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I did a little something for the chapter that I had planned a while ago. There´s a small chat between some particular people here. I hope you like that part.

Chapter 12

Larry wasn´t having the time of his life. Yes, Violet seemed sexier now, her legs were apparently longer, but being shorter wasn´t worth leering at her. If he was one of those men who liked taller women, then yes, he´d be in heaven. Where each passing day he´s among taller women. Any woman could be taller; but this wasn´t what he fantasized on.

If he was, then he´d go against anything Evangeline said, just to see women towering above him. But that also implied men towering above him. Anyone, anything. However, if that was the case, this would be more like a blessing than a chastise.

“Relax, you´re still over five feet tall… barely. He was just a forehead above the five-foot mark, which wasn´t exactly too much at this point.

Larry started working, following the list of things Violet had already e-mailed him to do. His to do list from today was better than yesterdays. For sure, she had learnt how much was enough. And it was easy, she just had to check what he didn´t finish, add it on today´s schedule and add the difference in work load of what he finished during the previous day.

However, it seems that it is him who´s following her orders. But she was the assistant, not him. Besides, if he needed any help, he could reach out to her. Which remind him, that´s what Nellie, the new girl next door, said yesterday. Larry wondered, friend or foe. He was yet to find out.

After a long time working, which actually felt longer than it really was, he took a small break. His watch said it was just a quarter after eleven, which means, he´s been working for a bit more than two hours. But things were not as easy as they used to be.

His work didn´t implied carrying heavy stuff, then he would really have had a hard time doing so; or even being fired already. But his business, computer centered job made things a tat easier. Still, he had to adjust his chair, higher now. And he also had to pull the keyboard of his computer closer to the edge of the desk. His limbs were shorter, and his head wasn´t rising as tall as it once did.

“I wonder if Evangeline can help with this too, I mean, she helped me with my clothes… how about furniture too. Or even, how about making me look as if I had always been this size? Like, the only one aware of my issues its… me! I´m the one who´s being punished, right?” He thought, but where´s the humiliation in that? If anyone was used to him being the height he “supposedly” has always been, then who´d point things out? He was being punished, not negotiating.

“Excuse me…” came Violet´s voice from the door.

“Hey, come in.” Said Larry, smiling at the tall lady at the door. Her long, sexy legs taking long strides as she walked to his desk. Her firm, sensuous hips swaying with her every step. She was a muse; but more than that, she was now an amazon.

She stood at 6´2”, maybe half an inch taller because of the flats she was wearing, however, to him, she was way bigger than that.

Larry couldn´t get used to the shrinking from one second to the other, not even in a day. And his height was not the same during one day. So far, he hasn´t been the same size for twenty-four hours straight. He may still feel as a 6´1” guy whose world is growing, expanding around him.

But if that was the case, then Violet would be a seven-foot-tall woman. Which clearly qualifies as an amazon. However, while sitting on his desk, she seemed even taller.

“W-what can I do for you?” he asked.

“Well, I should be the one making that type of question…” she said, stepping closer to his desk.

Violet´s breasts were not huge, proportionally speaking. She had a nice pair of tits, which lightly bounced as she walked. However, to a shrinking man like him, they seemed bigger than ever. He couldn´t help but to ogle a little; which was allowed by Evangeline, of course.

“You know, Larry, I think, well, I´m your assistant and all, but… don´t you think a little guy like you should be the one assisting me?” she asked, stepping way closer. In fact, she passed by the chairs in front of his desk and decided to sit right above it.

She was sitting on his right corner of the desk, accommodating that thick ass of hers and putting one of her thick, firm thighs on top of the other. Making sure to have him looking at the bare skin under her skirt. Larry swallowed, of course he did.

Violet was just too sexy, and really imposing. She didn´t even had to say a word to get his heart going. And now, her sexy pose, her sexy legs, they were doing a number on him. His member was getting a bit harder below the desk.

“You… you think so?” from where was all this coming from? Was she suddenly interested in reaching a higher position? Becoming one of the floor´s heads instead of the assistant of the main boss? Of course, being the assistant of someone in a lower position, it could be considered as a demotion. But, did she care about that? And what´s more, why pointing it out just now?

“Oh, I´m sure…” her voice got sexier, and even a bit deeper. “Don´t you think a BIG woman like me it´s more suited to this than a short guy like you? I mean, I don´t have to adjust my sit to reach… although, I could be lying on that one, you see, sometimes, I have to lower my sit…” she bent over a little, coming closer to him now.

“L-lower?” He was hypnotized by her, she was looming so high above him, plus, he was curious about what was going on right now.

“Yes, just as I´m doing it right now… lowering myself to come closer to you, and we can´t say that´s because you´re sitting there. If we were both standing, you´ll still be far below my eye level. Looking straight at my tits.” Was that… dirty talk?

Larry was not aware of what was going on now. Was she asking for a promotion, complaining, or just… teasing him?

“Tell me, how tall are you?” She asked.

“Well, I´m… right now I´m standing at… five-foot-three.” He replied.

“Wow, 5´3”, that´s quite short. You see, I think this is a job for big people, like myself. Don´t you agree I´m a little better suited for the job? Hmm? I´m more like a boss figure than you, ain´t I?” domain, she was letting him know who seemed more as the alpha.

“I… well, size doesn´t really, uhm, matter, don´t you think?”

“Oh, but it does. Besides, we can´t say you´re one to talk. You used to be 6´1”, that´s more suitable for the job. You know, it´s a fact that taller people are chosen for higher positions on a company? Were you aware of that?” now she was stating facts.

“B-but I… I used to be tall, you remember, don´t you?”

“I do, I really do, the thing is, so far, you´ve lost ten inches, ten whole inches. And you haven´t stop, have you? This decease of yours, it´s… it´s going to continue. Who knows hos far you´ll get before everyone stops looking up to you. In fact, I think most of the people around are already looking down at you, literally…” she smiled, mischievously.

“I… I think this conversation isn´t working, Violet. W-why did you came here?” He was very confused about what was going on, why was she saying all that. Those facts did hurt.

For a second, Larry thought that Violet could be Evangeline, wearing Violet´s appearance over hers. Saying mean stuff, acting… harsh. He turned back, looking at Violet´s desk behind the glass, the spot was empty. Which means, this Violet is the actual Violet. Besides, he can´t be sure Evangeline´s capable of something like that.

“Now…” said Violet, but just as she was about to speak, his desk´s phone rang.

*ring* *ring*

She was interrupted, and Larry´s attention was taken somewhere else. But she didn´t want that, right now, she needed his full attention.

Just as his hand was about to reach for the phone, she stopped him. But not with her hand, but with her voice, she commanded him to stop.

“Hold on!” Came her voice.

Larry stopped, doing just as she said. Then, he turned back up at the colossal woman sitting on his desk.

“Let it ring, Larry, let it ring…” why? Why didn´t she wanted him to answer? Besides, why was he listening. He knew he had to answer, it could be something important. But he chose not to. He chose to follow her orders instead. He wasn´t sure the reasons she had for it, but he followed them.

After a minute, the phone stopped ringing. And in Violet´s face, a big grin was drawn. He did exactly as she said, good.

“See? You didn´t answer, wanna know why?” she asked.

“Because… you told me not to?” he replied.

“Exactly. You didn´t answer because I commanded you. YOU were following MY orders. Now, don´t you agree that it´s easier for the smaller one to follow the bigger one´s orders?” She was making a point. Her point. She was bigger, more like a boss, but why did she had to say so?

“Hmm? Tell me, don´t you agree with me? Don´t you agree with the BIG lady´s opinion. Because that´s the truth. Besides, one of these days you may end up working for me. You know, once you get smaller. Perhaps, you could be my five-foot assistant. OR, my four foot one. Even a three foot one. Wouldn´t that be amazing! YOU, working as the assistant of a woman TWICE your size? Try to picture it…”

He didn´t really wanted to. But he couldn´t help it. He knew that sooner or later, the five-foot mark will be far taller than him. But four-foot? Three? He wouldn´t get that short, would he? Violet´s words were now stunning him. Stinging him right in the chest. Mangling his pride.

“V-Violet, why… why are you saying this?” he finally asked.

“Why?” she bent, and stood just a few inches from him. “Because that´s what´s gonna happen…” Her face seemed serious; a bit severe even.

“Y-you think so…” he turned away.

“I´m sure, why? What do you think about it?”

“I… I think that´s mean…” he felt sad, down. He thought their relationship as coworkers could change, but if this was the change, then it was for worse.

“Mean? As in… you don´t like it?” her tone changed a little.

“No, I really don´t.” he replied.

“S… I´m sorry. I didn´t want to be mean, I just… I just wanted to tease you a bit, you know, since… ugh, I´m such an idiot. Larry, I´m sorry.” An apologize, she was apologizing?

“S-sorry?” he asked, turning back at her, her face seemed… actually ashamed.

“I thought you liked it. Remember, the little tease from earlier. When I said I was taller, and my butt much bigger. I thought, ugh, why do I have to ruin things by taking them so far. Listen, I just put some ideas together back on my desk and then… after a little practice, I came here. You know, working as your assistant is not that demanding, so I thought we could have a little fun, you know… but I guess… I guess I went too far, didn´t I?” so it was all made up?

She was kinky, very much. And she liked to fantasize about size stuff. Humiliation, teasing, comparisons, she was really into that stuff. But, she´s the type of person who goes all in without saying so. Just now, she forgot to mention this was all… made up. Else, he would´ve tried to comply, play his part instead of worrying about what was going on with her. But she thought it would be funnier if he wasn´t aware of what was happening. However, what she said was in fact mean.

“Listen, I… you´re not stupid, don´t feel bad, but… those words, are they… true?” If they were, then he won´t have such an easy time with her.

“No, it was just an idea. I have lots of them… but, if you allow me, I can think of more, and much sweeter ways to… play. Would you like that?”

“As in…?”

“You know…” she leaned closer, and with a sexy grin, she said: “We can have some breaks between work, and have some fun. The next time, I can give you a better look at my… assets…” she squeezed one of her tits while she said so.

“I think… uhm, if you don´t mind, I think that´s… fine.” A chance to grab her ass, her tits? That´s a huge chance he can´t waste.

“Super! I´ll think about it, you know, tomorrow can be a better one…” she winked and stood up.

Larry ogled her ass while she left his office. She wasn´t wrong, she seemed bigger, her thighs seemed thicker and wider. Her long legs quaked a little as she walked. Her soft, tense muscles bounced at his display. Was it just for him?

“Ufff… that was… hard.” Sweet at the end, yet, all she said wasn´t necessarily made up. It could be his fate, upcoming things for him. But in the end, just words. But the power they carried, they seemed vivid.

“Well, that wasn´t very nice from her, was it?” Came Evangeline´s voice, but from the left corner of his desk.

“OH! I mean… hi there…” came his voice. He wasn´t used to Evangeline´s sudden appearances, much less when he´s leering at someone.

“Hi there…” she waved at him, moving her fingers. She was smiling, but he knew that her smile didn´t necessarily meant something good. Why would she come if it wasn´t for something bad? To take something from him.

“I think your new assistant´s… not very good at flirting, but you shouldn´t be too hard on her. She´s allowing you to know her true, personal fantasies. If you ask me, she´s opening herself to you, besides, that could´ve been much worse.”

“Yeah… maybe. So, what brings you here?” he asked, leaning forward.

“Wow, so eager to kick me out, haha. However, we both know what I came here for…” she snapped her fingers.

Just like that, the weird creeping feeling ran through his spine. Even while sitting, he could tell his sight had descended. A little, barely noticeable. But he noticed because it was something he was waiting for.

Now, he was sure that he´ll be paranoic every time he hears fingers snapping. The shrinking, after hearing the sound of Evangeline´s thin, and now long looking fingers. That sound will remain inside his mind forever.

“W-what was that for?!” he protested. He shouldn´t be punished, Violet had clearly sort of, even if it was fake, bullied him.

“The phone, you let the phone rang.” Evangeline explained.

“What? The phone? So what? I missed a call, so?”

“So? Did you even check who it was? No. Were you thinking about calling back? I know, you weren´t.” It´s hard to lie to an angel when she can literally read your mind. She´s a step ahead, or two, even the whole way.

“But… but missing a call, what does that have to do with… with this?” he asked.

“Lawrence, you missed one phone call, but not any phone call. You missed a phone call from someone who was trying to reach out, someone that may need you at the moment. And this time, you decided to be unavailable. Even though you could´ve just picked up.” She explained.

“But… but Violet told me not to. She, she basically ordered me not to.” He had to counter argument.

“She was just playing, she didn´t meant it.”

“But… did you see her? She was…” he wanted to say imposing, scary even. He wouldn´t dare go against someone that big. Although, he won´t admit it, at least not out loud. Lucky him, she already knows it.

“She was just testing you, she wouldn´t dare harm you. Besides, have you seen the spot where she was? Come on, get up and check.

He did as she said. Nowadays, he was listening to whatever anyone said, and doing as told without even thinking. Was it good?

He got up and set his gaze directly at the spot from which Violet got up. To his surprise, there was a print of her butt. He could see the whole silhouette of her ass. Both cheeks and a dark crack in the middle. A little sweaty even, he couldn´t believe it. And the thing was still there, why?

“You can tell that, what´s the word? Oh right, she was hot. That little chat she had with you, she was excited, and aroused. Now, don´t think she´s the sweaty type, but all of the excitement and nervousness combined, that led to the stain that´s still over your desk.” Evangeline was telling the truth, that´s for sure.

And what was also true, was the fact that his new assistant got horny by size comparisons. Or, in this case, size tease. Stablishing a fake domain, being the big one, ordering the small one. All of those could be possible scenarios for his near future. Tomorrow, there will be more, hopefully, it will be something nice. But what can he expect from Violet? No clue.

“Very well, I´ll leave you alone. I just took an inch, but now, you may want to call back… bye.” And she was gone.

Who called him? Why? Wasn´t Violet supposed to receive those calls before? Unless, they called directly to his desk. Which only can be done by someone of equally or higher level.

Larry was concerned. Much more having in mind that Evangeline could come back if he didn´t. That will cost him some more inches. Two this time. He really hated the “For every repeated mistake, an inch gets added to the punishment.” Long name, but it explained everything.

Now, this mistake can fall on not being there for someone who needs you. But who may need him? Was Evangeline aware of the necessities of the company? Aware of what it may cost them if he didn´t answered that call? Or was someone getting fired because of him? If this was for someone´s sake or safety, then he could see why it mattered, however, the number on the machine led to some other ideas.

“Mrs… Davis? She called? Directly from her desks phone?” He was surprised, yet, there were too many questions.

He called back, losing no time. But the doubt remained. Why did she call? She could´ve called Violet, or sent her a message so that she could let him know. But she didn´t.

The phone rang, but not for too long. She answered fast. Suspiciously fast. But he was just too paranoic at the time. He can blame it on the shrinking.

“Lawrence, hi! How are you feeling?” An immediate, yet acceptable greeting.

“I´m… fine, how about you, how are you, ma´am?” He had to be attentive.

“Oh, thanks for asking. I´m doing well. But that´s not the matter here, you, honey, how are you? Have you been feeling, ok? Violet told me you… you had another… incident. Is that so?” She was concerned.

“Yeah, it… it happened again. I´m feeling ok, definitely. I feel as good as ever, but…”

“How tall are you now?” That was quick.

“Oh, I´m…” he had to make very little math, 5´3” minus an inch, that´s… “I´m 5´2”

Having to subtract inches from his height, continuously, that was really bad for the self-esteem.

“Oh, that doesn´t sound so good. Are you ok with the amount of work you´re doing? I mean, Violet´s not giving you too much trouble, is she? Because if she´s overloading you with work, I can call her.” That sounded sweet, actually.

“No, no, not at all. She´s… giving me just the right amount of work. You know, we´re new working with each other, so we´ll have to get used to it, but that shouldn´t take more than a couple days…” he for sure left aside the whole teasing sessions they´d be having.

“Very well, still, I´d like to have a li… a chat with you.” She didn´t want to say things like little, small, tiny. She wasn´t sure if that could upset him or make him sad. “I´d like to schedule a… let´s not call it meeting, but I´d like for both of us to have a talk at my office. I´ll make some space for you during this week. I´ll let Violet know the date, does that sound good?”

“Yes, that´s cool. I mean, I agree.”

“Relax, we don´t have to keep such a formal jargon. It´s just a casual meeting. It´s mostly to talk about yourself, how you´re doing with your… condition. Ok?”

“Ok, sounds good. Just, let me know and I´ll meet you upstairs.”

“Sure will. See you later. Bye.” They hung up.

Larry had really no idea why there seemed to be a need for that meeting. However, he didn´t mind. Less time working and the chance to reduce work load. That seemed nice. But he will only take it if he needs it. Having in mind that possibly all of his actions may have a consequence, he may need the help.

Now, the boss wanted to meet him, someday this week. And, Violet had in mind something for tomorrow. In fact, she said she had a lot of ideas, would that imply that there´ll be something different every day of the week? And just once or… more times? Things were getting kind of… different at the office. Interesting even.

Besides, waiting for him at home, well not his home, but next door. A new girl, Nellie, that was another person to deal with. Was she really the nice type? Or a sexy maniac like her aunt? Only time will tell, by now, he still had some more hours left at work.


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