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Yes, here it is. And I also have some news, on the next short term.

I´ll be posting it within the next month, but I´m not completely sure if it will be this next week or the one after. But I asure you, it will be soon! Stay tuned!

BTW,  I hope you like what I did on this chapter :D

Chapter 19

Why did this had to happen? Matt was now in the arms of a woman who he may as well call his captor.

He had been trying to avoid this everyday since he became single. Always watching his back, keeping an eye open. How could he be so reckless.

But this wasn´t all his fault. How was he supposed to know a woman will snatch him up in the middle of the day? There were people out there, not many, but at least a few.

Someone must have seen. There should be at least one person who saw this strange woman taking him captive.

“Oh, you´ll love it, I have a lot of things at my place. Trust me, once we start, you´ll beg me not to stop… or was it beg me to stop? Haha, I always forget.” She was insane.

How was she still free? Walking the streets as if she was a normal, men-respectful woman.

His main worry now was what those “things” were. Toys? Devices?

A thousand thoughts came to his mind. A torture chamber. A special chair to tie him on. A rotten nursery. Some diabolical room with some strange devices, ropes, leather. He was panicking.

She had his mouth covered, so there was no chance for him to scream for help. And there was no way he could take this woman´s enormous hand off his mouth. Still, he tried to escape.

He squirmed in this woman´s arms. Trying to set himself free. Maybe it was useless, perhaps, it seemed ridiculous. But there´s nothing else he can do. At least he´ll fight to the very end.

“Oh my, so cute. You´re trying to escape? Hahaha, I love it when men resist. However, you´re not pulling much of a fight, are you?” laughed the woman while he moved. He knew it was not going to work, but what else could he do?

He had lost hope, could already picture himself gone forever. But there was still some light at the end of the tunnel for Matt.


A hard sound, like two stones colliding came from above. Making Matt turn.

When he looked up, all he could see was this woman´s smile fading and her eyes losing focus.

Everything became blurry for this woman. Why? Because someone had hit her on the head. Who? No one else but a Dame, Katy!

Matt could feel this woman´s body giving, she was falling, but with him in her arms! She will literally crush him.

But her body stopped falling. He didn´t, but falling over his ass on the concrete was better than being squashed beneath this monstruous woman. He could take the fall, even if it was from twelve-feet tall.

It hurt, but he felt so relieved. Now he was free, and his savior was getting busy with this menace.

“Did you just drop him?! Don´t you know men are frail!” Came Katy´s enraged voice as she hit this woman in the head again, with her fist. He was surprised by how loud the sound of her punching was, he wouldn´t like to be on this woman´s place.

Katy was a Dame, among the biggest of women there were. Plus, she had some training on body combat. May her fist be as hard as stone, or even hammers. She had no mercy.

“Come here, you psycho!” she grabbed this woman by her shirt and threw her straight to the brick wall.

Katy was bigger than this woman. By at least three feet. And by what Matt could see, she was way stronger.

“Now let me tell you one thing, I will PERSONALLY make sure you rot in prison, and don´t pretend you´re unconscious, I barely touched you!” If that was barely, how will fully be?

She handcuffed this woman and threw her at the floor.

“And don´t you dare to move, or I´ll beat the crap out of you!” Was this the same Katy that seemed so sweet before?

She turned at Matt, with rage on her face. For a moment he thought he was next. But her face rapidly changed. Her eyebrows rose, her eyes regained their kind brightness. Her frown rapidly became a look of worry.

“Matt, honey, aww, I haven´t forgot about you, come here…” she said as she rapidly bent over and reached for him. That´s the Katy he knows.

“I´m sorry, are you ok? Did I scare you?” Katy asked, sweetly.

“No, not at all, I… I´m fine, now.” He said as he was now in the arms of a woman he knew won´t try to hurt him. He felt safe, sheltered.

She guided her free hand to his face and began rubbing him with her thumb, gently, looking for any wounds. “Was the fall too bad? Are you injured? Because each wound will add a decade to this mean woman´s sentence.” She wasn´t kidding.

“I… well, my butt´s a little sore…” he started.

“Oh no! does your tushy hurt? Do you want mommy Katy to rub it?” She was so maternal.

“My gosh, just take me, ok? I don´t need to hear any of your stupid mummying.” Said the woman who was still on the floor.


Katy had kicked her, and then she added. “Did I ask for your opinion? You scum! Now shut it before I make it impossible for you to make a sound!” Matt was amazed by how quick she turned form nice to mean. Well, from mommy to “I´ll rip your head off”.

But apparently, Katy was a momma bear, and this woman had just messed with her baby.

Just a moment later, Katy called Olga, who came with the car.

“Here she is…” said Katy as she grabbed the woman with one hand and carried Matt with the other. “And by the way,” added Katy before she handed this woman over to Olga, “you don´t have to treat her nice, ok?”

“No need to tell me twice.” Olga said as she grabbed this woman, Olga was taller than Katy, and much huskier.

She took the woman by her shirt, then grabbed her with her other hand from her back, putting her hand on her belt and rapidly threw her inside the car. This woman flew straight through the car´s door.

Matt heard the unmistakable sound of this woman´s head hitting the other door from the inside. That really must hurt.

“Oops, did I forgot to tell you to watch your head?” Said Olga in a sarcastic, funny way. “Ok, the bitch´s in, wanna come with me to take her to the station or…” she knew Katy was most likely to stay with Matt.

“Oh no, sorry but I have to take care of Matt here. You know this kind of things are very traumatic, and out tiny guy here needs his… friend Katy to be with him for a while.” Olga knew she´ll do that.

“Ok,” Olga slammed shut the car´s door. “Just make sure to send the report soon.”

“I will, that´s also a reason why I´m staying with Matt, to make some questions for the report.” She lied.

“Of course, you do…” Olga knew Katy very well. She was excessively maternal, but for some reason, she tried to hide it, or at least not show it too much.

“I´m sorry, Mattie. I should´ve known better. I saw you from across the street, you know. I waved at you, but you were busy, but that´s fine.” She had?

“I know you´re busy on your dating and everything. But I really like to make sure you were safe. And when I turned back and saw you were gone, well, I panicked. There´s just no way for a man to walk that fast. So I thought, “Katy, you must check on him.” And when I found you in that… in that… UGH! When I heard that woman saying she had plans for you…” she was raging again.

Her cheeks turned red and he could feel heat coming from her chest, even her hands. Katy was boiling with fury.

He felt kind of unsettled, but she wasn´t mad at him, so that was fine… maybe.

“Oh, sorry, I… I didn´t mean to get mad. It´s just that, ever since I can remember, women who take advantage of men, they make me sick! And when I saw that woman was hurting you, well, it was only fair if I hurt her back, right?” Matt nodded.

Katy kept walking, but he had no idea where she, well they, were going. Was she really going to ask him some further questions?

“I know you´re an independent men, but the other day you asked me to escort you, and now you were nearly taken by this woman. I don´t mean to be rude, Matt, but you DO need protection. Now, I don´t mind if I have to walk you to every of your dates left. But tell me, do you have any other person that can look after you? I wouldn´t like to give you a ticket for being careless about your safety.” She caressed his face.

“WAIT! You can do that?” he asked. Can she?

“No, silly. Well, not since you´re in your weekly permission for dating. And if that wasn´t the case, hmm, the ticket wouldn´t be for you. It would be for the woman you´re a couple with. But tell me, do you have any female friend who can check on you before your next date?”

He did, Zoey.

“So, this, uhm, lady from the bar. She´s your friend, right?” Katy asked, wanting to know more information of the woman.

“Yes. But she´s not any lady, she´s the owner.” He corrected.

“I see, and… do you have any plans on dating her, is she like one of your options for a couple…?” Katy said trying not to be too nosy.

“What?” He had never thought on that.

Zoey was his friend, a true friend. She was caring, kind, attentive. But he never really saw her as an option for a couple. She was supportive, nice, and had big boobs. But he´s not really basing his decisions on woman´s breasts size. Anyone´s breasts are bigger than hie is.

But Katy´s right. Zoey, as a girlfriend. That wouldn´t be bad.

The giantess made her way downtown, always holding Matt in her arms. He knew there will be no point in trying to persuade her to put him down. Aside of the fact that he will only slow them down, apparently, he was “in shock” for what happened before.

Maybe he was a little uneasy, concerned, scared even. But he wasn´t in shock. In the end, the ride was faster if he was in the arms of this 20-foot woman.

“Is this the place?” Katy asked as she stood right in front of the bar.

“Yes! This is it.” Matt answered as he turned up and saw the billboard on the bar.

“Very well. Now, let´s get in, I´d like to have a chat with this woman before I leave you in her care. You know, just to confirm you´ll be safe.” She cooed. But was it something good?

He thought Katy was a pure hearted woman. Always kind, sweet. A gentle giant. But after what he saw today, she had a hard side, a VERY hard one.

Perhaps, she was just the way Olga was, stern, hard, not-so-friendly. But not towards him. For a moment, he had the idea that Katy was nice only to men. It could make sense.

“Ok, we´re in.” Spoke Katy as she entered the bar. “Wow! There´s plenty of people here, already? But isn´t it too early? Ugh, drunks.” He was suspicious, did she said it just as a comment or did those last words carried something more? He had to keep an eye on that.

He wouldn´t want Katy to jump over Zoey just like she did with the other lady back there. It´s true, that was in order to protect him, but what if it was just an excuse?

“She´s the bartendress, right?” Katy asked, he nodded.

Now, as she made her way to the counter, he wondered, will this be nice Katy or the harsh one doing the talking?

“Good evening, ma´am.” Declared Katy, greeting Zoey, who was busy with some glasses.

“Mornin´ what can I get… Matt?” She tuned at Katy, who was two feet taller than herself. At their sizes, she was nearly a full head taller than Zoey. But she also spotted the man in her arms, and when she turned down, she found out it was Matt.

“Hi…” he waved at her.

“Hey there, I didn´t know you had a date with a, well, a Dame.” Zoey spoke.

“Actually, it´s not a date. I just save Mattie from a mean, mean lady who wanted to hurt him.” This thing of “Mattie” was getting old, he´s a grown man, he doesn´t need the “ie” at the end of his name.

“What?! Hurt… Matt, are you ok?” Zoey turned at him, concerned.

But Katy didn´t let him speak, apparently, she´ll be the one doing the talking. “He´s fine, I got to him right on time…” Katy replied.

They took a sit at the bar, well, she did. Katy placed Matt on her big lap. He couldn´t really see much over the counter, but he could still see Zoey´s face. And feel Katy´s boobs on the back of his head, but that was not the main thing here.

“May I offer you something to drink?” Zoey asked.

“No thank you, I´m on duty. But how about you, Matt, do you want anything? Don´t worry, it´s on me, sweetie.” Said Katy while looking down at him, but she could barely see him past her tremendous breasts.

“I´m fine…” he said.

“Of course, you are. You´re fine, safe and sound sitting on my lap. Zoey, may I ask you something?” Katy turned at the bartendress.

“Sure.” She replied.

“Since when have you known Matt?”

“Oh, well, for a few years, I think.” Zoey didn´t keep an exact track, who would?

She was not asking just because. Katy needed to prove two things. That Matt would be safe with this woman. That she wasn´t just one of those women who forced men to follow them and tell everyone she was a friend, when in reality, she was a menace.

And the other thing she wanted to prove was, who´s better looking after Matt. Katy was competitive, at least when it comes to men.

Katy had this sort of sixth-sense to perceive when women were normal and when they were dangerous. At least for men.

She knew Zoey was no threat. Her tone, the way she moved. When she looked at her in the eye, she was nice. She knew for sure Matt will be safe. But she needed to prove who was better.

“You know,” Said Zoey, “the other night, I spotted Matt walking alone, AT NIGHT! Can you believe that? At first, I wondered if he was with someone, but who´ll get away from this guy here? You can´t let him give one step without you. I figured out he was alone. Hmmm, by any chance, did he call you?”

If what she said was right, Matt wandered downtown, ALONE. Without protection.

“No, he didn´t.” Zoey placed both hand on her hips and turned at him with a stern look. He was supposed to call.

“Interesting…” Said Katy. Kind of feeling she was closer to him. But she just happened to be there, he didn´t call her either.

After a while, and a lot of comments on how nice, and protective Katy was towards Matt, she left.

“Ok, I have to go, but I´ll leave you here with your… friend. Zoey, please look after him, will you? I have work to do and, even if I´d love to, I can´t carry our friend here with me. But if he says he´s safe with you, I trust him. Oh, and if you need anything, don´t be afraid of giving me a call, ok? Bye, bye…” Katy was finally on her way back to work.

She left Matt on the counter, with Zoey. Alone at last.

He just smiled at her, but she turned at him with a, mildly, menacing look.

“So, you´re wandering around the town, ALONE.” Said Zoey.

“Well, I… I was just…”

“And the worst part is, you dare to go out at NIGHT! Matt, it´s dangerous, can´t you tell?” Zoey was worried, but mostly upset.

“But… that was just the other day, last night I was with this woman and… we spent the night together. In the morning…” she cut him off.

“Woman? Who? Is she one of those women Lisa chose? Hmm? Or did you just date the first woman who caught your eye?” Now it seems she doubts he´s capable of doing things right.

“She´s fine. Lisa told me she was safe-to-date.” He hated this side of Zoey. He feels lectured now.

But even behind all that, he knew she was upset only because she cared.

Matt´s wondering, will it be ok to ask her out? Ask her if he can keep her as an option in case he needs to file a last-minute couple?

He had nothing to lose.

He encouraged himself, meditated on the words and then just shoot.

“Zoey… can I. I wanted to know if you, well, if you´d be willing to, like, date me?” He was nervous. She was single, that´s a fact.

“Matt, I told you, I´m not dating men right now. I haven´t dated anyone in years. And that won´t change.” She declared.

But he still had to try. She likes him, right? At least as a friend, so what was wrong?

“Uhm, but… why?” he asked.

“Listen,” she turned at him, a little menacing, but easy, “I have my reasons. Which, by the way, are none of your business.” She did have her reasons.

But that just got him thinking. As she looked down at him, in what seems to be anger, he wondered why.

Had something happened to her last boyfriend? He passed away? Left her heart-broken and with no desires to date again? Or does she hate men?! That can´t be, she´s friendly and looking after him, it´s nearly impossible that such a kind woman like Zoey hasn´t found love.

“Sorry…” he said, turning his head down. Maybe she was right, it´s none of his business.

Zoey took a deep breath in. she was upset, but he couldn’t be blamed for it.

“Don´t worry, it´s normal. You just want to know. And it´s completely logical that you´ll want me as a girlfriend. I´m nice with you, and even if you´re clumsy, I help you out. Oh well. Why not?” she said.

“Seriously?!” A date with Zoey? For real?

“Yes. But I warn you, this won´t be like any date. Today, I´m in command. If you want me to show you what´s it like to be with a woman like me, today, you´ll be getting the whole pack.” Now he doesn´t feel so eager.

“Send me the request and we´ll head home. I can leave early. But I´m warning you, this is all on you. I´ll explain you my reasons as we go. Not before. Understood?” Now he doesn´t feel so confident.

“Yes. I… sure.”

Matt sent her the request. But he was curious, why not?

What were Zoey´s reasons for not wanting to date men? She can´t possibly be one of those women who hurt men, right?

She was different. Caring, gentle. However, what´s behind all that?

He´s known Zoey for a while now. He knows she´s no threat. Plus, he´s already been at her place.

Nonetheless, there´s some things at her place that doesn´t quite match. She´s got clothes his size there. Men clothes. Why?

Are they from an ex? Did she buy them for him as a gift? Was she really, REALLY that forehanded?

It really doesn´t matter. Even if he has a million doubts on his mind. He had already sent the request and she had already accepted. Their date will start in an hour.

But the main thing is, does she have another side? Like Katy? Is she mean? Is she bad? Or… kinky?

“Ok, Matt. I´ll arrange some stuff here and then we can leave. But like I said before, during all that time, I´m in charge, you´ll do exactly as I say. You want to know how it is to be in a relationship with me? I´ll show you.”

He´s starting to regret asking her out. But everything happened so fast! He just asked, he would´ve been fine with the “none of your business part.”.

But this may as well be part of his punishment for asking.


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