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The Master of the Schliemann accepts a report handed by his loyal Yasha, all while smoking an expensive cigar in his office.
"The Shabdkoshi had knocked down the Llorona in the ranks. It is predicted that by months ahead, they will take the place of the Levough in the Unholy Trinity," she reports. "The Shinji Yakuza is already threatened."
"Mmm, they can't do that if Miles is not with them," Farlan hums, staring at the soaring stocks and territory of Miles' previous home. "Any news about the Levough?"
"Radio silent," she sighs, pulling her knife out and playing with it idly. "Rumor has it, Járed Levough perished three years ago. The Levough has not grown any stocks and territory since then."
"That's impossible, the Levough Master cannot die," Farlan sits up, worried. "Find him for me. I can't accept an old friend being gone forever."
"Wouldn't that be impossible, Master? The Levoughs have the tightest security next to the Vietnamese Mafia."
"Just find him," Farlan waves his hand, demanding she find a way. "And speaking of the Viet... are the Hiện rỏ Mafia still at war with the Shinji?"
"I believe so; they had assassinated three of Shinji's advisers, and the Japanese retaliated by shutting down three of their businesses."
Farlan curses. He really wants the security of the Hiện rỏ, maybe they could be allies. But the Schliemann is already in league with the Shinji. Still, he tells Yasha, "Bring me a Shinji representative, their Master, even. They need to stop these petty fights because I need something from the Hiện rỏ."
the next morning,
Miles felt relieved while showering, yet also a bit lonely that he spent the whole night alone. Farlan worked overtime and didn't come home, however that can be a good thing so Miles can get a break from being a bed warmer. As a successful experiment, he can recover very well from being sore or having his hole torn. Still, it's a pain he has to go through almost every night.
Tsk. Am I really just here for him to play with? Fúck men and their infinite libido. Miles rants to himself in the bathroom, If only Farlan was a woman, my life would be a lot better.
No matter how kind of a gentleman Farlan is, he still thinks of Miles as a trophy, and he doubts the Master even sees him as more than an object. Farlan however, treats his possessions with such loving care from rough and gentle hands. That doesn't change the fact that Miles is still a possession.
A kiss every morning... a climax every night... he makes me feel like a woman, Miles sighs while cleaning himself in the shower, not aware that he's actually touching himself right now. When he did, he immediately snaps out of it. What the fúck, really?!
Is séx every night not enough for you, you whóre? Or maybe he's just craving for another kind of touch, like two pairs of hands, one rough and another gentle. Going back to reality, Miles steps out of the shower and didn't bother to close the robe because the Gangsters didn't come here this morning.
It made him smile, Taewon was shaken from yesterday, weren't he? He's such a sore loser with a big ego... but cute. I can't wait to go out with him...
Thinking he was alone, he exits the bathroom while trying to towel-dry his curls, when suddenly he spots an entire man standing very still in front of the bed. "OH MY GO-" Miles immediately covers himself and closes the robe.
"What the-?!" What... Jihun? He had came here alone, all because Misha refused to face the cunning Miles after that game. He had thought he can avoid the consequences of that game by sending Vanya instead. The thing is, Vanya doesn't talk to the other gangsters so he wasn't able to bring them.
Vanya couldn't care less that Miles came out barely dressed, he keeps staring at the multiple colorful copies of the Dinosaur Miles gave him, scattered all over the room. He didn't even hear the scream, he just stands quietly with the cute dinosaurs.
Silent but quickly, Miles dresses up in slacks and a plain royal blue button up that he stole from Farlan's closet. It was a bit big, so he kept it open revealing the plain white shirt underneath. After the got dressed, he approached the distracted Vanya. "Uhm...?" Jihun...? Zeus...?
Sensing a presence behind him, Vanya turns and faces the wet-haired Miles Taylor, eyes emotionless but his face is soft. Vanya observes that he can be very pretty. Meanwhile, Miles lets out a hopeful smile, "Hello Vanya... you're here... where's your brother?"
Vanya didn't listen to him and his eyes move to the stuffed dinosaurs, to Miles, then back again. As if wondering if they're for him.
"Oh! You like them?" Miles excitedly picks up a two feet velociraptor and flaps its foamy wings, then proceeds to sign, "Hmm, since you're here to watch me, you can have one! I'll... I'll give you one everytime you accompany me. Is that okay?"
Say less, Vanya takes the stuffed winged reptile from him and purses his lips in an unknown expression. He is very happy whenever he's with Miles; Misha is the only one who can do sign language, so Vanya is somewhat comfortable with another person who can do it as well.
Jihun! Miles bites his lip, smiling. I wish I can hug and kiss you right now, but...
"Let's go to breakfast?" He excitedly offers.
later on,
"Yo, what is he doing?"
"Is that Vanya?"
"No way he's watching the concubine, where's Misha?"
Miles couldn't understand the whispers of the Russian men in the hallways, and Vanya can't hear them. They just mindlessly walk around the mansion with Miles happily rambling on and on about Vanya's moody brother and how he's such a prick.
Vanya does nothing but purse his lips and nod his head, somewhat agreeing that his younger brother can be a big brat most of the times.
"Oh and! And I can't understand the Russian nicknames he gives me, I feel like it's really degrading..." Miles chats as he also signs, very much excited that he's with his big Teddy bear now.
Meanwhile Vanya is thinking, Why 'he talk so much?
In order to slow down Miles' nerves from being too mad at Misha, Vanya suddenly takes his hand and stops in front of a door. Miles' heart jumps, his tongue tied, and electricity flowed from his fingers onto his heart through his lovesick veins. "Vanya...?"
The man said nothing else but turn around and walk towards a door he was familiar with, one hand tugging a blushing Miles while the other holds his precious velociraptor. Miles couldn't help but squeeze the hand that's holding him, for he misses this touch so much. He keeps staring at Vanya's soft but textured hands, his arm lined with some veins.
Vanya was unlocking a door with a universal Key that only he, the Master, the head Housekeeper, Yasha and Misha held. This Key opens everything, even the Master Bedroom; but not the Master's Office. They all know when their presence is needed and Farlan trusts them very well.
"Where are you taking me?" Miles asks as he gets pulled inside a room. Though it's a little scary, he trusts that Vanya isn't too psycho to chop him up and put him in a suitcase somewhere. That'd be Taewon, honestly...
But no, instead Vanya has taken him to another closet, one with a second floor complete with a staircase. Miles gasps, for this isn't like the closet he went to during the game where it was mostly coats; it was a grand closet of men and women's wear with a jewelry isle table in the middle. Although, the jewelry is secured in locked drawers this time.
Miles was too distracted by the beauty of the circular space and massive wardrobe that he got a little startled when Vanya suddenly presents him with a button up shirt. A nice, finely threaded cotton shirt that was white, with the undertone of blue and violets.
"What, you want me to wear this? Is it even allowed?" Miles nervously laughs, feeling a lot flustered from Vanya's unwavering gaze. Those eyes never looked away for one second, even if Miles' is elsewhere. For strangers, it would be creepy. But for them who has a past together, this is all but that.
Miles avoids his eyes and happily steps back to wear the shirt. Even when he's undressing his existing shirt, Vanya never looked away. This makes Miles laugh. "What, I can't get privacy?"
Vanya didn't hear what he said at all, but turned away nonetheless in order to get another article of clothing. Miles sighs in relief and removes his shirt in order to put on a new one, unaware that Vanya already turned around while he does so.
The white haired man was holding a necktie, and another thing from a hangar. He then spots the large, intricate full sleeve tattoo that Miles has before it got covered up by the sleeve. Vanya's heart picked up speed, once again unable to look away from this sinful peeking. Really pretty.
"Oh? What's that?" Miles asks as he buttons himself up, getting closer to the man. "... uhm... Vanya... that's a skirt?"
So? Pushed the thing against Miles and his eyelids fall into half his eyes, getting impatient. Yesterday he has gone to the city for an errand with Yasha. Then he sees pretty girls in skirts. Miles has a similar build to them, although with muscles he's still on the thinner side. He just wants to see if he can recreate the pretty girls' clothes.
"I can't wear this, I'm a guy!" Miles protests.
Vanya's eyebrows minimalistically narrows in disapproval. Then he digs through drawers and pulls out socks, then to another set of cabinets where he got heels. All of them are thrown towards Miles' feet.
Vanya grabs the velociraptor and stomps towards the garbage bin, opening it and extending his arm while facing Miles. He looks like he is going to trash the stuffed toy, and is threatening to.
"Wha- you can't throw that away, why are you forcing me into this?! What's the point!" Not that Miles really minded, but he's too shy to do this and he's embarrassed someone might see.
Vanya glares at him, making the man look more deadly than he is. Then, his lips start to move. "Do."
Jihun...? Miles lost a breath, silently gasping at the barely audible word that came out. He even doubted that Vanya said it, but with only them in the closet, it only could've been him. Miles looks down at the skirt, then Vanya's demanding face.
"F... fine... put the dinosaur down, please," Miles nervously signs with one hand, so the translation was a bit wonky. Vanya's face calms down and goes back into neutrality once more.
Miles really couldn't resist his Jihun and starts to undo his pants, looking away. He's still a bit shy so he walks across the table-isle so he can hide his bottoms from Vanya's watchful gaze. He quickly undresses, sneaking glances at Vanya who is calmly petting the velociraptor.
"When did you get too demanding," Miles mutters to himself, not intending for Vanya to hear, and he didn't. He puts on the skirt, his legs feeling too naked since he doesn't even wear shorts. It's all new to him, and he's a little insecure.
He tries to put on the long socks, however he faces difficulty because it's just too long for him to have to drag it up inch by inch. Vanya got impatient and walked towards him, startling Miles. "Wait, what are you-?!"
Vanya silently lifts him up and places him on the isle, before removing the socks Miles tried to hard to put on. Miles was very nervous and insecure, but he calmed down once he feels Jihun's presence closer to him. It's comforting. He's warm, like a blue cold flame.
The silent man rolls up the long socks before presenting a hole for Miles' foot to slip through, and forced it up Miles' thigh with ease. "Uhm... Ahh, so that's how you do it! I can do it myself now-"
Vanya slaps off his hand when Miles tries taking the other sock. So, he just awkwardly sits there as Vanya rolls up the other one as well. Knowing he most likely wouldn't hear, Miles can't help but whisper, "Zeus..."
After Vanya rolled the edge to his thighs, his hands remain there; touching both the covered and exposed part of Miles, a finger guarding the boundary. His lingering touch leaves electricity in Miles' skin, enough to produce goosebumps that comes with the desire in his heart. Vanya looks up, noticing how they're so close, distance is merely a breath away.
Miles can hear and feel his breath; banana milkshake and an unknown candy. His scent is artificial, expensive. The same with Miles, although... "Uhm?! What are you doing?!"
Vanya had pressed himself against Miles' chest, his one hand unknowingly venturing further into Miles' inner thigh while the other one is pulling on the necktie. The hands were nowhere near Miles' sensitive privates, but it was enough to make him hard. After all, this is his precious lover.
"Ji--Vanya!" Miles gasps, feeling him deeply breathe in the artificial scent of the Master's expensive perfume, and...
Miles pushes him away, hands against his shoulders. Vanya just allows it, not making any efforts to continue his harassment, although he wasn't being aware. He just stares at Miles with big open eyes that was both uncertain and nfused of his actions.
"What are you trying to do?" Miles, looking haphazardly cute in his little uniform, puts his left hand between his legs to hide the fact that he has an erection. It's very obvious in this black tennis skirt.
Vanya simply looks down and feels up the texture of Miles' socks. The smooth material transferred the warm touch to the skin, forcing Miles to hold in a moan. That sudden breath made Vanya look up in curiosity. Seeing Miles very distracted with a red face and closed eyes, Vanya tries again and sneakily leans in to his neck.
That wasn't sneaky, Miles can feel him against his neck. Please don't, I can't take it... I want Jihun so much...
Vanya didn't care and Vanya will do what he wants, so he presses himself against the isle and in-between Miles' open legs, enjoying the lovely natural scent that he really wants for a pillow.
He's smelling me... inhaling a lot... It doesn't help Miles' erection that Vanya's hands are behind his knees, then going down to feel the socks.
"Vanya..." Miles pulls slightly away so the man can see his one hand signing, We are not supposed to do this...
All Vanya understood from that rushed one-handed signal was, We don't do this.
Do what? I do this, He thinks, grabbing Miles' hand and getting fascinated by it. They're beautiful. Long and slender, but definitely a man's. Clean plain nails as well, flustered a little. This made Vanya impulsively hold the hand against his mouth and inhaled the scent to his nose, that baby powder smelling more obvious here. Without moving, Vanya gives Miles a fierce side-eye.
Oh my fúck, he's so handsome... "Y... you're being weird right now..." Miles says, really wanting to get out of here because he doesn't want to be found out. Farlan will kill them, then torture him. He keeps looking at the door wondering if it's locked.
"Vanya..." Miles whispers, inhaling a risk. His hand, still being held hostage by Vanya, perches upon those pale cheeks and pulls the man closer. I'm gonna regret this... but this is my, "Jihun... don't tell anyone... but..."
Now he's really close to him, but far enough for Vanya to read his lips. And even with this distance, he can probably here. "Promise not to tell anyone? Even your brother?"
Vanya releases Miles' hand and instead lands on the thigh, a little bit under the skirt. To him, the Mistress looks exactly like a pretty girl right now.
"Jihun..." Miles quite literally stops breathing, "I love you."
Vanya's eyebrows narrowed at the small phrase, but calmed down once he feels something perch on his lips; Miles's soft lips are now against his plump ones. A little confused he thinks, Am I allowed to smell the pretty girl now?
As their kiss deepens with playfulness in contrast to yesterday's roughness, Miles used both of his hands to hold onto Vanya as the man pushes him further back onto the isle. This decrease in distance caused Vanya's body to be pressed harder against Miles' erection, which he didn't notice until now.
Vanya gets away from Miles' lips to go and feast on his neck, forcing Miles to lie down on the isle as his scent gets exploited by an addicted man of silence. The way Vanya's body moves against his makes him moan, so he presses a sleeve against his mouth. Oh my fúcking god Jihun!
He keeps inhaling the scent, while at the same time doing what they did earlier on Miles' neck. Soft kisses, as if Vanya is making out with Miles' neck. Then after the scent runs out there, he moves down to the collar, which he unbuttons.
What are we doing... Miles breathes heavily as Vanya unknowingly grinds against him. What the fúck are we doing-?!
"Vanya!" Miles scolds, startling the man and making him stop to look up. Only then did Vanya notice Miles' terribly red face and crumpled clothes. His skirt is pushed up, partially revealing an erection behind that male underwear.
Still pretty?
Miles cries out, "I won't be able to hold back if you keep doing this! We shouldn’t be doing this, you'll get in trouble!"
Hold back... Vanya hears, genuinely thinking about it while staring straight into the very sexy image of the pretty girl, Miles Taylor. But you said...
He defies logic and pulls onto Miles' necktie to kiss him once again, getting a taste of that wonderful cherry and this unknown fireworks that goes into his gut. Just like he said, Miles wasn't able to hold back and both of his arms embraced Vanya, shifting forwards so he's once again sitting on the isle.
"Just once..." He can push me away if he doesn't like it, right? Miles breathes out as he pulls his tie loose, moaning at Vanya touching his outer legs under the skirt.
After the ties went loose, Vanya looked for another source of the very nice scent and undressed Miles, exploring his chest for any more of that. Miles gasps at the wet tongue that licked across his chest, crossing a nipple. He even holds onto Vanya's head allows him to just ravage him there. All while his other hand presses on his own erection under the skirt, begging to get stimulated.
"Vanya... Jihun..." For so damn long... so long... The man returns to Miles' lips, leaving his hands to touch him all over his exposed body now. Even Vanya got an erection, while Miles immediately noticed. "Uhm... Vanya...?"
They paused, looking at each other with both of their features flustered. Vanya was still emotionless, but his lids are halfway to his eyes begging more of Miles.
"Are you gonna tell anyone? Because I don't want you to get hurt. I'll play... just this once..." Miles whispered, enough for the other party to hear and enough for Vanya to read his lips.
Those pretty lips... Vanya shakes his head negatively before leaning in to taste those pretty lips once more, the poor abandoned velociraptor watching intently.
It wasn't the only one watching, for a certain absent gang leader sits alone in the security room after demanding everyone to get out hours earlier. He sits there with his feet up the table, sipping Boba strawberry milktea as he watches a single camera overlooking the 4th floor Grand Wardrobe.
"Liar," Misha mumbles, raising an eyebrow while chewing the jello balls. "Well well well, Miles Taylor. Looks like you are a whóre, after all. 'Not kissing anyone in front of me,' my áss. 'Not a slút,' my 9 inch díck."
Misha watches the red blinking light on this particular monitor, recording the two's intimate affair. "You want a game, I'll give you a game. Good job, brother."
to be continued,



Taewon, I get the feeling that Miles will still get the better of you.

Branda Lopez

What are you going to do? Show the video to the master? Lol You will be signing your brother's death certificate as well