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SS "Coming of Age" tells an explicit and disturbing story of a 17 year old boy's descent into madness after feeling sinful attraction to his own relative.

⚠️CONTENT WARNING: Non-con, Incest, Violence, Barely Legal, Age gap, and the lead is a dark humored homophobic brat. The authors do not promote or condone these themes, it is simply fiction. It is meant to be disturbing. Do not read if you are uncomfortable with these themes, and do not romanticize.

My Uncle Mitch is weird. Who, in their right male mind, willingly works at a day care? He's the only guy there and it's out of place. When I was 4, he was an apprentice at 17. I looked up to him; he was so gentle and soft, like a second mother. He's definitely the type children call Mom even if he's a guy, and they don't even call other teachers Mom.

"Jino, are you done? Wow, what incredible drawing! But uhm... surely you can give her more than three hairs?"

I wasn't listening. I was just staring at my Uncle, also my teacher, as he flashed those perfect teeth at me. I on the other hand, had multiple cavities and a tooth gap. How could Uncle have such a perfect smile?


"Jino!" I snapped out of it, remembering I'm now 17 and no longer a kid. My Uncle, now 30, only looks 5 years older than when he was my age now. He's holding my younger sister. "You're a little bit late."

I had a routine of picking up my year old sister from Day care. "I had... stuff to do."

This man decided that aging was not necessary. Well, my Dad also looks youthful aside from his Grey hairs, so I guess that's just chink blood. While I'm already 6'3 and 90kg because of my boxing activities, he's just 5'8 and I once carried him during a family get together when we had to play games, he's light as hell. He doesn't look 30, although I've heard Asian people don't look old easily. I'm half-asian, but I age along with my friends and none of us look like Uncle Mitch when he was 17. Hm... Asians.

Uncle Mitch smiles considerately, before turning to my sister and speaking in Chinese, "Good luck and always put on your seatbelt, okay little one?"

Oh, he's teaching her Chinese? How come I was never taught that? My Grandparents moved here in Australia when my Dad was 20, Uncle was 15, and my Grandma was pregnant with twins. With China's 3-child policy, they decided to move to Australia so they can keep the twins without paying the country extra. My Dad and my Uncle met Aussie women, married them, and I was born and raised here along with my sister.

My Uncle stayed childless in his 10 years of marriage with a good woman named Andrea. And tonight, I finally knew why.

When I was coming down for some snacks at 10pm when I overheard the hushed discussion of my Dad, Mom, and Uncle. At first they were speaking in chinese so I couldn't understand, until my Mom joined in so they had to speak in English. It was so hushed, so I leaned in and peeked into the living room, standing by the arch that lead to the room.

My eyes widen when I see Uncle Mitch hugging my Dad tightly and sobbing, my Mom rubbing his back gently. I can't see him, my Dad is 6'2, we're built the same. All I see is Uncle's arms around my Dad.

"I already told Andrea... she... kind of found my browser history..."

My mother says, "You can stay here in the meantime, Mitchel. I know a good lawyer to sort out the separation."

"Shh now, Mitchie... we accept you, it's okay. You're a grown man, that's your happiness."

"It's better than staying married and be miserable in the closet, I always say."

Closet? What the hell-

The family cat walked down the stairs and pass me; it was a huge Maine coon, so they noticed her entrance. Upon noticing her, they also saw me.

"Jino... You're awake!" My Mom calls out, surprised. Dad turns around, revealing a painfully distraught Uncle Mitch who's pressing the back of his hand against his nose, trying to cover the wet redness. After wiping himself clean with a handkerchief, he takes our cat onto his arms and cradled the fat thing.

"What's going on?" I ask. They then noticed my body; I was shirtless, wearing Grey tracks for bottoms, and my mother gasps upon seeing what's on my chest.

"You got a tattoo, now?! Again?!" My mom freaks, and I see Uncle Mitch laugh despite his depressed state. What's wrong with him, still smiling despite crying?

My dad crosses his arms and stares at me strictly. "You got another tattoo without our permission this time? You're underaged!"

I rolled my eyes and was about to sass them back when Uncle interrupts with a wide smile, cradling and bouncing our cat like a baby, "Relax you two, it's just a small one and it's below his collarbone so it won't stop him from getting jobs."

"Mitchel, were you the one who signed for him to get that tattoo?!" Dad exclaims.

I could not take my eyes away from my Uncle who had a wide, perfect, beautiful smile despite his skin getting stained with sad tears and redness.

"Aww, you know I can't say no to my little nephew," Uncle says to Dad, before winking at me.

I did ask him to go with me to the tattoo parlor, knowing he'll spoil me like I was his own kid. That's how he has been; I always want to take him shopping with us so whenever Dad refuses to get me something, Uncle will buy it for me. He's the one who even helped me dye my hair blonde. Uncle Mitch can't say no.

a week had passed,

and Uncle Mitch just fully moved into the guest room across my sister's room and nursery, since he offered to fully babysit her in exchange for letting him stay here. The court proceedings isn't until a month from now and my Aunt Andrea still gets the house, car, and everything else while they wait.

I couldn't look at my Uncle in the eye, not after finding out that he's gay. As in, full homosexual, into men, not liking girls, enough to divorce my Aunt who is a gorgeous model and TV endorser. Who the hell turns gay after marrying that kind of girl?! Aunt Andrea is hot.

I still can't understand why he suddenly turned that way. Bothered, I slam my fingers against the controller and making sure this Doom monster dies. But instead, I die from the obstacles.

"Fúck off, cúnt!" I throw the controller to my table, leaning onto my gaming chair stressed after dying for the fourth time this session.

I hear a knock from my door. It's probably my Mom. "Yeah?"

"Jino sweetie..." No, it wasn't my Mom. That's my Uncle's voice. Deep and masculine, but too gentle not to be called feminine. "I cooked dinner. Your sister's downstairs..."

"Nah, I'm good!" I yell, my heart racing because for some reason I still can't get over the fact that my Uncle is homo. That soft bítch works in a Day care because he's homo as fúck, I should've known.

Yeah, he was too soft. Too soft to be a real man.

"Oh... okay..." I hear the sadness, utter disappointment from his voice as I refuse 3 of his cooking again. "Can I at least come in and talk?"

What for? Why're you using that higher gentle voice for? Maybe that's how gays really sound. He still has a deep male voice, but his tone is gentle and soft. "I'm kind of busy, Uncle."

"Oh..." I can hear a softer, more disappointed and heartbreaking voice. "Okay, then. Please come out after you're busy. I... miss seeing you."

Fúck, what do you need- I end up hopping off my chair and running to the door, opening it. There, Uncle Mitch was about to leave until he faces me back. He was wearing a nude turtleneck with an apron, then glasses. He looks stupid, but he kind of looks like a pretty nerd. I look at him from top to bottom in a judgemental way.

"Jino!" His smile grew upon seeing me, and I was stuck again staring at those eyes and teeth. Why are they so perfect, is this how all gays are? "I'm glad to see you after... well, a week!"

I cannot look away. I should never had opened the door, I should've kept to myself. Now I just want to look at him forever. "What do you need, Uncle?" I say coldly.

"I'm... wondering if I did anything wrong? You kind of avoided me when I started moving in. Didn't I tell you that you should talk to me when something's up?"

Fúck, what kind of creature are you. "Nothing... it's nothing... I'm just busy."

"Then, please come to dinner, Jino. Don't you want to eat lobster? I made your favorite dish tonight..."

"I have a project to do. I'll come down tomorrow," I can't help but slam the door to his face, pressing my back against the door in a pathetic attempt to keep him out. At least, physically... my mind can't keep him out.

I clutch my chest, feeling the huge thumps against it. What the fúck is wrong with me? Why... why can't I stop staring at that homo's smile? Why can't I stop staring at his lips?

He's gay, right? He won't mind if I kiss him, right? I'm a guy, he'll be okay with it since he's gay. But wait, he's my Uncle. Why am I suddenly thinking about kissing him?! And that look on his face before I closed the door... I fúcking hurt him.

«Bro, you good? Why you ain't playing, Jino My friends message me in our discord chatroom.

I come back and open my mic, "It's cool. Just family stuff."

«Oh great, you're planning your birthday, mate?»

«Are we invited?»

«'Yo bítch áss better invite your homies, bruh. We'll eat noodle for 'ya»

"Why would I let you cúnts ruin my Birthday party? It's gonna be a family gathering, not a meth lab," I laugh, and they curse me out. I wasn't actually laughing. I was cursing myself, too. For being so damn hard coming back from my encounter with my Uncle.

three weeks later,

It's been hell. At least for me. I had a new routine now; every night I fall asleep replaying the same fantasies over and over again. How does it feel just... touching my Uncle? Fúck it, let's go there. I want to fúck my Uncle. A family member with the same last name, same blood, héll, same DNA. He's gay, he wouldn't mind because I'm a guy, right?

Fúck, I'm his nephew. And here I am at the car waiting for him and my sister to come out of the Day care. Yesterday I can't 'pretend' my car broke down and I'll be unable to pick my sister up (to avoid Uncle Mitch, of course), because my dumbáss forgot that I was pretending, and let my Father borrow my car. He found out quickly there was nothing wrong with it. Now I have to pick both of them up. Don't you fúcking get an erection thinking about him, you dirty fúck.

"Jino!" There he goes, knocking on the passenger door while holding my sister in his arms. I unlock the doors and he carefully sets my little sister on the booster seat back there. Then, to my horror, he sits at the passenger side.

Of course he had to wear a nude brown. Why can't he wear rainbow like other gays do? He looks too sexy in nude brown, my eyes are offended.

"How was your day, Jino?" Uncle Mitch happily questions. I give him a side-eye and took a split second in scanning his outfit again. Why the hell does a 30 year old man look this beautiful, what did my Grandparents feed him as a child?

"Fine," I mutter, eyes on the road.

"Your sister drew something similar to when you were in the Day care, Hun," he giggles, and I refuse to look at him for the sake of my sanity. "But she gave the lady 5 strands of hair this time. Didn't you, little Gracie?"

"Yeah!" My sister cheers, clapping her fat hand then going through her bag to do kid stuff.

Uncle Mitch then turns to me, "Your parents are gonna drive to Sydney to finalize the venue for your birthday party. They're gonna bring Gracie so she can have a tour in the City. They'll probably stay overnights. You can't come because it's finals for you."

"You guys have fun," I deadpan, not really paying attention other than the fact that they're leaving.

"Oh, we can't leave you in the house, you're not 18 yet. I'm staying behind."

The light turns red at the intersection and my feet slams on the brakes, throwing both of them forward except the belts held them back.

"Sorry," I mutter, but then gave out a sour look. "I'm not a child, though? I can be left in the house alone."

"It's Sydney, Jino. They'll stay off for like, three nights. If it's only overnight, you can be left alone. But the house needs someone to watch over it, too. I know you have your school and your gaming."

Fúck, my fantasies are gonna go wild. Don't do this to me, Mitchel!

the first night together,

I forced myself to come down and eat Uncle's cooking for dinner. I have to make it least awkward for the both of us, starting by trying to interact with him.

It's so hard doing that; it is hard just watching him cook with his back on me. Uncle's skin has always looked soft, his skin is too perfect. His Chinese genes did that, and he's always so fair and smooth. I wonder if he's soft until now, while he's stressed from the divorce. And... I wonder, since he's gay, he's definitely done it with another man right?

Stop imagining it. What does he look like having séx with another man, though? Does he still act like a guy or will be become more female? Is he gonna be the one fúcking a guy or will he be the girl? Will his moans sound like a dude's or be more like girls'? Jino, stop imagining.

"How's the chicken?" He asks, watching me bite the bones and suck off its remaining juicy life source. I didn't answer, but he still laughed at my face. "Don't worry, there's plenty of chicken to eat okay? Now, you go to bed after this, it's 8."

"I'm not a child," I grumble as he takes off his apron and seduces me with those rolled up sleeves and fit shirt. His booty be popping in those slacks...and that's just fat, because unlike me and my dad, he doesn't work out.

"Well then, busy yourself with games then, just don't forget your have school tomorrow..." Suddenly, his phone dings and he immediately reads the message enthusiastically. "Oh, uhh... I'll probably go out in three hours, I'll be home by 2am."

What's in that phone? Who texted you? Why are you suddenly leaving? "Didn't you say you weren't gonna leave me alone?"

"You're not a child, " he charmingly winks at me with the brightest, most happiest of smiles. "Besides, it's not like I'm staying out too long, you'll be fine. I can still make you breakfast tomorrow. So, I'll go up first, Jino!"

He's taking that phone of his. Is he buying drugs? Is he gonna go to a party? A bar?

The common shower has been running for an hour straight. I worry less bout the water bill and more about sneaking into my Uncle's room to look at his phone on the drawer.

It's worse than drugs and a party. He's meeting a guy.

Wow, I'm excited. See you there? I'll pay for the drinks.
Recieved, 7:34pm

How can I refuse such offer, haha! I'm lightweight though, so can I just have juice? 😂 never mind, I can buy juice on my own.
Sent, 7:35pm

I have to make u comfortable. It's gonna be my treat, tonight, the whole night, my treat.
Recieved, 7:35pm

Oh wow, how tempting. Can't say no to that 😉💕
Sent, 7:36pm

I couldn't move from the table, looking down at the phone. I was just staring at it, my mind racing. I was just scrolling through the Tinder convo, even finding their WhatsApp conversation where I found sleazy photos of the guy's body as well as my Uncle's. It was a mirror photo of him sitting on the sink, wearing nothing but button ups, and clearly showing off his smooth butt.

Idk how to take photos lol hope this is okay 😶😶
Sent, 7:05pm

Wow, you're so hot 🤤 You sure you ain't a teen? You better not be catfishing me, lmao 😂
Recieved, 7:07pm

Don't worry daddy, it's the skincare,
we're kinda close in age haha
Sent, 7:08pm

Daddy. This guy is older than Uncle Mitch. So he's into older guys? Usually if someone finds nudes of their own family member they'd be disgusted and perturbed. But like the sick person I am, I can't stop staring. He really does look fúcking hot, hotter than a girl. Why did he have to sit on the sink... he should've stood up and bend over a bit... Fúck, what's wrong with me...

Is this what gays usually are? I thought they'd be more creepy, annoying, try to sound and act like girls, and wear make up that doesn't suit them. No, instead my Uncle is ordinarily gorgeous while still looking and acting like a male, even when he's a feminine guy. I can't look at him the same knowing he's into guys, too.

"OH MY GOD, Jino!" A shocked screech came from the doorway, and I merely turned around with a blank, dead look, holding his phone. There, Uncle Mitch is in cream nude pants and a dark blue short-sleeved button up that he was fixing up before seeing me. His hair is also wet and he smells like a whole Bath and Body Shop.

"You scared me!" He exclaims, laughing. Then, he sees his phone on my hand. He's still cheerful, but less enthusiastic and more confused this time. "What's up? You need anything? Uhm..."

"You're meeting somebody tonight?" I ask seriously, not happy at all. I wasn't even asking the question, just stating my distaste.

His smile drops for a second before he forces himself to smile again. "Uhm, yeah. A friend, we're just going out for drinks-"

"Are you gonna have séx with him?" I cut him off. I was facing the table, which means he sees me in the left side view. I tilt my head upwards, looking at him, my Adam's apple standing out as I give him a disapproving look.

"Why... do you ask?" He tries so hard to lighten it up, but extreme awkwardness is taking over that gorgeous smile of his. He knows I went through his phone. "Does it matter? I'm a grown man, Jino."

"And a grown man is meeting up with a cúnt you met 3 hours ago?"

"We're just gonna go get drinks." He walks up to me and attempts to snatch the phone, but I pull it aside out of his reach. He ends up right on my face, and I can smell the paradise on him.

My voice lowers down to a dangerous octave as I stare down at my Uncle's face. "You were in the shower for an hour. You prepared to have séx with him, didn't you Uncle? How disgusting."

He looks offended and hurt, eyes wide and lips parted, and goddamn cócksluts, I got turned on so much, I lost my own morals.

"Jino, that's none of your business. I-"

"Do you meet up with strangers and fúck them all the time?" I say with a disgusted look.

"No, I have been loyal to your Aunt Andrea the whole time!" He defends himself, "I haven't even had any other male lover, nor have I had séx with-"

He stops himself, turning red, looking away as he accidentally reveals that he is a virgin when it comes to gay séx. He planned to finally have gay séx with this man from the internet. I feel highly disgusted. I, myself, get trouble breathing as I lose more and more of myself.

"Why would you go and fúck someone you don't know, then? That's dangerous even for a grown man like you..." I can't help but stare him down, getting off from his hurt expression. Then he freezes when I gently reach for his nape, fully facing him, "Won't you just try... it... with me? I don't mind... you don't have to find anyone else when I'm here-"

In a panic, he slaps my arm away and looks up, terrified. "What do you think you're saying? You're just a kid, Jino. My nephew, an underaged kid. That's not a good thing to say!"

"Im sorry, Uncle." That word has no effect on me anymore and I do not see him as such. He seemed to breath out and calm down with my apology, until I loom over him, grabbing his wrist and lifting it up, molding my fingers onto his. With a dead serious stare I coo onto him, "Uncle Mitchie, you know my birthday is coming up. D'you got a present for me?"

"Yes," he says in a cheerful voice, however his face looks nervous and horrified. "But I can't give it to you since your birthday isn't until a week, yet. Now, go to your room please, I have somewhere to go."

No, "But I want my gift now. I want something, now..." I scan his body, from the soft cotton socks to the horror on his face.

Suddenly, I drop the phone and grab him by the head, attacking his lips with mine and rendering him speechless and frozen. We were stuck in a frozen kiss until I pull away, reserving no more than 3 inches between our lips. "Don't let other men touch you, Uncle. I'm here. I can satisfy you. I want you... can't you gift me your body, Mitch?"

"Jino-" he gasps, just as we fall onto his bed and I hover over him intimately. "What do you think you're doing-?!"

"You can't say No to me, Uncle..." I place a kiss on his cheeks, temples, then neck. By god, he was indeed soft. I want to take him, right here; right now.

I can see it in his wide eyes, he really cannot say No to me. "Jino, you're still a kid-"

"Why does that matter? I'll still be me before and after my birthday," one of my hands lowers down, "Nobody's gonna know. No one's gonna know, Mitch. Don't go to that guy; I can satisfy you myself."

I grope his crotch as I press my lips onto his, devouring my blood relative's lips and him reluctantly giving in. Heavily reluctant, since he still got his hands pushing against my chest.

"Jino, were not supposed to do this... it's... highly ina-... ppropriate...." He breathe south between kisses, but my hands are insatiable in squeezing soft mounds of his flesh, though clothed.

"It's okay, you're gay, right? I'm okay since I'm a guy, right?" I say in a deep voice, mimicking the darkness of lust clouding my mind right now.

"Jino, you're-" underaged, family, straight, I know. I don't fúcking care. I shut him up with a kiss, pressing my palm against his sensitive parts which made him moan out loud.

Question answered. He still sounds like a guy, breathy and masculine, but his non-girly moans don't phase me at all. In fact, it's kind of hot. It's hot molesting my gay Uncle.

I successfully undress his top as he gets distracted with my kissing, the shirt now hanging on his thin arms. I run my hands down his body, lean, soft and smooth... Fúck, I can't get enough.

I pull away to take my own shirt off, which gave him the window to realize what's happening.

"Jino, we'll get in trouble for this! I'll get in trouble for this! I'll pretend this never happened and-" he got up from the bed and headed to the door, but I grab him by the arm and kiss him on the mouth aggressively before pushing him back on the bed, beside the sidetable.

"We're gonna pretend this never happened... but nothing happened yet, Uncle..." I kneel on the bed and hover over him, pushing myself towards that intoxicating scent.

He holds me back with his hands on a quarter of my face and pushing against my jaw. "You're my nephew and you're 17, I am literally 13 years older than you! We're of blood!"

"Are you saying No to me, Uncle?" I say in a deep, raspy voice since I spoke in a volume above a whisper. "Are you not gonna give me something that I asked for, for the first time? Don't you ever think about... how it will feel good for you, too?"

I can see reluctance in his eyes, I can see the moral conflict inside them. I lean in further, ignoring his hand. "You don't have to go to other men. I'm right here, big and hard for you..." I grind on him once, which made him choke on his exhalation. "And I'll be here always... we can be the closest of family, I'll be your precious little fúck buddy who loves you very much..."

He stares at me intently, and I can see a flash of guilt in his eyes as he looks down at my lip before pulling me against him. Our lips clashed aggressively, my heart beating in excitement over this forbidden act.

I pull off his pants and my eyes are shocked at what he wore under it. "You... what is... this ?"

This thighs are plump, tied tightly by two plain heart-shaped suspenders hooked to black socks that end above the knee. I am aware of how sexy women are wearing lingerie and wearing cute socks... but the effect it has on my male Uncle almost drives me nuts.

"I-I..." He wasn't sure what to say, but I got so aroused that he dare wear this. I got so angry that he could've shown this disgustingly sexy side of him to a stranger online.

"Shít, I want to fúck you!" I curse with gritted teeth, attacking Mitch aggressively with kisses, and harassing his clothed cóck with my rough hands.

"Jino!" He gasps as I bite his neck, pressing him onto the bed with my insatiable grinding. He seems to be extremely aroused by my hard díck hitting his áss. "A-ahh....Ji..."

I strip his underwear off his legs before separating them, trailing kisses down Mitch's chest and down to his díck, where I feel him squirm and have inconsistent breaths. I am not gay, so I don't know about blowing, but I have eaten out girls' áss before.

"Wait, Jino!" I push his legs together and press them towards him, where I can get a clear view of his clean, naked, surprisingly hairless áss. No, there's still hair... just barely there, like one would find in the back.

I was too tempted not to do it, so I did. I ate him out; licked him all over, even start to push my saliva coated finger in, as my other hand keep his legs from falling. I can hear him barely having breaths, struggling to keep up, moaning like a dog in heat when I press my finger upwards.

"Oh, god!" He squeals when I start pumping his wet dick while pressing on that moan spot. I can hear exhales more than inhales, and it's so fúcking hot.

"Ji... no... I'm not sure... if we should continue... this really isn't right..."

"This is your first time, right Uncle?" He looks too young to be a damn Uncle. I kept my fingers inside him as I opened the drawer, and there are 4 different bottles of moisturizing lotion in there, yet there seemed to be no lube. I took a pump bottled lotion and looks down at this beautiful, simple creature squirming under my gaze. He is wearing nothing but his socks and suspenders, his pale skinny body looking red from how much I pressed and knead against the soft flesh.

"You're so hot," I breathe out, leaning in to kiss him as I lube him up. This seductive creature actually kissed back, even moaning when I pulled out my fingers so I can lube up my díck. "This is your first time, but I already want to fúck you harder than a fleshlight."

He widens his eyes, "Jino, we really shouldn't-"

"Shhh, no one's gonna know..." I whisper against his lips, pressing my díck against his hole as his legs is pressed apart and forward. I have clear view of his wet, virgin hole and I just want it.

"But-" he knows he can't say refuse his believed, favorite nephew, so he just exhales and holds his breath when I finally enter.

"Jino, it hurts!"

Fúck, that just made me hornier... Still, I slowly entered inch by inch; hopefully he can take all 8 and a half of me. But even if he's biting the back of his hand and tears fell out of his eyes, it only turned me on more.

"Mitch..." I grunt, grabbing the bottom of his bum to lift him up slightly so I can go deeper. And for that, he's heavily sobbing now. Of course, gay people are crybabies. This is his first time, too. "It won't be painful soon, I promise..."

I plant kisses on the bottom of his ear, his temple, and the corner of his lips when I first thrusted once, and he cried harder.

"J-Jino..." He cries out, holding me by the back of my neck as gentle as he always has. "P-please... it hurts... you're t-too young..."

"No I'm not, you're too young to be looking this seductive!" I exclaim, as I can't help myself but pull back and thrust all the way where I can feel him clench around me in shock. When I started fúcking him faster than slow but slower than hard, he bites his lips and moans in pleasure, which only proved that he liked it.

"You like this, Uncle Mitch?" I taunt as I move my hips. His lips are too busy to answer as only moans could come out of this. He truly looks like he's getting the most pleasurable fúck in his life, same as I who feel as high as a druggie having him wrapped around me like this. "You know Mitch, you can have this whenever you like... you just have to come and give me your body, and I'll give you mine..."

"Ahh-ahnn! N-no, Jino...! Y-you're still a k-kid--" I sped up, making sure he can't keep up with moans and words. I straighten myself, only kneeling on the edge of the bed now, so I can grab his waist and pull him onto my díck where he mewls in pleasure.

"A kid can't do this, Uncle... I am no kid... I can fúck you better than any older guy," I grunt, as his hands curl on the mattress and his body bouncing to the rhythm of my thrust. "This can be yours, Uncle... you can have me for yourself. Don't you want that? You'll have your little Jiro to watch over, and pound you whenever you feel lonely."

"N-no, no... Jiro..." He breaths out, running his pale hands through his dark hair, and it's the hottest thing to see aside from his legs. "This.... hahh... only... happens once..."

Like hell it will, you love it so much, I pull out of him and flip him to his stomach, keeping his sexy legs together as I straddle him from behind. There, I push my díck through baby-soft bum, my one hand grabbing him under the jaw and forcing him to look up.

Holy shít. His moans turned high pitched, like a girl's, and another one of my questions got answered. He can sound like a girl. Especially when I thrust up and pull his waist harshly against me...

"Aaaghh! Ji... Ji... Ji-... no..." My hand moved from his jaw to his forehead, where I grabbed him by the hair like I did my previous bítches, they love it. I hover over him, forcing his head to the side so he can face me. I fúcked him as I have my lips harassing his ears.

"You seem to be enjoying this, Uncle Mitch. You like to be fúcked by a kid like this? You can't just find a good díck like this anywhere, why would you need to go out? I can díck you down like a good little nephew..."

His moans get strained as his neck gets stretched, eyes rolling to the back of his head as his eyes can barely open. In between his sexy exhales, I can hear him agree.

"Haa... Haahh... Ahh.... Y... yeah.... ahhh..."

"You little hot slút," I pull on his left leg and I fall to my side, now spreading his legs and fúcking him sideways. My right hand pulls on his jaw so I can silence his moans by a kiss, before pulling away and pushing my thumb inside his warm mouth that I previously harassed.

"You're just gonna crave díck more like the little gay slút that you are, Uncle Mitch..." I spat to him, four of my fingers slapping his jaw as his tongue moves and he sucks on my finger. "You like that, Uncle? You like me pounding you, Mitch? You like swallowing my díck so much you can't refuse?"

He let out a groan, ambiguous for an answer as I shove his áss against me for a harsher fúck.

"You look so hot in high highs," I grunt in between my own breaths, but my stamina allows me to release my frustration by degrading him. "You look so good in nude... and even fully nude... it's like you're trying to seduce me. Are you, Uncle? How does it feel to be successful, turning me gay too? Because I damn want nothing but to fúck you till you just beg for it..."

To think the gentle teacher I looked up to as a kid now losing his breath because he can't stand my díck.

I release his left leg and he arches his back so I can fúck him better in an angle, willingly sucking on my thumb as I had a harsh grip on my face.

I pumped his díck, the same way I would when I'm jerking off to him. Press hard against the base and squeeze the head, going down. He's vocalizing now, sounding like whines and halted breaths.

A rather harsh fúcking later, he came on his sheets and creamed his hole.

for the whole three days, I thought it'd be awkward from then on, because Uncle's mostly just silent. He can't look into my eyes, and I thought he'd hate me. But no, whenever I grab him to kiss, he kisses back, and even puts his arms around me as I press him into the counter, wall, table, and sofa.

It's just guilt, but he's clearly enjoying this. I'm actually having an affair with my Uncle. While my parents are gone, too. I've gone to his room and he's there freshly showered. When I go to kiss him, he accepts. He can't say no to me, and the next thing I know, we're already fúcking.

We fúcked in the kitchen, the sofa, my bedroom, the bathtub, the garage against one of our cars; whenever he can't, he just blows me and it's the warmest, most awesome mouth I've ever put my díck on. I'm addicted, and I know he is, too. I just want him to be mine, I just want my precious Mitch all to myself.

He's mine.

I don't give a fúck if he's my Dad's brother, he's mine.

the day before the birthday,

My parents came home with Gracie and it makes it hard for us to even interact. Before they came in, Uncle and I would watch movies with me embracing him from behind, on the couch. We've make out anywhere and hump like rabbits, I'd be free to touch him. He never says anything other than small talk, but he enjoys the attention. This guy never had a male lover before, and I'm about to show him what it feels like to be desired.

Until, my parents came in.

I'm even feeling a bit moody and grumpy because only now have I realized that my Uncle is very clingy and prefers skinship with my Dad more than me. I asked my Mom if Uncle has always been that way with Dad, and she says he's always been hugging him and messing with him since before I was born.

"Your grandparents took away his giant teddy once, so he has habit of hugging giants. Your Father's unfortunately lucky to be one," she said with a giggle, never jealous of the brothers' relationship. That made me feel worse. He never fúcking hugs me. And I'm fúcking taller than Dad.

There's nothing going on between them, it's natural for brothers. But of course my teenage brain is feeling all sorts of negativity. It fúcking hurts, why does it all feel one-sided? Me cuddling with him, me initiating séx... why's he letting it happen but won't bother to show me affection?

While my family is in the yard making barbeques, Uncle Mitch is washing dishes in the kitchen with his gloves and apron. I decide to scare him by encasing his waist in my arms from the back, my head bending low to nuzzle his neck. I hear him gasp.

"Jino... uhh, what are you doing?" He asks as my hands snake under his apron and under his shirt, feeling his goosebumps. He squirms, "Jino, don't do that, please... your parents are here..."

"They're outside," I say, sucking on a piece of his neck before my incisors bite on it.

He hisses in pain, "No, not now, we'll get caught..."

"Isn't that better? They'll know who's satisfying you more than Aunt Andrea ever has in a decade."

Taking off his gloves, he turns around and faces me. I am pressing him against the sink with my body, but he pushes my upper part away with his hands. He is so beautiful... pure Asian beauty.

"You are my nephew, Jino. You are not adopted, you are not a surrogate; you are my full-blooded nephew and you are barely--aren't even legal, yet! I took care of you as a baby, so this is so weird for me!" He yells in a hushed volume.

"I'll be 18 tomorrow," I say in a deep, darkened voice since I don't like how he's rejecting me by seeing me as a kid. I'm literally physically mature and superior and he still dare treats me like a kid?

"That doesn't change anything! And if we get caught, I'll be in big trouble because I'm the adult. We are not doing it anymore, Jino. I fully regret everything séxual that we did. That was not right."

I was taken by shock when he said we aren't doing it anymore, and with that he managed to push me away.

"I know you're still talking to the guy," I say in a deep, low voice, which halts him in his tracks. I know he's listening. "The guy from Tinder. I know you're still sending him pictures."

He turns around, "How-"

I grab a plate and smash it against the floor, breaking so loudly and into pieces. He jumps, clearly startled and horrified at what I had done.


"Why can't I satisfy you, Uncle Mitch?" I wanted to yell, but I am too heartbroken to do it. Instead, I only stare at him darkly with an emotionless face, but menacing voice. "I am here, fully giving myself to you and willingly love you, but you had to go and chase other men that might hurt you!"

"You're hurting me now, Jino!" He argues back, eyes pooling with tears and hands shaking. "This is not what I wanted, I never wanted to have an affair with you! I don't want you being shamed or being in big trouble if ever we get caught. Your Dad may be accepting of gay people, and he might accept your sexuality. But that doesn't mean he'll accept you fúcking me. I don't want your life to be ruined!"

The plate wasn't the only thing broken that night. My heart isn't the only thing broken, too.

Just then, my Dad and Mom came in, after hearing the loud break. They didn't hear what we argued about. They only see me being me, Uncle's back, and the broken plate on the kitchen floor.

"What happened? Mitchie, Jino?"

Before he can see my Uncle's tears, he blinked it away and covers his mouth, facing them while sighing. "I just dropped a plate, I'm sorry..."

"I'll be gettin' the broom then," my Mom says rushing off.

Meanwhile, Uncle can't stop his sobs. "I'm sorry..."

"Hey Mitch, it's nothing, it's just a plate..." My Dad put his arm around a crying Mitchel, which only made me feel even more emptier.

"I'm sorry," he keeps crying and apologising to my Dad, and I am aware what he's truly sorry for.

I get out immediately, rushing to my bedroom. I can still overhear my Dad saying something about a dark spot on my Uncle's neck.


The car ride to Sydney was silent, apart from my talkative mother in the passenger's seat up front. I could've brought my own car and rode with my mates, but I just want to sit beside Uncle Mitch. Not even, because he's distancing himself as far from me as possible. It's a big car, so there's a whole meter between us.

That is until, I texted one of my mates living on the next town to come and join us on this car ride. I specifically chose not to bring my own car for this purpose.

"Ayy! Konnichiwa motherfúckers!" A black friend of mine greeted my parents which only made them laugh.

"We're Chinese, Jesse."

"Meh, still Asian," the nonchalant bítch hopped in beside me and we did our special handshake. "Happy birthday, you fúcking cúnt! Wow, you got a cousin?"

"That's my Uncle, mate..." I answer, getting seated closer to him. Mitch pulls up a fake smile and nods at my friend.

"Wow, Mr. Han you got a teen brother? Your parents 'working!" He says, looking at my Uncle who did look like he's in his 20's, with his sweatpants and hoodie. We were gonna change clothes when we get to the hotel resort.

"Aww, how sweet of a compliment," my Dad only laughs until my Mom had to tell him Uncle's real age.

"What?! Bítch, you Asians are catfishes..."

The car is big, so we still felt loose in the backseat. Uncle Mitch still has a space of his own up until he had to stop over for another friend of mine.

"Good'aye, joyride! May we blast some lovely Kpop music here, love? Gangnam style!" Another exhaggerating pasty little sunburnt bítch came in with his long blonde hair up in a hippie bun, greeting my parents. "What's up,' Mr and Mrs Han? I'm so excited for your son to buy drinks legally but still without paying!"

"Put a sock in it, Eric you little puss!" I yell, slapping him in the head as he gets in and we had to scoot closer. My parents are clearly enjoying these two annoying bítches.

"Why 'you not bringing your own car, Jino?"

"Maintenance," I laugh at Jesse as Mitch gets pressed against the car door, because although he may be thin, these two other douchebags are gym rats like me so he had to put one leg on top of his other to fit.

"Mitchie, are you okay back there? Is it tight?" My mom looks back, concerned.

"I'm okay," Uncle says, clearly uncomfortable that he's pressed tightly beside me.

"It's a long, long ride. We should've brought another car..." My dad says, but we're two hours in already. I didn't actually tell them about picking my two gaming friends up until an hour into the journey.

"It's okay, he can just sit on my lap," I suggest, to which Uncle widens his eyes to.

"Oh my god, I remember when you were five, you've always sat in Mitch's lap in the car or else you'll puke, and you were fat, too Jino," my Mom laughs.

My friends teased me. "Was he a damn panda? 'Y fatáss!"

"Wait-" I didn't let my Uncle protest and I scoop him up and put his bum onto my thighs, me moving into his seat to make it more comfortable for my friends and I. He's still on my lap, so nothing overtly séxual with where he's sitting. "Jino... uhm..."

"Will you be okay with that, Mitchie? It's a long ride, so tell us if you're uncomfortable," my Mom says.

My arms, though looking gentle, squeezes his waist and dares him to protest. He'll be stuck in pressure if he goes back to his seat. I can feel his breath shivering in false comfort.

"Yeah, I'm okay..." Victory for me.

later on, The car ride gets boring as we are 5 hours in, and my mates are asleep, snoring into each other's shoulders. Moreover, the sky is Grey and a medium rainfall is upon us. Mom and Gracie is asleep on the front seats, as Dad is silent. Uncle Mitch is still on my thighs, and he has fallen asleep on the back of the driver's headrest. The rain can't be heard from the outside and Dad has some light 80's love songs on.

My hands can't help but travel under his hoodie and shirt, feeling his warm and soft skin under. I decide to pull one of my hands out and gently take a hold of his neck, slowly pulling him back so he is directly sitting on me, leaning against my body. No longer is his bum on my thighs, but directly on my crotch.

The movement woke him up, the sleepy thing squinting and looking up at me. "J-"

"Shh, just rest..." I whisper, which my Dad can't hear. My hands are still under his clothes, touching and rubbing a small nipple.

"Jino, don't..." He mutters in a tired breath, hand flying to his chest where my own is exploring inside.

"Everyone's asleep..."

He flinches when I squeeze his breast harshly.

"Your father... stop..."

"If you won't let me, I'll tell him myself..." I whisper, "You wouldn't want me to be in deep shít on my birthday, right? And if you make a sound, it'll be it either way."

He exhales, now trapped. "Don't, please..."

Knowing that the rear view mirror doesn't have a view of my seat, I use one hand to push his head to the side so I can kiss him. My friends are beside me, My mom not 1 meter away, and my dad right in front. Yet here we are, mutually exchanging tongues and my hands exploring what's under these clothes.

Dad switches the station, to which it turns from 80's to a modern remake of a 90's song.

"... what is right, what is wrong. Give me a sign. What is love..." A slow rendered song rang out.

"Oh, you kids are into this, right?" My dad proudly says, making Mitch pull away and attempt to push my hands off.

But, no. I shove my hand against his sweatpants, smiling while answering Dad, "Yeah, we jam to this. Too bad everyone's asleep."

"You guys okay back there? Mitchel?"

"Yeah, all good..." he rushes out with a fake laugh as he gets hard under my touch, my hand groping his díck.

"...baby don't hurt me, no more."

My Dad chuckles and goes back to driving. While a worried head is lying against my shoulder, I pull my groping hand from under his shirt to slide two fingers in between those slightly parted lips, pressing against his tongue as I jerk him off. His hand goes up to grab my wrist, my Uncle now giving me those sleazy eyes.

Deliciously, he sucks on my fingers as I harass his mouth. I whisper quietly, "Good boy..."

"... I know we're one. Just me and you. I can't go on."

I jerk my hips up, subtly grinding him against me. I can hear feel vibrations from his throat, and arches his back slightly. I kept an eye on my Parents and my friends and I grind him against me.

His breathing speeds up and so did my hands. His tongue fall limp and no longer rubbing against my fingers, as he is distracted by how his díck feels. My fingers presses on the insides of his cheek, my palm pushing him towards me so my tongue can invade his mouth.

So risky... my friends are right beside me, my Dad is awake and driving in the front. But here I am, harassing my Uncle. It arouses me so much, his body turns me on so much. The fact that I can torment him like this brings so much pleasure to my dark, twisted and angry heart.

Our kisses are sloppy, messy, and I am too aggressive. He starts to let out uncontrollable moans so I clamp my hand tightly on his mouth. But, he ejaculated on my hand, and I made sure to make more of a mess by spreading his seed around his genitals. He's breathing heavily, coming down from his high.

"Ji... no..." He moans out in a hushed tone silenced by the songs of the radio.

It's gonna be a messy ride, and that's what I want it to be. I want him messed up, I want to mess him up. He's gonna last the whole trip covered in cúm, and the fact that it's all because of me gives me so much satisfaction.

"Mitch..." I whisper against his mouth, before moving to mess with his ears and intimately says, "You know what would be the best birthday gift ever? You in my hotel room later... won't you celebrate with me, Uncle?"

His breath hitches, half lidded eyes looking at me through a side-eye. I take out my cúm-filled hand and lick it from the base of the thumb to the top of my forefinger. It's thick, but flavorless. It's delicious, especially which he's watching me do it.

"If you won't, everyone will know."

much, much later...

As a birthday celebration, I have a whole Hotel and Casino as a venue, eating the entire afternoon and evening to having fun and gambling. I had none of that birthday cake and birthday song shít, my friends and I gambled as my parents and sister play in arcades and eat in restaurants. Tomorrow night was the real, formal event, my family renting out the Multi-purpose Hall to invite our whole Chinese and Australian side of the family for a party. Today was a family and friends get-together, and we had a blast.

But what I did look forward to, is resting at this 5-star Hotel. Earlier, Uncle Mitch went with my parents to fancy restaurants, while I had my friends at the casino. I heard he left earlier than we did, and that made me clench my jaw. He's avoiding me. Does he fúcking hate me now?

Instead of going to my Executive suite, I went straight to his, knocking. There was no answer for a while, and I checked Tinder where I spy on him using a disguised profile.

"less than a meter away" so he is here. I'm about to flip my shít if he wasn't. I kept insisting on my knocking. I need to see him. He hasn't talked to me since the ride, he hasn't even looked at me since we checked in.

I knock again, and the door clicks to open. Slowly, it slightly opens to see a shy, nervous Mitchel has his eyes on my chest first, before moving up to finally meet my eyes. He's wearing a bathrobe, hair wet and skin damp.

"Jino..." He nervously says, bare feet rubbing on each other like he's extremely embarrassed. He's incredible pale because of the temperature.

I expell his nerves by acting out my own, grabbing his face and invading his room to kiss him, shutting the door and locking it behind me. He gasps, finding it hard to breathe when I just held him by the waist and neck.

"Why did you suddenly disappear?" I growl, almost whisper, with a hoarse voice.

"I was..." His hands crawls from my chest to my shoulder where they slightly waver. "...getting ready for you."

That decimated my anger and frustration, completely turning it into hoards of butterflies greeting me in the stomach.

Our heated make-out session ends up with me sitting on the edge of his bed and him on his knees, still looking up to enjoy more kisses on the mouth as he undoes my pants.

"Happy birthday, Jino..." He whispers in such a voice that made my díck twitch in desperation for his touch. Not long after, Mitch has his mouth wrapped around my cóck, making me hiss in fúcking pleasure.

It wasn't long until I was grabbing his head and shoving my cóck up there, making him choke multiple times as he is still an amateur, and an amateur can't take down all of me. With only half my díck down his throat, Uncle Mitch looks up at me with those beautiful dark brown eyes, sparkling with tears. His tongue rubs on the head eagerly, creating the best sensation a male could ask for. But, not as much as I desire to fúck him silly.

I don't want to cúm in his mouth, so I pull his head off me just as I start feeling something. It was a hot sight; him looking dazed with saliva all over the bottom of his face and all over his lips. There was still a string of saliva from the tip of my díck to his lips, severing itself after a short while.

I lean into his ear as I smile widely, "This is the best birthday ever Uncle, thank you."

His robes came loose and he stares at the floor. He's truly lean because of his fast metabolism, yet a little bit of fat sitting as a small pouch on his stomach and a number on his thighs. His cream legs aren't hairless, but given that his hair is so thin and soft, they're barely noticeable, sitting there like peach fuzz. He looks like a boy, innocent and delicate from skin to bones. I want to violate him.

"You're beautiful, Uncle," I say, taking his hand and kissing him once before leading him onto the bed, on his knees once more. "I couldn't ask for anyone else. You're the only one I want for the rest of my life, I swear you'd be happy with me, too..."

"Jino, that's a delusion..." He mumbles, and I harshly grab him by the hair and pull it back, me hovering from behind and the other hand squeezing the flesh of his waist, bum and thighs.

"The delusion is you not accepting my affection when you are clearly getting spoiled by my díck, admit that you're satisfied with me, Uncle Mitch." I spit against his ear, "If you weren't... you wouldn't have prepared yourself for me."

"I... did what you said... to stop you from ruining your own life-" he wasn't able to continue because my fingers enters his soft, creamy lubed hole and he had to moan out loud.

"My life will be perfect if you just stay in it," My hooded, half lidded eyes could barely show him any mercy as I stare at him hungrily. My fingers make his shoulders lower down and arch his back in pleasure, mewling like a cat. I hover over him, whispering against his nap, "And I have a trust fund since I was young... I have a house for college. You should come live with me."

"Jino... I will not be your séx slave..." He grunts, and I cam feel him clench around my fingers are I curl them up inside him.

"You won't be, you'll be my lover. My parents can know you live with me, but we'll be alone so no one's gonna know of our affair..." I separate my two fingers and he presses himself against the mattress, letting out a groan.

"I... I can't, Jino..."

I pull my fingers out, straighten myself while kneeling on the bed, and he can finally breathe properly, turning to his side to look at me with tears in his eyes.

"You hate me then, do you Uncle?" I take off my own shirt, showing him what this 18 year old really has and how other people would literally need to calm seas for my attention. I casually rub my díck against his lubed entrance to coat it, not to mention it still has his saliva all over it. Rubbing it while looking at him is so arousing. "You just want to get rid of me, do you Uncle? You hate me, do you?"

"No, I love you..." he sobs, hiding his face in the sheets. "That's why I don't want you ruining your life doing this."

"Liar." I grab his hair and pull upwards, stretching that neck as I shove my díck in like I have for the previous days. He's softer, easier to penetrate, but he still yells out in shock at the intrusion. I growl in gritted teeth, sharply rolling my hips against his bum. "If you love me, you'll stay with me! Any other guy you meet will just fúck you and leave you, Uncle. I've had a crush on you since I was a damn toddler and I'm not ever gonna leave you, unlike these strangers!"

"Wha... Jino...! Wait...!" He gasps out, but I only push his head against the bed, straightening my posture and slamming my díck into him.

"I fúcking admired you, thought of you as the most beautiful person I've ever seen existing since I was young. I never thought I'd have the chance to act out on my feelings until you came out gay. I never ever thought my feelings for you was séxual until I found out you'd fúck men!" I exclaimed, shoving his smooth áss against me and hearing him react to his prostate getting stretched.

"Jino! Ji--ahhh.... annhh!" I grab him by the neck and pulled him up, holding his head against me and relying on my for balance as I fúck him upright.

"I don't want to think of you hopping on other men's díck, okay, Mitch? You are my precious Uncle, and I'll take care of you just as you had taken care of me. I'm not a child anymore!" With every grunt, I attack his guts and he can't even keep up with his own moans anymore.

We didn't have séx, we didn't make love. I undeniably fúcked him so hard, his eyes couldn't focus and his body is mine to control. I got him on his back, legs spread, squeezing his pretty pink díck as I rammed all of my inches in him. I can feel him clench, I can feel his muscle move, and I can feel his pleasured moans getting an octave higher from my hands as I have his throat. I'm experienced in this kind of thing, so I edge him on with barely any oxygen.

I got him on top of me, yet I am fully in control and slamming his delicate body against my díck. Watching him lose his mind in this angle makes me want to love him even more. His wet hair is slapping against his forehead but only his tears made its way down to drip on me. I made sure to comfort him by pulling him down and kissing his tear-stained cheeks, slowing down on the thrusts.

I got him on his side and fúcked him while jerking him off. I can't get enough, I just had to embrace, squeeze, run my hand all over his body quite harshly. I am too blinded by my obsession with my Uncle. He's too perfect, I want to taint this perfection. I want him to break so no one would want him, and he will only want me.

After he came, I jerked against his chest and coated his face with my cúm as he lay there with his mouth open and tongue on his bottom lips. It was a hot sight, and I ejaculated a ton. I fúcking love this man. Not just because of his body or his looks, but because of his gentleness and kind personality. I want to break that.

As I gently clean my adorable Uncle in the bath and avoid the parts where he's red and starting to bruise (his waist and arms), he weakly looks at me with trembling breaths.

"You scare me, Jino. I don't know if you're ever the same boy I helped raise."

I only gave him the most genuine smile I've ever given, gently rubbing his hickie-filled neck and collar with the loofa. "I never saw you the same, Uncle. I never even see you as an Uncle anymore. I love you."

I lean in to give him a kiss on the forehead, and he flinches. I still landed a kiss though, before I moved down to his mouth. I'm shirtless, so it doesn't matter if I get wet, too.

"You're crazy."

I chuckle, "Same thing you told me when I proposed to you in 5th grade." He suddenly looks up at me in shock. "What, 'didn't think I wouldn't remember? All I did was ask if you can be 'the mommy if I become the daddy, and you can take care of me forever'."

"You were like a son to me," he almost whispers, as he barely even croaks it out. "I was willing to take care of you... b-but not like that... not like this."

"Well, I'm not your son." I take his hand, and kiss the back of the wet, floral-scented knuckles. "I'm just crazily in love with you. I'll be the one to take care of you, Mitch."

As he lies beside me on the bed, facing away and covered in the sheets dozing off, I call my third mate who lives in my hometown.

"Aye, Carl..." I greeted, playing with Mitch's damp hair. " 'You on your way now, shíthead?"

the next day, after the party,

My 18th birthday party was trash. Expensive venue, great catering, and a hell of a lot of people whose faces are nothing but a blur for me.

I waited. And waited... and waited.

Until, my Mom bursts in with her cocktail dress, shocked and worried. I watch her as she runs to my Dad, but I couldn't hear with all the music. First, it started with my Dad calling security, then my Mom asking my relatives, then them calling the police. My birthday was ruined, just as planned.

I wanted to look worried, especially when they announced that my Uncle was missing. Didn't attend the party, and when my Mom went to check on him he wasn't in his room. I wanted to look worried, but I can't. This was all too amusing.

"Dad, I'll go get the hotel footage to see where Uncle went to." I offer, and the distraught and painfully concerned man nods as he frantically calls the authorities. My big man was crying, and even Jesse, Eric, and Carl isn't really aware of what's happening.

I lied; I didn't bother to go get hotel footage. It's not hard to confidently walk in wearing tracksuits and a tool box to gain access to the hotel security room. All I had to do is delete the feed of me bringing my Uncle down to the parking lot where my own car (brought by Eric whom I gave the keys to prior to the trip), and put him in the ventilated car. I fed him 2 melatonin pills and gave him the tiniest bit of chloroform. Prior to that, I also disabled the camera in the parking lot and exit where my car is held by burning off the port to make it a natural sabotage. To make it less suspicious, I edited the code for the CCTV software and adjusted the time, so by the time I snuck him off, it looked like the hallways and stairs were always empty.

I opened the drivers side of my personal car and got inside, immediately greeted by the cold air and Uncle Mitch lying asleep on the backseats. My car windows has a dark blue tint, so no one can see him unless they deliberately shine a flashlight inside.

I reach to the back, caressing his soft, bare face. "Guess what, Mitch. You'll be my lover from now on, not Uncle."

I drove to the house where I'm set to live for college, near my supposed school here in Sydney. Another reason why I approved to have my birthday celebrated in this City. It's nice to have a successful gym-owner as a Dad and a cosmetic surgeon as a Mom, they can give you anything you need. And I have all I need now, with Mitchel in a special custom bedroom in the basement.

Not at all shabby, in fact it's more fancy than my bedroom upstairs. I got him clothes, entertainment devices (no internet), and blank adoption papers for a pet shop if he ever wants a companion. But one thing's for sure.

"Jino...?" He groans, waking up in a Queen bed wearing nothing but silk robes lined with lace. I look at him smiling, pulling his face up to kiss him on the corner of his lip.

He's never leaving.



Ohhh I'm so going to hell😰

Sydnee Tallent

damn this escalated so fast lmao. spicy af