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Miles patiently, or mindlessly it seems, sits in front of the dresser with his knees against his chest. It's as if he's trying to fit in the tiniest box while being in a room as large as a whole loft. The clock ticks 20:00, just in time for the door to open and Master Farlan comes in with heavy sighs.
"Ahh, those bastards," he curses while untying the top of his hair, letting long blonde strands fall on his face after along day of work. "Americans are not to be trusted. Running away with my money... I'll chop them up and feed them to homeless people."
Miles chuckles, still void of humor as he looks at Farlan without energy at all. "I'm American."
Farlan wholeheartedly laughs at that, approaching Miles and putting his hands on either side of the chair. Now both of them are staring at each other through the mirror. "Well, you are my special American. Run away with my money, and I'll probably give you double what you stole."
Is he serious? Miles almost genuinely laughed at that, but he is unable to. He is too sad, mind too occupied with the thoughts of earlier.
"You seem sad, Lisichka. Are you bored here? Uncomfortable with your bodyguards?"
Miles suddenly has an idea. He'd be taking advantage of Farlan, but it's mutual exploitation. "Yes, I'm bored. I'd like to go shopping."
"Hmm. I'd certainly let you go outside... but, we haven't captured the Llorona assassin who tried to eliminate me a month ago," Farlan says, all while softly touching Miles's jaw and neck. His hands are both smooth from paperwork and coarse from handling guns.
"Spanish Mafia, you've heard of that, yes?"
So I still can't go outside, what a scam. Miles sighs heavily, his eyes looking straight at the Master as if he was a child denied of playtime. He then grabs onto the hand that's caressing his neck, thumb rubbing onto Farlan's palm. Miles has nothing to lose if he pouts a little bit, so he keeps playing the game.
"But Farlan... I want something cute to accompany me while you're away at work. Like, cute stuffed dinosaurs."
"Stuffed dinosaurs?"
the next couple of days,
The customized fiber stuffed toys, twelve of them in fact, sit on the foot of the bed just as Miles woke up naked as usual. The newly awakened Mistress gasps in full shock not expecting 12! But Farlan was no longer here for him to thank.
Whoa! Excitedly wearing a robe, Miles squeezes the dinosaurs one by one. They were fat and pastel versions, with big beady eyes and smooth skin.
Farlan won't mind if I give one to Jihun... uhm, Vanya... right? Miles wishes he could thank the Master, but of course his work requires him to leave very early in the morning. However, there was something quite nice being partially woken up with a kiss to the shoulder whenever Farlan says goodbye... Miles, snap out of it and find Jihun!
He immediately dresses up in semi formal clothing with a dark blue shirt, a black vest, and dark pants. Indeed, he looks more like a designated player in this game rather than a gamepiece. Just in time for the gangsters to come wake him up.
"Yo, Tsari-" It was Misha who first barges in, expecting Miles to be lazing around the King bed. However, he was caught off guard by the somewhat breathtaking image of Miles Taylor in a curly wet look, a dark suit which highlights his slender physique, and clean shaven face with a positive smile. Miles looked very confident and clean in an innocent way despite his attire having a dark pallette.
Misha's tongue seemed to be tied at the unexpected image.
"Oh. You're awake." The gang leader avoids his guilty gaze, "Unfortunate for us, then."
The gangsters look among themselves, impressed at their leader's ability to be choked up like this. After all, they (excluding Misha) developed a distant fondness for Miles after he stood up to their leader, and convinced the Master to not punish him despite Misha being disrespectful. To them, this concubine is so mysterious and his motives are unclear.
"I want to go to the music room," Miles demands with sheer excitement, grabbing the fat Brachiosaurus with a light green body and pink scales.
"Tch. Why?" Misha can't help but antagonize yet again. However this time, with a little less aggression because Miles did spare him a brutal punishment from the Master. Also, what the fúck is up with the children's toys everywhere?
"I have a new gift for your brother," Miles says, squishing the 3 foot plush so the fiber can be easily distributed.
Misha raises a cautious eyebrow, however he wasn't as hostile as before. For... Vanya? Why would anyone give Vanya a gift? "Hey Old man, why're you giving a stuffed toy to my older brother, he's not a kid?"
Still, Miles ignores him and walks out of the door with the toy, forcing Misha to follow him. "Old? I'm just 28." Jihun would be 26 by now, and you 24.
"Yeah and your bones are cracking. You weird adult," Misha tries to insult him, but Miles is too preoccupied with the toy that none of his strange words hurt. Misha glares at his gang members, all of whom just shrug as they walk along.
He's really gonna give that childish thing to Vanya? Misha scowls. But then, he thinks about Miles not really having any bad intentions towards his brother, and they do owe him for saving Misha from severe injuries and possible execution from the Master.
The leader stops walking and calls out to Miles, "Hey, Tsarina! Vanya is not at the music room."
Miles turns around with a surprised look, from the fact that Vanya isn't there and also how strangely Misha is acting right now. Like, a shy person who tries to be tough. He looks like he's against the idea of Miles approaching his brother, yet he still confesses.
"He's at the garden. Picking out worms to release them before the gardener comes in and use them as fishbait."
Oh... Miles heart softens, seeing some light behind dark clouds of uncertainty. Misha now reminds him a little of Taewon, how he masks his real emotions with tough masculinity.
"Oh. Thank you, T.... Misha..." Miles breaths out. I'll win you over too, Taewon. I just know that I need to break through Jihun to get to you. Please wait and soften up for me.
Indeed a white haired man crouched on the ground carefully cultivating the soil to find earthworms to save them from the peril of being bait.
Misha stays with his men in the shades of the Mansion's grand porch, carefully watching over Miles. Yasha is not with them because Master Farlan took her with him, which adds to Misha's bitterness when he's stuck here babysitting yet again.
However, maybe the sight of Miles approaching a deadfaced Jihun with a wide smile isn't such a sore for the eyes after all.
"Hello, uhm..." Zeus? Lucifer? "Vanya?" Miles softly calls out as to not startle him, accompanying with the softest tap from two fingers on his shoulder.
Vanya looks up with a little scowl, his hair in a white plain headband to keep it out of his sweaty face. He seems to be very dedicated in saving the worms. He would be very displeased at being disturbed, especially by this strange man. His irritation is not displayed very much, but it is very obvious.
"Uhm... I have something for you," Miles says, with one hand signing it out. The other, carefully lifting up a three foot children's toy that vaguely resembles a prehistoric creature. Miles signs, "Do you like dinosaurs?"
"What is he doing?" One gangster asks the leader, all of them unable to tear their eyes away from him.
Their leader scoffs, "He probably wants to have his hand broken. Does he really think Vanya's into that stupid shí..."
All gangsters suddenly stands straight up instead of leaning back, when their Vanya stands up to remove his gloves, his hand coming forward to touch the thing. His eyes stare at it with wonder, then looks back up at Miles as if asking for permission.
"So you like it?" Miles says and also signs, "It's for you..."
The younger brother's mouth hung in shock when Vanya puts his hand on the toy, then squeezes in wonder as if he can't believe that such a thing can be soft and squishy. He even takes off his other glove to lift it off of Miles' hold. His face is still emotionless, but his eyes cannot hide the wonder and excitement of being given such a cute creature.
Miles feels so happy; there is a silver lining, after all. He looks back at a barely breathing Misha whose expression got stuck in disbelief. He smugly mouths, I told you so.
He turns back to Vanya who is now more willing to look at him. Signing without verbal words Miles says, 'If you don't want the worms to die... I can tell the Master to spare them for you?'
Vanya blinked twice, seemingly very happy at that suggestion although his mouth is still unmoving.
'Great! Can you show me where they are usually hanging out?' Miles signs. Without a word, Vanya turns around and abandons his mission to show Miles around the garden. After being given such a squishy pillow, Vanya thinks Miles isn't so bad after all.
"H-hey! Where do you think you're taking my brother?" Misha calls out as Miles follows Vanya further into the garden.
"Me? He's touring me around, are you blind?" Miles smugly winks at Misha who doesn't know how to respond to that. Miles adds, "You can leave us if you want. After all, Vanya can break my hands, can't he?"
Eavesdropping bítch, Misha internally grumbles, bitter that Vanya is suddenly hooked around Miles' finger metaphorically. Even without words, he's pointing to the bushes where the worms are located. Miles expresses childish excitement everytime, and it seems like Vanya really likes that someone took interest in this strange hobby.
"Leader? Should we follow them?"
"Tch. Fúcking bugs," Misha curses the worms. "Watch them closely. If Vanya snaps and hurts him, he'll be killed by the Master."
Meanwhile, the usually emotionless Vanya has on a ghost of a smile everytime he points at something and Miles crouches down to stare. While Miles is gently poking the soil careful not to kill any worms, Vanya keeps enthusiastically squeezing the dinosaur with his large hands. Everyone.... says this is a dumb thing to do.... He thinks, So... this person is dumb too?
"Wow Vanya, I found a really long one!" Miles excitedly signs to him while prodding under a rosebush.
Vanya crouches down with him and carefully lifts up the spaghetti worm with a stick. He can't help but look at this strange man whose smile is too bright in a Mansion full of corruption. He... is dumb like me? I am happy.
While Miles checks out every little spot that Vanya points out, the white haired man stays standing while squeezing the eyesockets of the dino plushie in admiration. He doesn't even notice his brother stalking the both of them from the entrance of the grand garden, scowling excessively. Vanya ignores him because, The dinosaur is very nice. Very soft. Squish.
later on,
A cigarette had burned onto its shortest stem only after one sip by Misha. All because he's too distracted and dumbfounded while staring in the distance where the pavilion is. A pavilion in the middle of the garden, occupied by a happy Miles enjoying tea and a silent Vanya enjoying the plushie.
A gangster who was tasked to eavesdrop approaches the leader, "Uhm... Boss... the concubine is just talking about himself? He doesn't like spicy stuff, he wants to cook for Vanya one day, and---"
"Is Vanya listening?" Misha asks.
The gangster shrugs, "I don't think he is? But the concubine won't shut up."
"Tsk. What does he really want with my brother. I know Vanya won't leave him alone just in case he gives more of those fúcking toys," Misha grumbles, disliking the fact that Miles may be attracted to him. After all, he belongs to Master Farlan and Vanya will be the one in danger.
Speaking of, Misha spots Yasha on a second floor veranda, watching over them in the garden. The Master's home.
For that, Misha approaches them while throwing away his unused cigarette.
Meanwhile, Miles has the biggest smile since waking up back in the Shabdkoshi. "... even though Chinese Garter were dominated by the girls, I like to participate and was the best male jumper! I can jump over their head level!"
"Oi, loudmouth!" Misha barks at them, making Miles' mood dip. Vanya seemed to truly be listening to him too, because his eyebrows slightly dipped as well when Misha interrupted them. "The Master is home. Stay away from Vanya before he thinks that you're flirting with him."
Miles opens his mouth to protest, but stays silent. He's right... Farlan might get the wrong idea... "Ahh... Ji... uhm, Vanya... I'm sorry, I think I'll leave for now. Uhm, can we...?"
"What makes you think he'll feel bad when you leave? You just forced him to accompany you," Misha cut him off.
This bitter child, Miles sighs, scowling at Misha. "Fine. I'll go. But I prefer Vanya be my bodyguard. Again, he's not a meanie like you."
"Meanie? What are you, five?"
"Five fingers up your àss Misty," Miles huffs, standing up to leave but not without bumping onto Misha's shoulders.
The gangsters watching in the distance, yet still heard everything, snorts and holds down their laughs, one even silently clapping at Miles' fearlessness. Misha is one of the best Schliemann assassins other than Yasha, her brother, and surprisingly, Vanya. For Miles to interact with two of Schliemann's scariest and best cards like child's play, marks him as one scary concubine.
a while later,
Miles was once again called to Master Farlan's grand office. There, he enters a whole suite sectioned into 3. A lounge of fancy couches and a virtual fireplace, surrounded by stations of alcoholic drinks. Second, a grand table and a big empty chair reserved only for the King; the table even has a gun and its cartridges of ammunition lined up ready to use. This reminds Miles that Farlan is still a dangerous man despite his questionable and immature simping.
Thirdly, the office has a small section with a bar and a long table, which is actually an LED monitor meant for any purposes. Right now, Master Farlan is playing billiards with a long pole and a virtual billiard interface on the table. Miles silently walks towards that second, watching Farlan's hands as they strategize the placement of the stick against the flat screen-table.
I really let those hands touch me intimately at night... Taewon was right, I am a whóre. But those hands adorned with rings and featured obvious veins were undeniably attractive. Miles clears his throat, "... you called?"
Farlan fired and led to shooting three balls down the hole. He smiles happily, grinning at Miles and gesturing for him to come here. "Ahh. My lucky charm. How wonderful to see you after such a long day."
"How was your day?" Miles puts up a front, although his face is still rigid and a little nervous. He joins the Master on the table, Farlan immediately hugging him with one hand on the waist.
"Oh, I went to collect an old friend's debt. Saw him with his successful multi-million company in the U. S, surely he'd be able to pay me back for what he owed just to create his business."
The Mafias usually resort to violent tactics to get their money. Farlan could have killed this man to sell the organs or force him to sell that company to the Schliemann as payment. Miles witnessed that scenario in the Levough once; Járed was brutally pulling out nails from a debtor's fingers until they get paid back.
"Did he pay?" Miles asks. The Unholy Trinity is the scariest among the Mafia's, one must not mess with them.
"Of course, he was kind enough for me to not get blood on my clothes," Farlan sighs to relieve himself now that his current favorite person is here. He presses on the table to change the interface. "How about you, tell me all about your day, Lisichka...?"
"I met Misha's brother," Miles honestly states as Farlan softly kisses his shoulders. "I find myself more comfortable with him than your angry Rottweiler-like Second hand.."
Farlan genuinely laughs against Miles' neck. "Excuse Misha. He is one of my best men. His anger and skills is what made him very valuable to me, and the brothers are essential to your protection. He will not hesitate to kill anyone that will endanger you."
Maybe I can know more about the brothers with Farlan... Miles faces him, leaning back against the table while being showered with kisses of admiration. "Uhm... uhh... what about Vanya? He's... so gentle, how is he essential? He doesn't look like he can hurt anyone."
"Ahh my Lisichka," Farlan pulls away just to lift Miles to sit on the table, standing between his legs and pulling on his necktie. "Vanya mercilessly executed my previous Second-hand as a pledge of loyalty to me, he is far from harmless."
Miles' eyes grew wide. So it wasn't Farlan?! Jihun...?
Farlan himself is so amused at Miles' reaction, he chuckles to himself. "You like the silent Vanya more, huh? Well, he is still a little unstable, and I still doubt his loyalty to me. Seems like he only ever hurts someone when Misha is in danger. Like the duel with my previous Second-hand. He is more loyal to his brother than me, so I favor him less."
Of course. That's them, alright... but Jihun... really killed Yasha's brother, maybe because Taewon was losing? Miles worries for Yasha even more, because she seemed to like Jihun very much. Yasha is questionable herself.
"What else has he done?" Miles questions, allowing the Master to pull his neck tie and undo the buttons. Miles can feel Farlan's arousal as well, so he feels both nervous and guilty serving this man while his heart belongs to another.
"Why the sudden interest in him? Do you like him that much, Lisichka? Any feelings?" Farlan raises an eyebrow that spikes up Miles' nerves.
And so, he laughs while leaning towards the Master, even pulling his loose white tie. "He's just weird and mysterious to me. He doesn't look like he belongs here, that's why I'm intrigued. Why, is Master Farlan getting jealous?"
The seductive tone accusing Farlan made Miles' appeal as dangerous as the Master's power. Farlan pulls him closer, closing the gap. "Well, I am a busy and yet jealous man, Miles. Although I plan to give you everything, forgiveness is not one I'll give to you if you betray me."
"I know." Miles refuses to surface out any of his emotions other than his conniving smile. He seductively kisses Farlan, then his jaw, then his neck where Miles' face finally shows his regret in being too inquisitive. Still, those kisses are soft enough to distract the Master. "I know those who sit on the Unholy Trinity's thrones. I wouldn't plot against you knowing what you can do."
"Smart indeed." They share a kiss once again, even if it's against Miles' internal desires. Their soft and gentle kisses turn into that of urgency,  until Farlan spins Miles around and push him against the table.
"Farlan... I'm... I'm not ready..." Miles breaths out when he feels gentle hands stripping him off his buttons and vest. Farlan responds by pulling on his curls and kissing him yet again.
"I don't have to put it in for us to have fun, you know..." Farlan adds before kissing Miles yet again in a more demanding form. Miles holds onto the Master's hands tight, silently expressing his distaste though it's not visible. "After this, let's have dinner outside the Manor?"
"How romantic," Miles mutters sarcastically, but didn't make it obvious since they're busy kissing. Farlan spins him around so they can be closer. Miles' vest was off and his shirt spread open, up until he is naked with nothing but shoes while sitting on the table, trapped with Farlan in-between his legs.
As much as it is sinful, Miles allows the Master to pleasure him with those rough and dangerous hands, holding onto the man and leaving lustful kisses. Farlan was about to unbuckle his belt when a knock came from the door, making Miles' jump. Farlan sighs, but casually replies in Russian.
"Yes, come in?" He gave no context to Miles and when the door suddenly opens, the naked Mistress on the table didn't have the time to cover up except for clutching his discarded shirt against his chest. He cant even move because Farlan remains trapping him against the table.
"Master... erm," the visitor pauses.
When a panicking Miles looks back, his heart drops to his stomach seeing none other than Misha.



I love it!!!

Raven Nguyen Tran

I wonder if we will ever get to see Mile's badass skills from his 1 year training period with the Levough again? That would be fun to see him be badass a bit.


Painful thing is, Badass Miles was featured in Heidi’s route (Zeus’ route was voted winner) but Badass Miles will appear soon too!