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Chapter 14

Larry felt… good, but not in a way he felt comfortable with. He was sitting on his desk now, meditating about the last few days, and more about the last few hours. Yes, Violet seemed kind enough to give him a shoulder where to cry. But he didn´t had a need to cry.

The fact that he now appeared so vulnerable. It pissed him. Was that the image he gave to everyone? Violet, Nellie, even his boss? Everyone seemed so kind around him. Was it pity? Were they showing sympathy for him because he seems to be misfortunate?

“No, oh no, I´m not pathetic. I´m not needy. I´m… I´m still a man, strong enough to handle all of this. This and more!” He will not be beaten by this.

“You know, you should stop thinking people´s looking down to you. They´re just trying to help. That´s all.” Came Evangeline´s voice from his side.

“Don´t say that. You have no idea how bad it feels. It´s easy for you, I´m really sure you don´t have any problem like this. I mean, if you wanted, you could become a ten-foot angel, right?” he said as she approached.

“Well, not quite. I´m afraid I don´t have that type of control over my own self. I mean, I can change the clothes I wear, and display my wings at will. But my height, my “basic” form. That I can´t change.”

“What?” he seemed surprised.

“Haha. I´m meant to be 5´7”, whether I wear heels or not, that´s another thing. But just as those dolls you humans have, I can only change some things on myself. And believe me, I´m not even among the tall angels. Other people have really big angels on them.” Evangeline explained.

“What!? And… just out of curiosity, how tall… ehm, how tall are those other angels. Just… just so I can know.” He felt a bit shy for asking, but he thought of it as a very peculiar thing.

“Nine feet tall. The tallest angel in town is ten feet tall. But there´s others… besides me, the shortest angel here is 7´6”.”

“S-seven? So you… you´re like… short?” Larry asked.

“Amongst other angels… well, we could say so.”

“But… that doesn´t make you feel kind of… small? I mean, whenever you have like, I don´t know, angel meetings or… parties… you know what I mean, you can read my mind.”

“Lawrence. Height´s not what truly matters. I feel just as good as all Angels do. We don´t think of size, we don´t compare ourselves with each other. That´s something I´d like you to learn. Just as we don´t focus on physical image, or the way our souls are projected into reality. Try to think of it yourself.” She stood at the back of his chair and started massaging his shoulders, kindly.

“Just settle your mind and think about the good things that are happening to you. No one´s being mean because you´re smaller. Yes, there may be people looking at you because they know you´re “ill”, or that´s what they believe. But that´s just because what´s happening to you is out of their understanding. They can´t deny the curious nature they have towards the unknown. But believe me, it will help you if you tried to see the bright side of your situation.”

“It will help me if you stopped shrinking me. That will help. But what do you mean by bright side? This doesn´t have a bright side. I´m shorter, weaker, and soon I´ll be depending on someone to help me out with stuff.” He complaint.

“That´s only if you fail on your lessons and end up loosing inches. But trust me, there´s people who´d love to help you. And I think you already know that. Now, pay attention to the e-mail you´re about to receive.” Evangeline spoke.

“E-mail?” He turned at his computer and a notification appeared over the e-mail´s icon on his desktop.

Of course, she knew what will happen. She was an angel, her divine powers could include seeing the future, even partially. But she didn´t needed to do so to know he´ll be receiving an e-mail. She was aware of who send it and just timed herself with the time when it will be send and then arrive.

Evangeline was gone, gone after the little chat they had. She could tell Larry was thinking this through way too much. Excessively. He just needed to look around, notice what was actually happening. What people´s intentions truly were.

“Ok, let´s see… this e-mail is from… Mrs. Davis?” It was an invitation to the meeting she told him they will have. And it was today.

“Oh shit.” He declared. He was informed that he should be at her office after lunch. Right after.

Right on lunch time, Violet entered his office. Carrying a paper bag and a drink. A small sized drink.

Larry stood up and walked towards her. Was it for him? Who else´s? The drink seemed too small to be for her.

“Here you go.” She said, handing him the paper bag. “This is for you, a sandwich and some fries. And, here´s your drink. I wasn´t sure what to get you, but it´s a green juice. Full of nutrients.”

“Oh, thank you, Violet. I appreciate it.” He replied.

“You´re welcome.” She patted his head. Violet was over a foot taller than him now, the top of his head was right at the base of her neck. And his eyes were leveled with the upper side of her round breasts. Teasing him. He wanted to grab them so bad, but this wasn´t the time, the meeting he had didn´t allow him to go on.

“So… uhm, are you going to have lunch with me like… yesterday?” he asked, expecting a yes.

“Oh, sorry boss. But I have plans. I´ll have lunch with some other girls from the office. I hope you don´t mind.”

“Oh no, there´s no, no problem. Lunch time´s yours to do as you want. It´s… it´s ok, really.”

“Aww, no, you seem a bit sad. I´m sorry. I said I´ll make it up to you by being extra sweet. But I… I promised I´ll go. Hmm, what if you come with me? Would you like that?”

“No. I, it´s fine, trust me.” The last thing he wanted was to have those other women, whoever they were, asking questions. He was ok having lunch at his office.

“Are you sure, cause I can call and give them a heads up. They won´t mind.” Violet added.

“No, it´s ok. I don´t want to bother, really. I´ll be fine. Besides, I have a meeting with Mrs. Davis as soon as lunch´s over. I wouldn´t like to drag you all the way here because of me.” He explained.

“Ok, that sounds… about right. But I´ll make it up to you. I haven´t forgotten my promise. I´ll be super kind today. I´ll bring you a slice of pie.” She did promise that.

And just as she walked to the door, and crossed it, he looked at the bag and drink and wondered, who paid for this?

“Violet, violet, how much do I owe… you.” She was already gone. But he could ask her once she came back.

Larry was thinking, as he munched his sandwich, what will the meeting be about? She said before that it will be just the two of them. What could they talk about? Business? His performing during the last few days. Something else? What could that other thing be? Not like… emotions, right? He was bad at it.

Lunch time went by really fast. And so did the food Violet bring him. It was a simple sandwich and some fries, but how full he felt. He would´ve eaten two of those before. But now, it seems his stomach´s also smaller. And the drink didn´t stimulated his appetite at all. It was a nice gesture of hers to make sure to give him something healthy, but that drink tasted like soup, some soup he would never try.

He just took two sips of it, the second one was to confirm it tasted bad. He took the drink with him as he made his way to Mrs. Davis office, he wouldn´t like Violet to find out he just threw the whole thing away. He´ll get rid of the evidence.

Without actually noticing, because his mind started diving into what Mrs. Davis would talk about with him, he made his way to her office with the drink in hand.

He had forgotten but Lexie, his old assistant, she was now sitting on Violet´s old desk. Well, not old, just temporarily not hers.

He could tell Lexie, the petit woman, didn´t quite fill up the space as much as Violet´s large elegant form did. However, he had to remember Lexie was not so small anymore. At least not for him.

“Oh shit. I had forgotten about Lexie. She… she´s not taller than me, is she? I mean, she needed to wear heels to look average. Heh, how tall was she?” he had no idea.

“Lexie, hi.” He said as he stood right in front of her desk.

“Larry, hey, how´s it going?” She turned up to him. This job implied much more work than the one she put when working for Larry. And of course, there was no leaving early now, in fact, she had to stay an extra hour yesterday.

“Same old…” he said.

“I, well I´m glad you´re doing fine with all this… shrinking of yours. A lot of people are talking about it, you know. And there´s also a group chat that brings it up every now and then… but just, they´re just concerned. There´s no need for you to worry, hehe.” They shared a few pictures of him. It was amusing for some, and others made memes. But nothing too mean.

“Yeah. Well, it is hard. I can´t lie. But, you know, you just… have to focus on the bright side. I´m… still here. Giving my very best, heh.” He remembered some of Evangeline´s words.

“I´m glad… so…” she stood up. He could remember Lexie having some round, firm boobs, but now, they seemed bigger. Her whole self did.

Larry had no idea why she was standing. He had a little hope she wasn´t taller than him. But then he spotted her heels, two-inch ones. He knew he was doomed.

“Is that a green juice? I didn´t know you drink those.” She said, standing taller than him.

She couldn´t deny that she found it really surprising that she was now taller. But she chose not to say a word.

“Yeah… Violet got it for me. But that´s not really my thing, you know.” He admitted.

“You don´t like them?” she asked.

“I… no, it has a very weird taste. I was, don´t tell anyone but, I wanted to throw it away.”

“Haha, you don´t want amazon Violet to find out?” Only short people, well women, around the office called her that way. But Lexie couldn´t help it, she was a foot taller than her.

“Not really.” He said.

“I´ll take it. I mean, if you don´t want it, I can drink it.”

“For real? Ok, here you go.” He handed her the plastic glass.

“I don´t get it, they have a good taste. I mean, not at first, but after a few sips… it grows on you.” She put the straw in her mouth, deep down, not losing eye-contact with him. She was teasing him. Lexie knew this was temporary, that she´ll go back to work as his assistant, and the tease was a main part to cast her little spell on him.

“Oh, well… I gotta go. I´m just on time here, heh. I´ll see you when I come out.” He made his way in.

Lexie couldn´t deny it. The juice tasted good, to her taste of course. And it was a lot funnier to work for him. She had more free time. She could´ve drank the whole juice without having to worry about work. But now, she had some files that needed her attention. So she returned to work.

“Hi, Mrs. Davis, I´m here. Just as you requested.” He said

“Right on time!” Mrs. Davis declared as she turned her chair to look at him.

Larry couldn´t deny that she had some sort of mature charm. Her bright eyes, the glow on her hair. She sure took care of it. And she had some pretty big boobs too.

As she made her way to him, he could see how her bosom bounced. She was wearing a blouse that displayed her sensuous line of cleavage, right between her heavy breasts. He wondered how firm they were, for a woman her age, they looked good.

“Well, hello Lawrence, take a sit.” She pointed at the chair in front of her desk.

While he walked to the chair, Mrs. Davis took a chance to scan his body, from head to toes. He seemed shorter. Really, it would be easy to find him shorter, she´s already used to his 6´1” self, but now that he´s 5´1”, she can definitely tell the difference.

As he sat on the chair, she asked: “Tell me, how tall are you right now?”

“Oh, well, I´m 5´1”.” He felt quite ashamed of admitting it.

“I see…” she said, size him to the chair. He had been there a few times before; she could tell that he used to fill up more space in that chair.

Larry felt a little uncomfortable. She just stood there, nodding her head as she moved her eyes around him. Did he have something on him? Was there something on his head?

“So… uhm, what… what do you want to talk about? W-what´s like, the purpose of the meeting… with all due respect, of course.”

“Oh, sorry, I got distracted for a second. I called you here because… I´d like to check on you, how are you? How are you feeling? Do you have any difficulties developing your duties? Do you think you may need a break? Some vacations, maybe? Because if you need it, we can give you a permission, fully paid of course.” That didn´t sound bad. But he won´t take the easy way out.

“No, I, I´m doing fine, totally. I´m doing well, you know. The workload´s fine, and I find it, uhm, simple… the same to do my work. It´s… it´s all good, really.” He explained.

“I see, and what about coworkers? Does everyone still treat you the same? Or, is there any issue or matter you´d like to discuss?” She asked.

“Well, people´s… the same. I mean, everyone´s been treating me… no one´s been messing with me or making fun of my… condition, if that´s what you mean.” Of course, he left out the fact that Violet was utterly amused by it, but Mrs. Davis didn´t have to know about it.

“Ok. And what about you? Are you feeling good? Or maybe a little depressed? Stressed… maybe?” she bent forwards on her desk.

Larry could tell this meeting was about him. All of her questions were meant to check how he was doing, how he was feeling. If everything was ok, if some issue had appeared. He was the boss, on his own floor, there was an image he should keep, well at least he needed to maintain his posture as a leader.

In order to get work done, he must be at his 100%, working just as he always did. And stress, a decaying self-esteem, that could slow him down. Not to say he´ll be failing to complete the tasks he´s supposed to.

But that was not exactly Mrs. Davis´s idea for this meeting. Yes, she´s aware of the damages this could bring to the company. How he could lay back on work. But her true intentions were something else.

“You know, Lawrence, I may be your boss, but I´m not only your boss, I´m also a friend. I´d like it if you could come to me if, I don´t know, you need advice, help, or just someone to listen, ok?”

Now he´s completely sure everyone´s trying to help him, but why? He could tell that Mrs. Davis wanted to help him get his work done, and Violet just wanted to bring her wildest dreams to life through him. And maybe Nellie had some other things in mind… but those were just assumptions.

“I… thank you, Mrs. Davis, thank you for…”

“Oh, please, call me Rose.” She interrupted.

“Oh, uhm, ok… Rose. Thank you for, for everything, really. I´ll have in mind that thing of the vacations and… and I´ll give you a heads up if I´m struggling with anything. But I´m sure Violet will be of great help. So there won´t be, hopefully, any issues delivering everything on time.”

“Yes, Violet´s a great assistant. I bet she´s even getting you lunch to your office, isn´t she? That girl´s just so nice…” she wouldn´t admit she was the one who actually paid for his lunch of today, and probably will on tomorrow´s… and the day after… and so on.

Mrs. Davis, or Rose, had a certain interest in him. But she´ll tell him later on, when he´s “ready”.

“Ok then, I… if that was it, I think I can get back to my office and, you know, get all that work done.” He said confidently as he stood up from his chair.

“I bet you will. But before you go, why don´t you come here…” she said as she stood up.

While he was standing, he could look down to her. But now, she was standing. Why?

As her head rose higher, and higher, he found himself looking up to her. She was taller than him, just as tall as Evangeline actually, but she always wore heels to give herself a more business-like look. To boost up her image. Which also made her much taller. Today, she had three-inch heels on, which made her 5´10”.

Larry was looking at her, as she stood nine-inches taller than him. He couldn´t deny that he felt nervous. But her next words made him feel even more nervous.

“Come here…” she said with her gentle voice.

He walked to her, and with every step, she just looked taller. Step by step, he approached to her, wondering how close was close enough.

“Come closer, come on, I´m not going to bite you.” She stepped forward and just extended her long arms to him.

She didn´t even advise him this was going to happen. She just stretched her arms and pulled him in, for a hug. It was so sudden, so fast, and it felt so awkward.

She was now an enormous woman to him. She wasn´t skinny, or rather slim. She had the body and shape of a mature woman, he had never stared at her butt, but she was stacked. Her huge breasts were pushing him right above his own chest.

She just seemed huge, and her hug was tight, strong, warm even. She just rubbed his back with one of her hands, and as she was making him feel smaller, in comparison to her, she finally spoke.

“I just thought about giving you a hug because, well, hugs actually make you feel calm. Settle your mind, Larry, I know you´re not feeling so good about this whole thing. Violet told me.” She betrayed him… well not exactly.

“She told me you´ve been feeling kind of down about this. And I understand it, I totally do. This must not be easy for you. And I´d like you to know that you´re not alone. You can count on me, you can always come, my office´s doors will always be open in case you need anything, an advice, if you do need some vacations… or maybe, and it´s fine if you do, maybe another hug. It´s fine by me.” She was hugging him so tight, so kindly, he felt wrapped in her love, her love?

What was going on right now?

When she finally let him go, things just got a bit more awkward.

“You can get back to your office, unless you´d like to go home by now?” she asked. What´s with her trying to send him home?

“I´m ok… I can go and get busy on my office…”

“Such a responsible man, that´s what I like about you…” she then pinched his cheek gently, with her thumb and index finger. Her amused look.

Larry just wondered what was going on here? Right before he left, Mrs. Davis told him they´ll meet next week, same hour. She´ll send him a heads up. And apparently, now it would be kind of every week thing to meet her after lunch.

As he left, she just sat on her chair and told to herself. “He´s so cute, but still too big. I wonder, when will I be capable of pampering just as I would like to. Hmmm, poor thing, he must be suffering with this whole shrinking. But not all of that´s bad. Maybe I can make him feel better, safe, looked after. How cute would it be if I could just carry him around…”



Oh my gosh that last paragraph - I can’t wait! This story started slow for me but I’m now hooked. The way you describe the women starting to circle around him is just fantastic. I hope he gets snalll enough to be carried, too. That’d teach him a lesson :)


Thank you, and yeah, it´s quite slowish... but I´m working on that.