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You are cordially invited to the Engagement Party of

Valentina de Vera and Aldrynon Wyner!


Save the date!

The letter sat in a dresser hounded with books and handouts. It looks so out of place. Tyler Wyner stared at it with hostile intent, fiddling with his black tie. His brown hair is slicked back, his eyebags are concealed. Not his signature freckles, a staple of his character. Everything on him seemed so polished... just for the occasion.

"Fruit, help!"

Tyler looked back at where his best friend and precious human stood at the doorway, the necktie stuck around the boy's thumb during his attempt at tying it correctly. Tyler laughed, his mood lightening up.

"Jeez Sprout, not doing so well without your Mom?" Tyler teased, undoing the ridiculous knot on Kei Johnson's thumb. He whined in response to Tyler's teasing.

The two had been best friends since kids. The shorter, shaggy-haired half-Asian has been his companion better than his parents. Tyler couldn't leave his bean Sprout alone and Kei wouldn't have survived middle school without his Fruit. Kei is the brother Tyler had always dreamed of.

Yet since his father's engagement, he is given brothers that he would never ask for.

A knock came from the door. "Young Master Tyler, the guests who have arrived requested for you and Master Kei to head downstairs."

A feeling of dread overcame him. "Who is it?"

"The Marauders, sir?"

At the reply, Kei lit up. "They're here, they're here!"

Tyler would've been so happy that Kei's eyes twinkled like that. If not for the reason...

Kei barged out and ran impatiently to the stairs where Tyler had to grab his arm so he won't trip. The kid wasn't used to pointy leather shoes yet. When they got to the entrance hall, Kei practically bounced to get to the boy who owned his heart, Justin Levough.


"Whoa Suckerpunch...you looked ten years older with a tux. Damn, you look sexy..." The man greeted, hogging and destroying Kei's hair that Tyler worked so hard to style. He glared at Kei's raven-haired lover.

Tyler twitched. He stood up the stairs where he stared at the four boys who is basically his nightmare. The four horsemen of the apocalypse. The Marauders.

The Marauders who run the school. The Marauders who are feared, worshipped, avoided, followed, everything. The four of them used to bully excessively, from spilling chemicals in the Science lab to straight-up beating someone up, they get away with it because they're the Marauders. They even run a Fraternity, Kappa Aegis. That Fraternity's link with the Mafia seals their powers over everyone in school.

But one year ago, the King of the Marauders fell in love with Tyler's best friend, the weakest of the school, the chicken nugget, the number one target for bullying. Ever since they had toned down the bullying. But Tyler knew better; once a Marauder, always a Marauder.

"Ahh, my Suckerpunch looks so handsome, I can't wait to drag you hom-" Pause. That is Justin Levough. The Leader; the worst guy you'll ever meet; and Kei's boyfriend. Apparently, Tyler's best friend has a taste for arrogant and sadistic bastards. But what can he do? They love each other and Kei is happy with the King. Justin has quiffed-up black hair and black eyes, wearing a white tuxedo.

He came from the Levough Mafia, which Tyler's father is currently under. They built the Carvalle Empires, especially the school. The Levoughs are really powerful, that is why Tyler can't boot Justin from his house. Oh, how he wants to...

"Can I tell my brother the event is canceled? I don't want the bitch here---" pause. That tall, curly-haired brunette is Jason Ford. Not as worst as Justin, but is still an asshole. He may have stopped shoving heads down toilets, but he still enjoys posting girls' nudes online. He's temperamental, and a huge dickwad. He wears a dark red tux with silver edges.

His Mom is an elite socialite and the reason why Tyler's father is now engaged. Jason is rich no doubt, and can be a top student if not for him getting into detention very often.

"Justin, Kei is turning red, he can't breathe."

"I'm surprised the kid stayed alive this long—" Stop the record, Tyler does not want to witness this anymore.

His worst nightmare, the de Vera brothers. Ryland and Xavier de Vera, his soon-to-be stepbrothers.

Ryland de Vera is the genius of Carvalle High, with an accurate IQ of 141. He holds the record for highest recorded Average and the most number of College recommendations. Harvard wants him, Oxford wants him, Princeton wants him, and 21 other prestigious colleges. He has frosted silver tips and is a natural brunette, with icy blue eyes that damn anyone who messes with him. He now wears a dark blue satin tux.

Tyler is relieved when it is announced that Ryland will be in charge of their company after the marriage. Aldrynon Wyner has agreed to make Ryland the CEO of WYN Empires instead of Tyler. Much to Tyler's pleasure, he doesn't want to be his father, being stuck in an office 24/7. So Tyler is not as hostile to Ryland as he is to his other stepbrother.

If Justin is the Devil, Xavier de Vera is the Anti-christ. That's how bad he is.

Unlike the three other Marauders who have laid off bullying for a while because of Kei, Xavier did not stop bullying Tyler. If ever, he became worst.

Xavier now has a polished look, none of the grunge emo look that plagued him years ago in middle school. Gone was the eyeliner, but his piercings remain. Tyler can now see the cold greens of his eyes that no one noticed before. He grew taller, as tall as Jason, and his hair is curly, like tiny ringlets. He ditched the black hair dye and is now sporting his brown with blonde highlights. He's the one who had a glow up, looking like straight out of a magazine with that pure black velvet suit.

Tyler hates this handsome demon so much.

"Oh look," Xavier yelled out, calling the attention of the Marauders. He flashed his pearly white teeth in a plastic, arrogant smile that Tyler just want to carve a knife up his cheeks. "The Freckly Pickle..."

They laughed a welcoming cackle, not a degrading one, more like the nostalgia that they haven't called Tyler that in a while. The Marauders have softened up to Tyler since Kei and Justin dated. They stopped bullying.

But not Xavier. Xavier hasn't stopped. He doesn't have a plan to.

Sick to his stomach, he marched off to his private study where he plans on spending the rest of the night after maybe 5 seconds of appearance at the party. Kei is the only good thing in his life right now. Everything is horseshit.

Meanwhile, Ryland pats his brother's back. "Why don't you go get Mom and bring her the necklace she forgot earlier," said Ryland stoically.

"How'd I know where she is?"

"Aldrynon Wyner's Office," Ryland replied.

Xavier rolled his eyes and took the box, heading upstairs.

However, in his journey towards the Office, Xavier spotted Tyler standing by the door without moving a muscle. What's he doing here?

Tyler's back was to him and Xavier approached from behind. He heard voices from inside the office. Was Tyler eavesdropping?

Xavier blew on Tyler's nape, and the freckled boy jumped and turned around in shock. "Hey—!"

Xavier was even more shocked to see fresh tears on Tyler's reddish eyes. "You're...crying...?"

"Fuck..." Shocked brown eyes turned to fury and embarrassment in a split second and pushed Xavier to the wall before running down the hall.

With a curse, Xavier dropped the jewelry box on the table right at the Office door before running after Tyler. He had never seen the boy cry before, he had never seen him even look vulnerable. Heck, Tyler even punched him at school!

Catching up to him, Xavier grabbed his arms. "Hey Freckl—"

"Shí—stop, let me go fúckin—!" Tyler thrashed around, his eyes clamped shut as he faced Xavier with resistance.

"Calm fúcking down!"

"Shut up! I can't deal with your bullshít now so beat me up later after I kill mysel—!" Xavier used his one leg to swerve behind Tyler and kick his ankles,  causing the boy to fall down.

"I said calm the fúck down!" Xavier pinned his wrist together and pushed them to his chest, legs pinning Tyler to the carpeted floor.

"Fúck you!" Tyler spat.

"You will if you don't shut up!"

That seemed to do the trick. If it wasn't for the existing blush earlier, it would be obvious this had an affect on him.

"Get. Off. Me."

The bastard Xavier smiled mischievously. "Why? I like this position. I could kill you in this."

Tyler squirmed. "No! I want to kill me myself!'

"Why?" Xavier's face fell serious.

"Why do you fúcking care?!" Tyler attempted to pull his wrists off of Xavier's strong hands.

The man leaned down on Tyler and he swears, this man's perfume is a pheromone, and he doesn't like it. "Because you're my little brother."

"Little brother my áss, don't you dare belittle me you overgrown piece o—!"

A hand grabbed the hollows of Tyler's cheeks and a pair of honey sweet lips clamped over his. Shocked at the sudden invasion, Tyler's tense muscled relaxed. The kiss is heaven, it's soft, cloudy, angel choirs are singing. How can the spawn of satan bring him to such—

This is the Spawn of Satan. It's Xavier he's sharing a sexual kiss with.

Tyler's hands broke free and he grabbed Xavier by his curls and punched him straight in the jaw. Cursing, the de Vera sat up while Tyler scurried up.

"Fúcking disgusting!" He exclaimed.

Instead of getting mad at the punch, Xavier strangely chuckled. "Damn... Fruits are sweet."

Tyler growled. "Fuck...!" Wouldn't want to make the same mistake again, would he? "...off!"

"I'd rather fuck you," Xavier calmly replied.

Feeling nauseous, Tyler stormed off without a word. Xavier didn't follow, he watched as flames of anger surrounded Tyler. He touched the bruising jaw lightly with his hands, and it made him smile at least.

Meanwhile, Tyler was going nuts. So much has happened in the past hour and he wants to jump off the window. He paces back and forth, he sits down, he paces back and forth again.

Eventually he kicked his desk, which resulted to a picture frame being knocked over. Panicking, Tyler picked it up and took the picture out of its broken glass home.

It was a picture of Tyler, Kei, and Amai, Kei's mother. The only family he has. The only family he got. Now his father is remarrying, Kei has Justin, and Amai is too busy catering to her actual son.

Tyler never felt so alone.

later on,

The guests toasted their sparkling champagne over the engagement speech of the bride. Ryland and Xavier's mother looked beautiful as always, and she looked so happy. As did everyone.

"Shít, my brother got wasted..." Jason cursed, staring at the boy he doesn't want to call his twin brother. His embarassing sibling is now trying to convince guests that Trump is a robo-lizard in league with Mark Zuckerberg.  "I knew we should've knocked him out cold."

"Just wait ten seconds, and the alchohol will do it for you," Justin laughed, a worried Kei sitting on his lap. Everyone is aware that this boy is the lover of the gay Justin Levough, no one paid their mind.

Xavier stood, silently observing them. Kei whispered in Justin's ear, a worried look on his face. Justin then told the Marauders, "Yo, where'd Freckle Nutmeg go?"

It made Ryland search for the crowd. It's strange how nobody spotted the son of the soon-to-be groom.

"No visual," the stoic Ryland answered. "Xavier, you didn't run into him when you brought Mother the necklace, right?"

Ryland caught on. Xavier couldn't hide the bruise with some Tarte Shape Tape concealer.

"No," Xavier lied.

"I'm going to go check on him," Kei announced and hopped out of Justin's lap before getting pulled right back.

"No you're not. Tyler's a grown ass man Babe, no need." The ever so jealous Justin grumbled.

"I'll go check on him," Xavier volunteered with a roll of his eyes. "He's probably preparing for an exam which is due two years from now."

With reluctance from Kei, he went out of the hall to search for Tyler. Guilt gnawed him. Was he the reason Tyler didn't show up? Did he offend Tyler that badly?

He went to search for him in the halls of the Wyner mansion. The music was fading out as he journeyed towards Tyler's room. Yet, he didn't need to get there, because Tyler was already in the hallways, heading to the party.

Their eyes met in an awkward battle between the grass and the wood. They stood merely feet apart. Only that Tyler wasn't alone.

Xavier's eyes shifted to where a familiar person stood beside the freckly boy.

"Xavier." The person greeted quite stiffly.

"Vincent," he replied, face calm but mind racing. Did both of them come out of Tyler's room?! What is Vincent doing here?! What did they just do?!

Vincent Levough is the infamous little brother of Justin Levough. The opposite sibling, where he values gentleness and kindness above all. He stands inches above Tyler; his hair lengthy, flat, and copper. He wears a white tux all over. He is the Angel of the school, the Angel of the family, even an Angel in Tyler's eyes.

Xavier crossed his arms. "You two were talking?"

"Yes," Vincent smiled softly. "I had convinced Tyler to join Kappa Aegis. He would make a wonderful Treasurer."

"Kappa?" Xavier squinted his eyes in disbelief. Tyler avoided his eyes at the announcement.

"Yes Xavier, Kappa..." Vincent confirmed with stiffness in his voice. "Tyler will make a great addition to the family. We've already talked about it."

It left a sour taste in Xavier's mouth and pride. Kappa Aegis was the most prestigious Fraternity in the area who accepts no less than first class Carvalle students. The Levough Mafia has run the Fraternity for generations. The Marauder, Justin Levough, has recently graduated and will soon inherit the mafia. Therefore, he has given the position of the fraternity's President to his little brother, Vincent, now a sophomore. Justin is not the only one who graduated and left Kappa Aegis. Xavier's brother, Vice President Ryland, graduated and left as well. With two out of four marauders  graduating, Xavier left the Fraternity as well. Though for other reasons...

It irks Xavier that Vincent involved Tyler in such a tough brotherhood. He doesn't even believe a straight A's kid like Vincent could even run a Fraternity.  Xavier turned to Tyler. "And you agree to this? You keep bitching about us bullying you and now you join the Fraternity that invented bullying?"

"Vincent is not like any of you, he's going to change Kappa Aegis' dirty image. I support him being President of the Fraternity." Tyler replied with no wavering of his voice. "He's going to fix the Fraternity you guys ruined and maybe even fix the whole school. They don't need the Marauders. They don't need ássholes in a world of dìcks."

Xavier stared at Tyler. His hard, green eyes stared at the face of determination. Yet in those moist eyes we're uncertainty, hesitance. Xavier almost smirked, he's putting up an act.

"Very well, then..." Xavier clenched his fist. He wants to feel bad for Tyler for what happened earlier but him being with Vincent soured his mood. "I hope you and your Freckle ass is happy in Kappa Aegis."

With a sarcastic side glance, Xavier left the two on their own.

some time later,

"Hi, Tyler! Nice job on the Assembly decorations!" says a female student who came across Tyler Wyner in the plaza. More and more girls seem to can't help but greet Kappa Aegis' new outstanding Treasurer.

He smiled and replied, "Thank you, I wouldn't have done it without the committee."

A book landed on Xavier's desk so harshly that the noise removed him from staring at Tyler in the plaza through the classroom window.

"Dude, what the hell?" Jason stood there by Xavier's school desk. "I've been calling out to you!"

"How'd you get in here? You're not in my class." He sneaked a glance at the boy down below.

Jason pointed at the clock. "It's already dismissal time. For nine minutes! You're the only one left here. Where's your head?"

Xavier merely sighed and stood up, grabbing his backpack without saying anything. Jason looked down at the window where his friend was always staring at, the plaza. He sees Tyler doing his homework in advance, glancing up to wave at some friendly students.

"Wow, you really hate the kid, don't you," says Jason. Xavier rolled his eyes, finding it irritating that Tyler and Jason are able to spend more time with each other because of the Fraternity they're both a part of. Jason is the only Marauder to not leave the Fraternity and is now the Secretary.

"I just don't know why he became popular all of a sudden. He's still the same stubborn nerd no one cared about until... now." Says Xavier.

Jason shrugged, "He seems pretty nice to me. Even Vincent likes him a lot."

"What?" Xavier cringed.

"Not like that," Jason laughed. "I mean he's so fond of Freckly Pickle. Back at Kappa's, they're basically best buddies. I would've even thought that Vincent will make him Vice President. That's how close they are."

Xavier sighed. "Whatever, I'm done with that Fraternity anyways. It's full of geeks and nerds now."

"Right... Vincent is recruiting brains rather than brawns. I'm both too, though..."

Xavier rolled his eyes once more. Of course... Vincent even planned to recruit the second smartest person in school, Victor Strauss. But that German prick isn't important. What Xavier is so worried about is Vincent taking away the Fraternity's tough reputation by letting someone like Tyler be a part of it.

Xavier saw another female approach Tyler. He felt enraged unlike any other. What's so special about him?!

"Hey, Jason... are my books still in the Frat's library?"


"Wow... the wedding invitation is so over the top. I wouldn't expect anything less for the wedding itself," commented Vincent Levough as he set down the pop-up invitation on his desk.

Tyler was seated in front of him, reviewing recruitment forms for the new semester.

Having no response, Vincent looked at Tyler. "Aren't you excited?"

"Huh?" Tyler looked up. "Oh yeah... Wedding... very cool..."

Vincent sighed at the tone of dismay in Tyler's voice. "You've been like that for several days. It's okay to voice out your feelings at your father's wedding, Tyler. You can object to it. I highly doubt it'll make an impact, but if you keep bottling it up, it'll be you that suffers."

"I care less about my father's wedding. It's the new family that comes with it." The brunette blurted out. There are no keeping secrets around Vincent, the guy is the reincarnation of Dumbledore, he knows everything. "What I do despise is what comes after. I'll have new stepsiblings, and worse, it'll be two Marauders. Besides... I'll be less important to my father than what I am now."

Vincent stared at him for a moment. He can't comfort the kid by way of saying he's wrong. Of course, Tyler's father had been neglectful. A child is not at fault if they would feel this way regardless of the parent's side of the story. Tyler's father had failed to be a father, now Tyler feels like he'll fail as a son.

"Well, you're pretty important to us here," Vincent says, but his warmth did not cheer Tyler up. Still, he optimistically smiled and says, "How about I take care of those recruitment forms, you go take a break."

"But Vince—"

"You're the Fraternity Treasurer, not my assistant." Vincent smiled warmly. "This is my job and you have no obligations to help me with it. Now go do something fun for once."

Not surprising how different of a President Vincent is to his brother. Kappa Aegis is in good hands, Tyler thought. Let's hope everyone appreciates the change in tone. Thanking the President, Tyler exited the office.

Passing by the 3rd floor of the Frat house, Tyler irked up at an open door. Him being a developing perfectionist grew annoyed at the only door that's not closed. It was the library, and the library has an AC that shouldn't be exposed outside.

Attempting to close the door, he noticed someone inside when several books were on the previously organized table.

"Hello? Who's there?" Especially on a Sunday... There was definitely someone there. And he was right, former Kappa Aegis member Xavier de Vera sat there with his feet up a table, making Tyler want to punch him in the nuts.

"What are you doing here?" He asked grumpily at the Marauder, poor excuse of a Harry Potter parody.

Xavier raised his head from reading a book and stared at Tyler with those dark green eyes, almost brown without natural sunlight. "What, I can't visit my second home?"

Tyler did not answer. He was right, Xavier has can't be kicked out. Being a Kappa Aegis alumni, he has the rights to access the frat house.

"I didn't get to congratulate you..." Xavier stood up, setting the book down gently. Tyler's eyes his every move, from the grazing of his fingers on the book bind to the stride of his feet across the floor. "...on being an Elite."

"An Elite?" Tyler has never heard of the word in his life.

"Oh, Vincent never told you? Tsk... I wouldn't be surprised, the guy hates hierarchy. You know, Elites. The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Ace."

Of course, Tyler is aware of the Fraternity's positions. But he never knew about the Elites. Apparently, he's part of it? Apparently, he doesn't care to know. A hierarchy was in Justin's era, and no Caste system exists in Vincent's Presidency.

"Being an Elites is awesome though..." Xavier approached him, making him back away. "All the popularity, all the respect... all the women to fuck..."

That Italian sentence gave Tyler goosebumps for some reason, and his mind trailed off to the forced kiss that he desperately shoved at the back of his head. "Vincent is not like Justin, and he will change this Frat's image. Including your dirty STD-filled—"

"Oh, STDs?" Xavier smirked. Tyler's back hit the door. Why is he still coming closer?! Back! Back, you spawn of satan! "That's what you're afraid of, you germaphobe?"

"I'm not a germaphobe, it's called being responsible!" Tyler's hard tone of voice contrasted with Xavier's calm one. He really has changed in the past years. Still, a repulsive brat with anger issues... but is now a grown repulsive brat with anger issues and financial success.

"Oh okay then..." Xavier leaned in without any halt until it became entrancingly uncomfortable. "Should I be responsible about wanting to kiss you again?" Within an inch between each other, electricity flowed through them and it woke Tyler enough for him to kick Xavier right in the crotch. He bent over and curse.

Tyler screamed in his Father's native language, "What in Jupiter's tongue do you think you're doing?!"

"Fuck... your knee is hard for someone thin enough to be Slenderman only without the height... I was trying to see if you really are a germaphobe if I kiss you again," with a few grunts and groans, Xavier sneered.

"It's not germaphobia, it's gay!" Tyler opened the door. "And by the way, we're going to be freaking brothers for crying out loud, and I sure as hell won't be brothers with some homosexual Marauder."

Tyler exited in a hurry, leaving Xavier nursing his bruising jaw... once again. The young Wyner fled all flustered. Still fuming with rage, he eventually passed by another fellow Kappa Aegis Officer, Jason Ford.

"Tyler? Why the hell do you look like a virgin seeing porn for the first time--" Tyler sped past him.

"Nothing," he grumbled. "Just nothing."

Yet Jason knew there was something when he looked back at where Tyler came from, and Jason sees Xavier walking out with a pissed expression, eventually closing the door of the library.


later on in the vehicle,

Tyler has never felt so suicidal in a car ride before. What has he done that the universe curses him so badly? Is it because of his many attempted murders of Justin Levough? Is he being punished for putting Elmer's glue in Justin's shoes? Why, karma, why?

He is now alone in a car with Xavier de Vera, melting himself further in the right-hand seat as far from the driver's side at all times. He hears the Wii song mocking him in his head. Tyler clears his throat when he sees Xavier's glare through the rearview mirror.

See, right after a Frat meeting on the "two-week-long class suspension because the classrooms will be repaired and repainted", Xavier's Ford Range Rover car suddenly ended up in front of Kappa Aegis. Tyler can't even celebrate the news with Vincent because the Marauder is blaring his horns up on the driveway.

"As much as you'd probably hate this... your father and my mom are bringing us to the coast. Your father's orders."

Tyler almost choked on a fly after dropping his jaw on the ground. He called his own father, and the man only confirmed this and, 'Stop being a pussywus.'

So there he is in the present, feeling electricity every time he and Xavier's eyes meet. The guy doesn't even put on music! Turning his attention away from his suicidal thoughts, Tyler's mind kept wandering off to the kiss on the day of the party. Why would I think of that?! Tyler looked at Xavier through the mirror. Oh, that handsome, devilish face that he wants to pound a mallet into... He still didn't understand why Xavier kissed him. Is he gay? Did he just want to fúck with me? Probably the latter. Ew.

Without anything eventful happening, Tyler eventually fell asleep in his seat. Xavier kept glancing at him from the mirror, purposely hitting bumps to see Tyler's head falling down onto the window, hitting it. It was hilarious, especially with the drool sticking on the corner of those plump, soft, olive lips--

Xavier almost ran over a curb. He kept his eyes back on the road, cursing the drooling Fruit on the back of the car. That boy's going to be the death of him.

later on,


That annoying voice pulled Tyler out of his dream about Mulan, and he pushed someone's head away. That someone smelled so good, though...

"Freckles! We're here..." Tyler opened his eyes to see Xavier's face, barely a ruler covers the distance between them.

"I'm gonna kick you in the face this time," Tyler threatened before shifting away and going back to sleep.

It only made Xavier lean closer and jokingly whisper, "If you don't wake up, I'm going to playfully molest you right here and no one will come and help you."

Tyler opened the door and stumbled out almost immediately. "Over my dead body..."

"Oh, I'll molest that too..."

"Fúcking disgusting," Tyler spat, fixing his clothes before opening the trunk. Xavier did nothing but smile at his cute stubbornness, the boy blushing at the way this Marauder looked at him.

However, he caught up with Tyler and offered to help him with the pre-packed luggage. "I'll get that for you..."

"I have arms too, you know."

Xavier scanned his tall, nerdy-esque physique. "Doesn't look like much to me..." Nevertheless, he took the bags from Tyler's hands. The insulted boy stood there gaping his mouth.

"What the—these arms can be shoved down your throat so hard, it'll come out of your ass!"

Xavier chuckled, getting used to his threats. He was already up to the porch of the moderately big beach house. "I'll do you the opposite way!"

Little fúcker and his homo comebacks... Tyler slammed the trunk shut without taking his angry eyes away from Xavier.

When he did manage to distract his murderous intentions, he noticed the grand beach house that his father and biological mother used to go on vacations to. The sandstone path from the gates to the door, wooden floors, and walls get is still laced with modern and geometrical designs. It's like a beach cottage in 2035. This used to be only his beach house. Tyler's mom abandoned him and his dad, his dad never comes here. This was only Tyler's hiding spot. He had never imagined a family here, until now...

"Xavier my boy, what took you both so long? Ahh, you are looking fresh! Go fetch your brother Ryland, he's in the pool..."

Valentina de Vega and her two sons now invade Tyler's vacation spot. His steps were laced with loneliness as he went to the front door. Opening the 3-inch thick unbreakable glass door, he was greeted by Valentina herself. She looked straight out of a Spanish telenovela than she is Italian.

"Ahh, Tyler! So handsome! I make pineapple slushies, and kiwis too, are you thirsty?" She asked with her big, bright Italian slurred words.

"No thank you, I ate on the way here." He lied. Well, at least Valentina had the decency to greet her stepson. Tyler's father couldn't even be seen around.

"Okay my child, I will go cook grilled squid for you all. Your father is in the living room! Ciao!" Valentina strutted off happily to the patio where a grill is prepared for her.

With this information, Tyler quickly head to where his father sat, reading some newspapers. A virtual fire was displayed on the flat-screen TV in front of his father, who still wore his business clothes. Unbelievable...

"What made you think it was a good idea to bring them here?" Tyler immediately blurted out to the great Aldrynon Wyner. The big guy only flips his newspaper to another page, pissing Tyler off even more.

Tyler almost expects him to never answer. It's either dismissal or being ignored. That was the norm around Aldrynon Wyner. If you don't mean business, it's none of his business.

Yet, with deep, drawn-out words, the most intimidating man of the house surprisingly replied, "Do I have to think it's a good or bad idea? They will be your new family."

"Your new family. Your. I'd rather be disowned than share a name with the two out of four horsemen of the apocalypse."

"Hah," his father let out a laugh void of any humor. Tyler knew he wasn't going to take it seriously. Aldrynon Wyner couldn't disown the smartest child of the family. Tyler's mind is an asset to the company. It's not even an option, and Aldrynon doesn't have to choose.

"Father, I am serious. I want to go home." He was ignored. "It was smart of you to suddenly snatch me out of Kappa Aegis with a pre-packed luggage to get me to come here. But I'm leaving."

"If I say you're not leaving, you're not." Aldrynon Wyner spoke his last words in Italian. And when his voice is accompanied by a language such as that, it even sent shivers up Tyler's spine.

"What do I even get from this?" Tyler sneered between clenched teeth. "If you want a vacation with your new family, then you don't need to take me. I have a Fraternity to take care of and I sure don't expect you to play volleyball with me or teach me how to ride a bike. What do I get from this?"

"Successful people in life don't question what they're going to get. They just simply get it."

That was all? His son gave him a speech and he's just going to quote one of his company's slogans? Insulted and sick of it, Tyler left in a haste. He couldn't curse his father. He wanted to, but he couldn't. Why is Tyler even mad, the man just fell in love? Maybe it's the fact that it seemed too convenient for two rich people to marry. It seemed more of a business deal than marriage, in Tyler's thoughts.

Tyler entered his room with his bags already on the fairly massive but not king-sized grey bed. "Successful people my ass. The only success I'll be celebrating is my suicide..."

Tyler wanted to slap himself. Why would he even think about that when there are other people with worse problems? He should really tone down the first world crisis.

Successful people... Tyler was modeled to be the perfect CEO of WYN Industries. He took Business courses, Accounting, Entrepreneurship, even though his heart was not on that path. He didn't want the company. He felt overjoyed when the responsibility is going to Ryland after the marriage. Yet Tyler felt even more useless. What was he going to do now? All his life, he took paths he didn't want to take just for that inheritance. Now that he doesn't have to, what is he going to do?

His existential crisis faded when he flopped onto the bouncy grey bed starfish-wise, eventually drifting off to a continued sleep that was interrupted in the car ride a while ago.


"Xavier," Ryland called out to his brother from the doorway.

The dark-haired brother is unpacking his luggage and setting aside his clothes and surfboard for tomorrow. "What, you need me to iron your laundry or something?"

"Just talked to me about Kappa Aegis. He wants you to stay. Why'd you even leave?" Ryland said without emotion, as always. Xavier thinks his brother talks like a robot.

"You know why," Xavier sighed, giving Ryland a funny look. "I don't want to be under Vincent. He's still a.... you know, a kid."

"So is Jason," Ryland replied. "But you don't see him leaving." He didn't receive any answer as Xavier kept putting his clothes away on autopilot.

"I saw him being a pússy."

Ryland didn't buy into Xavier's inferiority complex. He was totally okay with being under Jason, which wasn't an Elite and is younger than him. But a brilliant man like Vincent comes and he chickens out?

Xavier stopped and turned to face his brother. "Stop looking at me like that, merda! I know you know everything, Dumbledore!"

"I do not know what you're talking about." Ryland blurted out before going over to a shelf with a few wine bottles.

"You have not known anything," Xavier said.

"I don't know how many idiots live in this world, or maybe it's just you." He picked up the Gin saying, "Do you mind?"

Xavier rolled his eyes. "Go ahead, drink your heart out. Are you done?"

"At the moment." Ryland stepped out of the room casually holding the Gin bottle. "Good luck, brother."

After Ryland left, Xavier stood there idle for a moment before also leaving his room. Just then, he witnessed an angry Tyler talking with his Dad downstairs, since the second floor overlooked the floor below. He almost felt bad for the kid. Almost. Yet he feels something entirely different.

The adrenaline of bullying someone made his heart pump in excitement. Especially if that someone was Tyler Wyner. But now, even when looking at the nerdiest kid he used to bully, he has that adrenaline. It's painful now. Somehow, he wants to reach out and take the boy under his palms. Surprisingly, it wasn't to crush him. It was to...

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Justin Levough's ID flashed on his phone. Xavier answered, "Yes?"

“Eyy! When's the wedding?”

"A month from now," Xavier answered, not taking his eyes away from Tyler who is now headed towards the stairs. Figuring that he might e headed to his bedroom, Xavier slipped into the opposite hallway. "Why are you asking, Justin? Didn't you see the invitation?"

“Oh, I saw it, alright...”

Xavier now knows what the mischievous Levough is talking about. "I... I guess I forgot then. Are you coming to the wedding?"

“Yep! You're slicing the cake!”

"Wait, right then and there? Shouldn't we wait for until Ryland takes it?"

“We are waiting. It's just a slice, X. You're just taking a slice.”

Xavier stared down at where his mother tried cuddling with his new step-father. sighing, he steals a glance at Tyler's bedroom. "I'll take the slice."

He can definitely feel Justin smile at the other line. “Don't eat it.”

the day after,

Tyler woke up on his side, the dim lights from the setting sun giving him saturated visions. The smell of his new mattress was pleasing, as was the salty ocean from the outside.

He also smelled a bastard. A nice smelling one.

Opening his eyes, his brown ones came in contact with moss green irises, a beautiful contrast reflected off because of the sunset.

"Good morning," said Xavier.

By instinct, Tyler kicked him with a foot to the stomach.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Tyler sat up faster than kids at dismissal time.

"You called for me," Xavier replied.

"Since when would I ever call for you?!"

"20 minutes ago..." The man smirked mischievously. "I never knew you sleeptalk. You were like, 'Xav...Xavy...Xa—"

Tyler turned red and cut him off, throwing a pillow at the guy. "I was just impersonating Jack Sparrow, you corn nuts! Don't-! D... don't ever come in here again..."

The sudden change of tone surprised Xavier. A heavy fluster adorned Tyler's face and his eyes were pink because of lack of sleep. Xavier chuckled at him, finding Tyler adorable.

"Did you actually dream of me?"

"N-no!" Yes... To say he was ashamed of himself is an understatement. "Get out, Xavier, or I swear I‘ll—!"

Tyler tried to hop out of bed, but the other brunette pulled him back by the elbow and pinned him onto the bed with amusement at his features. The boy froze in panic.

"You'll what, exactly? Kick me again?" Xavier's legs pushed on Tyler's, "Punch me again?" His strong hands pinned the boy's wrist down. Then he pressed his forehead onto Tyler's. "Headbutt me?"

Tyler's heart raced so wildly that it physically hurts. "I'll cut you in your sleep," he whispered.

"That gives me more reason to sleep with you, then..." Xavier's lips were undeniably close and Tyler's eyes can't help but flicker to them, though he can barely see because of the closeness.

"Were you dreaming about it? The kiss?"

Tyler squirmed, though he cannot move. "Yes, I was dreaming on how I could've bitten your tongue off and scoop your eyeballs out with a spork!"


"You sick mòtherfucker." Tyler seethed. "Let go of me, Xavier."

"Not until I get a kiss," Xavier's lips rested on Tyler's freckled nose.

"In your dreams, homo!"

"In my dreams, I actually fúcked you in more ways than you can---"

"Shut up," Tyler whimpered, feeling something sinful sit on his abdomen.

Somehow, Xavier blurted out, "I want a kiss from you."

Is this how far Xavier's teasing and bullying go? Is this the new definition of teasing? "You know, if you're gonna torment me, keep it in school so everyone knows how cool you are bullying me just like always."

"What if I don't want to bully you anymore?" Xavier leaned in, much to Tyler's surprise. ""What if I just want you?"

Tyler cursed. His heart leaped, and he doesn't know what to feel about it. Besides, he isn't gay. And Xavier is known for criticizing Justin and Kei's gay relationship. This has to be a joke, Tyler thinks. It's too unrealistic to be real.

Yet Xavier merely scoffed at Tyler's reddening face. "You're just like a rabbit. You think you're scary, staying in your burrow..." Finally, he pulled away, sitting at the foot of the bed resisting a laugh. "But you're just cute."

"If you're here to torment me, save an appointment for never." Tyler sneered, but Xavier only leaned back and smiled at him.

"I'm just teasing," he says. "As I said, you're just too cute."

Tyler squinted. The definition of cute is Kei Johnson, therefore he diagnoses Xavier with fúckingwithme.

"But actually Tyler, I came here to say that I'll lay off the bullying a little. We're going to be brothers, after all..." Xavier smiled. "The rest of the Marauders will warm up to you eventually. With you being Kei's best friend and our brother."

Tyler felt a tug on his heartstrings, and it is playing an out-of-tune melody. "What took them a month is what took you a year to stop bullying me?"

Suddenly, Xavier leaned in and peck Tyler on the lips, smiling smugly. "Who said anything about stopping?"

Xavier then exits out of the room, leaving a stunned Tyler on the bed.

on the third day,

He rose like a bonafide freckled Jesus. In his sleeveless sweater and knee-length shorts, he finds his 'family' on the beach enjoying the Global Warming set upon them.

They're having fun, he thinks. The de Vera brothers are playing Volleyball, and Valentina is cooking again. Even Aldrynon Wyner proved to be consistent, wearing a dress shirt and tie on a freaking beach.

Suddenly, Tyler was spotted by Valentina, who lit up and waved her arms at him. "Tyler! Tyler, sweetie! Come enjoy the beach, I cook American ocean meat!"

It's seafood. Tyler shook his head, but Valentina ran up to the beach house and dragged him to the grill, handing him a pair of tongs.

"Uhhh..." Tyler looks just as confused as a turtle in a crocodile pen.

"Okay, look... you should turn the squid every something-minute until it is change color, okay?—Hey! You! No, chair should be over there—!" Valentina quickly left him for the gardener, and Tyler stood there poking the meat with his claw-tongs.

I should've stayed in bed and rotted. He thought with such a gloom expression.

Looking at where Xavier was snorkeling, he was kind of tempted to join since the beach had a ton of stuff to poke fun at. For example, Xavier is now waving a starfish around exclaiming, "Ryland look, I kidnapped Patrick!"

Tyler sighed, poking the grilled squid. He looks at them. "You guys are lucky you died together."

"Tasty fishes get eaten, beautiful fishes get imprisoned in an aquarium." Ryland appeared beside Tyler and stared at the food, the freckled Wyner surprised at his sudden presence.

"I don't get it," Tyler said softly.

Ryland wasn't surprised he didn't get the metaphor. Instead of degrading Tyler's intelligence, he took another pair of tongs and flipped a squid over. "It'll be burnt if you don't turn it."

Tyler snorted. "If you had a cooking show, it'll be for sleep ASMR." He giggled since Ryland's voice is so soft and smooth but flat and monotoned at the same time. Tyler starts to flip the squids one by one.

Ryland shrugged, "I guess it'll work for putting my hostages to sleep."

"Pft," Tyler snorted. "Dark humor."

I wasn't joking, the silver-tipped de Vera thought.

"So uhm..." Tyler cleared his voice. "You're ready for being a CEO? What about college?"

"I get my degrees by just taking the exam. It's easier to study a whole course subject every two weeks than waste a year."

Tyler felt like Karen from Mean Girls in the presence of Neil deGrasse Tyson. Tyler was smart for sure, he was willing to work for grades. But Ryland doesn't ever need to lift a finger or a brain cell for it; he lives to put Einstein to shame.

"Aren't you going to work at your father's company?" asked Ryland. "You're taking up Business and Accounting, right?"

"Yeah, about that..." For some reason, Tyler was coerced into opening up just a little bit at the guy who actually had the decency to strike up a conversation with him. "I only took that course because I was supposed to be CEO. Now that you're here, I realized that I never even wanted those classes."

"Then? What are you going to do?"

"Go through with it, I guess. After all, I am Kappa Aegis' Treasurer. It'll be of use," Tyler answered without ever meeting Ryland's eyes.

Suddenly, a fork with a whole grilled squid appeared in Tyler's vision. "It's cooked," Ryland said.


"Taste it," Ryland's fork shook in front of Tyler.


Ryland rolled his eyes. "Just taste it to see if it's not poisoned, since it's Mom's cooking, after all."

Tyler bit a tentacle with his teeth, but surprisingly it wasn't hot. He ended up consuming the whole thing including the stuffing.

"Mmh! This is tasty! Your mom cooks so well..." Tyler blushed over his freckles, and Ryland even admits it's cute.

"This is her third time trying to cook squid. You should have tasted the first try, it was garbage."

"Hey, that's your mom."

Ryland raised an eyebrow. "So? No one is entitled to compliments if they don't deserve it." He then pulled a squid out that's been resting under the electric fan.

"Try this one, it's spicy."

Meanwhile, Xavier floated with only half his head over the surface. Why is Tyler so happy with Ryland? He basically hates my brother. Ryland is like the second King of the Marauders, and no one hates the Marauders as much as Tyler does... Xavier's mouth blew bubbles from underwater.

He felt something heavy on his chest, and it's not the air that keeps him floating. His muscles were tensed... watching Tyler bite that squid that Ryland offered, laughing afterward. Since when did they get along?

But no... he has to hold back. He doesn't have a choice. They're going to be brothers. Xavier knew he had to avoid Tyler. He had to avoid this feeling of both dread and pleasure. He had to stay away from it all. For Tyler's safety.

a month later


Everyone marveled at how happy Valentina is as they cut the cake. Everyone had their eyes on the happy couple, all except Xavier who never took his eyes off Tyler.

The reception hall was grand; red overtook the atmosphere and was accented with gold. Everything glimmered from the disco ball and chandeliers to the flower vases and wine glasses. Everyone was present, even the Levough mafia themselves.

The members of Kappa Aegis were seated at a different table, apart from Jason who sat with the Marauders. Tyler sat beside Vincent Levough, and he looks so uncomfortable if not for Vincent's company.

Fúck, look at his smile. Xavier genuinely feels like Vincent was the subject of Tyler's affection. Who wouldn't be? Vincent has an angelic smile to match with his personality. Tyler worships him and the ground he walks on.

The freckled boy looks dashing in his all white-suit with a red tie. All of the boys had either a white or red ensemble. Tyler sported a simple white velvet tux, while Vincent had his suit custom-made with a casual hoodied blazer. Xavier went with a satin red and white loose tie under a black dress shirt.

Red and white filled the reception hall and the only ones who stood out are Valentina in her silk purple wedding gown and Aldrynon in his pure black custom suit with a purple broach. The bride looked so bright and happy, it contrasted the groom's calm but pleasing exterior. Everyone started eating, the food catering only to the best.

At Kappa Aegis' table, Vincent cleared his throat. It caught Tyler's gloomy attention. "You know, I was really hoping you'd keep your smile."

It made Tyler blush like crazy. Not to mention Vincent looked absolutely princely even in the dimmed lights.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm just..." Tyler sighed. "It's done. Father's married. I have a new family."

"Why does it sound like it's a bad thing?"

Tyler never answered Vincent's question. He then placed a comforting hand on Tyler's shoulder. "I won't let them bully you. Ryland has a little bit of humanity... I don't know about Xavier, but just know that Kappa Aegis will always be here for you. I will always be here for you."

It was undeniable now. Tyler has always been in love with Vincent. Ever since they met, which was Tyler searching for his missing best friend, he has always felt sparks with the now-President of Kappa Aegis. He helps Tyler accept the fact that the Wyner family now has new additions.

Tyler grabbed his champagne bottle.

"Don't drink too much," Vincent warned before the majority of the table raised their glass for a toast. Tyler snuck one last flustered glance at Vincent.

hours has passed,

It seemed all too good, but in Xavier's eyes, it was the worst. Tyler is clearly intoxicated. He may balance the alcohol perfectly on his hand, but that dazed smile and nonsense laugh make it all too obvious. Xavier's expression turned somewhat murderous every time Tyler touches Vincent in a "humorous" but beyond friendly way.

"Dude," Jason nudged him. "You okay? If you need to sleep, we can take you upstairs."

"I'm not drunk," Xavier took another sip of alcohol.

"You seem surprisingly calm for someone who usually tries to stuff a cat down a hamster ball yelling, 'go home Pikachu!'"

Xavier rolled his eyes. That was two years ago during a Frat party. "I'll stuff your dismembered corpse in a water tank, Elisa Lam."

"Damn, Ryland much?"

Suddenly, Tyler excused himself from the table. Xavier watches as Vincent showed concern for the pretend-sober boy. Showing the President the most beautiful smile Xavier has seen, he walks towards the restroom.

Xavier would have left him for his restroom business if not for Tyler stumbling over and knocking out a trashcan, immediately apologizing to a waiter.

Fúck, he's drunk! Standing up in worry, Justin and Jason ask him where he's going. "Restroom."

Xavier entered the bathroom, but he couldn't find Tyler there. Where's he going? Did he go out--shít. He approached the waiter that Tyler apologized to.

"Excuse me, have you noticed a guy, freckled and drunk, the one who knocked down the trashcan, come through here?" He asks the waiter, hiding the fact that he wants to FBI-interrogate the kid because of the levels of worry washing over him.

"He's headed to...?" The guy nervously says, pointing in the direction of the elevators. There indeed, Tyler pushing on the buttons sluggishly while waiting for the elevator to descend to the floor they're in.

"Okay, thanks..." Xavier rushed off. 

"Tyler!" Xavier called out, but the elevator doors opened and the freckled Tyler looked like he dropped dead onto it.

But before he can call the elevator floors a bed, Xavier caught him by the arm just as the doors closed. "Tyler! What the hell is wrong with you?"

The boy squinted his eyes at Xavier suspiciously, as if not remembering who he is. Giving up on recognizing, he shook his head. "I'm definitely going to jump off the top fluu-ohr..." He fell limp on Xavier's arms.

"God fúcking damn it," Xavier lifted his head up by the hair and caught the scent of Fire Whiskey. Where did he get Fire Whiskey--oh, frat boys. Did Vincent know about this?

"Did Vincent make you drink?" Xavier nudged the dozing Tyler. "Hey, answer me."

"Shhhshhshhshh! Don't tell him! I promised him I'll only drink champagne. But the Whiskey was calling out to me like Pochahontas' grandma!"

So it wasn't Vincent. Xavier rolled his eyes. Of course, the guy's a saint. "Let's get you to your room."

"No, throw me off a window! That way, you'll just have to rape my corpse!"

The way Tyler laughs at his own suggestion made Xavier smile, at least at the goofy reflection of theirs in the elevator doors. "I prefer you sober but tied up."

"Hahaha," Tyler laughs once more, snuggling into Xavier's thick arms. "Fuuuuuck, he makes me gay...."

"Who, what now?"

"Kappa's President. Just... he makes me gay. I'd go gay for him. I'm gay for him. Fuuuuck X, he's like....ugghhhh!" Tyler exclaimed, pressing himself further on the tense Xavier.

"So... you like him?" The guy casually asks as the elevator opens to the floor they were staying at.

"Why wouldn't I? Vincent..." Tyler's mind projected the President's gentle, charismatic smile that lights up the room. "Vincent's just Vincent. And I'm not even gay."

Feeling jealousy tug on his heartstrings--artery, Xavier dragged the intoxicated Tyler to his room. "You sound like a girl who goes crazy over a crush."

"I'd like to be crushed by him."

Xavier sighed, "Shut up and get to sleep when we get to your room."

"It's lonely...fúck. At least you share a room with Ryland... I don't even have mosquitoes and I don't know if that's a good thing or everything and everyone hates me."

Entering Tyler's hotel room and setting him gently on the bed, Xavier hovers over him for a second. "Not everybody hates you."

"Stop lying."

"Kei loves you."

"He has Justin."

It was then it clicked in Xavier's mind. He knew exactly what the kid wants. Romance or familial, Tyler just wants to be loved. And who couldn't fall in love with this fallen angel? Xavier's eyes and fingers hovered over Tyler's slightly open lips, preparing for a snore. They are not chapped, they are soft, though half-dead pale. He just wants to...

Xavier stood up and retrieved warm water in a basin from the kitchen. Snatching some questionable Pepe the frog pajamas from Tyler's suitcase, he proceeds to dress him up with no malice intent. He did enjoy finding out that the freckles reach his torso, and it was the cutest thing when Tyler started to snore.

Xavier placed a warm towel over his forehead, to maybe ease off the headache that comes with Fire Whiskey.

Xavier was about to turn the lights off and leave Tyler to his sleep, but the drunk stirred instead.

"Vince..." Tyler opened his eyes though barely.

That shattered Xavier for some reason. Leaning in agitation, he whispers, "Go to sleep, Freckled Jesus."

"Or what?" A poor attempt of smirking came out of Tyler's flustered face.

"Or-" Xavier grabbed him by the jaw threateningly. "I'll kiss you."

All of a sudden, in the disappearance of a character, Tyler grabbed Xavier by the nape and met his lips for an amateur but lingering peck. It was made worse/better when Tyler himself pushed his tongue inside Xavier's, and the sober man melted in the sting of Fire Whiskey in Tyler's tongue.

Xavier's whole body lost its tension, and he finds himself no longer harshly grabbing Tyler's jaw, but sensually wrapping a hand around his neck in a move of desire. It was addicting, Tyler is addicting, Xavier is heavenly. They found mutual comfort in each other.

Yet when Tyler let out a temptingly sexual moan, Xavier deepened the kiss. It doesn't help when Tyler arched his back and press himself tighter to him.

"Ungh... Vin... cent," Tyler moaned in between kisses. Xavier froze, pulling away.

"Vincent?" A knife stabbed through Xavier and it stung so bad. "You wanted me to be Vincent? Do you want him so bad? Merda, when will you stop being blind?! I do all these things for you and you push me away, it drives me mad! I guess I deserve it for being a díck to you back then, but goddamn it Tyler, I tried making it up to you! Maybe you'll look at me the way I look at you!"

Tyler stared at him silently. Only then did Xavier notice his tears, silently flowing in fear of his anger.


The boy winced. "Are you going to leave me?"

His sniffs and whimpers were just too much for Xavier to handle as this was the second time he sees Tyler cry. It was so rare, it was so unusual. Tyler is tough; Tyler is stubborn. Crying isn't on his agenda. He sees it as weakness; Xavier sees it as a breaking point.

"You're going to leave me like Mom. Like, Dad. Like Kei..."

"No, no, no... " Xavier held Tyler's head in his hands and leaned in comfortably. "I won't leave you... not me. Surprisingly, but not when you're like this."

"You hurt me."

Being honest with himself, Xavier realized that he's had feelings for Tyler ever since he saw the boy's vulnerability, finding it interesting at first... then pity... then possession... then infatuation. Xavier wants to protect him; Tyler's just that kind of person to remain a child in his eyes, therefore, needs love and protection. He doesn't know how to give it, but if it takes Xavier to hurt Tyler, he's going to do it for the sake of protection.

"I won't hurt you, Tyler."

"Will you stay?" His eyes glimmered with tears and light from the lamp.

"I'll stay."

Like an eager child, Tyler rolled over and made room for Xavier. He then wrapped himself in a cocoon of blanket and laid there like a sushi roll, closing his eyes.

Rolling his eyes and smiling, he sheds off his own blazer and tie, as well as his dress pants, leaving his dress shirt and boxers before hopping onto the bed.

"I'll make you breakfast in the morning, then." He grumbles, facing away from the intoxicated Tyler. He does not want to truly leave him. Not when his heart gained relief and joy from having Tyler voluntarily kiss.

"Mfghhr..." Tyler groaned.


Xavier then felt thin arms circle his waist, then a head on his back, Tyler finding comfort in his warmth. His blanket roll is still pressed onto Xavier. With a sultry, rough voice, "I said... Canadian pancakes."

He's making my life harder than it is, Xavier sighed, clamping his eyes shut to block the psychological and physiological noise from his own. Subconsciously intertwining their fingers, Xavier lifted it up.

"I don't know which one of us will regret this." He decides to savor this rare moment with a drunken Tyler.

the next morning,

The second Tyler came into consciousness, he sat up and grabbed his head attempting to crush it. "AHH! FÚCK! WHAT THE—AGH!"

A glass of water was placed on the bedside table. Tyler laid back on the bed trying to drown this hell of a migraine, noticing a dressed Xavier standing on the side of the bed.

"Agh....fúck," he groaned.

"I hope you won't drink Fire Whiskey anymore," Xavier says, sitting on the edge of Tyler's bed.

The pain on his forehead area and the back were too painful. "Why do they even make this drink...?!"

"It's not for little children like you."

Tyler doesn't even have the energy to kick Xavier off. Just like he doesn't have the energy to resist when Xavier placed a hand on his burning forehead. "It burns."

That statement triggered a deja vu in Tyler's mind. "Did you take care of me?"

"Well," Xavier chuckled. "I don't know about your Dad, but my Mom will kick my ass when I leave you to suffer, little brother."

Tyler grunted. "Just stop."

"Stop what? Worrying over you?" Xavier sighed, his hand caressing the side of Tyler's neck as if he's petting a puppy. "You don't know how my heart wants to jump out of my chest and maybe let it beat you up when you get drunk like that."

"Wow, very romantic..." Tyler groaned with sarcasm.

"You know who was romantic last night?"

Tyler peeked from his mini-pillow fort. His heart pounded, for a reason he wasn't aware of. "My fist and your face." With an unreadable expression, Tyler sat up with a visible wince. "I... I kind of remembered... everything, now."

Xavier stared at him, sipping a mug of coffee that previously sat on the table. His silence was unnerving for Tyler.

"Were you serious? Why'd you... how do you look at me?" Maybe you'll look at me the way I look at you! Tyler recalled clearly. It completely changed his view on the Marauder.

"Like a brother." Xavier sighed. "We were both drunk. Don't talk about anything last night, okay?"

The tense muscles relaxed, but the pit on his stomach increased depth. "Oh. Okay."

"If you need anything, just call me. I'll be in Ryland and I's room." Xavier turns around and walks away stiffly.


The Marauder froze. Tyler's voice calling out to him... it crawled dangerously to his arousal. "Yes?"

Tyler panicked. Why did I call out?! It wasn't intentional! What--why?! "Painkillers. Please?"

"I'll have Ryland bring it over." Just like that, Xavier exited the room.

Tyler held his chest, his heart beating erratically though not enough to kill him. He took deep breaths, unable to admit to himself that this adrenaline has anything to do with Xavier. He couldn't wrap his head around what happened last night.

6 months later

Finally, Ryland Wyner became the CEO of WYN Industries. Aldrynon has his life on a mission with his beloved wife. Kappa Aegis has never been so successful with a 92% approval rate from the students and a whopping 42 members in their house. With Kappa's success, came Tyler Wyner's legendary journey as its Treasurer.

As for Tyler and Xavier, they continue to ignore each other. Whenever Tyler sees him, his heart dips low because of the fact that Xavier has actively avoided him since the wedding. At least the guy knows how to smile at Tyler once in a while, only when he is not around Jason.

Speaking of the Marauders; Justin is now the established Levough Mafia boss. Therefore, his lover Kei had to finish his study at home. He couldn't be walking around knowing that he can be hurt to threaten Justin. Tyler had officially but indirectly lost his Best Friend. They call and text, but rarely see each other now.

At least Justin is now friendly with Tyler. Maybe it had something to do with Tyler not being a threat anymore, because of... Xavier. Tyler's life had improved, but his confused feelings only grew more twisted.

"Do you think you can handle the kiosk project? We still need to hire an engineer," Vincent says to Tyler in terms of their Fraternity. They are seated on a school bench reviewing projects for the Fraternity.

"Of course," Tyler smiled happily. "I'll handle the budget. I got three members to volunteer to work on it and five other donated money."

Vincent flashes him a toothy smile. "Brilliant. I knew I could count on you." He shuffled Tyler's messy hair-do.

Usually, Tyler would have been all over him like a middle school crush... He does currently like Vincent. But for some reason, in looking at that smile Tyler searches for another subject of affection.

He sees that man helping Jason reject some girls. Xavier? Damn, here it goes again. While Tyler's heart leaps with Vincent, it goes crazy with Xavier.

"Tyler... Tyler?" Vincent snaps him out of his daze. "Are you okay? We can continue this later..."

"Yeah, yeah... just, thinking. What we're we on?" He answered. Vincent looks at him suspiciously, smiles then proceed to discuss about this year's Frat project.

days later,

Days have passed, and Xavier's stalking increased, though harmlessly. He has evolved from stealing glances to cutting classes and watching Tyler in gym class. He's so flexible. Xavier noted thought, watching Tyler stretch out and laughing with Vincent. They hang out all too often.

Xavier's brows dipped when Vincent tackled Tyler, holding him by the waist him his arms. Tyler playfully resisted, his face is red and his grin was wide in response to the fun.

Jason jumped when Xavier suddenly slammed his canned soda on the table so hard that the liquid flew out of it.

"Dude, what the fúck?!"

Xavier merely stared at him, rolling his eyes. "Stop being a pússy."

"Stop being a díck! Jesus," Jason wiped a soda off his arm. "What's gotten into you?"

Tyler. "A dildo."

"Haha, funny." Sarcasm dripped off Jason. Xavier continued to stare at Tyler from the visibly covered court. The other Marauder noticed this, believing that the murderous flare was directed to Tyler.

"X, we've stopped bullying the kid. Even Justin likes him now... when will you stop?"

"I've already stopped," Xavier took a sip of his drink.

"And you still stalk him?" Jason sighed, getting more and more confused than a closeted boy in a male shower room. "What do you really feel about Tyler?"

"Besides murder?"

Jason knew that Xavier isn't planning to actually murder Tyler. He now feels as if he's planning to murder Vincent.

"You can't fool me," says Jason. "I may not be as smart as Ryland, but it doesn't take me to be as blind as Justin to ignore your feelings. You like him, don't you?"

Xavier glared at Jason, indirectly confirming it. Finally, the man sighed. "So what if I am? It's not going to go anywhere. We're brothers."

"Step-brothers. You didn't even change your last name to Wyner." Jason then snorted. "Wouldn't you guys be like...married, if both of you are Wyners?"

"I'm not a whiner."

"Oh X, you whore."

"But really though," Xavier leaned in, scanning the crowd to avoid anyone listening. "Something's just... not wrong... but I don't like it. Yeah, I do like Tyler. The kid's grown on me. I can't take him out of my head!"


"Ham," Xavier replied, leaning back. "I can't get over him... Tyler's just... just..."

He spots the boy once again, and everything darkened to focus only on him. Those freckles are just perfect on him, that goofy smile is beautiful; and although it's because of his rival, Vincent... Xavier just loves looking at Tyler's joy.

"Fúck... what am I going to do? Justin's not going to be happy about this---"

"Dude, slow down I can't understand Italian that fast." Jason intercepted.

"I'm in love with Freckly Jesus." Xavier stared at him, looking genuinely worried. "And my feelings are going to get in the way of everything."

"Are you going to let it be?" Jason asks. "Which hurts more?"


Vincent Levough stands at Kappa Aegis' porch, escorting Tyler out of the door. "Are you sure you don't want a ride? I can take you home if you want."

"My Dad's buying me a car and I'd like to enjoy taking the bus for the last time. Y'know, be normal for once." Tyler shrugs.

Vincent raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? It won't be safe."

"I have a taser, don't worry." Tyler smiled. His chest tingles at Vincent even though it's in his nature to be concerned about everyone. "I'll see you on Monday? We still have pledges to enforce."

"Don't pressure yourself, have a good weekend."

Tyler was waiting at the bus stop, listening to the calming tunes of the biosphere while watching the sunset. The bus stop is the best place to watch it; no buildings to block the park where it sets. He remembers waiting with Kei; his best friend's head on Tyler's shoulder and drooling.

Fúck, I miss him. Taking out his phone, he decides to check on Kei. Tomorrow is Saturday, I'll buy and games we could pla

A car pulled up abruptly, a black 2017 Tesla 4X. Xavier exited the vehicle to Tyler's surprise, making his way to the passenger side's door and opening it.

"Get in."

"E-excuse me, what?" Tyler flustered a bit, his heart hammering in his chest.

"Oh, I'm opening this door for the flies?" Xavier smirks. "Get in."

Tyler crosses his arms stubbornly. "I'll take the bus, thank you very much."

Xavier rolled his eyes, stepping towards Tyler and snatching him off the sidewalk. "Hey! What the—the hell do you think you're doi—agh!"

Shoving him into the car, Xavier leaned over and wrapped the seatbelt to secure him.

Xavier was too close, Tyler could smell him. Such masculinity... he has to bury himself deeper into the seat. "Th-this... this is kidnapping."

After securing the belt, Xavier remained to hover over Tyler's face, heating up the boy even more.

"You're not a kid."

When Xavier pulled away, Tyler released a breath he never knew he was holding. "Fine... where are--we're going home, right?" Xavier closed the door and entered the driver's seat.

"See that thing over there?" Xavier pointed at the backseat. Tyler looked, seeing a basket with a lot of food stuffed inside.

"A... a picnic...?" Tyler said softly. His stomach fluttered with flesh-eating butterflies. It was a beautiful feeling, but Tyler's stubbornness suppressed it. Yet, he can't go really shít on Xavier for it. It was sweet.

Xavier met Tyler's bewildered eyes, then avoided it with a smirk. "It was Ryland's idea. I was just forced."

"Oh were you...?"

"You don't mind, do you? Of course, you don't. Just shut up, then." Xavier chuckled lightheartedly. Tyler playfully punched him on the shoulder with slight force.

Deep inside, Tyler was both confused and giddy. Why is he acting this way? Does he even have feelings? That's impossible, Xavier's like his worst enemy. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, they said. What happens when the enemy gets close?

Somehow, they end up eating on the hood of Xavier's Tesla. Tyler has his legs crossed on top of it, and Xavier just leaned in because his mass might dent the car if he climbs up.

Tyler can't help but steal glances at Xavier. Finally, he spoke. "What's gotten into you, though? This is like... not the emo Xavier I knew."

"Panic at the Disco and Sesame Street is still my life," Xavier replied. Tyler snorted, but suppressed his laugh. "A little change never hurt anyone..."

"You change a hell lot," Tyler added.

"You haven't changed," Xavier turned his head to him, seeing Tyler unattractively trying to stuff a hotdog sandwich on his mouth. "Yep, haven't changed."

After swallowing, Tyler burped. "Man, I never realized I was hungry! Is it me or is the wind making me want to eat a horse?"

Maybe if you haven't spent too much energy flirting with Vincent... "Maybe it's because you refuse to eat at home."

Tyler's eyes cast downward. For six months, Tyler has rarely eaten at their home. It's either in Kappa or at the school cafeteria. With no complaints, of course, Carvalle High's food is catered to its rich students. But thinking of homemade Tyler less than anxious. Xavier notices his discomfort and reached forward to shuffle his fluffy hair.

"I can cook for you if Mom's cooking is terrible."

"N-no, no need..." Tyler gave him a reassuring smile. "I've had a lot of work in Kappa anyways. I need to get there early, and stay late."

"Really...?" Xavier only grew more jealous. "Why would you choose that Frat over taking care of yourself?"

Tyler's face turned sour. That statement somehow offended him. "Kappa is my home now, filled with people who accept me and--and take care of me. I'd chose Kappa Aegis over anything--"

"I'll take care of you." Tyler was stunned at Xavier's proposition. Eyes wide and shadow frantic, he was unable to respond. "I've taken care of you, Tyler. I'll do it whenever you want me to!"

"What...what...?" Tyler couldn't find words. Xavier clasped his hands around the boy's hand, holding it on the distance between them.

"Call it disgusting because we're step-brothers, call it disgusting because it's homo, but I have feelings for you! I want to take care of you, goddamn it, I want you..."

"I don't...." Tyler stammered. "I don't know what to say...."

Xavier softened, half relieved and half tense. "It's not going to go anywhere, I know. It's unrequited."

"Xavier..." It was too awkward. Tyler feels all kinds of butterflies. He wants to reach out, but he can't. His pride prevented him from. So instead, Tyler grabbed another hotdog sandwich and awkwardly stuffed it in his mouth all while Xavier holds in his laugh.

Nonetheless, they share a cackle when Tyler choked and cough.

"....ahahaha, you should've seen your purple face!"

"Ack! Watch me die, then! You should stop saying stuff like that, it gives me anxiety!"

"Stop saying what?" Xavier grinned, leaning in. "That I like you? Would you prefer action, then?"

Tyler should push the brute away. Tyler should give him a x10 Combo kick to the stomach. But no, in an all too sudden moment, he grabbed Xavier by the collar of his uniform and smashed their lips together.

What am I doing, what am I doing, what am I—The kiss got heated. Both of them are fighting for dominance in their tongues. Both of them share a mutual passion on their lips. Dopamine is overflowing from the way they rub on each other sinfully.

Fúck, just as Xavier predicted, Tyler is addicting.

Yet before Tyler himself can get addicted to Xavier's kisses, he pushed the guy away with all the force of resistance he could muster. Covering his mouth and blushing furiously, he stammered, "W-we sho—should... go home..."

Tyler then ran to the passenger's seat and fastened his seatbelt before Xavier can even recover his senses.

Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no, Tyler repeated the phrase for the duration of the ride. What am I doing?

days later, wednesday

It worsened. For better or for worse, Tyler felt sick. Not disgusted-sick, but lovesick, and he is sick of being lovesick. He stayed in Kappa more and more, leaving his home before Xavier wakes up and coming home before Xavier does. Why is he even avoiding him when he looks for the Marauder any time in school!

During PE, on a dreadful Wednesday, where all three classes of the year share a court. While Tyler and his class are jogging laps, he can very well observe Xavier and his class playing soccer.

He's never felt so hot watching a guy fiercely beat opponents and even teammates. Xavier in soccer is ruthless.

"Ah--fúck!" Tyler tripped on his shoelaces, thankfully not scraping a knee.

"Wyner, out!" The coach kicked him off the track because he failed his laps. Understandable.

Seeing this, Vincent backtracked and signaled the coach to also take him out. He approached Tyler, breathless.

"You okay?"

Out of fúcks to give, Tyler collapsed on the grass in a starfish position. "I want to break all my bones." Thankfully, it was a cloudy day so there is no sun to fry him.

"You're dripping sweat," Vincent sat with him, wiping his own neck with a towel. Tyler did the same. Vincent asks, "How many laps did you run?"

"12," Tyler answered. "You?"

"15. At least 12 is still an A... though A-."

"Grades are useless if we died of exhaustion," Tyler breathlessly replied.

Vincent laughed, giving him a pat on the chest. "You should go change since your shirt is drowning. Don't worry, I'll have the coach give you an early dismissal."

Meanwhile, during soccer, an out of breath Xavier chased a ball with opponents so far off his tail. He spots Tyler on the grass, Vincent being all touchy and the stepbrother being all too happy for the gestures. His mind clouded with envy. Why are they always together? Tyler's laughs and smiles... Xavier wants it all for himself.

Purposely unintentional, Xavier kicked the ball so hard the goalkeeper fell over when he caught it.

Kicked it again; a hit on the head.

Kicked it again; hitting his teammates.

Kicked it again; hitting the head of an opponent causing him to faint.

"De vera!" The coach blew the whistle. "Sub! I've given you three strikes for foul play!"

Not bothering to fight, Xavier exits the field. His other classmates stared at him in bewilderment at how the outgoing player turned into having such a sour mood. And it's all because of Tyler freaking Wyner.

that night

Kappa Aegis Frat House

"Fúck me." Tyler cursed.

His fratmate Darius laughed at him. "No, but you'll be watching some fúcking because that's what losers get."

The boys had dragged Tyler to the house's TV room where he is forced to stay over and watch porn because of failing a dare. That dare was to prank Vincent and have him catch Tyler masturbating. Tyler had tried reluctantly but eventually chickened out when Vincent entered the room.

Tyler dragged his hands across his face as the members gather around with their own pillows, settling on watching a very explicit adult movie with 80% porn and 20% bullshít in Tyler's opinion.

First and foremost, Tyler is in love with possibly two men, so this goes; either he realizes he's been straight and is interested in hetero porn, or he still loves men. Which doesn't make me gay, he thinks.

Everyone cheered when the movie starts. Tyler was about to make a pillow fort and play his Nintendo DS, as Tyler had always planned; when suddenly Kyle opens the door and catches everyone's attention.

"Look who's here!"

Everyone cheered at the arrival of a very special perso—everyone except Tyler, who stared in horror as Xavier stands there being welcomed by everyone. The boys we're so excited to see a former Elite reenter. Xavier was such a staple to Kappa besides Ryland and Justin, the previous President and Vice.

"Former Sec!"

"Whoooo! That'll be awesome!"

"Get him a seat, man!"

Xavier shook his head, politely declining. "I just came here to get my uhm... Brother. " he eyed Tyler.

"I-I'm staying over." Tyler retaliated, then showed Xavier his pajamas. "I'm staying the night." I don’t  want to go home to you and Ryland….

"It's a Thursday."


Finding their banter humorous, the members forced Xavier to let Tyler stay the night. After which they persuaded him to stay for a while and watch a movie. The next thing they knew, Tyler and Xavier are seated beside each other surrounded by pillows that Tyler built only for himself.

It was too awkward that Tyler couldn't even focus on the opening scenes, which were a sex scene and gunshots.

It grew even tenser when Xavier leaned in to whisper, "You can play with it. We're in the back, nobody's going to notice."

Tyler swallowed his nerves. He saw my Nintendo.

"N-no thanks, I like the movie better." Tyler lied without taking his eyes off the screen. He clearly isn't interested in the actress' boobs.

He can feel Xavier lean closer, a gap that would ensure that none of the 12 members would hear his reply. "Hmm... I wonder if we would make out without them noticing."

"What the hell are you on—" Tyler made the mistake to turn his head, giving Xavier access to kissing him. The tension turned sexual, anxiety nipping through Tyler as he worries they might get caught. The strangest thing to him is; he isn't even against the kiss.

Stop Tyler, stop! He subconsciously reached out and grabbed Xavier's nape, pulling him closer. Stop, stop, stop! But no, Xavier's kisses are addicting. Soft, gentle, a little bit too passionate but not aggressive.

"Shi... stop," Tyler tries to whisper in between kisses. "Xav... Xavier!"

They part, still inches close to each other. "You sure do love holding me in."

"It was...!" Tyler covered his mouth, finding his voice to be much louder. "It was because."

"Because...what?" Xavier smirks. "Why pull me in?"


Shifting to face him, Xavier gently wove his fingers in Tyler's hair. He then leaned in and placed his soft lips on the boy's freckled jaw muttering, "I've been missing you. That's why I can't stop kissing you."

It brought Tyler to his senses and he pulled away. "This is wrong. Everything's wrong. We're both males in a room full of horny Frat boys watching porn."

"So you'd rather us be alone in a bedroom?"

That sultry voice of secrecy converted straight into arousal for Tyler. The idea, the imagery... before Tyler knew it, he was hard. Oh no. He crossed his legs and tightened them.

"What, no comebac—"

"Shut up! Shut up! I'm trying to watch the threesome!"

Xavier had suspected Tyler's erection. He had thought it was because of the scenes in the movie. He was quite behind though since everyone else already had their genitals out and are rubbing them, shielded by the absence of light except the TV. It was dark, it was dim... enough for a freckled nerd like Tyler to look even sexier in Xavier's eyes.

"Do it," Xavier whispered.


"Do it," the Marauder pointed at the others. "They're doing it too. And you're hard."

"I'm not going to do it in front of you!" Tyler whispered in a tone of protest.

Xavier shifted. "I'm beside you."

"Same thing!" Tyler grew uncomfortable, as do any guy with an erection. The worst part is, he can't jack off to the adult scenes; he's hard because of Xavier.

Yet the guy only made it worst when he gave Tyler the most intense look to be ever given by the ex-emo Marauder. "I dare you. If you fail, you'll blow me."

I'll what?! Tyler's eyes widened. "You can't do that! Nope, no dares! Shut up!" It's what got me here in the first fúcking place!

"I. Dare. You." Xavier smirks. "If you refuse the dare, I'll tell them you've been gaying it up with me—"

"Okay, okay!" Blushing a deep red that even affects his neck, Tyler embarrassingly pushed his hands into his pajama pants, rubbing himself dry. Only Xavier's intense stare made it harder, and it was pleasurably terrible. Tyler is thinking of sinful thoughts.

"Show me."

"What?! No, you said masturbate, but not in front of you! No additional dares!" Tyler whisper-yelled.

"Fine then." Xavier leaned back and watched the movie with amusement, but was not actually interested in it.

Tyler is uncomfortably aroused. So much so, that he even leaked pre-cúm. Releasing a shaky breath, he continued rubbing to the rhythm of the movie scene, in which the male protagonist is pounding a busted waitress.

But strangely, Tyler imagined himself if the girl's shoes. She's moaning so loud and her face twisted in pleasure... what could that have felt like? He's more interested in the girl's ecstasy rather than the guy's emotionless pounding. The protagonist looks like it's not pleasurable at all. He's more interested in being fúcked than fúck.

Suddenly, the guy entered the girl anally. Tyler's eyes widened. That can be done too, right? Oh fúck, she's screaming! Does it hurt? It looks like she's hur—no, she's telling him not to stop. Wait, she's a girl. That's a girl, and I'm a boy.

Tyler's hand increased in pace, getting wetter and wetter the more he hears the girl enjoying anal sex. His abdomen tingled, his grip tightening. He even forgot Xavier was watching.

Of fúck, Xavier is watching—

"Having a good time?" He asks, whispering just in Tyler's ear. Sinfully, that throaty voice made him rock hard. Admittedly, Tyler is attracted to Xavier. Probably in the worst way possible, he thinks.

"Leave me alone," he grunted.

Xavier glanced around to see everyone immersed, either in sleep or in the movie. "Let me help you."

"No thanks, I can handle this."

"No, you did the dare. I'm going to reward you," Xavier winks at him.

"H... how, then?"

Tyler yelped when Xavier shifted his legs so he can face him. "What are you doing?!"

"Shush," Xavier clamped his hand on Tyler's mouth, to which Tyler immediately suppressed his voice to not alert the others. What is he doing?! There are people here!

The next thing he knew, he found Xavier's tongue licking the underside of his shaft. Tyler squirmed, but it felt so good that he rested his head on the pillow drowning in first-time ecstasy.

It was then he realized that he's been a virgin all his life. This is the first sexual contact he's had with anyone.

Xavier's tongue worshipped him. Tyler tasted so good, he felt like dreams do come true after a fair share of fantasies. Now Tyler is writhing under him, he's never been so satisfied. Except maybe after he has thoroughly claimed him.

Watching the boy lose some of his breath and most of his pride, he pulled him into his mouth. Tyler groaned, both in pleasure and embarrassment. As Xavier took him deeper, he resisted a whimper that came with inexperience. It felt all too good.

Xavier took him to near oblivion as he continued sucking, Tyler subconsciously reached out to get a grip on Xavier's lengthy hair, the fluffy bunch sitting on top of an undercut. "Fúck, Xav... Xav!"

"Shh, don't let them hear you..." Xavier pulled away and kept pumping, faster and faster all while watching Tyler's flustered face being dimly lit by the television. "Only I can hear that sexy voice."

"Oh crap," Tyler's grip tightened as Xavier smirked, suspecting he's close. Soon enough, Tyler bit the flesh of his thumb and released it in Xavier's mouth.

"What the--don't drink it!" Tyler whispered, pulling Xavier's head away. It causes his sperm to dribble down Xavier's jaw, the man laughing at the regretful expression on Tyler's face.

Yet that was only the beginning. Xavier stood up, pulling Tyler with him.

He pulled his pants up. "What are you doing?!"

"I want to try something out."

"Something...? Th-they—-"

"They're asleep. It's just a bathroom break." Xavier grinned, taking Tyler's hand and leading them out of the dark room.

later on,

hidden somewhere

"Ahh... Xavier... fúck, Xavier!" Tyler has his palms to the bathroom tiles while his ass is being violated by his former bully. Two fingers gently moved in and out of him with the help of lube.

Xavier had expertly cleansed it out earlier and now Tyler is torn between the intrusion being weird, painful, or simply awesome. He wasn't planning on stopping Xavier any minute now, as he did allow it.

"Relax, jeez..." The two fingers expanded which made Tyler cry out.

"Goddamnit!" For better or for worse, Xavier took the showerhead and sprayed warm water in Tyler's genitals, making it harder than it always has been. "Ahhh....!"

Both naked and wet, they indulged in each other's fantasies. Xavier rested his head on Tyler's nape as he ushered in another finger. "See? It's softer now. Doesn't hurt now, isn't it?"

"It feels.... ungh, so weird... oh Jesu—“

"You don't want to go to hell now, do you?" Xavier chuckled, thrusting his fingers in and out of the excessively lubricated hole. Tyler cried out because of his teasing.

"Isn't it embarrassing?" Xavier droned out, setting the showerhead on its place and using that hand to gently pull Tyler's head upwards by the hair. "You want to be fúcked by a guy who used to beat you... currently your stepbrother... who has homo feelings for you?"

"You..." Tyler got cut off by a moan. "You won't hurt me again, right? I... I really... would really... really want this..."

That strained voice turned on Xavier more than he has ever been.

"I'd never hurt you, Tyler." Taking his fingers out, he pushed his own rock-hard erection into its place. "Except maybe this time..."

"Oh fúck!" Tyler yelped as Xavier's lubricated head entered anally. "You're too big, take it out, take it out!"

Tyler dilated his hole in an attempt to push it out but only made it easy for Xavier to slip in. "I can't, you feel so... so good..."

"Ahhh!" Tyler clamped his mouth shut after releasing such a scream. Xavier isn't even halfway in but Tyler already felt the push in his bladder, which means the prostate is disturbed. "What the..."

"Feels good, doesn't it?" Xavier pushed in further, making Tyler purr and squirm in delight. "I'm so happy I won't be missing out."

"Missing out...on what? Finally... getting to fúck me...?"

Xavier grunted, "Hell yeah."

"Try fúcking moving then," Tyler urged, finally excited on feeling what that actress did when she had anal sex.

Xavier obliged to his command, moving ever so slowly as to not rip him up. Tyler groaned and marveled at how it felt heavenly good to have his prostate massaged by a díck, both the genital and Xavier himself.

After a few relaxing moments of lazy séx in the showers, Tyler's hunger increased when Xavier increased his speed, his voice chopped to each thrust.

"Oh my god, oh god, oh god!" He whimpered when Xavier starts to pound into him with a gentle hand to his throat just to keep him in place.

"God's not the one fúcking you," Xavier growled, his arm wrapped around Tyler's waist, pulling his close. "Scream my name."

"Ahh... Xavier...! Xavier.... " drowning in ecstasy, the man started thrusting ruthlessly to the point where Tyler could not control his voice anymore. It even started to hurt under there. "Ohh, Xav... Xav—Xavier, you fúcking bastard, slow down!"

"Fúck, you don't know how many nights I've dreamed of this..."

"If you're too rough, it's my fúcking nightma—ahh, it's my first time, go slow!" The boy begged, biting his arm because the tingles in his abdomen is too much to suppress a yell.

Still obeying the command of his precious freckled boy, Xavier indeed slowed down much to Tyler's release. It was then they noticed a string of blood filtered on the drain.

Xavier cursed, genuine worry washing over him. "Fúck I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to--" he was about to pull out, but Tyler pulled him closer by the arm.

"You didn't... come yet... I want to go on..." I can't believe I'm saying this. Two months ago, this wasn't even in my mind! But Tyler can't stop now. Not when his feelings have been suppressed for so long, then he got a taste of sexual pleasure.

He made Xavier groan in delight when Tyler himself moved his hips to meet the hesitant and unmoving partner. Xavier is still worried about hurting Tyler. Yet the boy thrusted his own hips with blind lust.

"I never knew you'd like this..." Xavier whispered.

"I never knew I'd even think this'd happen, you prick..." Tyler breathlessly gasped. "Fúcking prick... this is… so wrong…"

Xavier laughs, his worry fading and is now replaced with the passionate hunger that Tyler shared. Only this way will I ever hurt him

To be continued…



FINALLY I CAN READ THIS AND BOI WAS I ON A EMOTIONAL ROLLARCOASTER. I FELT HUMILIATION, LUST, LOVE, SADNESS AND MOSTLY LAUGHTER LMAO. Edit: I relate to Tyler a little bit more than I realized. My father doesn't really give any care and my biological mother left me 🤪 I have a stepbrother and my step-mom is way more caring. I never expected Ryland to strike up a conversation with Tyler and I was tearing up how nice he was though- One last thing... WHY THE FUCK IS TYLER ADORABLE? HE MIGHT BE MORE CUTER THEN KEI I DON'T KNOW.

Angel Bunny