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Newest chapter to this new long term. How is it? Are you liking it so far? I know this is the very beginning, and that this si a slow term... size change story? I mean, it´s been stablished that there´s two types of height changes on the story, however, I think you´ll like what´s going on with the current chapter.

Hopefully, I can deliver chapter 4 on this same month, else... well I´ll at least drop the third... and probably last until next year, long term story. That´s right, "Odd Couple" won the third place. 

Still, I´m thinking about keeping the name or shanging it for something else... idk. But I can tell you, if you voted for it, stay put, cause this story will get her within the next few weeks.

Now, back to this story, enjoy :D

Chapter 3

Leslie walked into the living room, as always, at least now, the aroma of the place was sweeter. Carol had taken care of removing the smell on his place and replace it with the fresh scent of air fresher. The place smelled clean, welcoming, however, Kevin didn´t allowed Carol to choose the aroma, he was the one to decide.

Leslie had to give it to her, she did maintain the place clean. Now, she could spot his boyfriend laying on a clean couch, over a clean floor. Simply watching his phone´s screen.

“Missed me?” she said as she came closer.

“Hey, there you are…” he rose from the couch, got up and kissed her tenderly. Making sure to touch her ass in the process. She was used to it by now, she wasn´t a fan of it, but she allowed it because of a particular reason.

“How are you, my lover.” Kevin spoke.

“I´m fine, my charming prince…” they made out once more.

After a little chat, and a bit over touchy kissing, the real deal came out. Leslie asked him, casually, for a little something.

“So… Kevin, by any chance… has it arrived?” she asked, pretending she wasn´t excited to receive that little gift from him.

One of the reasons why Leslie was “deeply” in love with Kevin was his money. She knew he didn´t produce the money, didn´t earn it on a job or anything, but as long as his mother had him covered, the gifts will never be missed.

“What do you mean?” He asked, pretending not to know.

“Oh, you know, that cute ring we saw the other day… online. The one you ordered for me, the one with the stone that matched my eyes…” she blinked at him, leaning closer too.

“OH! That thing? Yeah, it´s upstairs in my room…” he wasn´t giving it much importance. Pretending.

“It´s HERE! I mean… already? How fast…” she was trying to hide it wasn´t the only reason why she came by.

“Yes, it´s here. Remember we paid a little extra for the fast delivery… well I did.” Well, his mother did.

Not wanting to lose any more time, Leslie almost pulled him over to his room. He plaid hard to get, he knew she was always excited about this kind of things. And that it could drag her attention off of him. He knew she was kind of… materialistic, but he didn´t mind. It´s not as if he was planning on marrying her.

To Kevin, there´s a lot of fish on this vast ocean. Leslie was just one that caught his eye. He knew this relationship wasn´t for the long term, maybe until he´s free of his sentence. A bit more, not to make it seem he was with her just because he was arrested at his house. However, when the time comes, he´ll be a single man again, free to flirt with any woman he pleases.

And about the money? It didn´t matter how much he spent on her fancy gifts, he never paid for it. He used mommy´s credit card. The cost was her problem, but not a real deal, he knew she had plenty of money. Besides, it´s not as if he charged a ton of money every month. He knew how much to spend; besides, he spent way more on stuff for him than on things for Leslie.

“OH. MY… It´s perfect!” Leslie jumped in a chipper way as he showed her the tiny velvet box with the ring.

“I know, but… I think your eyes are still brighter than it…” He was not trying to be romantic.

“You think so?” She asked.

“I´m sure. Still, we should see how it looks in your hand…” He took the ring out and placed it on her finger. He put it in in a delicate, slow romantic way, making eye contact with her, putting his Romeo eyes.

She totally fell for it.

It didn´t took long before they hooked up. They were kissing passionately over the mattress. Wet, hard and with a lot of tongue. Once both stripped that´s when things became louder.

“Oh my… when are they going to learn to close the door?” Said Carol downstairs, she could listen to what they were doing, and her only option was to put some music.

Kevin was on top, putting his left hand on her breast, sensing her tit, kneading her soft breast with his hand. Kissing her passionately, lusty, dirty. He had been waiting for this all day. He knew she had been waiting all week for this ring to arrive, and once it got here, he´ll have his special “thanks” just as always.

Kevin kissed her, deeply, a bit more tenderly now as he inserted his dick on her. He could feel the wet lips of her pussy surrounding his hardened member as he pushed it in. He loved that feeling, but, now there was something else going on.

This other feeling, he was having. Drawing all of his attention. He felt as if he had some settling on his stomach, but with some grumbling too. He felt odd, light, for a second he lost his strength and just stood there, feeling kind of numb all over.

Leslie noticed he stood still for a moment, but she took this as a chance to change places. Now she wanted to be on top.

She pulled him and rolled over while he could feel her soft thighs around his. He didn´t care that her smaller frame pulled him down. She liked it when she got a tat rough. Now, she wanted some control, and he´ll play it cool. He smiled at her, but the feeling wasn´t gone.

For a second, his vision blurred. Everything turned dark for a second. Did he blink? Can someone not feel when their eyes are blinking? Was he tired maybe? That couldn´t be, he went to bed by 1:00 am, an hour earlier than the day before.

He didn´t care, the feeling was gone. He thought it was gas maybe. Then, Leslie pressed harder, applying more strength over him, pinning him down. His member sank deeper on her pussy. He smiled at her before he moved his hands to a further region, her ass.

He slapped her butt as his hands landed on her cheeks, he liked the firmness of her flesh. A butt so tight. He squeezed it, just like he did with her tits, and for a moment, he had a strange thought. Was her butt… bigger?

Her ass seemed bigger, rounder. He knew, what he thought was perfectly, the size of her butt, how it felt on her hands. And this, this was a new sensation. Her butt seemed more substantial, he didn´t mind, of course, a bigger butt was much hotter to him.

“Well, it seem´s someone´s putting on weight…” He thought to himself, “Or maybe hitting harder on the gym… perhaps she´s bulking…” he focused his kind on something else, sex.

During a while, they were both fondling over the mattress. She was bouncing over him, her tits bouncing while he rested below her, allowing her to do all the job. He deserved a break from time to time, the other day he was the one who did everything, now it may as well be her turn.

At the very end, he felt tired. Something odd, but still, it could happen. Leslie landed on the spot next to him as they both were breathing heavily. Ecstatic. Nothing like good evening sex to elevate the feeling.

But for some reason, he was tired. He caught his breath, after her, much after. His face was still red by the hotness and effort he made. But now, he felt as if he wanted to rest, as in, sleep.

“What? No second round?” asked Leslie.

“No, not today, I… I feel weird…” he admitted.

“Weird? As in…?” she asked.

“I don´t know, just… weird, ok? It´s not the end of the world…” He was a little annoyed by her question.

“Ok, if you say so…”

Leslie just got up from bed, put her clothes on and turned at her new ring. She loved it.

“So, are you gonna get changed or… is the maid already used to watching you naked?” she chuckled.

“Very funny…” she didn´t know about his early “interaction” with her. More precisely, his hand and her ass.

“Ok, but, are you going to get up or…”

“Nah, I think… I think I´ll rest here, you know, for a little while…”

“Seriously, you got tired? Mr. Icandothisallday got tired? Wow. Fine, but if you´re not getting up, I´ll get going, I have to get some shoes to match my new ring…”

“Yeah, sure. Just… can you close the door when you leave, thank you…” Their relationship fitted more into lovers than as a couple, however, it seemed to work for them. Neither of them was really interested in what the other was doing, they never exchanged much about their lives. But so far so good. She was hot, he was good looking. She had nice boobs and he had money. A win-win relationship for both.

Carol was trying to focus all of her attention in her songs. Her most noisy playlist. But then, she noticed Leslie coming downstairs. So, she turned off the music. There was no need to cover any unpleasant sounds any more.

“Hey, leaving so early?” Carol asked.

“Oh…” She turned at Carol, Leslie was looking at her ring once more. Then, she was distracted by the one she called maid. “yeah, sure, I´ll get going.” She said in a not so friendly way, sounding a bit annoyed to be honest.

Leslie had no idea why she was asking, and neither did Carol. Carol had the need to make small talk, well not a need, but she liked to. She was naturally friendly. Something Leslie didn´t shared.

The blond woman just left. Meanwhile, Carol was wondering, where´s Kevin? Usually, and she didn´t like the fact that she already knew their “habits” so well, whenever they had sex, both came out of the room, chatted a bit more. Some after sex kissing and then, she´ll leave. Maybe after a meal. But now, Kevin was still upstairs.

“He´s… he´s ok, right?” Carol was worried. What if those pills were too much? If anything had happened, Leslie would´ve said something, right? She wasn´t as heartless as she seemed, right?

Carol was worried, concerned. Alarmed. If something had happened to him, then she was the one to blame. So, she did the only thing her mind advise her to, check on him.

Carol went upstairs, quiet, uneasy. A look of guilt on her face. But when she got upstairs, she witnessed his body, lying in bed, sleeping.

“Well, he´s fine…” he was snoring. Naked, but the sheets covered his member quite perfectly. She could only see his bare torso and one of his legs. “I´m just gonna turn the light´s off and get going…”

He was ok, alive, breathing. Now, her main question was, had it worked? Leslie didn´t screamed because he shrank, right? She wasn´t sure, she couldn´t listen because of the loud music she played. But it was them who had the fault, no one likes to listen to people having sex upstairs, at least not Carol.

Besides, she would´ve seemed a bit more concerned when she went down the stairs. However, you can´t really tell how tall someone is while they´re laying in bed. But, if she´d been more aware, she would´ve been able to tell that his feet are a bit higher in bed.

She went downstairs, but the guilt wasn´t totally gone. He was asleep, right? He didn´t passed out in bed, right? She needed answers, she had no idea how it worked, she shover four pills in, when she knew it was just one every two days. She had to call someone. Mr. B.

She didn’t exactly call; she sent a message. And to her surprise, she received a quick response. And a very friendly one. If she knew he wasn´t some sort of dealer, she would´ve believed this was just a normal chat with a random man who worked on a regular store. However, she received the exact answer she was expecting.

Yes, he pointed out that it was also included on the flier he gave her. However, he didn´t minded answering her question. He´ll be fine. Just tired, but fine. Giving him four pills is a little excessive, but fine. A man his size can handle it. But that should not be done so often, if he shrinks, then the effect will be bigger. Maybe he won´t shrink as much as the first time, but he´ll certainly fall asleep right after, maybe really pass out this time.

However, she wasn´t sure if it worked. He was asleep, yes. She gave him four pills, yes. He drank them all up, yes. But, how bad was the damage? How many inches had he lost? If he did lose any. She must know.

Carol was waiting on the living room, she would´ve loved to say she waited patiently, but she didn´t. She waited for him to have lunch, he didn´t showed up, so she ate by herself. Then, she went upstairs to check, nothing. Then, she got busy, thinking that time will pass by faster if she was busy, but it´s hard not to think on someone when you´re clearly inside his place. However, she decided to take a sit on the couch.

She had been sitting there during a really long time now, she thought he´ll come downstairs at any minute, but he didn´t. Half an hour went by, then an hour. By the time she realized, it was 4:00 pm already. Really close to the end of her shift. If it can be called as such.

“Should I go check again? No, Carol, you already went upstairs like three times… still, should I?” she was worried something wrong had happened to him. Was he still breathing? What if she just…

But then, she heard his yawning. He was alive and kicking; well, walking.

Carol turned, and there he was, coming down the stairs. She was trying to measure him with her eyes, but she wasn´t sure. He seemed… kind of the same. But Mr. B said he´ll lose some inches, not a whole foot.

Those pills were not intended to have fast results, that could be really dangerous. This was supposed to have a slow, yet exciting, effect. Yes, the one who knew had to be patient, but the victim, he won´t be aware of it until it is too late.

“Carol… I´m hungry.” He declared as he stood at the bottom of the steps.

“Well, no apologies about earlier, he´s still a douche, so his personality is not affected by the pills. Wouldn´t it had been easier if she found some pills to change his way of being? But these pills were more exciting.

For some reason, she wanted to know, to know if it worked. She had a sense of thrill inside her. Had his punishment already begun? Was she the one in control now? She wasn´t the kind of people who´ll abuse their power, but she didn´t mind having the upper hand.

“Well, someone´s sleepy today…” she said as she stood up and started walking towards him. She wanted to know, was he still taller than her? Could she expect that type of results?

She was 5´4” and he was 6´1”, to be taller, he should´ve lost at least nine inches, and that just to make them even, but since he´s mostly barefoot and she´s wearing sports shoes, she could be taller by an inch. However, it didn´t seem the case.

Carol stepped closer, her smile mildly vanished as she realized he was still taller than her, but, he wasn´t that tall anymore. She was standing really close now, and she could tell two things, the proximity felt odd and… he was shorter.

When looking straight at him, back then, her eyes would´ve been leveled with his Adam´s apple. But now, she was looking straight to his chin. She couldn´t celebrate just now, but it worked.

Kevin was confused. Was she trying to make a move. Could he get laid with two women on the same day? He was too careless and too selfish. That´s literally cheating on Leslie, but he didn´t seem to mind.

“Say, are you having second thoughts on my offer? Or do I have something in my face?” He bragged.

“Ugh, there´s definitely something in your face, cause I´m NOT interested in you.” She declared and turned away, annoyed.

“Pff, whatever…” he thought of himself as an irresistible stud, but he wasn´t. He may be fit, and mildly good looking, but his personality was definitely not Carol´s type, besides, that would be against her working ethics. And he had a girlfriend. There were a ton of reasons not to do so, but he just never thought on it.

“Here´s you dinner.” Carol said, placing his plate in front of him, resentful, yet, she was trying to size him, compare him with all of the furniture. His chair, how high his chest rose over the table.

“Thanks… but, I think this is more like lunch, remember I had a late breakfast.” He declared, smiling at her. Which she found annoying.

“You always have your breakfast late, you wake up like at noon…”

“You know me so well…” with that said, she just left.

Back in the kitchen, it was time for her to celebrate.

“It worked… it WORKED!!!” She was thrilled, beyond thrilled, she was ecstatic.

But how short was he? He seemed… shorter, yes, but by how much. She was advised this won´t be kind of a standard, the pills worked on a different way depending on the person who takes them. Still, she needed to know. Was there any way to measure him, without making things awkward?

But he always made things awkward. She´ll have to think of it later, for now, it was time to mentalize her victory. Yes, she shrank a man without having his consent, but he deserved it. Now he´ll really know how it feels to be vulnerable. She didn´t appreciated being touched by him. He was bigger, taller, she felt so awful.

And now, this will be his chance to show him how it is. Plus, he´ll take her more seriously if she´s taller. Bigger. But, there´s something else. He may shrink, yes, but she also has the chance to grow.

“Should I…?” she wondered as she reached for her purse and took out the pills Mr. B gave her, ten pills, just for her. He said she´ll grow. Could this be her chance to be taller? She always wondered how things could be if she was a little taller.

“Who wouldn´t like to be taller?” she thought, now, looking at the red pills with adoring eyes. She was contemplating her chance to grow, right on the palm of her hand. “I mean, they´re a gift, who throws away a gift?” She opened the bag and took a pill out.

She had made her mind. She was going for it. But not all at once, just one, she´ll begin with one. She´ll follow Mr. B´s advice, a pill every two days. Nothing more. And the same dose for Kevin. He´ll learn his lesson. He was stuck at his house, and she was equally stuck with him. To think she thought this will be an easy job, but if he´s being such a big deal, she´ll make sure to make him a small one.

She helped herself a glass of water and thought, “Here we go…” then, she swallowed the pill. This was day one, for both. Could the effects be the same for both? Or, will there be a different reaction on them? She wasn´t sure, but there was a flier at her apartment, with all of the information she needed.

But there was a problem, Gene. He may be isolated from society, but he still had a couple visits. Carol, who literally worked there eight hours a day, five days a week. But the thing was, Leslie also came by every other day, maybe twice a week. But the main problem was Kevin´s mother.

Even if Leslie chose not to care, or was too careless to notice, Gene will definitely realize he´s shorter. She´s not as short as Carol is. Gene´s tall.

“Hold on… is he… her same height?” It was hard to tell, Gene always wore heels, but Carol can recall looking straight at her chin, once. The thing is, was she wearing heels that day? Carol was confused, trying to seize Kevin with his 5´9” mother, but she didn´t really knew she was that tall.

Gene will notice, she will definitely notice been the same height as her son. The problem is, what will she say? Carol definitely will have a lot to explain, but that will be until Friday, when she comes by. Still, it was only postponing the inevitable, she´ll be furious.


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