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Chapter 6

Jason was so uncomfortable. First of all, he felt so humiliated. His life in the hands of this huge woman. He was reduced to a man who will only receive orders. He can´t tell what to do, where to go, not even what to wear. He realized that this, probably his new life, was going to be a living nightmare.

Irene, this woman who seemed so nice while they chatted, she was something else. She basically seduced him, and then, shrank him? How?

Right now, there´s no point on thinking about it, his faith is already decided. He´ll be her surrogate. A tiny man for her to take care of. To dress, feed and… love?

She soothed him until he stopped crying. A grown man, now shrunk, crying on a huge woman´s shoulder. The fact that she´s older only makes him feel a bit more emasculated. And her words didn´t help much. She was literally cooing at him; in her attempt to make him feel better, she just showed him the type of treatment he had coming.

Now, as he´s laying on the changing table, facing this tall, busty milf, he feels so vulnerable.

This giant woman. So big, so strong, and for the most, so hot! She´s crazy, she trapped him and now she´s keeping him there as her personal amusement? Or use him to get what she wanted? She´s greedy, he can tell that much.

“Ok, there you go. Nice and clean.” She said as she stood back and looked at the nice job she did. Now, Jason was wearing a clean and fresh diaper.

He didn´t like it. Was this going to be a… daily thing? Will he have any privacy there?

“Aww, what´s the matter, honey? Don´t you feel better?” She was nice, talkative. Before, she was scary. Quiet, mean, possessive!

She promised love and caring. But deep down, he´s worried this is another facade, hiding her devilish real self. Is he safe? What´s more, does she really care about him?

Who can guarantee he´s not just one of many other man she tricked, imprisoned and then ditched! He doesn´t feel safe.

“I know, I know. Mommy was mean. You poor thing, don´t be afraid. I won´t hurt you, sweetheart.” She approached, wanting to embrace him in a deep, tender hug.

But he backed up. Was she good to be trusted? What if she was lying? Faking it until she made it. Until she won his trust. And once his guard was down, boom! Is the worse yet to come?

“Mmmm, Jason, sweetheart, don´t…” she wanted him to stop. But he won´t.

He kept crawling backwards, distancing himself from this giantess.

“Jason, I mean it…” she cooed, giving a couple steps forward.

He just frowned, but didn´t stop, she was not going to put her hands on him. If he was going to be a prisoner, there´s no reason why he should be a good one.

“Trust me, honey, you should stop.” This was a warning.

Why should he? He won´t be nice and cooperative. He´ll do his best to give her the hell she´s giving him. She deserves it.

Although, it wouldn´t have been a bad idea to listen. The changing table is not infinite, you know…

Before he could tell, his hand touched no table, it just slipped. He lost balance, and while he tried to turn, in an attempt to look for a spot where to hold. He ended up further over the edge. There´s no way to avoid it, he´ll fall.

The fall, to him, was like ten-feet high. If he lands on his head, well… it will be really dangerous.

That was it, he was stubborn, but he was just trying to make a point. And this was his reward? He didn´t deserve it, he was not ungrateful, he was just trying to escape his captor.

This was it, he may as well close his eyes and embrace for the fall. Will it hurt? Morel like, will it hurt too much? Or, can it be deadly? This was bad, however…

“Gotcha’” Irene said as she caught him, holding him with her loving hands, rescuing him.

He turned up, only to see the face of his savior. Irene, with a glowing smile, with big sparkling eyes. She was like an angel now.

“I told you, you should stop, before you got too close to the edge. But you didn´t listen, did you, honey? Nah ah, but don´t worry, mommy´s here to protect you.” And then, she got what she wanted, to embrace him.

Jason was placed right on her bosom. With her gigantic, soft and heavy boobs smothering him. The feeling was nice, sweet even.

He was showered by the love she radiated. Tenderness all over his body. Does this mean she cares? For real? If her primary instinct is to save him, that means she didn´t lied when she said she´ll take care of him, right?

Irene, this gigantic woman was nice. She smelled nice, she felt nice. She rubbed his back, instinctively projecting attention to him. His feelings, his safety. Yes, she did allow him to get very close to the edge, was she musing his fall? Was this another weird lesson?

“Shh, shh, it´s ok, mommy was not going to let you fall. Just be careful, ok?” she kissed him, a big kiss right on his forehead.

This woman was an enigma. Was she moody? Was she crazy? Was she like… testing him? He had no clue.

“Ok now, it´s breakfast time and you, sir, haven´t had any.” She said, but instead of walking to the kitchen, she wandered deeper into the room, and sat on this rocking chair.

Why? Didn´t she just said he needs breakfast? He was soon to find out.

“It´s a shame you didn´t get to try my oatmeal, I´ve been told it´s quite tasty! But, between you and me, I´m glad we´re going for plan B…” B for boobs.

Irene placed Jason on her lap while she took care of the real business. Slowly, she unbuttoned her blouse. Showing more and more of her deep line of cleavage. Her enormous tits revealed once more.

Her big breasts contained only by her bra, but that bra seemed tight. In fact, her boobs were swollen! He could tell they were because of the blue veins all over her hulking tits.

“Oh, honey, I´m so full… but you´ll help me out…” she drove her hands to her back and undid the bra.

That tight, uncomfortable bra. Imprisoning her breasts. Breasts that were full, a while ago, she could feel the milk starting to churn inside her tits, but now, the feeling was nearly unbearable. She needed some relieve.

Jason froze. Her boobs were MASSIVE! The biggest, most swollen tits he´s ever seen and… was that milk?

She removed her bra, only to reveal a huge, erect nipple, with a drop of milk right on the tip. A drop that fell, followed by another drop. One by one, the drops became a light stream. Falling from her nipples and making this white, milky path through the underside of her breasts. She was lactating… why isn´t he surprised?

If she wanted to be a mommy, then there´s certain things she´ll have to do. Some she´ll learn, and others, well, there´s some things she has to provide… and milk is clearly one of them.

“Suck.” She whispered, putting her tit right in front of his face, with her hard nipple a few inches away from his mouth. This was giving him a lot of mixed feelings.

For once, he got to see boobs several times bigger than his head, even bigger than his torso! It was kind of a dream come true. And now, she wants him to suck? He can´t deny it, he loves boobs! And milky boobs? Well… he never really thought about it, but touching them, putting his mouth on it, that seemed quite appealing.

On the other hand, she was kind of… his captor. She seemed to be prepared for this, kind of, was he going to please her? Those big boobs seemed to be aching a bit. He´s seen them before, and they were not as swollen, but now, they seemed to be about to explode!

In one hand, he can get to suck on the BIGGEST, fullest and heaviest tits he´s ever seen. On the other hand, he kind of hates her…

Irene was eager for this. Back at his apartment, he was knocked down before she could present him her big, milking breasts. She was sure he´ll be thrilled by them. But the serum kicked in and… well, better late than never.

Jason couldn´t resist it for much. He wanted to, he desired to take that huge nipple in.

He´s always been a bit… over-fixed towards big, round breasts. Putting his hands on them, feeling their squishy enormity. The bigger the better!

Double D´s were his first love. And then, as time went by, he wanted more! E, F, G, H… and so on. He ended up leering at women with huge knockers. Perhaps, even too big to look aesthetic. But he didn´t mind.

Nonetheless, today was not the case.

Right now, Jason was in front of a pair of monolithic breasts! Boobs that seemed bigger than him! And they were not attached to a woman, per se, too small for them. They were perfectly proportional with the giantess that was carrying them.

Irene´s boobs were big, proportionally speaking, but not cartoonish. They were just… perfect. Her whole body was bigger, not only those breasts that were teasing him. Hypnotizing him. Was he mad? He can´t remember.

“Just come here, you know you want some…” Irene said as she pinched her left nipple, making a soft stream of milk spray in the air. Landing on him. The creamy, white liquid staining his horny body.

His mouth turned into water. Milk? He can´t deny wanting to suck from huge boobs, but being fed by them? Maybe he wanted this. Perhaps, this was a matter of faith? Once, he wanted to such on some tits, and if milk came out of them, well… he wouldn’t mind.

But now, Jason´s sitting on Irene´s huge lap. Staring right at her magnificent, huge, swollen and engorged breasts. Milking coming out of them, milk she can no longer hold. What´s bigger? The pressure inside those breasts or the pressure he´s feeling for not knowing what to do?

“You know what? Screw it!” Jason thought, unable to hold himself back any longer.

He wanted it so bad! Boobs, huge, lactating boobs! What was the taste of milk? Will a woman´s milk taste the same as regular milk? He shouldn´t be scared, right?

He let himself go and found himself sucking voraciously on her tit. Irene moaning softly as she felt his mouth sucking on her nipple. Her nipple was so hard now that it barely fit inside his mouth. It felt so good.

Finally, she was capable of breastfeeding a man! And him, well, he was finally able to suck on the biggest tit ever!

The milk was too much, the pressure, the stream. He couldn´t keep up, even if he tried his best.

“Easy… take it easy, Jason…” Irene cooed as she could feel his mouth sucking exasperatedly. He seemed a bit anxious, eager.

But she can´t deny, this pace is nice.

He´s sucking fast, relieving her pain. Taking pressure out of her tit. It felt nice. And his sucking lips, they were arousing her.

Like a nice, nipple massage. This was having several effects on her. Relieve, tease, passion. She was getting a bit hot.

Both were getting more than one benefit out of this. Him for the most. Breakfast, for the most.

Before he could even tell, he was full. But his libido was stronger. He had to keep going. He still had one more tit to go.

Jason had no idea how he made it, but he managed to finish her two full breasts. He was drowsy, dizzy an really, REALLY, bloated.

“Aww, look at this, your tummy is soooo full! A big, pot belly. You were quite hungry, weren´t you?” Irene cooed as she drove one of her hands to his swollen stomach.

How did he make it? Is the human stomach supposed to stretch that much? He went to the max, and then more, and more! Like a snake who ate a whole antelope! He couldn´t even move.

“N-no… d-don’t…” he tried to push her hand away, he was at the point where he wasn´t sure if he was most likely to puke or blow up like a balloon!

Jason´s mouth was covered in milk. Creamy milk that drained from his mouth, through his neck and all the way over his body. He was covered with milk, almost everywhere. He ignored the feeling of milk on him because he was too fixed on sucking her tits dry.

The feeling of a huge nipple on his mouth. Her behemoth tits on his hands. Soft, big, tense. Like immense balloons full of desire, passion, milk. It was a chance of one in a million… this first time.

“How cute, you´re full? Hmmm? Maybe I should´ve warned you. But you just kept sucking,” and she loved the feeling of relieve he was giving her by sucking dry both her breasts. “oh well, I´m sure your stomach will stretch eventually. One day, you´ll be able to drink all up with no problem!” Her words, even if said with a sweet tone, they worried him.

Jason cringed as he tried to picture what she meant. For sure, she means he´ll be drinking more and more, and MORE of her milk. Everyday? ALL DAY?! He´s concerned. On top of that, she wants him to get fat? Is that what she means by stomach stretching?

What will he do with all the calories on that milk? Will she allow him to burn them with exercise? Running on a huge hamster wheel? Regular workouts?

He´s sure on one thing, he´s too full, too bloated, too swollen to even move! How long will it take for his stomach to digest all that milk? He drank several gallons of milk. Proportionately speaking. Scaled up, he had around five to six gallons of milk. An insane amount.

Irene could tell one thing. He´s covered in milk, yes. He needs a bath, yes. But first, he needs to be placed in bed, carefully, to take a nap.

“Ok, why don´t we get you to your new bed now, slooooooowly…” she lifted him, her gentle movements still caused him some pain.

It hurt to even exist. Was this also torture? Was she trying to torture him by filling him up with an insane amount of milk? Not actually. Breastfeeding was part, a huge one, on her ritual to become the mommy she knew she could be.

Plus, she knows it´s good for him.

“There you go, nice and easy…” she softly said as she kindly placed him down on a crib. Yes, his new bed was one surrounded by tall bars.

He was not going anywhere, not with those bars that stand taller than him. Can he climb? Probably, but on an empty stomach. Right now, as he´s laying in bed, with his swollen, aching belly, his popped-out belly button pointing straight at the ceiling, he doubts he can do it.

It will be a miracle if he manages to stand. Maybe vomiting can give him some relieve.

With all those bars around him, with Irene walking out of the room and shutting off the lights. Darkness filling up the room, leaving him with nothing to see, nothing to perceive but the milk, combined with sweat all over his body, and the sheets over the bed beneath him.

Jason´s alone, alone with his thoughts. And idea, a desire to escape. Get away from this giant woman who imprisoned him. Because that´s what he is now, a prisoner. He´s trapped on this place where he has no vote on what to do. He can´t leave.

He´s not even sure if Irene´s a good woman anymore. Is she sweet? Or is it all fake? Does she really care? Or is it all part of a more elaborate plan? If it is, what´s her plan?

“Out! I gotta get out!” his mind was screaming. He couldn´t find a way out. Was he really going to be trapped by this woman? What else does she have in store for him?

Is she really nice? Or a devil in disguise? Does she genuinely care about him? Or is he disposable like the diaper she forced him into?

He doesn´t have a way to know. All he knows is that he has to get out of there, now!

But he knows nothing about the house. Is the door open? Will he reach the knob? Can he jump out a window? His plan is to escape, the only problem is how?

He can´t really perceive a thing. Everything´s dark, the only thing he knows for sure is that his brain´s thinking, a million miles per hour! Looking for a way, desperate, out? Right? Left? The door?

Suddenly, he can hear footsteps at the distance. Loud, and getting louder. He can´t feel himself moving, but he knows he has to get away.

The footsteps are closer, and closer. Then, the sound of a door opening? He doesn´t know from where, but his darkness is suddenly filled with some dim light. Were his eyes closed? Have they been closed this whole time?

“Wakey, wakey… I´m here, honey.” Irene said in a sing-sang voice. And yes, his eyes were closed.

In fact, he was still in the crib.

Had all been a dream? He never really climbed down the crib. He never exited the door. He never really did anything. It was all a work of his mind, trying to escape, even if he physically couldn’t. that´s how bad he wanted to get out, he even dreamt about it. Or was it a milk-caused nightmare? He felt swollen still, better, but full.

Irene turned on the lights and walked towards him. Now, she was wearing a robe. And maybe that was it? He rose a bit, and was able to see her boobs, bouncing free inside her robe. Those tits were filling it all! Round, bouncy, soft, firm!

“Tell me, did you have a good sleep?” She asked, the sound of her bare feet stepping closer.

Jason nodded. “Sure…” he replied. Uncertain if it would be better to stay there.

Irene smiled, “I bet you did, you´ve been sleeping for about six hours, honey. This must be the tenth time I come over to check.” She giggled.

Six hours! He´s been asleep for SIX HOURS! It didn´t feel more than one, at most. There were no windows there, so it was almost impossible to tell, plus, he didn´t have time to check on the time. He´ll have to trust her.

Jason stood there; his perception of time completely twisted by this milk-induced coma. And now that he´s awake, here´s the woman he was trying to escape on his dream.

He didn´t see her, he wasn´t sure if she was chasing him, but he knew, he wanted to escape her.

“Look at you. So sleepy, aren´t we? But it´s getting late, I think it´s time for that shower.” She said as she reached for him.

He knew there was no way to escape. He was stuck behind those bars, what could he do? Manage to dodge her for like… ten seconds? He knew two things, she´ll catch him, and he´ll puke. He could feel the milk still on his stomach as she picked him. Not as much as before, but he could still feel it.

He wonders, where did the rest go?

“Awww, Jason, did you use your diaper?” she said as she placed him in one arm and used her free hand to touch the front of the diaper, apparently, it was full. “Yes, you did!!!” He… peed himself?

“Did I… wet myself in my sleep?” How? How could a man just wake up… wet? What´s wrong? Is this another dream? If it is, it must be closer to a nightmare. An embarrassing, demeaning nightmare. A grown man, waking up… wet?

“Aww, don’t be ashamed. You did have a lot of milk. I bet you were not able to hold it for too long. But it´s ok, I´ll take care of it. You know it.” From now on, she´ll take care of his every need.



Loving the infantile trajectory of Jason’s new reality, and I’m hoping there’s more humiliation ahead.

Holly BloodThorn

Reading the story once again its great something i thought id personally ask for a few things Could his stomach not permanently expand to fit all her milk? Maybe as he keeps drinking her body adapted to jasons needs Also id love another potion that made his mouth completely numb for a completely unaware 3rd party for babysitting as the "mommy" has to leave for a while Possibly someone from Jason's family a cousin or someone whos in the area for education purposes? Honestly its good work and I just wanted to give the advice as it would be humiliating for him to be literally cm from salvation while she has no idea who shes caring for


Some great imagery in this one. Nice work!


Not to worry, his stomach will regain its normal size. And thanks for the ideas! I'm not sure if I can fit them all in the story, but let me see what I can do :)

Holly BloodThorn

Hay no worries if at all possible I would love a completely unaware 3rd party