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SS "Eternity" tells a story of what it's like loving someone so much, the time just stops.


Love is a nightmare...

"Al! Al! Baby, wake up!"

Time's up.

"Al, wake up!"

The distressed boy gasped big, heaps of air as he felt like he's been holding his breath all night. With his eyes flooding with tears, he stared at his boyfriend for a full minute, before hugging the shít out of him.

"Al? What's wrong?" Koe asks as Aldrich sobbed on his tan, muscular chest. Both of them were naked under the sheets from last night's affair.

"Why, what's wrong? Did I do something? Does your body hurt--"

"No, I'm okay," came Aldrich's muffled voice. "I had such a... a scary and bad nightmare... you just... left me... forever..."

Koe sighed once more, expecting this outburst every now and then. As usual consolation, he says, "Al, it's just a dream. I'd never leave you."

"Well, what if you do?" Al stubbornly hit him.

"I'd rather die than leave you."

"Do you love me?"

Koe replied, "What do I have to do to prove it to you?"

20 year old Aldrich Schliemann has been suffering intense nightmares for the past months. Going from monthly, to every week, to every other day, and now getting streaks from it. It has always been the same dream:

Aldrich waking up without Koe, going outside a door and finding no traces of him wherever. He'd wake up after he whispers, "He's not coming back..."

And despite keeping it in his mind that it's not real, a deep pit in his stomach sparks fear inside of him.

"Al," Koe whispers, kissing him in the lips once more. "Do you want me to prove that I love you?"

Aldrich didn't say anything but kiss him back, indicating that he really does crave Koe's touch.

Koe did more than that, since he used his lips to claim Al's body as his own, kissing and licking everywhere and showing his worship of this boy. He removed the duvet that covers both of them, and started pumping Al's half hard shaft. It came to life upon contact with Koe's skin, and Al pulled his head up to focus the kissing on their lips.

"Nggh..." Al moaned when Koe gently bit his lip. The pleasure coming from his díck isn't enough, he needs to have Koe inside of him. "Baby, please... make love to me..."

Koe didn't understand German, but he understood those specific words as it always arouses him when Al moans it out. Still showering the boy with kisses, Koe pulled out the lube from under the pillows and ignoring the packets of condoms, as he is only as loyal as a mated wolf to his Aldrich. He was his first, and his only.

Al pushed him down and gave Koe's hard díck a lick before coating it with lube. He fingers his own hole as his hand pumps on Koe's shaft, and his own hole is still as soft for the fúcking they had early on last night.

When Al moves up to line himself to Koe's member, he kisses him on the neck softly before muttering, "Please don't leave me..."

"Never," Koe groans, feeling Al lowering himself onto the very thick and hard rod of his in desperate need. "I'm always yours. I'll always be..."

"Forever?" Al winced as he still could not get used to this size of his. He moans in pain when he got half of it inside, and Koe tightens his hold on the boy who actually loves pain more than pleasure.

"For eternity," with that growl, Koe lifts his waist up to push himself deeper within Al and the boy let out a pained gasp at the movement.

Time seemed to stop all around them as Koe fulfilled his Al's painful desires by guiding his hips up and down his shaft. He evens out the pain and pleasure by rubbing his hand on Al's díck, and pulling the boy down to hush his moans with a tight kiss.

"Do you really love me?" Al asks him.

"Always did, still do," was the reply.

Al loses his mind over the overwhelming pleasure of friction and love, making his hips move on their own. Koe groans in satisfaction at this, finding Al an expert at pleasing himself with his own movements.

"Ahh... f-fúck! Koe!" Al didn't care about letting his voice out, for he can no longer control it. And by god, was it music to Koe's ears.

He can't help but flip their positions and have Al writhing in painful pleasures while Koe thrusted into him with the intent of hurting the boy.

"Ye--ahh, yes, right there! Right th-there, b-baby!"

Koe raised one of his leg up his shoulders, increasing the speed of his hips. Al's entrance felt numb but his insides are worshipping Koe's còck.

"Al, p...please don't cry..." Koe slowed down and reached over to erase the tear that dare slipped out of the masochist's eyes.

"I'm so scared..." Al whispers, his one leg pulling Koe's hips closer to his him deeper. "I'm... ahh, I... don't want... you gone..."

Koe kissed his legs as a soft reassurance. "I'd rather die than leave you. You are my god."

Al let out a yelp when Koe abruptly pulled out and thrusted himself back in, the lube providing easy access for the sudden attack.

They made love for what seemed like forever.

Al couldn't feel oxygen enter and exit his lungs anymore as Koe plowed him from behind. "K...Koe...ohh! Y-you're gonna make me---!"

"Come on, Al..." Koe planted his lips on the boy's neck, mercilessly thrusting into him like a wolf in heat. "Cúm for me?"

"Nggh... I... I'm..." Al did climax, shooting his seed while rubbing himself at the speed of Koe's thrusts. But his lover didn't let him rest just yet, for he quickens his pace as an animalistic growl surfaced in his throat.

"Al... fúck Al, you feel so good...!" Al never felt this much pleasure as Koe pulls him to clash their waists together.

"Koe... Koe, cúm inside me, please..."

"Are y-you sure...?"

"I... I want to feel you inside..." More tears surfaced out but Koe wasn't able to see them, as all of it seeped into the pillows.

Koe worships his Al, so he complied by releasing his satisfaction all over Al's insides, claiming the body as their own.

When Koe pulled out breathless, he notices tiny sobs coming out from Aldrich. He laid on top of him, kissing every inch of his shoulder with loud, wet kisses.

"Did I do it too much?"


"Why are you crying?"

"Because I don't want to go to school."

Koe looks at the clock. 6:20am

"It's 6:20," he announces.

Al was troubled at that statement. Wasn't it...? But he chose not to think about it.

"Let's sleep in? I don't want to go to school," says Aldrich, wrapping his arms and legs around his big boyfriend like a sloth.

Koe has never denied his Al of anything he asks, so of course he obeyed, throwing the duvet back for warmth as they held each other for what seemed like, eternity.


Aldrich wakes up with the sun rising. Sitting up, he notices the room looking like a hurricane busted through it. He's shirtless in his pajamas, and his clothes are all around as if someone threw it around in rage.

Koe was nowhere to be found. "Koe? Koe!"

He checks the kitchen, finding no tanned boyfriend of his cooking a meal. Al's heart pounded in fear, and in his distress he knocks down a glass, breaking it. It was an hourglass, and its sands of time are all over the kitchen floor.

This is the nightmare. All over again.

"Koe!" He yells, "Koe!"

He checks all over the apartment, grabbing his hair in distress. I'm going to wake up. I have to wake up. I have to wake up--!

A knock was at his door. Relieved that it might be his boyfriend, Al wipes his tears and immediately ran down to answer it. He threw the door open.


That wasn't Koe. That was only Jaws.

"Koe? Aldrich, what drugs are you on? We agreed to meet with the others at 6 o'clock, and everyone's there but you. You slept in!"

"Oh..." Al became embarrassed. "Koe is already there, then?"

He checks the clock, 6:20pm.

"What do you mean? Dakota's been dead for three years."

"He's... never coming back?" Only this time, Aldrich didn't wake up. He'd rather live in the nightmare where Koe left him, than to live reality where he doesn't exist anymore.

An eternal dream he won't ever wake up from.



Jeez... Harsh reality that some people have to go through every day...

Vero Nica

I did not see that coming..it hurts. The reality, it hurts