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I think this story´s going a bit slow, what do you think?

But, I´ve already started with the BIG changes on it. During the next few chapters, things will get quite more interesting!

Chapter 7

Carol hated it, preparing Kevin´s lunch was not so pleasing after that argue they had. She was annoyed. But it was part of her job.

“Kevin! Lunch´s ready!” There she was, yelling at him from down the stairs. “Gosh! I feel like a freakin´ nanny now.”

Kevin went downstairs, as outraged as he was, he had to eat. He was hungry, and he couldn´t really help it. He had no food on his room, it was coming to the kitchen or starving.

He just entered the kitchen, without speaking to her, at ALL. He didn´t even looked at Carol, even if she was looking directly at her. She couldn´t help it, both were 5´7” now, she was checking out his shrunken body.

How his clothes fit loose on him. All of the bagginess all over. The top of his head, she knew it, they were the same height. Amazing, just amazing.

However, Kevin just grabbed his plate, dropped the fork in it and turned his back at her.

He was leaving, and she was fine about it. He didn´t want to eat there, fine. Nonetheless, this was a chance to tease him she won´t waste.

“Excuse me, where exactly do you think you´re going?” asked Carol, placing her hands on her grown hips just to make it more convincing.

*sigh* Kevin didn´t even turned back to look at her, he just started talking, “To my room. Why? Does it matter where I eat?” he said, annoyed.

“Well, as a matter of fact, it doesn´t. You´re right. This is “your” house, you may as well eat on the toilet of you want. But there´s no need to be a jerk about it.” Carol said.

“Pffft, a jerk? I´m just not being a hypocrite. I don´t want to eat on the same room where you are. And not to kick your ass out of here, I chose to leave. NOT because I care about you, NOT because I´m giving, but because I want to. That´s it.” He replied, pissed, still looking at the complete opposite direction from her.

“Is that so? “Because you want” WOW! That´s SO mature about you. But fine, if you want to eat on your room go ahead. But be sure that this attitude of yours, you better work on it, else, I´ll FIX it for you.” Her words were strong, and they did have a little power on him. Still, not enough power.

“Sure, say whatever you want, but you won´t make me change, AT ALL! If you even cross the line, you´ll get fired. As easy as that. You´ll be kicked straight to the street, out of MY house, out of MY sight, and surely out of MY life.” He was bitter. He was just pissed, but he hadn´t gotten to the point of yelling. He was composed, for as mad as he was.

“Sure… believe that if you want.” Now Carol crossed her arms under her expanded breasts. She could feel their new weight as she pushed them up. Making them seem even BIGGER.

Kevin said nothing and just left the room. He was tired of listening to her nonsense.

For as much as he hated it, Kevin had to share the same room with Carol later that day. To meet his mother.

Gene was back, with Carol´s paycheck and to check on her son. She knew exactly what was going on with him, but he was a pretty good actress, she pretended not to know a thing.

“OH, NO! Kevin, is… aww, I can´t believe it!” she said as she reached for him and pulled him into her. “My poor baby, and just 5´7” now. This is terrible!” she just used this as an excuse to hug him. But he wasn´t feeling bad, or sad. At most, he was feeling cringy.

Gene was wearing heels today, just as any other day. But today, she picked the three-inch ones. Kevin would be looking straight to his mother´s lips, if he had a chance to look at her.

She was gently, yet strongly, pinning his head to her shoulder. She would´ve loved if he played his part and hugged her back, but he was just lying there, waiting for her to let go.

He couldn´t dodge her hug. He was amazed by how tall she was. He froze for a moment as his mother, standing at 6´ tall with her heels, towered over him and came closer too. He couldn´t really remember the last time he looked up to her like this.

His only relieve was that she was wearing heels. She wasn´t so big, two-inches, that´s it. Gene was 5´9” on her bare feet. Not a six-footer. He calmed down a little.

In the meantime, Carol was holding her laugh. This was perfect. Of course he didn´t want to hug his own mother, that´s just how much of an idiot he was. Gene was nice with him; even more than nice, she was GREAT! She still looked after his ungrateful son instead of letting him go, out on the real world surviving on his own, as she should´ve done many years ago. Part of her hated him for that, he didn´t deserve it, he didn´t deserve a mother like Gene. But now, she´s getting some affection back, or at least a forced hug.

“Mom…” Kevin spoke.

“Yes, baby?” she cooed.

“Can you let go? I´m twenty-three, this feels so weird.” He replied as he pushed her back.

He wasn´t as strong as he used to, but he could still push his mother away. Gene couldn´t deny it, his words hurt. But soon, this won´t be the same way.

“Ok, I´ll let you go. But seriously, is it so hard to be held like this by your OWN mother? When was the last time you hugged me?” she asked.

“Hey, I hugged you on your birthday, isn´t that enough?” he asked, as if it was.

Carol knew it, he was THAT type of son.

After checking a little on him, Gene took her business to the kitchen, followed by Carol.

“I can´t believe it!” muttered Gene, avoiding the huge loud joy she wanted to reveal. But she couldn´t let Kevin hear her. “He´s… he´s…” she was simply excited.

“I know, he´s shorter.” Replied Carol, kind of proud.

“I can´t really remember the last time I looked down to him, this is just…” She was very pleased.

“Cute?” Carol said, knowing for sure that´s what a mother like Gene will think.

“Exactly. Don´t you agree?”

“Well…” Started Carol. If he wasn´t nice with Gene, what can be expected for her? So far, he only looks at her as an employee.

“What’s the matter?” Gene asked, and there´s when she explained that she was getting tired of his attitude.

They spend a while talking about it. What he said, the way he thought of her. Carol simply expressed the annoyance he was causing her. Also, she explained she won´t let him go away with it. No more.

“This sounds terrible, do you want me to go talk with him?” Gene asked.

“No, I think I will… speak with him about this. In a more proper way, of course.” Carol knew it will be of no use to have Gene speaking with him. He could already hear his words, “Did you just accused me with my MOM?” annoying.

“You sure?” Gene asked again.

“Positive, like I said, I´ll take care of this” she winked.

Gene knew exactly what she meant, she chuckled a little and replied, “Well, just make sure not to hurt my baby, ok? I know you´re both the same height now and…” Gene made a pause.

She took a better look of Carol, her recent words, same height… Had she always been this tall? To her, a six-foot woman, in heels of course, Carol was not that big. However, wasn´t she smaller? She checked her whole body; she was definitely bigger. And not just tall, but a bit thicker too.

Carol felt a bit uncomfortable; Gene was looking at her, from head to toes, without saying a word. “Is… is there something wrong?” She asked.

“Oh, no, not at all, as I was saying, you´re both the same height. 5´7”, but… weren´t you a bit… shorter, sweetheart?” Gene knew it, Carol was in flats, no way she can look this big.

“Yes, I was.” Carol smiled, she seemed so happy with her recent growth.

“Oh, you tell me everything, you naughty girl.” Gene could see there was something in her mind.

Carol explained to Gene all about her own size changes. The way she felt, how her clothes felt. Her new perspective of the world. And it´s just THREE inches! She went from 5´4” to 5´7”, and she´s loving it.

Besides, her butt´s simply amazing, and so are her tits, and her thighs and… well, she´s growing proportionally to a bigger, thicker and sexier body. She can´t complaint, can she?

“Well, that´s amazing, and… who´s giving you these pills?” Gene asked, much more interested now.

“Oh, it´s the same guy who gave me… Kevin´s pills.” She made a pause to whisper Kevin´s name.

“Is that so? Well… maybe I can pay him a little visit myself…” she said.

“Well, I did send you the number, but… are you sure?” Carol asked.

“Sure? Why, dear?” Gene was already a big lady. Heels or not, she was still taller than Carol.

“It´s just that… don´t you think you´re a bit… tall enough?” Carol asked, trying not to sound rude.

“Oh, haha, oh, sweetheart. There´s no such thing as “tall enough”. Tell me, will you stop once you reach my size? Hmmm? You said that´s enough, right?” Gene bent forward to ask.

Gene was in fact big, all over. Her breasts were still much bigger than Carol´s, and her hips were too. Even if it was just a two-inch difference, without adding the heels, Carol knew Gene was bigger than her. How much pounds? 30? 40? She was a milf who carried her weight like she should. But, why would she want to get bigger?

“Well…” Carol said, but Gene knew she had no real answer. So, she “helped” her explain.

“Trust me, honey, once you have a bit of the good stuff, you never want to let it go. Besides, my main focus here are the curves you´re getting. I can tell you´ve put on some weight, but it´s all going right to where it should. Let me ask you something, do you work out?”

“Uhmm… no. I don´t.” Replied Carol.

“See? These pills are not just meant for getting taller, but sexier too. Trust me, I struggle with my weight. Not too much, but I do check on what I eat and visit the gym on a regular basis. But with those magical pills of yours, maybe that can change. And well, who minds a few extra inches? I´m always wearing heels. What about being a natural six-foot-woman?” she did have a point there.

It´s true, the pills not only made her taller, but hotter. And a woman like Gene, who had been a star back on her younger years, with the body of a model, the beauty of a queen; that wasn´t gone, but she was just… more mature now. However, if the pills could help her a little with the “marks” of age. Then that´s fine.

But her words echoed inside Carol. Enough, will that be enough? Or simply, when was enough? She had around five pills left, if she counted them right. But, when they´re over, will she get more?

After a while, Gene left. Kevin was inside his room when she left. He didn´t even went down to say goodbye to her. But that was fine. For now.

Once again, there were just Kevin and Carol on the house. She thought, should she talk with him about the way he treats his mother? Gene said she had no problem. But, is that true?

Even if she did, a woman as independent as Gene will make sure to have a chat with him. On her own. She´ll solve her own issues. No help needed. And Carol knew it, that´s why she let it be.

She just went on with the house chores. The rest of the evening should be calm and easy, just as a Sunday morning. He will be locked in his room all day long. He has no reasons why to come out, he won´t want to. Carol will have the place for her own. Or that´s what she thinks.

Later, as the sun was settling on the horizon, and the sky was painted in pink, light colors, with a lighter shade of orange and yellow, the doorbell rang.

Carol was the one who always opened the door. She felt like a servant, the “man on the house” was too lazy to check for himself. So she had to do it.

She had no idea who could it be. Was Gene back? A package? Someone else? But as she opened the door, she could see Leslie´s face. Her wondering look turned into a furrow as she saw this annoying girl´s face.

There she was, a female version of Kevin. Not much similarities physically, but they were just as annoying, ungrateful. And with that same unpleasant attitude.

Sometimes Carol felt much older than them. She was three years older than Kevin, and probably the same with Leslie. Nonetheless, she felt much more mature. On a whole different level, like one of those elder women who complaint about millennials. But she was likely in the same generation as both, still, she felt as if she was educated different, properly even.

“Where´s Kevin?” Asked the blonde lady whose lips seemed injected. Unnatural, evidently.

“He´s in his room.” Replied Carol as the first thing that came to her mind was that she had no manners. Not even hi? Seriously?

However, she didn´t care much. Leslie only took her eyes off her phone to make her question, and then returned to her screen. She didn´t notice that both were the same height.

Carol even felt taller than Leslie, since she was hunching a bit to look down at her phone. She smiled triumphantly as she stood straight, looming a little over her. This was so nice.

Unlike Leslie, Carol had boobs, big ones. And even if their butts were kind of the same width, she knew she was definitely hotter. Her body was natural… -ish. If this woman had a job on her lips, she may as well have done something on her ass too. Probably, or just work out a lot to plump herself up. However, boobs cannot be grown that way.

Carol stepped aside of this woman who once looked down at her, and said: “Would you like to come in?” it was that or shutting the door and force her to ring the bell again. She didn´t want to hold the door for someone who wasn´t paying attention to anything other than her phone.

“Well, duh? Do you think I came all the way here to talk with you? Na-ah.” She put her phone on her pocket and walked straight forward. Making the least contact with Carol.

“Bitch.” Carol thought as she closed the door. But then a smile came to her as she gave it a second thought. “Perhaps, this isn´t so bad. Oh, I would love to see the expression on his face when he realizes he´s just as tall as she is. Just you wait…”

As Leslie´s butt wiggled on her way up. Kevin was frustrated. He couldn´t get the idea of his own mother being taller than him out of his mind. It was humiliating. Why? From all the guys out there, why him? But just then, Leslie opened his room´s door.

“Hellooooo, my lovely boyfriend, how are you?” She said as she turned at Kevin´s form, he was sitting on his bed.

He wasn´t expecting Leslie to come, but he was glad. He needed someone to talk to. He had never been through this, but he feels kind of stressed.

Kevin spoke the whole truth, what they told him was happening, to Leslie. She couldn´t help but to laugh. Was he serious? Shrinking? That´s unbelievable. Ridiculous even.

“Is this some sort of joke? Because you know I don´t like cheese pranks…” Leslie said.

“It´s true, I… look.” And he stood up. Proving her he was shorter.

As soon as he rose completely, Leslie´s eyebrows went up and her jaw dropped. She wasn´t looking up at him as she should, not even a little. Kevin used to be six-inches taller than her. But now, they were the exact same height. But maybe, Leslie stood a fraction of an inch taller, but not much.

“Fuck. It´s… but how? Are you. This isn´t contagious, is it?” She said as she stepped back and covered her mouth and nose with her hand.

“No, it´s… genetical… I guess.” He wasn´t paying real attention to the “doctors” explanation.

She couldn´t believe it. He was the living proof that it was true. But it was still so hard to believe. She felt kind of bad for him, but maybe he deserved it.

Both may be equally obnoxious, but they can tell, and they have, that the other´s not a good person. They´re just using each other, Kevin´s just using her to have sex, be with her for a while and then dump her. And he, deeply, had the need to be with someone, share some laughs, some words, be with someone, he didn´t quite like being alone. Not completely.

Meanwhile, she used him because, he had money. Plus, his own house, where to party. He bought her stuff, gifts, makeup, etc. And he had a car, which is the reason why she came all the way there. Why else? He was stuck there, they couldn´t even go out to a restaurant or something. Without a party, his place just wasn´t so fun. It was clean, at least now, but it was kind of boring.

Leslie knew what was coming next. A lot of unburdening. Sometimes, not much, Kevin just talked and talked, complaint about things that were “pissing” him. In reality, he was talking about his problems with Leslie. And her duty, as his girlfriend, was to listen.

But she didn’t think of it as him relieving his stress, or sharing his problems with her in order to solve or receive advise on a possible solution. He just talked, without letting her or anyone to speak.

It was like a show, he was the main host and she was his whole audience. But more like a fun, possibly TED-talk, show, it was boring. She just made sure to keep eye contact with him as she sat on his bed and listened to his problems. Most of times, there were complaints about his mother asking him to be more responsible, to manage his money better, even get a job. But now, it was a significant matter. Still, not in Leslie´s interests.

“Oh no!”, “Mhmmm…”, “Yeah, aha…” those were Leslie´s only phrases. She just wanted to pretend she was paying attention. But inside her mind, she was scrutinizing him.

The baggy fit of his clothes. How short he seemed. Trying to remember how tall he used to be. She even wondered who´ll be heavier? She was paying attention to him, but not to what he said.

In the end, she wasn´t sure if she should ask, but she may as well try. She asked him to borrow his car. She knows it´s not very… empathetic of her. But she was selfish. She pretended to listen and care, now, time to get something in exchange.

“My… my car?” he asked.

“Mhmm, your car. There´s a party downtown and I really, REALLY could use a car, and since you´re not using yours…” she was sure he would say yes. But he didn´t.

“No! Leslie, I´m… I´m shrinking, and you just asked me for my car? Can´t you at least, I don´t know, lend a shoulder where I can… lay?”

“Lay? You mean cry? Please, don´t tell me that now that you´re shrinking you just turned “sensitive”.”

“Of course fucking NOT! I´m not going to cry, but… you know what, just forget it. I thought you´ll be nicer with me about this.” He felt insulted.

“Come on, don´t be like this. Listen, if you want… maybe I can blow you. If that makes you feel better.” And if it kind of persuades him to lend her his car.

“No, you just ruined my mood. I think it would be better if you just leave.” He said as he turned.

“Fine. But if you stop being a big BABY. You can call me.” And she´s gone. She really doesn’t care about his shrinking. She´s just hoping it is not contagious.

As she makes her way down the stairs, she wonders. Now that she´s aware of his condition. Is there a way to get what she wants in a more effective manner? If he´s shrinking, this means he´ll get shorter. Both are 5´7”, but if he keeps going, can she maybe… force some things to go her way?

“Hmmm, maybe I can try that later…” she said as she opened the main door and left.


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