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Chapter 41

Larry proved Evangeline one thing, he was not going to speed-run this whole process of learning. If not proving her right, at least he didn´t prove her wrong by finishing with this chastise faster than she thought.

So far, it´s been quite a while and his punishment hasn´t finish. This is not disappointing to her, since she knows how he is, or at least was, and that this was going to take time, the actual question was, how much time?

The answer? Not even an omnipotent, immortal being like her is aware of that. She might be smart, due to experience and knowledge, and her constant interaction with people throughout the centuries, however, she can´t tell a time. Seeing the future is not within her powers.

Now, all of this time has given Evangeline enough time to have an idea. To come up with something. And what was that something? Well…

You might think it´s a bit selfish, or maybe she was just thinking on a way to get a benefit for herself other than helping Larry out with his situation, yet, she made a decision. And since she´s sort of… the one setting the rules in this, then her words are the rules.

What Evangeline did was to use his lost size. Instead of just shrinking him and not doing anything else, she was growing herself with every inch she took from him. Now, instead of just shrinking him, she´s kind of stealing his size.

Which is not quite how she´ll put it. In a way, she´s making this even more of a lesson by showing him all he´s losing goes to that person that´s making him go through this. And second, by failing to follow the rules, by not changing his usual way of being a jerk, he´s more like, donating his size to her.

She´s not making him do it, she´s not manipulating him, or doing it without his knowledge or for her own benefit; in the end, it is all his fault. And no one elses.

But, instead of just growing, she decided to have some more fun. In a quite luscious way, if it may be said.

She´s materialized herself into a human form. Taken the role of “Dr. Eva”, and now, she´s on the hunt. But not just that, this also helps her to understand the nature of people whenever they are dating, or looking for someone to date. That way, she might see if it´s just Larry or if everyone´s becoming more of a jerk.

Now, Evangeline walks the streets, on her free time. As a 6´5” woman. A tall lady with a shapely body. Long, sexy legs. Big breasts, and a narrow waist. Oh, and let´s not forget her peachy ass. Evangeline´s sexy, she´s confident, and, she´s got the upper hand in any situation she can find.

So far, she´s been looking for men who she can date. But, will there be any man who might actually approach her on his own?

Her time with Larry was “over”, at least for today. Right now, it was past 6:00 pm, and she had a lot of free time before the next morning. Mostly for her who doesn´t need to sleep, but she might try that too. Of course, if she finds the right man, or is he the one who´ll find her?

She ignored where would a nice place could be. For a man to find her, approach her, and take things somewhere. For sure, it´s hard to miss her, she´s tall, and sexy. And she knows those are two things that man can´t ignore.

However, was she getting too tall? The average man stands at six-feet-tall, and a fraction. But that´s the tallest mark of height for a man. And right now, she´s not in the land of giants. Right now, she´s at a place where the average height for a man is no more than 5´10”, which means, she stands seven-inches taller than the average man.

But height is not an obstacle for love. Plus, there´s men who actually prefer taller women. At the time, she´s in the hopes that one of those men will find her…

She walked down town, wearing a light dress. A short one, that showed off the smoothness of her legs. Thick thighs, shapely calves, overall, sexy legs. Plus, it was a strap dress, which allowed her breasts to be in display. And their light bounce will drag all eyes into her bosom.

“Showing off, that´s the natural way to call for attention. In wild life, this is how you seduce someone, you call for them, with your body, and then, they will come, on their own. Enchanted by this spell you´ve casted…” she thought as she walked.

But, so far, this hasn´t worked as well as she might´ve wanted.

She´s been walking for about thirty minutes. Not going anywhere, actually. And so far, she´s caught some glimpses, but no one´s really stopped her. No one has called her. No one has made a move.

She knows what people think. Some people think she´s too tall. Some others envy her body. Some others hate her for being so attractive, which is a result of their envy. Others look at her, with some lust, but that´s as far as they get.

No man has introduced himself to her. No one has come to her, with their catchy phrases, trying to impress her with their cleverness. No one has made a move. Which let´s her know two things, one, this isn´t as easy as she thought. And second, she might be looking in the wrong place.

She wanted to see if it was possible for someone that looks like her to get a date instantly. To see if men fell for her instantly, without an actual need to try. But it´s been proved that it doesn´t work that way.

Her previous attempts were successful, but that was because of other reasons. Her body language denoted the one of someone who´s looking for someone else. Sex, which is what she was looking for. And another reason was, she was at a place where people actually make a first move.

A club, a coffee shop. There´s many other places, but certainly, to walk the streets, it´s not quite the best one.

Perhaps, people do know it´s kind of weird to try and do such a thing. To come out of nowhere and just talk to a stranger. Maybe they think she´s heading somewhere. Perhaps, they just don´t want to be rude. It´s not like she has a sign on her that says: “Available for dating!” or, “Looking for some passion”, that might also be weird. And send the wrong idea.

She needed to look for a place. But where? Certainly, a place full of people. That way, she can have more options.

Evangeline wondered where to go. A good enough place to, still make it casual and easy for someone to approach her, but not quite picking a place that makes it that easy.

“Library? No. Hospital? No. Fast food restaurant? Mmm, no.” She knew it couldn´t be any place, but she knew she had to pick a regular place, after all, that´s what today´s game is about.

As she walked out of downtown, an idea came to her mind. After, of course, another dozen didn´t sound good enough. She thought, how about the mall?

There´s a lot of people there. It´s not the regular place to look for someone, but it still makes it easy for anyone to approach you. As a single woman, who´s alone, this might be the perfect chance, for someone brave enough, to give the first step.

She found the mall, and as soon as she got there. She looked for a place, for the spot. Where´s the best place to be if you want to appear available? Well, certainly online, but inside the mall, where?

Shoe stores, or clothes stores for women were not an option. There´s no men there, and if there are, they must already be with someone there. Like their girlfriend or wife.

So, how about men´s stores? Well, it would be kind of off if she was there. It doesn´t help too much for her purposes.

Electronics, book stores, bikes, perfumes, appliances, furniture. Those were not good enough options. But, there´s an area that cannot fail Food court!

She could appear as a lonely lady that´s at the mall alone. She knows that, at first, that might not be the impression she might give, but with time, and as soon as they realize she´s not there with someone, she might get her chance.

Therefore, she walked straight to the court, with the eyes of men all over her. It´s hard to miss an amazon like her. Mostly when she´s walking in a way that, intentionally, looks sexy, and teases you.

Her long strides, making her hips sway sensuously as she makes her way. And the bounce of her breasts, a tease for the eye. She knows she´s, what men will call, hot. That she´s got a body men will desire, and it all plays an important role in this, let´s say, mission she´s got.

Eventually, she found her way to the food court. To her surprise, there were plenty of people out there. And a lot of men, men who could approach her in any second. All she needs to do is set the right mood.

She found a table, a small one, meant for two. That way, when people see the empty chair in front of her, they will tell they can join her.

She sat at the table and waited…

And waited, and waited… perhaps, this wasn´t working good enough.

She knows people have seen her, she can perceive their desire towards her. But what they see it´s not a woman waiting for just anyone to take the sit in front of her. What most men see is a woman who´s possibly waiting for a date.

“Hmm, maybe I should order something…” Perhaps, they might think she´s alone at the food court because she´s expecting someone. And she confirmed it by reading the mind of someone who was looking at her at the time.

“Such a pretty lady. There´s no way she´s not already dating someone. She must be waiting for him…” Maybe she does need to try a bit harder than she expected.

She picked something random. Chinese food. If they see she´s already eating, then she´s not waiting for someone, else, she would still be waiting.

She took her time, small bites, but still her plan didn´t quite worked so well.

Instead of immediately having a line of men in front of her, people seemed to care the same. In fact, maybe they will think they are bothering her by stepping in while she´s eating.

“What to do…?” She wondered.

And then, something happened. Someone showed up!

This was a man, handsome. With an athletic built, smiling at her. She could see him from a dozen feet away. And she knew he was heading his way because he was making eye contact with her. And when she smiled back, his eyebrows appeared to be doing some sexy movement. Perhaps, meant to impress her.

“May I have a sit?” He said, ensured. Confident.

“Of course!” She replied, excited for what was about to come. But things didn´t work her way when she made the decision to stand up…

Evangeline stood up, rapidly. Trying to be attentive by shaking his hand. But this only showed the guy one thing, she´s tall.

“Wow…” He said as he had to look up to her. This man was about six-feet-tall. And he was clearly amazed by her height. “SO TALL!” He thought.

“Nice to meet you, I´m Evangeline.” She said, with a smile, as she was waiting for him to shake his hand. But instead of shaking her hand and introducing himself, he took a step back.

What was wrong? Had she done something wrong? Well, it was easy for her to know, all she had to do was to read his mind.

“Shit! She´s too freaking tall! Cute, thought, but WAY too tall.” Well, it seems she was right, not all men are into tall women. And this guy seems to be intimidated by her stature.

It was obvious he wasn´t going to stay. He just found the politest way to get out of there. Apologize and walk away. Why did he apologize? She´s unsure. Perhaps, which she doesn´t seem to understand, he was not trying to hurt her feelings by, obviously, rejecting her before knowing anything about her aside her height.

After being rejected by another few men because of her height, she rapidly learned a couple things. It might not be the best idea to immediately stand up.

Evangeline rapidly learned how it was like to be rejected. Which, in the end, is an experience she was also looking forward. She was certain not everyone is into tall women.

Personal insecurities, other preferences, they can call it what they want, she doesn´t mind. She´s there to gain experience, not to find a couple.

She might need to work a bit more on her strategy…

“How about, getting to know a little before they learn I´m tall?” That could work. Right?

Well, not quite. It still meant men will run away. Taking a bit more, since she didn´t immediately show off her imposing stature.

“I guess you´re not aware of how fragile their egos are until you experience it.” Were they really that superficial? Maybe Larry wasn´t so wrong by being scared of losing height. So far, all five men that have come to her table had ran away.

Time certainly flies. She´s been there for over an hour, and so far, she hasn´t succeeded. However, the food was cold. Which gave her another idea. How about something cold? Ice cream? Well, it could melt fast, so… how about a shake?

She stood up, went on and ordered the biggest size they had. She´s unsure how much more time she´ll be there.

It was quite a while. About twenty-five minutes of watching people come and go. And during all that time, no one else had come to her table.

Evangeline wasn´t sad. She really can´t be, this is not a real attempt to date, it´s more like she´s gathering data. So far, everyone seems to be scared about the fact that she´s tall. A bit too tall. Now, she´s got a question in her head.

“Do tall men like tall women? Or, is it a chance short men prefer taller women?” It´s not a standard, or a rule. Opposites attract, they say, however, does that apply physically or not?

Although, it´s not quite like that. Opposite do not necessarily attract, however, complementary people do. And, who´ll fall for this amazon sitting here? Well, time to see…

“Hi…” Came a man´s voice, right in front of Evangeline.

Evangeline had other things in mind right now, so she wasn´t really paying attention to whoever approached the table. Even if she literally can with her third eye.

She looked up front, rose her gaze and found a man. Smiling, not as ensured as the first guy, and not as tall.

How tall was he? Well, about 5´8”. And yes, he does like tall women. And Evangeline, even while sitting, looks tall. Plus, she´s literally radiant.

“Hello.” She replied, smiling. Letting him know she´s interested, well, at least that´s what he needs to think.

“Are you… here alone?” He asked, which is kind of a bad pick-up line. He didn´t even mentioned she was pretty, complimented her, or thought too hard on this. Right now, it seems as if he´s just trying to confirm.

“Yes, I am.” She said, wondering if he´ll run as soon as he finds out she´s statuesque.

“Oh, well… that´s a shame. I mean, not you being here alone, that´s cool. But, it´s a shame that… a pretty lady like you is… alone.” Still, not a good pick-up line. He seems to be kind of clumsy with words. But at least he tried.

“Hehe, well, thank you. Would you like to sit?” She asked. And, of course, he agreed.

Evangeline liked this guy. He was honest. Not trying too hard to impress her, a bit silly. Average, on top of everything, he was an average man. And a bit bad when talking to women, but that´s ok.

They chatted, introduced themselves, soon, she learned his name´s Josh. And she also learned he´s a bit shy, but that´s fine.

“You know, when I saw you I… I really wasn´t expecting to actually end up here talking to you…” He said.

“Really?” She asked.

“Yeah.” He smiled.

“And why is that?” She asked.

“Well, I… for starters, you´re gorgeous. I mean, like, the kind of gorgeous that ends up in the cover of magazines. For real, you could be a super model, that´s for sure. And me, well, if you rejected me right away, then you wouldn´t be the first one. Or the last one…” He´s not ugly, however, his lack of confidence is something that may push women away.

“I see… but trust me, you don´t have to worry about it. I wouldn´t reject a man right away… in fact, would you like to go somewhere else?” She knows he will never ask her out, therefore, she´ll take the first step.

“Somewhere else? Oh, sure. Where would you like to go?” He asked.

“How about… wherever you want to take me?” She said, with a luscious tone, delivering the message.

“Oh! Uhm… sure! Let´s… let´s go somewhere more, uhm, private.” He added.

“That´s nice.” She added, and now, the moment of the truth. Evangeline had to make the height test.

If she stands up and he doesn´t run away, because he´s likely to just do so. Then everything´s fine.

However, when she was up, she wasn´t expecting his reaction.

“Oh my…” he said, looking up at her, with his jaw almost hitting the floor.

“I know, I´m tall… would that be a problem?” She asked.

“Oh, no, not at all. I… I knew you´d be, I mean, you seem like a tall lady, while sitting, but… I wasn´t expecting such a tall… a tall queen. You´re gorgeous.” Yes, he does like tall women. And he´s never met any women as gorgeous as the angel before him.

“I´m glad.” She replied.

Mission accomplished; she found a man. And this man likes tall women. Now, time for some action…


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