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Chapter 10

Patty was happy, well, not precisely happy, but she was almost done. She has reduced the long list of men she had to take care of down to just one. Dr. Marcus Higgins.

The man behind everything. At first, she thought this was some mistake, that the growth she´s experienced was a secondary, and very odd, effect. However, she was wrong.

There´s some particular messages between, the now gone, owner of the company. Mr. Greenbaum, and Dr. Higgins had changed a few… words about the actual reason for this.

When she read it on Mr. Greenbaum´s phone, she was amazed. Angry, surely, but amazed too. She didn´t happen to become an amazon just because. And now, she´s about to confront Dr. Higgins.

It was night already in the city. A cold night, due to the concrete. And now, Dr. Higgins is making his way home. He parked his car inside the garage, and rapidly closed the door behind him.

He was paranoid. The man was too smart, brilliant. He knows very well that things have happened. He´s still in charge of that project they´ve been working on at the company.

Nelson hasn´t showed up, everyone knows he´s gone. He hasn´t received any messages from Richard, and no sign from Mr. Greenbaum. He knows something´s wrong. Terribly wrong.

All those men are gone. Why? He´s not sure yet. But he feels guilty. They were all a part of something. He wonders if this project he´s been working on, the one he´s been supervising, if someone else is aware of it. And if they are hunting them down, one by one, in order to get their hands on it.

He entered his house rapidly. He feels like he´s the next one. Who else? Sometimes, he wonders what happened to that girl, Patricia. Maybe she´s gone too? But no one has said a word since she´s not important?

The way he thinks. He only cares for his own sake. However, he´s not careful enough.

The front door of his house, it´s not exactly locked anymore. He would´ve noticed, but he used the door that connects the garage with the house. He ignores that… someone´s already in.

He was a careful man. Marcus Higgins, a doctor. Specialized in the human genome. A specialist, a brilliant mind, someone ambitious.

Mr. Greenbaum found him at a congress. He seemed to be a clever man. He was working at a project, to which, he needed some investment. A project that would help people with their health. Make them stronger, healthier. To recover from a near-death estate.

He needed funds, and Mr. Greenbaum had the money, the means. However, he had a few requests… and so, Dr. Higgins project became his project. And since he was paying for it, well, he couldn´t say no to those small changes…

“Welcome home, Dr. Higgins…” Came a word from the living room. A feminine, yet deep voice.

Dr. Higgins turned, alarmed, who was it?

Soon, a light went on, and before his eyes, a woman showed up, sitting on his couch. This was a large lady, with long legs, filling up the couch. She had a nice physique, he can tell that, however, her boobs are enormous!

It didn´t took him long before he recognized this lady.

“P-Patricia?” He said. He was perplexed. This big woman was the lady who worked on the project, the one that got fired. But she wasn´t quite the same, there were some changes on her.

Patty stood up from the couch, letting him see that she was no longer that petit and frail lady who got fired. Now, she was a strong woman. Standing at seven-feet-tall, stacked, curvaceous, hot. But she´s not there to seduce him, she´s way past that. In fact, she´s there to make an offer, one he´ll have to accept, whether he likes it or not…

“Oh, how kind, you remember me? That´s great… because I haven´t forgotten you either…” her tone, it changed into one of annoyance.

Dr. Higgins was not short, he was a 6´1” man, still, Patty loomed above him by almost a foot! And, soon, it will be much more.

“W-what are you doing here?” He asked as she walked towards him.

“Me? I got an offer for you. You see, what you did to me, that wasn´t nice. And then, above all the damage done, you people fired me? That´s not nice…” He couldn´t see it, but she was pulling a bottle from behind her.

She was wearing jeans and a shirt, no need to impress him. Even if the shirt´s tight on the bosom, and if the jeans contour her butt perfectly. She pulled out a bottle from her back pocket and, as soon as she was close enough, she forced him to drink.

“Drink up…” She said. She didn´t have time to be nice, or to speak about things first. Before all that, she needs to punish him.

He couldn´t step back, he couldn´t turn. He was amazed by her sheering size. She grew a foot and a half! She was a big lady now.

The bottle found it´s way to his mouth, she put her hand behind his head, and forced him to drink. It wasn´t a big bottle, however, it was full. Full of milk, from a particular source…

He swallowed it down. Unsure if it was poison. But the taste, it was creamy. He took a step back as soon as she gave him a chance.

“What… was that?!” He said, looking up at her. Alarmed.

“Oh, you´ll see…” She said as she watched him slowly shrinking.

Back when she worked for him, or under his guidance, Patty thought he was a nice man. Kind, someone certainly suited to be the boss. But he was also behind all this. The worst part is, he knew exactly what this all was, and when he saw her stepping in the machine, he did nothing to stop them. He just watched, knowing the consequences there could be.

She´s disappointed. But, unlike the rest, she cannot just shrink him down to nothing, not just like that. First, she needs a couple things from him. But first, why not showing him what he did?

He felt odd, and then, as he looked up at her face, he could see the changes on her. She was… growing? Not quite, instead, it seems that, he´s shrinking…

He can feel it on his clothes, on his shoes. The ceiling´s higher. Before her eyes, Dr. Higgins went from 6´1” to 5´7”, a loss of six-inches.

“What have you done?” He said, looking at his hands, the sleeves on his shirt, hanging longer.

“Me? Oh no, you did this. All of you. I´m only a virus you´ve created. Now, how´s a taste of your own medicine for a change? Hmm? I know you and Mr. Greenbaum were planning on messing with people´s size. I´m just showing you the consequences…”

She wasn´t lying. The project, if it was first intended to help people heal. Mr. Greenbaum turned it into something else. He was selfish, what did he want? He wanted Dr. Higgins to create a way to make women taller, curvier, sexier.

It didn´t matter if there was no good use for it, he just wanted to see tall, stacked amazons. With enormous breasts, juicy butts, hot, curvy, sexy. And the whole thing worked, however… the results were not as fast as they thought.

They expected Patty to grow instantly. But it didn´t happen that way. Instead, she´s gradually growing. Her milk, the change of liquid between her tit and a man´s mouth, it seems to have an effect that causes her body to enlarge as his body shrinks. A change, a transfusion of size.

Now, this isn´t exactly the case. Sure, Patty´s milk is like a shrinking substance, but if it´s not extracted from the source, her tit, by a guy´s mouth, it seems she won´t grow. At least she could prove that theory. However, Dr. Higgins did shrink.

He was alarmed, scared, concerned for his safety. He needed to run. And he tried, but as soon as e turned, he couldn´t take more than two steps before her long arm reached for him, before her long fingers took a hold of his shirt´s neck and then, captured him.

“Oh, no way. You´re not going anywhere. Like I said, I´ve got some plans. And, unless you want to shrink any further, you´ll listen…” What else could he do? She was enormous, and now, she was even bigger!

He was sitting on the couch, right before her. He knows he can´t escape, there´s no real need to tie him. She´s way too big, much stronger, he surely did improve her health, her body. He knows what the effects are.

They fired her because they thought the machine had failed, but they were wrong. He wanted to check on her, but Mr. Greenbaum didn´t allow that. They thought of her as a failed part of the experiment, and so, they just ditch her. But he was right, he should´ve made some analysis on her.

“What´s with that face? Trust me, you´ll like my idea. I know you wanted your project to have a different result. And believe me, I´ll make sure it does exactly what you wanted. Only that… I´ll give it a different use…”

Patty had an idea, an idea for which she needed him. He was the man behind everything. Even if she worked on the project, she didn´t have as much experience as Dr. Higgins.

What does she want? Well, to use this same project he developed, but not on the nasty way Mr. Greenbaum wanted. That selfish man. Patty wanted to help people, women for the most.

She was forced to this by a group of idiot men. Men who pushed her into something she didn´t want. And now, she´s going to change that. Make sure no woman has to be forced to anything by a man.

She has some ideas. But there´s a few things she needs to correct before she takes things to the next level…

“You want me to grow women? Just like you?” He said. He knows there´s no chance he can run away, at least he can listen to her.

“No, listen, not like me. These… these huge breasts are full, not now, but they get full. I don´t want other women to lactate, the milk I make… you know what happens.” He just drank half a bottle of her shrinking “serum”. “I want women to be stronger, but not… milk-machines. And surely, I don´t want the milk to shrink people.” That was quite an unpleasant secondary effect.

Now, she´s not only full of dangerous milk, but her boyfriend was the first one to be affected by it. Cal went down to 5´5”, and she knows there´s a chance that, in the future, he´ll want to suck on her tits again. But she wants to prevent it.

“I don´t get it, you want to… keep up with the project?”

“Yes, but… I want to remaster it. You see, that jerk of Mr. Greenbaum, we both know he had a… secret side. However, he wasn´t so far away from what a better world could be.” Patty was ambitious, but her goals, they were different. She didn´t want to please the men, she wanted to create a new future, in which women are on the lead.

Dr. Higgins understood it, however…

“And what makes you think I´ll work for you?”

“Well, you can help me build a better world or… I can shove down the rest of this bottle into your mouth. I know there´s not enough here to shrink you down to nothing, but don´t worry, I´ve got plenty of refill with me…” She said, squeezing her enormous tit.

He wasn´t sure, should he comply? She broke into his house, shrank him down, and now she wants him to work for her? Why?

“Listen, I´m not like Mr. Greenbaum, I know the ideas you had. I saw the messages you shared. And I could see the first intentions of the project. Trust me, we´ll be working on that, but with a different… kind of customers.” Mr. Greenbaum had the idea that he could use it for his own, have a horde of sexy amazons working for him, but Patty´s different.

“Besides, I´ll be sure to give you the credit you deserve and, I´ll even make you an associate… what do you say?” She was trying to be polite.

“I don´t know, how do I know you´ll keep your promise?” He said.

“Well, I´m making you an offer. It would´ve been easier to chain you to a wall and force you to work for me. Trust me, this project is in good hands.”

This was no easy choice. On a side, he knows Mr. Greenbaum was the kind of men that would get rid of him, claim everything was his idea and never give him any credit. However, can he trust Patricia?

“*sigh* I´ll do it, but I want 50-percent of the profits.”

“Thirty.” She replied.

“Forty.” He added.

“Thirty-five, take it or shrink…”

“Ok, Deal.” And so, this seems to be the beginning of something else, something bigger.

“Do you know how to grow me back?” He asked.

“No. But we´ll work on that too. My boyfriend… he´s kind of shrunken too. I´d like it if we can reverse that.” She replied.

“I see, and how about you? Do you want to go back to your regular size?”

“Nah, I like this size. Besides, if I´m going to be the boss, I need to be imposing, right?”

Patty had plans, big plans in mind. And sure, she´s going to keep her part of the deal.

“Oh, by the way, if you ever think on betraying me, you´re going down. Literally, down to nothing, ok?” she said, with a stern, intimidating tone.

“Hey, no worries, I… I´ll keep my promise. And… where do we start?”


There´s a lot of things they need to work on. First, the machine, it would be a good idea if, as she thought first, this was a cream, or ointment that women could use. But this will go on by phases.

The first thing, she needs to find a way to stop lactating. She likes the big boobs, they carry a certain power, however, they are quite dangerous. Mostly if Cal ends up sucking on them while she´s asleep.

There were other things they needed to work on. How will the project continue if Mr. Greenbaum´s gone? Easy, he´s gone, but his money´s not. It seems he made an escrow for the project, something Dr. Higgins requested. That way, the money needed will always be there.

Patty will continue with the project, she´ll work on it behind the curtains. And once the project´s done. They will take it somewhere else.

She´s not giving any credit to the company, instead, she´ll create her own. As soon as the project´s ready, at least the first phase, she´ll crate her own company. Intended on helping women who need a little… boost.

Her idea is to help those women who are weak, to become strong! Size expansion comes handy when you try to be imposing.

Patty has big plans, but first, she needs to work things from scratch. Redesign the machine, readjust all parameters. Find out what went wrong. Luckily, they will be able to create a new product, something different.

Maybe they can even create sub-products. Some only for those who want bigger, natural boobs, or butts, to get thicker. To get stronger. There´s an ample variety of things they will do once they find out how this exactly works.

But first things first. Dr. Higgins has some things to do. First, she´ll grant her access to the lab.

And how does she know he won´t betray her? Easy, she´s going to help him guide his project into what it was first intended. Only that their only customers will be women. In fact, as it first was, these will be products designed for women only.

And second, well, she´s offering him a whole lot of money! He worked for Mr. Greenbaum, as an employee. Now, he´s looking forward to become an associate.

He´s not dumb, he knows that the results these new products will bring, everyone will fight for them. As soon as they become the next big thing, he´ll be swimming, in a pool filled with money.

Patty´s happy. She´s looking forward to a new world. Who knows, maybe she won´t be so big in this new world…




Aha I loved it. Now I want to see what things look like in six months, or six years. A world filling up with larger, stronger women. I demand a sequel! Seriously, though - Great story 😊


Thank you! Really glad you liked it :D. And sure, there will be a sequel. I just have to brainstorm some ideas. Not sure when, but hopefully we can see more of this story!