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"Where is Jáááááred, oh my god!" 2nd Year High Schooler Hoàng Lei moaned and groaned while laying her head on the table. They've been in this restaurant and the food is getting cold; their friend group's tradition is to not eat if one is missing, so none of them can eat until Járed Levough arrives.

Senior year Farlan Schliemann spots the freshman already plucking a sushi roll off the plate and shoving it in his mouth before covering. "Kino, stop. You're being rude."

"I'm hungry!" 1st Year Shinji, Kino whined along with Lei who really wants to eat now.

"Hey guys," Meanwhile, another 1st-year freshman nicknamed Navi came back, after being on the phone for a while. He has brown curly hair, evened-out dark skin, and very expressive eyes with long eyelashes that Lei wants to kill him for. The young, curly boy sighs, "You guys already know why Járed is late."

"His brother," both Lei and Kino groaned, both bashing their heads on the table with the latter stealing another Sashimi to shove in his mouth. Lei couldn't be bothered to snitch because she understands as well.

"I always wished I had a sibling... but like, it's scary how one could get so attached to them..." Navi says, unable to relate to 2nd-year Járed Levough because he is an only child.

"Ugh, I have cousins and trust me, it's a warzone," Kino states, "Rivalries about who's better and whose grades are higher and who has the bigger dík—I mean, I can take being the dumb brother, but I don't want to be the small dícked one."

"Dámn, you got two losses?" Lei snorts, teasing Kino.

"Shut up, stereotypes aren't true!" Kino defends himself, "You should know that, you got fat áss boobs for an Asian bítch."


Navi snorts at their usual banter, it's like they're siblings themselves. "Aren't siblings supposed to love each other?"

"Yeah, only because nobody is allowed to kill them but you. I know I don't want anyone to hurt any of you guys. Pranks are my job," Kino pouts.

The gentle Navi smiles, leaning on him affectionately, "Aww, Kino-"

"Except Lei, I'll actually cheer for anyone who pushes her off the cliff."

The older girl kicks him under the table, and it made Navi laugh. "Stupid people like you don't climb trees Kino, you hang from it."

"Lei!" Navi gasps, covering his mouth as Kino tries strangling the lady. Meanwhile, Farlan sits silently, staring at the ID contact of Járed in his phone.

"Oooh, missing your son, Father?" Lei turns to mock the so-called, 'Father figure' of the group, which is Farlan and their Spanish friend, Miroh Llorona. They are the most uptight and serious since they hold big roles in the School. Miroh is the Head of the Dorms while Farlan is the Student Council Vice President.

Farlan cringes at her, "I'd disown Járed if he was my son."

"That's kind of mean, " Navi says in a breathy, or airy voice since he is naturally soft-spoken and shy. "Járed is probably very busy with Student Council work. He's really serious as the President... a lot of girls like him because of his authority... hmm, I wish I can be well-liked..."

"Some people forget you exist, Navi," Lei comments to the wallflower. She was joking, but Kino elbows her because nobody should bully Navi except him. It was kind of the truth, Navi is the definition of an introverted wallflower that blends into the background.

But the boy only nervously laughs, "Hehe... sorry... I'm not as pretty or popular as you guys."

"The héll? A lot of girls like you, man!" Kino cheers for him, "Don't worry, you're only not popular because it hasn't been known that you are an Heir from the Shabdkoshi. People tend to be social climbers nowadays and only pay attention to the rich ones. If people knew you're a son of the Shabdkoshi, you'd be admired."

"No, please don't tell anyone," Navi once again, nervously says. The boy then says with a charming smile, "I'm fine being friends with you guys..."

"If I was a girl, I'd date you, man..." Kino says, slapping a hand on Navi.

"Why don't you? You don't need to be a girl, Kino," Lei snorts.

"Of course, I don't want to be the same gender as you," Kino pokes a tongue out at her. "But Navi deserves some pússy. Just stay away from Lei's, Nav. It's stinky."

Navi looks at him weirdly, "You've...?"

"No!" They both denied, making noise in the restaurant which Farlan rolls his eyes to. But Kino adds, "Just by spreading her legs you can smell fish-OW the balls!"

"HEY, LET GO!" they suddenly hear a familiar voice, then see two familiar faces. The other customers are disturbed as well. Their loud, although responsible Student Council President Járed Levough, was dragged by their silent Head of the Dorms Miroh Llorona.

A tall and dark young man with hair encased in protective locs. He rivals Farlan in intellect, quite literally since they always butt heads with each other in school competitions. All of them were close, though. With Miroh being from the Llorona, Lei from the Hien ro, Kino from the Shinji, Farlan from the Schliemann, and Járed from the Levough.

Miroh had snatched him from the school and shoved him in a car, before dragging him to the restaurant, too harshly. Járed looked like a stray dog he caught in the streets. And now that he's facing the cold food and the hard glare of Farlan, he nervously smiles.

"Hehe, sorry guys I was busy," Járed tries taming his hair, giving out a bright yet nervous smile to everyone.

"You're paying for everything," Farlan deadpans as Járed is forced to sit down so they can't start eating, finally. However, the Schliemann was very unhappy at the fact that Járed is sitting beside Miroh.

Miroh noticed and held eye contact, raising an eyebrow at the scowling Farlan.

"What did Keiji want this time," Lei suddenly asks because they knew all too well why Járed was held back.

"I was just doing his homework," Járed answers with a shrug.

Navi points out, "Isn't Keiji one of the smartest kids in his class? Why'd you need to do his homework?"

"He just doesn't want to do it," Járed lightheartedly laughs while enjoying their meal.

"Can you do my homework?" Kino asks.

"Are you my brother?"

"I can marry your Mom and give you another brother, how's that?" Kino huffs.

"I have two Dads, stupid!"

"Then I'll get them to adopt me! Do my homework then, will you?" Kino cheekily states.

This made Navi slap him for being a lazy student. Meanwhile, the two father figures just sat quietly on the table across from each other. None of them broke eye contact, because both are not passive at all.

However, Miroh had a habit he could not resist; baiting a reaction out of the very emotionless Russian. And so, the charming Miroh gently puts a hand on Járed's back asking, "You don't have to pay for our meal Járed, as long as you help me with my Italian homework."

"Whaaat, that's cheating!" Lei and Kino moan, since it's their rule that whoever comes last gets the bill. Járed was a little confused, staring at him with wide eyes. Meanwhile Farlan...

"You should not deviate from our rules, Llorona," Farlan calmly says, face still emotionless with an eyebrow raised. "But if Járed doesn't want to pay, then I should be the next candidate; I arrived last before him."

Járed looks at him too, shocked. Now all of their group is aware of the sudden tension. Because, Miroh never usually shows emotion, and Farlan only raises an eyebrow when annoyed. Now Schliemann and Llorona are sending bolts of electricity onto each other's eyes.

Járed's getting too uncomfortable so he does his best to laugh out loud, "Nah guys! Y'all are forgetting I'm a Levough! I can pay for everything! Look, black card-ahh wait, Keiji... took it... uhm..."

Keiji. Farlan gets even more silently pissed as Navi snorts, "Uh oh Járed, our meal is all Wagyu beef, it's gonna be so expensive..."

Wanting to mess with Farlan more, Miroh happily volunteers, "I can let you borrow from my card, Járed. Either pay me with tutoring, or pay me in cash."

"Whaaat, Miroh!" The others complained, because the guy never really does this for any of them. Little do they know, it's all to make Farlan mad.

Meanwhile, Járed offers a bro-handshake. "Thanks, man, I'll see if I have enough in my card but if not, then I'll tutor you, alright?"

Farlan's eyes twitch, and Miroh gives them a very gentle smile that could only mean victory. The two Europeans always had a tense relationship; but unlike Kino and Lei, theirs is much more subtle and deadly since there is an air of seriousness.

The Llorona always has ambitions of being one of the Unholy Trinity. And for that, Farlan can't really trust him.

After they all paid the bill, Miroh could no longer latch onto Járed because the Levough's phone rang. Kino, Lei, and Navi already groaned because they know exactly who is calling Járed.

"Ahh yes, Keiji?" Járed immediately walks off from the group, which is expected from the one with a brother complex. They can even hear Keiji's loud whiny voice even when it's not on speaker.

"Já, you promised me! Come here, come here, come here!"

The man sighs, "I can't. I'm with friends, why don't you go invite yours? I'm sure you have a lot of flings to go with you, brat."

"They're a really weird set of siblings," Navi comments behind Járed's back.

"Leave him alone, it's his responsibility." Farlan refuses to even look at him, already searching for his car which they are taking to go to the skating rinks.

Farlan's jealousy... is interesting, Miroh observes, noticing that the guy is really careful in not showing the slightest bit of emotion-driven action.

"Uhm... guys..." Járed nervously approaches them, scratching his nape.

Kino and Lei simultaneously groaned dramatically, "Don't tell us you're leaving! You are, are you?"

"I'm sorry."


Nobody is as disappointed as Farlan, although he definitely expects this the moment Keiji calls his brother. And yet, Farlan announces, "Miroh shall take all of you to the skating rink. I'll give Járed a ride."

Only Farlan and Miroh took cars because the friends planned to have a joy ride together, and didn't want to have to leave cars behind. Miroh was the one who picked Járed up, and Farlan detests that.

"Thanks man, I owe you!" Járed offered a hand for a bro-shake, but pulls it back down when Farlan did nothing but glare at him. "Alright alright, I'm sorry... geez, I'll make up for it next time!"


The Master of the Schliemann is left alone in the middle of the night, staring down at the cryogenic chamber of who once was the most powerful man on Earth; now a hollow shell without life, and deteriorated limbs. For someone to defeat a man such as Járed Levough, and bring down an entire school...

"I thought I can escape from you," Farlan whispers, stepping forward to look closer at the corpse. "I thought I am not as weak as you... and I can control my feelings. I thought... that I can live without you. I probably can. I've been living for years without you... but, why do so, when I can... ?"

Farlan leans against the glass displaying the peaceful and flawless face of a frozen entity, perfectly preserved except the damaged ear and scalp. They're still trying to find compatible models to replace the damaged parts.

"Long ago I vowed to stand by you, Járed. I vowed to watch as you become Master of the most powerful Mafia..." Before the Schliemann's transfer of power, unexpectedly making me Master as well... "Now you merely watch me as I... become the most powerful."

Farlan stares at his eyelashes, fantasizing about their graceful opening. It's been years since Farlan had gotten a sight of those browns of his. "... after all, why wouldn't I be feared if I brought back and held a Levough hostage in my palace? Wouldn't the owner of the most powerful person in the world.... be the most powerful?"

Farlan is not a psychopath, for guilt starts scratching the back of his head. Remorse starts plaguing his heart and warm love tries invading his thoughts. But because of desperation and stubbornness, he blocks all of them and never spared a twitch of second thought.

"I failed in bringing back the memories of Test Subject 01 and 02..." Farlan reports to the corpse, speaking as if he was alive. "Whether or not we succeed in bringing yours back... will still end up in me keeping you. I did not spend 3 years of hunting down Miles Taylor just to bring back a friend."

that night,

Miles Taylor is really bored in here; his boys are off to do some errands so he can't bother them. He is left here in the bedroom walking around scanning the bookshelves for interesting titles. Unfortunately, they're in Russian so Miles can only look at the pictures with pursed lips.

However, he came across a book that turns out to not be literature at all. It was a photo book; an album, of Carvalle Institutes from the year 20**-20**.

Miles opens it in curiosity, finding pictures of different students from what seemed to be a decade ago.

Science Club, Gaming Club, Hockey Club, Alpha Zhi Fraternity- all of a sudden, a group of photos fell onto the floor when Miles turned a page. He goes down to retrieve them, only to stare in shock at what's on the page itself.

It was prom night, and there is a group photo of six individuals: two he recognized to be Shinji, Kino and Hoàng, Lei from earlier, Farlan himself... and, "Járed?" There was an Indian man he couldn't recognize, but a dark-skinned man beside Farlan was crossed with a sharp object.

Now looking at the photos that fell, it depicted the Student Council President Járed Levough and Student Council Vice President Farlan Schliemann, posing together in a school fair. Farlan was strange, though... he never looked at the camera, as he seems to be caught staring at Járed.

In the next photo, it was a selfie between the group again taken by the girl. A dark-skinned man was again crossed off, and Kino is hugging the unfamiliar Indian man. Járed seems to be forcing Farlan to participate, who glared at him at this photo.

At the next few ones, Miles' skin crawled. "Keiji?!" It was less fun and more creepy. Hidden photographs were taken of the Levough brother in cafes, gaming arcades, restaurants, and even outside school. Keiji was cheerful and happy as usual, while Járed looked more serious and gentle. At the last photo Miles skimmed through, it was a selfie taken by Keiji. Járed is posing beside him while Farlan photobombed, staring at none other than-

Miles flinches and closes the book when he hears Farlan come in, and by the sounds of his feet, he is quite distressed. Not having time to insert it back in the bookshelf, Miles slid it under before turning around. "Farlan...?"

The man's serious, deathly glare was turned into that of gentle and soft smiles, greeting Miles with a generous grin. "Lisichka. How are you, have you eaten?"

This man... could it be... no. What does he have to do with Járed? Is he the reason Farlan took me?

Farlan approached the tense man, intimately touching his cheek while also inserting his hand on Miles' waist. "You smell nice."

"How was your day? How was your meeting with your friends?" Miles steps away and casually walks off as to not make it obvious he's rejecting the Master's advances.

"Ahh, they are not just my friends. They are the Masters of their own Mafias. It doesn't look like it, right? They tend to be... immature," Farlan removes his jacket and unbuttons his vest, staring at Miles who is avoiding his eyes. "It has been days since I've seen you. I missed you so much, Lisichka."

Farlan caught him by the waist, ignoring Miles' discomfort. He adds, "I hope my men have taken care of you?"

Oh, they did. Miles could only think about the brothers. How rough Taewon's hands were, how they carefully slap Miles to hurt him but not enough to mark. How gentle Jihun was, before unleashing his desires and force a willing Miles to submit. He can feel the flames in his stomach right now, and he cannot meet Farlan's eyes because of it.

"Farlan... I..." But, the Master pulls his head up to kiss him on the mouth, tasting the delicious nectar of his property. Miles' hands are against him, but he is scared to go against the Master. Farlan is a scary, dangerous man after all, and Miles can't be fooled by his smile and gentle nature.

"Wait-" Miles gasps, but Farlan only undresses him off his shirt and spins him around, the Master's nose now against his shoulder blade.

"I am tired, my love... chasing after you," Farlan mumbles from behind, gently pressing his hand against an aroused Miles. "Do you know how much it took for me to get you here?"

"Farlan, hold on for a momen-" Miles was cut off when the man pushes him against an armchair, Miles' hands against the backrest while he kneels on the seat.

"I wonder..." Farlan holds onto Miles' hair tight enough for a gasp, all while undoing his belt. "What you will say when I finally take you like this?"

"Master please, it will hurt-!"

"Shh, I won't hurt you..." Indeed, Miles feels something cool poured on his lower back, then Farlan's hand dips onto it and goes lower to coat a very sensitive part. Still, this doesn't stop Miles from being uncomfortable because he only ever wants the brothers there. They always had been his official firsts, and now Farlan is intruding.

"Some stuff isn't meant for us... but giving up is for the weak, isn't it?" Farlan whispers, leaning to get closer to Miles' face before proceeding to have intercourse with him on the chair.

later on,

Misha's fist stopped itself from knocking on the Master's door because of the faintest sound that came from the inside. A very familiar yet different sound; the beautiful moans of a beautiful concubine. Only, the tone is off and he isn't singing unlike earlier. Ahh, the Master is fúcking him. Should I wait?

Misha doesn't want to interrupt. However, this came at the price of hearing Miles in there. His earns are bearing witness to Miles moaning out the Master's name, in a tone different from desire. It seemed to be of defiance; he is using similar words he moaned during séx with the brothers.


"Don't... stop..."

But, a different tone. After minutes of standing here, Misha has enough and does not want to get aroused by hearing more. He knocks three times, halting the sounds from the insides.

"Yes, come in?"

As expected of the Master who treats séx the same way as if consuming a cigarette; an activity that isn't private if not need be. Misha has also walked in Farlan having séx with his girlfriends several times in the office or the bedroom, this is no big deal.

Thankfully, the Master pauses his intercourse with his latest plaything. Yet Misha still reluctantly enters and avoids looking at Miles who was being fúcked from behind at the table seconds earlier.

"Master Kino and Mistress Lei want to speak with you. Something about the Llorona."

They found Miroh, Farlan calms his breath down and releases Miles' arm, which he held hostage for a while because it was trying to push him away.

"Ahh, yes. I'll be there," Farlan pulls out of Miles making the man flinch in pain at the exit. The Master then kisses Miles on the shoulder saying, "I will be back for a short while. This is an emergency. Wait for me, Lisichka..."

Get the fúck off of me...

After the Master dressed himself up, Miles could only pull the table cloth to cover himself because Misha is staring at him. Even when Farlan exits the room, Misha stays staring at him with an unidentified look in his eyes.

"What," Miles spits at him, ashamed that he couldn't properly refuse Farlan and now his former lover witnessed him getting violated.

"You are probably capable enough to kill the Master," Misha says with a low voice, feeling somewhat... different seeing Miles wipe his tears and pretend they were never there in the first place. "... and even if the Schliemann tries to kill you, you won't because... well, you're Miles Taylor. But... you wouldn't..."

"Farlan is stronger than me," Miles dismisses him, hopping off the table with a slight limp because he was reluctant and the unstoppable force of Farlan's díck only hurt his áss.

"Is he, really? Or you just won't..." Misha mumbles approaching him which confused Miles a little. "Is it because of us again? Because you know us?"

Miles want to cry for real this time, but he wouldn't. He only turns away, "I am not in the mood to flirt with you, Misha."

"Me too," the man mumbles before pulling Miles by the wrist and leading him to the bathroom. Miles was shocked and a little panicked, especially when he is pushed to the sink and Misha bends him over it.

"What are you-?!"

"Shut the fúck up," the man merely says as he pulls something out of the Master's drawers, which turned out to be ointments and first aid. Miles freezes as Misha wipes his bleeding entrance with soft bandages before gently applying a healing oil onto it.

Misha feels bad. Seeing Miles like that; under the Master, helpless and crying. Even though he has the power to fight back, he truly wouldn't. He is strong enough to escape this place, but he wouldn't.

Miles' breathing calms down, especially when the oil coating his hole has cooling effects that minimize the soreness. He looks at Misha in the mirror, seeing the man being very focused on treating him. It made his heart beat faster.

But, Misha kneels down to more effectively apply medicine in affected areas so Miles could no longer see him.

"Did he touch you in the front?" Misha seriously says, which was a change to his usual rude tone of voice.

"No," Miles honestly answers, breath hitching from the oiled touch from Misha's fingers. Once he stopped, Miles turns around to face him. "Why are you suddenly doing this?"

"..." Misha stares at him, then the aroused díck in front of him. He was never attracted to males or their body parts his whole stay here in Schliemann. But, "You're just too beautiful to abuse..."

"Uhm—" For a second, Miles panics when Misha's lips came in contact with his díck, his sensitivity off the charts because this is a man he originally has feelings for. Those lips...

And better, Misha's mouth engulfs Miles' cóck with an unknown motive. Just Misha being mysterious as usual, willingly giving a whóre some oral pleasure. Miles is confused about why he's doing this, but at the same time, he is not complaining nor is he resisting.

"Taewon!" He suddenly moans out when Misha lifts him by the back of the thighs to make him sit on the counter, the gangster no longer kneeling on the ground. He stood up and bent down to draw out those moans of desire that Miles lack earlier.

"Is that what you call me?" Misha breathes out as he applies more medicine to the sore hole, pushing two fingers in and massaging the walls that protect the prostate.

"Mmmmhhh!" Miles moans out, "... Mi... sha... you..."

"Don't worry, I won't fúck you after your internal bleeding... " Misha says, fingers exiting and instead trails up to Miles' shaft. "I just want to hear that voice..."

By impulse, Miles gives him the voice he wants but the words he didn't expect. "I love you two so much, Taewon..."





I'm soft I love the brothers