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It´s finally here!

The fourth most voted story for a long term has fianlly arrived, and yes, you can expect another chapter too (double update).

The plot´s like this, in case you  forgot (because the poll was posted months ago...)

After an experiment goes wrong. A woman finds herself having the weirdest of secondary effects. She´s lactating, and the worse part is, her milk shrinks men.

How did she notice? Well, let´s just say her boyfriend helped her with that. but he´s not gone, as soon as she noticed, she stopped and tried to look for a cure. He´s safe, shrunken but still tall.

But she needs an antidote, a way to reverse things. The people in the lab she worked on, they´re not willing to cooperate. In fact, as soon as the experiment went wrong, they fired her.

Now, with nothing in mind but vengeance. She pays a small visit to each of the people who had ruined her life. She seduced one, force her way with another. The milk´s effect doesn´t seem to stop.

She stays with them until they vanish into nothing. She can easily overpass the 6´ mark, but how tall will she get before she achieves her new goal?

Now, this story, as it´s stated before, will include shrinking past the regular standarts of the previous stories. In this case, micro and nano, although, there won´t be many interaction because, well, she won´t see them by then.

But, as she grows, her boyfriend will only feel the hots for her, and her milk.

This will be a fun one, I can tell. I hope you like it!

Any comments or feedback, you know I´m all ears, you can drop a comment, I´ll be happy to read :D

Chapter 1

*ding* *dong*

The doorbell rang in the midst night. The man wonders who it might be. It´s too late to have any visits.

The man rises from his chair and heads to the main door. Wondering who may be bothering him at these hours. No one called to announce their visit. And he´s not so acquainted by his neighbors to have any of them ringing his bell so late.

It may not be that late, around 10:00 pm, but our guy here wanted to have a peaceful Friday night. Things hadn´t come up so nicely during the week.

He walks to the door as he listens to the doorbell once more.

*ding* *dong*

“Coming!” he says. The man´s around forty years-old. Single and living in quite a nice house. He chose a house in that neighborhood because it´s supposed to be a nice and peaceful place. But it seems you can get some visits from time to time. So far, this is the first time someone rings his bell this late.

He´s wearing a robe now, he was actually reading a book before heading to bed. He usually watched some TV or just checked how his business was, but this time he decided to do something different.

He just opened his door and, behind, he could see a young woman. Not older than 25, with bright blue eyes and long hair.

“Good evening, sir.” Said the lady.

The man was amazed, she was quite a lady. He was 6´2” and with a regular built; and this woman was a muse. She was wearing a black tight dress, which exposed the ample cleavage she had. And she was tall too.

He took a quick glimpse at her, checking her out from head to bottom. She was wearing some heels, apparently 3-inch ones, and it made her seem as if she was a 5´10” woman. Although, she must be around 5´7”. Still, a nice height.

He could see the pale skin of her long-stylized legs. He smiled, at her, wondering what a woman with her looks could be doing at his door. He was surrounded by the rest of his neighbors, what dragged this woman to his door.

“Well, it´s quite a bit late to call it evening. But how may I help you, madame?” he said, trying to be as chivalrous as he could be. Not everyday a smoking woman like her comes to the door.

“Sorry to bother you so late, I was on my way to a party with my friends, but my car broke down, and it seems my phone has no signal. Do you mind if I use yours?” she asked.

The man was thrilled. A broken car, no phone signal. Her looks were certainly the ones of a woman who´s about to party. He had an idea, so he started with something, generosity.

“Of course, you can come in, I can let you borrow my phone.” Some alone time with her, maybe a drink and if he was lucky, he could seduce her and get some fun. This unpleasant moment was changed to one of desire.

The girl stepped in and he closed the door behind her. He lured at her body once more just to notice the firm flesh of her ass. She was really catching his eye.

“Uhm, thanks… my name´s Stacy” she said.

“Nice to meet you, I´m Richard.” He replied.

He walked the woman to where his house´s phone was. And she dialed a couple times, but none of her friends seemed to answer.

“Ugh! Can you believe it, none of them are picking up. They must be all at the party now.” She seemed frustrated.

“Well, you know how loud the music can be at those places.”

“Yeah, I guess I need a tow truck then… do you have any number I can use?” she asked Richard.

“Well, I have a couple, but at this hour, I think they´re not precisely working.” He said.

“You think so?” she asked.

“I´m afraid so, you see, this place is quite away from the big city, there´s not much going around here…” he lied, a 24-hour service was offered by several companies, and the distance was no problem either, but looking at her perky cleavage got him in the mood for something.

“Well, I guess I´ll call a cab then… what was the number…?” she wondered as she grabbed her phone.

“Oh, where are my manners, may I offer the lady a drink?” he asked, feeling his chance with her was about to get lost.

“Thank you, I wouldn´t mind a drink.” She replied.

“I´ll be right back.” She said.

Once he left, he just smiled to himself, one drink, then another and before she notice, they´ll be making out in the couch.

The woman took her eyes off her cell phone, she wanted to realize if he was gone. She turned and found him gone. She smiled too, he thought he was the only one with a plan, but the truth is, she was not there just by mistake. No car of hers had broken down. She was right there with him because that´s what she wanted.

Richard came back with two wine glasses in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other.

“I hope you like this wine. It isn´t the finest there is, but I think you´ll find it quite pleasant.” He lied, he knew it was quite expensive, but he had the money to buy it, this one and some much more expensive he only used in special occasions.

“Thank you…” she said as he poured some wine in her glass. “I called a cab, but they told me they won´t make it here until an hour.” She confessed. Lying.

She called no one, she just wanted him to leave because she wanted to pretend she called.

“That´s awful, but I think you and I can enjoy each other´s company while we wait. Why not enjoying some wine while we wait.” He spoke.

“Maybe you´re right, Richard.” She said, making her tone a bit more sensuous as she called his name.

He wasn´t expecting that to happen, but he wouldn´t mind. If she was so into him as he was into her, then this night will be quite something.

They chatted for a while, he talked about his job as a supervisor in some research he wasn´t supposed to talk about. She seemed attentive, even understood much of the things he thought he´ll have to explain.

In the meantime, they drank more wine and both gave some teasing looks at each other. She even bit her lower lip every once in a while.

He was excited, how lucky could he be that this sexy woman was into him. He couldn´t waste a chance like this. The more they talked, the closer he got. Closer and closer, until, he kissed her.

She kissed him back, throwing her arms around his neck. He leaned over her, taking control. They were making out, and he couldn´t waste the chance to grab her tits.

She let out a soft moan when he touched her. Her breasts were big, double d´s maybe, he wasn´t sure. But he was certain about the smoothness of her flesh. Her big and round breasts felt as firm as he thought, and so soft too.

She lost no time before she started removing his robe. And he did the same, looking for the zipper behind her tight dress.

He wanted to set free those boobs of her. He´s been looking for it since she came in. The cab was still about thirty minutes away. Time enough for them to have some sex.

Her fragrance, he took her aroma in, she smelled so sweet, so sexy. And her skin was so smooth beneath his hands. As he took her clothes off, he tried to tease her, caressing her with his hands.

She seemed to like it. Then, she took off his shirt, rubbing his shoulders afterwards. He thought she was falling into the arms of passion with him. But her intentions will be soon revealed.

His member was hard inside the pants he was still wearing. Her body was simply majestic. A hourglass shape with some curvaceous legs and a pair of enormous breasts on top. He lost no time and started removing her top.

He unstrapped it from behind with a single hand and slowly took the straps off of her shoulders. She grabbed her cups, preventing the bra to fall. He noticed a bit of resistance, so he asked.

“Come on, let those breasts of yours free…”

“I… I will, but, there´s something I´d like you to do for me…” she said, pretending some shyness.

“What is it?” he asked.

“Could you… suck on them?”

“I´d love to.” He did. He wanted to have some intimacy with her soft tits, and sucking on them was much more than he was expecting.

She slowly let her bra drop, revealing her puffy nipples. They were much more stunning than he expected. He approached to her chest, wrapping her right tit with his hand and approaching his mouth to her other tit.

He was gentle, he liked on her nipple first. Then, he slowly bit her tit, making her moan a bit more. He teased her tit until, he started with what she said. He encircled her erect nipple with his mouth and began sucking. Slowly, smoothly.

He thought this might just be perky, but this was good for both. His member was as hard as it could be, the feeling of her nipple inside his mouth was so, that he didn´t mind staying there all night long.

“There we go, that feels so g-good…” she said, knowing for sure that the real thing was about to come. She could already feel it coming.

Richard kept going, believing he was fulfilling his desires, but he was really making hers come true. She smiled at how easy it was. And before he noticed, something began to come out of her, more precisely, her nipple.

He had a strange feeling at first, he felt as if there was too much saliva in his mouth, but then, more and more liquid began to accumulate. It wasn´t saliva, it was something else.

Milk, it was milk coming straight from Stacy´s nipple. He was shocked at first, but the taste. Even if he had no plans on doing this, drinking from her milk was another thing. It wasn´t like anything he had tasted before, so smooth, so creamy, so tasty.

He couldn´t help it but to suck and suck, she was lactating, and for something that a grown man like him thought he would never do, he was latching.

The creamy waves of milk flowing thru his lips, thru his mouth, and then through his throat. It was hot, partly soothing, but erotic too.

She caressed his hair as she moaned more and more. Things were going right as she planned. Then, her left tit began to drip from the milk accumulating in it.

Richard noticed that, through his fingers, the milk of her other tit, was flowing. He had been squeezing it since he started sucking on her, so he thought he had just pump it out too.

“Come on, big guy, can´t you see my other titty is jealous…” she teased, asking him to latch on that breast too.

He said nothing and just guided his head to her other nipple. Sucking, drinking her milk out.

The couch was large, so she laid back, resting her full body on it. By now, she had no heels on, and he had no shoes either.

He just laid on top of her, sucking her sweet milk from her tit. He couldn’t help it. It was as if he was in some sort of trance, some lusty trance powered by the creaminess of her milk. He wasn´t sure if it was the taste, the feeling, or just the oddity of it, but he couldn´t stop sucking.

“That´s it, ohhh, you´re so gooood at this…” she said as she caressed his head.

She was not into Richard by any means. He had money, that´s true. And he wasn´t ugly either. But she was not looking to seduce him and find a way to stay with him, or his money. She wanted to teach him a lesson. She disliked the means by how she´ll do so, but there was no other way. At least not how she planned it.

Richard kept going, shifting from one tit to the other. From the moment he started sucking in one, the other tit seemed to drip, how much milk was stored on those big breasts of hers? He wasn´t sure, but soon, he found out one thing, she must be swelling from the milk cause, while he´s latching, he can swear her tits seem bigger.

He wasn´t thinking straight, but the fact that her boobs seemed bigger and bigger just made him harder and harder. How long should he do this before the real action comes? He had no clue, but he´ll make sure to leave those tits dry before he moves on.

From above, you could see Richard´s manly form over Stacy´s smaller frame. The guy had 7 inches on her. And at least 40 pounds. But after a while, they started to look a bit more even.

He had no clue how long he had been latching on her but his mind had no time to worry about it. His lust was guided into her, and his only desire seemed to be sucking on her tits.

Slowly, time seemed to go away, to him, it had been mere seconds. But she knew better. Every time she caressed his hair, she was actually seizing his head with her fingers. She noticed her skull felt smaller.

His legs, that first were longer than hers, now, were about the same length. His broad shoulders had narrowed. They seemed about the same height. But her hips were much wider than his.

He ignored what was happening. He kept going, driven only by the taste of her milk and using her constant moaning as an approval to continue. He kept going and going, without realizing that the more he sucked, the shorter he got.

He was losing more and more height. Her milk was starting to fill his mouth more and more. He was too excited to realize that her legs were now longer than his. Her shoulders wider than his, overall, she was now the one who had some inches on him.

The six-foot mark was gone a while ago. And by a good deal. Before he realized it, the five-foot mark was gone too. Richard was shrinking. All caused by the erotic milk of this woman. And who was she anyways? Why could her milk do such a thing?

Richard was in a trance, shifting from one tit to the other. Drinking all of her out. He had no idea if he was slowing down or if she was producing more milk. He felt full already. He could feel his stomach filled with her creamy milk. But her tits didn´t seem to ease.

He pulled back. He had enough. He thought he had done a good job and now it was time to receive his reward. And she was going to give it to him.

When he turned up, he thought he´d be looking at the satisfied face of this woman. Equally lost into passion as he was. But he was amazed, intimidated even.

Her face, she wasn’t smiling, she was grinning at him. And her head, it seemed bigger, and much higher that he recalled.

“What´s the matter, Richard? Is something wrong?” she teased.

“I… uh… you´re…” he had no clue what was happening.

“What? Am I BIGGER? Or, are you… SMALLER?” she said.

Richard panicked, he moved back and fell into the floor. He tried to back away, but this woman rose from the couch. He used to be taller, but now, this woman seemed to tower over him. eight, no ten, she must be around ten feet tall.

He was craning his neck from the ground to look up at the gigantic woman inside his house. But he couldn´t be right. If this woman was ten feet tall, then she wouldn´t fit inside his house.

The next possible explanation was that, he had shrunk. He stood up, still looking at the voluptuous amazon in front of him. In his predicament, he couldn´t help but to admire her larger physique.

Her hips seemed wider; her thighs majestic. Her long legs were as nothing he had seen before. His head was leveled with her navel. But the best thing of all, her breasts. They were so big, obstructing the view he had from her face. To him, each tit was much bigger than his head, and much heavier too.

“What´s happened, didn´t you want to fuck all of me? Now I think there´s much more for you.” She said.

“W-what happened?” Ha asked, panicking. “Why are you so big?”

“You shrank, I thought that was obvious.” She declared.

“But, but why?” he said.

“My milk, my milk made you shrink.” He swallowed hard. How could something like that be possible?

“Well…” she said as she put a hand on her hip. “I think you already know that.”

“N-no, I don´t know what you´re talking about, tell me, why am I so small.” He demanded. This wasn´t something good, he thought he´ll have some causal sex with this woman, not be shrunken by her milk.

“I wouldn´t say you´re small… hmmm, maybe you´re about four feet tall, a couple inches less…” she said.

“What? And you think that isn´t small? How the hell did I lost over two feet in height?!” he exclaimed.

“I told you…” and she bent over to lever her face with his. “You already know, maybe you don´t remember, but I´m just a woman who´s life you ruined a few days ago…”

Her look was serious, but he couldn´t remember her, who was she?

“I… I have never seen you before.” He declared.

“Well, maybe my real name helps… I´m Patricia, Patricia Jones?” she asked.

“Patricita… Jones… Doc-Doctor Jones? Is that you?” he asked.

“Yes, it´s me.” She declared.

“B-but, wha-what happened? You´re not the girl I remember from the lab.” She had really changed.

“Well, you know make up helps some much, and also, that little accident, or at least that´s how you called it, it also helped to change my looks.”

He had no idea. The woman he knew wasn´t anything alike the woman he was looking at. Even before he shrank, she wasn´t so, outstanding. Her breasts were not that big, and she didn´t seem to have that killing body underneath her lab coat. How was this possible?

“The accident… you mean the test that went wrong last month?” he asked.

“Yes, that´s the one. That “test”, it just ruined my life, and now I got these huge tits that… well, you know what they do now, don´t you?” she stablished as she grabbed her breasts. Even now, some milk was still dripping from them.

“But, this… this wasn’t supposed to happen, I told everyone that… that…”

“That I should be fired and “compensated”? Well, let´s just say your compensation is not good enough, and also, I´m not hoping you or any of the other people who were there can reverse this. That´s why, I´m going to show you YOUR actions have consequences…” she started coming closer. Menacing.

“B-but, I… it wasn´t my fault, it was, Jonathan, he´s the one to blame, not me…” he stepped back, trying to escape from the giantess.

“Oh, believe me, I´ll meet Jonathan soon, but you and I, we´re going to finish this first.”

“What do you… Hey! S-step back, you can´t do this to me, I´m your… was your… STOP.”

“Oh, I´ll stop, but only until I say so. And now, it´s time for you to start sucking again. I´m not sure how these breasts of mine work, or how far the milk can shrink you. But you´re going to help me find out. This time, you´ll be the guinea pig.”

Patricia was stepping closer, pinning him to the wall, and when there was nowhere else to run for him. She reached for him with her now large arms. She easily lifted him off the ground and approached him to her breast. He could see the milk still coming out. He knew this wasn´t good.

“Now, you be a good man and drink all of the milk. I´m sure you won´t be able to finish it. But it´s ok, I´m used to being full by now…” she said with false politeness.

She wanted him to pay, to pay for what he and the others had done to her.

Richard had nowhere to go. Little by little, that nipple of hers was coming closer and closer. There was no way out.


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