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The title´s long, hehe. but here it is! Our newest short term!

This is going to be another sweet story. And, I will include more, and new, stuff here. I really hope you like it :D

We´ll explore a man´s secret taste in women. His desires, and when he finally finds a woman that matches those... well, she ain´t just what he wanted. She´s way more!

Perhaps... too much? You´ll see...

Chapter 1

“Are you serious, Jason?!” Came the upset voice of an angry woman.

“What’s the matter? I only said it because…” He was trying to explain himself.

“Oh, shut it! I know why you said it. I´ve been dating you for almost a year now. And the more we´re together, the more you show me this… this… fetish you´ve got. And you know what? I don´t want to be a part of this. Jason, this is over.” May declared as she grabbed her purse, opened the door and left his apartment.

“But… May! Wait…” she had slammed the door before he even spoke her name.

Why did she leave? What had he said? Well, it´s a not so long, but still kind of long, story.

Jason´s the average man, average built, slim complexion, brown hair, hazel-colored eyes. He stands at 6´1”, and right before May, his newly ex, walked out the door. He had a girlfriend.

Jason has something, a type of fixation towards women. He´s not really sure what it is, but there´s a type of women that catch his attention right at the moment. We´re talking about big-boobed women. The bigger the boobs, the better. Plus, he wouldn´t mind if they´re tall, just a little.

May was quite a fine specimen to him, even if he never called her that way. She stood at 5´10”, rocking some round double D´s. And her butt was quite tight, and thick. She was a muse; she was her muse.

He found himself so lucky when they started dating. He couldn´t believe it. And now, the dream is over.

Why did she break up with him? Well, his likes are not precisely… regular. He´s into a certain type of things. Has some particular interests in a particular side of women.

At first, he wasn´t sure, but the more he thinks about it, the more excited he gets.

It all started when he was waiting in line at a grocery store, just picking some random stuff. And just then, he was bumped. He turned, whatever had bumped him was big, and when he turned back, he saw a plump, curvy and mature woman.

And she was so tall! He felt tiny, in every aspect. How big was she? He couldn´t help but to wonder, 6´5”? 6´6”? She was a monument. And her weight, she was so thick, with flesh all over her buxom body. 350? 400 pounds? He had no idea if his numbers were right.

Out of a sudden, she spoke, after what seemed forever for him while he checked her out. “I´m sorry, sweetheart, are you ok?” she bent a little, making her hefty, titanic breasts giggle. Those were the biggest pair of tits he´s ever lived to see.

“I…” he was having a really hard time speaking. All he could do was to think on not checking this amazon out. She bumped him, yes, but she´s apologizing. He can´t leer at her just like that. That would be disrespectful.

However, she smiled, patted the top of his head and said: “Don´t worry, I got that effect on most men. It´s ok to feel a little shy…” He swallowed.

He couldn´t believe what had happened. She was huge, hot, stacked! He felt so stupid for not being able to speak. But her attitude, so kind, so gentle. She was sweet, angelic, somehow, her voice was so nurturing.

When he was sure she turned, he counted to three and then turned, taking a glimpse at her tremendous ass. The fattest butt he´s ever seen! And yet, it looked so firm! Her hips swayed as her butt jiggled with each of her long steps.

She was a mature, tender, and huge woman. She got him thinking on her for days. He even went back to the store every day during the next week. Sometimes, twice a day. He wanted to see her again, learn her name. But that just never happened.

That was so long ago, but it got him thinking. When she appeared, he felt so tiny, and when she spoke, he felt something else. He turned red, he was sure on that. Her size, so intimidating, but her words, they were so soothing. She made him feel special somehow. Was it because she said “sweetheart”? could that be?

He had no idea what that feeling was, but he wanted more of it. It was elating, and yet so arousing.

He quickly grabbed his phone and searched for tall women. Could he be into tall women? Well, he liked big boobs; the taller the woman, the bigger her boobs can be, right?

He searched, looking for what he had just experienced. But his search felt off. He was surrounded by videos of tall women stepping over men, sitting on them, comparing themselves to their smaller bodies. He didn´t liked this, this was meant to humiliate the men. He wanted to see someone being nice. Caring for the man just like this woman cared to check if he was fine.

In time, he added some other things to the mesh. Milf, BBW, Big Boobs, Gentle. He wanted the women to be curvy, not just tall, to be stacked and to be carrying. And since this woman at the store was older than him, he also wanted that.

He wanted to have a taste of what he had that day. He had a sample that time, now, he wants the whole cake.

In the end, he came to a conclusion. He realized that the videos where the women were tall, thick and acted like huge mommies, those were the ones. They had all the care, the love, the tenderness he had been craving for.

That´s exactly what he felt that day at the store. Their sweet words, their emotions. The sweet attention to the man. That´s what he wanted.

In time, he got tired of having to see women treat other men like that. He wanted to live this in his own. To experience this love, this attention. To have the huge woman talking to him, looking at him. He needed it.

After a while, he looked for a woman who could make him feel that way. And that´s when he met May. She was tall, sweet, and she had some huge boobs.

They became boyfriend and girlfriend after a couple dates. He couldn´t deny he was quite handsome. And he knew exactly what to say, well, at least seemed to know.

But those words were not what he wanted to say. He had other things in mind. Wondering about the possibility that she may be into the same sort of things he´s into. She´s tall for a woman, right? Why wouldn´t she? Maybe?

During their time dating, he tried to ask her, covertly, if she liked that. He even made the question, after a few months, “What´s the craziest thing you like?” Then, he had to elaborate on what he was talking about, because her first thought was the weirdest type of food.

He meant sexually. To what, giggling, she answered that she wouldn´t mind sucking on a big, thick cock. Which led to the main thing of their night´s action.

But when she asked him back, he just lied, well not lied, but he kept the full truth aside. He said he loved to be smother between a pair of huge tits.

But that got her thinking. And the more he tried to air some of his true self, the more pieces she had to built the puzzle his mind was. He was a nice guy, kind, attentive, polite. But his taste in women, well, that was something else.

And then, this very day, he said it. He finally gave up in the heat of the moment and pronounced the words.

They were laying on the couch, he was resting his head on her lap while they watched TV. She turned at him, caressed his check with her hand.

From his point of view, she was a giant! Looming above him, and so sweet too. The affection, he couldn´t help it. She bent down for a kiss, a long, tender kiss.

She stood back up, they were both smiling at each other, quietly, peacefully. The words just came out of his mouth. But he was sure this was the right time.

“I love you, mommy.” The love part was fine, but mommy? MOMMY!

She frowned, and after literally pushing him away of her lap, she stood up, decided to end this. She had seen enough of him to know what he wants. Calling her mommy? What could be his next step? Being breastfed? He liked big boobs, didn´t he?

She knew him, all the attention he wanted, all those moments when all he wanted was to be close to her. Pinned to her body. Hug, kiss, simply rest his head on her voluptuous chest. What had he been thinking by then? Another of his fantasies? She didn´t want to find out.

May left before she was too stuck in this. Stuck with him. She didn’t even want to think on how into this he was. She just picked her purse, opened the door and decided to cut him out of her life.

Jason had no idea why she just left. He had just said it. He felt like saying it. And she just left? Without giving him any further explanation?

He was mad, but he decided to chill for a moment. He sent her a text.

Jason: “May, what´s the matter? Are you for real?”

It took her quite some time, but she replied.

May: ME! Are you asking ME what´s the matter? What´s the matter with you? Come on, you´re a grown man!”

So what? He just said he loved her, the mommy part was… well it kind of slipped. But she didn´t have to take it this way.

May: “Listen, big boobs? I get it, big butts, sure. But mommy? What? Do you want me to take care of you or something? Listen, this is over, I want nothing to do with that weird fantasy you may have. Understand this, I´m out of your life, and don´t try to write back, because I´m blocking you right now. Goodbye.”

And that was it.

He felt sad, heart-broken. But he was upset too. He thought they had something, something special. But how special could that be if she dropped him like that and wanted nothing to do with him? He was angry. And what could he do? He wrote it down.

But not just in paper. No. He wanted to tell everyone about this. But none of his friends. Sure, he´ll tell them he´s single, and that it didn´t work out with May. But he wanted to be more specific.

And who better than a bunch of people who were into the same thing he was? Besides, his account was anonymous. No one really had to know it.

He went into his computer, logged into his account and went into the forum section. A particular area titled: “life experiences”. That was a place where people could drop their interactions in the real life.

He dropped all he could, without giving names, about what had just happened. That his girlfriend dumped him for what he had said. That she just stood up and leave. That she wanted nothing to do with him.

To pretend they were never a thing. Possible make it seem as if they had never met. To forget about him and all the time they spend together. His explanation was long, emotional, true. In the end, he wrote:

“Why is it that bad to call your girlfriend mommy? Seriously?!!!”

Why was it that bad? Why couldn´t May understand. It was more like a roleplay. He´s not that much into it, he doesn´t want the full package of a mommy.

He loves the feeling of love and about being cared for. He just wants a woman who he can love and to who he can show his affection. No real need to be dressed up or do other of the stuff he´s seen out there. He´s only focused on the tender moments, the words, the care. And he simply used the term mommy to express his affection. Was that so bad?

He just wrote his testimony and walked away from the computer. Trying to use this as some way to relieve his pain. His doubts. He felt insecure, he was the one who ruined it? Did he blow it up? Now he wasn´t so sure.

He stood up and walked away. Leaving his message there. Was he expecting to receive a reply? No. He just wanted to speak his truth out. To let it all out in the virtual world inside his computer. For people on the forum to see, and if they can, learn from his mistake.

However, the forum was full with a lot of lusty stuff, mainly sentences about how hot this would be, how nice this could feel, some things to try, and so on.

His message, even if not in the wrong site, was not exactly what most messages were.

He went to the bathroom and washed his face. Then went outside to get some fresh air. He needed to cool down. Bring in the fact that a girl had dumped him because of the way he seemed to want things. But it wasn´t that bad, she should´ve at least let him explain.

It was just a word, a pure, innocent word. He felt like saying it, and he did. She shouldn´t have been that hard on him. It seemed as if he had unleashed the hounds of destruction or something like that. Bring a new evil to the world. But it was just a word. To him, it was a synonym of affection.

“This is stupid.” He declared as he was watching the sunset. Then, he turned his back at the sun, or what was left of it in the about-to-be night sky, and went back in. Walking straight to his computer, about to log off and shut the whole thing down.

Later, he´s most likely to make one last call to May, and if he´s blocked, he may consider deleting all their photos together. If she wanted to forget him, then so be it. He could do the same.

Nonetheless, he took some time to read the replies on his message.

His message was a small part on what seemed to be an endless like of replies on a forum. The main topic? “What do you think of a mommy-girlfriend?” And everyone had their own thoughts. Some were deeper, more emotional than his. And others were merely their fixation towards a busty milf. Then, there were others, kinkier, crooked. There were a lot of people on this forum. That´s why he didn’t want to interact too much. But most were cool, nice, he assumed they were just like him.

Between a few replies he got on his message, some saying things like: “Sorry”, or “Well, that´s a bummer”, others were more like: “You should´ve waited a little longer.”

He knew it, he messed up. But there was a message in particular, one that caught his eye.

“I don´t think there´s any problem with that. In fact, I´d love it if a man called me in such a way… interested ;D” The name on it was hugemommy35, perhaps she was into that same thing.

Was this message like… flirting?

He had no idea, but it felt kind of nice. Maybe this person, who he was sure, at least hoping, was a woman, had send this message to cheer him up.

Telling him he wasn´t alone out there. He simply smiled at his screen and liked the message.

“A like for you. I won´t write nothing down. Sorry… but I don´t know you, miss…? But thanks for your kind words.” He said as he logged off and went straight to bed. He felt gloomy, he just wanted to be alone.

During the night, he stood awake for much longer than he should. He checked the time on his phone, it was nearly 3:00 am. He had insomnia.

May was sweet. Nice. Attentive. She was fun, he thought she was his soulmate. But she proved him wrong when she just turned and walked away. He can´t get that idea off his mind.

May, leaving. Leaving him. Leaving his love. Leaving him alone with this kink of his. He was fine, there was nothing weird about it.

Although, he does settle for less, and hopes for the woman to take some decisions. Also, he doesn´t know how to cook, is a little lazy with house chores. His apartment is too small, his job pays too low. He has nothing coming in the future. Now that he thinks about it, is he really looking for a mommy?

A woman to come to his life, clean, cook, to solve every single one of his problems while she shows him all of her love and affection? Is that what he wants? It feels wrong, but he doesn´t find it so bad.

He woke up in the morning. Called in sick and just decided to give himself some time to heal his broken heart.

He went to the kitchen and poured some milk on the cereal in the bowl. Then, he had his breakfast.

He felt sad, and kind of numb in the inside. Was he weird?

Jason decided to leave everything on the side, to focus on something else. Although, the only thing comping to his mind was the forum. Could there be someone else with his same problems? He needed to know, and if possible, ask on how to fix it.

Worst case scenario, he´ll have to leave this as a secret fantasy he has. But he´s still not sure what type of fantasy he has.

That huge lady at the store, she was gentle. But, could he want something more? A chance to get his face smothered by her enormous breasts? To hug her titanic body, feeling the heavy softness of her huge body? Or even, for this big woman to pick him up and carry him around the store? That would be silly, a little demeaning. But he can´t know until he tries.

Jason turned on his computer and logged back in.

He could read some more replies. One making fun of him, “sucker”, and the rest were the same, apologies and small advices. But none of the advices were that good. The best one said:

“You should´ve suggested it to be like s roleplay. If she agrees, you´re one step ahead. And if she feels strange about it, then cut it off.” He could´ve done that.

Even if the replies were not so promising, something else caught his eye.

At the top, left corner, there seemed to be a notification. A little red square with a number in it.

“What´s that?” he wondered as he clicked.

It was a message; he had a new message. He had never seen this before. He ignored someone could do so. TO send private messages. But it was there, and now, he had one.

“Ok, let´s see who this is…” he read the name.

He was surprised to see that same name, hugemommy35. He was curious as to what this person could want. So, he read the message.

“Hello, gentlelover95.” That was his nickname. He thought that it could fit, he liked gentle woman, and he was born in 1995, why not?

“I read your message, sorry if I´m a little nosy. But it seems someone´s having a hard time. I´m sorry for that. Would you like to talk about it with someone who understands? If you´re not interested, you can leave this message without a reply. No worries. But if you need someone to listen, I promise I´m cool, and gentle ;D.” there was that wink again.

Should he, do it? Should he reply? He will be replying to a total stranger. They were anonymous beings on this page. She had no idea who he was, and he had no idea who she was. Could it be so bad?

“I will like to. I´m so sad. She just left me. And I feel so lonely. I feel really vulnerable right now.” He thought it seemed as a desperate, and kind of lame, reply.

Maybe it was going to make him appear too weak. On the other hand, this could be a chance to check how kind she was.

If she was sweet, like her name, then she´ll understand. He wanted to see how she handles this message.

He stood there, waiting. But there was no immediate reply. He should´ve seen this coming. She sent the message no more than a couple minutes after he posted his message.

Was it at the same time he liked her reply? Could that be? No, there´s no way. She couldn´t have been waiting for him to make a move before she made hers. Right?

He waited for what felt like forever, in reality, ten minutes. He should know that she might have lost interest. OR simply forgot. Perhaps, she´ll reply later.

“There´s just no way she replies that quick. I´m just another stranger on this forum, there´s no way…” and then, her reply appeared.

“Awww, I´m so sorry, darling. It sounds to me that you need a friend right now. Are you lonely in that aspect too, honey? Your friends don´t understand your feelings? I promise I will.” She had his attention.



I've been waiting for a story like this for so long, thank you very much for making my dream come true


Oh wow this sounds like it could be an origin story for so many of us here. Really, really good so far. Lots of depths to plumb.


I´m really glad you like it! And I appreciate it :) There´s more chapters coming soon ;D


It does. Who wouldn´t want the sweet, tender love of a woman? A true love. And this is just the very beginning.