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Hello everyone! Hope you´re doing great today!

Here´s the next chapter, I hope you like it :D

Chapter 46

The next few days were kind of hard, mostly on Maddy. All this time she though Nick was hers and hers alone. But now, she´s certain on one thing. She has to share.

Why? Why had the universe gave her such present, only to revoke her privileges as the one and only mommy? Now, he´s also in the care of Rachel.

Maddy was upset, but she understood things will have to be this way. However, that didn´t stopped her from being kind of cranky. At times, when it was Rachel´s turn with Nick, she was mad. Before, she felt left aside, but now, she can´t wait for the time Nick´s hers again. This was awful.

On the other side, Rachel´s plan was also kind of ruined. But not exactly. She had kept his as a secret because of obvious reasons, and now, it seems her little secret was revealed. To Maddy. She wasn´t one to complaint, she was kind of stepping in, now… she´s literally in the middle.

This has become a matter of three people now. But Rachel, unlike Maddy, was looking at the bright side of it, if she had to share, then so be it.

Although, there was something else, has anyone asked Nick what he thinks?

Apparently, he just has to learn to live with it. He´s already done this before, with his boss-mommy at work and with his girlfriend-mommy at home. But this just feels strange. He may be two-feet-tall, but both of them know he´s a man, and that he has an opinion, right?

“This isn´t fair…” he complaint to himself as he had finally, after five days, gotten some time alone. Just him and his thoughts for a moment.

Was he allowed to be alone? Not quite. It was Sunday, everyone´s day off, and Maddy took the chance to take an afternoon nap with him, hugging him like a teddy between her large arms. Pinning him right over her enormous, soft rack.

He felt a little uncomfortable for the odd feeling of milk stains on her blouse. This was so common nowadays, with both women.

He sneaked out. He had to, that was the only way, neither of them gave him any chance to be on his own.

He walked out of the room and tried to hide himself on the laundry room. Where he was certain no one will go.

First, he shrinks and now this? He´s getting kind of tired. Both women are nice, caring and sweet. But this is starting to become too much. First of all, he´s bloated, all day long. A breastfeeding from Maddy, another from Rachel, then Maddy again… sometimes he´s nauseous.

Even if the milk´s sweet, creamy, tasty. And he gets the chance to suck it out of the largest, heaviest and softest tits he´s ever touched, it´s starting to become a burden. Why can´t he just have a burger? Or pizza? Or anything solid?!

Both women are nice, but sometimes he thinks that if he speaks up, they will just shut him in a cooing way and think he´s just saying nonsense. Life has gotten unfair.

Both women, looking more like giantesses. With their thick bodies. Their boobs were swelling at all times, their round butts tight in their clothes. Their whole bodies had this thicker look all over, curvier, juicier. Carrying a pair of swaying matronal hips, soft-looking flesh, and they were simply massive.

From his point of view, each of them was around twenty-feet-tall. Hefty goddesses, whose only goal was to pamper him. Which sounded better than it actually was.

If he´s supposed to be their number one priority, then why does it feel as if they are just trying to make all of their wishes come true? As if they were only working to get each a personal benefit. To have a piece of him. To fulfill all of their maternal desires through him, but not actually carrying about his opinion.

Nick stood at the laundry, in front of the drier, thinking of a way to let them know he was not feeling too comfortable with this. But he didn´t want any of them to get mad with him if they misunderstood what he said.

What if they think he doesn´t like them? That he feels this isn´t working. How will they react? Will they look for a way so that, this time, the three of them are happy with the resolution? So far, both are getting what they want, but what about him?

Each passing day, he feels as if they are just taking over his life, making decisions for him, picking what they will do, when, how. He can´t even decide what to eat.

They have offered him ice cream, cake, something sweet, these women love sweets, but they only do so when they are eating it. And it´s always after he´s been fed straight from their tits. After he sucks dry both of their mammoth breasts. After his stomach´s full to the brim of milk. Any type of food, no matter how bad his cravings had been for it, made him nauseous after latching on either of them.

“Think, Nick, think…” he said to himself as he walked in a small circle over the laundry´s floor. Wearing a fuzzy onesie, one he obviously didn´t pick. When was it the last time he wore something else?

By now, even his office outfits were gone. Rachel didn´t quite made the announcement at the office, but it was obvious. One day, after Maddy found out about this, she just thought, why not letting everyone know?

She didn´t say it, she just dressed Nick on a onesie and walked down the office with him in her arms. He was carried all the way, from the car into her office.

Nick buried his face in her, this was embarrassing, more than that, it was demeaning. He never agreed on this. But whatever she says goes, or so it seems.

He tried to argue, but her only answer was, “Relax, mommy Rachel knows best…” and that seemed to be the end of it. Her face had drawn a joyful smile, one that revealed that, no matter what, this was happening.

He never left the office after that. Actually, he never ever left it at all. Would Rachel allow him to walk by the office corridors alone? No chance at all.

The bad thing was that, with all that milk inside him with Maddy´s milky breakfast, and Rachel´s creamy lunches, he was full of liquid. His bladder was now too small to hold all that milk. Even a fully grown man would struggle not to use the bathroom with nearly a gallon of milk inside him. Seriously, how is he capable of holding?

He´s sure on one thing, one of this days, he just won´t be able to hold it for that long. He needs to find a solution for that, before he has an “accident” at the office.

“I love you but… No, that doesn´t sound so good. How about… You´re such great mommies but I think you´re a little too much? That doesn´t work either…” he was in a dilemma, how to tell two utterly maternal women that he´s not loving all of their mummying?

Maybe there´s no way…

He kept walking in circles for a while. Part of him was afraid Maddy will wake up, and be mad by the fact that he just left her in bed, alone. But he was focused on one thing, to look for a way to make these women understand that there must be a limit.

Their breasts are hypnotizing, their bodies intoxicating. He´s complying mostly out of pure arousal. Even if he´s latching, he´s in complete contact with boobs so big that they could eclipse the sun! Puffy areolas with hard nipples. And the milk, the nectar that fills him.

But everything must come to an end. It will upset them, but he has to speak. Neither of both women will think they are doing wrong, each knows this is the right thing to do.

Nick was too thoughtful to hear steps coming closer. Approaching by the second. Closer and closer to the laundry room. And why? Well, it´s Sunday, a perfect day to take care of the laundry.

He was turning his back at the door, and murmuring a bit, so he didn´t listen when this giantess pushed the door and came in, with a basket full of laundry in hand. She smiled, someone was out here, alone…

“Well, well, well, isn´t this my wittle Nick, what are you doing here all by yourself, honey? Weren´t you taking a nap with Maddy? Hmm?” Rachel came in. Wearing only an oversized, which once fit tight, blouse, and nothing else.

She was probably wearing a pair of shorts underneath, but on top, she was wearing nothing but the blouse. Buttoned only to the middle, revealing a deep, bouncy and carnal line of cleavage. Both of her huge tits were sensuously wrapped by her blouse, her perky nipples poking thought the fabric, her breasts looking round and full like always.

She had lost a noticeable amount of weight, not falling so much on the chunky side anymore, currently, she was curvy. Carrying smooth, sexy curves in all of the right places. Her butt looks firm and sexy, and her breasts, they haven´t lost an inch in size, they are just as big as ever. And about to get full…

Nick didn´t know what to say. He was still trying to find a way to let them know this is starting to become too much. Maybe too much pampering? Looking way up at the giantess with humongous breasts is making things harder.

He´s shy and nervous. This should be easier, it´s his life after all. No matter if they are his boss and girlfriend, or if they want to call themselves “mommies”, he´s got the right to speak up.

“R-Rachel, I…” he tried to stand for himself, let her know he´s a man and he can be wherever and with whoever he wants. Even if this is literally her place.

“Na-ah, Mommy Rachel.” She corrected, waving her finger at him.

He couldn´t do it. Nick couldn´t say it. Saying so meant admitting they held complete control over him. At first, he thought this was sort of a temporary thing, but now, he´s sure that if he allows them to take decisions for him, there will be no end.

He shrugged a little as the stacked goddess looked down at him, with a kind smile on her face. Waiting for him to say what she wanted. But he wouldn´t give in this time.

“I… I was bored. You see, I don´t need a nap. I´ve been sleeping well.” He answered.

Rachel placed the basket full of dirty laundry over the washing machine and bent towards him. “Aww, of course you don´t need a nap. You´ve been napping all week at work. Perhaps, I shouldn´t be so permissive…” she extended her arm and pinched his right cheek.

He felt quivers down his spine. She was doing this too often now.

It seems that, after Rachel finally confessed, all of those inhibitions towards her real behavior had been sent away. Now, she was on a full mommy-mode. Which means, a lot of pinching, cooing, and of course… carrying.

“Come here…” she picked him up. Placed both hands underneath his armpits and shove him off the floor, now pinning him towards her massive bosom.

Rachel was huge, strong, and soft. He could feel her firm arms holding him in place with her large hands. But in front of him, there was a huge rack. Once again, he was in front of two of the most massive tits he´s ever seen. He wasn´t sure whose were bigger, Maddy’s or Rachel’s.

“Maybe wittle Nick here wanted to get out of the bed from mommy Maddy to come into mommy Rachel’s arms, hmm?” she imprinted a huge kiss on his forehead. Leaving a big, red kiss-mark on him.

One kiss, that was followed by a dozen of small kisses. He felt as if no one was taking him seriously nowadays. He´s a man, an adult, he may be shrunken down to 2´ tall, but he´s still a man.

She was supposed to interpret his words as if he wanted to be alone, not that he left Maddy´s side to look for her. Was that not explained properly? Or Rachel just didn’t care?

“Come on, let´s sit on the couch and watch some movies. I can take care of the laundry later…” she couldn´t waste this chance to be with him. Plus, she could already feel some milk churning inside her breasts.

It wasn´t long before a pair of dark spots appeared over her nipples. Milk time.

Maddy thought about Allowing Rachel to feed him only at work. But Rachel was fairly persuasive. Now, it seems anyone´s allowed to feed him, as long as he can drink the milk. Which means, whoever gets him first…

Rachel slowly placed Nick over her fleshy lap. Then, she began to unbutton her blouse. Revealing a big, swollen tit. And a hard, perky nipple that was dripping. There´s no way out of this.

He just accepted his faith, as always, and waited for her to approach her huge nipple to his face. Moments later, he was drinking and drinking. Sucking the creamy milk out of this woman´s huge tit. A boob so massive that it was the only thing he could see.

After an hour, he had drunk down all of the milk on both breasts. He was exhausted. So full that it was kind of painful. His stomach was bloated as always.

Rachel let him rest on her lap as she ruffled his hair. She knows this isn´t easy for him, but maybe he´ll get used to it at some point.

“There you are!” Came a voice from the distance, an annoyed voice. Maddy.

“Oh, were you looking for me, Maddy?” Asked Rachel, smiling.

“No.” stated the upset woman, “I was looking for the tiny man on your lap. Someone got out of bed without letting me know. And when I tried to reach for him to embrace him with all my love on a sweet, sweet hug, he was gone!” Perhaps, taking that nap meant so much more to her. But she knows he doesn´t like to sleep on the afternoon.

“So? Why did you woke up without saying a word?” Maddy was addressing to Nick, she wanted an answer.

“I… well… you were, uhm… sleeping so tight, I just…” He was nervous, this was not something he wanted to deal while being full of milk.

Rachel knew this wasn´t good, he was uneasy, and this may ruin his digestion. “Oh, Maddy, honey, don´t be so upset. He only wanted to take a walk to stretch his legs, you know he hasn´t been working out so much. With you and I carrying him all over the house. Just give him a break, sweetheart.”

Rachel was always sweet, excusing Nick out of everything. Meanwhile, Maddy was sort of… cranky all the time. Whenever she thought they were closer, he just walks out of the picture, and next thing she knows, he´s already over Rachel´s lap, quite literally this time.

“Come on, don´t tell me you´ll get mad at this little angel. Just look at him, he´s sorry…” Maybe Rachel was the good mommy. Which would make Maddy…

“Fine! I´ll forgive him. But next time you want to do something, or be somewhere, you tell me. Don´t walk out on your own, understood?” He nodded.

Nick had realized something. While Rachel was more like a sweet mommy, Maddy had become a little more… harsh. As if she was jealous, or like she wanted him all for her. Which doesn´t sound that weird.

He´s her boyfriend, if someone should be allowed to carry him, pamper him and play the role of a huge mommy for this shrunken man, that should be her. To Maddy, Rachel´s more like a third wheel.

And this all led to some not so pleasant situations over the next few days.

“Nick, zip that thing back up, it´s too cold!”

“Nick, turn that phone off, we´re having dinner. And I don´t care if you already did. It´s disrespectful to use the phone while you´re sitting at the table.”


She was nagging him, at all times and for the dumbest reasons. Was this going to remain like this forever?

Maddy was always behind his back, and when he was about to talk back, she just rose her finger and shut him with a look. This was demeaning! They are supposed to be a couple, and he´s an adult. She can´t treat him like that.

However, he was not alone. Rachel always came to his rescue.

“Aww, let him be, it´s not that cold. In fact, I think it´s a little hot in here…”

“Relax, he´s not bothering anyone with that phone. Just let him rest, he´s drank a lot of your milk, isn´t that right?”

“Aww, don´t yell at him, this was my idea.”

Maddy knew Rachel was only spoiling him. She hated it. No matter what, she always seemed to come and get him out of this. But she knew better.

On Monday, back at work. Nick was full, bloated again. In fact, he found himself bloated every day, at most times. He was fed by Maddy in “breakfast”, then Rachel took care of “lunch”, and back home, any of them could take care of “dinner”, but when it was Rachel the one who took care of it, Maddy was jealous, so much that he ended up having an extra “late-dinner”. He seemed to be well fed at all times of the day. Which had some consequences on his body.

He felt softer. He wasn´t sure if it was the lack of exercise or the indulging on milk, but his muscles felt a bit doughy. He was already weak when compared to these goddesses, and now, he was self-conscious? His muscles had lost some stiffness, definitely. He must work on that.

“Alright, honey. Ready for lunch?” Declared Rachel as she looked at her wrists watch. It was officially lunchtime. She´s been waiting so long for this. She´s been a bit sore since they got to the office, and now, she can barely hold the growing ache.

“I…” he knew he had no vote on this. She was sweet, but when she said it was lunchtime, it WAS lunchtime.

Nick was still a bit full from breakfast. Maddy seemed to have woken a bit extra-full today. He can´t remember the last time he went hungry, but today, he wasn´t even regular, he still felt some undigested milk inside him.

But just like every day, Rachel took of her blazer, unbuttoned her blouse and show off her massive rack. Huge, swollen tits full of milk. The view was sensuous, but threatening at the same time.

He took her nipple in, and then he started sucking.

Rachel moaned sometimes, whenever she was this full, she couldn´t help but to let out some soft moans every now and then. She even felt electricity running down her spine. This was her joy for being a mommy. To her, this was the best part of it.

Later, he was full. Nick found himself unable to drink more. His stomach was so stretched now, it hurt.

“Come on, Nick, just a little more, you´re already half-way done. Just push yourself a little more.” Now, he wanted her to be the sweet, spoiling woman who always let him slack at work.

He had no choice. He kept going.

He was nauseous. By the time he finished, he felt so full that he couldn´t even move. He just laid over Rachel´s lap and continued the rest of his shift there. She didn´t mind, she loved it.

An hour went by, then another and another. By the time they were back home, he was still so full. He was holding his stomach, this couldn´t be good.

“Aww, are you still full, sweetheart?” Rachel spoke as she stood several feet above him. She was a little worried he could get a stomachache.

“Mhmm…” he didn´t even look at her, he didn´t even want to move. He insisted on walking because he was sure her longer and stronger strides would agitate him too much.

“Sorry, honey. I guess I´m a bit too milky today, heh… I´ll be right back.” She was going to get some medicine. Anything that could help him with his digestion of the milk.

Nick stood in front of the main entrance´s door for a while. He closed his eyes, he felt like things were spinning now.

He wanted peace, tranquility. But when Maddy arrived, just two minutes apart from them, things were not so easy.

She opened the front door, and the first thing her eyes met was his cute boyfriend standing there. Alone.

“Aww, is he waiting for me?” She felt so loved. To know that he was there, standing right in front of the door as if he was expecting her to come early. She found this very considerate from him.

“I´m home, sweetheart,” she threw her purse at the floor, bent over and reached out for him.

Her long fingers wrapped around his torso, he quivered. Then, she picked him up fast, she was happy, so happy. But he didn´t feel the same way. His eyes almost popped out of his skull, his stomach churned, all of the milk inside him was going from one side to the other.

“mommy missed…” she turned him in her hands, feeling nothing but joy, her mood changed. For the first time in days, she´s happy, fully happy. But then… he puked.

Nick vomited all over Maddy. It wasn´t his fault, but neither was hers. There´s no way to tell someone wants to vomit if you don´t see his face first.

A frown came immediately. This was not so pleasing now, was it? But maybe it was all on her for agitating him, literally all over her. Her boobs were covered in milk, and so were his mouth and part of his clothes.

“Sorry…” the dizzy man said, to what she just grunted.

Then, Rachel came back, with a small box in hand. She stopped for a second to see what had happened. Maddy´s arms were now fully stretched, with the shrunken man high in the air. He had this sick, yet relieved look on his face.

“I guess… you´re not that full anymore…” Rachel said. Maddy knew they needed to fix this. But before that, both need to get changed.


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