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earlier years,

Carvalle Learning Institute

Jax could barely even lookup in fear of seeing the privileged children around him. The 7th grader is barely holding on to being a charity student for the first year of middle school. He didn't want to risk dropping out of a luxurious private school whose charity foundation gave him an education.

Rich students with decent manners would be concerned for him, and his heart groans warm over the, "Do you need help with your project? I hear it's pretty expensive for individual submissions." Sometimes even too unnecessary like, "Do you even know what a mechanical pencil is?"

Yet, they're better than the rich kids with no ounce of decency for the lower class.

"No beggars allowed!" Yelled a group of boys who ran through Jax causing him to topple over, his bag spilling out some contents that he forgot to zipper up because of rushing.

The boys laughed as the hallway cleared up, the other not wanting to get involved with the infamous Carvalle Marauders. They were four bullies of very mischievous habits.

Not again, Jax looked up, glaring at them. His eyes landed on the first one, who kept calling him, "Charity case! Charity case!"

The first one was 10th grade Xavier de VeRa, black spiked hair with ripped jeans and black eyeliner, going through his first emo phase (claims it wasn't). He was the one who's always putting buckets of clear glue in the school pool and smearing sticky slime all over Jax's locker.

Jax shifted to the second one who threw paper at him, 11th grade Justin LeVough. The violent one, always the first one to initiate a punch. He was the sadist, unlike others who reject a confession by just rejecting, he'd stomp over the love note or burn it, even humiliating anyone who'd confess. He pushes Jax into the pool and even threw rocks at his head. He looks similar to Xavier just without the emo look and the spiked hair.

At the third one, 7th grade Jason Ford at the same year as Jace. Brown hair and blue eyes, the ladies love the school kid heartthrob. He is bent over laughing at Jax struggling to gather his belongings. Jason was almost okay, he was just dragged in and sometimes participated in bullying. He was the tall, lanky 5"10 foot guy who dyes his tips blonde and had glasses.

And finally, the last one, who just stared at Jax with amusement and an eyebrow cocked up. He was motionless and looked dashing with the hands-on-pockets pose with his messy casual shirt and tie. This was Ryland de Vera, the leader of the Marauders, 11th grade. Justin may be the worst because he throws Jax down the pool and kicks him, but Ryland exploits him for homework and pushed him down the stairs. He is everything the others are in one.

As Jax scrambled to get his belongings while paper and stone are thrown at him, he hears Ryland sneer, "He's so poor he couldn't afford to be called a trashcan.... he's trashplastic."

The other kids cackled in laughter. "Burning plastic would stink so bad!" Jason commented.


All of a sudden, a figure blocked Jax's view from the Marauders. His eyes widened at the well-known dress code violator.

"Off with your straight asses here!" Screamed the all-too-known Jace Ford, Jason's outgoing and popular twin brother. This wasn't the first time Jace helped him, but this was the first time he was in between Jax and the Marauders.

"Jace, stop being a cockblock," says Jason.

"Are you gonna tell your Mommy on us?" Teased Justin.

"Not mine, Justin. Yours. I happen to be best friends with lovely Aunty Clarice, did you forget?" Justin paled at the mention of his mother since his family owns the foundation that built the school and the charity that supported Jax.

"Snitch!" Yelled Xavier.

"Nothing wrong with that, since when I do snitch it'll be y'all paying!" Jace yelled back. "Now go find a Venus flytrap and let it suck your dicks!"

8th grade Jace Ford was a vulgar little angel that fell from the heavens. He was eccentric, wearing an elbow-length dress shirt and a blue polka dot tie, matched with black skinny shorts that ended above the knee. His socks were also polka dots, and his colorful headband was a perfect statement for "not all rebellions are dark and edgy," which he quoted all the time. Not to mention his sneakers glow in the dark with anime on the sides.

Ryland glared at Jax. He swept his dyed blonde hair to the back before calling out to the guys and signaling them to follow. They followed suit.

"Just wait till Mom knows about your fail in History, Jason!" Jace screamed to which his twin replied with a middle finger.

Jace turned around and grabbed Jax by the elbow and hoisted him up, a folder falling in the process which he caught. "I told you to meet me at the gates then we can walk to school together."

"I...I can't, really..." Jax sputtered.

Jace rolled his eyes, "Come on then, I am playing hide and seek with the hall monitor."

Jax somehow snorted at that and Jace smiled knowing he made the boy laugh. "Oldie's just salty she doesn't have Umaru-chan sneakers." He added, which Jax lightly chuckled too.



"Kim asked if I can get her to meet you," Jax quietly mumbled while taking a bite of his sandwich, head down.

"That hag? Ew no, I'm currently on with Carol so nope," Jace snickered, completely discarding his food after one bite of an apple. He was seated on the table as his legs swung freely.

"You're gonna get STDs this early..."

"Call me a healthy 15-year-old!" the playboy giggled.

Jax wasn't bothered with Jace's habits of using women once then throwing them away... he only messes with virgins to avoid getting diseases, plus the guy is just that smart to avoid complications at such a young age. Ever since he discovered humans could be... plugged, Jace never missed anything ever since his cherry popped.

And so Jax sat there staring at his friend's back. How was Jace this brave? This worry-free? Was it privilege? Never getting to experience hardships? That was wrong. Jax knew all about his past. He knew why Jace was having séx then dumping, that's why he never judged.

The two were childhood friends since kindergarten. Jace met Jax when his parents visited the local orphanage to donate. Jace snatched Jax off the playground and literally went, "Can we keep him? I'll feed him and wash him and-and make him pee in the newspaper."

Despite treating him like a dog on the day they met, they hit it off. The orphanage was a few blocks away from their subdivision so every time Jace hears their parents scream over the phone when the Butler calls the maid, he escapes to go to the orphanage. They separated in elementary, and never contacted each other again because Jace was homeschooled and Jax was in a public school.

Their reunion was on the first day of middle school. Jace was trying to escape the group of first-years who were a big fan of the Marauders, and they mistake him for Jason. He hid behind the stairs. As Jax walked by, someone caught up to him and began questioning him about being a charity student.

Things like, "Is it true you only eat ramen?"

"Instant? Like... powdered meat?"

"Do you even know what phones are?"

When Jax tried to defend himself against the laughing boys, they became agitated. Too bad, it was the marauders. They instantly belittled Jax for talking back to them, backing him towards the edge of the stairs.

"Who do you think you are, peasant?" Spat Justin LeVough.

"Just because you wear the same uniform as ours doesn't mean your voice should be on the same level." Sneered Xavier.

"Kill yourself, or cut off your dick so you won't be able to reproduce. Think of it as pest control," Ryland remarked, and Jace could hear the boy whimper as the blonde took a hold of his hair.

"Ahhh! Please...! Stop it--arhh!" Jace wanted to jump out, but he doesn't know what to do. Hearing the boy being tormented, he was torn between being satisfied with his pain or beating his twin and the others up.

"Let's put him to his place, shall we?" There, Ryland pushed poor Jax down the stairs.

Jace couldn't move. He didn't know what to do. He doesn't feel guilty for not helping, but boy did his eyes tear up at the sight of Jax's broken eyeglass on the floor. The Marauders laughed and went upstairs, but Jace can see Ryland's silhouetted shadow remain on the steps, watching Jax. He then disappeared.

That day, Jace took the boy to the infirmary and disregarded his first day of class to take care of Jax, his best friend. It wasn't my fault, he assures himself. But I had responsibility since... I didn't stop it. Poor Jaxy.

From then on, Jace made sure to never stand by and watch as Jax gets bullied. Not on his watch. They were inseparable to this day, even Jace intimidates the teacher to let them be in the same class.

However, Jace was getting worried at present. "Uhm... Jaxy..."

The other boy hummed.

"Ryland is staring straight at you and I doubt it's not too long..." he feels rage inside of him. Does the brat have any plans on hurting Jax? Jace's gonna kill him.

Meanwhile, Jax looked up to confirm his warning. A shiver ran up his spine, and he wanted to dissolve. "C-can we eat somewhere else, Jace?"

Instead, Jace grabbed a fork and extended his arm in front of Jax, and stabbed his banana cake, making sure Ryland watches and gets the message.

Jason slapped an arm around Ryland, reverting his attention away from Jax. He never knew a breath he's been hitching up too long until he exhaled quite deeply.

Jace leaned into his best friend muttering, "Don't go anywhere without me."

months earlier

Valentines Festival

For the previous months, Jax has never been so uncomfortable outside class hours. Ryland stopped making physical contact with him, leaving the other three to mess with Jax. He doesn't even say a word of insult or even a remark towards him.

It may be a good sign, Jace calls it an improvement, but the compensating events made it creepy. The guy would stare at him every time he was in the same room, and whether or not Jax looked back, he'd continue staring.

It was getting creepy, the serious face of 15-year-old Ryland de Vera was terrifying to Jax because he looks like he's planning his murder.

This valentines day, Jax was especially worried. Jace is cross-dressing for the Maid Cafe Booth that the student council set up, since the theme for this festival is World culture. Jace suggested Japanese culture, and they fought between traditional or modern. Modern weeaboo stuff won.

Jax's class picked ancient greek, and he cosplayed as Hermes. Since Jax was a tiny lad, they suggested he'd be the God of Love (most commonly known as Cupid). But Jax declined because he doesn't want to be half-naked all around.

"Hi, would you like a kiss from Aphfrodita--fúuuck..." He shook his head in front of the bathroom mirror. "Dite...dite, Jax!"

He took a deep breath, staring into his own hazel eyes wet with the water he splashed on himself. "You can do this... don't let your voice crack... puberty... ahh, fuck puberty... Aphrodite. Yeah, that's right... Just repeat those phrases..."

He repeated once more. "Hello, would you like Af-frodite a kiss---Arghh! Damn it!" He grabbed his curled hair and bent over the sink.

"Pathetic, can't even say one sentence right..."

Jax jumped at the terrifying post-puberty voice of a certain 5"10 male. He turned around in panic and hit his hips on the sink, so he hissed clumsily. "R-R-Ryland..."

Now he regrets waiting for everyone to finish dressing up before going in the bathroom to dress alone. Anxiety can kill you. And Jace isn't here to save him, probably having too much fun with his maid skirt.

"The homo brat isn't here," Ryland mumbled, voicing Jax's fear.

"H-he isn't gay..." Jax whispered, but unfortunately, the bathroom walls made it audible to the other party.

"Oh really? Then what was that basketball MVP grinding on him in the bleachers yesterday? He was enjoying it," the guy stared at the trembling Jax with dull, grey eyes or the rarest kind. Jax thought is he's gonna make a tantrum about him talking back.

But he decides to avoid murder in the bathroom by inhaling the air of bravery and walking towards the door, "Excuse me, then...."

As Ryland was leaning on a stall, he smashed a Greek messenger-looking Jax on the tiled wall. His hands were gripping Jax's throat, so the victim used what he learned from Jace and raised his jaw upwards to extend his neck. It helps in case Ryland uses more force for checking, so Jax can still breath.

"You little shit..."

"Ry--! Ryland... stop!" He wheezed. Jax concluded after all these months of bottling his instinct to bully, Ryland finally let loose. He was gonna die.

"Do you hate me?" He spat.

Jax didn't answer, he was busy praying that somebody might hear his screams and stop Ryland. But no, everyone is enjoying the festival.

Ryland pulled Jax slightly only to smash his head in the tile once again. "I asked you a question, charity case!"

"I... I-I--! N-no... Not... No hate..! Ryland...!" Pain was evident in his voice. Ryland ignores it, and he hits Jax's stomach.



"Do you want Jace to save you, huh? You little pussy boy? Can't even defend yourself..." Punched to the gut again. "Fucking rich-friend perks! I bet you even ask him for money like a damn sugar daddy!"

Jax groaned, and a tear escaped the child's face. He has urged to puke, his stomach-churning.

"I'm not... Jace is..." Jax didn't finish his sentence as a knee attacked his abdomen, he barfed up air.

Suddenly, Ryland dragged him out of the bathroom and into an unused classroom with no one in sight. Locking it aggressively, he threw Jax to the teacher's table and kicked him once again.

"Ryland stop!" He cried. "What do you want?! I'll do anything! Stop! Please!" Because of the pain, Jax landed on his knees and looked up at Ryland literally begging for him to stop.

Ryland kicked him in the jaw with his knee. Jax has bitten his cheeks, and he spat out blood. Ryland them bent down to grab him by the hair. Jax met his bully's eyes.

"Stop this... please..."

There was clear hesitance in them, those grey eyes filled with confusion, his sneer softening to come up with a decision. What was he gonna do? Threaten? Beat him up? That wasn't new.

Ryland's eyes twitch, his grip tightening. This wasn't new either. "Use your dirty mouth and suck me off, peasant."

That was new.

eleven years later

Helix Studios

"He can sure take that díck up his áss." The directors muttered behind the shoot.

"Guys like him are popular these days..."

"The revenue is massive..."

Jace Allen secretly grimaced over the dick that was forcefully shoved down his throat. His whole body trembled with pleasure over the excitement of being surrounded by fellow actors who took turns abusing his hole, beating his own còck, and restraining his limbs. They can do so because Jace has a flexible body, thin but lean frame and despite looking fragile, he can handle all the roughness.








They took turns turning his smooth white body into a painful red, and Jace moaned in delight as dícks ranging from different but satisfying lengths take advantage of his tight hole.

After the shoot, he was bombarded with praises and a few unnecessary áss slaps on his way to the dressing room. The AV star was called to the producer's office.

"You really look different in the shoot than right now. Smile a bit!" The producer, Alex Hauling, grinned at the young AV star standing in front of his desk.

This young man of 24 years was no more than 165cm, mostly mistaken for a boy in high school. His appearance made him star in "teen" categories or "high school" scenarios. He was naturally skinny because right from birth he had barely enough nourishment because of poverty.

Straight but curled tips of honey brown hair sitting above his shoulders, yet too flat on his head to be considered a feminine hairstyle. His lips were thin, yet plump when he separates them and had a natural gradient pink tone. His nose displayed proud ginger freckles that sat upon his honey gold tan.

"I came here to get fucked, get the money, and get the hell out of here," he stoically replied with a straight face.

Alex slapped a thick envelope of cash on the table, "Fine, fine go! By the way, stop with that "I hate this job" act, you clearly love doing this, I can see your face as you get gangbanged."

As Jace stepped out of the door, he spared a second to look at the arrogant producer with a smirk. "I hate being touched by random strangers for money, but séx is séx and it feels good nonetheless. Ironically, this kind of work is a stress reliever."

As he exits, he made sure to cover his face, and once again, Jace Allen was nonexistent and replaced with Jax Tyrone, his real identity.

A text notified his phone.


Elise wants you to visit the cafe. She said you need to relax? Dude, stop overworking yourself.

Seen 10:24

As usual, his best friends were worried about him. Elise and Jace were his childhood friends.

It was strange when he used his best friend's name as an on-screen porn name. Renowned Italian-American model Jace Ford was ecstatic, he's always amused to find his name in every hot gay adult video. Jax borrowed his name because he's the first one to suggest being a porn star, and the fact that it feels like Jace is always there to guide him by name. His best friend is now in Germany, living a "lavish" life with boyfriend Victor Strauss.

Jace is always offering opportunities for Jax to work under him, but he denies everything because once again, rich-friend perks. He wants to work from his efforts, not because of connections with Jace. They're still best buddies, Jace is very supportive of him. Besides, he was traumatized because that was the reason he got bullied. Rich-friend perks.

"You were meant to be a cumslút." Jax shook the memory out of his head.

Money was tight for him as Jax was living alone, yet financially supporting his little sister from a distance since he sent her to an orphanage. He feels as if he does not deserve to take custody of her given the fact that his job is basically selling his body for the camera and inability to watch over her all hours of the day. All Jax could do was send the orphanage a large portion of his earnings to give little Tyra everything she needed and wanted.

Nevertheless, he has a few spare changes for small pleasures like treating himself to a nice cup of coffee. Entering a random coffee shop, he seated himself in one of the furthest tables in the corner and ordered black coffee.

Checking his phone, which was no less than a gift from one of his fans in exchange for an exclusive video with Jace Allen screwing with his own body. Taking note of the time he thought, Thirty minutes 'till Tyra's recital.

The boy smiled in admiration of his vision of her. He didn't put her anywhere near the phone as a wallpaper or some sort, he feels it's disgusting to display her in a thing he got from a perverted stranger. Still, money is money and a gift is a gift.

Suddenly, his order arrived and he looked up to see a friendly woman with chocolate-dark skin, a familiar waitress, Elise. "Uhm, thanks a lot I--" he took out some money for payment, but Elise stopped him.

"Nuh-uh, somebody paid for this darling, complete with the tip so keep that dollar away, k?" She winked, and Jax has never been so confused. "You damn lucky thing."

But he accepted. "Uhh... thanks to them I guess?"

Quite weirded out, Jax begins to tell Elise about his day like normal best friends.

The next day, he received another paid order. Then the day after that, Jax started to become suspicious that this admirer might be some of the fans that recognized him. On the third day of entering the shop, he ordered something different, an espresso. Yet Elise brought him the paid order. On the fourth day, he ordered some pastries, and they were served to him already paid by this admirer.

"Come on Elise, tell me who they are! They could be stalkers or something, plus I'd... really want to know why they're doing this..." Jax murmured to the waitress on the fifth day. It has become a recent occurrence, but Jax doesn't deny the fact that this has lightened his mood after a hard day of being fucked on camera as Jace Allen.

What if they're doing this because I'm Jace Allen?

"Oh trust me, if he's a stalker, then let him have you! That hottie is just what I just--"

"You've seen him?" Jax caught on.

"Oops, slipped my mind!" Elise turned away, but it was obvious she wanted to drop the hint.

On the following day, work was too rough on him--literally, as viewers were demanding more BDSM and Brutal fúck videos on his page. The producer wanted to feast on their cravings, yet Jax wasn't one to just destroy his body every other day. He has no time to enter the coffee shop for a break, as he will be applying for a part-time job at a local restaurant. But for the last time, I have to see who that man is.

Over the week, the gifts grew. From coffee to gorgeous bouquets and imported chocolate, Jax has become legitimately concerned. He does not want to accept the gifts, because he doesn't want to do anything in return for this man. The more expensive the gifts, the bigger the favor.

Until the most expensive one arrived for him.

"I believe Tyra's medical bills and school tuition for half a year have been covered up. I'm surprised it wasn't you who sent the check," said the lady managing the orphanage. Jax's eyes bulged out and he flew from his seat.

"What?! Who the hell is paying for all of this?!"

"I don't know Mr. Tyrone, but I was blatantly surprised that mail came from your address, and now you deny sending the money? At the same hour the hospital called too, clarifying that little Tyra is free to get any check-up she wants because bills have been paid in advance."

Jax slumped back in the chair horrified, but somewhat relieved. "Is there....any ways to make a withdrawal?"



"But Allen! This is huge money you're missing out on!" Alex tried keeping his in-demand star inside his office.

"No, it's what you're missing out on. I'm not doing it."


Jax slammed the door close. He sighed, shaking his damp hair that was wet because of earlier's shower scene. Another client has requested an exclusive date with him. Just dinner, Alex mentioned. Jax calls bullshìt, he knows where that will end.

He's not a prostitute.

"Allen!" Jax cursed when someone called out the name. Another one of his coworkers who annoys him to the mountains approached him with nothing but a towel on. Jax puts on his fake smile and faced the annoyance.

"I'm not going out with you, Kyle."

Kyle Mathers exhaled a defeated breath. "What will it take for you to say yes?"

What was up with people asking Jax out on a date? He's not even that good-looking, he believes. But Kyle was. This hunk full of muscle had a very sexy tan with bleached blonde hair and green eyes, towering with a height of 6'1.

Jax popped his lips to answer but another pornstar snapped Kyle's butt with a towel.

"Allen is never indecisive, bro. When he says no, he says no." Jace smiled gratefully at Darius Evans. Darius was the football junkie with dark skin and soft curls that he keeps in a loose bun. Jax's guardian angel.

"Hell no, ever since these guys embarrassed me by making me drunk and tell Allen I have a crush on him, no way I'm not going on a date with him."

Jax smiled, remembering the memory of their studio's 15th anniversary party. It was wild. And yes, parties with porn stars have them all fully clothed.

"Mathers, you're up!"

Kyle ruffled Jace's brown hair with a smile. "Still up for answering, Jace. You can't resist smoked lobster."

After he left, Jax chuckled as he opened his locker to take out his jacket. However, there was a slip of paper inside, with a bouquet of orchids.

"What the... "

Darius appeared beside him. They both stared at the bouquet, unsure what to make of it.

"Uhm...is it Kyle...?" The big man trailed out, a tone in his voice that means he's taken action.

This was normal for them, he sees Jax as this tiny bunny that needs protection. Jax wants to show him he isn't until he finally accepted when he found out that Darius lost a little brother in a crime of passion where he was killed by an ex, and Darius sees his brother in Jax. The guy just wants a brother to protect, so Jax lets him be his big bro.

Jax took the note out and skimmed through the one sentence embroidered in black rhinestones.


See you soon.


"It's not Kyle." Jax crumpled the paper with his fingers before dropping it and taking his jacket and the bouquet out and slamming his lockers.

"Want me to ask the others?" Darius offered.

"It's okay Darius, it's not one of them." Jax was so sure because none, not even Alex, had known about his little sister Tyra.

At the back of the note it was written, Theresa is a very nice girl.

Jax walked over to the trash and dumped the flowers. The other boys in the locker saw the bouquet and howled, teasing him. Jax wasn't bothered by them at all.

"Okay settle down children--Drake put some pants on, your pencil díck is all over the place!"

"This pencil díck? I've had Mia Khalifa sharpen it," Drake said, gyrating his hips sexily.

"Blue balls!" Another one of the boys grabbed/slapped his junk and took off, so Drake began chasing the guy.

"Oy!" Darius started barking like the big brother he is. Others treat him like one, some even calling him Mommy because of his tendency to take care of them despite being childish brutes.

No wonder Jax had a crush on him around the first time he started doing AV. But now he's being the asexual he is, only fúcking both genders for money. He just became popular in the gay community because of his balanced femininity and masculinity.

Jax sighed as he stepped out of the room, taking one glance at that trashed bouquet. AV is gonna be the death of him.


"I can say, Tyra has been so friendly, I think she swept almost all of her classmates into her friend group," one of the orphanages teen volunteers giggled. "She's very sweet and charming."

Jax laughed. "I'm really happy about that."

"She must take after you, the pretty one," she said.

"Ahh... no, I believe she developed that on her own." No, it was a certain sociopath who proceeds to teach her how to bat her eyelashes at someone who has a crush on her so they'll get her food. Jax stated in his head, referring to his best friend Jace.

"She really gets along with strangers, especially. I don't know whether that would be a good thing or a bad thing," Jax's eyebrows narrowed at her mentioning strangers. He does not like that. She continued, "In fact, there are many who wish to adopt her... if not for you, she would've been easily adopted."

Jace is rubbing his personality on my sister.

"In fact, there she is right now! Tyra!" The volunteer pointed towards a black car with rolled-down windows. Tyra was chatting with the one inside the vehicle at a distance of two feet.

Jax's eyes widened. Stranger danger. The car may be luxurious, but fear stroke him. He cannot see who is inside the vehicle, but the guy is wearing a navy blue suit. The face was engulfed by shadows.

"Tyra!" Jax called, his face showing a clear disapproval as he stomped towards where they were located. The little girl turned around and grinned widely, before waving to the man in the back seat of the car. The window rolled up before Jax can even see who's inside.

"Jaxy!" She happily bounced. Jax grabbed her and hauled her away, staring cautiously at the back seat of the car with black tinted windows.

"Tyra, who were you talking to?" Jax bent over to her height.

The six-year-old girl answered, "A really nice man, Jaxy! He said I'm very pretty!"

"You are very pretty, princess. But you don't need people to say it for you." Jax grabbed her hand and walked towards the orphanage. "I don't like it when you talk to people I don't know."

"Then why don't you get to know Mr. Weiner?"

"Weiner?" Jax's face twisted in confusion, lightly chuckling because of the nickname.

"He said his name was... Weiner?" The girl laughed. "I don't know..."

Jax looked back at the car, but it was nowhere in sight. He knelt down and caressed her cheek, light brown waves getting caught up in his fingers.

"You shouldn't talk to strangers, Tyra. It's okay if you talk to them in the orphanage. But not in the streets. They can take you away from me. And it makes me very sad, you know?" Jax bit his lip.

The buck-teethed little lady hugged his big brother, fat arms clung to Jax's neck.

"Don't be sad, Jaxy. Mr. Weiner is very nice. But I promised not to talk to strangers unless you tell me to."

After pulling away, she tugged on Jax's fingers, "Now let's go! I found spare change in the grass, and now I'm going to buy you cotton candy! I get the pink one and you get the blue one. Then we'll compare colored tongues!"

Jax definitely hated this Mr. Weiner. But little Theresa Tyrone melted his heart, and all of that frustration with work and personal life disintegrated. She is the most precious thing to him.

His phone notified him of a message.


I know it's your day off tomorrow, so how about the day after you come to my office? I have a proposal that you cannot—and I do mean inability to choose—say no to.

Seen 5:14

a couple of months earlier

WYN Industries, CEO's Office


The CEO-in-training Tyler Wyner barged in the office's double doors, his blonde hair all over the place and his red necktie loose around his neck. He has a set of papers in his hand.

"...yes sorry, I will call you later. Tyler, what made your OCD tick this time?" Ryland Wyner's voice of silk glided among the air, matching his cool-toned eyes.

"This merda! " Ryland's stepbrother, Tyler Wyner slapped the pieces of paper on Ryland's table. His Italian accent was surfacing out because of his anger.

"These fúcking Americans! Always so irritating! Doesn't know when not to use violence! That's it, no hiring Americans!"

"Tyler..." Ryland sat upright. "First of all, fix your tie, it looks like post-blowjob."

Tyler cringed but obeyed anyway.

"Second of all...don't blame an entire race for what some imbeciles did in our workspace. If you don't like pasta stereotypes, then don't associate shotgun and hamburgers to Americans."

"All is partially true," Tyler muttered. "Americans always steer trouble."

Ryland scoffed, scanning the paperwork. "Like your mom isn't American?"

"She's more trouble than most Americans."

Ryland looked up, noticing the gloom in his step-brother's tone. He keeps forgetting that's where Tyler's exceptional temper for Americans is from. Some call him racist, hell even Ryland thinks of him as one. But Tyler gets along really well with other Americans, Kappa Aegis for example, and he studied in American Carvalle, it's just that every time he sees a mistake they do it's like the whole country is at fault.

Ryland blames his mother, a troia who, in 2 months of being pregnant with Tyler, punched her swollen stomach and do an intense workout to get rid of him because of illegal abortion. If not for his father, Aldrynon Wyner, he'd be floating in the sewers because the mother didn't want him. Why? His father is Italian, and the bítch doesn't want to do anything with an Italian baby. Tyler's father remarried Ryland's mother and made the oldest De Vera the CEO.

That is why the kid is so grateful when Aldrynon Wyner married Valentina de Vera, Ryland's mother. The former widowed woman showed him what a mother is and should be. Besides, with big brother Ryland, Tyler's inheritance of the Industry will be delayed, to Tyler's pleasure. It all started when Ryland and Xavier's mother, Valentina de Vera, married Aldrynon Wyner a year ago.

Aldrynon chose (which persuasion from Tyler) Ryland to rule their companies because of his born leadership and focus, paired with his intelligence. Tyler can compute infinite numbers better than Ryland, but Ryland has more sense in business persuasion. He turned WYN Industries from a multi-million dollar company to a multi-billionaire one.

After a pep-talk with Tyler about how he should control his temper with Americans, Tyler left his office with his hair gelled back to perfection and a diaphragm that wouldn't explode any minute. Maybe he should go visit a friend, corporate work has been plaguing that kid into depression.

Ryland was left alone at the office. Opening his drawer with a sigh, he pulled out his employee's weekly reports and proposals. However, upon pulling the papers out, a folder with a name etched in red caught his attention.

Carvalle High School 2013-2014 Yearbook

He sighed, Tyler. His step-brother is always leaving stuff in his office and his secretary tidies it up thinking it was his.

Just like all of us who are tempted by procrastination, Ryland shrugged off the much more important documents and flipped through the book.

Carnation Cheering Squad

Carnation Valley Football Team - National Champions!!!

Science Club

Art Club

East Asian Club —Kenji was a part of it, Ryland remembers.

Kappa Aegis —Ryland smiles at the nostalgia.

Alpha Zhi

Alpha Zhi

A picture of his two little brothers was present in the photo. Xavier and Kenji de Vera, polar opposites. Kenji looks tortured with emo Xavier messing up his hair.

"Still bullying way back in the day, huh X?" He mutters. Then he frowns. Flipping a few pages over to remember, he saw the cringe but nostalgic picture. One was formal, and one was just lunacy.

The first photo was of Justin, Xavier, Jason, and Ryland looking into the camera bored out of their lives. In the next photo, Justin was on Xavier's back trying to kick Jason's head, Xavier was cross-eyed and Jason was just weirded out. Ryland's back faced them, his head only disinterestedly angled towards the camera.

The Marauders

Most likely to murder, laugh, and get away with everything.

Ryland questions himself, why has he put up with these idiots. Oh right, Xavier was his brother, Jason was his childhood friend, and Justin is just annoying enough to never leave him alone.

His fingers flipped more pages over, until the special events of that year happened.

Football Team Championship

Carvalle Festival of Talents

Math Olympiad

Carvalle Sports Fest

United Nations Day

Halloween Spookfest

Christmas Spirit

Valentines Festival of Hearts

Valentines Festival of Hearts

Down that category was the winning class, the Greek culture class.

For some reason, Ryland searched for a certain freckly face. However, he couldn't find one anywhere. He couldn't find Hermes.

"Shít," Ryland cursed, now grabbing a ton of laminated pages to land on that certain class.

Jackson X. Tyrone

His heart raced, cannot be measured by a speed-o-meter. Out of everyone who had cheery smiles despite having ugly yearbook headshots, his were unsmiling, eyes angle down, generally gloomy, and... broken.

"What have I done?" Cursing once more, Ryland slammed the book close and threw it to the sofa. He picked up the phone and it directed to the secretary, "Tell Tyler to get his damn yearbook."

No, he didn't care. The boy didn't deserve to study in such a wealthy school, he's nothing but a rat living off of cup noodles! Ryland remembers the marauders discussing about Jax's faggoty relationship with Jace Ford.

"He probably blew him."

"Who's top or bottom?"

"Charity case started from the bottom, and he's still the bottom!"

Ryland could almost slap himself. The boy did nothing wrong, yet he and his friends tormented him. Ryland didn't even hate him, yet he participates!

Hell, Ryland ràped him that Valentine's day. He unknowingly crushed a wooden pencil. Why did I do that? Why the fúck did I--?

Jace Ford.

"Stronzo..." Ryland laughed. He knew exactly why. He knew why the former Ryland de Vera went violent on a poor charity student. He was ashamed of himself.

He snatched the phone off its home, "Jackson Tyrone. I want everything you can find from the minute of his birth to the number of freckles in his face, top priority!"

He has to find that boy now, whatever it takes.

at present

Helix Studios

Jax exited the building in frustration. He has to constantly remind himself and the producer that he is not a prostitute.

Half a million! Half a million dollars for a date.

Jax shivered. He can almost hear the man saying, "I paid half a million for you, I'm getting what my money is worth!" Before proceeding to...

Jax had to hug himself to calm down his trembling nerves. Darius wasn't here to comfort him, and neither was Jace or Elise. What would they say?

"I'll beat anyone to a pulp if they force you to even lift a finger!"

"Oh honey no, don't sell your dignity for cash. As long as you have enough on your stomach, your efforts are paid off."

"OH HONEY YES, you'd be lucky enough to get paid 5 dollars for a blow job, BUT A DATE? That can pay Tyra's tuition in the best universities PLUS TUTORS AND MACBOOKS."

Jax sighed. You'd know Jace is too much when Jax even rejects a piece of hypothetical advice from his imagination.

Of course, Jax has enough. He's alive, he's not hungry, Tura's not hungry, she's not wearing torn socks, but a brother wants his little sister's custody. If he is willing to die for her, why can't he be willing to sacrifice dignity for her?

Jax groaned, slumping at the bus stop. His eyes sting, wanting to release tears. He loves his little Tyra so much but he can't even fúck without a camera for her.

He decided to ring Elise because she must be worried sick, Jax has avoided the cafe for almost a week now.

[Elisá here, at your service, but I can't serve now so pre-order and leave a message okay hun?] Beep.

"Uhm, hi Elise! It's me, Jax! Just want to let you know that I miss your coffee, I just can't handle any more unsuspected gifts because—"

All of a sudden, a black van with blue-tinted window skidded to a halt in front of the bus station and out flooded masked buff men.

"What the--!" Two grabbed Jax but he pulled back and swang, yet he was no match for the two burly guys. "Hey! Hey, let me go! You fúcking---!"

It was a struggle for them to push him in the van so a guy pressed a cloth to his mouth and knocked him out. The others were busy scanning for any witnesses before slamming the door closed with Jax inside.

Jax could only describe this as a dream, but he could only wish it was.


"....Next one we have is an international porn star with 2.3 million subscribers, worth over 1 million dollars so let's start with that eh?"

A sack was pulled off Jax's face, and he could almost barf at the scene. He was displayed in a crowd engulfed in shadows, men and women grinning at the sight of hit body in the spotlight. He is kneeling on the stage with no clothes on and a spiked collar on his neck with a leash being secured by a masked man. His hands were bound beside him.

"If you are familiar with the famous Jace Allen, then this is your chance to exclusively own him..." The man with a microphone laughed that earned cheers from the crowd. "Tight áss, skilled tongue, smooth skin, such cute thing to play with!"

Jax cursed. He should've taken Alex's offers. At least he gets to keep the money, rather than being sold off without a penny in his pocket. A tear fell into the gag in his mouth. Tyra...

He squirmed in his chains as bids started going up. "Looks like we have a fighter here!"

His back was kicked forward, making his face hit the soft velvet harshly. At this moment more people started to enthusiastically fight for him.

"20 million!"

"We have a 20, do we have a 25--"


"30 we have a 30 here anyone to go higher--and we have a 35 at the back, no 40! 40 to the lovely lady in the corner! By god!"

"50 million!" An overweight man with excessive gold jewelry bellowed out. Tears continued to flow out of Jax as he helplessly pulled on the restraints.

The announcer pulled Jax's hair to face the audience, "You little money maker!"

"50 million! Going once! Going twice for 50, no more bids? Sold---"

All of a sudden, a briefcase was thrown onto the stage. As it landed, thick batches of bills were scattered into the floor. The audience went quiet, the announcer dropped Jax's head making him unable to look at the man who threw the briefcase.

"100 million, cash. Get him quietly to my car."

That was the last thing he remembered before a sack was shoved over his head and hoisted up.

hours later,

Apparently, Jax fell asleep on the long car ride. The guards were instructed not to disturb him, so he got carried somewhere without him waking up.

Jax stirred. He found himself alone in an unfamiliar environment.

He opened his eyes and found himself seated up with his back slouching over, his legs making the M while on foam, and his bathrobe falling over his shoulders and just covering his crotch.

He pulled the robe to cover his shoulders but he hissed at something that stung on his left one. Looking over, he saw a great big R tattooed. Permanently.

"Wh-wha....?" He panicked. He was also wearing a black collar with spikes and the chain hung from the front of his neck, coiling at the sheets, and attached to the bedpost. "What the fuck?"

"I didn't know you could sink this low," Jax almost screamed at the voice. He glanced to his side where he saw the man of his childhood nightmares casually sitting in an armchair, dress shirt, and a red tie, his blazer draped around his arm.

"No..." Jax whispered, shaking his head as if trying to wake up from a bad dream. "No!"

Hopping off of the bed, he clutched his bathrobe to cover as much skin as possible. Backing away, he didn't expect the chain to restrain him and he got caught in it unexpectedly so he fell down.

He hears the man laugh.

"I beg you please don't, I'll do anything else! Please, Ryland!" He cried, pulling on the chains as the man stood up to get closer to him. Jax was terrified.

He was all grown up now. Instead of chopped short blonde hair, Ryland now has very silver to platinum white, silky as always. His grey eyes turned slightly icy blue, and he got himself tanner. His rolled-up sleeves exposed tattoos covering his whole two arms and hands. Instead of 5"10, he now towers at 6"4. Muscular but not too buff.

Ryland and Jax went way back, with Ryland constantly mocking and beating the weak and skinny, braced Jax and exploiting him for homework with his three other friends, known as the Marauders.

Besides, Jax couldn't forget what he did to him at the Valentine's Festival. Jax was expelled, and if it wasn't for Jace forcing his Mom to support him, he'd be living on the streets uneducated and alone. Jace's mom enrolled Jax in a public school, and Jax vowed it was the last thing Jace would do for him. All because Ryland raped him in a classroom.

Jax despised him, and hope he will never encounter this spoiled bully when he graduated high school. Unfortunately for him...

Ryland pulled on the chain until Jax was thrown in front of him, the poor boy sobbing hysterically. He seductively leans on to the boy. "I never knew you could sink this low, Jax. I thought you could be up there being an executive secretary or at least a manager at any industry... but porn, really?"

Jax didn't even look at him so an enraged Ryland pulled the chain closer. "Answer me! Why fuck people in front of cameras?! Have I really made you a slut?!"

In a panic, Jax cried out, "P-Porn is easy money! None of your business since you don't get to experience what we broke people have to go through to find them!" Jax tried to pull out by pushing Ryland away but failed. "Let me g-go! Money is given to you in a silver platter, y.... you don't have to sell yourself ....off to live and keep your family alive! D-Don't criticize me and judge me for what I do, it's not who I am!"

Ryland softened, before letting go of the chain and causing Jax to stumble to the ground. He stared at Jax with hard, cold eyes with an unreadable expression.

Feeling a little brave and tired from all of this, Jax spoke out. "What did I ever do to you? Is it because I'm poor? Was it because I was a charity student?! Why did you try to kill me and now you're making me your sex slave?!"

For a hundred million dollars...

He looked up at the monster... but saw no monster there. It was just Ryland. His eyebrows scrunched up, but it wasn't or anger or annoyance. It was concern. But Jax didn't recognize that. Instead, he was scared that maybe he'll get beat up again because of talking back.

Ryland turned around saying, "I was the one who gave you treats and gifts."

"Wh.... what...?" Jax couldn't process his words. Instead, he tried to prop himself up. Maybe he heard wrong.

"I was the one who paid for Tyra's bills."

"Why ...why did you do that?" Jax stated. "Do you want to guilt me into being your bitch?!"

"Not everything is because I hate you, Jackson!" Ryland faced him with fury in his eyes but forced himself to calm down because Jax looks like a frightened deer. "I..."

"Don't call me that..." Jax sniffed.

"What? Jackson? That's your name, isn't it?"

"Just don't!" Jax screamed, tears streaming down his face. "Just.... do what you want with me, Ryland... I give up. I give up, you win. Why am I still fighting? I'm... I'm just a charity case... A peasant... I can't win against a billionaire... you ...you bought me."

Jax held his head low and he didn't even notice Ryland that was right in front of him. All to his surprise, Ryland wrapped an arm around him, resting his chin on Jax's head.

"I'm..." Ryland sighed, trying to make out words. I'm holding him... he's trembling... what am I doing... what have I done... Flashes of childhood abuse flooded Ryland's mind, all of them a beaten-up Jax.

"I found you now," says Ryland's pride. "I'm not letting you go. I'm not letting you fúck other people unless it's me. You're mine now, Jax Tyrone. No more Jace Allen. You're mine, understand? I own you."

The demanding way he said Understand made Jax jump and he whimpered, nodding.

"Don't question what I did, or what I'm doing." He grumbled, taking Jax's chin gently with his fingers. Jax was confused at the soft touch, Ryland and gentleness are not synonymous. "You're mine and mine only."


"What did I say?" Jax clamped his eyes shut expecting Ryland to hit him. He didn't. Instead, he left, leaving Jax beside the bed.

"I'll take care of your little sister. Just be a good boy and stay in the bed. Tell me if you need anything, bathroom or food. I have a business to attend to. Ring the maid, or go straight to sleep."

Jax was alone again, all too suddenly.

What was that?

Either way, he got in the bed and curled up, crying.


A grey patch of smoke took over the place of oxygen as Ryland Wyner exhaled his nicotine-free electric cigarette. Tyler's face scrunched in disgust, always hating the idea of smoking. The other man in the room though, find his annoyance cute and ruffled poor Tyler's hair.

Tyler grunted, "Why do I stay here."

"Reports," said Ryland.

"I handed them to you three minutes ago!"

"Oh come on, Tylee! Big brother just misses you!" Justin Levough put him on a headlock and messed with him even more.

"With...! All do respect---! Justin---!" Tyler squirmed.

Justin stopped, smiling at him. "You still idolized me after all these years. Stop seeing me as President, Tylee. I'm big bro now."

"Is that why you insist on having him here, Justin?" Ryland asked.

"Nope. I'm holding him here because my Suckerpunch will smother him." Justin pouted.

"How cliché of a name," Ryland nonchalantly says.

Tyler lit up when Justin mentioned his boyfriend. Justin took his best friend everywhere with him that he rarely sees his best buddy.

"You have a license, right Tylee?" Justin threw him a car key with a keychain that has the letter, T. Wyner.

"Suckerpunch is waiting in the lobby. Go to libraries or something."

Tyler jumped on him, wrecking Justin's black shag of hair in the process. "Bro! Thank you!"

In excitement, he ran outside the office doors.

"You haven't filed a leave Tyl---why a freaking car, Justin?" Ryland Justin a look. Though Tyler is responsible enough to drive, he's still too much of a kid to drive three cars, the fourth one from Justin.

"I missed his birthday!"

"You could've fed starving children or paid people's healthcare bills," Ryland grumbled.

"I am. If I can handle both Tyler's gift and making the world an awesome-er place, then so be it."

Justin was definitely someone who should be at the top of the richest in the world, it's just that his source of income is not something the world should know about. He is the Head or Master of the Levough Mafia. It can't be called an underground organization, since it controls all of the underground society, especially the black market. To go against the Levough even with an army could have everything and everyone turned against you.

WYN Industries, being one of the tops in the charts is something the mafia couldn't bear to lose because it's the innocent crust of the mafia's mantle. To function without the powerful company would render them defenseless from being exposed to the world.

Justin being best friends with Ryland strengthens this partnership, one of the reasons Tyler's father chose his stepson to be CEO. With the Levough on their back, no trouble will arise in WYN. Even though Justin acts like the most unlikely to be able to run a mafia, behind closed office doors Justin Levough is a vicious, ruthless man.

Ryland blew another smoke, as Justin's face fell serious.

"The Rustan reported that you blew a whole 10 of a billion on one of their auctions." Justin's almond eyes narrowed even more. It was unlikely for Ryland to personally participate in black market events.

Ryland placed his cig on the table, shrugging casually. "I saved someone."

"You saved a prostitute?"

"Séx slaves in auctions never gets paid a penny yet you call them prostitutes?" Ryland closed his eyes. He doesn't want anyone to call Jax a slút. He vowed, not again, not anymore. But Justin wasn't aware of anything so he let this slide.

"Do you remember the charity case?"

Justin laughed, "What charity case?"

Ryland opened up a file and threw it in front of the desk. "The charity case."

Justin was shown a high school yearbook photo of Jax Tyrone next to a stolen photo of him from months ago.

"Whoa! Dude!" Justin grabbed the file and almost made eyeball contact with it, before taking it back. "His freckles are still there! Jason's faded years ago but....damn, freckly Jesus! He got attractive though. Yes, puberty!"

Ryland's eyebrows dipped. To stop people from finding Jax attractive was the reason he's keeping him from going outside in the first place. Jax wasn't an all-around hot heartthrob. Not the kind to be given glances and whispers like Ryland and Justin, he's the kind of attractive that makes people want to take advantage of him. Play with him. Dominate him. Ryland breathed through fuming nostrils, angered. He couldn't be angry at Justin, but he's still jealous.

"He was sold at that auction."

Justin's eyes widened. "And...?"

He knew what Ryland was going to say, but he had to hear it coming from the man himself.

"I have him chained in my room."

"What?! Why?" Justin exclaimed. "I understand that he's against you and all--pfft, I probably...no, actually did that to Suckerpunch by blackmail but chains, really? Rylee, why are you being discounted Christian Grey?"

"Who the fúck is that."

Justin rolled his eyes. "Instead of him being grateful to you, he's gonna despite you for that."

Merda, I know that. Ryland thought, growling.

"People commonly settle for 20 million max for the hottest slave, yet the [shítty] pigs are willing to pay 50! If I hadn't brought [fúcking] cash some [còckshít] would be willing to [bítching] to pay more--"

"Ryland!" Justin stopped him. "We may be from Italy but I can't understand as fast as that! Especially swear words every millisecond!"

After translating, Ryland added in frustration, "If people are that willing to have Jax, then why the hell shouldn't I chain him up?!"

Justin read through the file, "And have two units of bodyguards?"

"Round the house."

Justin narrowed only one eye. It means that he knows something that doesn't need to be revealed. It runs among the Levough veins, being intuitive and can see through people and situations. Justin's little brother, Vincent, is the best out of both. That's why they are the face of leadership.

"You're really hooked, it's almost scary. I'm even afraid to call him Charity case. Or Freckly Jesus. Can I?"

"Charity case no, Freckly Jesus yes." Oh, how Ryland loves those brown imperfections around his nose.

It doesn't look good on everyone, it didn't even look good on Jason, but when it comes to Jax, it added to his appeal. Sometimes flaws add up to your perfection. In Ryland's eyes, by god Jax was perfect.

"I guess I have to thank you for not shutting down the auction?"

"I was making calls."


"The only change I made is for them to not take anyone with dependant family members, or else a large portion of the sale will be given to those families."

"You're so soft." Justin cooed.

"You're so narrow."

"So does Freckly Jesus have a dependant family member?" Justin asked.

"Sister," Ryland answers. Just as Justin flipped the file onto another page, he landed on the information of Theresa Tyrone.

"And to think you almost killed him back in high school."

"You? As in me? As if Justin Levough didn't drop a potted plant on him from the second floor." Ryland sneered. He watched Justin's every facial expression, expecting a laugh. Yet every turn of a page from his fingers, his eyes filled with more emotion.

"Why did we ever bully this kid, Rylee?" Justin's soft voice, void of malice, wasn't normal for Ryland to hear.

Ryland knew the reason. He was the one who initiated it. He wants Jax to be broken... never to be loved by anyone, so...

"We were terrible people," Justin added. "I mean, we still are but this is just despicable."

Justin took time to study the full report on Jax Tyrone.

"I only found out he was a porn star recently when I scanned for private time. He took on the name Jace Allen, and there was no trace of that job in his life, he did well to keep it a secret," said Ryland.

"Why would he keep it a secret?"

"In-demand among clients. As well as other porn stars, revealing any private information would endanger them. Yet Jax worried especially for his sister."

"What are you gonna do about his sister if you won't let him out of the room?" Justin asks.

Ryland stood up from his office chair. "Take care of her, of course. Maybe if Jax behaves I'll let him see her."

Ryland glanced at a stoic-looking Justin.

"I think I know why we--you bullied him," Justin says.

"I know, [my friend]. I've always known."

Ryland glanced at a picture of the Marauders in high school. Four boys laughing, on top of each other, trying to drag one another out of the frame. Justin Levough, Jason Ford, Ryland, and Xavier de Vega.

"Once you find someone, don't push them away and let them go. Right, X?"


Jax woke up with chocolate and pancakes plaguing his nose. His stomach ached for some food, so he shot up. Seeing his environment, he whimpered and teared up when he remembered he was still imprisoned in Ryland's mansion.

Staring at the three-layer pancakes with chocolate syrup and butter on top, he bit his lip. Shoving all worries aside, he ate it all not even leaving syrup on the fork and plate. The minute he burped, he immediately thought of Tyra.

Tyra. "Shít!" Hopping out of bed, he fell after two rushed steps because of the unnoticeable velvet chains that held him to the bed. He pulled on it helplessly.

Just then, Ryland has entered the room seeing Jax almost want to see his own feet off.

"You're lucky it's not at the neck. You'd make a beautiful dog," he said.

"Bástard! Let me go!"

"I paid a hundred million for you just to let you go?" Ryland placed his blazer on a chair, then stepped in front of Jax.

Jax tried pushing him away but Ryland barely moved an inch. "You can't keep me here! I have—"

"Someone, to take care of?" Ryland finished for him. "Paid off all tuition from this day to college, plus all school supplies and extra lessons she may want like ballet or piano lessons. If you are willing to pay your freedom back, your debt would be 100 million-plus 20. Do you have a hundred and twenty million?"

The money didn't overwhelm Jax. The money didn't worry him. He didn't spend a single brain cell thinking about how much his freedom cost. It was all Tyra. Her future was set. Her life is set. She's gonna be okay. She's gonna do better than how much Jax can support her with.

Jax sat down on the bed staring at the air with moisture in his eyes. "But I never get to see her again?"

Ryland didn't answer. It's not a yes, but his lips froze in saying 'no'. Three seconds of nothing but silence and a hard look in Ryland's silver eyes did enough for Jax to bend down and hug his knees, pressing his eyes against them.

"Why are you doing this? Why won't you let me see my little sister? She's my everything.... why..." He sobbed. "You must hate me that much do you?"

Ryland Wyner wasn't one to express any by word, unless it's business. He couldn't express guilt, concern, empathy, unless it's through money. He had failed in comforting Jax through financial support for his sister. Now he's stuck.

He wasn't sure how to tell Jax all the hate was because he loved him, and he knew he wasn't going to have Jax with his denial of falling in love with a boy, or falling in love with someone at all.

"Jackson..." Ryland reached for Jax, but he only snapped his hand away.

"Don't call me that! Do whatever the fúck you want, kill me, rápe me again, how about do fúcking both, Ryland de Vega! I know who you are, I know how much of a monster you are, and my sister will not make up for what the hell you did!"

With that, Ryland merely snapped back to the only expression he can muster up. He grabbed Jax by the wrists and pushed him to the bed, an angered Ryland Wyner towering over Jax's poor trembling frame. He wasn't trembling because he was afraid, it was merely shock and the struggle of having to maintain his anger.

"You're fúcking right Jackson, I own you and I will do whatever I damn please with you."

"I have my own rights, you can't own me! I was bought illegally!"

Ryland chuckled, hovering over him in an intimate distance. Jax's heart pounded under his rib cage. "My power goes beyond legalities."

Ryland pressed his knee against Jax's crotch, and he gasped at his aroused reaction. Jax kept reminding himself that he's an ásshole, but his mind wants to remind him that he's in a normal functioning body full of hormones. Jax struggled even more and tries to push him away using his knees.

"Fúcking let me go!"

"I own you." Hands roamed all over the hundred million dollar body he claimed. Jax shuddered but mewled at the touch, his legs losing their strength in fighting Ryland back. "All of you."

"I'm not a prostitute!"

"You sell your body for séx... the only difference between this and porn is that it's in front of the camera. Since I literally paid for you..." The words snake through Jax's ear canals, tingling his abdomen. "Nobody but me will be allowed to see you like this. Got it... peasant?"

"Ryland..." Jax sobbed, shivering under him. "Please... not again..."

The silver haired man's hands ceased their exploration as they too, trembled. He remembers that day. He remembers his wrath, Jax's suffering, his words....Jax's cries...he were raging, Jax was terrified.

Still, he wanted this so bad he can't cower. Not after all those years. He is going to confess. Why, how, who. He's going to redeem himself. Though not in a way that Jax would want, he's going to make it up to him the Ryland way.

"Jax," his words so soft, his touch mimicked.Jax's breath shifted at the added accent in his name, hearing a sexy italian Jacques in place of his usual.

Still, the boy kept trembling. Ryland placed the lightest lips on Jax's collarbone, making his breath hitch. Ryland wasn't known to be synonymous with gentleness.

"I shouldn't be doing this... not again. But I have to make you understand that this [kind of] touch was what I wanted to give [you]. But rage was given instead."

Jax couldn't understand the language. "Wh-what?"

Ryland's lips moved to Jax's jaw, his hands cupping the soft curve that connected his butt to his back. To think that others have touched Jax for a paycheck in front of cameras has him fuming, but he has no right to hurt Jax for it. It was Ryland's fault after all, the bully.

Jax's hands were still pushing against Ryland. But yet, Ryland silenced his whimpers by pressing his lips to Jax's plump ones. Ones that have been abused by multiple---Ryland growled. He has this feeling of possessiveness that will only be quenched by holding Jax as his. Jax calms down the monster inside of him despite causing the rage himself.

Jax's eyes widened at the gesture. Ryland was kissing him with the utmost delicacy. Once he pushed his tongue inside the shock-driven Jax, the defensive hands that was on Ryland's chest gripped his shirt tighter.

Something about the wine and grapes in Ryland's breath brought himto a drunken temptation. Oh, was he delicious. It was heaven, having him dominate was satisfactory. It was heaven.

It was wrong.

Pulling away to gasp, Jax screamed his protest.

"Ryland stop this I swear--!"

Yet Ryland got a hold of his naked member after the hands snaked under his wardrobe. Jax released a moan, one that drove Ryland crazy.

His grip tightened, the other hand pulling on the chained collar making Jax arch his back. Ryland pumped him, kisses trailing down his torso. It was maddening, how much he wanted this boy.

How much he wanted to kill those who touched him, porn star or not. How much he wanted to kill teenage Ryland de Vera for taking Jax's future away. It was maddening.

"Ryland..." Jax's voice dropped down from opposition to submission, bucking his hips against Ryland's hold. He pumped faster, vibrating groans increasing.

Jax's breath shifted among various depths. This was different. There were no cameras. He wasn't entitled to look his partner in the eyes like most scenes. Nobody was commenting his sexy he looked. Nobody going to yell cut!

But he wanted to stop.

He felt a sting in his neck, before feeling Ryland's tongue caressing the spot. How many marks has he left? It doesn't matter. The owner can leave marks on his property whenever he wants.

A gasp later, Jax stained Ryland's hundred dollar dress shirt with his own cúm. His eyes were hazy. Bedroom-like. They widened seeing Ryland lick his own excretion from his fingers, staring straight into Jax's deep browns. This time the icy blues in Ryland's eyes were not cold and stale, they were gentle, enticing.

But they weren't done.

Jax was caught in a daze as Ryland pulled his clothes off of him one by one, never taking eyes off his property. When he got to his pants, Jax cried.

"No! I won't do this again, please! Not again! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Ryland--" Ryland took the hands that covered those tear stricken eyes.

"I'm going to be gentle, I promise."

"Why are you doing this?"

"I want to let you know that I'm not the monster from years ago. I know I'm doing the same thing against your will but.... just let me try... try to..." He sighed. "I want you, Jax. Now that I have you, own you... I still don't feel that way."

"I'm not a thing you can own!" Jax cried out. "I'm not a prostitute!"

"Shhh..." Ryland placed gentle kisses all over Jax's tense face. "Don'tthink about how you got here. I'm gonna make you feel good. Focus on that, okay?"

Ryland's hands roamed. Surprisingly, Jax calmed down with those rough handles carrying a gentle touch.

"I'm going to take all the pain away...I'm going to give you everything...." Ryland started whispering in Jax's ear. In italian, he cooed that Jax was his everything. In a foreign language to Jax, he was told he's gonna be given all. He's going to be loved. He's going to live like a King, and Ryland was going to give him that.

Jax didn't understand a single italian word, yet that made his focus on the tingling sensation from Ryland massaging his tense backhole. Once he calmed down enough for it to be soft, Ryland licked the other hand's finger and pushed the skimy digit in.

Jax gasped, clinging onto his bully. His childhood bully, now his master. Ryland did have the power to control his pleasures, so far, Jax wanted more.

"Ryland...!" Every prod of his prostate, Jax's hips bucked. The sight was addicting to Ryland.

"Tell me what you want, Jax...tell me what you want, my [love]..." Jax moaned at the torment.

He wanted more.

"Ryland! Ryland please...!" He whined. He can't help it. He's a boy, after all. After getting a taste he's sure gonna want more despite how wrong it is. Or sometime, what's wrong is what's so pleasurable.

Ryland raised his bottom so Jax's butt rested on Ryland's crotch. Taking a sachet of cool mint lubricant from his blazer's pocket, he threw the clothing across the room and poured the stuff all over his fingers and Jax's entrance. Jax waited eagerly, his eyes inviting Ryland. Lust clouds the mind quite vividly.

Rylqnd places himself in Jax's entrance. He gasped at the size. That wasn't the size of 17 year old Ryland that tore him up in a bathroom. He's gonna get stretched beyond orgasm.

"Oh shít, wait Ryland no-"

"Shh...you're gonna feel good, Jax. I promise...I'll make you feel good..."

Ryland entered, passing through the first ring of muscle with ease. Jax was used to it, or at least this is what he reminds himself.

"Ahh..." Jax breathed out, his walls clenching around Ryland.

He dove to nuzzle his face in Jax's neck. "Shhh, topolino... relax... I'm not going to hurt you... not anymore, okay?"

Jax bit his lip. Whether he trusts Ryland didn't matter, the silver haired man owns his body now.

Inch by inch, tears flowed down from Jax's eyes to temple, to his ears. Ryland kissed him all the way, offering passion in his tongue and lips.

When he was all the way in, Jax can't help but groan at the stretch. It was amazing. He felt so full, yet not satisfied. It baffleshim how he easily accepted, how his body betrays him, yet it's part of the pleasure.

Jax sniffed, just as Ryland connected both their foreheads. "You're mine now, okay topolino?"

Jax didn't have time to question what the hell that word was. When Ryland moved, he released breaths and gasps as deep as his confusion.

"F... Fúck... Ryland.... Ryland...!" Jax's moans were such a drug to him that he had to hold back from fúcking him senseless.

Jax held him close to his body by arms around Ryland's neck, clinging to him like life support while dying. The speed was slow and sensual, but it was clouding his mind like a drug and coaxing his abdomen into arousal.

Ryland increased his pace and the next thing they knew, Jax was gasping out Ryland's name like a prayer.

"Ry...Ry...Ryland....oh Ry....!"

Jax's eyes were clamped shut, focused on the pleasure, while Ryland only wished he can stare at those deep browns while claiming him. Thinking about the situation, with him dominating Jax, legitimizing his possession, claiming him, it brought him to a close orgasm.

No, he wanted this to last. Jax openly submitting, his member plowing into the most delicious áss, hearing his name coming out of those precious lips.

Ryland kissed him passionately one last time before grabbing Jax's legs and flipping him over to send him on a world of sèxual climax.

the day after,

Jax woke up aching.

He opened his eyes, finding himself alone in a bed so wide it was cold despite not having windows open and the AC not turned on.

He had fallen asleep after a blissful intercourse with Ryland de Vera, his childhood rápist. Specifically, he had fallen asleep to Ryland forcefully spooning him and whispering italian endearments to him which he did not understand. But the language was so sensual that he fell into a calm dreamless sleep.

Naked under a thick duvet, a maid entered the room. He jumped, looking down at his body seeing marks all over. He immedietly hid himself. Damn you, Ryland! He smiled awkwardly at the lady.

"Good morning sir, here is your bathrobe, and the Master wants you to come with us."

It was heaven.

Jax was treated to a nice bubble bath with tea tree oil and chamomile scented candles. He spent an hour there, almost asleep, his tense muscles relaxed. It was strange how the maids brought him out of the tub, stark naked. They didn't mind, saying he belonged to the Master, which he was really irritated at. It was offensive.

The maids washed him up with the softest shampoo and conditioner that he swore made his hair silk. Not to mention his skin was like a baby's. They took him to a room, laid him out and massaged him.

It was heaven.

He did not want to complain. The face mask and cucumbers were a bit girly and strange to him, it was the first time he did such a thing and the cucumbers always falls down from his eyes.

The closest thing he had to a full body massage was massage scenes in pòrn, which were half-heartedly just lead to being fúcked, not even lasting a minute.

After that in which he did not want to leave, he was dressed in a baby blue dress shirt with dark blue polka dots all over, making it look like a dark blue shirt at all. He preferred to wear the dark shorts that end above the knee because he wanted to be more casual since they were forcing him to wear a tie. He ended up looking younger than he is because of the the blue tie, black shorts, blue suspenders and socks.

He threw on a hooded vest that the maids offered and quite liked the outfit. Then he frowned himself at the mirror. Am I letting Ryland pamper me?

Psh, if he wants redemption then he better do everything he can. Then he realized he was acting more like Jace, taking everything that was offered because it's free. Jax was not like that. Everything he did was...

...for Tyra. He stopped a maid. "I want to see Ryland."

"Oh not to worry sir, you were requested to his office. Now what would you like, Armani or Christian Louboutin?" She held up two very expensive perfume bottles.

"Uhm...do you have Bench?"

later on,


"Master Ryland, here is Mr Tyrone as you reques—"

"Ryland!" Jax pushed pass the maid. "I want to see my sister! Bring me to my sister!"

He realized it wasn't just Ryland in there. There sat a familiar raven haired, almond-eyed, man of malice sitting across Ryland, staring at the outburst. Ryland however, was in a tense and angered state but when Jax bursted in, he softened as if Jax sedated him from a blind rage.

"Freckly jesus!"

Jack stepped back. "Oh no."

"Jax, take a seat..." Ryland ever-so-gently said his name with such delicacy.

Jax cautiously sat on the armchair as far from Justin as possible. Yet to no avail, Justin invaded his privacy in a matter of seconds and has his face merely three inches from Jax.

"Whoa! Where are your braces?! I mean I know you only keep them within 2 years or so but damn! You changed! You got cuter!" Justin abused his cheeks by pinching. "Too cute! How many have you dated, surely a lot has asked you out."

This had irritated Ryland. "Justin get your áss in that chair or I'll nail your díck in the leather."

"Psh Rylee, Rylee...no matter who owns the jewelry, people will always admire it. And seriously, who calls a flower ugly just because the gardener doesn't want others admiring? It's an insult to the flower!"

Are they really comparing me to inanimate objects?

"I'm here about my sister," Jax spoke out. He shouldn't be afraid when it comes to his little sister.

"Theresa is fine."

"I want to see her!"

"You will if you behave, topolino!"

Jax stood up. "What even is that?!"

Meanwhile, Justin burst into laughter. "Man, that one is cute! Little mouse, really? Well, his teeth did look like a mouse back then..."

Ryland sneered at Justin, "Why don't you go to Mount Everest and find where I asked for your opinion."

Justin sucked his lips in but his eyes are still thinning from laughter, his cheeks trying to hold it all down. Nobody could shut Justin Levough up, but if he chooses to then he will try his hardest.

"You're gonna see your sister Jax, I promise. Have I ever broken a promise so far?" said Ryland.

He only ever made one promise. "Fine." Jax sat down with a thud. "Why did you call me in here anyways? If it's not about my freedom, then I'm not interested."

"That reminds me," Justin started, "Ryland is too kinky with the chains eh--"

"Justin I swear to god," the man sighed in frustration.

"Okay, okay! Geez, ignoring you now!" Justin let his eyes roam. "Hmm... nice ceiling, oh a lizard? Good lizard, how's the wife?"

"What are you doing."

"Ignoring you." Justin said before going back to asking the potted plant if its comfortable breathing Ryland's carbon dioxide all the time.

Ryland looked so done with his friend. Justin is almost thirty, when will he grow up? Jax's eyes landed on the glass plate above Ryland's desk. Ryland Wyner.

"Ryland Wyner?" Jax read out loud in confusion.

"My mother remarried," Ryland answered.

It was then Jax gasped. "Weiner! You're Mr. Weiner!"

At that, Justin rolled on the floor laughing. Ryland facepalmed. "I've always corrected that kid, it's just..."

"I know Tyra, no need to explain, Ryland." Jax stated. Ryland looked up, his icy blues locked on Jax as if he's the most precious thing in the world for a full 5 seconds. Justin noticed and cleared his throat.

"Actually Jax, we're here to apologize." Justin said. Jax raised an eyebrow, "On behalf of our silly childhood, I'm sorry. For all we, the marauders did."

Jax avoided eye contact with Ryland at this point.

What Justin, Jason, and Xavier did was enough for a sorry. What Ryland did...ruining his whole future... It's not going to be buried under great sèx, full treatment, financial support, and other privilages. Close, very close, but not enough.

Ryland costed him his innocence. For a 14 year old victim, it's a very big deal. It cannot be brought back.

"I..." Jax sighed.

"You don't have to forgive us right away, Jax. Actually Ryland here almost threw a dart at me forcing me to apologize. But I'm not here because of that... what we truly did was wrong. You did nothing wrong to us, and we chose to torture you."

"That was in the past," Jax rushed out in less that one second, voice cracking. "All in the past."

After moments of trying so hard not to cry, Jax stood up. "I need air."

Jax ran out of the office. He wants his sister. He wants justice. He wants the impossible, bringing back time. Ryland wants the same, yet it couldn't be done. Except the former, Jax just really wants to hug his sister even with full financial support.

"Make sure he doesn't hurt himself," Ryland instructed to the guards via intercom.

"I really feel terrible now," Justin commented.

"He forgives you. I can see that." said Ryland. "It's me he can't forgive."

Justin smiled, "Being adults is hard... trying to fix what your idiot teenager self did in the past. There's no such thing as leaving the past behind, after all."

"There is," Ryland replied. "It's leave your bad past behind. You just need to fix the mistakes of that past."

I will do everything for Jax to forgive me. I will do everything for my Jax.

Jax went straight to the one route that wouldn't get him lost in this big house; the bedroom. Where else can he go, his brain could only map out the route from bedroom to office.

I want to see Tyra. I'll never forgive Ryland if he takes me away from Tyra.

Barging in the room, he was too distracted to think about what to even do in here. He just wanted to get away from the two Marauders. All of a sudden, he jumps at the sight of himself through the mirror.

Jax was crying, and not the beautiful cry, the horrible ugly cry that made you red with snot and wheezing all over the place. The typical non-movie cry.

He went inside the bathroom and splashed his face with water. Still looking horrible, he plugged the sink and filled it with water. Jax dunked his head in mindlessly after.

What am I doing here...living the life? My sister needs a family! I should always be there for her through thick and thin!

The tears managed to camouflage themselves in the water.

I miss her. I miss Tyra...


"You're not gonna go after him, it's been five minutes!" Justin complained.

"He needs his space," Ryland grumbled. "Unlike you, I actually respect Jax's privacy."

"I'm not the one he's having a problem with."

Ryland gave him a knowing and sarcastic look.

"At the moment," Justin added.

"I called you here to discuss about the government all up on your resource-- just how you could have a net worth of over one billion on a 500 million dollar income. I told you, don't spend too much!"

"Those money goes to puppies for my Suckerpunch!" Justin jabbed a finger at him.


"No, real puppies. I'm on the verge of killing them, though... they're getting more attention," Justin pouted at his unreasonable dilemma with his lover. Puppies. "Anywho, I can just donate a shít ton to foundations to get them off my scent... 400 million, to be exact..."

"You earn that back in two hours."

"Sometimes weapons and còcaine get you hourly income," Justin grinned. "And hourly blowjobs."

"I don't need to hear about you and your séx life," Ryland peered at him through some papers.

"What about--"

"Don't talk about Jax."

Justin jabbed a finger in his direction again. "Aha! From personal to business down again to personal! I knew you were distracted because of love!"

Ryland scoffed at the word. "So?"

"You love him."

"Love doesn't rápe a teenage boy and have him expelled."

"No, but jealousy will," Justin shrugged like it's an unfunny joke. Ryland hates how he's right all the time.

He really loves Jax, right from the start.

Ryland stood up and dismissed himself for work.

"You haven't filed a leave yet," Justin giggled.

"I'm the boss, I can leave whenever I want. And if I want to leave your lips down and shut, I will." Ryland grumbled.

"No, you love me."

"I love Jax."


"Jax look! A hippo!"

"The zoo's over here, Tyra! Th-that's a woman!"

"She's a very pretty hippo."

"Oh Tyra..."



"JAX!" His head was pulled out of the water. He met the face of a very concerned and very confused Ryland. "Wh-wh...what the hell are you doing?!"

"There's no rain to hide my tears so I had to improvise." Jax blurted out.

Ryland's face softened, "You weren't trying to kill yourself?"

"I...would've chosen at least the bathtub to do that, not the sink," Jax sarcastically muttered with no ounce of humor. "I just want to see my sister."

Ryland sighed. "Ja--"

"I know...be a good boy, right?" Jax took Ryland's hand off of him before storming out of the bathroom. "I already let you use my áss, what more could you want?!"

Ryland followed him as he paced all over the room, grumbling.

"I guess you need to get your money's worth Ryland so go ahead!" Jax held out his arms, "How many fúcks until you get tired of me and throw me away like any of your used cars or watches?!"

Ryland didn't answer. Instead, he stared at Jax sympathetically. It was new to him, but he didn't question this feeling. He has always felt this towards Jax, arrogance got in the way of expressing it.

"Answer me Ryland, why spend that much money on a charity case like me?! Just to make me feel more like one?! Just to take me away from the one family I have left?!"

Ryland stared at the floor.


"Sit down, Jax. I will explain everything to you and you will listen whether you care to or not!"

Jax went silent. He always expected Ryland to be scary when angry. But this kind of angry is just... sad. He seated himself on the bed with a hard look on his face, not taking any shít from the silver-haired Wyner. Ryland looked like he's trying so hard to hold back.

"I..." He sighed. "I fell in love with you, Jax."

Jax opened his mouth to utter out words of disbelief, but Ryland cut him off.

"Since you were in middle school."

More reasons for Jax to not believe him. Yet he fell speechless, Jax's scowl turning more of a shocked expression. "B... but you bullied me... to expulsion!"

"I was stupid!" Ryland argued. "I was jealous! I was a kid! I was a Marauder!"

Ryland paced around the room. "I couldn't ask you out after basically pushing you off the stairs, Jackson! I couldn't ask you out knowing you'll reject me because I hang out with the three worst bullies in school! I couldn't ask you out because I... I was straight!"

"Then why fúcking rápe me?!"

"I was jealous!" Ryland bellowed. "Jace Ford! Also known as the guy who couldn't keep his hands off the charity student! I was okay seeing him crave pússy like a straight guy he is. But after confirming that he is also interested in men, fumed me up into thinking you were together! I was jealous, and I didn't like how I was jealous because of a boy! I didn't like how I fell in love with a boy in the first place!

"Okay, I admit that I did bully you and let the others bully you because maybe if I saw how pathetic you are, I would lose interest in you. I would forget these homo thoughts of you. But more and more, I just see you as a weak thing in need of protection. And who was there to protect you instead of me? Jace Ford.

"The more you two get closer, the more I found out I wasn't bullying you anymore because I liked you. I was bullying you more because I was jealous of what you and Jace Ford had together. I forced Jason to ruin his own twin's reputation to their parents!"

Jax's breath hitched. Jace ran away for a few days after his parents found out he was bisexual. "You little fúcke--"

"I've already called myself every name in the book, Jax." He sighed, running a hand through his silk platinum hair. "I was a coward. I was blinded by my jealousy. I ruined your future, and can't even confront you and tell you I'm sorry. Before I can decide to apologize and help you, my mother got engaged to an Italian and I had to move to Italy.

"I'm so sorry. But I knew sorry wasn't going to cut it. So when I found you, I showered you with gifts over the past few months. I supported little Theresa in the shadows. Didn't you know I was the one who had to volunteer to go to Parent's Day because she was an "orphan"?"

"What?" Jax fell confused. "I never..."

"You had a shoot in Canada." Ryland blurted out. He stepped closer and closer to him, but Jax was too stunned to care about the closing distance.

"You see Jax," Ryland tingled Max's skin with his silky deep voice. "I am willing to do anything to make it up to you. Except let you go. If I hadn't been a bully to you in the past... then you'd be exclusively mine this present. But I was. And now I'm not letting you go because you're meant to be mine. I just had to fix what I ruined in the past."

For the first time, Jax felt something soft in his voice. Not the quality, but the quantity. Something inside Ryland went soft, genuine, and Jax could feel that. He can't help but be empathetic towards him.

"Ryland..." gone was any anger from his voice. "I think-"

Ring. Ring. Ring. A sound o a bell phone interrupted the moment. Ryland pulled away from Jax as he took out his phone, answering it.

"Talk," Ryland said, his usual greeting. Jax listened but cannot hear anything from another line, but Ryland narrowed his eyebrows in concern as he glanced at Jax.

"Why are you asking for him?" Ryland demanded. A short second later, Ryland shoved the phone in front of Jax. "It's for you."

With hurried hands, Jax took the phone and held it to his ear.


[Allen, my boy! Or should I say... Jax now?]

"Alex...?" with confusion, Jax looked up at Ryland.

Ryland sucked in a large breath, recognizing that producer's name. He does not want any trace of the pòrn industry anywhere near Jax.

[Right back at 'ya! Hey listen, I heard that you got yourself a seller there... you cute little thing sold for a hundred mil!]

"How did you know that?!" I was kidnapped. Unless... "....you sold me off."

Ryland wants to snatch the phone off Jax's hold and choke somebody with his other hand.

[You say that like it's a bad thing! I have a plan to get you off that deal! We're willing to pay the refund for you... just return to Helix and get more benefits from more customers.]

"Never! I am not a prostitute! And for you to sell me off like one, fúck you, Alex!" Jax screamed to the phone. "I'm staying here! I'm not going back there!"

[Wyner's not hurting you or anything? I know people like you are just dying to get out of their client.]

"Ryland's--!" Jax met a pair of icy blue eyes, and it calmed his anger. Ryland's heart jumped at Jax's words. "Ryland's not like that... he treats me better in one day than what you all treated me for the past six years..."

A long silence followed, and a long connection between him and Jax. Ryland had never been so happy, his heart leaped. But what occurred next paralyzed Jax to the highest extent.

[Hmm, too bad... I guess I saw that coming. Looks like we need to fix this personally. And to make sure you will come back here and negotiate...

"....no, miss sparkle fairy does not like apples, sorry miss butter pink!"]

The phone slipped off Jax's fingers.

"Jax? Something wrong?" Ryland asked, picking up the phone and listening for himself.

[Get to the studio in twenty minutes or I'm going to adopt this little girl and she's gonna go down the same route you did.]

Before Ryland could roar at the receiver, the call ended. Jax was shaken, his lips quivering, and it killed Ryland to see him that way. Ryland chucked the phone to the nearest wall and it broke the screen, rendering it unusable.

"Motherfúcker--" as Ryland turned to leave, Jax clutched his sleeve like his life depended on it, his eyes as red and swollen as his fat tears were.

"Ryland! Please! My sister! Tyra! Get her back! I want to get her back! I beg you, please!" Jax desperately clung to Ryland. "I'll do anything! I'll stay here with you! I'll obey! Just help me get my sister!"

"Jax," Ryland smoothed a hand down Jax's rising and falling back. The kid was hyperventilating. "No need to sell yourself again for your sister. I'm going to get her back otherwise. I told you... I'll do anything for you and your sister okay? You'll be with her, okay? Always..."

"I'm... " he struggled to breathe. "I need to go... " Ryland coached him into breathing. "I need to go with you.... please!"

"Baby, you need to wait here--"

"I'll die here waiting for her!" He cried. "They... they won't let.... you in.... in without me!"

"Breathe baby, breathe..." Ryland reached over to the side table where he pressed the intercom.

"Call Justin Levough and get him back here as soon as the next two minutes, we're going to ground a pig."

later on,


The moment Ryland Wyner's car pulled up at the studio, Jax almost jumped out of the car if not for Ryland securing him on his lap.

"Ry-Ryland... my sister, please get my sister back!" Jax choked on his own tears. He has never broken down like this before. To think he was going to watch as Tyra goes through the same torture as he is not on his agenda.

"We'll get her... calm down..." says Ryland stroking his back. Jax let him do so, just as a bodyguard approached their window.

In Italian, he says, "Sir, he'd like to meet you now."

"What did he say?! Is Tyra still there?! What's happening?!" The boy started to panic even more. Ryland concluded that it may be because of the bodyguard's dead serious voice and expression.

"Jackson," Ryland nuzzles his head in Jax's shoulder blades, inhaling his own Armani Body Wash the boy used. For some reason, it calmed Jax down. His heart is still pounded, knees shaking, but no more panicky bouncing on Ry's lap.

"I can see that you love her from a mile away," he says. "She loves you too. She needs you to be strong."


"I love you." Dead silence made noise in between them. "And I want you to be strong. Don't let anyone look down on you. Ever again."

Jax felt something in his stomach. Something that was always there, only that it intensified this time. He feels nauseous along with it. Why...

Ryland's phone buzzed. He announced, "It's time for us to go. Whatever you do, don't leave my side."

later on,

Everything is a nightmare. Just as Jax had entered; just like the last time he exited. The studio felt suffocating. It felt terrible. Jax couldn't help but clutch onto Ryland's jacket.

"Jace Allen, my boy! Most in-demand and most prized!" Alex burst through the door like Simon Cowell on steroids. Jax cringed hearing his pornstar name flow out of this money-loving bastard's mouth. He hid behind Ryland.

"Oh, you're wearing Balenciagas now, huh?" Alex said, impressed. Jax did not know what he was talking about. "I see Mr. Wyner has taken care of you nicely. Too bad, he's here to sell you back to me."

"Actually," Ryland casually said with both of his hands in his pockets. "We're here to pick up a girl. Not one of your pornstars.... the only girl around here that isn't dumb enough to sign a contract with a prick like you. Nor is she old enough to sign, or for you to pick up."

Alex smirked, impressed at how this man of a very high IQ rating still manages to insult not only him but the porn industry under him as well.

"We've had a deal, right Jace Allen?" Alex said to his former star, ignoring Ryland. "Come on, talk to me! Talk to the man who gave you a name!"

"YOU SOLD ME!" Jax screamed from behind Ryland. "YOU SOLD ME! And I don't owe you anything! I gave myself a name, I fucked myself in front of cameras, I was the one suffering in those rooms, not you! I worked for what I earned and I never owe you anything for it!"

Alex smiled. "It's hard to take you seriously when you can't even look me in the eye. See, thanks to you I will make a fortune! Call it prostitution, call it human trafficking... it really depends on how you really care about your sister."

"KEEP MY SISTER OUT OF THIS, YOU FUCKING---" Jax charged, but Ryland held him back with a squeeze of the arm.

"Or what, then?"Alex laughed. "You're going to sic Ryland Wyner on me? How many fucks will get him to do favors for you? Nothing, he just came here to return you. Then I'll sell you to another owner for a price each time. Brilliant, right?! You're good for nothing but a piece of ass---"

"That's enough disrespecting him," Ryland interrupts in his unwavering voice. For a second, it stroke genuine fear in Alex's arrogant existence. The tone of his flat, cold voice is just too intimidating for just anyone. "We came here for the girl."

"And it's the girl for that boy," Alex gestured to Jax before a few men escorted a happy Tyra out with a tiara and a stuffed doll.

Her eyes lit up at the sight of her brother. Jax's eyes made it clear that he was growing desperate to get her out of here.

"Jaxy, Jaxy look! Uncle Alex bought me a new doll!" Tyra attempted to run to Jax but Alex caught her by the collar.

Ryland could feel Jax's tightening hold on him. He feels like he's going to jump on her anytime. "Tyra..." Jax cried. "Ryland, please... please..."

This might be the only thing Jax asks of him. Ryland is obligated to give him something he actually wanted this time.

"How much for the girl?"

Alex cackled, "Oh no, no... that would be child prostitution, Mr. Wyner! You know, you can have the girl for free, no charges. But he stays..." he eyed Jax.

Jax didn't want to. But his feet could almost step forward. All his life he has been sacrificing, this is no exception. He was willing to leave Ryland and Tyra if it means his sister could be safe. This could also mean he would trust Ryland with taking care of his sister.

Ryland growled. "Over your dead body."

Of a sudden, all three of Ryland's bodyguards pulled out their guns and directed them to Alex, who gently grabbed Tyra in a subtle display of threat.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. See, I have my technical team with a laptop that will expose his real identity as Jackson S. Tyrone. He wouldn't even be safe outside after that, right?"

They froze in silence. It's his worst nightmare... any porn celebrity's worst nightmare. Ryland's gears turn as Jax's turns to rust. The man plans on keeping him inside the mansion anyways. But it will endanger Tyra if his identity is exposed. Ryland could hear Jax sniff and whimper, his grip creasing the blazer he has on.

"He's good for nothing but sex! He acts all tough but deep inside, he'll do anything for some cash. Won't you, Jax?" Ryland's skin crawled with rage, but he had to keep his character up.

Amidst all the tension, Ryland suddenly snorted.

It startled Jax as well as the bodyguards. Ryland rarely has a sense of humor, nor does he ever even smile. For him to be seen with one corner of his lips up in a smile is beyond out of character; what is going on with him? Jax wondered.

"What are you being happy about, Ryland Wyner? Tch... I want that boy now!" Alex demanded. "If you shoot me, I'll release his identity!"

Ryland returned to his stoic face and replied, "Oh, I won't need to."

To Jax's surprise, someone appeared at the door behind Alex. They hit him in the head with a wooden baseball bat, causing Alex to fall palms down on the floor. Another one took Tyra and carried her in their arms.

Justin Levough stood there proudly with a baseball bat, beside him was Jason Ford carrying Tyra who happily ruined his curly hair. Jax stared at them, unable to process that these people used to unscrew swings and lube slides in the playground. Jason has glasses now, still the tallest marauder, wearing a casual tux.

"Do we kill him now?" asks Justin. Alex groaned as his consciousness returned, and he pulled himself onto all fours only to have Justin's foot push him further into the floor.

"You'll regret this! I'll have them expose that dirty porn star! He'd be snatched off the streets by---"

"You pig," Ryland stepped forward and slammed his foot on Alex's hands, earning a scream.

"Post it! Post it! Upload the damn thing!" He wailed, probably to the team watching from the cameras. Ryland lifted Alex's head and slammed his knees into the guy's jaw. Tyra unknowingly cheered for it.

"Upload what?" Behind Jax, a few duck-taped men were thrown inside the room and in walked an all too proud Jace Ford, holding up a broken router.

"Jace!" Jax gasped, tearing up. His best friend came, and he doesn't know-how.

"I came for Tyra. And I also came because Justin said I could kick Jason in the nuts once if I lend my hacking skills," his best friend laughed.

Jason glared at the Levough. "You what?"

"In all honesty, I want to see you with a black eye once," Justin replied.

Ryland rolled his eyes, wrapping an arm around Jax and pulling him close, placing a kiss of assurance on his forehead. "She's safe."

"Tyra!" Jax immediately snatched himself off Ryland and pulled his sister away from Jason. "Are you okay?! Did he hurt you?! Did he say anything to you?! Did anyone touch you?!"

"Jaxy, don't cry... I promise I only ate three candies, don't cry please, my teeth won't hurt..." The girl said, her fat hands attempting to wipe her brother's tears.

It made him smile at least. She was safe, finally. He turned to Ryland, still traumatized and never pulling Tyra an inch farther from him. "Thank you.... thank you so much.... th-thank you..."

Ryland had to look away. He was wrongfully turned on by Jax's tears along with his gratitude. It's tough when he's trying to recover from his sadistic past. Speaking of...

Ryland signaled Jace to take the sibling out of the building.

"Come on, guys let's buy Ice Cream," says Jace.

"Yay! Ice Cream! I want pink and violet Ice Cream!"

As they are escorted outside, Jax turned his head and smiled in gratitude once again, before wondering in his head why the Marauders aren't coming with them. Still, when they are out of the room, Ryland walked to a shelf and pulled out a fountain pen, and examined it.

"Aiiiishhh, I want Ice Cream too..." Justin stretches out.

"I'm not done with you yet Levough," Jason glared at him, referring to Justin selling him out to be kicked in the nuts in return for Jace's help.

"Neither am I with this bastard..." Ryland approached Alex's unconscious head and nudged it. "I just don't want Jax to see this..."

"What are you gonna do with him?" Asks Justin.

Ryland kicked Alex's ear, causing him to wake up. "You should know, you run a Mafia."

"I'll get the bag," Jason said leaving the room.

"I'll get the powersaw," Justin smirked before leaving after Jason.

"And you," says Ryland, pulling up Alex by the scalp. "You'll get the years of torture Jax had to go through."

Once a Marauder, always a Marauder.

"Fuck you," Alex spat, before getting impaled in the eyes by a fountain pen, Ryland's hand twisting it in the socket.


Tyra was asleep in Jax's lap as they waited in Ryland's car.

"Thanks for coming all the way from Germany, Jace..." Jax softly said at his best friend at the window.

"I'll be going back right after this... you know I left a ticking timebomb in my bed..." Jace wiggled his eyebrows.

"Not surprised," Jax laughed. "I'm gonna miss you."

Jace smiled, as if saying he's also going to miss Jax. But of course, he replied, "You know what I miss? A hatefuck. I think I'm going to cheat on my man for a bit..."

"You're gonna die," Jax says.

"...doing what I love!" Jace replied before saying their final goodbyes.

Oh Jace...still curly, still a slút. It was then Ryland opened the car, to Jax's relief. He has changed his clothes, from his black and blue suit to this Golden State Warriors hoodie. "Wh-where have you been?"

"Cleaning up," Ryland replied as the driver started going forth. His mouth twitched into a smile as the love of his life, who he now has a chance of redeeming himself. Though he doesn't expect anything could justify or redeem what he's done in the past.

"Ryland..." Jax avoided his eyes. "I really do appreciate everything... you're... you're still an asshole... but and asshole with a heart..."


"A black heart," Jax said seriously.

Ryland shrugged playfully, something he never does. "Your favorite color."

"No, it's not."

"Yes, it is," Ryland leaned in, Jax's heart racing at the sudden close proximity. Is he going to kiss him? Is Jax going to let him? In front of his sleeping sister? "But in all seriousness... I'm sorry. For everything I've done. I'm a terrible person, no amount of heroism is going to erase that. All I ask for you is to give me a second chance, Jackson. I will spend my entire life making up for my mistakes."

Jax sighed. He doesn't know how he's ever going to forgive Ryland. But he's not vengeful, nor is he crazy in holding grudges. Maybe Ryland has changed. Or if he hasn't... maybe he's doing his best to. It doesn't happen overnight. Hopefully, some changes happen over the course of years. Still, Jax doesn't see it.

"I guess..." Jax sighed. "I guess I can't forgive you just yet. But I owe you Tyra's life... so I guess a second chance will be uhm..."

"It's more than enough," Ryland says, pulling away and fluffing up Jax's brown hair. "Speaking of Tyra... she should live with you. You'll still be staying at my place, so I'll have a bedroom ready for her... unless you want to sleep together."

Jax's heart lept. "Really?!" Jax hasn't slept beside Tyra since he was 9, so it made his eyes shimmer with delight. "I kind of... I really want to be with her..."

Ryland's eyebrows narrowed. What about him? He wants to be with Jax too. Jax noticed this.

"Only for a few days! Or months... please?" Those puppy eyes... Ryland sighed as he gave in.

"You can sleep together whenever you want. That's your sister after all... the child needs a parent." It was clear in Ryland's tone that he too wants Jax's time, but he is in no position to force Jax.

"Thank you, Ryland..." To the Marauder's surprise, Jax leaned in to kiss him in the cheeks. The stonecold Ryland Wyner froze, lovestruck and caught off guard. He's going to be the death of me...

But he wasn't complaining. Ryland then stroked Tyra's head, Jax then falling asleep on his shoulder during the ride. A text invaded Ryland's phone.

Justin Levough:

The DNA matched. Your step-father is his biological Dad.


Ryland Wyner:

Throw him away then.




Vegan Vixen

Wait so who’s the bio dad? I get so confused and I read the originals 😣

mcx choochoo

I feel like there was a lot of missed potential with this story… kinda disappointed ngl