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Chapter 20

“Why would you say something like that?” Asked Lena, now that she and Andrew were in the intimacy of their place.

“Like what? I told you, I was just…” he started, but was interrupted.

“What? Trying to be the “tall” man? Andrew, you´re all infected with the virus. What? You wanted to stand taller? Tell me, do you need to know you´re one of the tallest men here in order to be happy?” Was his confidence so frail?

Lena´s uncertain. Why would he do something like that? Instead of being a man that understands what another man is going through, because he´s certainly, and currently, going through the same; he was making fun of Cory for being shorter.

Trying to humiliate someone for doing worse than him. Why is he like that?

Lena could do what she said. Shrink him some more, so that he knows not to make fun of someone else. But that wouldn´t work. He won´t learn. That´s just the way he is. A bit annoying, but he´s her annoying man so, it´s up to her, as his girlfriend, to fix it.

Now, what is it that needs a fixture?

Lena took a deep breath. What does he need? Why is he doing what he does? He´s always been one to, well, make fun of others. Why is he like that? She doesn´t know.

She always had the hopes that they could work on that. Did he do it because he was insecure about himself? What could he be insecure about? Well, now, it´s kind of obvious what his major insecurity would be.

She´s always wanted to have the time to discuss this, and now, they have plenty. Now, it´s her chance.

“Andrew, we need to talk.” She said.

Andrew froze. That never sounds good.

All he could do was to look up at his 6´9” girlfriend. Standing at 4´10”, almost two whole feet shorter, that was quite intimidating. And, the talking part, well, that doesn´t help. This was not a regular chat, it was a TALK, which means, she´s about to scold him. Lecture him.

After the spanking he received the other day, things haven´t been the same. He hates to admit it but, she scares him a little. Intimidates him, and if he´s true about it, he doesn´t like being alone with her. Where there´s no one who can step between the amazon and him.

Lena has changed the way Andrew saw her. Not just that kind, sweet, push-over of a girlfriend. Now, she was a tall, strong, and intimidating woman. She was hot, but he´s not sure if he should stare at her body so much. Has her mood changed with the growth?

He wondered if the changes were due to the virus. Could it change someone´s personality? Turn sweet Lena into this intimidating amazon?

The answer´s no. It doesn´t. the virus only affects height. And certain sizes. If she was mad at him, that´s because he earned it.

“T-talk?” He asked as she towered above him. He would´ve loved having her breasts as close to his face as they currently were, but right now, he´s concerned as to what she wants to talk about.

“Yes. There´s a few things that have come to my attention… and I have a question for you…” She´s been thinking about this for a while. And now, the time has come.

Lena bent, coming closer to Andrew. He was so scared he didn´t even dare to move. Didn´t even blinked. He was looking at her with attention. All of his attention.

In his mind, he was wondering if this had something to do with what happened between him and Cory. And he was concerned about a thing, she´s not going to do what she said she would, right? Shrink him down some more? He apologized, she saw it, and Cory accepted his apology. So, things were fine, right?

“Andrew… do you think it´ll help if sweet, ol´ me was back?” Lena asked.

Andrew didn´t quite understood the question. What does she mean? And, was she talking about herself in the third person? She wasn´t going crazy, was she?

What she meant was, would he liked it if she was sweet again? The way he is, and probably the way he´s always been. Does he lack some love? She tried to give him all of her love, but he was a bit distant. Now, both of them, literally confined, to a limited space. With a limited amount of people in their actual lives. Can she work her way with him now?

She thought that his annoying nature was a call for attention. That he´d appreciate if someone was there for him. And, given the fact that she was doing the exact opposite since they arrived, maybe it´ll be time for a change? Maybe he needs a gentler approach?

“Pardon?” He didn´t get it.

Lena´s face was right at the same level as his. She could clearly see the confusion on his face. “Listen, I know I´ve been hard on you ever since you got us both locked here. And I know I´m a little… bossy sometimes. But that doesn´t mean I don´t love you.” She started.

Lena thought he needed some though love, but, maybe, she forgot about the love part for a while.

“I know I´ve been mean. And, maybe, you´re lacking some… attention. That´s why I´ve got a question for you. Sort of a deal… I can go back to my old, sweet nature, IF you behave. No teasing other men around, no lusting at other women. You´ll be a gentleman. And, I´ll be your lovely girlfriend. Just like the old times. What do you think?” Well, that doesn´t sound bad.

“So, everything will be forgotten?” He asked.

“Not forgotten, more like… forgiven. What do you think?” she asked.

“Well… if all it takes is for me to be polite… sure!” It´ll be nice to cuddle with her. She´s so stacked. Her boobs are gigantic. He can´t wait to fondle with them.

Now, a smile was drawn on Lena´s face. She can finally leave aside that harsh mask of hers, and be sweet again. The thing is… she was a little too sweet.

“Oh, Andrew!” her arms immediately reached for him. And within a second, the air was pulled out of his lungs as the amazon squeezed him. Lena´s always been quite a hugger.

When she was 5´6” and he was 6´1”, it was nice. A strong-ish hug from hers. But now that she was giant sized. Andrew couldn´t believe she was squeezing him with such strength. She´s stronger, that´s a fact he knows, but he had no idea a hug of hers could be this way.

She couldn´t help it, she was happy, and when she´s happy, she shows it. However, she should remember her strength. Her new strength.

He turned red, and his legs started kicking as he struggled for some air.

Lena was a bit distracted and didn’t quite realize what she was doing. All she knew was that she picked him off the floor, and even though that was a bit too much already, she didn´t realize he needed to breathe.

“Oopsie!” she said, putting him back at the floor, and allowing him to breathe once again. “Sorry, I got carried away…” Now, he wonders, was that on purpose?

She was not going to change his current punishment for something else, right? To lie saying she´ll be sweet, when she´s actually trying to mask her anger with a smile. And still hurt him.

But things were not like that. She was actually trying to be nice.

“I´ll keep my… new strength in mind. Are you ok?” she asked, immediately putting her hand on his cheek.

He took deep, heavy breaths as he tried to recover. And his ribs were a little sore, not hurt, just a little sore, but it will soon pass.

Her hands on his face, that was another thing. Lena has always been this way. He had almost forgotten. So caring, putting hands on him, to make sure he was fine. To rub his face, touch him, caress him. Showing true love.

“I´m fine. Although, you should watch it. You could´ve broken my ribs.” He said as he placed his right hand over the right side of his rib cage.

Lena gasped. And her caring side pushed her to do something else.

Andrew was shoved off the floor, again. And now, his amazonic girlfriend carried him to the couch. Sat on it, and placed him over her lap. With his back on her fleshy thighs, facing her.

“Does it hurt?” she asked, pulling his shirt up a little.

He remembers she´s been that kind of girl. The one who cares. The one who puts her hand on your forehead to make sure you don´t have a fever. Who pulls your hand into her to make sure you didn´t cut. Who kisses your finger when you have a small puncture. But that was before.

Now, the amazon put hands into action, and immediately placed the man on her lap to make sure he was fine. To examine his body, knowing this was the right thing to do. However, this was also a bit… embarrassing.

“Yes. NO! Lena, I´m fine. I was just saying…” he struggled to get her hands off of him. In that position, he was clearly at her mercy. “I meant you´re strong, and that you COULD have, not that you did. Now… get your hands off me!” He said. And when he realized she frowned a little because he rose his tone, he added: “Please… babe?” The last thing he wants is for her to get mad at him.

Her sweet side was so nice. So caring, so lovely. Tender. True love. However, he had forgotten how suffocating she can be. But now, he knows that the little limits she had, they might be gone.

She often made too many questions, care a little too much. She just wanted to make sure he was fine. But now that she´s big, she can make sure, no questions asked.

Whenever she said something like “let me see…”, he could just turn around and tell her it was nothing. But now, there´s a big chance she´ll turn him right on his feet and force him to let her see.

“Lena, listen. I know you… care. Trust me, that´s fine. But… don´t you think it´s a bit… too much? I mean, you don´t need to examine me as I lay on your lap.” He declared.

She´s not getting what he´s saying. She changed his position, as she pulled him so that he was now sitting on her lap, she then wrapped her arms around him, and with a now tender hug, embraced him with her arms.

The feeling of her big, soft breasts was nice. He liked that part actually.

“But, how will you know I care? Hmmm? If I do it, it´s just because I love you. Tell me, don´t you like it when your girlfriend holds you? Don´t you like this? This hug?” she asked.

“I do, trust me. This feels so nice…” Her aroma, he had forgotten how sweet it was. And how soft her embrace was. When she wasn´t crushing him, of course. But that was also something new.

“Mhmm. It feels nice. To have my arms around you. I know you like it. And trust me, I do too.” She declared.

Maybe if she brings the sweetness back, things will be fine? He´ll change? She wants him to change. His annoying ways must be nothing but a shout for attention. And since he´s been lacking that from her…

“Tell me, do you like it? To be close to me again?” she asked, her voice, so soothing.

“Yes…” he replied. So relaxed.

“I bet you do. You know why? Because you´re so close to my boobs. Hehe.” She could be sweet, but she knows that she can also tease him a little.

He let out a little laugh. She knows him too well. As he sits there, even if it´s a bit uncomfortable to be sitting on your girlfriend´s lap, he can´t help but to focus the most on the way her boobs feel.

Their size, their heaviness. The new, soft feeling. Like two large pillows of flesh. Warm, tender flesh.

“You can touch them, it´s ok.” She said as she gently grabbed one of his hands and guided it towards her enormous breast.

As she placed his hand on the surface of her enormous breast, he couldn´t help but to think on how huge they have gotten. His hand looked tiny in comparison.

Then, he squeezed it a little. He´s been missing this for a while. To touch her. Caress her body. This was nice.

He could really get used to this. However…

His touch made her tingle. Her nipples went hard. And the more he squeezed, something else went hard on him. His member started to harden. And, at a point, she spotted his erection.

Her hand went immediately into his crotch. “Let me help you with that…” she said, but now, her mind was starting to fill up with some horny thoughts.

It´s not easy to hold some things back. Anger is one of them, and lust its another. She´s been so cold with him lately, but now that she can feel his touch. She couldn´t help it.

A few moments later, both of them were naked. At the couch, over one another. Sex was the main dish. A dish that would be served as hot as they can get.

This was supposed to be a change, but things went a bit different than she had planned. Before she knew it, they were making passionate love over the couch.

His member, so hard, so nice. And her body, it was so large, he never thought he´d say this, but an amazon girlfriend is quite hot! Large boobs, thick thighs, and a mesmerizing butt. The taller, the hotter she gets!

But this will all come with quite some consequences in the morning…

“What the fuck! 4´8?!” Now, in the morning, with their minds clear, they could see why this wasn´t the best idea.

“Andrew, relax. It´s not that much of a deal.” Lena said, trying to calm him down. What do they think would happen? Both are infected, this was the clear outcome for it.

“Relax? Lena, I´m the fucking shortest man in here! This isn´t nice!” He complaint.

“Oh, and you think it´s nice to keep growing? I´m 6´11” now! Do you think I wanted to be so tall?” He was below her boobs now. The top of his head was right below the bottom of her breasts.

“It´s not cool.” He crosses his arms. “I feel so short now!” The gap has augmented between them, now, other four-inches had been added.

“Awww, don´t be so sad. Maybe… a hug would help?”

Andrew´s eyes went widely open as he looked up at her. If she looked big before, now she looks utterly gigantic!

He took a few steps back as she spread her arms. “Come on, let me give you some love…” she said.

“No, Lena, stay back!” he said, but she didn´t stop coming his way. He was afraid she´ll squash him this time.

Moments later, Andrew was running down the street.

“Lena, I mean it, stay back!” and behind her, his amazon of a girlfriend came, but she wasn´t running, just walking fast. Her legs were so much longer now.

“But I´m not mad, honey. Just let me give you some love!” A few people could hear them out on the street.

Eventually, she´ll catch him. But now, let´s talk a little more about someone else…

Blythe was at her bedroom. Walking towards the mirror, wearing a fuzzy robe. And as she stopped right before the full-body mirror, she let the robe fall to the ground.

Lena may be almost at the seven-foot-mark. But Blythe´s way ahead of her. The 7´7” mature amazon looks at her naked body. Checking out her new curves.


She turned and slapped her won butt.

“Mmmm, so big. So juicy…” she said. She knows she´s hot, she feels hot.

Wider hips, a majestic, big, round butt. Long legs full of sensuous flesh. Her curves are surreal, her body is so large, she´s so hot. Such a sensuous, hourglass figure, such a tease for the eye.

Her breasts have grown enormous too. Heavy, firm. A delight to the eye.

Blythe stands, and feels, like a goddess. Her body, a towering beauty. Standing high above others, so sexy.

She can´t help but to check herself out. After all, she has to keep an eye on her body, right? Check-out the process. For the Doctor, of course. To keep a track on her growth, the changes.

But she can´t deny she loves it. To see her body changing. Evolving into the one of a muse. She´s the taller woman around, her boobs are the biggest, her butt´s the biggest. Her legs are the longest. She makes all men quiver with her mere presence.

She loves the evolution she´s had. And all thanks to this virus. Sure, she´s confined to that place, depriving the world of her amazing body. She´s certain she could be a model now.

Her main question is, should she stop here? More like, is there a point when to stop? She can only picture herself, taller, sexier. With such curves that will make a man stumble and fall out of pure arousal.

As she looks at her reflection in the mirror, as she looks at the tall, sexy beauty over there, she wonders…

“Would a few more inches hurt? I mean, I´m so close to the eight-foot-mark. Should that be the limit?” Her naked hips, her bare breasts. She looks at herself and smiles. She´s such a beauty.

Maybe, a couple inches more won´t hurt. The question is, when? And who? Is there still a chance that a man falls for such a tall woman? Most men around surely fear her. But, she´s certain that, soon, the right man will come to her door…


Daniele Mereu

Nice, can't wait to see Blythe getting bigger and taller, I love giant mature women.