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Chapter 10

The very next morning, all couples had an appointment at the lab. Not at the same time, with a thirty-minute difference.

Scientists have developed what they hope is a cure for this decease. They were aiming to find a cure for this, used with a particular something. If women were the ones who grew, it seems they are this sort of host, probably the one who carries the virus, but doctors are still not so sure about it.

However, scientists made some research and, hopefully, synthetized a cure. Now, time to test it.

Things were easy with the first two units. Starting with the people who have lived there the most. First, Blythe, which took half as much time. Or it should. The 7´3” amazon of a woman made her way, sensuously. Standing tall and attempting to seduce all of the guards as she could on her way.

“Honey, if I feel ill after this, can you come to my place and take care of me?” she asked to one of them, a 6´5” guy, which she totally dwarfed. She made him so uncomfortable, in fact, she made all men uncomfortable. Everyone feels small compared to the voluptuous goddess.

But this was a simple appointment. She sat her big, wide butt on a chair, and took a shot. After some instructions from the doc, she was good to go.

It was really simple. After taking her measurements and more biometrical data, they gave her a shot of the antidote. Which is already safe to use. It´s been pretested, on a software. Now, it was time to test it biologically. With real people.

After it, she should go straight to her unit and rest. At least during the next 24 hours. This shot, or vaccine, should take effect in the next two hours.

Blythe was instructed to note everything down and, if given the case, call. She had to use her tablet to call the lab if she was feeling weak, ill or had any unpleasant side-effect.

It was simple, the only hard thing was to keep her hands off the guards.

Next, Dan and Daisy. With them, it was much easier. After writing down their new heights, given a new nineteen-inch gap in heights. They gave each a shot. And they were given the same instructions.

Their hopes? Daisy was mostly worried about Dan. She felt so big, so tall, so strong! While him, well, she was concerned about him.

But the doc made sure to explain that the shot was given according to size, height and weight.

It was simple, but… not that much with the youngest couples…

“What’s on it?” Came Cory´s scaredy voice.

“Well, I´m afraid I can´t really share that information with you. Probably you won´t understand all the… scientific jargon. But, put into simple words, this is a serum we´ve developed. Designed specifically to fight the virus.”

“Come on Cory, it´s just a shot.” Said Eunice as a nurse injected her right arm. “It´s not that bad.”

“I… I´m not sure…” He was not one to decide that. Whether he liked it or not, he signed a contract.

“Relax, it´s fine.” Came Dr. Drystone´s voice, “Listen, after this shot, the serum will start taking effect in… about two hours. You´ll need to rest for the next 24 hours, after that, we´ll run some tests. But, between you and me, there´s a particular test you can run, yourselves.” He winked at Cory.

Sex, the doc meant sex. If they had sex, after the 24-hour timelapse, and no size change occurred, it means the cure works. Else, well…

“My advice,” continued the doctor, “wait for us to give you the green light.”

Studies have found that the cells of infected people work… differently. Women´s cells size fluctuated, appearing to grow, for a second, and then they shrank back to their original size. It seems they are unstable, however, infected people don´t seem as unstable as their cells. On the other hand, men´s cells shrank a little, the opposite to their female counterparts.

The size change was minimal, and not all cells grew at once. Like flashing lights, a tenth of the cells grew, then, they shrank back, and then, another batch grew and shrank back.

Their goal was to stabilize the size of these cells. Once they succeeded, they will run other tests.

Cory calmed down, took a sit and tried to relax. But it wasn´t so easy. What if the cure didn´t work? Or, what if it only made things worse? What if the shrinking spurts augmented? The growth spurts? They were basically lab rats.

But Eunice knew better. She stood next to him, placed her big hand on his shoulder and looked at him. Warmly, lovely. Being strong for both.

Of all the patients living on the units, Eunice, at 6´2”, was the shortest woman; while Andrew, at 5´1”, was the tallest man. With the smallest breach in heights, thirteen-inches. However, the next couple up is the one with the biggest size gap…

Lena and Andrew made their way to the lab, Lena literally dragging Andrew.

“Come on, we have an appointment! Hurry up!” She knows her legs are longer, she´s twenty-one-inches taller than him! However, she can tell whenever he doesn´t want to go or do something.

“But… Lena… do we have to come… today?” Was this really necessary? He´d rather stay in bed.

“YES! It´s an appointment, whether you like it or not, we have to go!” One another guard laughed a little, some just smiled underneath their face masks as the 6´8” amazon dragged his 4´11” boyfriend through the hall.

The speech for them was the same, although, Andrew was sure that there won´t be any “sex test” for the vaccine. Lena had pretty much made it clear he was on some sort of “time-out” until she said otherwise.

Now, they were all back at their units, waiting for the time to go on. However, the doctor was still making some math at his office.

First, he checked on the metrics of all patients. Women had grown, and men had shrunk. Of course, that was expected. However, Blythe´s the only one who´s numbers should remain. As a single woman there, she shouldn´t have any growth spurts.

But he knows certain guards have been fired for, basically, getting laid. And she´s the only single woman there, so…

Nonetheless, there´s something else in his mind. The effects on the serum.

“Maybe… can their heights interfere with the serum?” It was a fair hypothesis. They had shots, according to their sizes. But, can a bigger body prove more resistance to it? Not immunity, still, could it delay the effects of it? Maybe even have none?

Dr. Drystone will be soon to know, as soon as his office´s phone´s full of calls, he´ll be sure.

As expected, men were the first ones. All had this mild fever, nothing too bad. Maybe a degree higher, at most? Enough to make them lethargic.

“I feel weird…” Said Cory, hoping for the worse.

“Let me check…” Came Eunice´s voice, but he was only hot. And besides that, he was fine.

“You´re not exaggerating things, are you? Listen, Cory, this was tested, be experts. Besides, this is only the response of your body towards a strange agent inside your body.”

“If you say so…” She was very clever…

On the other hand, Dan just went straight for a shower. He knew this was normal, or hoped. Without much worry, he entered the bathroom and turned on the shower.

And, for Andrew, well, Lena was kind of… all over him.

“I´m fine! Stop… stop touching me…” he pushed Lena´s hand from his forehead.

“I just want to check on you. You may be a jerk, but you´re still my responsibility.” Strong words from Lena. Who was still trying to put hands on his face.

“I… stop… Lena!” she couldn´t help it, her primary instincts told her to check on him, no matter if she was still mad at him.

Men had this mild fever, but they were fine. No other effect besides that, however, after another hour. Women began to show some… secondary effects.

Cory and Eunice were sitting at the couch, watching TV, he was still a bit hot, but he´ll live. However, Eunice began to feel some… unpleasant warmth, followed by some swollenness. On her chest.

“Mgh…” Eunice drove her hands to her boobs, palping them, they were sore, and her nipples, they got hard.

“Eunice… what´s the matter?” Cory noticed she was acting weird. She seemed uncomfortable.

“It´s nothing… I… I have an itch…” and internal itch, one she could not scratch. As if, deep inside her big breasts, something was happening.

As if there was this fever, but inside her, and only on her chest. Inside her boobs.

Cory was worried, he stood up and looked at her. Eunice couldn´t take her hands of her chest. Her boobs felt so… annoying.

He could see her erect nipples, hard. He wasn´t sure what to do. He just walked to the side, trying to get another angle, but there wasn´t much he could do.

“Uhm… may I… help?” He had no idea what to do, but if she needed anything, he could get it, hopefully.

“No… I…” how could he help? Even her touch made her boobs feel worse. She was just holding them in place, lifting them a bit, they felt heavier. For some reason.

After no more than three minutes of worry, something happened. Eunice had this warm feeling, but one that was spreading, not all over her muscles, but… through a stream? A warm stream began to flow from the inside of her breast, from all over, flowing straight to the core. Like an interconnection that just kept flowing, and flowing, until…

“E-Eunice… your… your top´s… stained?” Right on her nipples, two stains began to grow. “Uhm… is it… sweat?” Cory had no idea.

But, if it was sweat, wouldn´t it be more logical for her to start sweating UNDER her boobs, not on the nipple?

“I don´t… think so…” Said Eunice, feeling a little relieved, the stain grew larger, and as this mysterious liquid came out of her breasts, she felt some relieve.

It took them a little, but they soon find out, it was milk! Eunice was… lactating?!

“Wh-How?” Asked Cory.

“I don´t know, just… go get a towel.” Eunice said, worried about what to do.

Even if milk was coming out already, that doesn´t mean it has stopped. In fact, she can still feel some growing pressure inside her. She was producing more and more milk.

Eunice´s breasts kept growing. She had to remove her blouse, her bra. Revealing a pair of swollen breasts, full of veins all over them.

“S-should I call Dr. Drystone?” Said Cory as he handed her the towel.

“I… yes.” Eunice said as she instinctively guided her fingers to her nipples. The pressure, it was starting to become unbearable.

She took a second to think, clear her mind and think. What to do whenever your breasts are full of milk? Easy, you milk them.

“Cory… ask them for… for a breast pump… make them TWO!” That was clever of hers.

As soon as Dr- Drystone got that info, he sent a notice to everyone. An announcement, for all units, sent straight to their tablets.

Everyone needed a heads up, in case they presented the same side effects.

“Lactation? Is this for real?” Said Dan as he grabbed the tablet and read the newest announcement on it. But he´ll be soon to find out, since Daisy was starting to show some swelling herself.

“DAN! Honey, can you come up, please!” He went straight to her, taking the tablet with him.

The next person to read it was Blythe. Who was wondering if that handsome, blue-eyed guard had picked on her “casual” flirting.

“Milk? Milk coming out of my…?” Blythe kept reading, and once she found this would make her boobs extremely sensitive, she had some other thing in mind.

She kept reading, already with a plan in mind, “Nice! “If you need a breast pump, just send us a message and…” Pfft! A pump? Oh no, I´m taking care of this…” why would she need a pump? She had hands, a tub, and wine. This was going to be an interesting evening for her.

“Let´s get ready, it´s just a matter of time before this kicks in on me too.” She knew that, being the tallest and biggest woman there, there was a big chance she was of the last ones to feel the effects.

Now, when a certain someone read this, she kept it a secret…

When Lena read this news, she felt elated. Milk? Breasts? Lactation? Her heart skipped a beat. The first thing she did was erase the message.

Then, she drove her hand to her huge tit. She then bit her lower lip. Was this real? Was it true?

“Am I… will I… I´ll produce b-breastmilk?” She can´t lie, she was excited.

A woman like herself, well, she can´t say she wasn´t excited. Now, she only needs two things. Pretend she doesn´t know and… find Andrew.

Each woman had a way to deal with this. To produce milk was in a woman´s nature, when? Well, that was another thing.

They were not sure if this would be permanent, or not, but they knew one thing for sure. Right now, they will have to deal with it.

“Thanks!” Said Cory to one of the guards. One that was nice enough to reply “Welcome!” instead of just looking at him as if he was toxic.

“Euny, honey, I got the pump!” he called as he closed the door.

“Bring it! Quickly!” can´t he tell she´s in pain? It´s been twenty minutes now, she can´t hold it any longer. Her breasts are so swollen! She´s grown about two cups in size. Her boobs are ballooning now!

“Uhm… how does this?” Cory said as he took the pump and… with no idea whatsoever, looked at them.

“Just hand them to me!” she yelled, but she didn’t meant to, she was in a hurry and he, well, he wasn´t really clever right now.

Without hesitating, Eunice took both pumps and inserted each on her engorged nipples. They were manual, it was the fastest they could get. But she didn´t mind.

She was pumping herself so quickly, so desperately. Eunice´s massive breasts were bouncing, jolting as she pumped the milk out of her system.

“A bucket, quickly, bring a bucket!” She said, knowing the tiny container on the pumps was not enough, not even close. Each tit had enough milk to fill them both, and still a bit more.

“O-on it!” he replied as he ran to the kitchen. He´s never seen Eunice so… desperate! She was close to mad now. Was it his fault? No way, it must be her boobs. They look painful.

The best he could do was… do as she says, and as fast as possible! Keep his girlfriend happy, that´s what he´ll do.

Now, for the other people there, having a head´s up gave them quite some time to prepare. Some didn´t have that much time left, but they were good at improvising. Like Dan and Daisy.

“Ok… I´m ready…” Said Daisy, who was topless, standing on her knees. With both of her growing breasts inside the tub.

They had a plan, instead of a pump, why not milk her the old-fashioned way? Using hands.

“Ok, here we go!” Said Dan, who was standing inside the tub.

They had this plan, he will milk her, a little like a cow. He placed his hands on her erect nipples, and as soon as he did, her swollen and sensitive nipples began to lactate. This may not be the most convenient way to do it, but it´s what they came up with.

Daisy didn’t want to use a pump, she wanted Dan to do it. As his hands milked her, as his fingers pinched on her nipples, making the milk flow straight to the tub where he was now sitting, on a chair of course; Dairy felt quivers ran though her spine, the feeling was electric! Even… arousing?

He could see her mammoth breasts, going up and down as he milked her. He can´t deny this is kind of hot, not the milk, but touching her breasts, feeling her big, fat boobs on his hands.

But the one who got the most arousal from this was none other than… Blythe.

“Ok, here go…” she said as she sat down, on a tub full of warm water. Holding two big bottles of wine in one hand. If she was going to do this, she was going to do it right!

“Mmmm, I can feel it already… Ohhh, it´s coming…” She could feel her breasts, swollen, hot. Actually, she was hot all over. Full of excitement, arousal.

She opened one bottle, took a huge sip and drove one hand to her tit, she pinched her nipple, once, twice, over and over until milk started coming.

She tensed her toes; her whole body got a little tense too. She knew it, if this made her tits sensitive, there´s no way she can´t make the rest of her body to feel equally.

Blythe took another sip, and then, she lowered the bottle to the floor. While pinching her left tit, she dover her right hand to her sex. Inserting her long fingers into her pussy.

Blythe had a plan, while her tits can send quivers all the way down her spine, she´ll stimulate her pussy to send quivers all the way through the rest of her body. And it was working!

One hand on her tit, the other one on her pussy. She was getting some, on herself, but it was still what she needed.

She´ll have to change hands, work on her other tit and driving her other hand down there, it would be easier if she wasn’t alone. However, someone else wasn´t alone…

“Oh, Andrew…. Honey… where are you?” Came Lena´s voice, she sounded nice, sweet even. As if she hadn’t had any problems with Andrew before.

It was kind of… fake. Yes, she was still mad at him, however… maybe it would be easier to forgive him if he, let´s say, helped her with this, perhaps, fantasy she´s had.

“Andrew… where are you?” She walked around the house, she knows he´s there.

The 6´8” woman, walking around the house, with her breasts already swollen. Stretching her bra to its very limit, stains of milk already over her nipples.

Where can he be?

“Found ya’” she thought to herself, looking at Andrew, sleeping on the couch. His fever made him sleepy.

Slowly, Lena approached, one huge step after the other. Making her swollen tits bounce heavily in the air. More milk coming out of them. Lena wasn´t sure how she´ll do it.

Could she easily persuade him? Or, would she be forced to use her stern, assertive version of hers to get the job done? The answer, neither.

He was such a heavy sleeper. She knew it. And he snored, once so loud, but now, it´s not that bad, for a woman her size, his snoring´s nothing. Plus, he´s lost over a foot in height, making it less significant.

Now, as she looks at his sleeping form on the couch, she´s got one idea.

“Andrew, Andrew, honey… are you up?” she whispered as she gently pushed him in the shoulder, but just as she suspected, or hoped, he was sleeping like a rock.

She smiled, wickedly, and asked: “Andrew… my titties are milking… and it´s starting to hurt a little… do you mind… lending me your mouth to, you know, suck on them?” At least she asked.

He owed her, this was the least he could do, besides, he may not even notice.

“Well, I didn´t hear a no…” her smile widened.

Shirtless, braless, and with Andrew on her lap, a happy, excited Lena lowered her breast, right into his face. Her nipple was already dripping, her boobs were aching, but she´ll take it. This was worth it.

“Easy… easy…” she inserted her engorged nipple right into his mouth.

Andrew struggled, at first, but then, at a really slow pace, he started sucking, and sucking.

“There we go… so easy. And to think you could´ve complaint about it. You seem to be enjoying it.” She whispered to his sleeping boyfriend. Who was “compliantly” sucking on her tit.

“Mmmm, it feels so good…” she had no idea what was better, the relieve, to have his mouth sucking or, the deep pleasure she was getting.

“I hope it´s tasty…” Andrew was a mess, as a man, he was a total mess. But as a sleeping man, well, he did as she said, apparently.

This moment, this warm, tender moment was enough for Lena to think a bit more about the way their relationship´s been lately. She wanted to be sweet, not a big, mean lady towards him. Maybe, after this, she could try and make amends? Forgive him?

“Shh, shh, drink up, drink it all up. You know what the best part is? Once you finish with this titty, there´s still another titty waiting for you…” It doesn´t really matter if he wakes up before he´s finished, he´s already in her hands, there´s nowhere to go unless she says so.



I'm so happy for Andrey I hope Lena will become a real mother/girlfriend for him!


Hopefully she´ll forgive him someday... but I can take care of that ;)


Loved it! You did a great job showing us how each couple is handling the changes differently. Lena and Andrew = my fave :)