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Hello everyone! I hope you´re doing great. 

Here´s the next chapter, I hope you like it :D

Jonathan took a few steps back, but she rapidly wrapped her hands around him and pulled him into her. Up and up, she lifted him off the ground.

He could see her face closer, and her boobs even more. Her boobs seemed swollen; he could see blue veins all over. She wasn´t lying when she said she couldn´t wait any longer. Her breasts were already dripping.

He could listen to the drops of milk falling at the floor. Meanwhile, all he could see was her face; and all he could breathe was her scent, filling his nostrils.

“I know we made a deal, but you kind of broke it when you came out of the room. Maybe you deserve a spanking, but mommy doesn´t want to hurt you. No, she doesn´t.” she cooed at him. Perhaps, he did mess up.

“Now, your sentence is to suck on my titties and relieve the pain I´m feeling. You can do that, right?” she was only asking because she was polite, but whether he wanted or not, he´ll end up sucking on her.

Jonathan nodded. Knowing this was only going to make him smaller. He feared the shrinking, but not as much as he feared Lillian.

“There we go, aren´t you the sweetest of all? Now…” she bent and took a sit on the couch.

Her hips were so wide and her butt so big that she occupied the space of two people. The couch creaked under her heavy weight and the fall made her breasts quake like jelly.

Jonathan was looking up at her, beyond those enormous breasts. He could see a sensuous line of cleavage between her gigantic mammaries. His male side was so into this, but a small voice inside his head was screaming.

“Ok honey, here you go…” she just placed him sideways in front of her nipple, supporting his butt with one of her large hands and holding his head with her hand. He wasn´t over the fact that Lillian was so gigantic. He felt so puny, so vulnerable.

To think that a few days ago, he was only a foot shorter than her, now, he could barely reach her knee. He was in no position to argue with her, she could do as she pleased, and he won´t be able to complaint.

“Come on, just take the nipple in…” she said in a nice way. “This is what you get for disobeying mommy, now, you wouldn´t want to see mommy mad, would you?” she teased.

He lost no time and took her nipple in.

He had never done this, at least not awake. He placed both hands on her gigantic breast, partially because he feared being crushed beneath its heavy weight. But the sensation he had on his mouth.

The size of her nipple was beyond big; huge! It was huge. To him, it was like sucking a golf ball, so big and round. And the puffy sensation of it. But that was not the main thing about it.

Before he even started sucking, a thin flow of milk began to flow in. Slowly feeling his mouth. It was the same tasty flavor of the sweet milk she gave him before, but now it was warm. He liked the taste of her milk when it was cold, but now that he could drink straight from the tit, the warmth of her creamy milk made it so much tastier.

Before he knew it, his mouth was filled with the creamy milk of her tit. “Time for you to swallow, precious.” Cooed Lillian from above.

He swallowed, then started sucking and swallowed again. It took him the least of effort to make the milk flow faster. A large amount of milk was coming in, he had to suck and swallow faster.

But once he started, he knew he wouldn´t be able to stop. There had always been something on her milk that made him want more and more. He was not sure if it was the taste or the creamy feeling, but he couldn´t stop latching.

While he sucked, he wondered how could this happen, how was it that she was so authoritative, and so kind at the same time. She didn´t even had to frown or raise her voice to have him tremble. He feared her anger, but so far, he had only met her nice side.

Lillian was an imposing woman, so tall, so big. Her body was thick all over. Her legs, her arms, and those enormous tits of her and her gargantuan ass. He would´ve loved it if she had chosen a different way to “get close” to him.

But he was not expecting this woman to tell him such a thing. Mommy? A mommy, but why. Why did she want such a thing. Was she crazy? Desperate?

For a moment, he thought she used this as an excuse to enslave a man and trap him inside her house. Shrunk to make it impossible for him to set lose, to escape. This seemed to be kind of the perfect plan.

But why does she need to lactate? She had complained more than once about the swelling of her tits; about how, every time she starts lactating, her tits ache. Did she like the pain? Did she like to have a man sucking on her?

Her moans only confirmed his thoughts, having his mouth sucking on her nipple did arouse her somehow. And it also turned him on a little.

Jonathan didn´t want to say a thing, but having such enormous tits so close to him. Their fragrance, their softness. It was so erotic. He was latching on breasts heavier and maybe bigger than him. Not every man can say so.

His member was getting hard at the moment. Every suck he gave her, made his cock twitch. He could feel blood flowing to his dick as milk began to flow into his stomach.

Lillian turned down to him. Her face emerged from behind the enormous mountains of flesh her tits were. She was smiling by the fact that she didn´t have to push him too much to comply.

“Now, just think about it, honey. You can have access to my titties all day long. You can be fed by me every time you want, at any moment. I promise I´ll always be full for you…” she winked.

Full was not precisely the word he wanted to hear. Her tits were gigantic. Now, how much of those titanic breasts was milk? There´s muscle, fat and fibers that compel her round breast. In her case, there´s milk stored inside all that. But how much milk is inside those round boobs.

If one of her heavy tits weights as much, or even more than him, what percentage of milk makes up the full weight on her tits? He could feel his stomach getting satisfied by now. And he had only gone thru one of her boobs, not even finished.

How could he feed of her breasts and empty them? His stomach could only stretch so much, he was not a balloon she could inflate with milk. She knows that, right?

While Lillian was looking tenderly at him, proud of what she had done. He was not that happy. The milk was flowing to his mouth, and then he swallowed it once his cheeks were filled. But that was not the problem.

“Can I unlatch?” he wondered. “Am I supposed to wait for her to shift me into her other tit? I can feel the milk beginning to accumulate inside my stomach.” His stomach had shrunk together with him.

Before, he could drink half a gallon of milk. He had already done that. But that was a couple feet ago. How much could he take in now? A quarter? And did she use all of her milk to fill the gallon? Or just one tit? Maybe she needed a whole day to fill it.

He was trying to make the math, but he was sure that the inevitable outcome of his current situation will be that he´ll be full before he finished with one tit.

In the meantime, Lillian could already feel the relieve in one of her tits. So much satisfaction granted to her by him. He made her feel better, and he could relieve the pain without having to use that annoying breast pump. This felt much better, more natural.

“Do you like my milk, sweetheart?” she asked, to what he only nodded, sucking further onto her tit.

“I´m sure you do, it´s sweet, isn´t it? And it´s also good for you, for your bones. My milk is full of nutrients. In fact, I think all a grown man like you needs is milk, that´s it.” Her words were not as cooing as she thought.

Only milk? That´s what he was hearing. If he chose to stay, he´ll be fed only by her milk. Sucking on her all day long. He could already feel a long for solid food. Also, when was the last time he ate something solid?

“Oh, just look at that, it seems my nipples are not the only hard thing around…” said the gigantic woman as she touched the tip of his cock with her finger.

Her fingers were enormous. Longer than his penis, maybe. Everything on this woman was beyond any imaginable proportion he had ever thought about. And now, she was playing with him. How could she be so careless about his erection?

Then, she rubbed his member using her index and thumb, making him tremble. He started kicking his legs, she was playing with him, teasing him while he was sucking on her breast.

He wanted to pull himself away, but she pinned his face to her tit, making it impossible for him to move. He began to squirm, trying to remove her hand from his member.

“Aww, don´t squirm so much, I´m just playing a little…” A toy, that´s all he was to her. This gigantic woman could do with him as she wanted, and he couldn´t say a word. She was bigger, stronger, completely in command. What was he supposed to do, cry? She´ll only rush to comfort him, nothing else.

But this was not the end of it. While she kept playing with his dick, he realized something. She will only get bigger. She said it before, the shrinking was not over. The milk he was swallowing, the one that was slowly filling his stomach, it will cost him some more inches.

He feels the same. He hasn´t shrink so far. But the problem is, he will. And the worst part, he will shrink while he´s sleeping. He won´t be aware of the changes. Jonathan will wake up just to find a world bigger than the one he left before he fell asleep.

This was not something easy to deal with. If he sucked, he shrank. But Lillian wanted him to suck, and he feared what could be Lillian´s reaction if he chose not to comply. Besides, she´s so much bigger, he´s obliged to do as she says. This is awful.

“Ok, enough of it…” she said as she let go of his dick. “We wouldn´t want you to have an accident, right?” She was mean, mean in a kind way.

All the while, he could do nothing but to suck and swallow. His stomach was full already. Or that´s how he felt. He was never a voracious eater. He only ate until he felt his stomach full to a certain limit. A limit he established. But now, he was going beyond his limit.

He never tested the full capacity of his stomach. But today, it seemed to be a perfect time for it, even if he wasn´t looking for that.

Lillian had him suck on the same tit for a while now, how long had it been? He only had twenty minutes and so far, the only thing he has thought about it was that, she´ll force him to do anything she wants.

He already felt bloated. Too much milk. It could be easier if he could digest it faster, but to do so, he´ll have to sleep. It wouldn´t be that hard, he was feeling kind of tired now.

He was a 26-year-old man who had never needed a nap before. He woke up by noon, but he never took a nap. Now, the heavy milk inside his stomach was forcing him to do so.

“Come on, just wait a little longer, Jonathan. You still have one more tit to go, then I´ll let you sleep.” She said as she unlatched him from one tit.

He could see a thin strain of saliva coming from his mouth all the way to her tit. He wasn´t proud of it.

Before he could speak, she presented her other tit to him. He was full already, but she inserted her nipple into his mouth before any words came out of him.

“Here we go again…” he thought as more milk began to flow into his mouth. Her other tit was almost empty when she unlatched him, the pressure inside her other breast had decreased, but not this one. He could feel the streaming flow pushing inside his mouth.

He had to rush, swallow faster and faster. He could already feel some pain on her stomach. He wondered if this could be kind of the same pain Lillian feels on her tits when she´s full. But she has two tits, and he only had one stomach. Will he manage to finish all of the milk inside her?

*glup* *glup* *glup*

That´s all Lillian could hear from him. Jonathan couldn´t stop sucking, the milk was making him go further and further. His stomach was overstretched now, but he couldn´t stop.

Lillian noticed his bloated tummy. Inflated by the milk inside it. She reached for him and started rubbing his stomach.

“That´s it, there you go, getting full with my milk. But don´t worry, your stomach will stretch and stretch until you´re able to finish all of mommy´s milk without hesitating. The only problem is, you´ll be smaller in a couple hours…” He listened to her words, but he couldn´t focus on it now, he needed to think of a way to escape.

“But I think my body will eventually produce just enough milk for you… I hope.” She had no idea how her body worked. She was like a dairy factory, producing milk at all times. And Jonathan did nothing but make her produce more. She felt so good when he was near, as if she needed to nurture him.

Jonathan didn´t want it, he didn´t want any of this. Would things had come up any different if he had chosen not to open the door to her when they first met? Would she had chosen a different victim?

He couldn´t. He chose it, he was dragged to her because of her boobs, those big majestic boobs. Now, they seemed as a pair of titanic mountains of flesh, hanging from her chest. A single one of her tits filled his vision now.

Was this one of the things he caused himself? Like a trap he fell into? Of course, it was all planned by her. How was it that she was getting exactly what she wanted and he was only doing what she wanted because she was such a giantess? Was this some sort of punishment?

“Ten more minutes…” she said. “You still have another ten minutes to think, honey. I hope this is making it easier for you to decide…”

“TEN MINUTES!” Jonathan was alarmed. She wanted an answer, and within ten minutes. Time was going faster than he thought.

So far, he only thought on faking acceptance while he waited for her to fall asleep and then, he´ll escape. Thru the door, a window, even the cat´s door (if there´s any).

But he couldn´t think straight. He felt tired, and the rest of mind power he had, was set into not throwing up. He was so full of milk, but he was in some sort of trance while he was drinking. As if his mouth was working on it´s own. And the sweet taste of the milk was making him suck and suck without a care of his own body.

Will Melissa come by and help him out of this. Could there be anyone who notice he was missing? This amazonic woman Lillian wanted to keep him for her. And that´s it. She promised to care for him, love him, give him all he never had. But was it worth it?

He´d lose all of the independency he struggled so much for. All those years of hard work on his gamer career, all gone to waste. Maybe if he knew this would happen, then he would´ve come straight to this house when they kicked him out of his and give in.

The milk was messing with him too. There were times when all he wanted to do was suck on Lillian´s enormous tit. Latch on her nipple and forget about everything else. Thinking that this wasn´t so bad. Maybe just a way to show his affection to her.

But then his mind will wake him up of these uncanny fantasies. When thinking about Lillian´s huge form, holding him while he sucked on her boobs. He felt embarrassed. That´s not the way a grown man should think. Not what he should be doing or aiming to do.

For as good as it seemed to forget about everything, and not worry about nothing. He felt strange. That was not a life, it was just, a way to give her what she wanted. He would become a part of HER life and forget about his. His goals, his house, everything.

Before he even realized, his jaw dropped. He was in shock. If he didn´t get out of there, then this enormous woman will treat him as… as…

“As a baby.” He thought. It was ok when a couple called each other babe, or baby; it was just a way of playing. A small coo in their relationship, meant only to prove the affection they had for each other.

But Lillian wanted to take things to a whole different level. What were her plans? Carry the 26-year-old Jonathan everywhere around the house? Feeding him was for sure on her plans, but what else was inside that weird mind of hers.

“Well, Jonathan. Time´s up.” She declared. It seems the breastfeeding was over. Now, she got the relieve she wanted, and he had just realized how truly bloated he was. It even hurt a little, all that milk churning inside his stomach. Why couldn´t he stopped before?

But that overly full stomach only caused one thing, sleepiness. He felt tired, he knew there was something in that milk of hers, he wasn´t sure what, but he always felt tired whenever he had too much of it.

“Just close your eyes honey, mommy´s here. Mommy´s going to take care of you…” she cooed as he was slowly falling into a deep sleep.

“I know you´re too tired now, so you don’t have to give me that answer we talked about. At least not now. I can wait until you wake up.” More time, she was giving him more time, the bad thing was that he´d be sleeping all the while. He couldn´t think of anything if he was unconscious.

Wake up and run away. That was the only thing he had thought about. The best plan he could come up with. Grabbing his phone from the floor, call Melissa and escape. Freedom was his only aim at the moment.

Lillian could see he was struggling to stay awake, so she decided to cradle him in her arms. Finally, she was giving him the love she so wanted to show. A man to her own, to pamper and love to her hearts content.

She was a little sad he didn´t saw things the same way she did. But maybe this intimate time they just had would be enough to prove him this was right.

“Maybe when he wakes up… he´ll start calling me mommy. Aww, wouldn´t that just be the cherry on top of the cake?” she thought as Jonathan closed his eyes and went off into a deep sleep.

“There we go…” she cooed. “Take your nap, when you wake up, mommy will be bigger, well, seem bigger. It is you who´s going to shrink. But don´t worry, mommy will protect you, that´s right, I´ll keep you safe here with me. No one will hurt you while you´re in my care, Jonathan…” She was really getting what she wanted.

This couldn´t be it. Jonathan couldn´t be trapped just like that. How could it be possible that this woman had taken everything away from him only using her milk?

But this wasn´t the end, at least, he still had someone outside. Melissa. Who was worried as she found no reply from him.

“Come on Jonathan. At least write “ok”” she said as she checked her phone´s messages on the elevator. It had been a while now, and he hadn´t call or text back. She was getting worried. What if something happened to him? She needed to know.

But he was safe. Well, as safe as a man can be in the arms of his enormously voluptuous neighbor who shrank him. Lillian was everything a man into bigger women would want to. Except for her maternal side, it seems she took things a bit too far.

Now, she was sitting on her couch, with her enormous tits naked and rubbing Jonathan´s face into them. The warmth, the closeness. It was a tender moment for her, a small victory. She knew the man will come to his senses when he woke up and just accept her offer. To her, this seemed as a hard to reject offer.

And it was, in one side, she thought she was offering heaven to him. And on the other, she was too big and scary to go against anything she said. She wasn´t mean, but she was several times bigger than Jonathan. Having to look way up to her gave him goosebumps.

Now, when he wakes up, is he going to be alone? Is she going to stay with him all the time? If he wants to run away, he needs some time to find a way out. Else, he´ll be doomed.



Loved the breastfeeding scene, great job with painting the picture.


Thank you, I was hoping it didnt sound like... repetitivo heh, but I guess it came up pretty well