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Like I said, more constant updates.

I´m not sure if I´ve mentioned this before, but this is a slow growth story. And a long-term, for sure.

Little by little, both women will have their own personal growth. Hopefully, the process is just as sweet as I intend it to be :D

Chapter 2

“There´s a treatment for that?” He asked, was it real?

“Yes! There´s this treatment we found.” Said Pam.

“That´s right. But trust me, that´s as much as she´ll tell.” Kelsey said, because Pam didn´t understood the whole explanation. And, she will not be able to resume all for Trevor, but she could. “We´ll grow. Not all at once, but we´re gradually getting bigger. Taller, just for you.” And once Kelsey was taller than him, maybe she´ll hurt him, just a little.

Trevor was amazed. A treatment to grow? Grow gradually?

This had nothing to do with surgery, bone stretching, nothing. They, mostly Kelsey, explained this was like a shot they´ll get. Followed by a few pills. Yes, they´ll have to pay some visits to the clinic, and no, it was not very cheap. But Kelsey made it a point that he was paying for it, for both.

He earned a decent amount of money, that shouldn´t be a problem. Besides, they are going through all this for him! He should pay. That´s only fair.

“We have an appointment on Monday.” Said Pam. “We´ll get our first shot, after some instructions, of course. And after that, we´ll gradually see the changes on us.”

“And, since you´re paying, you´ll have to be there too. Our appointment´s at 10:00 am.” Kelsey declared.

“I… but I have work by then.” Trevor declared.

“Aww, Trevor, we don´t care.” Kelsey said, in a tender, yet sarcastic way. “You´re going, unless you want to be single and… probably exposed all over the internet.” She smiled, he swallowed. This could really ruin his life.

“Fine, I´ll be there.” He said, knowing what was best for him.

“And you´ll pick us up, right?” Kelsey added, which was not a question.

“And I´ll pick both up.” He had no choice.

“Super!” Said Pam. Clapping a little. “Oh, and there´s another surprise. You´ll have to choose.” Choose? Choose what?

Pam continued, “You won´t get to keep us both forever, dummy. One of these days, you´ll pick one of us to be your girlfriend. The official one!” He had to.

The deal was simple. They will grow, but he´ll get to stay with only one of them. They will meet, all three of them, once a week. Maybe at this same coffee shop. And he will tell if he has already decided with whom he wants to stay.

This is the competition, and he´s the judge. He´ll choose one of them. They are unsure if he´ll pick the tallest, or maybe the bustiest? The growth treatment guarantees height increase, but it doesn’t guarantee their bodies will remain the same. There will be some drastic changes on them as time goes on.

“But… what if I don´t… if I still don´t know who to pick?” He was concerned, even if they pushed him to answer right now, he won´t be able to tell. Both are just… perfect! On their own personal ways. He can´t decide, Pam´s sweetness over Kelsey´s cleverness.

“Then, we´ll give you one more week.” Was it… that simple? He´ll get a one-week extension every time he can´t decide? Nice.

And, during all that time, he´ll watch both women grow! Was it real? Was he awake? This was too good to be true!

Yes, this was something he would´ve rather keep as a secret. But the truth was out, and they didn´t care? He was not considered a weirdo? Well, he likes taller women, so what? It´s normal. Also, they could be more focused on the fact that he´s living as a man with two girlfriends. That must be it.

Still, both agreed to this? They came out with this as a way to solve things? May the best win? He seems to be quite the catch then. Hopefully.

“Well, I´m glad this was settled. Now, if you excuse me, I need to get to my apartment, I gotta check if there´s no particular requirements for our appointment on Monday.” Said Kelsey as she stood up from the table.

“Do you… do you need a ride?” Said Trevor, standing from his chair, but Kelsey stopped him before he was completely standing.

“No, it´s fine. You were supposed to go visit your aunt, right?” That´s the lie he told her when she asked him what were his plans for today.

Kelsey wanted to check. She knew Pam had scheduled a date with him. She just wanted to be sure he was still a liar, and oh surprise, he was. Why? Why does he have to do this? Maybe he´s just a player.

Trevor was ashamed. All those lies, all that time making this plans so that both women didn´t met. He took it as far as not to take either where he´s already been with the other. He didn´t wanted Kelsey or Pam to meet a new place where he had already taken one of them. He couldn´t risk to be seen dating the other. But the truth came out on it´s own.

He knew he couldn´t keep this going forever. It was just a matter of time, and time had come.

“Don´t worry, Trevor.” Said Pam as she placed her hands on his, “I know you´re not a bad guy. Maybe a bit confused. But you´ll make it up to us, in time.” She smiled. Why?

Pam should be mad. Hysterical even. Both ladies should´ve kicked his ass right there. Spill the drinks on him. Let the hot coffee fall right on his crotch. But they didn´t. In fact, this seemed more like a reward?

They were growing for him. How tall? How much bigger? He has no clue. But this will be so hot!

Trevor was getting the chance to watch both women grow taller, sexier. He could already fantasize a bit about it. Both women rising and rising. Why had he dated women so short if he dreamt about this 6´8” amazons? No clue. Maybe he lacked confidence, of he just wanted to pretend.

Follow the standards. The man should be bigger, taller, stronger. Well, that was about to change. In fact, that was the partial punishment both women found.

Why hadn’t he mention it? Why was it a secret? Was it because he was embarrassed of it? Ashamed? Would it be sort of emasculating to be with a woman taller than him? They will find out. In the meantime, he´ll follow the illusion that they are in good terms, but they are not quite that way.

Kelsey walked away because she didn´t want to be there. She didn´t hate Pam, she was just furious with Trevor. How could he lie to her? All those laughs shared? All that joy, the memories? Doesn’t that mean a thing to him?

Kelsey was hurt. Even if she won´t let it show. And so was Pam, but she´ll try to hide it between a big smile. But they will stick with this plan they made.

They know he´s not a quitter, but if he regrets, if at any point of this transformation he wants to get out. They will force him to stay and take it like a man!

This is mostly a competition. But they can´t deny one thing. It would be nice to be taller. More confident. Imposing even. To the point where Trevor really respects them. If he did before, then he wouldn´t have had the audacity to date both at the same time! He may need to be taught some manners. The main question is how?

And the answer´s quite simple. It will be them the ones who settle the rules.

Monday came quick, very quick actually. Well, not to him. After they all left the coffee shop, he was basically ghosted until Sunday night, when Pam send him a reminder that he had to pick them both, each at their respective place, and then head up to the clinic.

The ride there was… uncomfortable. He was in a car with two women who were not supposed to meet each other. At least not while he was still dating them both. He felt a bit tense.

With Kelsey on the front seat, with her arms crossed under her breasts. She was disappointed, he could tell. Mad, in a passive way.

And Pam, the sweet, lovely Pam. She was quiet. A woman who liked to talk, a chatty gal, just sitting quiet.

But he can make it up, right?

The worst thing was that this clinic, one he´s never heard before, it was miles away from the city. In the middle of nowhere, practically. And it was a long, LONG, and quiet ride.

“Ok, here we are…” he said as he sat in the middle of a big couch at the waiting room. Right between both women. And just as he thought, they were not talking. Not even between them, which was logical; they are basically each other´s competition. And that´s no lie.

They can´t really hate each other since they were not aware the other existed. They just met under the wrong circumstances.

While he was at the clinic, he could notice some things. For starters, the receptionist was this hot, 6´3” lady. With a radiant smile. He can´t deny he felt a bit aroused.

And once the doctor came out to meet them, Kelsey first, she was breathtaking!

An amazon! A 6´7”, curvy woman. Mature, probably on her mid-forties. But her breasts, her big, firm breasts. They were not much different from a young woman on her twenties. Except for the fact that they were HUGE.

That woman was monumental. Thick calves, no heels needed to dwarf everyone on the room. Even the tall receptionist. Maybe she was the first one to take this treatment? Sort of… a living proof?

He had no idea, but he didn´t really get the chance to know. Kelsey entered the room on her own. It seems only the patient can enter the room.

And when she came out, with a bottle of pills and holding a cotton ball over her bare arm, probably because of the shot she received. It was Pam´s turn.

Same thing happened. She entered alone and came out with the same bottle of pills.

What were their instructions? Recommendations? First of all, they will get hungry. VERY hungry. But that will last only for as long as they continue with the treatment. Once they´ve reached their desired height, more like his, their metabolisms will readjust to the regular ones. Well, to the ones of their augmented heights.

Plus, they will grow, but not just taller. But thicker too. The Doctor recommended a diet, or exercise. So that they could mold their new bodies as they pleased. They will not be limited to grow taller, but to develop their bodies as they wished.

It was really something. And what´s more, it was VERY expensive.

“H-how much?” Trevor couldn´t believe it. A shot and two bottles of pills were worth…

“Fifty-thousand dollars, Sir.” Said the receptionist, looking down at him, by two inches. It was the total for both, but still, it was a LOT! However, it´s not that much knowing it´s all going to be of a good use. To make his dreams come true.

“Do you accept credit?” he said, smiling nervously as he pulled out his credit card.

The pretty girl just smiled and grabbed it with her long, manicured fingers.

The first week was… awful! None of them called, texted, nothing! Was he being punished? For a moment, more like a few days, he wondered if that was a scam. If they tricked him to take away his money. But on Friday, he received a call. From Kelsey.

“Hello, Trevor. How are you?”

“Uhm… I feel a bit… forgotten, I´m not gonna lie.” He sounded vulnerable.

“Ok,” she just dismissed it. “I just called you because we´d like to meet you on Sunday. At the same Coffee shop.”

“You… like, You and Pam?” His heart was pounding.

“Yes, us both. We´d like to show you our… results so far.”

“S-sure! I… I´ll be there! At what time?” Finally! They had finally returned one of his calls!

One of the main reasons they were unresponsive was because they were tired! They were sleeping around twelve-hours a day! And when they were not sleeping, or at work, they were eating as if they were trying to accumulate calories for the winter. This first week was not easy, but at least Kelsey and Pam got to get along better.

Who better to talk about a new treatment than another person undergoing the same treatment? They needed a friend who would understand, and they couldn´t really rely on that boyfriend of them.


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