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Chapter 6

Jen kept walking, giving one long step forward after the other until Jason couldn´t find a way to escape. He was pinned to the wall, before him, an imposing 7´6” amazon who seemed menacing. What was she up to?

Behind her, other two amazons, 7´4” and 7´2”, overpowering the lonely 5´10” guy. By the look on their faces, something unpleasant is about to happen.

“Tell me, do you think you can speak to us in that way?” Jen started.

“I…” should he apologize? No, it was too late.

“We´re your superiors. Your bosses, you have no right to speak to us in such a way.” She wasn´t scolding him, her tone was kind of ironical. She only wanted to tease him as she proved her point. “We could get you fired, you know?”

Jason swallowed. Fired? But he was not the one who came just to mess with them? They started it!

“I don´t think we can get him fired. I mean, first we should give him a written warning…” Said Coreen.

“Oh, that´s true… well, do you think it´ll work?” Jen asked to her two peers behind her.

“Oh no, he´s been way too rude. A written warning won´t do.” Added Melody.

“What can we do, girls?” This was messed up. Jason can´t even escape. Even if he passed Jen, Melody and Coreen are blocking the way.

What´s in store for him? What will the amazons do to him? They want him fired? Why? He´s a good employee!

“Maybe we can all agree he´s been way too disrespectful.” Started Coreen.

“Yeah, you just drop a complaint and Coreen and I will be your witnesses.” Added Melody.

“Hmmm, that could do. In fact, we can all hand it to the executive lady. I think she´s currently on the floor below us. Maybe she could speed things up.” Jason could almost feel a bigger woman firing him.

“You can´t! That´s not true! You can´t just… make things up!” He said, trying to fight back with these three.

“Oh, but we can, and surely, we will.” Said Jen, with a wicked smile.

Jason was cornered. That executive woman they are talking about, she can surely get him fired with just a snap of her fingers. She´s got way more power than any of these three has. Even the three of them combined.

“Maybe… maybe he´s right.” Started Melody, “Perhaps, we shouldn´t make things up.”

“What do you mean?” Asked Coreen, unsure if Melody was still on the game.

“I mean, we shouldn´t lie. But, maybe we can do something to, you know, get him fired.”

“Interesting, what do you have in mind?” Jen asked. Looking back at her peer, but still, keeping an eye on Jason.

“Well, there´re rules. If he broke one, he´ll get fired.” Said Melody.

“Oh, I like it!” Cheered Coreen.

“And… which rule will he break? A false fire alarm? Stealing?” Asked Jen, excited for their naughty plan.

“I was thinking… what if he, for some reason, send the whole office a copy of his naked butt?” Melody had some wicked ideas.

Jason trembled as all three seemed to like the idea.

To scan his naked butt and then send pictured of it to the whole office?! That was evil! And, honestly, not very professional.

“Oh my, this shrimp here had a breakdown and suddenly, he gets mad and sends everyone a pic of his butt? Oh my, I love it!” Said Jen as she grabbed Jason´s arm tightly.

“Hey! Let, let go!” He complaint.

“Sure, like a protest or something. Maybe we can add a message like: “You can all kiss my ass” or something.” Added Melody.

Coreen laughed as all three focused on him. All eyes on the guy who will soon, lose his pants and then, be forced to sit on the machine while the three amazons make hundredths of copies of his naked butt. And just casually, send some to everyone´s email.

“Maybe we can throw the printed ones out the window? So that it´s like a rain of butt pics?” Said Coreen.

“Sure, that´s also polluting so, it´ll make things better!” Jen was fed up with power. And him, he was concerned!

How could this happen? This wasn´t fair! Why does he have to be a puppet on their game? More like, why do they have to treat him in such a way? He´s a man, and they are all grown women, this isn´t fair. And, this also shouldn´t happen at this level. Still, all three seemed to desire it.

While he struggled inside his office, with the three amazons looming above him as they decided who´ll remove his pants. Someone else was busy.

Someone who was actually doing her job. Someone who came into this building with one thing in mind, improvement. To make this office work like a clock. To guarantee an efficient, dedicated, and also, friendly environment.

This was the executive lady they were all talking about. And now, she was right at Jason´s floor.

“S-stop!” He screamed, but all he could hear were the evil laughs of all three amazons. How could he fight back? They were over eighteen-inches taller. Heavier, stronger, they easily overpowered him, and now, he was at their mercy.

“Oh, this is going to be so fun!” Said Jen as the other two ladies forgot to check on the door.

As someone else made her way and, casually, stopped by as she was the only one who seemed to listen, or care, for what was happening at that particular place.

Everyone else knew Jen and her peers were at the copy room, and no one dared put a stop to what they did. Most of the time, they only messed with guys for a while, but this time, things had escalated quite fast.

“Hmmm…” Said this large woman as she made her way to the open room. Curious, and kind of upset. Were they working? It certainly doesn´t sound as they were…

“Please! I… I´m sorry! I´m sorry! Don´t, please, don’t do this!” He begged to his large bullies.

“Aww, how cute, now he apologizes? Well, it´s too late. Right, girls?” Came Jen´s voice as she spoke to the other two behind her, not realizing that there were now three women behind her back.

Suddenly, a voice came, high above the other two women. They were all too busy to notice someone came in. They forgot to check on the door. But, in their personal thoughts, who´ll come over and check? Well, there´s someone, much higher in rank, and bigger than them.

“Excuse me, what´s going on in here?” Came a deep, rich and mature voice. Feminine, almost velvety. Still, it seemed upset.

Jen was about to unbuckle Jason´s belt when she heard this strange voice. Usually, she would´ve told her to get lost, but this wasn´t just any other woman. This was someone bigger. And if she´s bigger, well, that can only mean…

All three turned, just to find the executive lady behind them. And she was big!

She had to duck to make it through the door, her wide hips filled the frame completely. This big woman stood right behind them, with her hands over her fleshy hips. In a pose that denoted power, and anger.

The woman was older than them, still, she had a radiant beauty, and barely signs of age. As all women do nowadays. However, there was a furrow of disgust on her face.

“What´s going on in here? And believe me, I won´t ask again!” She extruded authority. The menacing trio didn´t seem so menacing anymore. Their grins were washed away as a woman, over two-feet taller than them, entered the room.

“We…” Started Coreen, but no excuse seemed to come out of her mouth.

“Yeah, we´re just…” Said Jen as Melody stood there, mute.

“You were? Oh my, why do all supervisors are so tied-tongued. Was my question too hard for you? Hmmm?” Now, the three of them seemed to be the ones underestimated by this giantess. “Ok, if my question was too hard, let me elaborate a little, based on what I can see.” Jason was worried, was this good? Or worse?

The woman was the executive, there´s no doubt about it. She wore a pair of pants, huge pants, that matched the blazer she had on top of her blouse. Even if she was covered by two layers of clothes, he could still see her curves beneath that fancy attire.

Her hips were wide, fleshy. Matronly sensuous. And her breasts, they were gargantuan. To Jason, those were the biggest breasts he´s ever seen. Gigantic, firm, a bit perky even. This woman had a luscious body, which only made her look much more imposing. She made the three seven-feet-tall amazons look tiny!

They were barely at her boob-level. In fact, Melody and Coreen gave a step back in order to give this woman´s gargantuan breasts more room. She was a colossus. And now, this giantess is about to take some action. After all, she was sent there to fix things, right? And this, certainly, needs some fixtures.

“Well, let´s begin. First of all, I can see THREE supervisors at the copy room. The main question should be, what kind of copies require all three of you here at the same time? The most logical, and only excuse, is that at least two of you are in your break. Right, ladies?” She was talking to them as if they were inferior, well, of course they were! To this woman, they are as insignificant as Jason is to them.

And, clearly, none of them are on their break, surely, she doesn´t need to know.

“I won´t even bother check on that.” Continued the giantess, who stood at 9´10”! “Now, let´s move on to the real deal. May I know,” she started speaking slower, “why are you holding that young man´s arm?” She asked, looking directly at Jen.

“I…” She started.

“I´m sure he tripped and you were just helping him up, right? Because, you know, manhandling any coworker here at the office is considered aggression, right? And, if that was the case, I´ll need to suspend you while we investigate this matter further? You, and everyone else in the room…” Now, she turned at Melody and Coreen, who were now as scared as Jason to lose their jobs.

“This would result on an immediate termination of your contracts. In other words, ladies, you will get fired.” All three swallowed. And Jason, he was still scared! She´s talking to these three, as if they were no one, and they are supervisors! How will things be to him?

“We were, you know… just, uhm…” Jen said as she let go of Jason´s arm, and now, focused all of her attention towards the huge executive at the door.

“Please, there´s no need for excuses. Right now, I´d like for you three to write your names down,” and she handed a pad to Coreen, “Full names, and your badge numbers. I´ll make sure to gather all of the information I need. And, of course, this will include you, young man.” She turned at Jason, dead in the eye.

“Y-yes, ma´am.” He said, trembling in his knees.

“Oh! Would you look at that, ma´am? This young man seems to have more manners than you three. Perhaps, we might need to add that to the things to improve at this office.” The giantess chuckled as all three wrote their names down.

“Very well, ladies,” Started the giantess as they hand her pad back to her. “Now, well, let´s stop pretending, shall we? I won´t ask you why you three were manhandling the young man here. I know you were. Why? Because it seems no woman your age can resist messing up with a poor man who´s just trying to get his job done. Seriously, forty-year-old women are worse than teenagers. I´ll send each of you your respective written warnings by the end of the day, ok? Now, I´d like you to apologize to this young man.” The executive started.

“Apologize? W-why? How do you know he wasn´t the one who… who started it?” Claimed Jen.

“Please, dear, don´t lie to me. You think a man under six-feet-tall will mess with three women above seven-feet-tall? No man´s that dumb. Now, would you like me to ask him what happened? To get the information I need so that I can make sure three, more capable, professional and educated, women take your positions? Or, would you rather acknowledge that written warning? Hmmm? What would it be?” This woman had total control of them.

Would he speak up? Surely. Do they want him to speak up? No.

“I… I think we´ll go back to our desks and… acknowledge our… warning.” Said Coreen.

“After your break, right? Or, are you all not on your breaks? You wouldn´t want me to check on your schedules and figure if,” the giantess turned at her wrist watch and added, “you were supposed to be on your desks by 11:34 am. Should we check?” Melody shook her head as to say no.

“Good. I hope this has been a good enough lesson for you three. Remember, there is always someone bigger. Make sure to treat everyone with the respect they deserve, no matter if they are,” The executive made a pause and turned at Jason. “What´s your name, honey? You haven´t write it down in my pad.”

“I… J-Jason, ma´am.” Now, the 9´10” amazon was so close to him, his eyes were right at the same level as her hips. He had to crane his neck, only to meet the gigantic underside of her enormous breasts.

“Oh, how lovely. You heard that? Two times. He´s ended his sentences with “ma´am”, twice! That´s much more than all you three have while addressing me, your boss. Now, before you leave, would you three be so kind and apologize to Jason? Or should we include insubordination to my report?” This giant woman had then right where she wanted.

“I´m sorry.” All three said, barely an apology.

“My, that doesn´t sound as a good enough apology. But, for the time being, it´ll have to do. Ok, time to get back to work.” Said the giantess, dismissing the whole thing. Even if she had a smile on her face, it was just the smile someone has whenever things are under her control. And that includes the three amazons that just left the room and were about to sign a digital warning in a moment.

Jason felt relieved, but, was he? There´s still a big woman on the room. And this lady, she seems bigger than all other three combined!


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