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It's not easy for a man to get rid of an arousal. However, Miles managed to because he refuses to sleep with Vanya in here, or anywhere because it's too risky. The white haired man himself only ever kisses him all over his body, as if searching for a peculiar scent that hides in the crevices. Not particularly to have intercourse with him.
Vanya stands in front of him, watching patiently as Miles buttons up his shirt. He then awkwardly signs with a nervous smile, "Uhm... we're done here, right...? I can take this off, right...?"
"..." Vanya does nothing but look away, his eyes showing subtle guilt.
"Jih--Vanya," Miles hops off the isle, still feeling a little dizzy after their intense make out session earlier that crumpled his clothes. He gets closer to the white haired man, eyes sadly glossing over those dark tips. He confesses, "Vanya, I really like you a lot. I want to be friends, get to know each other and... I just... want to be near you... all the time?"
"Can you stay with me?" Miles takes his hand and puts it against his own cheek, lovingly snuggling into it. The man stares at him for a long while, his eyelids and lashes covering half his dark eyes; maybe for an emotion, or maybe because he's looking down.
Then, his hand moves against Miles' cheeks and pull him in, sticking their foreheads together. Miles gasps for a moment, holding his breath waiting for Vanya's action. Instead, he kept their foreheads together as he fixed Miles' necktie, pushing it up to complete the outfit.
Jihun... still a puzzle. What is he thinking? Miles holds off the urge to kiss him again. Suppressing his feelings is more difficult than suppressing an arousal.
What can't be suppressed though, is the fear suddenly coursing through Miles' veins when the doorknob rattles and was unlocked, only for Misha to come barging in with an angry look. While he wore a red shirt and black leather pants, and Jihun in a light blue sweater and white slacks, Miles simply looked strange with a female school uniform with a bow clip on his head.
"Misha-?!" Miles has never pushed Vanya away so fast, and the white haired man glared at him, and his brother for it.
"Big brother, you are tasked to get Miles ready for the Master," Misha signs, while also vocalizing it. His words made Miles look at Vanya in disbelief. "... yet this slút here dare seduce you? I was right all along, can't you see how dirty he is, Vanya? Can't close his legs when in front of random men."
"What!" Miles gasps at him, "How did you-"
Misha smiles maliciously while squinting an eye at him, and Miles realizes. Cameras?! "You... you set me up.... I didn't mean that, Jihun made the first move!"
"Stop giving my brother pet names, you disgusting-!" Misha advances towards Miles as if to attack him, but an arm across his chest halts him in his place. The gang leader looks confused at his brother who only dipped his eyebrows once. Nobody knows what he's thinking, or trying to say since he refuses to move his hands.
Miles could cry, looking at the both of them but being unable to say that they're his. They had died in his arms, Miles held them as they fell asleep during their last breaths. He promised them a life of peace and love, but they never woke up. Miles had to drive back to Carvalle with their corpses holding each other on the back seat. And now they're here, together, but unable to hold them in his arms once again.
Both boys could only look at him in shock, seeing the Mistress cry right in front of them with full tears and reddening eyes.
"What the fúck," Misha curses. Had he really insulted Miles that bad?
But no, Miles' heart was heavy for they are in arm's reach; yet Taewon and Jihun are truly dead. This isn't them in front of him; these are strangers in the shell of his former lovers. Miles could only wipe his tears, "You two set me up. What do you truly want from me--" Taewon? No... "... Misha?"
Vanya stares at him softly, still emotionless but confused on the sudden tears. Maybe his brother is indeed such a big brat he bullied the very nice Miles too much.
"Ugh, I'm not feeling bad for you," Misha mercilessly spits out. "You're just crying because you got caught. And, I have recorded a footage of you messing around with Vanya. How will the Master find out?"
Miles trembles, "Y... you're gonna show him?"
Misha observes the Mistress' body language, how his eyes look at Vanya in genuine worry, and his hands are visibly trembling because of the anxiety and pressure. He truly does like Vanya... or even cared about him...
Misha was about to waver, but he refuses to feel anything for this concubine. But he took advantage of my brother knowing damn well the Master will hurt him if they fúck with each other. "Yes, the fúck I will. The fúck are you gonna do about that?"
"You can't!" Miles protests, stepping towards him. "You'll let your brother get hurt?! Your own brother, who you are really protective over?! I know you won't do that, Misha... not to--... not to..."
Miles looks back and forth between them, seeing Vanya look somewhat sad while Misha looks very undeterred with what he has planned. His eyes are cold and merciless.
"... you're actually gonna do it...? But your brother..."
"I don't care about him."
What. Miles freezes and steps away in shock. Vanya just keeps staring at the floor, so Miles doesn't know what to think.
Misha scoffs, "What, you really thought I give a fúck about my brother who contributes nothing to our gang? The only reason I don't want you anywhere near him is because you are making him look like a soft child with your dinosaur toys, which damages the reputation of our Gang. What the fúck are the others gonna say when our group has a childish mute bítch in it?"
"Misha..." Miles' heart breaks for Jihun, who just stands there and may or may not have understood anything because Misha is not using Sign language. "You can't be serious..."
"If word goes around about your affair with Vanya, our gang will be known as the one with a traitorous member. So if I expose you myself, the Master won't doubt my Gang's loyalty because I am simply... pulling out... the weeds..."
Miles can't help it and his emotions runs through his nerves to control his body, landing a whole punch to the gang leader who wasn't expecting that. Miles Taylor was never the soft little object that he's been playing as, he was a product of the Levough and Carvalle. He is not afraid to fight a Schliemann gang member and he's not afraid to hurt someone that is not his former lover. This is not his Taewon.
"Wha-" Misha was shocked, and so was Vanya who widens his eyes and helps his brother when he leaned back because of the strong hit. Misha's eyes were full of fury looking at Miles, who is stretching his wrist ready for another hit despite his circumstances.
"It's one thing to slút-shame me, Misha. But--" don't you ever talk like that about your brother! "--I'm not letting you have Vanya killed!"
Misha rubs his hurting jaw, the area turning red and will be sure to turn into a bruise. For that, the gangster steps forward to attack Miles, "You fúcking bítc-"
Misha was blocked from being attacked. The other two were silenced when Vanya, the ever silent passive and timid Schliemann who is barely a functioning gangster, yelled out the original name given to Misha by Master Farlan. The name that they consider to be Misha's real name; and for Vanya to yell that out, it seems like he does want to stop his younger brother.
"Vanya...?" Miles whispers in shock, heart racing when Vanya saved him from being beaten up by an impulsive gangster. His voice no longer airy or light, gentle or soft; but it was strict and his eyes showed obvious anger as he faces Misha and protects Miles.
"What?!" Misha spits out, then relies on Vanya's lip-reading, "Don't tell me his tricks on you worked, he's manipulating you with the toys!"
Vanya narrows his eyebrows. I... want him... wanted him... and wanted him to... But, he was unable to communicate that because he's also very confused about these new feelings. He isn't certain if he truly is manipulated, or if his feelings are true.
But, Misha looks at his eyes and reads them; for some reason, he can see that Vanya does not want him to hurt Miles. And so, he reluctantly steps away and cancels his plans of revenge.
"Well... I wouldn't want to be killed by the Master if I kill you," Misha says, stretching his neck. "But don't act all mighty, I can still expose you, I don't need to punch you."
Shít, Miles internally curses, since Misha still has a hand around his neck. "Now come here, [bítchy] Tsarina. I need to give Master his whóre."
"No, I-" this time, Vanya wasn't able to stop Misha from grabbing Miles' wrist and pulling on him to the point where his ankles almost twisted in those heels.
"Fight back, and I'll show Master the video!" Misha threatens as he pulls a protesting Miles out of the closet and into the hallways.
Vanya is left inside, with a harshly beating heart and a velociraptor staring at him from a counter. He couldn't look at the velociraptor in the eyes, he only sinks down and sits on the floor, leaning against the counter. That nice, pretty man... my heart... my heart wants to touch...
Why...? My heart hurts.
"Forgive me for being late Master, this little Princess is stubborn," Misha deadpans while dragging Miles into the Schliemann Master's office. He really wants to throw this crossdressing concubine onto the floor, but he can't. He can only force him to stand before the Master’s table.
"Oh. Well, you are here anyway, that is very good. Come here, Lisichka... you are very beautiful, I am very impressed," Farlan gestures for Miles to come over to him. Stealing a hesitant glance towards Misha, Miles reluctantly obeys.
Misha then opens the door about to leave, but Farlan calls out to him. "Misha, what is that on your face?"
The gangster turns around, watching Miles accept the Master's hand and being gently pulled to sit on his right thigh. Even with the thick, heavy tension Farlan nonchalantly adds, "I haven't sent you out onto any missions, but you are injured? Did someone challenge you?"
Misha curses. This is that whóre's fault. And the punch was strong, the bruise turned purple after minutes of walking to get here. Misha is too embarrassed to admit it, but he did, "This is the Mistress' doing."
"Miles?" Upon hearing the Master say his name, Miles looks at him shocked, trying to figure out what they're saying in Russian. "Did you do that, my Lisichka?"
Miles swallows his nerves, "Y... yes..." Shít. Is he gonna let me off?
"Hmm... you are one naughty boy, are you Miles?" Farlan chuckles while his hand is holding onto Miles' thigh. Misha was once again about to leave but the Master commands, "Misha? Lock the door and come over here."
What? The other two both stay shocked and confused. Misha did as he was told while the Master presses certain buttons on his computer. The gangster then notices the red blinking on the surveillance cameras disappearing.
"Miles, my dear..." Farlan removes the glove on his left hand with his teeth, then turns his head towards him. "You shouldn't hurt my men, whom I care so deeply. I care about all of you equally, and I won't tolerate you hurting each other."
"I'm sorry," Miles immediately apologizes, then turns to the other male, "I'm sorry, Misha. I won't do it again."
"Oh, very nice Lisichka," Farlan happily exclaims, proud of his polite lover. Cheerful tone unchanging he says, "But here in the Schliemann, we believe in an eye for an eye."
Miles feels nervous, an new layer of tension arising as he thinks Misha may get his revenge.  However, the Master laughs at both of their reactions. "Oh, don't worry. I won't allow my precious Lisichka to get hurt. He is a diamond among my gold; take his eye, and I'll take your head."
Why is Farlan so scary despite smiling and laughing as if it's a normal conversation and he's not a Master from the Unholy Trinity?
"But rules are rules, so you must apologize to those you hurt properly," Farlan casually announces, "Miles should service you orally, Misha. Come here."
"What?!" Miles stands up, but his wrist is suddenly held back by the Master. Both Miles and Misha did not expect this, but then again Farlan is one unpredictable motherfúcker.
"Master-" Misha calmly interjects, watching Miles forced to sit back on the Master's thighs.
"Either this, or I'll have you reconcile with a fight to the death. Just like your predecessor, Misha."
Yasha's brother, the previous second hand... Misha had attacked him, and the eye for an eye rule led them to a duel for the brother's equal revenge. However, it turned into a full battle when Misha refused to yield. One thing led to another, and Vanya stepped in to protect his brother. There was no eye to take for Vanya, for a dead man cannot enact revenge.
"I'll do it," Miles says out loud, eyes on the floor since he could not, no matter how terrible of a person Misha is, endanger him. He may not be Taewon anymore, but he's still Jihun's brother. There's still Jihun inside Vanya.
And so, Misha goes behind the table to obey the Master's will. Farlan turns his chair so Miles will face the one he punched, while sitting directly on the Master's crotch.
"Remember to apologize, Lisichka..." Farlan softly instructs, hands smoothing along Miles's waist to the thighs.
"I'm... I'm sorry... Misha..." Miles says as his trembling hands reach out to undo the gang leader's belt.
"Use his real name for the apology to make it more serious, nicknames are too casual, my dear."
No, "Forgive me, Mikhael..." Miles says while his touch ignites Misha's cóck enough for the heterosexual man to get aroused especially when Miles is wearing a skirt.
"That's it baby, show him your skills now..." Farlan sighs, watching Miles slowly suck on his second hand's cóck, with Misha fighting the urge to touch him. His hands are still behind him, just in case the Master doesn't want his possession to get touched. But, "It's alright, Misha. You can use him until you're satisfied. An eye for an eye, yeah?"
Misha proceeds to hold onto Miles' curls and sigh in pleasure at the skillful tongue he's offering. Meanwhile Miles endures Farlan's hands who is lifting his skirt behind him, touching his thighs and bum. He looks up at Misha, a little relieved that he's here. I'm sorry you have to see Farlan touch me like this... I never wanted this, I promise... but I hope... I hope make you feel good enough to remember how I used to make you feel.
Miles slightly chokes when Misha pulls his head hard, shoving his tip down Miles' throat and making sure to bruise it. Right now, he's actually looking more satisfied seeing tears in the corner of the Mistress' eyes as he is 'forced' to perform fellatio.
All of a sudden, Farlan strips him off his necktie and underwear, definitely planning to fúck him in the presence of Miles' own bodyguard. For that, Miles gets even more reluctant. He holds onto Misha's hand, begging to pull away.
And when he managed to, he chokes out, "Wait--uhm, Farla--Master, I..."
"You will not stop until you've fully serviced him, Miles," the Master sternly states, then proceeds to push a finger up Miles' entrance. "You should also satisfy me."
But I don't... not with him here! "Please wait, I-"
"Go in front of the table, Misha," Farlan commands, and the gangster obeys. As he walks there, Farlan decides to punish a reluctant Miles by bending him over the table, where he has to suck Misha and present his other side to Farlan.
"Not so tough now, are you Tsarina?" Misha mumbles to mock Miles, who is moaning while súcking on his díck all because his hole is being lubed up on the other side.
Ugh, I hate both of you... "Ack-!"
"Don't be stubborn Lisichka, this is to teach you a lesson," Farlan happily states like the cheerful man he is, shoving three fingers deep inside his precious whóre. "For now, Misha is allowed to bruise your throat the same way you did to him. Eye for an eye."
Misha grunts while pulling out of Miles to give him air. As his curls are held hostage in Misha's hand he breathes out, "Farlan...! It hur--NNGH!"
Misha looks forward and watches the Master enter Miles with ease, watching Farlan's flustered and satisfied face while now fúcking his Mistress. Misha has always wondered what he sees in Miles; that made this average curly and freckled man irresistible and addictive to a Master who can have any beauty Queen from around the world he desires. How does it feel...?
Instead, he looks for answers by shoving himself inside Miles' mouth. Is it how Miles looks up when taking this díck? It's so séxy...
But other sexier women can do that.
"Mmmmffhh! Mmffh--mnnnghh! Mfffh!"
Is it his voice? It's so hot and I can feel his pleasure just with his throat's vibrations... But others sound heavily during séx, too.
"Shít, Miles!" The Master curses while thrusting inside him, his skirt lifted up and áss red from the occasional slap from Farlan's punishment.
"Shít," Misha curses as well, watching Miles gag on his díck and trapped saliva falling to the floor. I don't know what makes him special... but he's still beautiful. "SHÍT!"
"Oh, you have [come], Misha?" Farlan slows down and watches an exhausted Miles choke more to the point of coughing. The Master looks all too happy and excited to be sharing his Mistress. "Did he swallow?"
"Looks like," Misha honestly answers, feeling unsatisfied because-- Wait, why am I unsatisfied?
Farlan chuckles, pulling out and softly caressing Miles' thighs pervertedly. Miles still lays there trying to catch his breath. "He's beautiful, isn't he?"
"In all honestly Master, he's not my type. I'm into women."
"Oh? You need to expand and experiment, my friend. The world is too big to narrow your options. Why don't you try him out?" Farlan invites with a genuine smile, gently turning Miles around and flipping up the skirt to rub the shamefully aroused díck.
"Uhm... Farlan..." Miles breathes out, his shirt open and necktie very lose. He looks up at Misha, seeing the boy genuinely enticed by his body. Those legs, long and covered in black thigh highs... the male parts were beautiful as well, being displayed all for lustful eyes to see in this table.
"I don't think I should be allowed to indulge in your personal Mistress, Master," Misha avoids looking at Miles instead, but it doesn't change the fact that his erection is not going away.
"Oh shút up," the ever so carefree Farlan states, "Come here and get a taste of males, they're just as pleasurable as women. Repeated séxual partners might make Miles lose pleasure from doing it with me as well. Why not switch it up a bit. Just this once."
Farlan is one strange man. Still, that was his command and the second hand should follow. Misha goes behind his table and holds onto Miles' legs, spreading them. Farlan sits back at his chair and gladly observes with his cheek sitting on his hand.
Taewon... "Misha?" Miles is hesitant if he should be happy or dread this; for this is not his Taewon right now, it'll be like being violated by a stranger. But is it still violation when it's him that wants to feel that again?
After three long years... four, even... Miles subtly bites his inner bottom lip and breathes deeply, preparing for his former lover.
However, there was still reluctance in Misha's eyes. So the Master says, "Go on, my friend. He won't get hurt, I've gone first."
With that permission, Misha sinks himself inside a man for the first time since he can remember, and the breath he's been holding back finally descends as pleasured grunts as he investigates what makes Miles so irresistible.
"Fúck! Nnnhh--T... Ta... Mi....shhwa-wait! Too fast...!" Miles moans out, using his elbows to prop himself up but always falls because of the intensity.
This made Farlan chuckle in amusement in the middle of pleasuring himself as well. "Whoa Misha... when was the last time you had a woman? This is a bit too fun..."
"Forgive me Master--ghh," Misha moans while holding onto Miles' waist and fúcking him mercilessly deep. "I have.... been focused on work..."
Miles has his head angled up while looking down to where Misha bullies his prostate and treats him like a true whóre, which he loved. "Ahhhnnn! M... Mm...mmhhh....! Ohh-nnnhh!"
"Miles is the best, isn't he?" Farlan inhales sharply, getting turned on witnessing his own Mistress get railed by his strongest man. It's like two lab rats mating.... how cute.
Misha wasn't able to answer that question. He puts his one hand against the table, leaning down to Miles' level to hear more of those heavenly sounds. No, this sounds a lot more better than the others... Miles Taylor, what the fúck? Who the fúck are you?
The Master himself is enjoying such incredible display of pleasure from the two; Miles sounds different than usual, however. His voice is higher, the intonation rising whenever he moans. He seems to be enjoying it, which Farlan isn’t at all opposed to.
“Nnnghh! Mish…. sha… Mi…” Miles’ heart is begging to yell out Taewon’s name, but no. Not in the presence of Farlan, who he spots staring solely at him. Miles bites his lip, stopping himself from sounding too satisfied from Misha fúcking him. Farlan… stop looking at me like that… please, I feel like a sin myself, instead of the one sinning…
Miles looks up at Misha, who isn’t that different in desperately looking at him as if searching for an answer. An answer to what, exactly? Taewon, why are you looking at me like that?
“No… please…. wait a minute, I’m gonna…!”
Miles Taylor is a stubbornly emotional person, no matter how hard he hides his real intentions. Too stubborn and driven by emotions, he pushes himself up to meet Misha halfway and kiss him deeply, something that none of these Schliemann men expected.
However, the sudden feel of soft lips made Misha ejaculate inside him. Miles pulls away and moans at the feeling of Misha inserting his seed inside, and he slowly opens his eyes and catches his breath to realize what he had done in front of the Schliemann Master, who owns him.
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Branda Lopez

Soo...should I start preparing Miles' funeral?