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Well, we´re getting closer to the climax of this story, however, this story still has two more chapters to go.

I hope that on this chapter I made Judy as freaky and weird as I thought... let´s remember she´s the stalker here lol.

Chapter 4

Judy knows she´s now got some power over him; and she likes it! Whenever he´s scared, he immediately calls for her. Sometimes, when she´s feeling mean, she calls his place from a public phone, she´s on the line, but just breathes heavily to the phone.

“W-who is IT? STOP IT ALREADY!!!” She teases him, calling from somewhere he will never know it´s her. Teasing him, freaking him out. She can´t hold her mean laughter, but she does, and when he´s finally tired of no one answering on the other line, then he hangs up.

He´s mad, bothered, annoyed, but she now knows him better. She knows he got scared, that he doesn´t feel safe. She knows he needs someone; he cannot be alone anymore. She leaves the public phone, and just waits until he calls again. But not that same phone she just used. He´ll call her, sometimes, he immediately calls.

“J-Judy… are you… busy?” she can hear the fear through the phone. And of course, she´s never busy.

And with her evil grin, she just makes sure to tell him everything´s going to be all right, that she´s on her way. To protect him. It´s so easy to scare him, sometimes she wonders if he´s any wise at all? But that´s fine, she´s not into wise men.

Even if this all makes her feel kind of proud, as if she was a huge spider that just caught a bug in her web, she doesn´t like it. Yes, they´re together, but only because he´s scared. And there´s another thing, why haven´t he called the cops? Someone should be investigating this by now. But maybe he was too scared to even think on it.

Now, in a sunny day, as they´re both walking, finally holding hands. She´s not very sure if this is what she wants. Yes, they´re together, walking down the sun, which she doesn´t love, on a lazy Sunday evening. And they´re holding hands.

The physical touch, she loves it. It gets her mind going. Now, her hand, but then, will he go all the way as to grab one of her tits? She´s fantasized about this for weeks. The first time it happened, she could tell he was nervous, she could feel it in the sweat of his hand. Now, he was just carefully approaching his hand to hers, making it obvious that he wanted to hold hands.

The giantess complied; Judy was more than happy to do so. But, does this mean they´re friends? A couple? Or just… nothing?

Her very first impression was always that he´s slowly trying to seduce her, well, approach in a closer way. But then, her cold calculating mind just drops the most ridiculous conclusions. Or at least mess the tender moment to her.

What if he´s got his own plan? What if he´s just taking advantage of her size? What if he´s pretending she´s close to him and to prove it to anyone, in his case anyone who´d like to hurt him, that he´s friends with a giant, imposing woman? What if he doesn´t want to hold hands and he´s just using her as protection?

That´s what she intended to show in the first place. Right. But she doesn´t like to feel used. She may be literally tormenting him, but, according to her, she´s got her reasons. And they´re justified. By love.

Love and only love, the power amongst all powers. The key that brakes the walls of insanity and just makes everyone understand she´s right on what she´s doing.

Judy´s got everything well planned ahead. Yes, she feels bad now, but not because she´s messing with his sleep, or making him to skip some meals, not even because now he´s afraid of stepping outside alone. However, she knows a way to fix things, and hopefully become more than just friends; well, the eight-foot-tall woman that escorts him everywhere.

If her plan works, she´ll be looking into a long-term relationship. Something she´ll make sure will last forever. She can make it work, she´ll adapt, to what he needs, what he wants, anything!

“So… Griffin, you know, I was thinking, I´ve been to your place a couple dozen times now, right?” she asked.

“Yes…” he replied, looking up to the voluptuous giant next to him. She´s been so happy lately that she even put on a few ponds.

Not much, proportionally speaking, but those extra pounds of love went straight to her hips, and boobs. Her ass jiggles as she walks, her breasts bounce with her every step. If he wasn´t so focused checking no one´s watching him from the distance, he´ll be ogling at her.

“Aha… so… I was just wondering if… well, heh, of course you don´t have to say no but…” She was getting all shy and sweet, but then, something happened.

Griffin lost his grip on her hand. Before she knew it, he left her side. Why? Judy immediately turned. She was about to speak and he just left her talking to the air? How rude.

“E-excuse me, I think you drop your keys back there…” Griffin said to this young woman who happened to be walking around too.

“Oh, I… I guess I did, haha, thank you so much.” She replied. The woman was pretty, blonde, curly hair, wearing some sunglasses. Standing a few inches shorter than Griffin, perhaps, 5´7” or 5´8”? She seemed pretty, but maybe too pretty.

“No worries, I was just passing by and I, well I… I just happened to saw it when they fell from your purse.”

“I´m glad you saw them, trust me, I´m so distracted that…” suddenly, a large shadow was casted over this blonde lady. It was Judy.

“Perhaps, you should tie them to your purse, don´t you think? I mean, if you´re SOOO distracted.” Judy didn´t like the fact that she just stole all of his attention. And why? Because she was clumsy? That was no excuse.

“I… I…” the girl had no idea what to do or say, Judy was simply titanic, and she seemed pissed.

“Oh, hi Judy I… sorry, I know you were just talking but, well I hate it when I lose my keys so… I was just helping.” Griffin said.

“Oh, I know you were,” her tone was sweet when talking to him, but with her, “but don´t you think that sometimes people NEED to learn how to keep their things in place?” she turned at this other lady as if she had stepped on shit.

“I…” This new girl was wondering whether to say something or not. Judy seemed pissed off.

“You… you… you´re welcome, dear. Now come on, Griffin, we´ve got to go, it´s getting kind of late.”

“Oh, sure… uhm, see you later…” he said to the lady, bothering Judy to the core. However, she just sucked it.

“Hey, Judy… uhmmm… don´t you think you were a little… unfriendly back there?” Griffin asked.

“Unfriendly? ME!?” she needed him to believe she was all love and affection, but after this “accident”, he just wasn´t so sure. For a second, he thought she´d be throwing her to the other side of the street. What could´ve got her so mad?

Judy was the type of women whose emotions show, for real. Whenever something´s funny, at least to her, she laughs out loud, when she likes some food, she nearly orgasms on the table, moaning to the point that it gets kind of awkward; and, when she doesn´t like something, it seems she´ll break it. With stuff, it´s kind of worrying, but with people… it´s mortifying.

Now, imagine her feeling when something she had planned didn´t came as she thought. When a message she wanted to give fail to be delivered. When her message was obstructed by this little blonde interference.

“I… I don´t know, it seemed kind of, as if you… well, as if you didn´t want her there… probably.” Griffin said. He didn´t wanted to piss her, maybe she was just having a bad day, that´s all.

*sigh* “I´m sorry, I don´t know what happened back there, I was just talking to you and… and then you just walked somewhere else… I… I…” it was time for a new plan.

A tear, a tear fell from her eye straight to the floor. Her eyes were teary now. How did she get it? Frustration? Fake tears? Years of drama classes? Or maybe she was just really good manipulating people faking vulnerability. Something that doesn´t match with her large, husky exterior.

“I… I don´t know… I just… you were here and… and then with her…” Griffin could make up what was going on, she was just jealous.

“Awww, Judy, it´s ok, there´s no need to cry. I, I get it, ok?”

“You do?” she asked as she wiped her tears.

“Yes, you´re just… listen, you have nothing to worry about that girl, I was just trying to be kind, I´m with you, I wouldn´t ditch you because she´s pretty.”

She almost went back there and kicked her ass because of making him think she´s pretty. Never once he´s told her that he thinks she´s pretty. But she´ll abstain from it, maybe her time to shine will come later. But he thinks she´s pretty too, right?

“Mhmmm…” said Judy as she tried not to clench her fists.

“Yeah, listen, I´m here… walking with you… on the street… but, what is it you wanted to tell me before? You know, before… that happened?” he had no idea how to make a woman feel better, or how to say what she wanted to hear. A meal? She liked food, right? That was his best other option out of this.

“OH! Right… that… So, before I was abruptly interrupted. I wanted to invite you to my place. You know, I´ve been at your house and… well, you´re never been into mine so… what do you say? Wanna come hang out at my place?” she was expecting a yes.

And if the mood, which was perfect before, was not the right one anymore; if his answer could somehow have changed because of that unexpected thing that had happened. Then she´ll definitely blame it on the blondie from before.

Not saying Judy find out where she lives and do something to her while she sleeps… but… her anger must be just as big as she is.

“Sure!” Waiting for Griffin´s answer made her heart skip a bit. But his answer was just what she expected. And it probably saved that blonde woman´s life… probably.

“Oh, Griffin, YES! I mean, yay… hehe. Ok, I´ll see you next Sunday, at my place. I´ll text you the address tonight.” She was so happy.

“Ok… but you´re still walking me home, right? I mean…” It was getting dark, and yes, he´d feel vulnerable walking home at night without her at his side.

“How cute, I bet you can´t live without me little one, not even for a day…” and she thought, “And soon you won´t.”

Judy´s got a plan. She just text him her address. And now, as she accommodates her huge body under her sheets, she wonders, well plans, that next Sunday well ahead.

“First, he´ll come here, then, he´ll eat the delicious food I´m preparing for him. And THEN, he fall´s in love for me. Uh, I can picture it already: “Judy, I don´t know how could I be so dumb! Please, please marry me!” and I´ll be like: “Well, sure, why not?” just distant and sexy, cause he won´t like it if I fall as soon as he asks, right?” She couldn´t wait.

But, maybe she doesn´t have everything planned ahead. There´s a few things she wants to happen, a kiss, finally a kiss. Some hand action maybe, a little foreplay. And then, real action. However, there´s somethings she´s got on her place.

The usual, a fridge, a couch, her clothes, a giant teddy with Griffin´s pic on it. And another thing he won´t find as cute as the bear. Something maybe more… intimate; not to say a little crazy. But that´s safe, in the privacy of her bedroom; he´ll never find out, that´s if she keeps him away of her bedroom; something that may be kind of hard for her.

Judy´s got a crush on him, a big one; perhaps, as big as the lady herself. However, there´s some things, a few, that can´t be denied. Whenever she´s with him, her heart starts beating faster. Her breath becomes heavier and her hands, she doesn´t know what to do with them.

She´s capable of hiding all of that, put everything on a tiny box and sink it in the depths of her mind. All because she has to be the cool one, the serene, the one who reflects security, certainty. But that´s not the case.

She had managed to hide everything from him, including the awful truth, but there´s some things she cannot hide. Some feelings she can only quiet for so long. She wants him, she needs him, she craves for his love, his affection, and what´s more, for sex.

The amazon woman wants nothing but to take Griffin home, her place, carry him all the way to her bedroom; and once there, throw herself over him, not literally because she´ll squash him, but to let their naked bodies melt into one in the lusty passion of love.

So far, she managed to “hide” those feelings. Except when she´s jealous, or looking at him for long periods of time. But Judy has never shown him that she wants him so badly, she´s a stone, an iceberg, a door that won´t be opened. Inside, she holds nothing but love, and some more things. But she´ll only show him once she´s certain he´s feeling the same. And maybe, this Sunday, when he finally comes to her place, that´s when things may turn her way.

“Ok, here we are…” said Griffin as he was now standing in front of Judy´s place.

He felt kind of weird going to her place, much more alone. During the last months, he´s never walked alone. He has always been in the side of Judy. Her huge bodyguard.

But today, today it was different. Judy wanted to impress him, show him how much of a cook she was, how clean she kept her place. How immaculate, aromatic, and cozy her place was.

Judy was kind of, a step ahead of herself, always. She wanted to give Griffin the impression that she was perfect, clean, and that she could provide. She wanted him to move with her, and this date could be kind of a proof that she´s the ultimate housewife. That´s right, marriage. Marriage´s on her mind.

But it is not in his, he´s young, uncertain, and has no idea what to do in the next few months, much less in the next few years. And Judy knows it, and she´s sure he won´t have to worry for that. She can take care of it. Advise him what to do, when to and maybe how to. She basically would like to take control of his life, although, she wouldn´t call it that way.

Griffin stood there for a second before he rang the bell. He was sure no car or person had followed him on his way there. The only one who would be busy getting things done for him at her place.

He noticed something, the door was huge. She´s ducked to make her way into his place more times than he can really remember. But here, at least the main door, it was tall enough to fit Judy. Maybe nine or nine and a half feet tall. And also, her place was big, not only tall.

Griffin could define himself as a middle-class man. A regular apartment, with some mild luxuries. But Judy´s place. It was big, fancy, luxurious even. She´s never mention this, but she seems to be either wealthy or from a wealthy family.

Even if there´s no plants on the front yard, which is mainly because all of her attention´s focused on Griffin and she´s got no time to take care of plants, there´s still some marble decorating the entrance. And the path seems to be covered in stone, polished, bright stone.

Now, he´s not the kind of guy who´ll compare to others, or to be attracted to someone only because of their money. But Judy must be stacked, economically speaking because it´s crystal clear her boobs are beyond big.

The truth is, she was, she´s learned to manage her money, invest it, and make more. And yes, her family´s wealthy, however, she takes care of her own. She knows the type of woman she is, and the kind of things she likes to do… or follow. Therefore, she´s looked for a way to make her money work for her while she works on some “personal” projects.

Of course, her last project is Griffin. Getting to know him, getting him to like her, marry him. Simple things a regular woman would do with a guy she likes. What´s outside of the conventional way is that she followed him and just happened to trick him to believe she´s a figure of safety. But those are just details. To her, everything´s fair in the game of love.

Finally, Griffin rang the bell, and within a minute, Judy had sprinted to it.

“GRIFFIN!!! HIIII!!!” She seemed kind of in a hurry. And she kind of was, she had some food on the oven, some pastry on the works and a ton of drinks she just recently purchased earlier.

She took things to another level. The first thing she did was to clean. Do her one-month´s laundry. Clean the whole place, the WHOLE house. Vacuum, mop, swipe, dust, spray, she did it all, once and again, in every room of the house. She was having a guest, and not any guest, THE guest.

After cleaning, she went to the store to buy some groceries. She wasn´t sure what type of drink he´d like, so she bought them all, soda, wine, a ton of different water types. She wanted to cover the whole thing, if he asked for something, she wanted to have it.

And then, she focused on the menu. He liked meat, so she made sure to buy some fancy stakes, and to make several sides for it. Mashed potatoes, pasta, vegetables, everything. It was a full course meal. A meal she just recently learned to prepare.

She hadn´t sleep, she spent her whole night looking at videos on how to cook what she thought would be Griffin´s ideal meal. She watched some tutorials, several of them, read some online recipes, made a few lists. Compare the comments from each video, looked for the ideal recipe. And when she was certain she got it, she saved it all on her phone.

She was busy, very busy. But her goal, he was worth it. Although, she forgot one minor detail.

“Hey, Judy… how´s it going…” she seemed happy, but her eyes were kind of red, and her clothes, she was covered with… food.

She spent her whole morning, and part of the evening so far, cooking and running errands. She didn´t have time to change herself into something nice, not even shower.

But that wasn´t bad. Yes, he noticed she was… basically in pajamas. But it was HER on HER pajamas.

Judy was big, so she didn´t mind cold. She slept in clothes that hit the border of what older women would call “decent”. She wore a tank top a tight one, and some short, very short, shorts.

What covered her body the most was her apron, fairly more than her tiny top. Her tank top was just so tight that it wrapped the contours of her round, heavy breasts just so tightly that he could easily spot her nipples on the sides of her apron.

She needed larger clothes, much larger, and that apron was not something custom made to fit her. Her skin-tight shorts were the biggest size there were, wrapped around the gargantuan woman´s thighs. Showing off more than enough for anyone to leer at her. Flesh, the smooth, creamy flesh of her long, thick legs, all at full display for him.

She was barefoot, however, the eight-foot-tall woman still stood over two feet taller than him. Giving him a nice view of the lusty figure she´s got.

Normally, when they were hanging out, she wore more, well simply more clothes. Larger, less revealing, however she didn´t realized until now that she didn´t took the time to change.

“OH!” she blinked, and just realized two things, she was revealing much more that she should, at least what she thought she should. And number two, he was looking at her, checking her out, and not only because she was taller.

She knew the type of looks someone gives you when they´re amazed, or can´t believe, how tall she was. But his, his eyes were not giving her that look, right now, he was looking at her by how sexy she was.

Judy knows it, she´s thick, large, fleshy. But she´s never used that to attract someone´s attention. But now, as she slowly moves to the sides, and sees his eyes are following her, she´s certain that she´s got his attention.

“Maybe… maybe this isn´t so bad…” she thought as an idea suddenly hit her mind. What if she allows him to look, allows him to fill his brain with lust during this evening. What if she seduces him? This way, with her shape and size, it would be much faster.

“Well, someone´s shy today, isn´t he?” she said as she turned her tone a bit sexier.

“I… I´m… hi.” He waved at her, realizing he had been staring at he tits for more than a minute.

“Hi, cutie.” She knew it, today, she´s in control.



Oooo yes I loved it. A better glimpse at exactly what flavor crazy Judy is. Creative moments in this chapter; I really liked it. Can’t wait for their evening together.


Yeah, she´s nuts... but in the romantic, maybe forced, kind of way. Glad you liked the chapter :D