wants Miles to be bred like a horny little rabbit, and he's ashamed. So, he only hugs Misha's neck and whispers against him, "Are you gonna hurt me...?"

"Do you want to be hurt?"

"..." Fúck, fúck, fúck... I can feel an unmoving Vanya 'moving' inside... "P-please do...?"

The brothers give each other knowing looks, so Vanya pulls out and gets harshly replaced by Misha, only to insert himself back in and make Miles arch his back. "FÚCK!"

"Oh, so you want to be caught by the Master?"

"No...!" Miles feels like an innocent virgin all over again; at the mercy of two men, a hole not meant to be bred now being stuffed. Vanya even abandoned his gentle nature and pulls Miles' hair back, thrusting himself faster than Misha's slow and tormenting movements.

"Van... y... y... ya....!" Miles cries out, feeling Misha's thumb enter his mouth to coat it before rolling his nipples with them. "Mmmmhh...! Please take these off! P-please... I want to see...!"

"Shut up and take it, slút," Misha playfully sneers, hands going down to open his áss to get fúcked more deeply with Vanya's cóck. "... so fúcking addicting... isn't he, brother?"

Vanya glares at him as if reminding Misha that he used to hate this precious person.

"Well, if he wants me too, who am I to reject such wonderful piece of áss?" Misha answers with a slight lie.

For he is smitten; in the way Miles laughs, smiles, the way he is too persistent and got a whole gang leader to follow his every move. His appearance is not only beautiful, but the way he treats Vanya and the gang members are admirable. Misha can't help but to keep looking at him, and looking for him.

"I want to fúcking mark you..."

"Mmmnnhh! P-ple... please don't...!" Miles cries.  Fúck, I want so, too... I beg to see your teeth marks all over me, bruises... staking a claim... on their loyal little slave...

Misha slaps his áss while Vanya comforts him with a kiss on the shoulder, although speeding up like a desperate boy who recently tastes séx for the first time. Miles feels used, but he doesn't mind. After all, his body had always belonged to them. And right now, their dícks belong solely to him.

"Vanya! I'm coming!" Miles moans out, and Misha decides to slap him again before going down to rub on his díck. Now both brothers are thrusting inside, with Vanya harsher since he wants his own ejaculation. Misha is doing it for the sake of tormenting Miles.

"Comi-... Nn! I can't...! I can't... take... it ...! Please...! I can't...!" Miles climaxes first way before Vanya pulls out to cúm on his back. And Misha finally pulls off his blindfold. His lashes are coated with tears, his eyes a little bloodshot and blushing like a ripened apple.

Misha, now alone inside him, pulls his hand up to lick Miles' cúm clean off his fingers. A man's cúm should be disgusting to someone who enjoys women like Misha; but that's how he craves Miles for now, enough to be selfish at everything that he offers.

Vanya is a little tired, so he puts his hand on the backrest of the chair while pressing his face against Miles' nape, savoring more of his scent. All the while pushing Miles down to move against his brother's cóck.

Pretty... pretty Miles... the blonde could only think of him, fully satisfied that he's here. Then with the smallest of voices, Vanya says, "I want... to see..."

"What...?" Miles is mentally out of it, like he was drugged by his desire for both boys. It was Misha who pulls out temporarily in order to have him face Vanya, then making him sit back on his díck. "Ahhnn!"

Holding his arms, Misha bounces Miles for a second round all while Vanya watches his pleased face. The man presses his hands and smoothens it over Miles' thighs, eyes staring straight at him.

"Mnnnnhh! Ahhh, oh fú-" Vanya even kneels down to lick Miles' cúm-coated díck, the bounding making it unneeded for him to move. Just, the hovering appendage tickling his genitals makes Miles moan out and harden even more. "Stooop, I can't...! Take anymore...! I can't cúm..."

"You don't have to, just be a good boy and enjoy the process," Misha says from behind, making Miles less tense than before. "... but, we really want to drain you..."

Miles' restricted hands hold onto Vanya's hair as he is pulled upon Misha's díck. He'll get drained at this rate... cúmming into exhaustion and mind break. But, who is he to complain when he wanted heaven with them in the first place? The more sin, the more heavenly it is.

"Mmmnn...! Fú... fúck me... till I pass out, Misha..."

They made sure he did.



"Okay, the arm is fully installed after two days..." Mistress Lei reports to Master Schliemann after a successful machine installation on the corpse. "But uhm... why the fúck are you signing up for brain transplant...?"

"Isn't it obvious, 46% of his head is missing, his brain is unusable," Farlan casually says, observing the final limb operation through the glass window.

Lei is confused. "But after a Stem Cell transplant from Miles Taylor, he can regenerate his brain! A brain transplant is at risk of immunorejection, instability, and... well, possibly permanent memory loss. We can just install an artificial replacement for the missing part and upload Járed's memories in-"

"Well, do you have his memories, Lei?" He asks. The woman was silenced, for she does not possess a whole complicated hard drive of Járed Levough's memories.

They never found out if Járed scanned his brain for any memory restoration just in case this happens. They most likely have never predicted he'd die in the first place, so maybe that wasn't needed. They never predicted his death and were confident it'd never happen.

"Brain surgery... wouldn't that severely affect him?" Lei asks him, quite sadly. She has always wanted her friend back, but if he comes back a whole different person, then it'll be like he's a stranger.

"At least he's alive," Farlan turns away and dismisses the topic, now facing Kino who is laying on the waiting sofa playing games with his phone and double chin. "Kino, you're supposed to be finding Miroh."

"He'll want to kill you, so I just gave him our location, he'll come," the man said, before screaming at his teammates to, "MOVE YOUR FÚCKING ÁSSES OR I'LL FÚCK THEM, NO HOMO!"

"I'm a girl..."

"Then I'll respectfully fúck you in the vag, MOVE OVER!" Kino's teammates weren't aware they're playing against an entire Mafia Boss who bought everything in the game needed to maximize his damage.

Farlan rolls his eyes, "If only Navi was here instead, he'd be more serious than you..."

"Hey don't talk shít, the Shinji's an Unholy Trinity."

Farlan faces Lei in hopes that she'll be sane, but she pulls her phone out instead while asking, "Kino, what server are you?"

And so, the Master of the Schliemann sighs disappointingly, facing away from the two and going back to watching Járed through the window.

in a secret time,


Misha opens a safe in their closet to dig through restricted medicine that the Schliemann provides for them at the event of... this...

De ja vu... One that hurts Misha in the chest. For five whole seconds, he can accurately predict the sound of Miles' moans every time he thrust in earlier; how he would slap and spank him with his brother on the other side. The look on Vanya's face, it was all too familiar. It's confusing, and it's causing migraines.

While going through the bottles of medicine, Misha pauses while holding five in his hands. Then, all were dropped to the floor after a whole minute of staring at it.

Suddenly... I... can't read Russian? No, he refuses the possibility. Misha kneels back down to pick them up, scanning the letters which were all too unfamiliar for him now. What...? Why...? No, this...

"I love the two of you, Taewon..." He can read Miles' lips vividly in his mind, but cannot read the words on the bottles. He cannot simply take random medicine from labels he can't read, so he slowly, with trembling fingers, puts them back in the safe.


Misha imagined hearing that from Miles. Is this another de ja vu? But it hasn't happened yet. He can see Miles smiling in front of him, with a backdrop of yellow fairy lights and the smell of books and paint. That hasn't happened yet; what vivid imagination.

The gang leader is left to clutch his heavily beating heart in his hands, before tasting something from the top of his lips. Copper...


Vanya sits in front of Miles in the bathtub of the brothers' quarters. He is quite happily rubbing the pretty Miles' legs under the water, admiring how peaceful he is while his eyes are closed. And then they open, they meet each other's gentle eyes.

Miles smiles warmly at him, until he once again realizes he's in their room. "Don't you think this is a bad idea...?"

"Hell yeah, it is," Misha suddenly comes in from the main bedroom while putting on a new shirt. Miles silently checks out the tatted body of a fully grown Taewon before it could be covered by a maroon shirt. "But we can't shove you in the Master's bedroom while barely dressed when the outsides have cameras now, right?"

Miles sinks further down the water, extending his legs to put both of his feet up Vanya's shoulders. "Naughty boys, sneaking around with the Master's property... what if you break me?"

"We could saw you in half and you'll be okay after a few days," Misha grumbles while standing by the tub, hands on his hips to stare down at two silently flirting males. "You know... we aren't like you. If Farlan finds out-"

"You're worrying about that now? Why didn't you just refuse me if you worry so much about Farlan?" Miles says while casually dragging his feet down Vanya's scarred chest. He is much more paler than Miles, about to cross the boundaries of albinism thanks to the winter. Misha's tan however, got highlighted because of the light background.

"You said you know us..." Watching Miles look at his brother that way, and doing such a dirty gesture turns on the gangster, although he keeps it in. "... maybe if you can tell us who we really are, it'll be over."

"Now why would I want it to be over?" The flirty voice of a giggly Miles fills the bathroom while he touches Vanya with his feet.

"Slút," Misha grumbles, looking away.

"I have something to do before I tell you who you really are, and who I am as well," Miles says seriously this time, sitting up to avoid getting a second round of penetration if he seduces them too much. "I have unfinished business with the Levough and Schliemann."

"What is it?" Misha asks as Vanya quietly sinks half his head under the water and blows bubbles.

Miles sarcastically smiles at the gangster, "You're loyal to the Schliemann, why would I tell you? You said so yourself, I have the power to bring this entire Mafia down. And Taewon..."

Miles kneels on the bathtub, his áss above the water and leaning towards Misha with a confident look on his face. "... I want you both to watch me."

With that, he steps out of the bathtub and grabs the towel, only to stop when Vanya holds onto his wrist. Miles looks back at him in confusion, but the guy wasn't even looking at him. He's staring at the tattoos. Miles' tattoos, with acidic flowers from the Levough Mafia.

"Uhm... Vanya?" At the first attempt to pull his hand away, the man releases it. Miles' heart can only beat at an unsteady rate. Feeling the cold from the weather seeping into his moist skin, Miles covers himself and goes out to change into the clothes they prepared for him.

Now both brothers are alone in the bathroom. Misha stares at the older one, and he mindlessly signs, 'It's like I knew what happened...'


'It's like... I knew what would happen next after he stands up. He takes the towel, leaves, then kisses you but... I stopped him before he can kiss you.' Vanya looks at him in bewilderment, while Misha remains cold.

The de ja vu. "I don't know what you're talking about, he didn't want to kiss me."

"Misha?" The silver-haired man stares at him with widened eyes, concerned about the sudden blood that's coming out of his nose.

"Shít," Misha presses the back of his hand against his dripping nose, while Vanya takes his towel before standing up in concern to rush to his brother.

Misha leans against the sink, while Vanya takes out a face towel to put it up against his little brother's face. After dressing up, Miles notices them huddled by the mirror, so he goes in to check.

"Uhm, guys—Taewon!" He gasps, making the both of them turn to face him. Only that, Misha got attacked with such a huge migraine that his knees weakened and had to be caught by Miles and Vanya.

"Wait, what's happeni—" An overload... they do not share the same DNA as Keiji Levough, with who I shared a womb with. The stem cells aren't always stable for them, especially in the brain. Memories can't regenerate, and when the brain forces it... "Vanya, bring him to the bed!"

He obeyed, and now Misha is sitting there fighting to stay conscious after a possible brain freeze or headache, the serious kind. His nose is bleeding as if his lungs got stabbed, so Miles had to put a basin with little water to put on his lap.

"Misha? Baby, can you breathe? No, don't look up! Don't let blood back inside!" While Vanya steadies his head, Miles checks his head for any fever. "Shít, shít, shít! I think... uhh... fúck, do we call on Farlan...?"

They might get in trouble. Miles doesn't know how much that Mafia Boss knows about the Stem Cell Experiments. This could be a dead giveaway that Miles is trying to influence them. "Vanya... has this happened before?"

'When we first saw each other... tiny blood...' the man recalls while signing with one hand, so it was a bit broken. It was possibly three years ago. 'But then, we know we are brothers. We can feel... I have small memories of us as little kids...'

Miles also recalls how he knew nothing about himself or the world the first time he woke up, but then after a few days of conditioning, his full memories came back. Only because he was 100% compatible with Keiji. SaLu may not have the same circumstances.

minutes later, after Misha almost filled half the basin with his blood, Miles made sure to clean him up while Vanya discards the water. He was silently crying, thinking he may have advanced too much and endangered Misha's life.

"I don't want to have to go to Farlan..." He sobs while putting Misha's head onto his thighs, since the man basically passed out after such blood loss. Miles even hugs his head and holds his one hand. "Please, I'm sorry... I promise... I'll stay with you even if you don't remember me..."

Vanya came back with clean clothes for his brother to change into, now seeing Miles sob while kissing Misha's temple. He can hear the faint, "... don't leave me again..."

Vanya's heart clenches. Miles...?

"I'm sorry..." Miles cries to him, "I shouldn't have done too much... I'll give you guys a break, don't worry... please take care of him while I'm gone..."

Where will you go? Vanya didn't speak, nor did he change expressions. Yet he did once Miles seemingly understood him.

"I'm gonna be under confinement for a few days..." Miles answers, "Don't worry... I'll come back, okay?" I'm never going anywhere else without you.

Vanya feels guilty that Miles is so upset. He seems to love Misha very much, from how he's embracing him. Truly, Miles doesn't just favor Vanya.

Misha himself can feel the warmth, and it was de ja vu all over again. Miles would kiss him on the temple, and he did. Miles would squeeze his hand, and he did. Miles would laugh; well, he didn't hear any laughs. Still, he is grateful that someone is here to hold him.

two days later,


Miles is staring hard at the Schliemann Master while sitting in an operating table, currently being fitted into his patient attire and having vital monitors stuck onto his head. Once Farlan noticed his spiteful stare Miles quietly asks, "So this is what you really wanted from me. You should've said so."

Farlan smiles warmly, approaching the operating area. "My dear Lisichka, you being mine is simply a bonus. Of course I'd need you to show how powerful the Schliemann is. Truly, it would be a shame to not extract a view samples of your bone marrow-"

"Is it Járed Levough?" Miles sternly says, recalling the strange obsession with his previous Boss found in the Yearbook album. Miles is currently endangering himself by revealing how much he knows, but he has another plan and he knows Farlan won't kill his precious trophy wife.

"My, you are smart..." The Master observes while the Doctors manipulate Miles' limbs to rest onto the table, strapped and ready to be injected with multiple drugs and anaesthesia. Farlan proceeds to ask him, "How did you know about Levough?"

"The Shabdkoshi... You stole the formula that is already compatible with a lot of human soldiers. But since you specifically stole and used me, it must mean the one you're trying to fix is someone who already had the same abilities as mine. The Levoughs."

Farlan dangerously leans in with a gentle smile, while they all wait for the initial set ups.

"Correct, Lisichka. Therefore, I mustn't be the bad guy because I'm trying to bring back your old Boss, am I?"

Miles decides to challenge him even more. "Are you in love with Járed?"

The Schliemann is silenced, and his smile disappeared. He straightens his posture, looking down on Miles who is about to be cut up once again.

"Vitals are stable, blood test is clean..."

"This is for business," Farlan coldly says once the Doctors prepare to sedate Miles. "Don't think that I will abandon you once we fix him, Miles Taylor. You still belong to me, and my bed."

Miles stubbornly scowls at him, and even moved his arm to inconvenience the doctors. Farlan had debunked his plan of being cooperative; this man isn't letting him go no matter how many times he will súck his díck. The man sees through everything. Hopefully...

Once Farlan turns around to exit, he spots someone enter the facility through the glass window. His eyebrow raises at the sight of a very tall, dark skinned man with an even darker scar so massive it took up half of his face, then through his eyes where the old injury left him blind on one eye. It was perfectly fogged up with little to no iris visible, yet his functioning eye is as dark as his soul.

"Schliemann," the man with expensive gold jewelry greets just as Farlan exist the main operating room. He has a playful smile on, as if they were best friends all over again.

But, this was Farlan's mortal enemy; a nemesis, a rival, a threat. Yet he welcomes him with open arms. "Miroh. I'm glad you are here, old friend. Just in time."



why can't the gays ever be happy 😭😭