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I´ve wanted to built up some more tension among our main characcters, I hope you like it :D

Chapter 6

Steph was confused, Noah has a diary? His name was on the cover, written with permanent marker.

But she could tell this was his diary since forever. It had some aging marks. The corners were wrinkled and a bit damaged. The cover was a bit stained and it seemed as if it had already lost color. And the pages had this inflated look because of the moisture that had been collected.

“How old is this?” she wondered. Her boyfriend has a diary, this was so weird.

She would never have guessed he had one of this. Which is another way to confirm there´s so much she doesn´t know about him, although…

“WAIT. If this is his diary… then all of his personal thoughts are HERE!” This was perfect, as if her pleads had been answered. This was the perfect way to know him. However, wasn´t this considered a violation of his privacy?

She can get to know him better. Be a big girlfriend who knows exactly how he feels, and be a step ahead of him. Plus, she´ll finally know his reason to crumble over her mother´s lap. She can´t forget that. She´s still impressed.

“NO! I… I can´t. This is something really personal. If he didn´t tell me he had this, it´s because it´s private.” He had his reasons to keep it hidden beneath the mattress. On a safe place, not a safe, but still out of sight.

“But… we shouldn´t keep secrets from each other… and, he didn´t want to tell me why he cried the other day… should I?” she was naughty, wondering if she should let the diary fall and, by mistake, read what´s on the page where the diary was accidentally open.

This was a dilemma, all that power, that knowledge, stored in the palm of her hands. Her huge hands, the diary looked so tiny in them.

She was looking down to it, biting her lip as the only thing she wanted to do was to read all of it. Know who Noah really was.

She didn´t have to read all of it. At least not today. There´s something he´s hiding from her, and not knowing what it is its killing her! Is it something serious, like a trauma? Or, is he just way more sensitive than she knows? Or… were those tears of joy? No way, or… maybe?

She was so annoyed, the diary stood there, as if it was laughing at her. Teasing her mind with it´s written pages, breaking down all of his boyfriend´s mind on it´s pages. His thoughts, his feelings, his life.

“NO. No way. Na-ah. I´m not the type of woman that will intrude on her boyfriend´s private thoughts.” She pulled up the mattress with one hand and placed the diary back in. Safe.

This was a test, to prove how much she cared for him. Not reading it was the proof she loved him. She was doing the right thing. She decided to forget about the diary, and decipher him on her own. The thing is, will she?

A few days went by, and Steph couldn´t take that thing out of her mind.

Turns out, getting to really know Noah is complicated. Every time she asked him something, whenever she wanted him to choose or decide what to eat or where to go, he always gave her the power to decide.

Was he being considerate or simply trying to please her? Was he being nice or was it something else?

She knows he´s not the assertive type, but she´s worried about one thing, is he the weak type? He´s short, below average. To her, he´s tiny. And for the rest of the people, he´s just small. However, from his point of view, everyone´s taller.

She must look like a giant monster. A statuesque woman. With a huge body. Seriously, she´s been overeating a bit since she found out about the diary. And this is having some consequences.

“Five pounds? I gained FIVE pounds in a WEEK?!” she was standing on the scale, and it wasn´t lying.

This whole thing of really getting to know her boyfriend was having some effects on her. She was anxious. And knowing there was a diary, a key to his mind she won´t use, that didn´t help at all.

However, five pounds on her 7´3” frame really wasn´t that much. Maybe most of it went to her thighs, or her heavy butt. Nonetheless, they were another five pounds added to herself. Right now, she was looking forward to diet, drop a few pounds, and this wasn´t helping.

Steph found herself doing some extra visits to the kitchen every time she considered she needed to read the diary.

During the nights and evenings, when he was home, she knew there was no way she can read it without him knowing. But in the mornings, between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm, she was free to get full access to it.

Put her large fingers over it. Read and read all of his insights. But it was bad, more than bad, it was mean. And she knows how much Noah hates mean people.

The main reason why, according to her, they became a couple was because she left her mean self aside and turned nice towards him. Between plenty of other things.

She had this thought inside her mind, something that always seems to come every now and then. Is he with her because he loves her? Or, is it because no one has ever loved him? What´s more, has anyone else being nice to him?

Steph knows she´s a mean bitch. A tall, large, bossy woman that gets annoyed easily. Even if she tries to be patient with him, some small fights always seem to appear every now and then.

Not real fights, not the ones that involve yelling and kicking furniture. It was more like a discussion. And it always ended with him apologizing or trying to make things work. She didn´t like it.

Yes, she won the argument, he admit she was right. But there were times when she knew she was wrong, and yet, he decided to give. Was he the kindest soul there was? Or… is he submissive?

She knows he had it hard on college. Not academically, more like socially.

Her main worry is, where did all that came from? She´s been doing her best to encourage him to be a strong man that stands for himself. Even if he won´t stand tall. He´s 5´4”.

“Fuck it!” time to read.

It was 2:30, his lunch was over a while ago and he was busy at work. Time to invade his privacy.

She didn´t want it, but he left her no choice. Every time she tries to approach, he just locks up. He hides himself in this shell of his. Just like a clam, leaving his soft, real-self hidden inside a shield. Her main worry was, if he already seemed so, she hated to admit it but, helpless. Then what is he hiding?

Insecurities? Some deep, dark thoughts? A fetish for tall women? That could explain why he´s with her, but… what if he has other type of kinks?

“What if he´s the type of men that likes to be manhandled? Like… sexually? Shit! What if that turns him on and he´s just using me.” She was by far the tallest woman he´s ever seen, it would make sense.

She rushed to their bedroom, nearly knocked the mattress off and grabbed the diary.

Where to begin? Where was a good place to start? The beginning? The end? His most recent thoughts? No, that´s not necessary. But, how about the middle?

She´s not sure how old this diary is. Maybe if she started from the beginning. From page one, then she could get to know it. But she was over excited. She needed to gather information quickly.

She was no psychologist reading a patient, she was just trying to get glimpses of her boyfriend. Scheming his diary. Getting to read it little by little. If she needs it, she´ll get back a few pages; if she doesn´t see this is working, she´ll get a few pages ahead.

“Ok, let´s begin… here.” She spoke as she opened the diary on a completely random page. She wasn´t completely sure if this was the right thing to do. But she was already doing it so… she started reading.

“Dear Diary,” he literally wrote those words? She felt like laughing her ass off! And she was also feeling sugary.

“I met this lady outside one of my classes. As I looked at her face, I met the face of an angel. And if I may say this, her body was the one of a muse. Her shape seemed as if it was the one of a goddess. I know I don´t say this much often, but she had just the right amount of curves on her body. It´s funny to write those words down.” Steph got upset as she read these words.

“WHO THE FUCK IS THIS BITCH!!!” she wanted to tear the diary apart and look for this nasty woman he was talking about. She was jealous, and temperamental. So, she kept reading to gather more information.

“There´s no way she´s prettier than me, what´s this bitch´s name?” she kept reading, just to find herself ashamed of her recent thoughts.

“When I heard her name, her pretty name. I felt a little something. Steph. It must be short for Stephanie, what a pretty name.” it was her. He wrote down about her.

“How stupid, he meant me, outside our calculus class… pffft, stupid.” And to think that she felt like beating someone just a second ago. Now, she was happily reading the rest of the page, looking for more of his ways to call her pretty.

“But she was mean.” That wasn´t so lovely. “She´s very tall, and even if she´s a beauty, she´s just mean. I don´t know if she´s one of those girls who think they´re the center of attention but, she doesn´t seem to have manners.” She kind of kicked him out of the way that day.

“Perfect, his first thought was that I was a pretty bitch. Nice, just nice.” This was not what she had in mind when she thought about reading his diary. But what was she expecting? A page dedicated to specific details of him?

Steph was not the most patient person there is, not to say she wasn´t patient at all. She finished reading the page, where he basically described her as a pretty ogress. She closed it and put it away. Back on its lair. Beneath the mattress.

That night, she hadn´t forget about the words he wrote down. Even if it was a long time ago, she felt insulted by him. More by the fact that he didn´t say a thing back then, she just had to find out by herself just today.

They were both in bed. And she was staring at the ceiling, thoughtfully. Meanwhile, he was playing some game on his cell phone. He had the volume on, not too loud, but she could hear it.

“So, you think I´m mean, right?” she thought. Having a little plan on her own.

“Do you really have to play your silly games so LOUD!” She was resentful, toward something he wrote years ago. She just looked for any excuse to vent her anger.

“I… sorry. I thought you didn´t mind.” Noah replied, he thought she said that the volume was fine, as long as it wasn´t too loud. “Let me drop it down a bit.”

“No, don´t just drop it down, turn it fucking off.” She said, now sitting in bed, looming high above him by nearly a foot.

“Sure…” he said, looking up to her with sad eyes. He didn´t want to bother her. Maybe she wanted to sleep and he was keeping her up. “Sorry.” He said at the very end, as he muted his phone.

“Ugh, stop apologizing. Why do you need to… you know what, forget it. I´m going to sleep. GOOD NIGHT!” She didn´t felt so good for being, well, mean with him without a reason.

But there was a reason, only that, it was not something he just did. Plus, this was something she wasn´t supposed to know. And, wasn´t this just confirming she was mean? She couldn´t give him an explanation without proving she read his diary.

And what has she done? Go to bed upset as she leaves Noah with a feeling of guilt. And also, he was now hesitating about playing more. She just scolded him without a reason, knowing he´ll be unable to talk back to her.

Just like any other time, he shut it; more like blamed himself. The poor guy believed he was doing wrong. Unlike the other day at the store, where she embarrassed him, he now thought he was the one to blame for this.

“Maybe she´s… just having one of those days…” He didn´t like it when his big girlfriend got mad at him.

Not really being afraid of making the amazon mad. More like, feeling bad for being a bother. He didn´t want to bother her. He doesn´t like it. To be a burden, make someone worry for him; Noah didn´t want to be a pest, or to be rejected.

He simply closed the game, shut his phone and turned off the lights. Maybe Steph will forget this by the next day.

Feeling rejection, having someone mad at him, upsetting someone. Those were things that he didn´t like. Things that make him insecure. But why?

Steph knows she was being ridiculous. But she didn´t apologize for it.

One day, on Sunday. Someone showed up at their place.

“Hi…” Came Noah´s voice as he opened the door.

“Oh, hi there, how have you been, sweetheart?” Came Bonnie´s soothing voice as she bent down to greet Noah.

He felt shy. He nearly blushed when she called him sweetheart. Bonnie´s nice, so nice. So full on unconditional love. He rose his hand, wanting to shake hers in order to greet her in a more proper way.

“Don´t be silly, I don´t shake hands. Put that away. Now, come here, give momma a kiss…” she turned her face a little to the side, bent so that her face was closer to his and, with her long index finger, she tapped her right cheek. She wanted a kiss on the cheek.

He was not really used to that much affection. Steph was not an affectionate woman, not even half the way her mother was. Their love displays were mostly through sex. And a kiss here and there. But not a cheek kiss to greet her.

“Come on, just a little kiss. It´s one on my cheek, don´t be scared. I don´t bite.” He couldn´t move, he crimsoned as she stood there, waiting.

He was hoping she´ll get tired and stand back up.

“Fine, I´ll do it.” Those were her last words before she stood up, closed her eyes and aimed for his forehead. Pouring a big, sticky, lipstick-filled kiss on him.

Noah shivered. Standing still, allowing her to take control as she showed her tender greetings. She was that way with nearly everyone. Mostly with people close to her. And, being her daughter´s boyfriend, he was very close to her.

She may be like this with a bunch of people, but at that moment, for those long seconds, he felt special. Precious, cherished, loved.

Bonnie stood back up, making her large, heavy breasts bounce as she stood at her full height. Looking at him, and then, looking somewhere else.

“Oh, Steph! How are you, dear? Come, give mommy a kiss…” She walked past him. Taking long stride towards her daughter.

“No, ma, no kisses. I don´t want your lipstick all over my face…” Came Steph´s unkind words.

Noah closed the door, slowly. Blinking a couple times as he heard Steph arguing with her mother. Not wanting to receive those shows of affection Bonnie didn´t care to give. There was just so much love in that woman.

Noah guided his hand t his forehead, right over the spot where Bonnie poured her big, sweet kiss. He could feel the imprint of her lipstick on his forehead´s skin. Then, he looked at his hand. With the shiny, scarlet maquillage slightly staining his fingers.

He felt good, appreciated. He liked it. Why doesn´t Steph?

Steph loved her mother, she does, but her mummying, that´s a whole different story.

She escaped the room in every chance she had. Leaving Noah with her mother as she thought: “Sorry, Noah.”

Bonnie was super affectionate and excessively sentimental. Mawkish if you wish. And that was towards her, who was her daughter. But, how will she act being alone with Steph´s boyfriend?

She literally said, unnecessarily and ridiculously, to Noah that he could call her mommy. Steph wanted to ground to swallow her when she said that. She knows Noah wouldn´t mind it, or would at least be too shy to react. But he chose to cry.

Really unexpected. But, as they are alone on the living room, Steph may have a chance to see how things go now. To see if there´s a little hint of something that reveals his reasons to act so strangely.

“Ok, just give it a minute. Wait here on the kitchen as they talk for a while. Nothing bad will happen, relax…” she was sort of tense. Will he explode again?

“And this picture is of us at the museum. You can see my little girl already surpassed her mommy here…” Bonnie said as she showed Noah some pictures from her phone.

With a younger Steph outgrowing her mother. They were nearly the same height. But Steph had an inch on her 6´3” mother, standing at 6´4”.

“Wow.” Spoke Noah. Both of them were sitting on the couch, and he was stretching his neck as he watched at the pictures on Bonnie´s cell phone.

“I know… hey, why don´t you come closer, you must be feeling a little uncomfortable trying to look from that far, here…” and just like that, she stretched her left arm behind him. Placed her hand on his shoulder and, gently and slowly, pulled him close.

Bonnie was a tall, strong woman. A huge milf if you please. And to Noah, the skinny 5´4” man, she was hefty. She pulled him and he couldn´t do a thing to avoid it. She was way stronger than him. Perhaps, it was the fact that she out weighted him by at least 100-pounds, or that she was almost a foot taller.

A bigger body can easily pull or push a smaller one when the biggest has or applies more force. Bonnie, as she loomed way taller than him while they were sitting, had no problem while she pulled him. Pinning him into her tit.

Noah quivered a little as he felt the soft, heavy flesh of his girlfriend´s mother. Was this appropriate?

“Oh no, m-my… my shoulder´s right on her… her boob!” He thought, freaking out internally.

“Wow! You´re tense, sweetheart.” Bonnie declared as she, with her hand still on his shoulder, started massaging it. “I told you already, it´s fine, we´re family now. There´s no need to be so shy.” Her tone, so sweet, her voice, so nurturing.

He turned up at her angelic smile, watching her gentle expression. A pure, sincere tenderness.

Noah smiled back. Was it fine? Was it ok to allow her to treat him this way? He was not doing anything wrong. She wasn´t flirting, just being lovely. Motherly. She was simply looking after him.

He felt like crying again. The warm feeling he was having, a feeling he needed, one she craved for so long ago. Something he covet once, seeming ages ago. Of course, it wasn´t Bonnie the one he wanted this from. But, would it be so bad to allow her to be the one? Just this time?

“Come on, rest your head here. Let´s keep looking at the pictures. Maybe someday you´ll be in one with me…” she said as she gently lowered his head, to rest right over her tit. Right over her enormous breast. So warm, so tender.

“Okey…” he replied, softly. Easy. He felt nice, good even. He felt loved.

Steph came back from the kitchen. Carrying a jumbo bag of ships. She needed something that excused her for going to the kitchen. A snack was a good excuse.

“I brought…” Her first thought as she saw her boyfriend resting his head over her mother´s tit was: “The fuck?!” Why was his head resting on her mother´s boob?

First, he cried all over her, and now, he´s snuggling on her mother´s tits! This was unacceptable. Steph was mad, upset. Why was he touching her mother´s boob?

“Hi sweetheart. It took you a while… but, are you sure you should be eating ships? I´m sure you´re bootie´s gotten a liiiiittle bity biggie since I last came here.” It had. She was filling her pants more than before.

Stretching the fabric with her nice, round ass. Her butt sway, her cheeks jiggled. She was meaty down there.

“Mom, that´s… I´ll go on a diet, ok? Starting next week, of course.” She could´ve said none of your business. But her mind was somewhere else.

She was trying to put the pieces together. Was his previous crying a lie? Just an excuse to get a hug from her mother? She´s seen a lot of guys playing “vulnerable” in order to get closer to Bonnie. Crying was a nice move. For a woman as maternal as Bonnie, trying to comfort the guy, that was inevitable.

Now, he´s sitting there, literally wrapped in her mother´s warm embrace. The main thing is, her main question, her worry. The main concern here is… does he have a crush on her?

Is Noah falling in love with her mother???!!!



Who wouldn’t love Bonnie? She’s a gas.


Bonnie is my favourite …words are powerful each time she pampers him…


Awesome! She's quite a character, right? The total opposite of Steph... Super pampering ;)