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Well, here it is. The latest long term, the one you chose. And it won by a good deal.

As you all know, this story´s about a young man who´s confined to house arrest after some minor crime. His mother, who once was a very famous actress, has moved some of her influences to guarantee he will not get into prison. But he can´t live on his own as he can no longer move anywhere.

The best solution was to hire an assistant, she´ll take care of buying supplies, cooking and overall, everything. At 23 years old he´s not capable of doing anything. He uses the new girl as a housekeeper, to clean, do the laundry, wash the dishes, everything.

But since he´s got a terrible attitude, and a need to lure at her, not to mention flirt. The lady looks for a solution. And the one she finds, well, will really change things up.

Of course, we´ll have some different characters, and a lot of height changes in most of them.

I really hope you like this story. Also, since the first chapter´s kind of... slow, I decided to make a second one, that´s right, a double update.

If you liked it, you can leave a comment, I love the feedback.

Chapter 1

A sunny day. A perfect day to take a walk. Step outside your place and just enjoy the sun rays over your skin. Not an insane, burning, concentration of rays. But some mild nice warm touch from the sun. A nice day for Carol to go to her interview.

She´s young, 26 years old. Polite, nice, friendly. What´s the interview about? Well, Carol´s a natural care taker who´s always happy to help, so she usually applies for jobs where she can act as such. She started as a babysitter, a nanny, then she began taking more serious jobs. Currently she´s on her way to apply as an assistant.

Although, the ad she found seemed a bit… off. The banner said “Assistant Needed”, but the duties on the description implied things as cooking, cleaning, washing clothes? Mostly domestic labor. But she didn´t mind. When she found the ad, she thought it was as someone´s personal assistant.

As she read, she realized, it wasn´t. This was more like, a housekeeper thing. But she had experience as such. Only for a month or two, or a bit more. Usually, she didn´t work for the same person, or people, for too long. Mostly temporal jobs, summer jobs. Nothing longer than three months. So, she was surprised to find out this job was meant that the job had an undefined time.

She took the bus all the way there. She could´ve take a cab and get right to the address. But she liked to walk. Besides, the neighborhood seemed really nice. Not exactly a rich people´s zone, but more like a high-medium class place. Mostly made up by two story houses, some three stories.

She could see big green trees. Nice beautiful gardens. Fancy cars. A really nice area. She wondered, who was the guy who had the ad? She could tell his name was Kevin, since that was on the info of the employer, but who was he?

What did he work on? What does he do for a living? She was curious as to what her duties were. She couldn´t just be hired to be a housekeeper. Why would they put the banner “assistant” on top if she wasn´t there to assist in a different manner.

Carol was wearing a nice outfit. A white buttoned blouse, wine-colored pants. Casual, still semi-formal pants. And some shiny shoes of a raven color, and a tiny backpack behind. She wanted to give a good impression. Aside of her clothes, she had wavy, light caramel colored hair. And she stood at 5´4. Not such a tall woman.

But her shape compensated that, if it could be called as such, height disadvantage. She knew she wasn´t short, but she was not one of those 5´10 models. Yet, she had some smooth curves. Her thick legs carried a nice peach shaped butt. And above, she held a pair of round-fleshy breasts. They bounced a little as she made her way to the door.

She was finally there. A bit early. She was supposed to be there by 9:00 am. And she got there by 8:50, give or take a minute. She was punctual, that was another good thing of her. However, she could tell that place was a house.

She was hoping that it may be some sort of office, home office maybe? Something like that. She wanted it to be more of a surprise. So, she rang the bell. Smiling, preparing herself to greet Kevin. She wondered, who was he? How old, a fancy man? A mysterious guy? Some sort of intellectual?

She just waited there, standing straight as she waited for someone to open the door. She waited, and waited… and waited. Nothing. She rang the bell once more.

“Maybe… I should´ve been here by 9, sharp…” she thought as she waited for anyone to open the door. Was anyone there?

She rang once more. Nothing. She was starting to get worried. So, she checked on the ad and decided to look for a number. Call and tell him she was there.

She found the number and dialed. She waited for a few seconds before a someone picked up.

“Hello?” said a voice. Apparently, Kevin´s. But it was what she was hoping to hear.

He sounded as if he was… sleeping? His voice, or at least his tone, was the one of a person who had been just woken up. However, she just greeted him and smiled.

“Good morning, I´m Carol. I scheduled a meeting for the ad you posted. I´m actually here at the address. And I´ve been ringing the bell but…” then he spoke. Kind of upset to be honest.

“Ok, I´ll meet you at the door. Just, give me a sec…” he spoke.

“Oh, sure, I´ll wait here…” she replied.

“Ok, bye…” and he hung up.

She was surprised by the lack of manners. But maybe he just had a rough night. She just waited there. Those few seconds felt like very long minutes. But she had no choice.

The offer was, regular. Regular activities, regular hours, but the payment. It was really good money. At first, she thought he was rich, an investor, something like that.

The wait was long, but he finally opened. She straightened, fixed her hair a little before he fully opened the door. And when he did, well, he wasn´t exactly who she was waiting for.

He was young, maybe younger than her? And he didn´t seem as a business man or anything alike. He was wearing a black tee with some rock band´s logo printed on the front. Some shorts and no shoes. He was taller than her, that she could tell.

Kevin was in fact 23 years-old. Messy hair, slim complexion and he stood at 6´1”. Besides that, she could tell he was sleeping right when she called. He was obviously wearing random clothes he wore while sleeping, and his face was not the one of someone who was “active”. His eyes revealed his true tiredness.

“Hi, Kevin, right?” Said Carol, extending her hand to him.

“Yeah, what´s up…” he said as he chook her hand, blinking heavily.

“Nice to meet you, I´m Carol, I´m here to apply for the job… as your assistant?” he didn´t seem to be paying much attention. He even yawned in the middle of her speech.

“Why don´t you come in… there´s too much light here. Come on, let´s chat on the living room…” he said as she walked in.

“Oh, sure, thank you.” She replied.

Once she stepped in, he made sure to close the door behind her. But not without peering a little at her.

“Well, she´s got a nice ass there…” he thought as he closed the door.

He used those few seconds to lure at her body. He asked for an assistant. And he needed to make sure she would be one that had a hot body. So far, she had a checkmark on that.

He wasn´t asking for anything in particular. Just a hot girl who took care of everything around the house. Why? Cause he needs someone. He´s in home arrest at the moment. He can´t leave the house.

She didn´t want to say anything, but he´s got one of those ankle bracelets on his left foot. With a green blinking light on it.

“So, I assume you´ve already read the… requests I put on the ad.” He said.

“Yes, I have.” She replied.

“Ok, well, your job here is pretty easy. You have to cook, clean, and basically help me out with my stuff while I´m stuck here. I assume you already noticed this thing on my ankle.” He said, pointing at the bracelet.

“Oh, yeah, I´ve noticed.” She said, looking at it.

“Yeah, well, this thing right here only allows me to go as far as ten feet passed the front door. So I´ll be needing you to buy groceries and stuff like that as well… or we could order that, shit, how come I didn´t thought about it?” he said to himself.

“Oh, ok…” she said. “Uhm, do you need to check my curriculum?” she asked, pulling out her backpack and looking for the folder inside. She had already sent a digital version of it, but she found it helpful to have a physical piece with her.

“Nah, there´s no need. I´m sure you´re more than capable of doing the job… although, I do have a question.” He said.


“How long do you think it´ll take you to clean this place?” he asked.

She noticed the place was messy. Not a huge, there´s been a massive party, kind of mess. But there were some things that shouldn´t be there. Such as an open bag of ships on the table, shoes on the living room. A shirt just tossed into a corner. And the floor´s didn´t seem as clean as they should.

“Well… I…”

“Let me tell you what, why don´t you come over tomorrow and fix it, how does that sound?” he spoke.

“Well I… I could, but, does that mean I´m hired?” she asked, she wanted to know if this wasn´t some sort of trial.

“Yes, you are. I already checked on your curriculum last night, it seems… nice. And I think you seem as the best candidate for the job.” He meant she was the prettiest woman that came up.

“Oh, well, that´s, nice. I really appreciate the opportunity.” She replied.

“Sure, no problem.”

“So, I´ll start tomorrow… anything else you´d like to know?” she asked.

“Well, no… but, are you single?” he asked, as if coming out of nowhere.

“Y-yes, I´m currently single, why?”

“Just a random question.”

She got the job. Good for her. Cause she was about to finish all of her money and her rent was about to be past it´s due. And, the truth is, things seemed simple. So far, her duties seemed to be, cleaning. And cooking. Something she could easily do. But she wondered, was there anything else?

The next day, she went back wearing more comfortable clothes. If she´d be cleaning she didn´t need to be dressed in such a professional way.

But, she forgot to ask at what time she´ll be needing to arrive. When she got there, at 9:00 am sharp, she encountered the same problem. No one answered the door.

“Ugh, again?” she had to call him once more.

“Good morning, Kevin.” She greeted as the half-awake man opened the door.

“Hey, so, I think you should know, I usually get up by 11:00… I think this thing of you calling me every time you get here this early… it´s not going to work that well…” he spoke.

“So… do you want me to come at… later hours…?”

“Nah, this time´s fine… I´ll give you a key or something…” he said as he closed his eyes and took a long time to blink.

He told her she could start wherever she wanted, that he´d be back upstairs to his room, and of course back to sleep. That he would most likely meet her by lunch time. Which was another of her duties.

She asked him if he wanted anything in particular for lunch. But he said anything would do. She was strange by this. It all seemed kind of… odd. She´ll take care of everything while he´s sleeping? And he said he´d meet her by lunch time? Like, at midday?

A question crossed her mind, does he work at night? Or, does he even have a job? The house was fancy, big for just a single man. How could he afford all this?

Carol wasn´t someone who criticized people. She chose not to believe Kevin was lazy and just enrolled on cleaning. The house was big, and pretty much messy. But if that´s what she got paid for, then she´ll clean it with all her might. She just made sure to arrange the mess and then went ahead to search for a broom, and a mop. Also, she´ll need a bucket.

“Well, this isn´t exactly what I thought it´ll be to become an assistant… I feel more like a maid…” she had no idea where those items were.

But as she searched for a closet, or the laundry room where those things could be. She heard the doorbell.

*ding* *dong*

“Huh?” she turned at the door, then upstairs, wondering if she should call Kevin, but the doorbell rang once more, she thought she should answer. More like a receptionist, she´ll be attending those who came. Receiving them at the door. That was closer to being an assistant rather than just cleaning.

“Hello…” Carol answered as she opened the door.

“Good morning. Are you Kevin´s… what´s the word he picked…? Helper?” said a woman who was standing outside the door.

She was a few inches taller than Carol. She stood at 5´11, wearing two-inch heels. But that wasn´t what caught her eye. She seemed, fancy. Her clothes, probably silk, her heels seemed of those who´d be often found as a limited edition. Her hair, dyed in bright colors. Of a light ash blonde.

Also, this woman seemed to be in her late 40s, or at least early 50s. And yet, she retained the eternal beauty of a pretty woman. Her red lipstick accentuated the naturally thick lips of hers.

“Yes! I´m his new assistant… I´m Carol by the way…” she said as she extender her hand.

“Nice to meet you, I´m Genevieve, but you can call me Gene…”

This woman seemed, even if it was just a first impression, nice. Her warm smile, the way she spoke, the elegance of her moves, with such grace. Her elegant bearing. She seemed polite, attentive, maintaining eye contact with her.

Something else she could tell, but obviously chose not to focus on, her body. She had a slim shape. But her hips were wide and her legs long. Besides, she had a generous amount of flesh on her bosom. Certainly, a fully attractive woman. A mature woman.

She smiled back to her. But who was this woman?

“So… where´s my son?” asked the woman.

“Oh, you mean Kevin?” the lady nodded.

It seems she was Kevin´s mother. They didn´t look much alike, but they did have the same blue eyes.

“He´s upstairs…” Carol replied.

“Is he sleeping? I know it´s still too early, so, I assume he just let you in and went back to sleep…” she knew him very well.

Both women stepped inside. Carol wondered, what was she doing here? A mere visit? Does he know she´s here? He would´ve come downstairs, right? But, meeting his son was not the first thing in this woman´s mind.

“Tell me, Carol. This is your first day, right?” Gene asked.

“Yes, my very first day.” Replied Carol.

“Kevin told me you had your interview yesterday, and that, according to him, you were by far the most qualified candidate.” Carol just listened as she spoke, was there a problem with her? She was not going to get fired on her first day, right?

“Why don´t we sit for a moment and chat, shall we?” said Gene as she sat on the couch, pointing at Carol to join her in the couch in front of her. It seems, her interview will continue.

Both women chatted for a while. Kevin asked very few questions, but Gene, she asked the rest. She started with her work experience. Checking if she´d be able to satisfy the shortcomings of his son. She loved him, but she knew he often fail on house chores.

Now that he was confined to his house. He would need to keep a clean house. And most importantly, food. He needed someone who cooked. Cause he knew nothing about cooking other thing that wasn´t scrambled eggs. Maybe an omelet, maybe.

Gene had to make sure his son hired someone good enough for the job. When she first saw this young, attractive, woman. Her intuition told her he was just based on her looks. But she also saw her curriculum. She knew she was qualified. She just needed to know if it was true.

“Well, it seems Kevin didn´t lied. You are in fact suited for this job. My question is, why? Why working as a maid?” Gene asked.

“Maid?” replied Carol.

“Yes, dear. I know Kevin said “Assistant”, but your duties here are the ones of a maid…”

“Well, I… I guess, the payment´s good enough…” Carol replied, not really knowing what to say and not necessarily needing to lie.

“Well, if you say so. But I must warn you, my son´s kind of… he needs some patience…” Added Gene.

“He seems… nice? I mean, we haven´t spoke much, but he seems…” she had no idea what to say, polite was not a good enough word, besides, he wasn´t truly polite. He just opened the door, hired her, and opened the door once more.

“I know you haven´t… interacted so much with him, but keep in mind, you must be patient. I can tell you´re a good girl, but he´s… not much of a gentleman…” Gene said.

She had no idea what she meant. Then, she explained to her she was the one who´ll be taking care of her payment. She also asked her if she wanted a check every week or a deposit. And after the question, “what does he do for a living?” Gene told her, nothing.

Gene took care of every economical need of his son. She could afford it, she was, kind of rich. She was an actress back on her younger years. That´s why Carol thought she had seen her. She plaid many roles, some bigger than others, in many movies.

And then, she became a producer. But, the main reason why she supported his son, guilt. She worked returned to work right after he was born. Time, that´s what she never gave his son. She worked and worked, and given the fact that she was a single mother, he was raised by tutors, teachers and nanny´s. She was not very present in his life.

That´s why, due to her immense remorse, she bought him a car, that´s stored on the same house she bought for him. She paid all of his bills, took care of his every need. He was only living his life, and whenever he needed money, he called his mother. It wasn´t completely his fault, she literally told him to do so.

In a way, Carol knew what she meant before. Spoiled. He was a man who had grown up, spoiled by a life of luxury and never having to work for anything. She could tell this was not going to be as easy as it appeared. And probably not that interesting. Or could it?

Days flew by, little by little, she had more interaction with Kevin. He wasn´t a bad guy, but he was certainly unaware of what it was like to work for a living. He often, hopefully unintentionally, he said that cleaning for a living was not the way he thought life should be.

He didn´t mean to insult her. But he was not precisely kind either. Besides, she didn´t only clean, she took care of his laundry and cooking. Which wasn´t any better, but she always believed that, as long as you become friends with a new person, it´s always nice, the job didn´t really mattered that much.

But it wasn´t that way either. He spent most of his time on his room. Plus, he wasn´t single. He had no idea why he asked her if she was if he had a girlfriend. This woman came in every other day, and she was obnoxious. She treated Carol as if she was some sort of servant. Not like spilling on the floor and demanding her to clean, but she often asked things like, can you bring this, or that, and never even cared about saying thank you.

There were also some little things, such as never saying thank you for anything. And there was also the fact that he just asked for stuff, she was an employee, but she didn´t like to be treated as such. A chat every once in a while, could be nice. But even that seemed too much to ask.

He literally never did a thing. It was as if Carol was there to take care of every single thing. Pick up his plate when he was done eating. Picking up his dirty clothes from the bathroom´s floor. Lazy, unpolite and ungrateful. Those were some things she could deal, but that wasn´t it.

Some other thing she didn’t quite liked was, the staring. Kevin sometimes ogled at her. And most of the time she couldn´t tell, but she could definitely tell he watched her ass when she turned. But she didn´t cared. At least she forced herself not to.

She needed to maintain the job for a while. She still needed money for her rent. So she took a deep breath and just went with it. The bright side was that, whenever it was payday, she could meet Gene, and talk. A simple chat, but that meant so much when she´s working for a guy who never even says good morning. “What´s up?” That´s really his most educated way to greet.

But one day, that was it for her. She was just cooking. Something simple, pasta. And then, Kevin walked into the room.

“It smells delicious…” he said.

“Thanks, I´m trying this new recipe I found, I hope you like it…” she replied. Was this the time when they could chat? As in, a normal talk? But then, his hands fell on her shoulders.

“You know, I haven´t mention this before but, you´re actually a great cook. You didn´t studied to become a chef?” he asked.

“No, hehe, I mean, it´s just pasta, anyone can cook it…” she replied, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

“I know, but, you need some skill to do so… and…” then, he just grabbed her hand, and rising it a little he said, “and some pretty good hands too, a nice seasoning…”

“T-thanks…” now she was beyond uncomfortable. Was this his way to flirt? He was good looking, she can´t lie. But she thought this was supposed to be a professional work relationship.

“I don´t get it, if you can cook, and clean, why are you single? I mean, you´re pretty, nice, friendly, why isn´t there a pile of men fighting for you?” he asked.

“Well… I…” She turned, and looked up at him. He had seven inches on her, so she was as tall as his neck.

“Is it… I don´t know, maybe, are you a bad kisser?” he asked.

It seemed to her he wanted to make out. But why? Didn´t he had a girlfriend already? She had seen them making out in the couch, so that wasn´t a problem.

The truth is, he found himself as a stud. He worked out, yes, he had a room, sort of packed with equipment. But, that didn´t mean she wanted him to try to seduce her. Being fit doesn´t mean every woman wants a piece of him.

She´s not sure how, but she got out of it. She couldn´t make out with him. She was not a woman who´ll kiss a man who´s already in a relationship with another woman.

But that wasn´t his only attempt to seduce her. There were many more. He went out of the bathroom only wearing a towel. Of course, to show her his worked-out body. He often flexed in front of her and pretended he didn´t knew she was there. And some other times he just complimented her, out of nowhere. Did he want a second girlfriend? Or… sex?

One day, he just gave up and literally asked her, what does a man have to do to get her attention. She felt really uncomfortable. She was not expecting this to happen. He said he owned the house, a fancy car, he didn´t actually had money. But he said he was good enough looking to compensate it.

There´s when she got tired. She couldn´t take it anymore. She thought about quitting, but she still couldn´t afford it. Then, she thought about telling Gene, maybe she could help. But there was no point on that.

Gene and Kevin didn´t have much of a good relationship. He seemed to be kind of upset every time she showed up. And they didn´t talk much either way. So, Gene´s opinion didn´t matter.

“What am I supposed to do?” Said Carol back at her apartment. Her place was, small. She lived alone on a small apartment, far away from Kevin´s place. But, unlike him, she had worked for it.

She had an inner conflict. The payment was good, the job was not such a bad thing, but, Kevin, and his girlfriend, they were another story. It seems he believes he can do whatever he wants just because his mother´s got money.

The worst part, even if he´s not the one who´s rich, he acts like it. She was the one who got him to be home arrested and not end up in jail. So she´s got some influence around town. But he doesn´t. He just thinks he can do whatever he likes because he´s young, handsome and carefree.

“There should be a way to… stop this…” she wondered as she searched through her computer.

Something… harmless, she wasn´t a mean woman. She needed something like, advice, a gentle way to tell him she´s not interested, cause he doesn´t seem to understand words. She had told him, but he ends up doing the same thing over and over. She´s really not interested.

And then, she found some sort of ad, just like she found the job, only that, it wasn´t the same page. This was something more… kind of private. The advertisement said: “Want to find a way to deal with someone?”

She did, but what do they meant by “deal”? She had no idea, so she sent a private message, and then, she received a reply. A quick one. She wondered what it was all about, so she kept sending messages. It seems, she had just found a way to fix things, but what is it?



Coooooool. I’m excited to see the start of another slow-burn story. You’ve painted the characters well so far.


Thank you very much :D I´ve got plenty of ideas... although, I´m not sure when, but in the future, there´d be a lot of funny stuff in this story ;)