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Well, I never thought I´d say this but, this is the last chapter.

The end of my very first long-term story.

I hope you´ve liked it, and thanks to all of you who´ve followed it since the very beginning. Now, it´s time to give the story a closure...

I hope you like this last chapter, I made a... well, you´ll see. Enjoy ;D

Chapter 51

Nick knew that, sooner or later, this would come. A time to really decide what will happen. A time to… choose.

Rachel, his sweet boss, in one side, and on the other, Maddy, his girlfriend. Both are looking down at him, both want him, but the truth is, they can´t share.

Nick felt a bit intimidated by the decision he had to made. The answer was really simple, however, was it wise to say it? To speak the truth? To change the relationship that has taken place for weeks now?

Yes, because this is obviously not working.

He can perceive it, none of them want to share. Both want to have him for their own. Both seem as such competitive women that, if he didn´t speak up now, they would´ve totally fight for him. And it made sense. Both truly care for him.

The main problem is, there´s not enough Nick for both…

“So… what´s going to happen?” Asked Rachel. Not really wanting to listen to his words.

“I… I think we… I think it´s time for… me and… Maddy to leave. And to… go back to our old place.” Just like a knife, his words cut through Rachel´s heart. And then, she lost the glow in her eyes, she lost hope.

“I think he´s right. This isn´t working.” Said Maddy, not sadly because she will go home with the “prize”.

This was time to say goodbye. Deep down, he feared he´ll get fired, but the truth is, maybe that wasn´t so bad. That way, he´ll avoid any uncomfortable situation with his boss.

Part of him was also waiting for Rachel to bent over, throw herself on her knees and reach for him. Hugging him tightly to her enormous body as she screamed he was not going anywhere. That his place was with her. But that didn´t happen.

She was more mature than that. She stood there, quietly. Maybe she knows this isn´t going to work. Maybe, she thinks he´s not happy. Perhaps, she, just as everyone, had been waiting for this moment to come, for someone, anyone, to say the truth.

One of the three, inevitable, had to speak and make the rest know their feel. To prove, this isn´t working, and that it, maybe, was never meant to be.

Rachel was left heartbroken at home. Waiting at the door as she watched both Maddy and Nick leave her place. Nick turned through the car´s window, just to see his boss, sad.

He could see the sorrow in her face. As she waved goodbye, her expression couldn´t hide the utter despair she was feeling. The sadness, she was going back to her old, lonely life. This wasn´t fair.

Nick turned at the front, knowing that this wasn´t fair. She´s worked so hard, she´s been so nice, and now, things are just… worse!

This will be worse than when it all started. There she was, a giant amazon, with milking tits she won´t be putting to use. At least not with him. She´s worked so hard, she´s invested so much of her time and, for what? Now things are back to the way they were before. But not just that, now, both will live knowing that, things just didn´t worked.

“Poor Rachel…” Maddy said from the driver´s seat. “But the truth is, you´re my baby, Nick. Don´t worry, she´ll get over this.” She sounded confident. But maybe she knew he was sorry for her.

That he, as the good guy he is, would feel remorse, sadness, empathy towards his boss. And Maddy, as the sweet woman she is, must assure him that everything´s all right.

“She´ll find someone else, I´m sure. Hopefully, someone who doesn´t, already, have a girlfriend, you know…” Maddy was right, Rachel just stepped into their life, and now, it was time to leave her aside.

That actually sounds bad. Mean even, but that´s just the way it is. He can´t live inside a love triangle. He´s just a man, a shrunken one. One huge lady is more than enough. Still, he couldn´t help but to feel bad.

“We´ll be staying at this motel for the night,” Said Maddy as she stepped into one of the many rooms there. “I´ll look for an apartment tomorrow morning while you… you´re at work.” At work, with Rachel.

That´s right, tomorrow, he´ll be back at the office. Does he really want to meet Rachel? Does he really want to be there, what if something happens?

What if Rachel starts crying and begs him to go back with her? Or worse, what if, instead of crying and begging, she simply forces him. Traps him and takes him with her. Away from Maddy. Rachel wouldn´t do that, right? She couldn´t be such a… psycho.

Even if that doesn’t happen, the mood, the atmosphere at the office will certainly be weird.

Nick can already listen to her, as she takes out one of her big, full tits, “Lunch time… don´t worry, we won´t tell Maddy…” Would that count as an office affair? The truth is, he doesn´t want to go through that.

But how can he avoid it? How can he make things just… vanish? It would be hard to erase all the past few weeks from everyone´s existence. Wouldn´t it? To go back in time and change things, take the right decision, make sure he doesn´t mess up in the first place.

The question is, how did all this start? Oh, right… a wish.

A wish, granted by a shooting star. He can remember the brightness of it, as he was having a romantic diner with Maddy. He wished for their relationship to get better. For it to evolve into what both needed, but this, it seems things didn´t went on the right course.

He felt sad, sitting at the edge of the motel´s bed as he looked down at the floor. Maddy was at the bathroom, getting ready for the night. Tomorrow will be a busy day, and probably a very uncomfortable one.

“How can I fix this?” There´s no way.

He can´t really go back and try to make things right. Now, this was how things were right. With him, sharing his life with Maddy. He should know this is how things should be. However, he felt bad, in his stomach.

He was looking at the floor, looking for an answer, begging for a chance to make things right, but how? How could he do it? He´s just a man. And a shrunken one.

But, maybe there´s a way. Just as he turned things this way, maybe there´s a way to re-do it…

Suddenly, a green shinning entered through the window from the outside. A green, of a bright lime color. He felt attracted by it, he was curious to what it may be. A car outside the room? Someone messing with some huge laser? Aliens?

Nick jumped off the bed and opened the window´s curtains. As soon as he did, the light washed the entirety of the room. He looked around, but he was not looking to where he should.

He pointed his vision at ground level, at the horizon even, but that was not where this light came from. He had to look up…

When he turned, he could see it, a blinding, green light coming from another shooting star. That was the brightest star he´s ever seen. And it´s color, it was unique! He was lured by the light.

Suddenly, something came to his mind. What if… what if he could fix things? Make a wish! That´s not just any star, it must be a magical one! A star he can make a wish to!

He lost no time, and, closing his eyes and putting his hands together, he wished for the star to make things right for him.

He knows he has to be clever, and choose the correct words. So, his wish was:

“Please, make things right. For me, for Maddy, for Rachel. Please, shooting star, help us all. Give us what we need, make our lives change for good.” And… “And take me back to my original size…” The star blinked. Twice. Was it twice for yes?

He doesn´t know. However, for some reason, he´s feeling dizzy. He opened his eyes as soon as he made his wish, and when he turned back at the star, his eyes felt… off. His thought turned blurry. His vision, everything was full of green.

Was it bad to look straight at the star? Maybe it wasn´t the best for the eyes. He shut them, and with that, he shut himself. He was knocked down. Asleep before he could tell. Gone…

“Wakey, wakey!” Said a cheerful voice to his ear. Maddy´s voice.

“Wha… where am I?” The bed didn´t feel as the one at the motel. And the walls of the room where he was, they had this odd look. It was a nice room, but where was it from?

Not from the motel. Or Rachel´s place. Not even from their old apartment. Something was off…

“Where are you? At home, of course, don´t be silly…” Came Maddy´s voice, from above.

Nick turned up, and yes, there she was, as gigantic as last night. Apparently, the wish didn´t work. Maybe she took them to a new place while he was sleeping?

“You´re gonna be late for work, dear. Or, maybe you would like me to give you a ride?” She held her keys in hand and jiggle them before him.

Maddy seemed to be already dressed for work. With an elegant outfit, a nice blouse, one that revealed her huge bosom. He could see a long, sensuous line of smooth cleavage. One that was making him… thirsty?

His mouth started to water, he wanted… milk?

“Oh, look at that, are you hungry? Come here…” she cooed as she grabbed him, then, she removed her blouse. Revealing her massive, round, heavy and full breasts.

Before he knew it, he was sucking on her. Again. Things hadn´t changed, or so it seems. Apparently, this was their place, how did he get there? Did she take care of everything at night? And… there´s something different in her as well.

Did she dye her hair too? And those clothes, he´s never seen them before. Something´s off, something´s going on…

“Ok, nice and full. I hope you liked your breakfast, honey…” she said, putting a full Nick on the floor. He was full, but not to the point where he couldn´t walk, he was… satisfied? Not bursting full but, normally full.

“So, do you want me to take care of you or… will you get to the office by car?” By car?

Isn´t he like… too short to drive? Wasn´t she taking care of transporting him at all times?

“I got your keys, hold on…” she pulled some keys out of her purse, and then, she placed him in his hands. But the keys were odd.

In her hands, they were tiny, but on his, they were regular size. Just the size that keys were before he shrank. What was going on?

Turns out, his wish worked. He wanted everyone to get the life they wanted so… this new life had some changes for him. For starters, he´s 6´2” again. YES! Nick´s back to his old size, sweet!

But, if he´s 6´2”, then… how is it possible for Maddy to be… so big?!

Well, it seems some changes were done. For starters, Maddy´s now a colossal 18-foot woman. Well, 18´6” but that´s average. At least amongst women.

It seems Nick has made a new wish, one that may have altered the size of Maddy, but not just her…

He got ready for work before anything else. He found out a couple things, now, there´s two of everything around the house. For starters, there´s a door his size on the huge door Maddy uses. A normal 7´ door on her 21´ door.

And that´s not it, everything around the house seems to be designed for an average man like him, and for a giantess like Maddy.

But what had happened? He walked out of the house. A really nice one, but she´s got a sweet position at her office. And, by the fancy looks of their place, they live comfortably.

Another thing he realized was, all women are HUGE! As he stepped out of his house, he could see around five women, walking down the street, and they were all giants! As tall as Maddy, maybe some even taller.

He couldn´t believe it, but he had to be sure. Now, it´s time to get to the office…

He works at the same office, that´s for sure, but things are a little different. For starters, the route. He had to use the GPS to get there, it seems he lives on a different neighborhood.

As he drove down the road, he noticed a couple things. Officially, ALL women are giantesses now. And, there´s two lanes on the road. A “normal” size one, for, apparently, men´s cars. And a very wide one, for female´s cars?

He could tell because a giant car stopped next to him at the stop sign. One driven by a giant blonde woman.

He didn´t felt so secure driving on a road where there´s cars as big as buildings.

“Maybe I should’ve allowed mommy to drive me… Maddy! I meant Maddy!” Did he?

Nick got to work, and it seems that everything´s normal about the size difference, the only one feeling strange is… him.

He walked, amongst men and a land of legs that were woman´s legs. Then, he got to the elevator, where he used the buttons at his level to get to his office.

How would things be with Mrs. Williams, well, Rachel?

Turns out, things are quite different as well.

He entered the room, but things were arranged different. In fact, all desks where normal sized. He thought there would be a contrast of sizes. Maybe giant desks on the left, for women, and the rest at the right, for men. But it wasn´t like that.

He walked straight to Rachel´s office, but he felt odd.

“Are you going to Mommy Rachel´s office?” Asked a guy.

“Excuse me?” Did he just call her mommy? Nick had no clue what was going on, but as he stepped into the room, he could see it.

There she was, Rachel Williams, sitting at the edge of her desk. With her thick, sexy body, and her massive breasts contained by a top that seemed to be about to burst!

She wore this really short skirt, showing off her thick, smooth, long legs. But the sexiness of the giantess was not the strangest thing, but the fact that she was surrounded by men.

A lot of other men, he didn´t, for some reason, knew, were standing there. Around her. As if it was some sort of improvised meeting, all paying attention to Rachel.

“Do you need anything, sweetheart? Rachel cooed, turning at him.

He felt strange. Looking up at his mighty boss, but now everyone found her mighty. She was colossal! A giantess amongst all these men, but who were all these men?

Well, he wished for all three of them to get what they wanted so… all men there were, now, Rachel´s assistants. For real.

“Are you… thirsty?” She said, out of the blue.

Driving her hand right to her titanic breast. Squeezing it a little with her hand. Was she really doing it! She was really asking him if he wanted to drink milk from her while all those people were there?

Nick felt so uncomfortable. Everyone turned at him, and then back at her. Then, back at him. Was everyone waiting for his response? He had to say something!

“N-no… thank you…” He wasn´t in the mood for that, however…

“Oh, ok, no worries honey. I´m sure you must´ve had a very large breakfast then. Now… who want´s mommy´s milk!” she asked, to all the rest of the men there.

Nick almost crimsoned, what was going on? However, instead of having a room full of men feeling strange by what the gigantic boss had just said, they started cheering.

Soon, the room was full of men screaming, “Me!” And so, Rachel started unbuttoning her blouse.

“Oh, relax, there´s enough for everyone. Now, be good and make a line. I´ll get to everyone sooner than you expect.”

Nick felt so off. He stepped out of the room, meanwhile, Rachel unbuttoned her blouse, exposed her massive, full breasts and picked up two of the men there. With two men sucking, one on each tit, as a line of another dozen was formed in front of her.

Her wish came true, Rachel was now a huge office mommy. For all men in the office. All of her assistants. She wasn´t feeling bad, lonely, she was surrounded by men who literally praised her.

She was this huge office goddess. A huge boss mommy. And everyone seemed happy about it.

Nick was… happy? Rachel didn´t seem sad for what happened yesterday. In fact, did yesterday even happened? What was going on in there? He was at the office, same office, but his boss was now a giantess who breast fed his coworkers?

And that was not just it. Back home, on his new home. Things seem as if they had always been like that. Did his wish just… changed the whole reality?

Has he created a new world that meets the desires for all? Maddy and Rachel felt so maternal, so sweet around him, and he wanted his normal size back. Plus, his independency too.

It seems he turned these women into maternal giantesses. In order to get his size back and give everyone what they wanted.

The rest of the day, he wondered, was it different for the rest of the world? Had he created a new world where all women are giantesses? The short answer is… yes.

Now, Rachel had a chance to give her love to someone, well, to everyone. And everyone just accepted it. Happily, accepted her. Good for her!

Now he doesn´t feel so bad about leaving her alone. Rachel´s not alone anymore.

Meanwhile, it was time for him to get home. He got off the car and walked to his gigantic house. He will have a hard time readjusting to live in a world where the average woman´s about four times bigger. But he´ll adapt to it.

He entered his place, through his door. Everything was dark, but as soon as he turned on the lights, someone was there… someone naked…

“Well, it took you quite a while to get here… you know, it´s not nice to have your girlfriend waiting for you at home, you know…” Maddy was naked, in all of her gigantic glory.

Her naked breasts at full display. Her sensuous curves. Her narrow waist, her wide hips. Her thick, shapely legs. She was naked, from head to toes. His first thought, “enormous…” Followed by other things such as: Sexy, Hot, Amazon, Boobs…

His jaw almost hits the floor as she took a step forward. Her steps were audible, she stomped to where he was and then bent.

Maddy lifted him in the air, then, she kissed him, her enormous, thick lips covering the entirety of his face. She was almost twenty feet tall, intimidating, even dangerous to be around, yet, he was so hard now.

“Come, let´s have some fun in the bedroom…” and so, his giant girlfriend carried him into their bedroom, for a night of sweet passion.

He got it right; it seems that his wish gave everyone what they wanted. He had just given everyone what they wanted. He was with Maddy, Maddy was with him, and Rachel wasn´t left lonely.

In the end, it seems that, for everyone, this has certainly come to be a granted wish…




I couldn’t have come up with a happier ending than that! Congrats on finishing this, it really turned into an epic. Great job, you should be proud of it :)


Thank you! I appreciate it. And I think I did come up with a nice ending, right?