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the next morning, 

Jace was worked up by fingers in his ass. "Wake up, Vitya." Whispered Victor. "School. You have to go home."

Ugh, he’s nicknaming me after himself, now? "I wanna stay here."

"I'm the school body president." Victor deadpanned since can't be absent. Jace just rolled around in the bed more.

"And I have connections so if the President called in sick, then he's sick," Jace grumbled.

"Now fúck me, Vic... " he said while wiggling his ass.

"Get in the shower. We'll clean you up first," Victor said with a spank.

"Ow," Jace winced. "Yes, daddy..."

Last night was definitely the best fúck ever, no questions asked for Jace. He's even sore and that is rare for him. The cheer squad orgy doesn't even compare to five rounds of stamina-filled nights. Damn Victor and his stamina, Jace cúms two times without him cúmming once.

Jace became addicted to Victor's touch. The way he was rough with him gave him the thrill and stimulation he always wanted. It was never boring. Something was different.

Happy, showered, and newly fingered and blown, Jace strutted into the kitchen after promising unlimited sex for the day to a certain school junky if they can skip school. He was the last to wash his must-always-be-conditioned-and-blown-dry hair so when he got to the kitchen, Victor was wearing an apron with nothing but a jumper on.

Jace spots a certain somebody stabbing an apple with the knife. "Good morning, Orion!"

The guy did nothing but glare at him and make it worse by squinting. He kept stabbing the apple until its juice pooled in the countertop.

"Is that me?" Jace smirked, gesturing for the apple. When Orion said nothing he added, "It reminded me of what you did to my àss last night, Victor."

Clearly annoyed and probably disgusted, the young boy slammed down the apple and knife harshly hopped off, and went to the terrace before jumping off. Jace gawked.

"There are those little metal stairs and railings down, don't worry he's not dead." Says Victor.

"Looks like he wants me to be."

Victor pushed a plate towards him, smirking. It was pancakes with whip cream and chocolate syrup. "He just heard us last night."

"Perfect. That, and this..." Jace dug in, "Mmm this is my favorite! How... how did you know I'm pancakes and chocolates crazy?"

Victor shrugged, "It's all we have in the kitchen as of now. Coincidence."

Jace frowned. His intuition was picking something up, and he knows he's gonna be frustrated when he can't figure something out. He hated not knowing anything.

Taking in half of the two stacked pancakes, he scooped cream on his fork. "You know, I drove your brother away so we're alone..."

While Victor was watching, he licked the fork clean as if suggesting what he would do to Victor's cóck. He was more than hungry for breakfast. The next thing Jace knew, he was on top of the counter with his hole being littered with whipped cream and is being cleaned off by Victor.

But isn't Jace forgetting something?

an hour later,

After an hour of getting "busy" in the kitchen, Jace lounged in the living room all tingly and satisfied with homemade fries in his fingers, wearing Victor's large gray shirt. He was watching the sports channel discussing the Top10s in the sports industry.

Victor went out to get more condoms, all of which was Jace's command.

Wait, is something wrong? Jace can feel it in his gut and he frowned at the French fries. Nothing's wrong, Victor is wrapped around his fingers just as he wanted... why the shift in Jace's universe?

Suddenly, he sees Orion on the terrace with the usual dark stare. He walked towards the armchair where Jace first saw him for the first time and started drawing from a pad he pulled out from the coffee table.

"Want fries?" Jace offered the bowl to the kid. He got ignored. "You're not much of a talker are you?"

In confirmation, silence answered.

Jace shrugged. "Oh well. Can you show me whatcha drawing?"

Orion snapped his icy blue-gray eyes at the annoyance for a long moment before going back to his pad. Almost as if telling Jace to shut up.

"You guys are no fun," he pouted. "What school do you go to? Are there hot girls?"

Jace being Jace, wanted Orion to at least snap at him. What can he do, he's bored.

"Just like your brother, eh-"

"He's toying with your brain," Orion deadpanned.

Whoa, finally...wait what? The statement made Jace laugh. "That's ridiculous, what do you mean?"

Orion stared at him. Jace waited for an answer, making fun of the fact that the kid thinks his brother has the upper hand. It had always been Jace.

"You're stupid," Orion mutters.

"Excuse me? Psh, I have an IQ of 120, what do you get?" He received no answer and Jace was getting irritated. "Orion, talk to me decently. Just this once. You're confusing me."

"I hear everything," Orion muttered incoherently, his voice raspier than someone who hasn't drunk water in three mornings. "He's caught you. You're too fúcking stupid and that's why he caught your oblivious shítass."

Jace never felt so confused. "Orion what--"

Orion scoffed, "That àsshole's good."

"Orion, you're too young to understand that my àsshole is the best. Ask your bro," Jace joked, laughing. Though the pit of his stomach stood there dead. He does not like it when other people knew about stuff that he didn't.

"Keep saying that until your stupid áss realizes shít," Orion spat, his stare burning holes in Jace's soul. Which was empty and just full of his ego. Jace realized the guy was holding his pencil as if to stab somebody, curling the thing with all five fingers as it harshly scraped over the thick drawing pad.

Jace braced himself to stand up to question more but the door opened up and here comes footprints of Victor Strauss.

"Rye," he said, acknowledging his brother. He then bent over to give Jace a kiss on the side of his neck. Jace was too dazed at Orion to respond. "Would you please eat your breakfast?"

"Only if everyone else is fúcking starving," Orion growled in an inhumane voice.

This guy has issues, Jace frowned.

"Rye, watch your attitude," Victor scolded.

"This is motherbítching shít," Orion spat in gritted teeth before stomping off to his room, threatening murder with his aura.

"Other than being illegitimate, what passes as his reason to hate my guts?" Jace commented, though serious.

"He's very intelligent, not a terrible person. He's just terrible to everyone else," replied Victor, sitting beside the curly-haired male.

Jace perked up at the mention of Orion being smart. His eyes narrowed, "Is he now?"

"Well," Victor shrugged. "Think of him as a serial killer who got himself on death row despite not killing anybody."

"....yet." Jace laughed and proceeded to push his tongue inside Victor's welcoming mouth.

Something is definitely wrong. And it's not the murderous brother.

the next day

Ford Residence

Jace barged in the door causing their four Dobermans to cause an enthusiastic ruckus in his arrival.

"Le king is hooooooome!" He announces in a never-ending tune,

"Jason, I'm still alive to your dismay! Just hung out with a frie...." he saw the increase of population in the house that made him stop his banter.

His mood changed in a snap of his fingers, seeing a familiar group of people in their living room. "Ohh... I've walked in the biggest Hetero Pride Convention."

His frown turned into a sarcastic smile seeing all Kappa Aegis Elites having a meeting.

"Where were you?" Asked Jason.

Jace shrugged licking his lips, "A friend... can I make some new ones right now...?"

"Jace, go do something productive or something." Says Jason, clearly irritated.

He pouted. "Why can't I join?"

"It's a meeting," Jason argued.

Kappa Aegis President, Vincent Levough, stated in his smooth and gentle voice, "Let him be, Jason. Jace may actually help us in our problem."

"He is the problem!" Jason whispered frustratingly thinking Jace wouldn't hear.

Jace squinted his eyes at the President. He has a history of seducing the ginger-haired face of perfection and masculinity, but the guy is the reincarnation of Albus Dumbledore and nothing could get through Vincent. Vincent Levough is a responsible and caring Fraternity President with hair flat and reaching the back of his neck, brown eyes, and a smile so dreamy it makes everyone respect him. The guy is wearing a more casual white hoodie and white shorts rather than his usually all-white formal suit.

"Ohh~? I can~?" Jason rolled his eyes at his twin's usual malicious tone indicating he was up to something.

"No he can't Pres, he's already the problem... it's insane!" Jason sputtered through gritted teeth.

"What's insane?" The Fraternity Treasurer Tyler Wyner intruded. "If you want to solve this mess, solve the mess.

Jace giggled at Tyler. Much like Vincent, he has seriousness in his face but also has that charm of kindness despite being stiff and formal. The guy has blonde hair and a tan, since he is a quarter Indian although more Italian-American. Attractive overall with almost perfect grades. Summa Cum Laude among the Carvalle College Institute.

The socio's eyes landed on a skinny but lean Vice President Kenji de Vega, whose freckly face blushed at the eye contact.

"We need your views on this matter, Jace..." Tyler stated seriously.

"Only if you have cutesy Vice there as my payment," Jace said, licking his lips.

Kenji reacted by leaning into Vincent in fear. The kid was a year under Jace, and is the definition of social anxiety. He stands out from all of them because he always wears casual jackets instead of Vincent's and Tyler's suits. He has short brown hair with an undercut and some bangs to cover his awkward eyes. His green eyes are the definition of a shy gem.

"You're scaring the kid," Tyler chuckled with lighthearted humor. Vincent rubbed Kenji's head in response as Jace rolled his eyes and laughed.

Why was he Vice again?

The Elites also consist of Jason as a secretary, which has already been introduced, but also...

"We want to ask you about Victor, Jace. He has been.... acting extra avoidant lately." Says Vincent, the others going quiet.

Of course, I forgot that guy is the Ace. Jace kept a straight face but can hardly contain a smirk. Victor Strauss, the Ace of Kappa Aegis Fraternity.

The Ace is something not all fraternities have. In fact, Kappa Aegis is the only fraternity to have an Ace. The Ace is the Elites' trump card or the face of the group. This further proves that Victor has a higher value than what Jace expects.

"What about Mr. Void-of-emotion?" Asks Jace nonchalantly as he made his way into the kitchen, his voice fading. He wants to hide the fact that his cóck had been twitching at the mention of Victor.

"You've been hanging out with him for the past few days, Jace," says Tyler. "And... we think it's unhealthy."

"I just went there like twice, what are you talking about?" Said Jace, chewing.

"We were talking about Victor, dumbass," Jason stated. "He's acting strange and you hang out with him too much!"

Jace found it amusing that his brother was being on edge. What's his problem? I'd be honored if it's me.

"Sec, relax..." Tyler coaxed Jason to calm down. "Jace, all we're saying is... you've been hanging out with our most mysterious member and--"

"Pfft, and that gives me the privilege to know what he's thinking about?" After pulling out a cold apple (he loves refrigerated fruit) Jace slammed the fridge door with an evident smirk. "The guy barely talks unless I almost die."

"Can you talk to him at least? If you can't avoid him, then tell him off." Jason suggested with gritted teeth, clearly enraged. Jace saw this amusing.

"Why do I need to tell him off?" I like his company...

"Ju—!" Jason breathed, "Stay away from him. Or tell the bás—I mean, tell him to come to talk to us."

He leaned into the counter, "What do I gain from it?" If only they knew...

Jason as usual was growing tired of his brother's cheeky nature.

"What do you want, then?" Vincent proposed.

Jace did nothing but wink at Kenji, the cute cinnamon roll, but he squirmed and hid further into Vincent. Kenji was gay, Jace knew about his crush on the President. He just wanted to tease the poor guy.

Vincent chuckled at this. Tyler the Treasurer stood up and shoved his hands down his pocket, Jace couldn't help but raise his eyebrows at the sexy action.

"Jace..." Says Tyler. "I see you've gone close with Victor. Even we noticed how his mood changes when Jason mentions you. He's a great frat brother, he's the face of Kappa Aegis. But lately..."

Jace, known for always wanting attention, didn't understand how he's heating up at the mention of Victor changing whenever he's mentioned, something that rarely happens. He turned around and cheekily said, "Wow, big brother talks so highly with me behind my back... I hope he's endorsing my ass..."

Jason grumbled at this but Jace laughed and took a bite of his apple, "What'd ya need him for?"

Jason became uneasy because Jace is literally the center of the problem and he wasn't sure how this socio is gonna handle shít. "Ugh... something. Important. We can't proceed without his vote, because we're an even number."

"Liar, you never look at me when telling a lie. Aww come on, tell me!" Jace whined and pouted. If he was to leech onto Victor again, he needed to know why.

Jason went to flip him off but Vincent held him back and answered, "He's leaving Kappa."

A tiny batch of chewed apples got lodged in Jace's throat. Kappa is nothing without Victor Strauss. Victor Strauss is nothing without that fraternity. He worked so hard to be initiated in that fraternity. Vincent recognized his perseverance and made him an Elite. And the guy is throwing that away?

Jace tried to act unaffected. He was deeply shocked at how unpredictable that guy is. "So? He might be busy, he's the School Body President, duh! Give him space."

Jace is amused at the turn of events but also quite intrigued. People kill to be in Kappa. He remembers Jason telling him about Victor's initiation when he was a second-year... it made him break up with his girlfriend since middle school harshly in public. Now he's giving all of that up?

"He's leaving Kappa because of you. And what pisses Jason off is the reason why Victor joined us in the first place." Tyler spoke up. Jace turned around to face them. "It's you, Jace."

He heard Jason muttering, "Bastard..." And he had a feeling it wasn't for him.

"Ken," Tyler called out before the 5"7 boy stood and walked towards the counter with a folder, putting it on the marble table and opening it.

Jace dropped the apple, the cold fruit bouncing from porcelain tiles and out of his vision.

"We need you to confront him about that. We don't want him leaving, but we also don't want Jason to kill Victor for that. You're the center of the issue so well start fixing it through you. Talk to the Ace, Jace." Vincent started with a serious voice, neutral and stoic.

In the file, there were internet histories of Jace's social media, dating all the way back to his middle school. His official school record, a photocopy of his birth certificate, stolen pictures.... even way before he knew Victor.

Even his fúcking diagnosis letter about his sociopathy and bipolar disorder.

And the worst of all, a picture of Jace and Sir Calvin on the teacher's desk through the glass door. And a scribbled note attached to it with a paper clip saying, Calvin talks about Jace to himself in the faculty room when he's alone. Followed.

Victor was monitoring Sir Calvin and eventually led to his witnessing. This was his evidence against the teacher in case Jace broke their deal.

Flipping onto the last page was writing by a black marker that read, 10-02-XX And below it was a stolen picture of Jace in the Cafe laughing, a red X over it. The bastard marked the day they fúcked as if it was an accomplishment.

"How the fuck are you gonna explain that to me, Jace? I thought we agreed no seducing one of us? And it had to be him! He's a damn stalker!" Jason ranted, however, Jace ignored him.

Jace was neutral. Firstly, he was impressed Victor took interest in him way before. Secondly, he was furious because he didn't know all this. Thirdly, there's a possibility he might murder him for playing the player.

Nobody plays with the game master. Nobody operates behind the camera. The game master and the camera was Jace, and he was so furious his ears went red.

"Jason's not allowed to kill him because I will," Jace muttered before storming over to the coat rack and putting on his jacket and some Ray Bans.

"Couldn't you wait until school?" Jason frustratingly said.

"Oh dear brother," cooed Jace, grabbing his keys. "Murder requires planning and if I confront him now, they'll find the body because of my sloppy kill. I'm heading over to Jax's."

"Bring Victor back alive, Jacey. Kappa still needs him." Said Tyler, which Jason snapped, "No we don't."

"We need to talk this through," says Vincent.

"Well I need a psychiatrist and we know how useless that is, I’ll fúck the Doctor too!" Jace stormed out, clearly not going to his best friend's house.

later on,


Victor has been...

Fúcking playing with me?!

Jace released a laugh. "No he isn't... nobody can play me. Not without me knowing..." He giggled, trying to convince himself.

The bastard can't do that...

He can't.


Shít. I fúcked with him more than once.

"SHÍT!" Jace slammed his hand angrily on the steering wheel of his idle car in the middle of the parking lot.

That was the thing in the bottom of his stomach. They had intercourse multiple times. That was outside of Jace's principles. Nobody had touched his body more than once. Even his free uber friend Jeremy only fúcked him once for a lifetime of free rides.

How did he forget? How did he not notice? Chugging another mini bottle of 35% alcohol, Jace threw the empty thing at the back along with its 5 other empty siblings.

Jace didn't know what to feel. Was he impressed that Victor managed to steer him? Was he infuriated that Victor managed to do that? Or was he stupid enough to let the little shít manipulate him into not even realizing he had a one-fúck virtue?

Fúck no, I'm not stupid. Jace chuckled. He couldn't admit that it was his fault. All his cells and ego would be destroyed if it was his fault. And the worst thing is Orion, Victor's brother and someone Jace believed to be inferior to him, noticed.

Victor is his brother, he reads through the guy. But Jace can read strangers, how come he can't read Victor? Simple, really. The guy is a psychopath. No emotions, no empathy, even more manipulative, sadistic with his lack of remorse. Though not all psychopaths are serial killers, Victor Strauss can very well be one with how his brain works.

He can almost laugh at their delicious brutal fúcking, before slamming his head back and forth between the car seats and the wheel. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!"

He doesn't even know who's stupid. It's not Victor because he's intelligent enough to trick him, it's not Orion because the kid is intelligent enough to see through what Jace couldn't so...

Nope, Jace is not calling himself stupid. Though he clearly is.

His phone rang, and the intoxicated Jace could barely press answer, his vision spinning from tiny concussions and the alcohol.

"Speak! Or dare ye lose yer díck..." He slurred, opening another bottle.

“You didn't answer my text. I'm at the parking lot. What car did you use?”

"I literally downed 5 mini bottles--30% spilled in my shirt, and you expect me to know how to fúcking read?" Jace laughed, "I'm using the....the uhm..."

Okay, what car is this again? "The one with the big ass."

“I'm here.” Jax appeared in the passenger's side window and he ended the call.

"It would be more fun if we talked on the phone while being two feet away," the drunken guy giggled.

Jax opened the door and slipped inside, dumping a plastic bag full of chips in the middle.

"Really Jace? A hissy fit because the president seduced you?"

Jace leaned closer into his best friend, eyebrows furrowed. "I seduced him. He...played with me."

"By doing what?" asked Jax.

Jace kept his eyes on his best friend before sipping a mouthful of the bottle loudly and unnecessarily. Jax rolled his eyes and snatched the bottle away, making Jace whine.

"It's unlike you to get drunk of a guy that destroyed your agenda."

"It's most definitely likely me, Jackson."

"Shut up," Jax grumbled, blushing at the name. Not cute flustered, he's embarrassed over that name. "The guy didn't do anything wrong."

"Are you saying it's my fault?" Jace slurred. Jax pursed his lips because he knows a tantrum is coming. Jace does not want to be proved wrong.

"VICTOR STALKED ME PLAYED ME INTO THINKING THAT I WANT MORE, and I never want more!" The tanned curl sulked. "I'm supposed to be the ultimate gamemaster! Why is he playing me?! How come I never noticed it?! How did he even do it?!"

Jax didn't answer and instead proceeded to eat some onion chips.

"I swear Jax--" The curly brunette slammed his head on the wheel and it stayed there.

"You have to give props to Victor," Jax commented, enjoying his onion rings. "He basically stalked you for the whole school year. He found dirt on you. He rejected you, making you want him more. When he gave in, he made you stay and want more."

"Yi-ur puh-oint?"

"That's like you, on the extreme."

Jace lifted his head, "I don't make copies of medical and birth certificates of the people I'm trying to seduce, Jax!"

"That's why he's better than you." Jax shrugged, knowing the sentence will trigger another tantrum.

As predicted, Jace's aura darkened. "And now you are wondering why I'm trying to poison myself with alcohol?"

"There we go..." Jax sighed, watching the sociopath shake in his seat.

Suddenly, Jace jumped on Jax, his knee in between Jax's thighs and his back grazing over the roof in an attempt to intimidate him.

"Nobody's better than me when it comes to this shít. No one," the guy growled before his hand crept down to his best friend's crotch. "Want me to prove it Jax? I've always wanted to see-"

"Am I interrupting something?"

Jace cursed. He knows that voice everywhere. The voice of an emotionless psychopath who dared rivaled his intelligence.

Jax, who was all too calm despite being threatened by his drunk of a bestie raised his eyebrows in amusement. Jace dumped his ass in his seat, Victor bent over his window. In anger, Jace shot his fist out the window but Victor caught his wrist before it hit him.

"I was in the middle of ráping my best friend, Strauss." He growled. Victor looked up to Jax who is quietly chewing his onion rings.

"Nope, he wouldn't," said Jax.

"I will," Jace snapped.

"You won't."

"Fúck you."

"You still won't do that."

Jace huffed in the wheel like a defeated brat. "What do you want, díckface?" He spat to the tall male outside his car.

"To talk to you alone."

"Why the hell would I do that." Jace pointed to his face, "I'm drunk, do you think I am in the position to talk?"

Jax spoke up, "Don't worry, he is. He can remember and doesn't get a hangover. High alcohol tolerance."

"Shut up, freckled Jesus..." Jace grumbled, glaring at Jax before snapping his head to Victor. "He lies."

Victor gave him a look, much like a smirk except his mouth is not posing. "Vincent sent me to talk to you."

At that, Jax opened a compartment and pulled out a couple of bucks before hopping out of the vehicle. "Taxi. This is out of my power, good luck Jace, I love you!"

"Treacherous bastard, yer díck shalt be crush with--! Something hard....stone!" Jace yelled over his friend of wisdom and responsibility. Jace sighed and stared blankly at Victor.

"Move over," the tall man said.

"Why the fu--"

"I'm taking you home and you are in no state to drive."

"I'm perfectly capable of driving! Just.... lazy..." Jace grumbled as he pushed himself to the passenger's seat, his back half leaning into the car door and half on the seat. His legs sprawled lazily in the place that it landed.

Victor entered, and started the car, taking it out of its parking spot.

"You're so full of shít, Victor." Jace slurred, his hands going all over to reenact his words. "Stalking me, really? Is this some type of "in your face" to show me how....?"

Jace cursed. He can't even hypothetically say Victor is better. He refuses to admit it. He is superior among looks and charm.

Victor scoffed but didn't say anything. Jace glared at him with looks that could kill, asking, "How long have you.... done this....?"

"Ever since I joined Kappa."

Jace laughed. "I heard. But that's all shít, isn't it? You joined when you were a freshman. Four years ago. Stop bullshítting me, Vic..."

"You know you've always gotten in trouble in middle school, right? As the class representative, I always have to drag your áss to the office because you exchanged white markers with permanent marker and draw a díck in the whiteboard."

As usual, Victor was straightforward in answering. It helps that the one he's confessing to is intoxicated, though Jax confirmed Jace has clear memory.

Jace laughed, kicking Victor in the thighs. "I remember that! Holy shít, you should've seen the teacher's face! That's for not teaching us séx ed!"

"I've fallen in love with Jace Ford." Victor blurted out, and all humor was lost in Jace. "There was something in you that... I wished for myself."

Jace's drunken face fell serious at the comment. He couldn't properly process the word "love".

"When I got out of middle school, with you a year under me, and left, I decided I was going to get closer to you. The stalking started from there. I was good friends with another president--this time the president of a fraternity, third-year Justin Levough. You know him as Vincent's older brother, and Vincent wasn't president until his 3rd year. Justin wants me to join, knowing that I will be running for president the next year. I declined. Do you want to know what it took to get me to join?"

Jace wasn't stupid. He knew, pieced stuff altogether. Yet he stayed quiet, letting the man speak.

"I heard that a Jason is going to join Justin's fraternity when he gets into high school. They were best friends after all. So I joined the fraternity... as an Ace. Justin wants me to take a position, but I didn't have time to take up the responsibilities of a secretary or a treasurer.

One year later, both you and Jason entered high school. I was so excited, it surprised me because... it was one strange feeling I encountered after longing and desire. I wanted you so bad. Jason joined Kappa as promised, only as a regular member. He didn't become an Elite until Vincent became president.

My decision of joining was...perfect. You visited Kappa's house very often because of your twin. I get to watch you... even from afar. I... did not dare to approach you. Besides, your reputation was something a date wouldn't last. I had to do something else."

It was all clear now. Jace finished for him, leaning into the blue-eyed glasses freak.

"You blackmailed me so I would think that sèx will fix everything. You blackmailed me to keep me from fúcking others. You rejected me so I would be frustrated and desperate enough to beg you for it. You excited me enough and made me think I finally got what I want.... enough to make me have sèx with you multiple times. You... made me feel like I wasn't..."

"...Jace Ford." Victor finished.

The car stopped, they had arrived at the Ford residence. A multi-million dollar modern mansion with an area of 315 square meters. As expected from their mother, the elite socialite who owned the world's largest and most exclusive private club for other elites. She got most of the money from the divorce plus her children and used her influence, beauty, and charm to create havens for the rich all around the world. Jason took after her attitude of being responsible to handle everything business and personal, Jace inherited her charisma and personality.

But Jace knew the truth about Victor after doing some background research. There was no use flaunting his wealth to Victor Strauss. The guy is more powerful than the Fords. His grandfather, the same one who mistreated Orion, was a ruthless German mobster who had control of almost all of Europe, especially Russia. That is why Victor's brat of a mother got forced to marry another Russian monster's son, so the Strauss family can claim their resources when an heir was born.

Conclusion? Victor is an heir of a German and Russian Mafia. Being the only legitimate descendant of Schliemann Strauss, his grandfather. Right at this moment, Victor owns billions.

The said Mafia prince hoisted Jace over his shoulder like a sack to carry him from car to house.

"I can walk you know," Jace mumbled against his back, though staying limp.

"I don't want to waste half an hour drying to guide a drunk to the door."

"Fuck you, Strauss."

"Again?" Victor responded. Jace can feel himself get aroused by the flat-toned but suggestive comment. He was truly defeating his virtue. Jace wanted him more than ever.

After fiddling with Jace's car keys, he swiped the card over the door's "lock" and it opened to the recognition. Despite their door frame being 7 feet, Victor had to duck because Jace on his back is not actually skinny and will get hit.

"Ford?" Victor called out, his deep voice echoing around the house calling for Jason. That voice grunting when my tongue moves is so hot... Jace wants to slap himself.

"The bítch is not home, he's got Kappa," said Jace.

"Is it always like this?" Victor asked as he stepped into the living room with the fake fire being displayed on a flat-screen. Jace didn't really share anything about his household other than his dad cheating.

"He comes home to make me breakfast."

"And you can't?"

Jace chuckled, "Why do something when other people can do it for you?"

Victor dumped his ass on the sofa. Hazel brown eyes stared at Victor's oceanic ones. Jace wasn't wearing blue contacts. The glasses-wearing school President sat on his ankles to be on the level with Jace. He used his hand to push the curly bangs to the back. Jace's eyes were clearly intoxicated, but they held desire in them.

"You're dangerous," Jace whispered, but enough for the other party to hear.

"Hmm," the hand on Jace's hair slid down to his jaw, caressing the defined feature as fingers grazed his neck.

"What am I supposed to feel?" Jace stated in that husky voice that all genders ejaculate to, yet this time it wasn't on purpose. "You're dangerous."

Victor pulled Jace towards him as he bent forwards, connecting their foreheads together. "You are mine, Vitya."

Shít, Victor with an accent made Jace fully hard but thankfully his arms were draped over his crotch. He can feel the man's breath against his, and it was like an aphrodisiac to him. Praise the guy who manipulated a manipulator into wanting him to the point of destroying everything he believed in.

"I don't belong to anybody," Jace breathed out, heart racing.

"I'm not just anybody. You begged for me to fúcked you," Victor growled, pulling his curls back so he can nibble on Jace's earlobe and jaw.

"Because you wouldn't let me fúck anybody else..."

Victor pulled away, "But whose move was it?"

Shít, Jace cursed once again, this time his inner voice sounded like he just encountered an ejaculation. Fúck it. Fúck it. Fúck everything right now, I want this damn man.

"Can I confess something?" Jace's slender hands crept up to Victor's neat raven undercut.

Victor hummed in response.

"I can't lie to myself, does that make me mentally weak or mentally superior to myself?" Jace threw his arms around Victor and used his open legs to encase the president in his hold. "It's so fúcking hot that you wrapped me around your finger that much. Such perseverance...such intuition..."

Victor growled as Jace started grinding on him.

"I never knew being emotionally and mentally dominated like this by discount Clark Kent could be so fúcking hot..." Jace devoured Victor's mouth hungrily, and he fed him the lust he craved for. In the midst of making out, Jace pulled Victor's short hair back.

"I think you earned my áss. Congratulations, psychopath. Here's the deal," Jace giggled with a raspiness in his sexy throat, his hardness coaxing Victor's own. He didn't stop grinding.

"The moment I get tired of you, or you get tired of me....no secrets, no cheating, we're done."

The curly-haired Ford gripped Victor's hard jaw, with stubles from not shaving a couple of days.

"Got it?"

"It's legally rápe if I fúck you while intoxicated," Victor deadpanned. Jace stared at his lips before licking his own.

"Nothing happened if nobody saw it," he whispered, cold and alcoholic breath hovering over Victor's. "And... that’s kind of... a kink of mine..."

The deal was sealed. Jace had committed himself, though for better or force worse. Two terrible ingredients create a delicious cocktail meant as poison. Victor was so dangerous, thankfully Jace was impulsive so the word does not scare him.

later on, 


A strained moan came out from a drunken Jace Ford as his hips convulsed to the sensation of being rubbed out.

For some reason, he ended up in this King-sized bed feeling only two of the eight pillows he had on his head. Everything was a blur, but the only clear thing in his mind was his fingers trying to pull out Victor's hair by the roots because by damn, his tongue was good.

To say that the rough and wet appendage explored Jace's còck was an understatement; Victor Strauss is claiming it as his own. Jace had never seen such skill before and he's been with most recommended thots in school. This damn Mafia nerd knows how to blow.

"Vic... Vic...!" Jace gasped, and his breath intensified when he felt the cold slime of the clear lube from balls to crack. Victor traced his hole with a finger, before prodding in.

"Oh yes, oh fúck yes Vic... " Jace groaned, thrusting inside Victor's mouth. The amount of swear words increased when Victor started massaging his prostate. Prostate massages are the best, no questions asked.

The mind-blowing oral séx went on for quite some time until Jace's moaning went a pitch higher, he was close to a blissful climax. This was when Victor stopped, making Jace whine.

"Viiiiiiiiiiic!" He droned on, grinding his hips. "I really want to cu-"

Victor had pushed himself inside the selfish bastard and he cried out for the heavens. His pace gradually increased, hands holding on to Jace's ankles as the latter had a firm grip on the bedsheets.

"Am I still Wal-mart Clark Kent?" Victor grunted, smirking. Jace laid his eyes on the obnoxious smile that was shadowed because of the glowing light bulb behind his head.

"No... oh, fuck... definitely... definitely Gucci Peter Parker..." Jace breathed out. It was because, without his glasses, Victor looked like a Greek God from chiseled facial features to a body that not even Jace can compete with. Well, in this case, he's a... German deity?

Jace hissed at him to go faster. Victor obeyed, only to give little pauses in between to frustrate Jace into just screaming, "Fúcking Peter Parker's aunt fúcks better than you, fúcking còcktease!"

Victor chuckled deeply and released one ankle while he held one leg close to his body. He bent over to engulf Jace's mouth for a moment. He pulled away, "You're caught in my web now... I'm not letting you go..."

"Fúck you, I don't do commitment..."

"You're committed to this díck," Victor's hips jabbed at a certain point and stretched out that perfect spot so well that Jace threw his head back. "Or we'll just stop from here---"

"Negotiable! Negotiable! Now... fúck my brains off, you psychopath."

That was the only command from Jace that Victor willingly complied with. They had fun for hours on end, with Jace whining about wanting to be the one to top Victor, but the guy didn't want this brat to dominate, so he shuts him up with a good 10 inch up his ass.



Victor came upstairs for the eighth time to wake a lazy curly bastard once again. He did manage to drag his ass to the kitchen three hours ago, made him some omelets, and they fúcked beside the omelets. For some reason, Jace crawled back into his bed upstairs.

"Ford," Victor poked him with a spatula. He had made lunch, breaded deep-fried tofu with sweet and sour sauce. "Ford."

"Ten more minutes."

"You've been saying that for the past 3 hours."

No response, a butt-naked Jace not even hidden in covers.

"Get up or no sex until you graduate."


Victor sighed, just as Jace began to snore. This brat. He stared at Jace's open mouth, squished by the pillow his head rested on. His lips vibrated with each snore, his hair messy and his arms all over the place. It was Victor's fault overall, he didn't let Jace rest with all the fun.

Why do I love this brat? Victor sighed once again, sitting on the bed with his back turned away from Jace.

His fingers hovered onto a contact in his phone.

Pres. Vincent (Kappa)

He pressed the call button. He hears the gentle and smooth voice of his fraternity's president over the line.

“Ace, I'm glad you called. Is your leave final?”

"Yes, but I called because of something else. The leave is a sub-topic. I called about Jace. I appreciate your concern, but he didn't come to me as planned. He got drunk and I had to track him."

“Is he safe?”

"Breakfast, and now lunch. I'm taking good care of him."

“Good. I'll inform Jason,” There was a long pause between them. “Have you changed your mind about leaving?”

"Jace is not the reason I am leaving, Vince." Victor's eyes glazed over Jace's drooling face before facing the other way. "So sending him after me was pointless."

“I see. May I ask the reason?”

"My grandfather calls me back to Germany. He's not gonna wait for graduation. I'm transferring after this semester."

“That's a waste, it's your last year. Why the rush?”

Victor remembered that Vincent is a Levough. Someone who should not know about his family affairs, given that the Levough and the Strauss had an irrefutable rivalry in Europe. It was one of the reasons the previous president Justin Levough recruited him to Kappa, to ease off the rivalry between families. Victor was the next to head the Strauss family after all.


“Ahh yes. I understand. Best of luck. You're still a part of Kappa, our brother. Even without your services here.”

"Thank you, President."

“No longer your president. You are the one reigning over Student Council.  So your job was good for this last semester... President Strauss.” Vincent ended the call there.

The bed shifted, and Victor needed not to turn around and worry about the eavesdropper.

"You're leaving." Says the monotoned voice of Jace Ford.

Victor faced him, "Not much of a secret."

"You're leaving me." Jace scowled.

"I thought you don't do commitments?"

"But I can't do you so that's a problem!" Jace argued and stood up, bouncing from the bed and snatching a bathrobe from his dresser chair.

He wants me to stay. Victor scoffed at the conclusion. Before Jace could get to the door, he snatched the boy's wrist and pinned him to the painted mahogany.

"When you graduate, I'm taking you with me."

"You mean to Germany?" Jace pulled his wrist off of Victor's grip, "That... that... "

"Because you belong to me, Ford..." His grip tightened. "You're mine. And I could take you with me now after the semester... but I care about your education."

Jace wasn't sure about that idea. He thinks it's ridiculous, but it wasn't bad. "What about college?" He reasoned.

Bullcrap, Jace didn't even want to go to college. His mother's money could last them until their great-grandchildren. Well, if he marries a girl and Jason isn't gay.

Victor grunted in response. "Private online courses. I won't let you out of my sight, you got that?"

Being the Almighty superior sociopath he is, Jace would be afraid of this scary dominance. But the little kitten in him finds Victor's possessiveness hot. He wasn't sure of it.

"You have until one and a half years to decide whether you go willingly or not. Either way, you're still mine."

"You're so hot when you're in control and I hate you because of that."

one week later

Carvalle Cafeteria


You are nuts!

Seen 11:03

The best one in the garden, handpicked by Michael Angelo himself!💕

Seen 11:07

What did your brother say?!

Seen 11: 07

Fuck him! What matters is what dear mother said.

Seen 11:08


Seen 11:10

She treated it like a blessing from heaven... she looked like Jesus’ buttcrack descended from the sky, the woman. She was so happy about me finally being committed.


BUT IT'S NOT COMMITMENT. It's not every time you get to live in Germany with an all-you-can-fúck big ass rich díck. I'm seizing the opportunity. Think of him as a sugar daddy.


But the bastard won't bottom so I'm pissed. I swear I'm gonna have to fúck his little brother if he won't let me stick mine up in a hole.... that's not his mouth...

Seen 11:23

Why do I talk to you? 😑

Seen 11:23

We’re texting not talking.


The phone went idle for a second, so Jace exited the messaging and set it on his table. Minutes later, it dinged.

Do you love him?

Seen 11:35

Jace pulled his head back in disbelief, before shrugging. He set the phone on the table and gave the jocks a fake smile as they try to get him into small talk while eating. He didn't reply to Jax nor did he touch the food.

Do I love him? He really felt something strong for him. He even agreed to be sent to Germany. Well, it's only because he forced me to.

But he agreed. The conflict in his mind frustrated him to the point of wanting a good fúck. Here goes Jace Ford again.

When the bell rang,  he received another text. The same question.

Do you love him?

Seen 1:01

Jace couldn't answer that. He's not capable of feeling that. He's a narcissistic sociopath. But it is possible to feel the desire of being with Victor. He wants to stay with him. The raging emotions that play out, the way Victor calms his sexual frustration and keeps his narcissism at bay, hell, Victor is the only one he excuses to be much better at him. And that says something because he is Jace Ford.

Jace didn't answer. Instead, he skipped the first period of the afternoon to think in the empty gymnasium. He smiled to himself, why does he make me feel like this... such corny shít.

The ball bounced from the floor to his hand, Jace efficiently shooting it in the hoop. Even with his uncomfortable uniform and vest, it didn't mask his skill. This was for distraction.

I'm going crazy.

Another shoot from 10 feet away.

No, he smiled. Victor's crazy.

He dribbled the ball against an invisible opponent.

I'm just tolerating it.

He hears the gym doors open. Jace didn't bother turning around and crouched, jumping to throw the ball only this time it bounced off the ring.

"Hi, Jace."

Turning around, he spots Kimberly. "Kimmy..." He smiled, licking his lips.

"I... saw you coming in here. It's been a few of days since you..."

Jace cursed in his head. Just two days ago he promised a good time with Kim, only to be taken to the faculty office by Victor and fucked.

Jace took her hand and kissed the back of it, offering her an award-winning smile he'd been known for.

"Forgive me, such beauty tolerates an unfaithful one like me...?"

Kim giggled, "Oh please." She wrapped her arms around Jace and pushed her C-sized títs onto him. "You can make up for it, right...?"

Jace wasn't turned on, and his eyebrows twitched at this. Kim was smoking hot and his emotions are at the same level as seeing a car crash in the streets with a kid as a victim; neutral.

Jace lifted her jaw with a finger, making her look in his alluring icy blues. "You are among the most beautiful women I've ever seen..."

A typical compliment to give them a natural blush. If only her fluster was as evident as her artificial blush.

"Cutting classes, I see."

Kim squealed and pushed Jace off of her, Jace scowling at the man interrupted, unable to differentiate between being grateful that he did interrupt or being irritated that he won't get a hole to fúck.

"Get to class," Tyler Wyner signaled to the doors, and almost immediately Kim scurried to exit the building. Jace didn't move, just stared at the two embodiment of student authority, Tyler and Vincent Levough.

Vincent instructed something to his treasurer before Tyler exited as well. Jace sighed in frustration and picked up a ball.

"Want to talk about it?"

"We have nothing to talk about." Jace threw the ball to him in a slick direction, only for Vincent to catch it and prevent it from hitting his chest. Jace smirked, "Unless you want to fúck, Vincey..."

"I don't play," Vincent bounced the ball on the floor, "...basketball."

"You were a player."

Vincent threw the ball back, "Sentimental reasons."

Jace turned around and shot the ball into the hoop, "Then leave."

"You're cutting classes, I can't leave you here. Which makes me think... Jace Ford never skips class because it's where people oggle you all the time. To get away from the attention is... not you."

"Maybe that's why your hair is so big, it's full of intuition," Jace sneered at Vincent's light ginger flat hair. The guy wore so much white it blinds him.

However, Vincent ignored the question. "How do you feel about Victor?"

"He's not your Ace anymore, so why the concern?"

"Just because he's not officiating Kappa, doesn't mean he's not one of us." Vincent smiled, "Once a Kappa, always a Kappa."

"You and your damn Fraternity."

"So? How does our resident "everybody loves me but I don't have to care about them" prince feel about Victor Strauss?"

Jace stared at him. Vincent can keep secrets, no doubt about that. But is it even a secret when Jace won't even admit it to himself?

"I feel like Victor is the only one you won't get tired of," Vincent stated when Jace got too quiet. "He balances you out, keeps you grounded... but not really controlling you. He loves you, you already know that."


"You're troubled because he's leaving. You're troubled because you want to go with him. You're troubled because you can't admit to yourself that you fell in love. While it is true that people with sociopathic disorders can't feel love..." Vincent placed a hand on Jace, "It doesn't mean you don't deserve it."

"Fúck," Jace spat, sprinting off the gymnasium leaving Vincent behind.

Vincent stepped off the building, watching Jace rush off. He took off his white jacket leaving only his white v-neck, grinning at the sky. "Reminds me so much of myself, right X?"

not so much later,

Carvalle Student Officer's Library

"Just send this to the Guidance Councilor,  she should lift the suspension on Grace Withers, tell her the term is over," Victor instructed to his Vice President.

"Okay Pres," the girl took the form and exited the room, Victor turned to the monthly garbage recycling report.

A class representative popped up. "Yo Pres, think you can--"

"I'm not letting your friends off cleaning duty, it's part of your punishment for vandalism," he scowled at the Rep.

The guy almost cowered at the pricing eyes behind those thick framed glasses.

"Move it, fúcktard!" Suddenly, the Rep was pushed aside and came in Jace Ford.

"Jace...?" Victor turned turned his seat around only to be straddled by the curly headed heartthrob. Jace buried his face in the crook of Victor's neck.

"You dummy! Fúcking nerd! Discount Clark Kent! Rules-junky!"

"I'll just... talk to you another time, Pres..." The Rep slowly stepped away, clearly weirded out. Jace hissed at him like a possessive cat.

"You came here to insult me?" Victor flat out deadpanned.

Jace pulled away, revealing moist tear-jerked eyes. "You're a dummy."

Victor sighed. "Ford-"

Jace shut him up with a kiss, his ego melting along with his heart. Jace devoured Victor like his own, he probably was too. Victor growled because this act of possessiveness from Jace was turning him on.

"I'm going with you. Take me with you! I don't want to wait until I graduate, I'm graduating in Germany because fúck American school systems!"

Victor leaned in until their nose touched. Jace smelled musk and floral radiating off of him. "What's the magic word?"


"Wrong." Victor pulled Jace's head back and started pampering his jaw, neck, collarbone, with kisses by untying his necktie and pulling the clothing aside.

"What... what the fúck do you want me to say...?" Jace whimpered.

Victor merely hummed in response, sucking a certain spot that made Jace's abdomen clench.

"Please daddy...?"

Victor scoffed, and Jace grew irritated at the ridicule. "Nope."

Jace's breathing pattern changed as he knew exactly what Victor wanted to hear. He pulled Victor tightly against him, wanting to feel more of his heat.

"I love you."

In a count of two minutes president Strauss had the library locked and has Jace Ford bent over his desk, his clothes open, a moaning mess.

His hands were tied behind his backwith his own necktie in order to punish him for trying to seduce Kimberly earlier. Victor was informed by Tyler. The lack of control drove Jace mad but also turned him on.

"Fúck it Victor, faster.... faster...!" Jace's moans increased in volume and had to bite his sleeve to muffle it.

Victor grunted, constantly muttering dirty things in German and sometimes swearing in Russian. Jace was fully his, and he's been holding back on this fantasy ever since middle school. Jace was finally his.

"Anngghh! Vic...!" Jace moaned out, Victor stretching and hitting past his prostate inducing a heavy dose of ecstasy for Jace.

Only the sound of skin against skin accompanied Jace's muffled cries as they grow closer to climax.

"Vic... Vic I love you... nngghh... I fúcking love you, got that homo?"

Victor grunted in amusement. "You fúck guys and give me that insult?"

Jace smiled despite being out of breath and his pre-cum oozing out. "I'm bi. We aren't gay but we aren't straight.... get your facts straight... even though our sexuality isn't..."

With a strained moan, Jace erupted in his and Victor's hand, his ejaculation all over the drawers.

"Fúck," Victor cussed once in English, releasing all of him inside Jace. He's gonna have a problem walking home with all that trying to seep outside.

Victor pulled out, and his sémen is already dripping out of that gorgeous hole. It was his along with Jace's other parts,  and now his heart.

Jace lay panting on the desk, and Victor pulled his hair back to lick the shell of his ear.

"I'm gonna be the master of the Strauss Mafia, that's why I was called to Germany. If you want to be with me, it's gonna be dangerous. So you stick with me at all times, no going out without me... once I take position, is that clear?"

Jace had a breath lodged in his throat. This young? His taking over a German-russian mob? Am I really going to risk myself with that kind of people?

Well sociopaths aren't keep on thinking about risks, and they sure are suckers for life full of troubles. Less boredom, Jace believed.

"I'm in for it no matter what, Vitya." Jace sounded so natural with saying that nickname that Victor sharply inhales, aroused. Oh, I am so gonna get fúcked too hard.
