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"What beautiful eyes..."
"Where are you taking me..." Miles demands more than asks, unsettled by the gentleness of the Master's hold on his hand.
"Why, to our room, of course. You need to rest for the night. Tomorrow, you'll get a tour of the Mansion and the Estate. It is a warm summer while the nights are chilly cold outside," Farlan happily states, squeezing his hand. The hallways were tall and as beautiful as a castle, even mimicking that of 19th Century Russian interior design mixed with modern gold and white monotoned colors. It is as extravagant as heaven; though a false one that might lead to hell. Master Farlan's voice is velvet and gentle, but it unsettles Miles.
He just stares at their hands, and then looks around everytime they pass by an alternate hallway or a room with a door open. He hopes that maybe, once, he'll spot Taewon somewhere. Or maybe... Jihun, if the universe allows. Taewon's face already refreshed in his memories, so he has to see Jihun once again. However, the universe plays the worse games on those who thinks controls it.
The Head of the Schliemann Mafia is a handsome man; long, natural blonde hair with strong features and a heavy Russian accent that accompanies his fluent English. He has one long earring that looked to be a silver rectangle with a purple gem in the middle, little tassel details below it; quite odd for a masculine man who wears no other jewelry. This is Farlan Lev Ivanovich Schliemann, one of the most powerful men in the underground world.
He has taken Miles into a grand master bedroom, surrounded by white and gold with accents of purple in it. Unlike the dark themes of the Levough, and the vibrant colorful theme of the Shabdkoshi, the Schliemann had a more monotoned scheme of gold and silver.
"Come here, Lisichka..." Says the Master, while opening a door to the veranda. Light floods the already brightly lit room, somewhat lifting up the darkness in Miles' heart.
Miles cautiously walks pass him, to the railings where it overlooked the massive maze of carnations in the Schliemann Estate. Miles gasps and loses his breath, not in awe, but in dread. There was nothing but mountains that surrounded them; beyond was light fog with the sun peeking through as a ray of hope. But that ray was thin, for the walls are high trying to keep a prisoner in.
"This is your new home," Farlan makes him jump when he speaks from behind, both hands settling on Miles' shoulder. Then, with the prisoner not moving, Farlan's hands go down and lift Miles' hands to admire it. "The Levough has crumbled with its leader disappeared; the Shabdkoshi is climbing, but I don't see them joining the Unholy Trinity anytime soon. Schliemann will reign the most powerful. Aren't you lucky to be its Queen?"
"You don't make sense," Miles states without the slightest bit of movement because he really does not want to be here nor does he want to trigger the Master. "I still don't understand why you're suddenly obsessed with me. You haven't met me before. So if you're not after my DNA, why keep me here?"
"For someone who was the best teacher in Carvalle, you sure are slow..." Farlan chuckles at him.
However, that lighthearted joke pricked Miles' heart; for he was reminded of the catastrophe in Carvalle Detention Institute, the destruction of his home.
"I'm no longer that," Miles whispers, holding back tears.
"Of course you aren't. You're nothing but a Queen now!" Farlan exclaims, going in front of him to kiss his hand like a gentleman. But, those cheery eyes suddenly fall half-lidded. At first impression it was sexy, but it instilled fear in Miles. "With you by my side, I doubt any Mafia is gonna overpower the Schliemann. The Shabdkoshi came close to dethroning the Levough... but not the Schliemann, no..."
So I am just a trophy to this bàstard... Miles stops breathing when Farlan holds his face intimately, the rings in his finger burning against Miles' skin.
"After so many years of looking at you through pictures... hearing Járed Levough speak about you like a gem," Farlan made him yelp by suddenly wrapping one arm around his waist, and lifting one of his hands up. The Master steps back, and spins him around as if they were in a waltz. "You are finally mine."
I am not yours, I belong to the brothers... But, Miles mustn't let him know of that. Their lives will be in danger, especially when Taewon doesn't seem to remember him. "You know Járed?"
"We were good friends," Farlan's cheerful eyes flicker into that of flashing pain, before his smile grows wide and spins Miles gracefully. "His cousin, a Strauss... was supposed to inherit the Schliemann. But, the kid eloped with a lover. And the Schliemann comes back to the original family that founded it."
So the Schliemann and the Levough was close all along... No wonder the former had no interest in 'the formula,' yet Miles still feels like an heirloom passed between families. This time, he is given to the successor of the Levough. And, it seems like Master Farlan is hiding something more behind that story. Miles fears that if he asks for more information, that happy glint in Farlan's eyes might disappear and he'll be in danger.
"Have you always been into men, Master Farlan?" Miles changes the subjects and does his best while he's being forced to waltz by a playful Mafia boss.
And this playful man laughs in response to his venom laced question, smile so wide and happy. "Oh, it sounds so different when you call me by my normal title. Haha... my dear, for many years I've had both women and men in my bed, simultaneously. I've always had an eye on your beauty, you just happened to be a man."
Miles isn't even that beautiful for a whole Mafia boss to be infatuated with him, surely there's something more behind it. I don't want to be here...
"So don't be worried, my Lisichka... I am very experienced with taking care of male bodies..." Farlan starts to pull him closer, leaning in to kiss his property but Miles squirms and looks away immediately.
"Wait...!" Miles' heart beats louder, hands pulling themselves off of Farlan's but they stay rooted in place. His breath is trembling, never wanting to give himself to anyone other than those that already own his heart.
"What is this? I thought you had given me consent after what we've discussed..." The playful and happy demeanor disappeared from the Master's face, and it is utterly terrifying. "Don't tell me you are unreliable with your word, Miles Taylor..."
I want to go find Taewon and Jihun.... But, he can't if he has no freedom beyond four walls. Miles just stands there swallowing his guts, refusing to look at the Master. The purity of white that surrounds them is almost suffocating; like he's drowning in molten gold.
Finally, he chokes out a, "Sorry..."
"Hmm..." Master Farlan doesn't like that he's not meeting those pretty brown eyes but, "I guess you're still afraid of me?"
The hand on Miles' waist departs to slowly pull down the black necktie from the reluctant bride's collar. Farlan can count how many bumps are in Miles' one exhale, like a prey cautious of the predator in front of him.
"You know, I've heard of your previous lovers from Carvalle Institutes... they passed away, didn't they?" Farlan asks as he undoes the buttons from the tightest top, to the second one very gently. His question made the tears in Miles' eyes give up and fall, though his face remain strong and stoic. "There were two... weren't they?"
Miles finally looks at him, the Master very pleased that he can finally meet those glistening brown eyes fighting so hard to not breakdown. It was amusing for him.
Does he know? Miles wonders, fearing for the brothers' lives especially when they're in the same walls.
"Condolences." Oh thank God, he doesn't know. "But I have to wonder, how fúcking good you are able to satisfy two men..."
Miles' eyes widen when Farlan forces their lips together, the former fully frozen and even putting force on his arms between them just to slightly push Farlan away. Miles squirms, throat making a small whimper as he panics and tries his best to pull away.
But no, that only made Farlan's grip even tighter, now holding onto his expensive shirt's collar and even ripped off the third button.
When Farlan's lips left his to attack his exposed neck, Miles actively fights back now. "No! Farlan, wait! Wait a minute--!"
To shut him up, Farlan kisses him once again on the lips, this time fully since Miles was caught with his mouth open. No, no, no I don't want this! Push him away! Push... no... please stop...
"Please stop for a moment," Miles begs, torn between getting in trouble with the Schliemann Master and letting his guilt eat at him. "Farla--!"
There was a sudden knock that came from the door, halting both of their actions.
The Master seemed to be pissed at the interruption, but Miles felt like he was saved from death. "Whatever it is, better be important!"
"We found the missing cargo containing the organs. They're asking for ransom."
Miles gasps. That voice...
"Forgive me Lisichka, but this is important business matter," Farlan releases him and walks towards the door in a rush, fixing his own clothes while Miles stands clutching his own.
When the Master opens the door, time slows down for Miles when he sees the very familiar face of a special person; his very own Taewon. He has a clean undercut with the top of his hair remaining long, encased in a careless bun with long bangs to the side of his face. The man stares at a dishevelled Miles while he sips a cigarette, before smirking and turning away.
"Wait!" Miles calls out before he can close the door.
The man stops, rolling his eyes out of Miles' vision before he turns around and gives a sarcastic smile. "What, Tsarina?"
"Do you..." Miles' eyes held a glint of hope in them, his feel slowly stepping forwards with the desire to go closer. Taewon looks so handsome as a mature grown man of 23. "... recognize me?"
The man's eyes softens, carefully looking at Miles with curious, gentle eyes. As deep as Miles' eyes were, Misha's stare was exploratory as well. That glint of hope grows into a glimmer until, "You look like that bítch Mandy from the brothel. Do you give good head too?"
As Miles' heart broke, this man laughs at his own joke before smoking yet again and slamming the door shut without sparing a second thought for Miles.
"..." Whom, sinks down on the floor with not only confirmation that his Taewon lost his memories, but that he had affairs with other people in the three years they were missing. Of course... Taewon's a man who has needs... a man who has séxual needs... it's natural...
The next thing Miles knows, he's crying and sobbing on the floor, ruining his minimal make up. Now alone, he cries out in despair, letting out pain using his voice. He may have found him, but the loss was still there.
He doesn't need me... he... Taewon, he... Taewon, you're supposed to be mine beyond life and death!
Why does this hurt more than witnessing them die in his arms? At least when they died, they had no one else but Miles. They loved and belonged to no one but Miles. Now Miles has no one at all.
Well... As Miles' voice expire and he runs out of tears to shed, his cheeks harden at the moisture dried by the cool summer breeze. Am I just gonna keep getting hurt like this ...? Am I just gonna keep being a toy? Fúck you. Fúck all of you. Fúck. You.
that night,
Miles is mindlessly drying his hair after spending one hour in the bathroom, lathering his skin with the best of products and the most natural of oils. His hair is too soft to the touch, one might desire to hold onto just by the smell. Only now has he felt this beautiful, the more he is broken. Maybe they were right long ago; he is more beautiful the more he is damaged.
The bedroom door opens, and in comes the Master of the Schliemann. Miles was hesitant to face him, but his spite numbed him too much to consider anything at the moment. With a sigh, he exits the bathroom in a robe, eyes empty except the tears that graze them.
"Lisichka... I am glad you made yourself feel at home. You look beautiful getting ready for rest," the man says, approaching him and offering a kiss to the knuckles. However, he notices the tears threatening to spill put of a stoic Miles' face.
"Why are you crying? Are you still terrified?" Farlan asks with a genuine look of concern in his eyes, pulling Miles closer. "What more can I do to prove that you are safe here?"
"I'm not scared," Miles says with a somewhat stoic face despite tears falling down his face. "I'm..." heartbroken... "I'm mourning my freedom."
"Let it be known that you are a free man beyond these walls, hm?" Farlan says, hands slipping onto Miles's neck and lowering to his shoulder where the robe slips along with it. "As long as you are protected, you can go anywhere."
"And who protects me?" Miles whispers, allowing the Master to lead him to the bed where gentle hands seduce him.
"My best men. Those who never failed in any task I have given them. I've given them a break from hunting down loaners and assassinating my rivals; and give them to you," Farlan says with a smile, pleased that he is able to touch Miles this way. "I'm sure you'll get along with them. They'll take you anywhere you want in Russia. You are not a prisoner."
Miles looks at his eyes, seeing genuine emotions going through those handsome features. Have I really been given total freedom in exchange for consent? There's only one way to find out, and that is to lean in and kiss the Master.
A kiss which is wholesomely welcomed, Farlan immediately melting at the soft intimacy offered. The robe slips off and Miles pulls down Farlan's necktie. Deep in his heart, way deep beyond hesitation... Miles is spiteful. Thinking of being forgotten and betrayed by those he loved scorned him, and now he is following his side of the deal which grants the Master consent for anything he desires.
A desire to touch Miles' body as he had with previous lovers, only that this is only one person on his bed. None of those lovers ever had a chance to grab onto Farlan's precious blonde hair, but this time Miles does, moaning while the Master pleasures him with his mouth.
Farlan never realized how lovely it is to make one squirm out of pleasure; all his life, it has always been the Master that is serviced. But right now, a beautiful creature lays on the King bed moaning at the touch of the monarch.
It has been years... Years of abstinence, for Miles has never planned anyone but the brothers to touch him like this. It's different when Master Farlan pushes his fingers in; there is no harshness, no punishment. Pure consideration of Miles' pleasure spot which he prods. Even without hurting him one bit, Farlan goes up to offer a comfort kiss.
"How many partners have you had before me, Lisichka?" Farlan whispers to the breathing mess that is Miles, pecking his neck gently.
"... only the dead lovers you knew about," Miles confesses.
"Ahh, so this body has been untouched, how wonderful..." Farlan made him moan out loud when he curls his fingers and spread them. "You have such an erotic body, I must confess I am lucky to be the one to take you like this."
Guilt knawed in Miles' heart, but he refuses to soften up. He himself smashes their lips together disrespectfully, but that only amuses the Master more. The fingers were removed and Miles became more hesitant.
No... I am a free man, not chained to anyone who doesn't even remember who I am. Not chained to anyone who doesn't even care about me. At least Farlan cares about my well being, and grants me freedom. I am Miles Taylor and I will do as I please.
He will finally take advantage of the situation he's forced into; no longer a gamepiece, but a player. And for that, he straddles on top of the Master and allows his hands to roam, claiming his body. Miles grinds onto his aroused díck, genuinely turned on himself.
"Are you sure you won't throw me away, Master Farlan?" Miles whispers with an emotionless face, too broken to give a shít.
"I will never throw a precious gem away," the Master replies, lovingly rubbing Miles' thighs with a soft look in his eyes. He gets so turned on my hearing his title slip out of those precious lips.
It's still a mystery why this man is interested in me this way, instead of what my body can offer in another way.
Still, Miles' guilt got pushed to the back of his head when he sinks onto the Master's díck, lubricated by the gentle fingers earlier. The intrusion was foreign, his current moans a new tone. Miles' movement was controlled by him and him only, and that gives him some kind of power.
"Shít!" The Master curses, abdomen tingling the more Miles moans while moving onto him.
Miles also internally curses at the pain he's putting himself through for the sake of pleasure; the Master is nowhere lacking in the size department, and it's the only thing other than guilt that's hurting Miles right now.
"Ahh...!" The stretch is starting to affect him and he slows down to rest his knees and let his sphincter breathe; but Farlan sits up and holding tight by the waist, suddenly sucking on his hardened buds. The sensitivity couples with the sudden thrusts made Miles slightly cry and the sensation.
"Mnn... wait..." Miles gasps, suddenly overwhelmed by the guilty pleasure in his abdomen. You are just as bad as Taewon, Miles.
At least Taewon wouldn't do that if he had remembered you. Look at you being fully aware and betraying them.
But the Master overrides him with pleasure by switching their positions and pushing Miles' knees against his chest, in order to gain access to thrust onto that guilty hole. Miles tears and moans are a mix of satisfaction and hurt. Frankly, watching him cry made the Master concerned.
"Please tell me you're crying in pleasure..." He breaths out, slowing down.
"I'll cry in pain if," you don't distract me, "... if you slow down."
And for that, Farlan flips him over and fúcks roughly from behind, one hand covering Miles' eyes to catch his tears. The other, simply roaming the treasure he has obtained, silk to the touch. This opens up the opportunity for Miles to imagine his boys in the Master's place.
However, he can't. Farlan thrusts differently than they do. For they were just young men who acts in impulse and does whatever they want with Miles, their pleasure being Miles' climax. With Farlan, it's like Miles' satisfaction comes first and every thrust and touch is dedicated to giving him an illusion of heaven.
"Farlan-!" It still hurts, as do all intrusions in that particular place, but this time one can be focused on the pleasure and ignore the pain.
"This is your bed, Lisichka. Your haven; you can stain it however you want," the Master says as Miles' back arches down, his moans pitching up. Both of them are now cloaked in sweat despite the cool climate of Novosibirsk.
"Master... M... Ma..." Miles moans out, head almost hitting the headboard as he bounces with the power of Farlan's thrusts, until he can feel his knees no more. "Please!"
How greedy of me. Claiming this bed by leaving stains of my climax. It is considered infidelity when it's a one-sided love?
the next morning,
Miles had fallen asleep in a man's arms which his heart does not belong to. Frankly, he has never fallen asleep with anyone familiar in the previous years. It's always scientists who sedate him, surrounded by surgical lights and white walls of monotony. Right now, he awakes not strapped to any medical equipment, or surrounded by tubes and monitors. He awakes in a golden place surrounded by fluffy pillows and covers.
But alone.
Of course, the Master is a busy man with a whole illegal empire to run. And Miles is just a bedwarmer, a treasure to wear. He rolls over and desires for more rest, feeling selfish for once in his life.
However, the doors burst open and heavy footsteps came in. Miles keeps his eyes closed because that might just be the Master.
But no. "Wakey wakey, almighty Tsarina, I do not have plans on being executed if you starve to death."
Miles groggily sits up, squinting his unfocused eyes at the people in the room, as he is currently surrounded by both scary looking males and females, and particularly a familiar one in the middle.
"What..." As Miles' heart leaps at Taewon's presence, his pride unables him to be happy at the appearance.
"Breakfast," the leader of the gangsters roll his eyes, "Y'know, the Master likes his toys a little plump."
Miles coldly gets off the bed and covers himself with a bathrobe, not that the gangsters in the room care anyway. "I'm not a toy, Misty."
The gangsters widens their eyes and suddenly snort out a laugh, much to their leader's clear annoyance.
"It's Misha, you spoiled bítch."
Talk about spoiled. Miles heads to the bathroom to wash his face. And although him and the Master had taken a cleansing bath last night, he still makes sure to clean himself out this morning. Right now, he stares at the mirror feeling it break with his heart. He can't hug or kiss that gangster; it's like meeting a new tree grown from an old one. Was it still the original tree?
Meanwhile, a lady with a one sided undercut and long black twists with silver piercings shining against her medium deep skin smirks at their leader while playing with one bullet. "How sad; the best Schliemann gangsters demoted to guarding the Master's plaything."
"Why don't you sleep with the Master and convince him to get us off this job, Yasha?" The Leader sneered, despising his comrade.
The woman, rival to Misha's leadership, smiles sarcastically at him, while they all wait for Miles to finish washing up. "I believe this is your doing, Misha. You made the Master angry, so why don't you sleep with him."
"Only if I get to fúck you with a corkscrew after."
"Hmm. I'm not a bottom."
Just then, Miles comes out wearing one of the white shirts and slacks he found in the bathroom closet, most likely belonging to the Master. He looks more masculine with his deadpan look and dark eyebags, but they can still see the enticing beauty that may have caught the Master's eyes.
"Let's go, or whatever." Miles walks pass Misha and they bump shoulders, however the latter doesn't have the right to get angry because they're still below him.
"Eyy, looking kinda sexy, huh..."
"Shut up, the Master will kill you."
"I'm not talking about the toy, hear me out..."
"...the corksrew?! I'm pretty sure your díckhole will bleed."
"Come on, Pigs," Misha says which the gangsters obeyed and followed him out of the room, doing their job to watch the Master's new plaything.


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