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Chapter 20

This was so unexpected for Matt. Zoey´s friendly being turned into this sort of… stranger.

It seems to him that he made the wrong question. All the way to her house, Zoey didn´t said a word.

They left the bar, hopped inside her car, and then she drove off. He could see the whole city life taking place outside the car. Tall women coming and going under the light of the past noon.

And all the while, he was sitting on the leather covered seats inside Zoey´s car. Surrounded by the enormous machine her car was. He knew cars were meant for 20´ giantesses. But he just never gets used to it.

He gets this funny feeling every time he hopes inside a woman´s car. Everything´s huge, and he´s just the passenger sitting there.

But the deep silence of Zoey. That was making him feel really uncomfortable. Had he done wrong? Wasn´t Zoey a friend?

Maybe he just messed up. Perhaps, his silly question made her mad.

She stopped the car right in front of her garage. Turned off the engine and pulled out her phone.

Matt was feeling weird, should he say something?

“Done.” She spoke, finally. “I just sent you my request. It´s for an immediate date. You may wanna accept it before we get in.” He nodded.

Matt accepted her request while she hopped off, walked around the car and stopped in front of his door.

As he placed his phone back to his pocket, Zoey opened his door, and then, she pulled him out, gently of course. She unbuckled him and placed both of her large hands on his sides.

Her face hadn´t change much. As she looked down at him, her eyes didn´t reflect any joy, not even friendship. It seems she´s got a lot on her mind now. But why?

Zoey walked towards her door and opened it, carrying Matt in one arm. He must say this is quite nice, not that he liked being carried, he hates it. But Zoey´s body feels soft, and her huge breasts. He´s not proud of ogling at the boobs of his best friend, but they are enormous!

After stepping in and closing the door behind her. Zoey placed Matt on the floor. She sighed, knowing what will come next.

As she stood up, she said: “Take off your clothes.” Her voice carried some authority, but not the mean type.

“My… you want me to… get naked?” Was she going to go straight to the action?

Did Zoey wanted to have sex? Is that why she´s being so quiet?

“What? No! You may keep your underwear, but if you want to know how things will be if I´m your couple, then get your clothes off. I´ll bring you something else to wear.” She spoke, sort of clearing things out, but really not much.

Matt was nervous, but he did as she said. He stripped in her main entrance. This whole thing felt weird.

He stood there, wearing nothing but his boxers. And the place was chilly. Does he need to stand there on his underwear?

She came back, holding some clothes on her arm. Maybe she thought his clothes were dirty. Perhaps, she wants him to wear nice clean clothes while he´s on her place?

She´s never done that, but that was before. Now, maybe because of the date, she wants to make things different. Perhaps, she´ll be showing him her true self.

“Here, put this on.” She hand him his new attire.

Matt took these clothes from her hand. He thought it would be a whole change, but as he got a hold of it, it just doesn´t seem that way. It seems, judging by the fact that there´s only one color of fabric that this is a single piece of clothing… and fuzzy? As he unfolded the fabric, he realized what it was.

“A onesie?” He was shocked.

“Mhmm. Now, put it on… unless you want me to do it for you…” she added, sounding a little sweeter at the end.

A fuzzy onesie? Zoey just came back with a onesie for him? What´s more, she´s got a onesie his size? Had she known this already? Was she one step ahead? Women were smart, but they can´t see the future.

Nonetheless, this is the least of his worries. He kind of asked her out. Maybe. But what was she going to do if she wanted him to wear this onesie? Of course, there was only one explanation. But he didn´t want to see it, to see the inevitable truth.

“Come on, honey. I can see you´re cold. Put this onesie on, it will keep you warm.” Her eyes were tender again, just as they had always been for him. But her voice, her tone. Was she… cooing?

Matt had no choice, she picked up his clothes while he was watching this unexpected set of clothes, this onesie. Plus, he was really getting cold. He had to put it on.

Zoey was proud, as she looked down at the 5´ man from her 18´2”, she smiled, with both hands on her hips.

“Good… now that you´re all set up, allow me to explain.” Finally, an explanation.

She picked him up again, and carried him to her living room, she ditched his clothes somewhere as she made her way. Of course, she placed them somewhere out of his reach. But this may only be because she´s tall, not because she´s literally keeping them somewhere he can´t get them.

Zoey sat on her couch. Her gentle landing only made her huge breasts jiggle. He could feel their motion all over his body, he was standing next to them, well, she was carrying him there.

Zoey turned at him, smiling, reassuring everything´s fine. They had the chronometer going on their phones, this was a date, a regular date. There should be no need for him to worry. He was safe.

She looked at him for three long seconds, scrutinizing him from head to toes, looking at this blue onesie she had for him.

“It fits you right.” She spoke, to what he just nodded.

Matt was desperate to hear her words. To have her confirm his worries are wrong. No woman has a man wearing a onesie just because.


“This is the first time I´ve dated in years. Sorry if I´m taking things slowly here…”

“N-no problem.” He replied, why was he so nervous? It was just his old friend Zoey.

“Awww. Let me explain why I put you into this onesie. And, what we´re going to do through this date.”

He was listening.

“I stopped dating because, well… because men nowadays don´t want what I´m looking for. Believe me, I´m not asking for much. Date after date, I searched for a man who allowed me to give him all of my love, all of my attention, to care for him in the only way I know it´s right.” This didn´t sound that bad, was she looking for true love?

“I found no man for me. That´s why I stopped dating. However, I never really stopped. Yes, I didn´t open my profile for months, but I was still preparing myself for the moment when I found the real man. And who would he be? How small? Will he be cute?”

“I had to be prepared, so I bought several different clothes in different sizes. You know, to have a little inventory there.”

“So that´s where this comes from” he thought as he turned at his outfit.

“I was so bored, really willing to give up my… ugh, it´s a dream. I know, it´s silly, but when you´ve been looking for something like this for as long as I have. It becomes more of a dream than a reality.” What was she looking for?

She stopped for a second, and just turned at him, smiling. She caressed his hairs, his face. She rubbed his face with her big, long fingers. At least her hands were not cold But his were.

“When I met you, I was a little worried. What´s a guy like you doing? Wandering in my bar, with no woman to his side? And then, you just came to me. You seem worried back then. But that´s normal, you were alone.” She´s talking about the first time he went to her bar.

“But you weren´t single. You just had this awful girlfriend who didn´t appreciated you. Oh my, she even let you go out there alone, away from her. I knew she didn´t care. But I took this as my duty to care for you. Also, I knew this woman didn´t deserve to have a kind man like you, and when you broke up, I felt relieved. But that wasn´t for too long, it only meant you were a single man, drifting in the sea of single, selfish women. A bunch of sharks around my precious Mattie.” Had she just called him precious?

“I thought I will have to protect you, make sure you found the right woman during this week. But it never crossed my mind that I could be the one…” her grip was getting a little tighter. She was pulling him closer to her. Her aroma, he could smell her sweet aroma.

“Matt, I know you. I know that I´m not… the woman you´re looking for. The more you came to my bar, the more I made it a goal to get to know you better. And I succeeded, didn´t I? but don´t think I´m some sort of psycho, or mental. I was only taking care of you, that´s it. But there´s something a woman can´t deny, her true self. Her true feelings, her true emotions. A woman like myself, I can´t deny all of the feelings I have for you, my maternal side is just too strong.”

Maternal? Side? He had to see this coming. Protect him? Cute? Zoey just seemed as a good friend, attentive, caring. But it seems it´s all because she´s one of those huge mommies. One he´s currently dating.

“Oh, but don´t worry sweetheart. I´m not going to hurt you. No, Zoey´s not going to harm you. Today, it will be my… “return”, I´ll take this role I know was made for me. Or, was I made for it? Haha. Today, during this date of ours, I´m going to pamper you, to spoil you, to give you all the love those bitches you have dated couldn’t. Today, I´m going to be your mommy!” He swallowed.

Matt´s eyes opened widely as Zoey shifted his position. As they were both sitting, well she was, on her couch. Zoey took care of him. Resting his back on her forearm, and then cradling him.

As she rocked his body, his heart started racing inside his chest. Zoey, a mommy? He can´t deny she wasn´t kind to him. But he thought she was more like a gentle giantess, not a maternal giantess. Plus, did she just say bitches?

“I can feel your heart´s beating too fast, are you scared, baby?” She cooed from above.

“Uhm…” Not scared. Maybe, disappointed. He thought of Zoey as just a nice lady. But it seems she´s just maternal? She cares for him, but that´s because she cares for everyone?

Or, as he now thinks. She cares because she got to know him better, and her maternal impulses have always made her think of him as hers. Or, she knows he´s close to the end of this single man hiatus. And as he gets close to finally having to choose a woman to make his couple, she wants to keep him as hers.

Had she planned this? Not quite. He did ask, well suggested, they should date. This is probably on him.

“Aww, why are you nervous just now? You know me, I´m the same woman I have always been. I care for you. I look after you. I´ve helped you, haven´t I? Now, this is just the way I think a couple should be. A man needs a huge mommy-girlfriend to look after him.” Sincere words. Sweet, lovely words. But, was he safe?

He had been with some maternal women, not all planned, but he had. And the thing is, what type of mommy is she? Is she the full-love mommy? Or the dominant mommy?

Is she the type of woman that will let everything slip in order to make him happy? Or, is she going to force her rules on him? The main thing is, is she sweet or is she stern?

“Zoey… I… do you… uhm… I… you know I have told you that I´m not like… wanting to play the role…”

“I know, I know. Maternal women are your least favorite. But believe me, it´s not that bad. You can do anything a normal man will. However, my love is much stronger.”

“But… like… do we have to do this?” He smiled in an awkward way. Does he still have a chance to back down?

“Yes. Matt, you asked me to date you, and now we´ll date. You wanted to know if I could be an option, and of course I can. But if we become a couple, I will take the lead. You will follow me, and do as I say.” Now she´s showing her bossy side.

“But trust me, this won´t be bad. In fact, if you let yourself go, I promise you, you will love it!” Will he?

She rocked him in her arms for five long minutes. It kind of felt nice, relaxing. He can´t complain too much.

Plus, he was rubbing his face to her enormous tit. Her large, soft, round tit. Her nipple was hard, he immediately wondered why? But it may be because of the friction. She hadn´t drink any of those lactating pills, right?

Of course not, she will be leaking otherwise. Her nipple was just hard. A little odd, but normal.

This date felt more as if she was playing with him. Carrying him everywhere she went. Humming sweetly above him.

“Zoey… can you like… put me down?” It´s been thirty minutes so far, what are they doing? Even Katy made him dinner. Not that he was hungry, but it seems Zoey´s just wasting away their time.

“No. You wanted to know how it will be, and this is how it is going to be. Me, carrying you everywhere I go. If we become a couple, as soon as I come back here from work, I won´t let you alone, not a single moment.” That sounded threating. Her explanation seemed a little mean.

He had no choice. This was like a test drive. A full date with Zoey showing him what their life would be like. So far… it seemed boring. Well, a little annoying at least.

After a while, and some laundry, his phone buzzed. The date was five minutes away from being over.

He pulled it out of his pocket. Was this over? Just like that?

“Allow me…” Came Zoey´s voice as her enormous hand took the phone off his hands. And with just a few clicks, she extended their date. “Here we go, mommy´s got herself another hour. Done. Now, unlock it so that I can add time whenever this gets finished.”

Matt blinked as she handed him the phone back. First of all, she didn´t ask, she just took it off his hands. And second of all: “Uhm, you know I… we can just like… stay like this, right? I mean, if the date´s over, well, it only means the date´s over. I don´t have anything else on schedule for today and…” she interrupted him.

“Nope, mommy plays by the rules. Now, unlock it and hand it to mommy, I´ll take care of it. That way, you won´t have to worry.” She was a friend, for sure, but… he didn´t felt so sure about it.

What if this has been her plan all along? Play the role of a friend and then trap him! If she had his phone, then, she had him.

She could even engage them if she pleased. And that way, he´ll be hers, now and ever.

Matt blinked, as she walked past the laundry room, he just did as she said. She was fine, Zoey was a friend. If she had wanted to trap him, she would´ve done it ages ago. Well, at least from the very beginning. He handed her the phone, but chose to keep an eye on her.

“Thank you, honey. Now, look at the time, it´s time for your meal!” Declared Zoey, suspiciously excited.

She made her way across the living room, rushed a little up the stairs. Her boobs were bouncing heavily above him, why couldn´t she put him down? Didn´t she felt his cock getting hard with each of her tit impacts?

She strode through the floor as she made her final way to her room. Matt had to pay attention, she said dinner time, but they were not heading to the kitchen. Uh oh.

“Where are they… I know they are here… but where? Ugh, I should´ve kept them on the bathroom as I first thought.” Matt was worried, was she looking for…?

“Here they are! I knew I kept them inside this drawer. Now… are you ready? Hmm?” Pills, she just pulled a bottle with the same cream-colored pills that will only make her lactate. He should´ve seen this coming.

This was also a part of the deal. A mommy has to breastfeed.

“Ok… it´s been like five minutes… where´s the milk?” Spoke Zoey as she was sitting on her bed. With Matt lying on her lap, looking up at her bare breasts.

This was the first time he had a good look at Zoey´s boobs. BARE! He peeked, just a little, and today she was basically pushing him to look. Was she teasing him? Had she been teasing him all this time?

Her boobs were gorgeous. Big, round, firm. Her nipples were just… cute. Hard, poky, and will not hurt his mouth as he sucks. He had to consider that as a positive aspect of them.

“Ugh, pills, you´re messing up my date here…” she said as if she was nagging the pills, but she couldn´t really blame them. It´s been years since she´s had them. She thought they were going to finish up faster, but she wasn´t so ahead of herself. “Ok, what´s a couple more?” she swallowed another couple pills.

A woman´s supposed to have one pill, and that´s enough to make both her tits produce milk. More than enough for a man. But how bad can five spoiled pills be? Maybe they are just as good as one new pill? Maybe?

Matt was a bit nervous towards Zoey´s sudden decision, but he was also a little taken away by her tits. Seriously, they seemed so soft… Should he…?

Matt couldn´t help it, they were so close to his reach, teasing him with their perfect roundness. He had to touch it!

“Aww, baby, don´t worry, mommy will give you some milk soon, don´t worry.” He was rubbing her enormous tit with both hands. Feeling the smooth skin over her titanic breast.

So far, he had done a lot on his past dates, but he never really had the time to relax, take things easy and enjoy a peaceful moment like this. Cuddling a woman´s bare tit.

And just as he was enjoying the moment, Zoey´s boob began to expand. But not only expand, drops started to come out of her nipple. Slowly, and falling over his face.

“OH, here it is…” Spoke Zoey as she felt a tingle on both tits. Finally, may there be milk!

She knew the feeling, her tits filling up with milk. Slowly. She´ll be full in a moment. But within a few seconds, it started to feel a little more… accelerated than usual.

“OH!” The pressure, she knew there would be some pressure, but it was growing fast, too fast.

Zoey´s boobs inflated, filling themselves with milk. She started dripping before she was supposed to. Her enormous breasts becoming much more enormous as they were filing up with the creamy milk she so wanted to provide.

Matt could notice this wasn´t normal. He´s seen a woman use these pills before, but also, Zoey seemed kind of alarmed.

Her breast grew twice it´s size, blue veins all over her round tit. And a stream of milk coming out of it. The problem was, the stream was becoming thicker, and so were her tits.

Her boobs expanded, and expanded, her nipples grew too. Thicker, harder.

Matt found himself under a cascade of milk. He was soaked. Maybe Zoey should´ve waited a little before drinking so many pills.

Her tits felt so heavy, so full. She was starting to suffer by her decisions. Literally.

Zoey moaned in discomfort as her breasts didn´t seem to stop growing. There was milk all over her, all over Matt, all over the floor. And it wasn´t stopping.

“M-Matt! D-drink up, baby… help mommy here…” she seemed a little desperate. But who could blame her? Her tits seemed to be about to explode! And how big were they now? Four times their original size? For sure.

Her tits were already falling over Matt. So big, so heavy. His vision was filled with boob-flesh. A nice view, a bit too wet, but nice.

Zoey didn´t wait for him to take action, she just pinned his face to her tit and kind of forced her enormous nipple inside his mouth. The wet enormity of her hard nipple, it was filling up his mouth more than he felt comfortable with.

His jaw was completely open, and his mouth rapidly began to fill with her milk. He had to swallow, and do it fast, because the stream wasn´t nearly done.

Zoey knew this may be too much for him. She decided to take care of her other tit. As he had him pinned to her left tit with a single hand, she started pinching her left nipple to milk herself.

Her nipples were beyond sensitive. It even hurt a little, but this was the only way to relieve the pain she put herself into.

“Sorry… mommy´s sorry…” she spoke to Matt, who was lost, he was completely focused on sucking and swallowing. Even if he was already full.

Zoey´s gigantic mammaries were providing, for sure. But they were pouring more milk than he needed. A single tit had more than enough milk to have him well fed for a week!

“It´s ok, it´s ok, just… just milk mommy, ok? Milk me with your hands, doesn´t matter. Just help me take all of this milk out…” she was sweating. Her forehead was covered in sweat, and her face revealed the annoyance these enormous, milking breasts were.

Matt was worried too. How much milk was she going to produce? She still seemed full, and so was him. He could see a bloated tummy underneath the onesie. He felt a bit sick, too full now.

It took them around an hour, but she was finally done. Her tits were back to normal. And so was she.

“Oh, I… I feel much better…” she took deep breaths as she laid back on the bed. Her tits finally back to their original size. Well… original-ish. And her nipples were still so swollen.

“I´m sorry, Matt. I think mommy messed up a little there… but don´t worry. I´ll make it up to you.” Will she?



Zoey and Kate are the most affectionate and motherly girls, I think Matt should reconsider his attitude towards such, he will be safe with them and will always be desired and loved (and maybe even fed)


He should, right? Loved, cared for, fed. It's quite the right choice. The question is, will he see it that way or is his pride going to back fire on him?