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Miles Taylor; a name that doesn't exist, yet the most important name in the world. Schools and Mafias crumbled for the sake of this nonexistent person.

The Unholy Trinity; the three most powerful Mafias. The Levough; the most powerful one. Carvalle; what the Levough created to sustain its Mafia.

Miles left that family behind. He had to leave his precious student behind and join the rising Shabdkoshi; however, he joins lifeless.

"Use me all you want. Just please... bring them back."

Now, he lies in a laboratory face down; his bone marrow harvested for months straight in order to power several test subjects that always... fail.

"We cannot recreate the technology of the Levough. We could not salvage anything after the catastrophe."

"What about test subject 01 and 02?"


"Well then, our technology is good enough."

The catastrophe.

Destruction. The crumbling of an empire. The rolling of stones; the explosion of madness.

It wasn't the last one Miles had to live through.

"All must evacuate immediately.

All must evacuate immediately.

All must evacuate immediately."

Miles knows that feeling of adrenaline all too well. He was forced to wake up; unplugged, torn from the operating table when the ground starts to shake. It was familiar; it was traumatic.

But none as painful as hearing the words,

"We have lost Test Subject 01 and 02. We are unable to evacuate them."

No amount of anaesthesia could numb Miles enough to stop him from losing his breath, screaming in pain. He had lost his boys a third time. A third, fúcking time.

And after three years, the third time seemed permanent

A grateful Miles warmly smiles at the Master Varma. The old man, still holding the tiniest bit of good in his heart despite leading one of Asia's most powerful Mafias; still grants Miles one day of freedom.

"I will make sure you are heavily protected outside, my son..." The man says.

"Thank you Sahib," Miles bows to him.

Although, one day of freedom is a mere speck of dust, Miles is still grateful because this shouldn't even be granted in the first place. He gave himself to this Mafia, pledged loyalty and allegiance, as well as his entire body. For a mere blueprint to be granted one day of freedom is more than enough for someone who no longer has a will to live.

He had given himself to this Mafia in exchange for them to bring back SaLu, his lovers. When they disappeared from the catastrophe in the lab; Miles simply lost everything. Including his motivation to go on. Why not contribute to science by donating himself, he thinks. It's not like he has any other purpose.

They're gone.

Now, what has the great Miles Taylor done in such a special day of freedom? Stay in a cozy pastel colored cafe in Mumbai; surrounded by Shabdkoshi soldiers who are placed outside the cafe to give Miles some privacy.

Sweet coffee. Just, 10% coffee. It's not like I need anything else to stay awake, Miles sighs as he takes in the pretty decoration of the cafe. Pastel, has little animal designs, it was catered for children. To make them happy. However, this only made Miles even sadder. Jihun would've loved this cafe.

Maybe I should've let them rest in peace. To live is too painful; Why did Miles even sell himself to the Shabdkoshi? The brothers got the love and peace they deserve.

Peace. Peaceful cafe of sky blue, yellow, lime green, pink, and platinum white colors.

Platinum white. That man over there seems to blend into he surroundings with his... white hair.

Miles grew tense, seeing the back of an albino looking man, whose hair lacks pigment. Miles wasn't able to move, frozen in disbelief, up until the man gets up and walks towards the restroom.

Ji...? Must be a delusion; a desperate mind can conjure what it wants to see. Still, Miles is aware he is a desperate man who just lost everything dear to him. He'd give anything to see them again, even if it's just a hallucination. And so, he gets up and follows the man to the restroom.


"Restroom, I'll... I need to relieve myself..." Miles politely tells his bodyguard, after all of them went alert at his sudden actions.

Miles walks into the area where he maybe saw a hallucination come in. However, he sees no one inside. No one. No one...

Just an illusion would've been enough to make this one day, worth it. But no, Miles had to be disappointed yet again. He goes to the sink and splashes his bare face with water, only now noticing how long his curly hair would've gotten if his caretakers didn't trim them to at least neck length. Still, it was long enough for a half ponytail, and long enough for Miles to run his hands through all the way.

Whatever they did to me... prevented me from ageing any further... how miserable.

Miles washer his face again, yet upon looking up at his reflection, he sees a mop of white hair pass by him and exit the restroom, which made his adrenaline spike up.

"Jihun?!" Miles rushes outside the restroom, hoping to catch this hallucination. It could only be explained as that; because the real Jihun would go to him immediately, not stay in his peripherals. Still, Miles was starting to forget their faces so he chases their illusions to recall.

"Jihun! Wait!" Miles sees that blonde man exit the cafe, to which he immediately follows, running outside. Is it really him? Miles doesn't care.

He doesn't seem to notice the absence of his bodyguards; his mind was too clouded and desperate to see a familiar face.

Miles almost lost the man, but his peripherals caught blonde hair curving to enter an alleyway. Despite being confined to a laboratory for years, Miles Taylor still managed to run and chase the man down the alley. "Jihun!"

Jihun... Miles tries catching his breath, ending up in an alley with no blonde man in sight. Even as a figment of his imagination, he cannot catch one of their faces. No, I've gone crazy...

Please.... just one look at their faces... I'm starting to forget... please....


Miles falls to his knees crying, calling out for both of their names now. Only some echoes seem to reply. "Jihun... T-Taewon...! Please! Ji..."


Miles Taylor fell onto the alley, a hole in his head rendering him unconscious.

"Are you sure he's not dead?"

"Yeah. Why else would the Master request for him specifically after we've shot him?"

Out of all the men that managed to sneak past the guards and behind Miles; one particular person steps near and shot him once again. Bang!

"Yes, what does he need from a dead body?" the gang leader says in a deep, gutteral voice, inhaling a cigarette and letting out a smoke in the middle of the dark. He then chuckles, "Bang bang, slúts."



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