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five years ago,

Two of the most powerful men in the world sit on a lounge sofa, circular with a table in the front housing their drinks. The best whiskey, the most expensive of glasses, the most finely milled of marijuana in front of the richest men in the world.

"Ahahahahaha, white is such a bad clothing color, one dirt and you'll look like you're smeared in shít!" A tipsy Járed Levough teased an all too serious Farlan Schliemann who  calmly lights his tobacco, glaring at the drunken Levough.

"Well, I'm not like you who is still careless dirtying clothes as if you're not 30 years old."

"Hey!" Járed took offence to that. "I'm not that old! I'm in my mid 20's, you fúcker."

"So you're immature then?" The early 30's Schliemann Master deadpans.

Járed wasn't able to answer because he threw his head up and laid back on the sofa, now staring at the ceiling.

Farlan disappointingly sighs at the Levough Master's antics, drinking another glass of whiskey. "Why do the Levough pass down the title too early..."

"Yeah... why..." Járed's fun and carefree voice suddenly disappeared and was replaced by seriousness. Farlan stares at him intently, watching the Levough look at the ceiling as if there was a scene of his memory projected into the air. "I... I could've had a childhood... I could've... been a teen if I wasn't an heir. I could've..."

Farlan took note of how the alcohol made his ears red, and possibly made his eyes water.

"I could've been a good brother and taken care of Keiji..." He whispers mindlessly to the air.

Farlan inhales deeply and looks away, not focused on rolling up Mary Jane. "You think you're not a good brother? You gave him everything he wanted."

"Exactly." Without moving his head, Járed looks at Farlan's direction. "My biggest regret... I should've known what was right and wrong... I should've said no..."

"But you couldn't... because you love him," Farlan leans back and looks at where Járed is already staring at him, waiting for their eyes to meet. "Sounds like a good big brother to me."

"I'm not," Járed's eyes were sad and miserable, but his smile grows as if he's mocking himself. He doesn't want to take anything seriously, but why does life have to antagonize him and remind him of its harshness? "Farlan... I'm killing my brother... I am causing his death..."

Járed's smile remains, but his throat is constricted and his red intoxicated eyes are dropping tears. Farlan doesn't know what to say, but then the Levough adds, "It's something you can't understand, is it? Love..."

"Love is for people who aren't strong enough to be on their own, independently," Farlan coldly cuts him off.

But, it made Járed laugh. "No, my friend... love is the most dangerous thing in the world, more dangerous than weapons. The same butterflies in your stomach..." Járed's hand points to Farlan's body, his smile remaining. "... is the same worms of insanity that destroys you, and those you love."

"Járed," Farlan smokes his cigar, not entertaining a topic he truly cannot understand. "So you love your brother so much... even Keiji doing that to you was acceptable?"

"Nah," Járed chuckles, still intoxicated. "I was older. I knew it was wrong... even at 18 and beyond, I couldn't say no to what my teen brother wanted. I was an adult, Farlan... yet I refused to... do what's right... because... my brother comes first."

"And if he dies?"

"He wants to die," Járed's happy eyes can't help but shed tears now. "I can't refuse..."

Farlan leans forward, elbows on his knees as he pours another glass. "Why can't you. That's not very powerful of the Levough Master."

"You don't understand," Járed whispers in the most heartbreaking yet forbidden, "I love him."

Farlan stares back at him, emotionless and seemingly uncaring for his drunken friend's dilemma. When Járed starts to groan and hit his head because of the alcohol in his system, the Schliemann sighs. "Alright, that's enough. You could've just refused the whiskey, Járed."

"Fúck off, I'm not a pússy..." Járed pushes him away when Farlan tries to retrieve the alcohol in his hands. The Levough did consume a lot more than he can handle. He usually just gets tipsy but because of what's happening to his brother, he let himself go.

"Járed you're not a child, stop being stubborn," Farlan rolls his eyes and stands up, seriously trying to take Járed's glass away. But, the playful Levough pulls it away and quickly consumes it, giving the Schliemann a shít eating grin.

Farlan is looming over him, glaring. But Járed's victorious rebellion was halted when he suddenly barfs out his stomach right in front of Farlan, whose expensive beige suit got stained. Speechless, Farlan stood there while Járed also sat shocked.

But then, "I told you white was a bad fashion choice..."


In a vacant suite similar to Miles Taylor's back then, the two Masters had to get changed and wash off one by one. Farlan stares at his own reflection while he dries his long and blonde hair, while Járed is singling Bon Jovi in the shower.

He really doesn't act like a Mafia boss at all. We're supposed to be part of the Unholy Trinity, not Choir boys. But, Járed is a tragic and complex man himself; one minute crying over his brother, the next minute trying to escape reality by dumb pranks and being generally annoying or childish.

Finally, Járed comes out shamelessly naked until he steals the towel Farlan is using to dry his hair, in order to cover himself. The Schliemann glares at him, who now prepares to brush his teeth with a bamboo toothbrush. "You could've just gotten your own towel, Levough."

"The more I walk, the more the world spins, the fúck am I gonna do?" Járed grumbles before aggressively brushing his own teeth, uncaring that his hair is dripping water all over the white rug they're on. This pissed Farlan off and gets a new towel to harass Járed's head with it, officially now a babysitter of a drunk Mafia Master.

"Owwwwww! Yu wanna de-cafi-thate me or som-fing?" Járed complains, but Farlan goes on. "Vring-ing ouf the ol' Ma-shia war-sh..."

Járed got annoyed so he spits out the bubbles and faces Farlan, "Cut it out, geez!"

"Oh good, now you can feel the exact annoyance I'm feeling right now," Farlan deadpans as Járed rinses, head still getting harshly towel dried. "How can you run the Levough being this way?"

Járed faces him, "Mafias are easy, just hire an accountant to count the bodies and bullets for you."

Farlan finally stopped, but he was still holding Járed's head. The Levough's undereyes were pink from the shower, open and staring only at Farlan. Because of Asian genes, Járed truly looks innocent and harmless when barefaced, but behind those eyes are full of love and undeniable lust for the wrong person. Járed isn't irresponsible or innocent, no matter how Farlan sees him to be.

"You have more," Farlan says, staring at a bubble on the corner of Járed's lips.


"You missed some stuff," Farlan's hand goes down to wipe the bubble off using his thumb, but his hands never left Járed's jaw. It hovered there, and Járed shifts his head confused that Farlan is still holding him. Then Járed's eyes widen because, maybe it's the alcohol or maybe he's irresponsible as well, the Schliemann Master suddenly leans in and surprises Járed with an impulsive kiss on the lips.

What? Járed froze on the spot.

What... Farlan finds himself wondering why he can't pull away. Is this what Járed is talking about, being unable to refuse? He cannot refuse the temptation.

But, "Mmf!" a confused Járed tried pulling away, but Farlan held both of his hands tight in between them so they are unable to push. Farlan however, managed to push Járed against the tabletop so he is trapped.

Unable to refuse. Or unable to accept a refusal

Their lips merged together, one party definitely not having a full grasp of what's going on. Farlan's one hand even comes in between Járed's thighs and runs across an inner thigh, feeling up his body. Even Járed moans because this act is familiar. This act is very familiar, though he was in Farlan's place. Taking advantage.

Járed was too drunk to think and too drunk to properly refuse, even. However, he impulsively attempts to punch the Schliemann Master who is unfortunately more stable than him.

Farlan caught the fist and used his skills in combat to spin Járed around, so they're both facing the mirror. But, the Levough is still trapped between the other male, and his reflection.

"When Keiji dies, what will you do?" Farlan distracted Járed with a question that stunned his already unstable brain.

With heavy breaths, Járed stares at both of their reflection, watching Farlan grab his jaw to stretch out his neck. He still doesn't know what's going on, but something sharp is piercing his neck. "Oh I see, you're going to... assassinate me... how cruel, Old friend..."

But, it was not a knife that is against his neck. It was an offer of affection by Farlan's canine, grazing upon the soft-scented neck. Járed's breath hítches, his body pressed against a man that may or may not be an ally anymore.

"Who do you belong to...?" Farlan asks as a whisper. Surely, a Master belongs to no one but himself, leaving him vulnerable for the taking, right?

However, when Járed mentioned, "... Keiji," Farlan had lost it.

present day,

"Guten Tag, monsieur!" Someone greets upon entry at the Schliemann Master's office.

Farlan had finally snapped out of his memories and turns his chair around, greeting a very important person and his heavily armed men.
"Shinji, welcome. First and foremost, you are not in Germany, my friend. Or France for that matter."

The very handsome Akiyoshi Shinji brightly smiles at him with charming dimples. "Well, you all look the same."

Farlan rolls his eyes, yet still smiles at the Shinji Master. Akiyoshi, or Kino Shinji is the youngest of the Unholy Trinity who rose to power years ago at only 16 years old. In comparison, Járed was 21 and Farlan inherited at 25. Kino Shinji is a fun-loving young 24 year old who is serious in the workplace, but an absolute idiot out of work. His untouched black hair shines and contrasts the pale theme of the room, his suit is a very dark maroon with a bright red necktie.

"I'm glad to see you here, Kino," the Schliemann greets his ally.

"What is it now? The Shabu-shabu? Tch, I'm not threatened by them, what are they gonna do, make Kim Jong Un bomb Japan?" Kino huffs while putting his feet up backrest of the couch he nonchalantly lays on.

"The Shabdkoshi is Indian, my friend... not Korean," Farlan patiently says, but before Kino can reply he adds, "And no, don't tell me they all look the same."

"I had an Indian girlfriend once, she looked like a Korean," Kino argues.

"She was Indonesian," Farlan deadpans, recalling the girl Kino introduced to him. This boy has a defective memory and can't even memorize the table of multiplications, so it's not surprising at all.

"Why are we talking about my ex girlfriends again?" Kino asks.

Farlan rolls his eyes, "Do you have any news about Járed Levough? Your cousin, Keiran is the father of the Levough's Master, correct?"

"Yeah, so? They disappeared, I don't even know if my cousin is alive," Kino answers, laying down and making himself feel at home. He truly doesn't act like a Master himself. "But I do think Járed is dead, though."

"Impossible. We have yet to find a body," Farlan rejects the idea.

"What body? We're in Mafias, our first rule is nobody finds the bodies! Or something like that, after we harvest the organs or something..." Kino mumbles to himself.

"Kino," Farlan seriously states, making Kino slightly awkward in his seat. "Járed Levough has a mutation. He cannot die."

"Oh?" Kino blinks and his eyebrow rises, his entire demeanor suddenly shifting into that of business. "Cannot die you say, Farlan. Well, what could you say about Keiji Levough's death?"

It was as if the Kino 10 seconds ago disappeared, and now he's bravely mocking the Schliemann Master. When Farlan didn't answer, Kino adds, "They die when they chose to, Farlan. Keiji Levough didn't want to live anymore, and he found a way to die. After Carvalle Detention Institutes was destroyed and the blueprint was taken away from the Levough, Járed had no other reason to live."

"He still cannot die."

"He's already dead!" Kino cackles out loud, even clapping his hands in amusement. Then, his tone turned into malicious mockery. "Oh, Farlan... deluding yourself, are we? What, even if he's still alive do you think he'll forgive you for what you did?"

"I didn't do anything to Járed," Farlan glares at him.

"Kissing against his will counts, Lord Farquaad!" Kino laughs out loud. "The fúck you doing assaulting a drunk?"

Farlan now regrets confiding in him. Out of everything Kino remembers, it had to be this.

Speaking of, "Wait, why did you attack Járed in the first place?"

Farlan rolls his eyes. "Nevermind that, I'll find him on my own. I want to talk to you about the Hein ro."

"Who's Heinz-o?" The Shinji Master snapped back to his less bearable idiotic personality and so is his clueless face.

"The Vietnamese Mafi-"

"Oh héll yeah, are we gonna bomb them?! Please do, I want to fúcking assassinate their bítch áss leader!"

"I want you to make amends."

"Bítch, now I want to assassinate you!"

later on that night,

Farlan finally gets to his own bedroom to rest after a whole day of business with a terrible Mafia Boss like Kino. He is to stay here for a week so his existence alone is gonna be a whole new workload for the Schliemann Master.

Upon settling and removing his vest and necktie, he hears the water running in the shower. Slowly entering the bathroom, Farlan plans to greet his lover, but was halted at the sight of Miles through the frosted glass, one hand against the wall to support his weight while subtly touching himself.

Hmm. Farlan enters, finally making his presence known. "Lisichka."

"Farlan...? Uhm...." Miles stops what he's doing and turns off the shower, hesitant and somewhat fearful of the Master. "Hi, how was work...?"

"Tiring. I got to meet the Shinji Master." But, Farlan merely goes to the shower door and offer Miles a fluffy towel which was left outside.

"Uhh... thank you," Miles nervously accepts and take it, patting himself dry before exiting. The Shinji? They're allies too? What the hell is the Shinji doing here... are they plotting against the Shabdkoshi...?

Farlan merely stares at this beautiful specimen who is hiding himself with a towel around the waist. Suddenly Miles' nerves spikes when Farlan gently leads him to the countertop with a grand sink and a beautiful mirror, now displaying Miles' back.

"Who do you belong to, Miles?" Farlan says with a happy, gentle smile that could melt anyone's heart had they not know that this was Schliemann's merciless Master.

"Uhm... yours, of course..." Miles does his best to not raise his intonation as if questioning.

Farlan sighs happily, "Good boy."

The Master then removes the towel and bends down to take Miles in his touch and gently suck in a way that made Miles grip onto his hair in pleasure.

You're mine, Farlan thinks, greedily devouring Miles whose feet is now on the edge of the counter. You're all mine...

"Unngg.... Far... lan...!" Miles breaths heavily, gasping because of his sensitivity. His back is now against the cold mirror, fogging it up slightly.

And if I can't have you,
then I'll have what you created,

Miles is now on his knees at the bed, wet hair dripping all over the place white Farlan grips it tight. The concubine cannot complained at the pain of being railed roughly, since he has a mutation that will heal any wounds. There is however, blood that managed to escape and drip onto the white sheets. But, the man whose entire existence is purified by white intentionally dirties it with water, blood, and their cúm.

He is furious. Meanwhile Miles is thinking, Is this my punishment? He is punishing me for kissing Misha? "Farlaaan! Far... la...lannn!"

Gone was the gentleman who ensured his pleasure above all; right now, Farlan is nothing but angry. Miles can hear it from his grunts and groans. Miles can feel his anger from head to díck. His prostate may be feeling good, but his body isn't.

"Farlan please slow do-oahn! Farlan please!" Miles moans out, even making himself a little more loose and fixing his position so it'll be less painful. But, Farlan did nothing but ignore his pleas. After all, he is the Master.

I can have anything I want, Farlan thinks, And if I want you, then I'll have you.

I will find you.

I don't care if you love Keiji.

"You're not meant to be, you're brothers!"

"And I can't do anything about that, Keiji needs me! He'll be alone without me!"

"Keiji will die soon."

"There is a chance he will survive the experiment. Him and Miles can co-exist and even meet each other..."

And so, after Miles was in recovery after a successful surgery five years ago, Farlan visited to see the amazing breakthrough. And once the Levough Master was out cold and drunk, Farlan himself took matters into his own powerful hands.

He poisoned the liquid that preserved Keiji Levough's exposed bone marrow.
Farlan Ivanovich Schliemann killed Keiji Levough.



we can never be happy huh ashley


oh my god that was a plot twist