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A new chapter, sadly, this story is coming to an end. Probably, the next chapter will be the last :(

But don´t be sad, this will give me time to work on more short-terms and go through a lot of the ideas I´ve written down :)

Hope you like it :D

Chapter 23

“What?! You want to leave? But it´s is so soon.” Complaint Katy.

Matt just told her this “day” with her was actually not the full day. He didn´t get a chance to tell her before. First, he was hypnotized by her soft flesh, rubbing his body against her gigantic crotch. And then, his mouth was too full with her tit to say a word.

“Yeah… I didn´t mention it before but… I… I have this other, ehm, place to be…” he felt bad. He felt like he just lied to Katy. And she was so excited before, but now, she´s displaying quite some sorrow.

“Ugh, just let him go already. Katy, we are WORKING. He´s just slowing us down. You, just give me the address where you want us to drop you and consider yourself ditched!”

“Olga! Don´t be mean.” Even if he literally was leaving them behind, well, leaving Katy behind, she still didn´t like Olga´s tone.

Olga rose her eyebrow at Katy, while she still kept Matt on her lap. Only that now his stomach was full of her milk.

“Are you sure you have to go? Aren´t you too full? Maybe we should wait a little.” Katy wanted to stay with him for a bit longer.

“Sorry…” Matt just felt worse. She was almost pleading. But he wanted to be fair, and give all three women a chance, and the same time.

“Come on, just let him go. Who cares if he´s full? In fact, if he vomits, we´ll just pick him up for puking in public. And then he´ll be back on your lap. With his clothes covered with your… milk.” Olga was right, but it wasn´t fair to Katy.

“We´ll leave you here, Mattie. But if anything´s wrong, or if you´re feeling just a liiiittle bit nauseous, just call, ok?” Katy explained, looking down at this tiny man.

“Come on, Katy! Hurry up!” Olga was not very patient.

“I´m coming! Gosh… I guess I´ll see you later. Bye, bye, cutie.” And they were gone.

Matt was left right in front of Zoey´s bar. It was open by now. It was 2:00 pm. A little early for the bar, but not exactly the “happy hour”. Most likely, he´ll be the only one at the bar. Except for Zoey.

“So, you´re dating your “possible” couples, huh? And the other girls don´t mind? I mean, aren´t you like… using them?” Came Zoey´s voice as she cleaned some of the glasses on the counter.

“Well… it sounds kind of bad when you say it that way…” Matt had to admit it, it was kind of selfish. If he kept it as a lie, then this only seemed he was trying to be with the other person the most time he could before taking a decision. But this, admitting his plan, he sounds a bit like a jerk.

Zoey just rose an eyebrow, she knows more, this isn´t the best he could do.

“Hey, give me a break, I only have today and tomorrow. And half a day has gone already.” He crossed his arms on his chest as he was sitting at the stool, with a special booster sit designed for men.

“Fine. You can hang around here. And we´ll start the date just so that you´re protected, ok?”

“OK!” A day with Zoey… while she´s at work. How is the rest of his day going to be?

After a while, he realized something… it´s boring. Turns out that, after the first couple customers came in, after half of the tables were occupied, he was confined to be at the back of the bar. Why? Because Zoey said it was safer this way.

“Just stay here and make sure to update our date´s chronometer every hour, ok?” that´s what she said before she was off to work, for a looooong time.

This was not like with Katy, where he was comfortably sitting between her legs. Leering at the vast, large, long flesh of her legs. He didn´t plan that, but he was lucky.

But now, he was just there, sitting on this chair, which was actually a booster step Zoey used. Yes, she´s an 18´2” woman, but there´s a couple bottles on the cabinet at twenty-five-feet tall, she can´t reach those. That´s why she needs the three-foot booster step where he is sitting.

He was bored. The only exciting thing back there were her long, shapely legs. Today, Zoey was wearing some small, to her, tight shorts. Displaying almost the entirety of her smooth legs. No one could see them from the front, but from behind the bar. Matt had a leggy show for his own.

She was going from one side to the other, giving long steps that made her fleshy thighs quake. He could feel her steps over the wooden floor of the bar. See her calves bouncing, her round, defined bare calves.

And her butt, her big, hefty, tight butt bouncing a little as she moved from one side to the other. Her butt was majestic. For a man like him, who nowadays, at 5´ was fairly tall, she was enormous. If she happened to let that huge ass fall on him, he´ll be crushed. But maybe that will be worth it.

Besides staring at her butt, because her boobs were too high to look at, he was bored. He took the time to ponder his last two dates. So far, choosing Katy was a better option. She was attentive. SO far, Zoey hadn´t pay any attention to him. Or so he thinks.

“Matt, it´s 6:00 already, are you hungry?” Said Zoey, standing in front of him. He was barely leveled with her knees right now.

“I… yes.” He had already digested his previous, milky, lunch. He wouldn´t mind something solid.

“On it.” She winked.

Before he could tell, Zoey came back with a big, thick, sweet slice of apple pie, with ice cream! He can´t lie, it was his favorite, and she knows it.

“Here you go. I know it´s not a balanced meal, but we´re on a date, right? No one eats healthy on dates.” This was nice.

Yes, he felt ignored. Yes, this wasn´t exciting, not even interesting. But things were easy, he didn´t have to do much. Just sit there, and after a while, a big slice of pie. Of course, to Zoey, this “slice” was more or less a spoonful of pie. But to him, it was a generous slice.

With this “bribe”, the pie was, he took another time to think. Maybe this was better. Katy paid him attention, but she didn´t feed him pie. Plus, now that he´s more aware of it, wasn´t Katy´s job more dangerous than Zoey´s?

Yes, women got drunk, but he´ll be safer behind the bar than sitting on those women´s car. Right where the action was.

Looking at the good and bad things there was on both women, he was right where he started. Unsure about who to choose. So far, both kept him in mind. Both were attentive, but both were working. And that was fine. The thing is, he´s not part of their work.

Yes, he´s there. Yes, he´s not a pest. But he´s not doing much. Just sitting there, letting time slip.

Matt has different options. So far, another difference is that, with Zoey, there´s a bigger chance that there won´t be anything maternal done outside of their home. When he moves with her, if he does choose her.

Today, even if he did want at the end, Katy breast fed him. Right on her car, in the middle of a parking lot. There´s nothing wrong with that, but it´s kind of humiliating. However, with Zoey, they are in public. Which means she won´t be able to do something like that, with all those people around. But, if she does, then it will be ULTIMATELY humiliating.

Both women had their pros and cons. But Zoey´s not as maternal as Katy. Even if she was, she´s not forcing this to him, she even said she didn´t want a couple because, she knows, she will end up doing that, and MORE.

By 7:00 pm, he was tired. Not physically, just plainly tired of sitting on the same place for hours! He needed something to do. This all made him think about Hannah, she offered him a job, a purpose.

The bright side of tomorrow´s date is, he´s getting more than just a couple. A girlfriend, yes, who´s not maternal, even better for him. Plus, and this is something he´s not looking for but it´s another thing he has to keep in mind, she´s got PLENTY of money. Not to say she´s rich.

Above that, she will hire him, as her assistant, but still. He will earn money, His own money. Coming from his girlfriend… but he will earn it. He´ll work, get paid and spend his time with his girlfriend. This is, so far, good. Perfect even. That´s if Hannah´s really showing her true self.

So far, she projected the image of a woman who had everything in life, except for a couple. Hannah´s totally new in this. She´s been single all of her life, and she´s not even forcing this.

She really wanted to know what love was. Else, she would´ve hired anyone to do so. Yes, she´s kind of hiring Matt too, but not to play the role of her boyfriend, but to be with her.

In the end, Matt will be the one who will decide. He needs to be really careful. Every woman offers a different thing, and every woman expects something different from him. Plus, if he choses one over the other, will they get mad? He had plenty to think about.

After 8:00 pm, the bar was crowded. It was logical, it was weekend already. Most women were out of work by now, dressed up and ready to chill at the bar.

He couldn´t see, but he could listen to the sound of a crowded bar. The voice of at least twenty women, and still rising. Glasses placed on tables, chit chatting. Zoey taking more and more orders from the waiters. She was busy. She didn´t even pay attention to him, she was going from one side to the other, picking glasses, pouring drinks.

Making these special, and very colorful drinks. Each one different from the other. Some even had ice cream? Chocolate? He had no idea, but this was hard. Before, he didn´t pay much attention to what she did, he was focused on his drink and just saw her coming and going, but now, as he was sitting behind, where the real action was, he was amazed.

She was like a machine. Zoey didn´t even look at the bottles she picked, it seems she knows exactly where everything is. Like an extension of herself.

But, while he was looking straight at the giantess topping a glass with whipped cream, a glass fell. Right next to him.

And it was not a man-sized glass. Not one of those six-inch glasses’ men used. This was a full woman´s sized glass. That thing was HUGE. Two-feet in height, and a foot in width, and it was a “small” one.

His heart stopped during a fraction of a second. That thing fell really close to him. He stopped thinking and just froze.

That glass weighted fifty pounds! If that had fallen over him, he would be seriously injured, at best.

He only turned down at the big chattered pieces of the glass on the floor. Looking at the one-inch-thick pieces of glass on the floor. Wondering, what if it had fallen on his head?

“What, the FUCK!” Yelled Zoey.

Her tone, her enraged, loud tone. Matt turned, just to see how she was turning straight at him, with her face completely red.

“Are you stupid!” she turned and yelled at one of the customers, more precisely, the one who dropped the glass. And why was she so mad? Well, let´s just say this other woman was kind of… drunk.

“Huh?” Replied the sluggish, drunken woman. Not fully sure if Zoey was talking to her.

This woman´s been here for a while, drinking alone, actually. She was fine the first four glasses, but the last six…

“I said. Are. You. STUPID! Can´t you see there´s someone behind the bar?” she pointed at Matt.

He felt extremely shy, now, he was the center of attention.

The other woman rose a little from her seat, looked above and then checked down, where Zoey was pointing. Matt could see on her face that she´s had plenty of booze today. A red nose, together with blushing cheeks, and her eyes, her glassy eyes. There´s no doubt, she was done.

“Oh… hi there…” that´s all she said. Which, of course, pissed Zoey.

“Don´t greet him. You owe him an apology.” She declared.

“What? Apo… logy? What for? It… wash… and accident.” Now the lady was kind of stumbling a bit as she sort of stood up.

“You nearly killed him! Now apologize and get the hell out of my bar!”

Matt was not feeling very comfortable now, he was in the middle of an enraged woman, Zoey, and another lady who certainly did nothing more than making the first woman mad. Her lack of care was what truly pissed Zoey.

“Come on, I just… the glass just slipped. Besides,” the drunken lady frowned, “you don´t get to tell me what to… do.” It seems she finally perceived what was going on.

Zoey clenched one of her fists. But she knew better not to hit this woman on the face. The drunken lady was about 17´ tall, a foot shorter than Zoey. But Matt couldn´t really tell from below.

“I said, get you ASS out of MY bar, understood?” Zoey demanded, but the lady wasn´t moving.

The other woman was not moving. Either she didn´t care, or she just wanted to piss the bartendress more.

In the end, Zoey knew this woman was not going anywhere, not without a “push”.

The lady was too drunk to move or react quickly. Zoey just approached, at a regular speed, and grabbed her, by the ear. She pulled her from behind the bar, all the way to the end of it, where this tiny door was.

“Ouch! H-hey… s-stop…” the drunken woman said, who did nothing more than to follow Zoey as she pulled her by the ear.

Zoey said nothing. She was tired.

Matt was trying to see from behind, but he didn’t made it past the bar, and since that thing was about ten-feet-tall, there´s no chance he can see shit.

The only thing he could hear was the door, and Zoey yelling: “And NEVER come back!” It seems everything was done.

Within a second, Zoey was back.

“Don´t worry, she´s too drunk to tell where she came from.” She said as she slowly approached Matt. Bent over and without an effort, picked him up.

“I´m sorry, sweetheart, let me check you out, you´re not injured, right?” or else, she´ll find that bitch and will kick her ass all the way down the street, and probably back.

“I don’t… think so.” He was a bit uneasy, in part because of what had happened, and also because he had Zoey´s large hands beneath his armpits.

She looked at him, up and down, checked his legs, his arms, and then his face.

“Awww, honey, I´m so sorry about that.” *muack!* she kissed him, right over his forehead. Her huge lips covering the entirety of his skull.

Zoey´s maternal instincts are just too strong. First, she wanted to kill that lady for almost killing Matt. And now, she´s trying to comfort him, show him everything´s alright. He´ll have to recognize that she cares, and even if she´s busy, he´s still on her mind.

Zoey´s always cared for him, she´s always been a good friend. Protective, matronal, but still, a friend who cares. She may have her reasons, but they are nothing but pure.

Matt will have to ponder all that tonight, while he tries to resume what happened today. After dating Katy and Zoey for quite some hours, he´s able to tell who´s a better girlfriend material, right?

“Ok, I´ll have to move you somewhere else, since being behind the bar is still a bit dangerous. I´m sure you´ll be safe here.” Declared Zoey, now carrying him inside a room next to the bar.

It was the kitchen, a small one, since there´s not much to cook other than wings and fries. Inside, there was this cook, a woman who was not much communicative.

“Ok, Dania, I´ll leave Matt under your care until we close, ok?” Said Zoey, putting emphasis on the word “care”, she wasn´t worried at all, she trusted Dania.

“Hi.” Said Matt, a bit uncomfortable by meeting this woman while being in the arms of his date.

“Ok, Matt. I´ll go back to the bar, but I´ll come back to check on you when the bar´s not so crowded.” That could mean hours.

Matt had no other way to say this, being with Zoey was boring. He spent most of his time, if not all, sitting there, doing nothing.

He couldn´t even chat with Dania, she was not saying a word to him. She barely acknowledged he was there.

This date was awful. Zoey was nice, a very good friend, but he can´t really blame her for being busy. She was working.

“Would you look at that, he´s sleeping… aww…” Said Zoey as she came back to the kitchen, at 1:00 am.

Matt found a comfortable spot to lay on, and just closed his eyes while wondering how tomorrow will be. It was his last day as a single man. After that, he had to decide who he wanted as a couple, else, he´ll get one assigned. And that never ends up well.

Zoey left and came back by 3:00 am, the time when she closed the bar. She could´ve leave it open a little longer, but this was not a club; besides, this schedule works for her.

In the end, she carried Matt back home, with her. Changed his clothes and placed him in bed with her.

The five-foot-man laying on the huge embrace of the eighteen-foot-tall giantess. Cuddling, unconsciously, against her enormous left tit.

“My date!” He suddenly woke up. He had an appointment today, with Hannah.

“It´s ok,” said Zoey as she, barely awake, grabbed her phone to see the time. “It´s fine *yaaaawn* it+s 6:30 am… don´t worry…” He had already slept his eight hours; however, Zoey had only slept about three so far. “I´ll drive you there in a while, don´t… wo… rry…” she fell asleep again.

He has to recognize the fact that she´s kind. And… is he on a onesie again? He can feel the fuzzy clothes on him. It seems that, whoever falls asleep, allows the other one to do whatever they want.

“This is the address, right?” Asked Zoey as she parked in front of the huge building where Hannah worked. And probably owned too.

“This is it.” He said. Looking at Zoey, who by now, 8:45 am, was still showing some signs of tiredness on her face.

“Ok, off you go, I guess. If you need me, just give me a call, ok?”

This was it. His last date. The date he´s been waiting for. A date with possibly the right woman.

She send him some instructions with her date request. Number one, he had to be punctual, fifteen minutes early is punctual enough, right? And he had to be properly dressed if he wanted to work with her.

Surprisingly, but not so much, Zoey had a nice outfit on his size inside her closet. He didn´t even asked, he just accepted it.

Kakis, a sky-blue shirt, a navy-blue tie, and some Bostonian shoes; together with a matching belt. He was ready. Dress to success. Now, it was time to step in.

There´s one thing, even if he´s been here already. Even if he already knows Hannah. He´s nervous. Probably more than the first time. Was it because he knows he can´t mess this one up? Or because he´s excited?

Afraid and all, he walked in, straight to the receptionist. A new girl, since the last one, well, was fired. Was it because of him? Or had she done wrong? He wasn´t sure about that. But one thing´s for sure, here he comes.


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