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I was so excited about this new chapter that... I made two LOL. It´s a double update! Yes.

I had a lot to tell, and it couldn´t be resumed in just one chapter. I hope you like it :)

Chapter 8

In the early morning, Steph was going through some of her clothes. Checking on how they fit. Apparently, she hasn´t stopped growing… sideways.

“Ugh, everything´s so fucking tight!” She grunted as she took off another form-fitting shirt. Right now, she was on her panties and her biggest sports bra. Actually, she kind of always wore sports bras, except for special occasions, but they were not that often.

The 7´3” amazon was standing in her bedroom, standing tall and annoyed. So far, she´s tried on ten different t-shirts, all of them tighter than when she bought them. Perhaps, twenty-something pounds ago? She knew she looked great, her body was just curvier, more of her to love, however… the fabric on the clothes didn´t exactly thought the same way.

“I´m not a fatty, I have a slim waist… just a little plushier, that´s all.” Her abs were gone now; but her stomach was still flat… enough. She bounced a bit over her tip-toes, just to see how her belly jiggled a little. It felt awful.

Still, no one will notice that small bulge on her stomach, not with those gigantic breasts of hers. In proportion with her size, they were huge, and compared with the regular standards, they were humongous! Ballooning, soft, bouncy breasts. Firm and fleshy. Soft and hefty. She was proud of them. But that was not her only sexy feature.

With all of the exercise she did, she had built a pair of strong, shapely legs. Thick, muscular thighs, swollen calves. Her legs were long, but they were never slim-looking. But now, with all of that weight gained, her legs were remarkable! And not only her legs, her butt too.

She had some solid-looking thighs, however, now they were looking much stouter. Plump, hefty, rounded. Her legs had thickened all over, giving her a much more robust complexion. But that doesn´t mean she´s not hot.

Her butt was once so firm and tight, and it was still tight, however, all of this “bulking” she´s been doing, it made her butt bigger, and bouncier. She could feel how it jiggled whenever she moved quickly or gave heavy strides. She was not feeling fit, nonetheless, she liked to indulge.

This was not her fault; her diet was pretty much the same. It was her physical activity the one that had decayed. Instead of waking up at 5:00 am to get a morning run, she slept through until 8:00 am. Only because she had to drive Noah to work.

Instead of heading to the gym to work on her core and legs all evenings, she started looking for jobs, and when she exhausted most of her chances, she started watching series. Although, right now she´s watching more series than looking for a job. She´s definitely still looking, but she thought she could take things easy.

No more volleyball, nor basketball practices. Who was she going to play with? All of her friends were busy with their jobs, and some others moved out of town. Was she supposed to play one-on-one with Noah? She not only knows he´s not good at sports, but she´s afraid she can hurt him with the ball. A two-feet and two-hundredth-pound difference means a lot of contrast in strength. He´s more like… soft.

“Seriously, how did I let myself go this much? I mean, I still look hot, but maybe a little too fluffy…” she turned to take a better look of her butt, it was massive, and her hips were much wider too. She feels like those off-season bodybuilders who just let themselves go. She was not much different from them; she was an athlete after all. But now…

“They will think Noah´s feeding me like a thanksgiving turkey… hmmm…” This was giving her some ideas.

Steph´s been thinking more about Noah recently. His mind is still an enigma to her. That´s why she invited his sister over, without letting him know, of course.

She needed to know more about him. And that also includes one thing, his taste in women. Steph´s been pigging out for a while now, and even if her height allows her to gain more weight without it being noticeable, she´s certainly gained enough to make it obvious.

Does he like fat women? Is he one of those men who like women to gain weight? Steph´s certainly tall so…

“It means I can get bigger… does he like bigger women?” She´s extremely tall and, if she´s right about this, it may be one of the reasons why he fell in love with her.

She´s trying to put the pieces together. She´s tall, her mom´s tall. Is he into tall women? That doesn´t explain his crying, but it certainly solves the mystery on why he started dating her.

She needs to know, and she will. She can read his diary, to know if there´s something related with his fetishes. There must be. Later, she´ll know.

Dinner time had arrived. She was still suspicious if Noah wanted her to fatten up. He´s never encouraged her to eat more, or pushed food into her plate. She basically does that on her own. But he´s never said the opposite, so… she´ll keep an eye on that.

“Dinner´s ready, Noah. Come to the kitchen…” she said as she placed the plates on the table. However, Noah was not coming yet.

“Hold on a sec. I think I have a phone call… But you can start without me, no worries.” he peeped through the kitchen´s doorframe and warned her he may take a while.

“Who the fuck is interrupting our dinner time?” Steph thought as she rose one of her eyebrows. The food was going to get cold.

She just sighed and sat, looking down at her plate. She didn´t like to eat alone, not when Noah was at home, but she was hungry.

Steph was about to dig in when he heard Noah´s voice rise. What was happening there?

She stood up and walked towards the living room. Noah was sitting on the couch, but he was nervous, scared even.

“Sorry… I know… I…” he shut it. Who was at the other end of the phone? It seems Noah´s in trouble. Was it his boss?

She knows his boss is kind of a dick, plus, Steph doesn´t like him one bit. If he´s screaming at Noah from the other end of the line, he´s got another thing coming. Steph had no patience for people who demeaned Noah. Although, this wasn´t who she thought he was.

“Mom, I´m sorry… I should´ve told you…” his voice was breaking; his knees were trembling. He was scared, almost terrified. And this was his mother?

During a few minutes, Steph stood there, only watching how Noah crumbled. What was she saying? Was this really his mother? Why was she being mean?

Steph´s mother was extra sweet, maybe too much. She will never yell at her through the phone, or say anything mean to make her feel bad. But it seems Noah doesn´t have it the same way.

“Yes, I´ll send you my address… right now, yes…” His mother hung up on him. Noah was trembling. He looked so distressed, so fearful, so frail.

“Noah, who was it, honey?” Steph knew he needed comfort. She used the “honey” just to imitate her mother, he seemed easy going around so much sweetness, and if he liked that kind of stuff, then this was precisely the time to give it to him.

“Hold on… just let me…” he sent the address to his mother. He was so scared, he thought that any second he wasted on doing so, will get him into more trouble.

But he was an independent man living who knows how far away from his mother, why is he acting this way? Steph knows she would´ve sent someone like that straight to hell. However, she´s his mother so…

Noah sent the address, placed the phone on the side, his hands shaking and then kind of hugged himself with his arms while sitting on the couch.

Steph didn´t like it when he was feeling that way. He could get tense at times, but now, he was completely stressed. What had just happened? Just one phone call and he was acting like this? She would´ve yelled at him, he was being too weak, but this doesn´t work on him. Instead of encourage him to change, he will panic even more.

“Oh, Noah… come here…” she sat right next to him. Then pulled him into her, placing his head right on her huge bosom. This worked before, right? She hugged him into her large body, caressed his hair and made soft shushing sounds. “It´s ok… don´t be scared…”

Steph´s terrible when it comes to being sweet, or kind. She´s better at being aggressive. But he doesn´t need that, he needs comfort, love. He needs someone to be here for him.

Surprisingly, she´s handling things well. Better than she thought. He´s hugging her back.

After a moment, he spoke.

“It was my mother…” Noah said, his voice breaking a little.

“I know, I could hear that…” she replied, with a gentle tone. Still, she was thinking that his mother was a bitch.

“She… she knows about you!” Now, his tone was one of alarm, he broke her hug and sat straight. “I should´ve told her. She´s mad, she´s mad because I didn´t tell her I had a girlfriend… she´s coming… oh no… and how does she know?! She must´ve seen it somewhere… maybe on social media. No, no no no no no… this is bad, Steph, she´s coming here!” He looked up at her, she could see the real fear in his eyes.

Unlike the surprise, and sometimes unexpected, visits from Steph´s mother, which sometimes annoyed her. Noah was anxious, scared, suffering! Which type of woman could his mother be to make him feel this way?

Deep down, she just realized that he´s letting Bonnie pamper him, as she always tries with her, because he may be missing that type of affection. That love.

She´s come to realize that she may be lucky to have such a loving and supportive mother; Because it seems that Noah didn´t have it so easy. What had this woman done to have him acting like this?

“Noah, listen, NOAH.” He wasn´t looking at her, he was looking elsewhere. Was his mother really that bad? It seems as if someone said they were coming to kill him!

Steph placed both of her hands on his face and pulled him so that he was facing her. “Noah, listen, everything´s going to be alright… just let her come. I´ll take care…” she winked. But that didn´t made things easier for him.

The rest of the night was the same. He said she was coming on Sunday. He had to get the house clean. Immaculate. He had to fix everything for her arrival. Every small thing out of place, she will disapprove.

He seemed so worried. There was still a lot of time and he was this preoccupied already? Whoever his mother is, she must be devilish. But she knows better not to ask and just let him get tire and get to sleep. It usually works when he´s unsettled, however, this is true fear.

Noah was so tense throughout the rest of the week. So worried. He took every chance to clean, to fix the house. Do all the laundry, clean the bathroom. He´s cleaned the bathroom twice so far. He´s not even eating well, and he can´t really sleep as he should.

This was bad, and it was worrying Steph too. Noah was at work now, and Steph was at the kitchen, trying to think of a way to help him. He was a grown man who was still afraid of his mother? What type of monster is she?

“I´m… *munch*… sure she… *munch* is just…*munch*… one of those…*munch*… tiny nasty women.” Steph was eating, while thinking, she was going through a dozen of donuts. Half of it, so far.

She´s been overeating, while he´s all stressed, she seems to be the one who´s overeating. When she noticed, just now, she closed the box and put it away.

“UGH! And I´m still eating! That´s it, I´ll work out, starting tomorrow.” She hated it, why was it that she always ate more when she was thinking on how to solve a problem. Back then, while studying, she went through one-another box of cookies, and maybe some bags of chips. Today, it was donuts.

This was it. She needed to go back to her work out routine. Else, she may start waddling, or even rolling from one side to the other. She knows she can burn down all the fat she´s put on, no problem.

She´s lucky that so far, it´s all going to the right places. She´s huge, a curvaceous sexy amazon. A little soft-looking, but not less hot.

*ding* *dong*

Steph turned towards the door; someone was there?

She gave some long strides towards the door, her now bigger butt bouncing as her hips swayed. She was quite something. And her boobs were bouncing as much, or even more than her butt. No sports bra is strong enough to keep those tits settled.

“Yes?” Steph said as she opened the door.

Before her, there was this lady, young, about her age probably. Her blond hair was fixed on a chignon bun. Her blouse was white and with a poet sleeve. Below, wide leg khakis. She was pretty, and elegant. This woman was also tall, probably as tall as Steph´s mother.

“Hello. I´m looking for… Stephanie. I´m Faith.” The woman explained, looking up at Steph with a scrutinizing look. To her, this lady was tall, and she thought she was tall.

“Faith?” Steph had completely forgotten she was coming today. “Wow, you´re tall!” Came Steph´s voice as she looked, ironically, down at her.

Steph had no idea Noah´s sister could be so tall. He is 5´4”, so she thought Steph could be around the same height, but given some info she gathered through his diary; she had an estimate that Faith should be around 5´10”, but this lady was a good deal above 6´.

And what a contrast on bodies. Noah was skinny, a little weak-looking, but she doesn´t mind that. But this woman, Faith, she was the total opposite. Tall and with some curves. Which remind Steph of herself back when she was an athlete.

Faith has a pair of sizeable breasts, showing just a bit of cleavage through the undone buttons of her shirt. And her pants, they were tight over her thick thighs, and a but tighter on her butt. She had a hourglass figure, her waist seemed trimmed, but her feminine assets were fleshy. She was sexy.

“Yeah, I´m a little tall… but you´re HUGE!” She had no idea who this amazon was. One would think that a person standing a whole foot taller than you wouldn´t say something like that. Besides, this woman was not just tall, she was big all over.

Faith didn´t like to stare at people, but she could tell this woman had a huge bosom. Literally, a tremendous rack.

“I guess I am.” Replied Steph. “Sorry, would you like to come in?” then she moved aside and invited her in.

“Sure.” Faith said as she walked in, and as she did so she asked: “So, I assume my little brother is still at work. But tell me, do you know where his girlfriend is?”

“Oh, that´s me. I´m Stephanie, but you can call me Steph.” Faith froze for a second.

“You´re his girlfriend!?” she was amazed. How could this amazon be dating his brother? She´s big, even for a tall woman like herself. She can only imagine how much bigger she is to him.

“Mhmmm.” Steph nodded.

Faith thought Noah was dating someone more his… size. But this woman was as huge as a bear. And maybe weighting the same.

“No offense but, why? I mean, Noah´s… short. And you seem a little too tall for him… and also a bit heavy.” There she goes with the weight again.

Steph frowned for a moment. It seems this sister of his has a smart mouth. Also, the opposite to his shy nature.

“So? Love knows no sizes… or heights.” Steph crossed her arms under her chest, making her boobs bulge up. Faith was amazed, those boobs are certainly tremendous.

“Hey, I said no offense.” Faith was a bit arrogant herself. And didn´t show so much interest on others feelings.

Afterwards, both took a seat at the living room. Looking at each other, having their own particular thoughts.

Steph had no idea why was there such a contrast in heights. Were they really brother and sister? Was either of them adopted? Usually, the guys re taller than their sisters, but sometimes it´s not that way. Yet, it´s a difference of a whole foot in height. And Faith´s not wearing any heels.

Meanwhile, Faith was wondering why was his brother with such a big woman. She was huge in every standard. She can make up like three or four Noah´s out of her.

“Would you like… a drink?” Asked Steph.

“Sure, I´d love a tea.” Answered Faith.

“Sorry, we don’t have tea. But we have soda.” Replied Steph, trying to be a good host, even if this girl certainly deserved another type of treat. She decided to be nice, so that talking with her was easier.

“No, thanks. Those drinks have a lot of sugar. A bunch of empty calories. One can really get fat for drinking those,” her eyes went to Steph´s soft midsection. Was she insinuating…?

Steph chose not to care and just bring this annoying sister of Noah´s her water.

When she stood up and turned, Faith took a look at her swaying butt. It was big enough to squash her underneath. No wonder it could totally destroy Noah. She´s seriously wondering, why are they a couple? Is she nice to him? What does either see on each other?

“Now, let´s talk about the real reason why you´re here. Tell me about Noah.” Came Steph´s voice as she handed Faith her glass of water. She didn´t like having this lady at her house, so it will be better to get things done, and then get rid of Faith.

“Well, where to begin… he´s my older brother, but I call him “little” because, he´s short. As you know, and I´m sure you do, he´s shy, quiet, sensitive, and pretty much weak.” Faith´s words were not nice, at all.

Steph allowed her to continue, but only because she wanted to see the type of sister Noah had, of course she had an idea by what he wrote on his diary. She may not be proud of reading through his personal stuff, but he gave her no choice.

The way Faith talked about Noah. It seems she´s talking about someone inferior. As if she was the one in charge, she knows she was his bully. And that she also took advantage of her size to make him miserable.

Before, Steph thought Faith was the reason why Noah´s shy. That she broke him down into a weakling. But after Noah received a phone call from his mother, she´s doubting it. She´ll ask her later. Because, once more, Noah was incommunicative on that.

Steph stood there, quietly chatting with Faith, even if she wanted to slap that bitch. She even called him a loser. That was not right, not in front of Steph. But she needed to know more, even if it came from her poisonous mouth.

Time flew, and before either could tell, Noah came home. Steph had lost track of time, she was supposed to pick him up, as always. But he just appeared there. Had he taken the bus? A cab? The point it, he´s back.

“Steph, I´m home… I know you said I should call you instead of coming by my… self…” he froze, he walked into the living room and immediately saw the figure of his sister. He swallowed. “F-Faith… what are you doing here?” he was nervous.

He was uneasy, but not horrified like with his mother.

“What? Not even “hi”? Just so you know, I´m here because…” Steph interrupted.

“YOUR… mother, shared the address with her…” she lied, trying to hide the fact that she invited her over. Steph´s not supposed to know about Faith, and Faith wasn´t supposed to know about Steph.

“M-my…” Noah freaked out when a mental image of his mother came to his mind. So scared that he didn´t even notice they kept talking.

Faith blinked, opening her eyes in surprise, not in the pleasant way. She turned at Steph, knowing she was lying, but still a bit concerned.

“That´s not true, you invite…” Steph rapidly bent over and shut her mouth. Placing her huge palm over her face, covering everything but Faith´s big blue eyes.

“Listen,” Steph came really, uncomfortably, close to Faith and spoke, “I´ve heard your crappy talk about Noah all day. And don´t you think I´m a patient woman. You either follow what I said or make me mad. And trust me, I can get really bad. Don’t you think I don´t know what you´ve done to Noah. I can do the same to you. But meaner. Understood?” Faith nodded.

Any ideas she had about Steph being a gentle giant were gone. The way she´s acting right now, it seems really natural. She wonders, can she be forcing Noah to be with her?


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